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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 368 KB, 1668x1574, 1685044455650070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50136114 No.50136114 [Reply] [Original]

Niji Gamers new wave has leaked. These are their designs. It will be heroes themed with medic, expert and tyrant as the other three that goes along with legend. Say thanks to the gamer wave for not keeping their mouth shut and telling people. Debut will be around June 25th.

>> No.50136180

no 5th one? hmm

>> No.50136190

>previous thread got deleted out of nowhere

>> No.50136198

Why was the last thread nuked by jannies?

>> No.50136229

Don't link other names, that'd be against the rules

>> No.50136235

Still don't believe it unless we can attach the designs to the actual artists behind it. Why are all the pics conveniently low quality and blurry?

>> No.50136255

Lmao Niji can't stop yabbing

>> No.50136275

These look AI generated as fuck

>> No.50136300


>> No.50136304

top right guy is pretty cool, but I wish they would've gave him a full mask with a black visor. go full sentai

>> No.50136327

>coping already

>> No.50136335

Is other names allowed as long as they were previously vtubers?
I thought that only applied when it was their real names, not previous lives

>> No.50136395

no. you can't point to the previous lives, even vtuber personas, of vtubers.

>> No.50136402

Just don't say _____ is _______.

>> No.50136407

>Walmart Ezreal
>Anime Vulture
>Evil gay anime Crow guy
>Slutty gay desert dude with a cum belt
what's the theme here

>> No.50136410

Onus of proof is on you, buddy.

>> No.50136431

It's a little strange.
If the vtuber is still active, usually nothing happens.

>> No.50136450

remember when nijifags coping that the discord yab is just an edit, kek

>> No.50136496

>replying to yourself

>> No.50136518

You don't even understand what you're talking about. You said it's AI, so prove it, you retard. I don't have to disprove any infantile delusion you come up with.

>> No.50136550

>le samefagging

>> No.50136555
File: 66 KB, 515x393, 1685021117793763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually still do in their general
I am not shitting you. Look at the last thread.

>> No.50136642

league dude is subbed to a bunch of EN members LMFAO

>> No.50136649

>Look at the last thread.
>"hey, anon, wanna see something funny? take a dive into this cesspit, trust me, it's going to be worth it"
Nah, I'll take your word for granted.

>> No.50136674

The leaker will leak the next wave too

>> No.50136687

>any infantile delusion you come up with.
Meanwhile you're making threads about shitposts from the doxxsite

>> No.50136750

Now you've deluded yourself into thinking I'm OP. Thinking doesn't come up easily for you.

>> No.50136756

going out on a limb and assuming you shitposted in there and are now pretending its something one of them said.

>> No.50136792

>the fake gamer wave design
Did he mean that the OP designs are not real?

>> No.50136815

You're moving goalposts again instead of addressing the conversation.

>> No.50136835

uhhh... try another tactic?

>> No.50136861

they meant the gamer wave aren't actual gamers.

>> No.50137088 [DELETED] 

holokeks status?

>> No.50137211
File: 9 KB, 294x143, 1662485723317871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them will be Gandum Mechanico

>> No.50137219


>> No.50137243

about to mog your "gamer" wave with en3 debuts one week later

>> No.50137249

nothing to leak
We need another 2 years to find 5 boring whores

>> No.50137253

its a leak retard nobody is going to actually out themselves.

>> No.50137268

Guy who said they don't even have a salary in the last thread. Was going to reply before it got pruned, haha. But fuck, the situation probably is most likely what you implied. Sure trade secrets and whatnot, but NDAs need consideration to be enforceable and I don't believe they get compensated during the on-boarding process.

>> No.50137956
File: 1.19 MB, 1516x1114, 1685012907566966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chuuni autism level designs

>> No.50138199

Why is niji addicted to these super hero designs suddenly?

>> No.50138454

top left looks okay
top right looks cool without armor form
other 2 look garbage

>> No.50138545
File: 81 KB, 174x363, 1669487046863716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks dumb. This isn't the final design right?

>> No.50138683
File: 97 KB, 416x660, 1685049206862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we want the Eternal audience

>> No.50138794

The shading doesn't look done yet, so maybe not?

>> No.50138795

its clearly unfinished in terms of detailing at least.

>> No.50138947

looks a lot like the recent jp nijihomos

>> No.50140949
File: 382 KB, 648x836, EyeD_Wink_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a shame if a huge dramatuber were to cover this, wouldn't it?

>> No.50142503

It's probably just the edge of the visor but it looks like he has the biggest shiteater grin

>> No.50143345

I like the ones with the ball sack pants. Every other design is mid.

