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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50275089 No.50275089 [Reply] [Original]

The latest menhera sad girls from Phase Connect debut tonight......Stars from Another Universe
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSwUcxMPmGQ
◈Debut Times:◈
>◈Ember Amane: 4:00 PM PDT
>◈Dizzy Dokuro: 5:00 PM PDT
>◈Jelly Hoshiumi: 6:00 PM PDT

Unlike Lumi and the now departed Yuri, these new Invaders have been given new names, new YouTube accounts and new models. They have however, renamed their old Twitch accounts, so are likely to be using them at some point too. Despite the new identities, this is not Gen 3, which is completely separate and will be full of premade models with limited customisation according to the audition notes. Gen 3 is expected to debut later this year.

>Who were they before? Why exactly are they referred to as Phase Invaders and not Gen 3?
Yazaki Kallin - former Tsunderia talent, the Ember name is not new, but the model certainly is
Umiushi Urara - former Tsunderia manager and originator of the Sad Girl Company meme
Moon Jelly - Composer / Singer / Artist - the most obvious invader signing there was

>> No.50275179
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is this /ocg/?

>> No.50275263

thanks but I'll just use /pcg/

>> No.50275271

hello from /pcg/. this thread got panned when this weirdo tried to bring us over here. if you'd you'd like to watch the debuts with us, the real thread is over at >>50271668

>> No.50275338

Embarrassing post.

>> No.50275351

retard and kys

>> No.50275369

kill yourself you worthless retard

>> No.50275753

based post
remember to aromatic plant whose greyish-green leaves are used as a culinary herb, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean

>> No.50276070

Isn't this the male collab company? No thanks to be honest, I'll pass.

>> No.50276179

banger post

>> No.50276211

Explain this?

>> No.50276222

Does any of the girls do footcam streams? Do their models show feet?

>> No.50276272

Jelly might?

>> No.50276340

Any rrats since these are known chuubas?
I don't trust Cuck connect for one second

>> No.50276761

It's so over...

>> No.50276928

they are all quite clean actually, tsunderia was mostly yab free
lots of hiatuses tho

>> No.50276964

Does any of them do gfe or ASMR?

>> No.50276980


>> No.50277020

who the hell are these girls? i thought invaderz were indies who joined as themselves

>> No.50277239

Bah, I like chonkers. Pass

>> No.50277331

something changed this time and nobody knows why

>> No.50277464

None of them except jelly really had model.

>> No.50277521

And Ember had another model in mind too.

>> No.50277602

wait, the snail?

>> No.50277611

As far as I can tell her planned redebut coincides with invaders debut.

>> No.50277630


>> No.50277938

So what's her PL?

>> No.50277956

Must be related to what happened to Yuri?

>> No.50277973

Embryos... We already lost.

>> No.50278044

[Ember news] She wants to take the Phase girls camping (in real life!) Onegai Sakanya!

>> No.50278145

well cant get cucked at least

>> No.50278420

Not gonna lie I wanna do the same with my Oshi with a motor home because I used to spend my summers going camping as a kid

>> No.50278606

no sticky?

>> No.50278783

Tsunderia probably did some copyright fuckery

>> No.50278876

she mentioned kallin when it came to the rigging

>> No.50278943

Don't reply, it's a shitpost. We've gone through this many times.

>> No.50279038

Ember Amane already existed.

>> No.50279101

[Ember news] Security check: looking at the entire model (midriff, aaaah!). Her clothes are fire proof.

>> No.50279167


>> No.50279334

[Ember news] She has hats: cat ear googles, cat hat. On extra hot days, her jacket comes off (aaaaaah! hot!)

>> No.50279367

I love this orca and hope you do too

>> No.50279392

So that's her whole appeal?
just a generic sex whore?

>> No.50279703

[Ember news] Streaming at 2 pm CST (avoiding overlap, EU friendly) at least at the beginning (otherwise she's a night owl and she would play games until the early morning)

>> No.50279978

[Ember news] Xalamon spotted in chat as mod (I don't care about him but pcg seems to go crazy about him)

>> No.50280044

Shes extremely boring lol

>> No.50280054

[Ember news] Ember telling jokes: Colress looks like toothpaste (aaaaay)

>> No.50280117

The Sakamata Chloe at home, localised for your convenience.

>> No.50280149

[Ember news] Pippa: don't make an enemy of me. Ember: Colress is cool, a fine specimen.

