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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50296152 No.50296152 [Reply] [Original]

Why was the holostars panel so empty compared to mumei's panel?

>> No.50296248

Any man in this audience is pathetic, gay, or only doing it to try and get some grody slop woman to fuck them.

>> No.50296274
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for comparison

>> No.50296342

Oh no no no sisters...

>> No.50296361


>> No.50296384

judging from the tops of their heads, it does look to be 90% guys

HOMOstars indeed

>> No.50296388

Bump because the homos deserved it

>> No.50296447

Popular demands status?

>> No.50296538

You should post this on reddit

>> No.50296607

Because their audience should be majority female. But females are repulsed by con-going males.

>> No.50296608

>the worst homos too

>> No.50296849


>> No.50296890

>Only front chair photos
The ones on the behind are all empty aren't they....

>> No.50297143

>Numberfagging conventions
Neck yourself

>> No.50297310

/vt/ shouldn't be allowed to criticize people who actually go outside

>> No.50297487

> still thinks le epic 4chan is still inhabited by only basement dwellers

>> No.50297521

They legit get mad for literally anything that involves the guys lmao

>> No.50297665

You shouldn't assume you're better than everyone here.

>> No.50297679

Utter based fpbp

>> No.50297776

Captcha: verification not required

>> No.50297842

nah, if anything these convention photos prove that some people should never show their faces in public in the first place.

>> No.50297877

Because there is only this much people who will go check 3view.

>> No.50297968

Not the site just this board
I mean same thing can be said about unicorns

>> No.50298198

T. Person that probably looks like a irl basedjak

>> No.50298297

Because they're... less popular? I don't think anybody denies that.

>> No.50298372

Despite being a minority, they seem to be better than homobeggar who criticize other and doesn't support anyone, you know like a typical woketard.

>> No.50298381


>> No.50298449

why are there 2 pomu fans at the front?

>> No.50298471

It's really not. Anyone on this board is likely a weirdo irl.

>> No.50298542

Like you.

>> No.50298578

Why is a basement dwelling roastie projecting on others? Speak for yourself sis.

>> No.50298877

Holostars is always designed to be appealing to men not women

>> No.50299135

Pomudachis like cock.

>> No.50299227

You might go outside as much as you want, but it will never make you stop being gay

>> No.50299661

Strong projection anon. Just accept yourself even if others don't accept you.

>> No.50299828

but you still gay

>> No.50299837

It was roughly same as for vshojo. Not bad turnout at all

>> No.50300114

I bet the people in OP are literally the ones malding about unicorns and liking the homos to virtue-signal support them purely to spite of people who openly say they only like Holo for the girls. That's "wrong" according to them. For some reason.

>> No.50300151

I see a lot of gay men, we gays are people too

>> No.50300177

>audience is mostly male
Tempiss bros I thought you said they were trying to appeal to women? You told me yagoo made them to try and get a "fujo" audience? Why are there so many brotuberfags in the audience?

>> No.50300273

Every male vtuber expects to be overshadowed by women. This isn't a burn, it's accepted reality. They're doing better than Stars JP, at least.

>> No.50300306

You’re not wrong, but legitimately, everyone I know who likes Tempus (that includes me) is only mildly into them. Not enough to attend a panel with them at a con because there’s almost certainly better things to do.
At best, you can say that the average male Tempus enjoyer is a statistical anomaly and not like most vtuber fans.

>> No.50300425

>Photo of only front row
this is just sad

>> No.50300577

>Literally all FATFUCK
>go outside
These basement dweller most likely go outside once every 3 mouths

>> No.50300780

>twitter activists when it comes to actually doing anything

>> No.50302284

I see a lot of balding scalps in the audience

>> No.50303175
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>> No.50306238


>> No.50307805

By men do you mean literal flaming faggots?

>> No.50310149

Does mumei have an overlap with the homos?
maybe they are afraid of anime fags or something

>> No.50310193

more like LGBT faggot

>> No.50310706

There's still more people there than unicorns would lead you to believe who watch holostars

>> No.50311006

Because they're less popular, obviously.

Conversely, if it had been in Japan and featured Pekora, Miko and Marine it probably could have filled a stadium.

>> No.50311139

People tried pushing that rrat when Tempus debuted, though it turned out their “evidence” was skewed by the VR collab she had in the week before bringing in non-Hoomans to walk her. OP is probably going more for a “shouldn’t they be popular if Cover was willing to roll out two sets of debuts while leaving the girls out to dry?”

>> No.50311256


>> No.50311310

not to mention that the type of woman who watches hololive has no interest in watching men to begin with
it is baffling they managed to make the same mistake twice

>> No.50311347

Popular demand had all the scalpers buying all the tickets

>> No.50311382

Not a single fuckable person.