>> No.50143671

>he says this when this thread exists >>50011831
Both her roommate name and current persona are in the OP along with her previous one

>> No.50143728

Holy shit what the fuck Aruvn

>> No.50143814

>women design

Kek, literally unwatchable

>> No.50144574

If you told me it was the bottom right one that quit and leaked everything I'd believe it more. I'd be mental if that was the model given to me.

>> No.50144610

Honestly the defaults are not bad, I don't outright hate any like I do for at least half nijimales, but these toggles look incredibly stupid.

>> No.50144700

Hey cool, I joked about how EN corpo male vtubers should look something like this years ago if they want to maybe have some male fans and not look like gay shoujo manga/eroge characters

>> No.50144889

I'd personally be more annoyed about being the Bottom Left. Bottom Right could be legitimately made to work if you're aiming to be fuccboi yume bait for your main content, and it stands out enough that you could just ride the storm and be interesting on your own merits, eventually getting a 2.0 or more normal alt outfit.
Bottom left is fucking awful, though. Color scheme is shit, design is shit, tagalong is awful, "blonde w/ tanned skin" is fucking shit-tier on vtubers. It'd be getting set up to fail.

>> No.50145042

>Niji gamers
What wave is this? Dont watch them so I never kbow anyone beyond Sasaki and only because I used to watch her clips

>> No.50145113

this is enshit, doesn't really have anything to do with the jp gamers

>> No.50145470

huh but they look like your generic fujo trash character

>> No.50145592
File: 128 KB, 492x494, 1658859333559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knight doko

>> No.50145752

Looks like Holostars EN designs

>> No.50145856


They were going to do Heroes of the West/East but for EN

>> No.50145946

Theres no reason he cant join now

>> No.50146166

>No burger hat
Shit fake

>> No.50146324

Imagine if israel and Niji fires the whole wave kek

>> No.50146378

They might've all quit for all we know because of how long they were taking and then they complained to management about it

>> No.50146521

If it is I wonder if they will shelf all the designs.

>> No.50146545

>Debut will be around June 25th

A week before HoloEN3 announcement?

>> No.50146619

>a design that wasn't used
>is perfectly clear and has the company's logo in it
>OP's pic
>blurry low quality mess without any logos
Does the 'leaker' want to explain why the pics look like that if it's not fake?

>> No.50146789

I think putting the company logo is fucking stupid if you want to avoid leaks. Maybe Nijisanji learned their lesson from this 2020 mistake.

>> No.50146888

You're right about the logo but the reason it's there in the armored fuckers pic is because it was in a official PR piece

It is weird the copyright is missing if this is documents they sent the associated livers to show them the designs, but maybe that was a fail-safe in case one of them was a salty idiot who wanted to leak it all

>> No.50146911

>An indie I liked is rumored to be in the wave
Fucking Christ, my dude doesn't deserve to be in that black company

>> No.50146980

finally this board has its own smash leaks

>> No.50147033

>BIG nijiEN leak
>less posts than the feet thread
dramabros our response??? is feet better than drama?

>> No.50147036

>Implying he's still going to be in the wave and didn't either quit or was fired

>> No.50147091

You kidding. They actually look interesting.

>> No.50147182

False if you're reading this thread you should make a video too about how JP is about to lose two of it's biggest female livers, Inui Toko and Lize Helesta

>> No.50147289
File: 1.77 MB, 1559x3134, 1660672935411810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50147298


>> No.50147307

Cum gugglers but male

>> No.50147396

This design is unironically better than all of them

>> No.50147411
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1685058576011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, those look like some fags in holostar, especially this guy

>> No.50147525

Inui posted on her roommate about being depressed and tired of her current career

The Matome blog that called Raindrops disbanding and Nornis "changing" (Akane graduating because she got offered a better contract by a music company) reported they were both planning on graduating

>> No.50147572

Isn't that just rrats from matome site?

>> No.50148031

Another failure that can't make it to 100 replies, boring

>> No.50148052

And it was right about all the other things it reported

>> No.50148234

A broken clock is right twice a day. Also there's no way to know if Toko's RM posted anything since her tweets are protected.

>> No.50148538
File: 172 KB, 900x1200, Fu2ZJbLaUAATZ9P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50149065


>> No.50149223
File: 853 KB, 4312x3552, Heroes compass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroes of the East
Heroes of the West
Heroes of the North
Heroes of the South

Believe it

>> No.50149249

Lol lmao

>> No.50149280

Seethe what? retard

>> No.50149329
File: 194 KB, 499x407, S.T. HololiveEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50149467

>Niji Gamers new wave has leaked
who leaked? source?