>> No.50280312


What are the odds Pippa goes feral and hunts the other girls for sport?

>> No.50280449

Zero. Pippa is a couch potato. She would get tired from carrying a hunting rifle after 10 minutes, and go back inside to play pokemon.

>> No.50280646

[Ember news] Before Dizzy's debut, she sent chat to watch her cover song of "Colors - FLOW" Code Geass OP

>> No.50281032


>> No.50281351

I was just thinking earlier today there should be more vtbers like chloe. Didnt even know about new invaderz

>> No.50281513

she's in our walls

>> No.50281624

[Dizzy news] Starts with some Lumi evil laugh, Shiina promoting "Phase goo"

>> No.50281721

Jelly cameo

>> No.50281846

sounds nice. will she jump in a lewd way like chloe too?

>> No.50281943

>fishman performed necromancy to bring slugma back

>> No.50281981

she looks absolutely scared and retarded this is the best

>> No.50282057

Tenma's stream is so fun~

>> No.50282090

This one is scary.

>> No.50282153

The menhera

>> No.50282163

Basic asian girl voice

>> No.50282238
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>that stutter
>analog horror bullshit
we are so back

>> No.50282288

Cute giggle. When I learned that she was a manager and the old model, I imagined her sounding more haggy and imposing.

>> No.50282307

I want to grab her by those ropes on her chest.

>> No.50282327

[Dizzy news] Get to know your parasite

>> No.50282365


>> No.50282379
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Why is she wearing bdsm rope stuff? Also whats her mental illness?

>> No.50282377

midget sex

>> No.50282423

>I am a parasite
such a honest vtuber

>> No.50282443

all of them

>> No.50282559

>We keep calling certain Vtubers leeches
>But now we finally got an actual Leech Vtuber
Sasuga Phase Connect

>> No.50282712


>> No.50282716

You can hear the spaguetti on her pockets

>> No.50282865

mentally ill women hhahggggggg

>> No.50282888

>Gundam Seed
Sell sell sell!

>> No.50282993

Gundam Sneed

>> No.50283104

Dizzy is choking so hard right now, it's kind of endearing.

>> No.50283146


>> No.50283193

[Dizzy news] Goals: I want to multiply my species

>> No.50283271

fish man must be holding her at gun point

>> No.50283337

No, he's holding her at money point. Every time she chokes a little bit, he riffles a stack of cash and she recovers her morale.

>> No.50283364

Dizzy’s oshimarks are the most unappealing combination of emojis I have seen but it makes sense considering she’s a parasite

>> No.50283478

yeah, she definitely seems to be going for that creepy cute/analog horror stuff zoomers like

>> No.50283545

it's my dick in a box

>> No.50283563

Nice daki

>> No.50283560

>loli model
>roastie voice

>> No.50283574

I'll take the bullet and breed the leech.

>> No.50283625

no anon, you have too much going for you, I'll take the fall, just live for me ok?

>> No.50283666

[Dizzy news] She has a dakimakura of Ember in her room.

>> No.50283717

>the leash in the background

>> No.50283828

Don't forget the teddy bear in shibari, or the Tsunderia talents hanging over her bed.

>> No.50283878

[Dizzy news] The ropes come off! (You weren't supposed to see that yet!)

>> No.50283879
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Based pips

>> No.50284059

women like that one for some reasen

>> No.50284140

>really unstable
>red eyes

>> No.50284192

>a fucking shock collar

>> No.50284253
File: 44 KB, 185x156, fq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Week 1 ASMR
is she really ready for this?
this is going to be hilarious

>> No.50284259

I can already tell these 3K people aren’t staying lmao.

>> No.50284279

>a fucking shock collar
you new here? this is normal for phase connect

>> No.50284288

[Dizzy news] Stream at 5 pm PST, a bit of overlap. She'll be the host of Phase weekly 1 PST.

>> No.50284303

>shock collar
>oil massage ASMR
I think this girl might be a bigger coomer than her audience.

>> No.50284415

so who was she

>> No.50284459

I think she wasn't joking about multiplying. Must be a cake looking to breed, he biological clock is going ham

>> No.50284531

This autist sounds familiar.

>> No.50284569
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>37 minutes
she blazed through that like a freshman's first public speaking assignment

>> No.50284570
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>shock collar

>> No.50284571

>22 minutes until next thot
What the fuck am I supposed to do now?