>> No.50311408

We should actually criticize and bully them harder until you fuck off back 'outside' and we can actually fucking discuss vtubers without some mouthbreather coming in and telling me about all the sex you're pretending to have with your hand.

>> No.50311454
File: 133 KB, 598x705, holostars lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50311455

100%, it's a weird thing in modern society where some fat tranny is dating a fatter 'lesbian' and will consider themselves a "chad sex haver" for doing so. Somewhere along the line "being cool" stopped being "that rich muscular guy with the model-tier gf" and became "fucks any disgusting mutant that moves" in the minds of people obsessed with sex. And then they come here and shit the place up.

>> No.50311468
File: 111 KB, 251x281, tooobvious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving goalposts for some else at that

>> No.50311568

But the whole pics is nijifaggots...
IS this person confused?
Are your eyes working properly?

>> No.50311627

Which group do you belong OP?

>> No.50311651

Holostars is Yagoo’s pet project and Tempus was supposed to make the brand look good by taking a boost from western audiences, and hopefully lifting up their JP senpais by association. Something to tout during their IPO. The common wisdom of the entertainment industry is that Japanese and western audiences are different and have different tastes, but that tends to get applied too broadly without looking at what those differences are and what aspects of the product attract foreign audiences.

>> No.50311683
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What nijifags? I should be asking if your eyes work properly

>> No.50311746
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next goalpost, please?????

>> No.50311830

You are legitimately braindead
I am so sorry for you and whoever in holostars you have as your oshi

>> No.50311846

don't reproduce anon :)

>> No.50311860

Note that I put “evidence” in quotes because I doubt its accuracy, while pointing out that the source being used changed its tune in later weeks. Not trying to throw shade at other girls or anything. If you’re talking about my interpretation of what OP is trying to say, there’s no goalposts being moved, he’s clearly trying to shit on them for being unpopular.

>> No.50311941
File: 895 KB, 1395x922, ogeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an act of kindness due to your disability I'll give you a chance to look for another shitter merchant on twitter.

>> No.50314302

and it only took them sinking the EN branch to do so!

>> No.50314486


>> No.50314702

Do artists really think they can sell their art on cons?
I've seen this multiple times now on conventions, artists booking a space for their booth and just... selling gay boys printed on paper wondering why they won't break even. Of course you won't break even, I can print art myself. You're also not a god-like artist that people fight over to stand in line for for over 10 hours just to get an autograph.

Seriously I don't get these people. There's multiple artists EVERY year who book a booth for every convention and they ALWAYS have the same, deadpan selection of stuff to sell: A bunch of cutesy food items with faces on it that are 0,5cm x 0,5cm in size, a really boring Tombola with an extremely average first place like "You get two of my artworks!" and worst of all, the main seller, art.
I know that printing someone else's art isn't fine dining but a very large minority of people who enjoy art will actually buy your stuff or subscribe to your Patreon.

>> No.50314718

Even some of front ones are as you can see

>> No.50314756

>No Vesper
>No Magni
>No Gavis
>Blue faggot
no thanks, sorry Axel.

>> No.50316059

The amount of seething from this comment

>> No.50316131

well thats actually more than i would expect

>> No.50316206

>still harassing this random artist
fuck off roastie

>> No.50316219

Like the anon above said, shitty merchant wonders why he failed lol.
Usually and assuming from the reach that tweet had, you sell stuff on demand and then deliver on site previous coordination. You want more jewery? Get 1-2 friends that also want to sell stuff and book a spot on-site together. Estimate the cost of half the orders and calculate that vs the price of the booking, then sell your inventory for a profit.
That nigger just ordered production on-bulk with no clients and hoped for the best.

>> No.50317163


>> No.50317306

>Regis, Axel and the samurai guy
>no vesper magni and gavis
Idk man you tell me

>> No.50317370

What hilarious cope.

>> No.50317412
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damn you hit them where it hurts

>> No.50317522
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Why are you gay?

>> No.50318510

The only official statement I've seen on Tempus' intended audience IS Yagoo saying on-camera that they're meant to be brotubers.

>> No.50318653

I was there just wanted to sit down to rest, I was tired

>> No.50318855

That is seriously way more people than I expected from that description.
In fact, do we have a photo from another angle like >>50296274? The voids in the bottom corners are the only hint of discrepancy, there are only like 4 empty seats in the middle section and a whole lot of dark-haired manlets blending into the seat in front of them.
I could maybe believe that Cover ASKED people to sit as far front as they could for the photo, and that everything off-camera is bare. But that's only because I've been in a crowd where that happened, and it made a lot more sense there than it would here. People don't naturally fill a cinema from the front, they sit all over the place. Including nearest the entrance out of laziness.