>> No.50149591

Same source as any leak like the 2% from false

>> No.50149624

All of the talents were leaking it to their friend groups and private discords. Aruvn was apparently being a salty bitch about it, maybe getting yelled at by management, and decided to go scorch earth to be done with the headache

>> No.50149751

He also leaked that he got rejected for the vsinger spot for HolostarsEN, what a dumbass

>> No.50149781

>Inui RMs tweets are protected
>No screenshots
Ok I believe you.

>> No.50149843

Same source as the akane is graduating leak

>> No.50149927

That one anon was right about him being juvenile. I guess he just did a good job of pretending to be professional for years kek. Couldn't even just let the other three idiots destroy themselves

>> No.50150242

The applicant will essentially have to ask for the model and have a plan for him.

>> No.50150275

>matome blog
Lol lmao

>> No.50150447

>current career
She should consider retiring from being Suisei's cumpet for good

>> No.50150832

Okay faggot.

>> No.50150947

>Official vs Leak

>> No.50151164

Usual nijiBOT M.O.
Bot and bump irrelevant threads.

>> No.50151217

Good fucking lord they're so fucking hideous.

>> No.50151336

I hope they got an actual old guy for the top left model.

>> No.50151414

>>50151336 (me)
*right, but you know what I meant.

>> No.50151732

so there's no real source and it's a big "trust me bro"? ok. and why would he do that isn't he friends with millie and enna

>> No.50152030

weird, guy's twitter is clean a f and he only spergs on discords that (You) have access to?
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder who benefits from shitting on random 100k indie utaites.

>> No.50152050

>and why would he do that isn't he friends with millie and enna
Its not like the NijiEN talents are known for being smart rational people. The majority of them are too emotional, irrational, and brash. If the saying "like attracts like" is true, it only makes sense that someone dumb and menhera as Enna would have dumb and menhera friends.
Its just as likely that the nonstop drama and shitty contracts being exposed to the world was basically his breaking point. Especially knowing that NijiEN has little to offer you after Iluna/XSOLEIL, you could just as easily leech off of them and get their audience with less baggage.

>> No.50152166

designs too good to be true

>> No.50152234

These look uninspired and dogshit. I feel bad for anyone being given these models.

>> No.50152285

yeah but not every nijien talent is a retard like ethyria, i don't think they would let their stuff be leaked like this. well only time will tell

>> No.50152337

>1/3 of the way to bump limit after 5 hours
Weak rrat

>> No.50152472

no solid source besides trust me bro, which is expected of any leak where whoever leaked it doesnt want to be traced immediately.

>> No.50152631

Her roommate is a vtuber, and is currently active. Graduations (or terminations, in this case) completely change the context of the separation of personas. People stopped putting on airs about Aloe, Coco, Rushia, and Sana in the hololive threads after their respective departures from the company

>> No.50152735

You seem very desperate

>> No.50152811
File: 301 KB, 2268x2268, 1684382659241129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My rrat is true, h-onest!
>S-top coping!
Damn False must pay real well.

>> No.50153194
File: 150 KB, 768x800, 1665612813723982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably better than 2.434%

>> No.50153287

You aren't wrong, most of the talents thankfully arent super menheras, and the vast majority of them don't feel malicious either. But NijiEN's talent scouting department feels like they've been slipping a bit, to me it feels like its only a matter of time before they accidently hire some dumbshit leaker in the predebut phase.
Like you said though, only time will tell.

>> No.50153342
File: 155 KB, 2048x1503, 1681086613658177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunch of the EN merch sold out btw.
So uhh, good job I guess, you really showed them.

>> No.50153415

Yeah none of these are remotely memorable.
Why are niji designs always so bad?
Homolive has shit designs too.
Is it just impossible to design good male vtubers?

>> No.50153893

The majority of people who watch male vtubers are probably women at this point. Either make them shotas, twinks, or fucking regular Yaoi dudes because I dont think you can really make a male vtuber design that appeals to both men and women in the west, especially in terms of taste.

>> No.50154391

Its all just regular dudes in vaguely futuristic clothes
Yeah I know they look similar cause they are in the same gen but this kind of design is the norm
Where are all the cat boys? Furries, Aliens, Robots?
This is just plain bad design they are doing nothing to make the characters unique

>> No.50154425

make some gintama looking dude
or goku-like

>> No.50154829

Male designs have been popular with male audiences for a long time. All they really have to do is to design them like shonen action heroes.
Macule enough for women and cool enough for men.