>> No.50284594

I challenge her to a coom off, being in the same room is mandatory

>> No.50284606

[Dizzy news] Raiding to Jelly's debut.

Editors note: Overall, it was scuffed, and Dizzy sounded nervous. I liked Ember's debut better.

>> No.50284628
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Hai Goshujin-sama, I will drain your balls with my godlike paizuri technique
>This is the 13th time today...

>> No.50284740

Dizzy sounds like she's forcing her voice really hard and she mention that she would only do asmr if her voice is ok. Why can't people just talk at their normal voice range?

And anon they never stay at their debut numbers, it's always a buff that lasts for a week or two.

>> No.50284768

[Dizzy news] Dizzy is SECSOOOOO

>> No.50284795

It'll make a funny cringe video when she has to rewatch it on 1-year anniversary

>> No.50284849

>Editors note: Overall, it was scuffed, and Dizzy sounded nervous. I liked Ember's debut better.
Ember was too safe Dizzy sounds insane she is better

>> No.50284880

>insane is better

>> No.50284946

Found the tourist that doesn't know shit about Phase Connect

>> No.50285013

>muh sad girl company muh menhera

>> No.50285028
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Dizzy sounds the most mentally unstable and insecure, so I'm putting all my chips on her.

>> No.50285113

>Why can't people just talk at their normal voice range?
that is normal
this is old pikamee
new pikamee

>> No.50285402

Adding another example, Amiya

>> No.50285583

>Why can't people just talk at their normal voice range
no idea, even Shiina's real voice is much lower than on her stream

>> No.50285632

[Jelly news] Before stream starts, "I don't know what's happenig"

>> No.50285669
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I liked Dizzy.

>> No.50285744

Shiina fakes her voice to be on character; but it's fine for her because she can keep that voice for hours seemingly without issues. As long as you have proper training it's fine I guess.

>> No.50285955
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She's ballsy for that first week, also she's an older woman with taste, very based

>> No.50286129


>> No.50286186

Ember Sex

>> No.50286270

[Jelly news] Awawawaw, are you ready chat?

>> No.50286302

I am hoping Dizzy turns out to be a classy, cultured hornytuber. I don't hate ones like the womp whale per se, she's just a bit crass. A refined and civilized hornytuber would fill a rare and empty niche.

>> No.50286444

Age of Wonders stream will be the litmus test for me. She should be a little more relaxed by then, and also if she's actually any good at it I will day 1 member.

>> No.50286505
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this song aint bad

>> No.50286555

Pretty impressive start

>> No.50286683

Oh God she's a retard

>> No.50286707

what those fangs do though

>> No.50286738

[Jelly news] Jelly is cute, nervous, hitting the desk... awawawwa (cute!)
"Jelly is superstar alien princess", "I'm an idol, right?

>> No.50286750

Hololive could have gotten her

>> No.50286749

'ate lolis
simple as

>> No.50286792

Jewwy a cute

>> No.50286795


>> No.50286835

That's a huge bitch

>> No.50286840


>> No.50286853

[Jelly news] Introduces "Alice", the mascot (a giant white bnnuy)

>> No.50286894

Fag x2

>> No.50286918
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>> No.50286926
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Meds. Both of you. NOW!

>> No.50287018

I thought the whole Phase Invader thing was people who already existed like Lumi? Isn't this just a new gen?

>> No.50287123
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>> No.50287148

>142 cm
>no canon age

>> No.50287169

[Jelly news] I'm almost 5'. I'm not a minor because that would be illegal, and Sakana would not allow it.

>> No.50287214

Jelly is definitely a hoshiyomi, she's got too many references in her character not to be

>> No.50287283

>and Sakana would not allow it.
yep she really wanted to be a minor but Sakana was smart and he stop her

>> No.50287364

qrd on them?

>> No.50287375
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She has a kettle laugh

>> No.50287404

[Jelly news] I am from far away and I was broke, so I worked hard to become a superstar idol princess

>> No.50287454

What if Suisei but SMOL

>> No.50287497

Lewd art tag ideas?

>> No.50287518

drills! so charismatic!!!!

>> No.50287519

Jelly was moonjelly
Ember was a member of Tsunderia. She used to be called Yazaki Kallin but rebranded to Ember back in December.
Dizzy was slugma, a tsundria staff member who sometimes streamed.

seems like they're invaders since their past identities aren't being thrown away

>> No.50287539
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>1-year anniversary
Let's not get ahead of ourselves...

