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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50167299 No.50167299 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any gosling-friendly holo out there?

>> No.50167394

yeah uhm let me think *runs away*
*screams from afar* just wait for en3!!

>> No.50167437

>Fauna and Ame betrayed me

>> No.50167480

no anon, just like everyone said, you should improve yourself, get female friends, possibly even female wife, and get a happy family.

>> No.50167526 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50167575

Plenty, just not on the EN side.

>> No.50167664

you should go enjoy kanata staring at walls while her friends are having funs

>> No.50167694

Not a single one. sorry gosling bro.

>> No.50168003
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>purposefully only watches ENwhores
>noooo muh butrayal!
Do you also go to a grocery store to buy a GPU, retard-kun? Or do you think its the grocery store's fault for not selling GPUs?

>> No.50168313
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Yes. Mumei

>> No.50168328

Jesus, this whole "not friends" yab is just as forced as the fucking Maggin meme bullshit. Ame can eat shit tho.

>> No.50168338
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Ame one the bros now.

>> No.50168380

Hopefully you log off 4chan one day, itd be a huge improvement and Ame would be proud

>> No.50168437

Not for HoloEN
if you want EN girls who hate male stuff you need to watch indies or small corpos

>> No.50168471

I'd just like to say Warden of Time Ame is a cool concept

>> No.50168477

You first, anon.

>> No.50168579

>hates her fans iykyk, but does a good job maintaining the illusion on stream; gosling at your own risk
>loves her fans, hates streaming; safe to gosling
>loves her fans, would probably date a fan if they weren't weird about it; safe to gosling
>not even sure if she's capable of love, has disdain for fans but not hate; not worth goslinging
>likes her fans generally but also has extreme contempt for them; gosling at your own risk
>likes but not loves her fans and wouldn't date them; probably safe to gosling but you'll be in the friendzone forever
>hates her fans, will cuck you; unsafe to gosling
>hates her fans actively; unsafe to gosling
>hates her fans actively; unsafe to gosling
>loves her fans, might date one; safe to gosling

>> No.50168586
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Come back home anon

>> No.50168628

Who the fuck is Calli? Is that a new vtuber?

>> No.50168686

Kiara's the one that hurt me most btw, imagine seeing your oshi openly talking about how she'd never be friends with or date fans because she thinks they're freaks who are below her. Fauna's rejection was nothing compared to that.
It's what everyone in HoloEN has called her since the branch's conception, despite /vt/'s autistic insistence that she's called Mori regardless of the fact that absolutely nobody in Hololive calls her that

>> No.50168691

>loves her fans
provably false in every possible way
t. chumbud

>> No.50168701

>>hates her fans iykyk

>> No.50168742

You're not even a threadreader, you actively eat the vomit and shit of catalog monkeys then remember it
How embarrassing

>> No.50168771

She definitely likes chumbuds, she's just a neglectful gf. Needs correction
Twitter will reveal the truth

>> No.50168808

>She definitely likes chumbuds
yea she likes them so much she ghosts them for literal months at a time and only streams when shes contractually obligated to

>> No.50168870

It’s your fault for watching (((EN))) vtubers

>> No.50168915

Like I said, neglectful gf. She likes you, doesn't mean she'll put any effort into making you feel liked though

>> No.50169034

Fauna didn't betray you she just said the truth and the terms of your relationship were always pretty clear, it's your fault if you unironically thought you were friends with the streamer.
When Ame told her fans to improve themselves because they didn't like the new direction of her content that was actual betrayal because she was doing a 180 and telling her fans they are not worthy of watching her if they don't like it.
Fauna simply said the truth and she never pretended to be your friend, she never fed on to that delusion, she was always very professional and had a wall around her, many streamers break in tears and vent to their fans and treat them like surrogate friends or even boyfriends but not Fauna so I don't get how you'd get so emotionally invested on a one sided friendship with her in the first place.

>> No.50169096

you have to go back, discordtroon

>> No.50169105

you mean ths tweets where she said she loves kfp?

>> No.50169110

>Twitter will reveal the truth
Worst fucking rrat I had ever seen

>> No.50169136

>imagine seeing your oshi openly talking about how she'd never be friends with or date fans because she thinks they're freaks who are below her.
Source: I saw it in a vision

>> No.50169209

What's the latest fauna rrat, been unplugged from the hivemind for a few days

>> No.50169256

All these people crying and shitting their pants over Ame when in reality her contents just fucking boring
Shes like actually the most uninteresting streamer in EN currently

>> No.50169272

IRyS was raised in JP idol culture, she is the closest you can get to JP without watching JP. She will not betray you.

>> No.50169333

You dyels need to do reps otherwise you'll be stuck in this skelly mode hell drinking high fructose cope syrup forever

>> No.50169338

They promised him JOI ASMR but then never delivered.