>> No.50156561


>> No.50157287 [DELETED] 

>n-n-n-no u
Do nijicucks really

>> No.50158511
File: 535 KB, 828x1309, FD44C094-43F2-4C59-AAA6-2D1A167231C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50158536

shit now I want toriyama to design a vtuber.
>another goku/gohan

>> No.50159442
File: 183 KB, 474x404, EwxqdMwUUAANtDt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wonder how they even jumped to the conclusion that it was AI art. IIRC, AI art is terrible at looking consistent since unlike something like a CG set or a model, it just randomly spews out art pieces.
Plus it could just be me, but the two designs at the bottom left and bottom right bear an odd resemblance to two NijiID talents, Taka (pictured here) and Riksa. So unless their mamas have some obscure costume design artworks that they sell in Japan, or someone is just really good at photoshopping just to mess with Nijisanji's fanbase, it feels more like these are some designs that were leaked that the public was not meant to see yet.

>> No.50159940

It was a typo.
I meant "Masculine enough"

>> No.50160395 [DELETED] 


>> No.50162752

If this is real, where are the dramatuber videos? Why is this thread so slow?

>> No.50163005

Oh no no no

>> No.50163144

Tell me this is a joke

>> No.50163382

Because there's not much to go off on and nobody wants to be the one who get tricked by an epic rrat on 4chan

>> No.50163571

Your bot is broken anon, /feet/ is /vt/'s cultural heritage

>> No.50164986

Probably waiting for a more reliable source to tell them more.

>> No.50165294

It was a typical niji cope.

>> No.50165394

lookin like freedom gundam if its human.

>> No.50165662

Yeah that's the problem with this shit. They would've leaked this directly to dramatubers just like the 2% thing if it was true. Instead it was originally posted on the doxx site 2 months ago.

>> No.50167448

waiting for more leaks ty

>> No.50167735

What are their gamer cred? Does anyone know anything in detail or we just have the models?

>> No.50167927

>Bigger Machina X Flayon
>Evenbigger Machina X Flayon
>Staight Machina X Flayin
>Gay Machina X Flayon

>> No.50168172

Bottom right straight up has a condom belt.

>> No.50168444

Most were utaites and one LoL player...

>> No.50169851

does bottom right come with a hammer dance animation?

>> No.50170970

>slipping a bit
kinda hard to do your job when you've coasted through by hiring Elira's friends for how many waves?

>> No.50171010

The nigger already has the best design goddamn.

>> No.50171073

Machina x Flayon is already a faggot my dude.

>> No.50171205
File: 767 KB, 546x525, 1684994710988642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I just refuse to look from the waist down they look kinda cool actually.

>> No.50171477

with pink rotors right above them as well

>> No.50172128

Those are tassels. The things above look like gemstones. Kinda looks like Amethyst.

>> No.50173949

So are the Villain's of the North, South, East, and West going to be all female groups? Because Im down for that I need my sexy villainess chuubas now

>> No.50175014

God, I hate Wolfgang so much that I wish I got his model.
Wolfgang is old as shit. It's not happenning any time soon because there are very few people who would fit that model (you'd need somebody offensive and energetic like Hulk Hogan) and even then it would likely be used as alt skin for some medieval knight themed character.

>> No.50175062

They might all quit or pull Zaion because nobody wants to be e-sweatshop workers and only earn cents from merch and superchats.

>> No.50177492

And also a vtuber model that can't emote is retarded, especially considering the "barely animated png" state that most niji models are stuck in

>> No.50178944

they must have royally pissed him off for him to leak this shit

>> No.50181740

All he needs is a helmet-off toggle.
Removable top armor would be good too

>> No.50183138
File: 430 KB, 2020x897, dragonquestZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50183340


>> No.50183440
File: 20 KB, 676x465, tatsu_sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some fucking guild shit

we have tempus at home

>> No.50186017

Only the ultimate vtuber talent could successfully wear the armor.

>> No.50187694

you worry too much about being able to emote. I remember the Japanese joking about him having a loli or very sweaky voice just for fun.
>would fit the model
this isn't an anime or did you forget Kyo?

>> No.50187695

the application asked for your achievements and ranks in games though

>> No.50187888
File: 66 KB, 449x1197, 415521567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knockoff Tempus mk2 after you debuted a JP knockoff Tempus not too long ago
Get in the Dondozo, Shinji.

>> No.50187980

>im rank Sapphire4.5 at FPoopS-7
>i have no idea what this means, youre hired

>> No.50188596

I'll molest the top right

>> No.50188620

Dudes got a belt of filled condoms

>> No.50191846