>> No.50287593

i like her

>> No.50287616
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thoughts so far?

>> No.50287615

did I hallucinate the panty shot

>> No.50287659

obviously, she is a veteran

>> No.50287662

flat chest...erotic...

>> No.50287672

I saw panties..

>> No.50287680

Send the frame that had the ribbon

>> No.50287739
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I want to take up permanent residence in this space.

>> No.50287764

T-Those panties

>> No.50287783
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almost missed it like a retard for skipping forward after taking that other screenshot

>> No.50287799

[Jelly news] Her massive hair can be put in twin (drill) tails, like a real idoru

>> No.50287835

>twin drills
Damn brat, making me so hard.

>> No.50287843

Surprisingly thicc for a loli

>> No.50287845


>> No.50287852
File: 1.49 MB, 1044x810, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my heart

>> No.50287946

[Jelly news] Her two alien antennae which definitely cannot be taken off... can be toggled off (but you didn't see that, *punches desk-kun*).
Also she has glasses.

>> No.50288054

>windows error sound
im dieing

>> No.50288134
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I like her drills

>> No.50288169

Soem of this is mic and old setup while the rest is natural voice vs streamer voice.

>> No.50288244

[Jelly news] My goal in life is to eat everything that walks... I'm an alien

>> No.50288253


>> No.50288308

I want to suck her ringpop

>> No.50288362

[Jelly news] No, I like Pippa. If we eat Pippa... Phase Connect... is... doomed

>> No.50288412

>keyboard autist

>> No.50288475

Asians and their weak inner ears. LOL

>> No.50288554

[Jelly news] I like: computers. I hate: computers. Don't study what you like because then you will end up hating it, that's why I didn't study music, because I like it.

>> No.50288662

>over 13 years of age
>over high school age

>> No.50288700

I am fucking jelly right now.

>> No.50288707

[Jelly news] Jelly: I've been drawing since I was
13. Pippa: she's over 13... hag!

>> No.50288953

the really obviously forced kettle noise is getting on my nerves but other than that jelly cute

>> No.50288956
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based acchi kocchi appreciator

>> No.50288988

>forced kettle noise
take your meds

>> No.50288996

how come that's forced? sounds natural to me

>> No.50289186

Christ, someone that remembers Warcraft before WoW? That's rare.

>> No.50289223

She is pretty cute

>> No.50289243

I cant tell how real it is honestly

>> No.50289372

Music is always so meh to me. I like hearing some stuff but it's not a big deal for me to follow artists.

>> No.50289473

[Jelly news] Goals: I will never swear. Sakana told me to take my swear words to my grave

>> No.50289492

if shes not just fully conjuring up a cute anime girl noise to be more noteworthy she's dragging some of those squeals out so intentionally that it grates on me

>> No.50289500

Back in the day Miori Celesta said that jelly taught her the kettle laugh technique, so I'd say it's at least partially fake

>> No.50289741

that's fair, I understand now anon

>> No.50289759

It feels like she's dragging them out. Hope she cuts that out over time.

>> No.50289776

[Jelly news] stream times 9 pm JST, 8 am EDT (no overlaps! Interesting for Asian bros)

>> No.50289813


>> No.50290000

Does she speak JP? If not, why is she in such dead EN hours? Hope she gets a few EU whales.

Stop KETTLING, woman!!!

>> No.50290025

Unfortunate. I would definitely watch her, that time just doesn't work for me at all.

>> No.50290054

[Jelly news] Sakana told me to do a singing stream but he sent me the message in the middle of stream so I'm not gonna do it

>> No.50290108

>I would definitely watch her
there is this thng called VOD

>> No.50290179

Very kissable teapot

>> No.50290198

Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and... Australians

>> No.50290221

nope. She's getting eight $2 supas from seanigs and ausfags per stream and she will enjoy it

>> No.50290251
File: 8 KB, 512x512, 0jii-san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brat needs correction

>> No.50290285

that is a lot of money

>> No.50290297

So sorry for her.

>> No.50290643

[Jelly news] Raiding into original song "Luminary" by Jelly Hoshiumi

Editor's note: Jelly was prepared, keyfabe was good (cute alien with kettle laugh), relatively little scuff, best of the three debuts.

>> No.50291009

its around 2 PM here in germany, direct in working hours. cant watch her except mon and sundays

>> No.50291019

Honestly, Jelly sounds like very serious competition to Remi with the whole loli cute aspect. The main difference is that Remi is kinda "special" while Jelly is an "idol", so it seems she will focus on seiso and music.