>> No.50319158

imagine going outside in this heatwave

>> No.50319260

>do we have a photo from another angle
The other photo is from even closer angle

>> No.50319328

Oof looks like you hit a nerve, now go for their jugular

>> No.50319350
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I wonder

>> No.50319424

Some already tried, ahmed. >>50311454

>> No.50319526

>leaving the girls out to dry
I don't understand this, won't rolling out more girls take AWAY viewership from the existing members, since the market is saturated and all? Just say that you're bored with the current lineup, no need to disingenuously frame it as an injustice to them

>> No.50319683

Literally proven with the faggots and with nijiniggers to not even mention the JP senpais. On top of vtubing as a whole in a general viewership decline.
But somehow reskinned EN whores will save them lol.
You just know the people begging for EN3 are antis.

>> No.50319797

Because they're not as popular, is that the answer you were looking for?
Now stop asking dumb questions you retarded motherfucker

>> No.50319926

Going off of Council, not as much as you’d expect, and it would be offset by new viewers brought in by the event. If you look at Cover’s IPO report you can see that the proportion of foreign viewers was starting to shrink before CouncilRyS, which held things up with the exception of the HoloX debut hype in December-January. In terms of saturation, that probably means you’d have less losses from existing EN girls because most of the people who would have left or switched to a different vtuber probably did so already. The current viewers have stuck around for nearly two years without leaving are probably too invested, whereas any Myth fans who switched to Council were likely less dedicated and simply found their oshi after following the Myth girl who was the closest fit due to lack of options.
Most importantly, the girls have talked about wanting female EN kouhais too. I’m not going to abandon my oshi, but I’d be happy to see how she’d adjust to the role.

>> No.50319942

>I don't understand this, won't rolling out more girls take AWAY viewership from the existing members
Don't think of it as taking away viewership, because en never streams.
Think of it as replacing a dead branch and filling in the segment of the market that's lacking the supply despite continued demand.
EN3 were especially needed during 2022 when en streams dipped to nothing besides chickenorange. Now? Yeah probably dead without any hope of resuscitation but it could've been avoided.

>> No.50320012
File: 566 KB, 954x659, YAGOO LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50320300

A rising tide lifts all boats. A lot of people left Hololive EN for new pastures last year. A new gen would generate hype for a branch that's just been stagnating for almost a year now and probably bring a new audience. New people, more collabs, more ideas. Kiara, in particular, deserves to have someone else in a similar timezone she can easily offcollab with.

>> No.50320302

>Literally proven with the faggots and with nijiniggers to not even mention the JP senpais.
The problem with the faggots and the nijiniggers is how Cover and Anycolor spammed them way too fast and didn't give them time to build up a fanbase. As for JP senpai if you're talking about HoloJP you're fucking retarded, and if StarsJP it's because of other problems, not to mention Uproar debutes 23 months after StarsJP3 so your argument doesn't work here.
>You just know the people begging for EN3 are antis.
Yeah, they're all antis who just want new members to take the load off the current members shoulders, add more social dynamics that don't currently exist and add just more numbers so it's easier for them to play multiplayer games without having to depend on timezones, internet connection and availability. But I guess HoloEN is completely fine with only 10 members and should never expand EVER again while JP continues to grow and completely mog the branch that used to only have 5views. Nah, why add more members when Cover can just milk the current ones, and when they're all busy doing stuff like recording songs/concerts the Hololive audience can just eat their rotten veggies and watch the faggots because why wouldn't they?

>> No.50320456

Who cares?

>> No.50320616


He has.

>> No.50320681
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>want branch to be healthy and grow
>you are an anti

>> No.50320742

fair enough I'm wavering on intentional cinematography then

>> No.50322274

>VShojo has theirs up
>Holo missing

Dud company. Keep hiding Fes behind a paywall.

>> No.50322372

now guess why Fes is bigger every year

>> No.50322471

Keep buying it. What's up Bilibili

>> No.50322479

supply and demand anon...

>> No.50322499

That artist was at the Malysian con, not Momocon.

>> No.50322603

Mumei? It was Kromei. Also, the girls were on a Friday (most people have to work) While the boys had Saturday.

>> No.50322663

OP btfo

>> No.50323175
File: 596 KB, 3024x4032, gurakeychain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a straight man that occasionally watches Vesper and Magni, the problem is this art style is only going to appeal girls and homos. Now a Gura or Mumei keychain in the same style that would make me look like I raided my little sisters room for keychains, I would buy that from a con everytime.

>> No.50323479

Nigger have you seen this board?

>> No.50325650

It's hard to understand the brain of a coverdrone,

>> No.50326201

the only reason people go to momocon is to play in the smash bros tournament