>> No.50169419

Holy fucking shit. You newfags never stop to amaze me

>> No.50169445

>literal schizobabble
uh-oh, the tranny is broken

>> No.50169503
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>> No.50169556

Why gosling for a holo rather than a 2view that you can actually groom and be in dm’s with?

>> No.50169789

>do reps
Just admit you made it up, it will be less embarrassing that way

>> No.50169881

Why are EN-only fans still even watching vtubers? I can't even imagine trying to find enjoyment when that limited pool is all I have to work with

>> No.50169888

>Wanting to be a sex pest groomer instead of just having a good time watching a chuuba that's grateful for your support and that doesn't treat her fans like numbers/wallets
To bad that this kind of chuuba is almost impossible to find nowadays

>> No.50169991

I watch a chuuba who averages like 40 ccv and she is kind of insane with her gfe...she takes all of us out on virtual dates, calls us her boyfriends, wants to save up money to make wedding ring merch so we can be married to her. I think she honestly believes we're all her boyfriends to the point where it's off putting, she saw one of her boyfriends retweeting stuff from another chuuba and deadass asked him if he was cheating on her, another guy revealed he had an actual girlfriend and she treats him quite codly. She's really entertaining but I think she somehow gaslit herself into thinking we're all in a serious relationship with her.

>> No.50170001

You election tourist fucking scum, you genuinely believe the official Hololive account is the only place she posts, you are so fucking retarded it's unfathomable how you've managed to last this long

>> No.50170129 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.50170150

>discordtranny projecting his tourist nature on others
Everyone reads her RM twitter, you are not special just because your little doxcord makes you feel like it. The issue is that your tranny delusions don't actually exist and stuttering "r-reps" isn't going to sway anyone.

>> No.50170198
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>skelly mode

>> No.50170248

Wtf dropped

>> No.50170283

Holy projection. Her RM twitter is nothing special, you tranny nigger faggot.

And for other anons that just lurk, no she never posted anything like this. This troon is just having a manic episode

>> No.50170289
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Have you consider learning JP anone

>> No.50170336

Keep deflecting you stupid faggot, everyone has to be a cumbud or a deadbrap or a discord tranny or SEA or whatever retarded cope you need to tell yourself so that you can perform the mental gymnastics required to distance yourself as much as you can because of your autistic "me vs the world" mentality you trenchcoat fedora wearing dumbfuck. I genuinely hope you commit suicide. Not in a lazy "kys" meme way. I mean genuinely, I want you dead. I wrote out a schizo manifesto about how you can do it painlessly because I doubt you've got the balls to just blow your face off, but it got autofiltered. Lucky you. But you should do it.
You too

>> No.50170394

>crying fit and meltdown because I blew him the fuck out
HAHAHAHA seethe for me you little mindbroken tranny bitch

>> No.50170403

>wall of schizo text
My sides

>> No.50170421

oh no, you made him cry

>> No.50170460

Have some patience, he needs it to make up for his lack of fluency.
This is the sort of claim that would have had half a dozen bait threads and the relevant generals getting raided,’with photographic evidence provided if it was actually true.

>> No.50170474

Dont let your tears fry your keyboard

>> No.50170517

>Kiara hates her fans
>Bae hates her fans
>Gura loves her fans
This is a shitposting underage tourist hooman who only watches Mumei

>> No.50170539
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>> No.50170596

>implying he actually watches vtubers
You’re giving him too much credit.

>> No.50170763

Please don't bring my oshi into this, thanks

>> No.50170776

Wait for EN 3, anon. If they still end up being complete utter shit then I guess it's time to head out. I mean, I for sure already did - will just be doing my last walk when EN 3 comes out to see if there's an interesting one. Otherwise its back to anime for me.

>> No.50170782

that sounds like a lot of work, Id rather just keep watching chuubas and pretending things in life arent the way they are

>> No.50170890

That looks like if Kronii had vitamin D deficiency. Kinda hot ngl who is she?

>> No.50170965

crazy broken vtubers?
man needs an URL for science.

man is rating the degeneracy of different vtubers.

>> No.50171154

>hates her fans
Anon, do the sandwich method (truth - lie - truth) if you want to be credible.
Don't lie at the first step.

>> No.50171193

>Americans are only nice to me because I'm white

>> No.50171274

Gosling-friendly or Holo, choose one. They mostly exist as indies or small corpos anon

>> No.50171297


>> No.50171300

he picked the right one

>> No.50171363

this is what schizophrenia looks like. source: the voices in his head.

>> No.50171365

Imagine getting this angry just because a random tourist is objectively correct about something.

>> No.50171378

>Is there any gosling-friendly holo out there?

>hates her fans iykyk
Forget the meds, my man. Just jump off a highway overpass.

>> No.50172800

>Fauna and Ame betrayed me