>> No.50291029

>best of the three debuts.
obviously she is a veteram

>> No.50294176

She will be able to afford to houses there

>> No.50294624 [DELETED] 


>> No.50296683

I liked the Ember girl the most. She said "if you do a little digging you can find me doing knife tricks" and "if you remember, they rigged my last model." What did she mean by this?

>> No.50298722

Before she was Ember, she was another Vtuber, so she had another model.

>> No.50301936
File: 315 KB, 640x359, MeetThePoacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fish fin comes from offscreen and flicks a Houshou Marine bobblehead
>"Boom. Headshot."
>Magnum Force starts playing
>"Poachin's a good job, mate! It's challengin' work, outta doors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry 'cause at the end of the day, long as there's two corpos left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone's talent."
>Cuts to view inside Fishman's scope
>Lumi got headshot'd with a tranquilizer dart
>The dart can't pierce her thick skull but still hits hard enough to knocks her out, ricochets, hits and shatters a wine bottle some cat girl was chugging right behind the yellow woman
>The bottle's remaining top half embed itself in the Yubi's left eye; she panics, flails around screaming, fires her grenade launcher wildly and falls over a ledge, with her stray grendades igniting a cluster of explosive barrels below and causing a chain explosion
>Cuts to Fishman talking on a pay phone
>"Dad? Dad, I'm a- Ye- Not "exploitin' crazy women", dad, I'm an idol manager! ...Well, the difference bein' one is illegal and the other is not!"
>"I'll be honest with ya: my parents do not care for it."
>Cuts to the Poacher climbing a tall tower for a vantage point
>"I think her genmate saw me."
>Bullets ricochet off the tower where he was standing
>"Yes, yes she did!" *ducks down and moves backward for cover
>Cuts to a time-lapse image of Phase's CEO patiently waiting for a shot, with several jars of urine filling up to his side, as the Fishman drinks his talents' custom coffee™ and waits.
>Backstabs some guy with Cyberlive's logo for a head
>"Understand women's feelins'? Look mate, you know who has a lot of feelins? Broads that bludgeon their CEO to death with a golf trophy. Professionals have standards."
>"Be polite." *tranquilizes Dizzy
>"Be efficient." *tranquilizes Ember and Jelly
>"Have a plan to poach every menhera girl you meet." *fires directly at the camera

>> No.50302975

any of them can sing well? or all average

>> No.50303098

Ember appears to sing very well, Lumi-tier. Jelly apparently quit Vtubing in the past to concentrate on music, so she also sings well, and can produce and mix.
They already launched covers and original songs, so check them out.

>> No.50305722
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dumb pank

>> No.50306782

It wasn't very good
>tenma streaming on twitch at the same time
>don't have pippa stream as a special event beforehand and then raid into the new debuts
I was surprised their CCV was so high, obviously debut stream buff but it seems like Phase is gradually diffusing the Pipkin/Tenma/Lumi fanbases so they're willing to watch other stuff, plus I guess there are fans of the girls from before who came back. So maybe they settle around 200-300 CCV after a month, which is respectable for a small corporation.

>> No.50307691

I remember listening to MoonJelly’s covers in the past and liking them quite a bit

>> No.50309068

I disagree. It was good. Not extraordinary, but good. The CCV didn't surprise me. Phase has grown quite a bit that these types of special events are able to attract quite an audience. Not only Phase viewers are watching, probably also Tsunderia fans, and from other small corpos (Idol, Prism, Eien) that want to see what the competition offers; you don't need to rely on Pippa for everything, and that's good.
If anything this incentivizes the former Tsunderia audience to checkout Phase. My impression is that in the past, 2021 to early 2022, a lot of small corpos didn't respect Phase because they thought Phase was a one-trick pony with Pippa. Nowadays that's not the case, and you have people who can carry their own shows like Lia, Lumi, Uruka, Shiina, etc. All Gen2 have dedicated fanbases, and from the get go it looks like these new Invaders will also have their own fans. And being able to sing and produce music (Ember, Jelly), that just opens the door to more possibilities with the existing singers (Uruka, Lumi, Shiina, Rie, Airi, etc.).

>> No.50312017

yeah it was dumb not to involve Pippa for a pre show but this is the same company that forced talent to shorten their collab so a few of them could do their shitty clip show phase weekly

>> No.50314750

