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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50124645 No.50124645 [Reply] [Original]

>tl;dr - vtuber that got clowned on hard for turning into a big titty jellyfish coomer tuber with a fake voice filter for the sake of getting clipped goes back to being the small British panda everyone knew and loved

>> No.50124702
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and for those who are about to say "literally who the fuck is this", now you remember the memes

>> No.50124751

literally who the fuck is this

>> No.50124783
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>> No.50124801


>> No.50124825

We Fucking Won

>> No.50124905


>> No.50124924

I genuinely still don't understand how she could have been this stupid to think this would work lmao. Oh well, one less generic whore model I guess.

>> No.50124930


>> No.50124963

Didn't see revert back because billibilli lmao

>> No.50124986

So she must have spent over 1k to chase a trend that ultimately flopped for her

>> No.50125031

The only reason she switched back to her old model was because she couldn’t stream on bilibili with her new one, fuck off zhang

>> No.50125073

>too much effort
>costed more
she makes it sound like she was renting the model.
she probably lost a few paypig fans that wanted wholesome cute panda and not some whore.
but why isn't she "following the trend"

>> No.50125130

I gotta imagine it was way more than that yeah? Just an all around stupid idea.

>> No.50125187

I like the coombait but it’s not the best idea to play two different characters or deviate too much from your original model

>> No.50125190

>try to trend chase with coomer bait
>numbers go down anyway

>> No.50125336
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you won sloppy seconds, she announced her return to being the panda three months ago on B2

>> No.50125370

Lol this is hilarious

>> No.50125371
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because she couldn't use the jellyfish there even though she had an alt outfit to get around the censors

>> No.50125399

Censorship good if it means less women are whores

>> No.50125438

Make it $4-5k

>> No.50125472
File: 26 KB, 520x181, shizusalt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is though, she was chasing clips when most clippers won't touch anyone other than vshojo and their orbiters. She had no chance in hell of getting anywhere with clips as long as people keep on lapping up the same bullshit offered by the likes of Cooksie and ENVtubersOOC on twitter.

>> No.50125533

lol it's a good news tho

>> No.50125895

>too much effort+costed more
that's curious, one would think the upkeep cost of a vtuber model is around (if not exactly) 0 us dollars

>> No.50125925


>> No.50126184

It wasn’t a monetary cost, the “cost” was losing her fanbase. As a small indie, you don’t really have the luxury of telling any of your fans to fuck off, you need every view you can get, so when she realized people disliked the new persona, she cancelled that shit entirely

>> No.50126270

>I misjudged the situation and I'm paying dearly for it
is she shaking up her piggies or did she actually get into debt because of this (or her parents I guess)

anyway, hope you faggots aren't stupid enough to fall for her tricks again

>> No.50126367

not sure if it is debt related but she did mention in tweets about moving house and in the VOD she talked about getting a new job in social media marketing where they literally give her all the equipment she needs
The likelihood is she spent thousands of pounds on a new model when it could have been better spent elsewhere. And no doubt she lost a lot of fans over it, we'll see if they come back or not.

>> No.50126509

A literal who that holofags and BVTM decided to harass for the lulz. This is the result of no streams.

>> No.50126586

Her personality wont change tho

>> No.50126642

At least she dropped the ill fitting voice filter.

>> No.50126712
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lmao she saw it

>> No.50127053

this is why ironmouse wont change into normal adult model either

>> No.50127162 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 254x265, 1676784675930521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop reading /vt/ content you stupid dumb whore bitch. Usually you ignore? Clearly you don't, retard.

>> No.50127317
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She commissioned and sold this daki and still thought >>50124702 was an upgrade somehow.

>> No.50127379

>complains she changes to coomer
>complains she changed back
Wtf do you want

>> No.50127432

>be britbong
>don't know your own language

>> No.50127539

her loli model is a lot comfier
why did she go for the sex model?

>> No.50127566

that's The King's Engerlish for you

>> No.50127593

bvtm is a faggot so I don’t blame her for being annoyed

>> No.50127613

She should hire a clipper then. I'm sure they're not THAT expensive.

>> No.50127668

Can't believe she was stupid enough to believe she could be so overtly clout-chasing in such a coomer way without even consulting with her fans first, and got so defensive about the backlash.
The old model may be back, but some of the damage can't be undone, she's already shown she's desperate and that probably doesn't sit well with old-time followers. It's the kind of attitude you shouldn't have as a small indie.

>> No.50127751

She actually talked about coomer model for multiple months and no one said anything until the reveal day…

>> No.50127760

honestly, catching the winds of the drama buff is probably the only way she can get some newer views.
bvtm can be ignored by bigger indies and corpos, but smaller indies like her actually get affected by their unrestrained rratposting, getting the "casual" fan to believe shit about a 2view ensures that the 2view will never have the capacity to incline ever again.

>> No.50127765

ironmouse has like 1000 different models at this point, she has a part to blame for all the stupid model changes because she encourages it along with the rest of vshitshow (past or present)

>> No.50127844
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probably because nobody expected the outcome to look that awful in comparison to the panda

At least she has been on the record to say that she is getting a new panda loli model by an artist who exclusively draws loli....her old artist disappeared so it's not being done for any bad reason or whatever.

>> No.50127871

leave this board and never return, shizukou

>> No.50127878

iron mouse mostly still have a distinctive features from ''first'' model but this 2 view is def a different character.

>> No.50127939

It's telling the phaseshill will go after some small indie but never cover any phase yabs.

>> No.50128078

Man that design was pure sex

>> No.50128125

Design wasted for someone who is not fit to stream it.

>> No.50128221

what a shame, there are already way too many lolis out there already, we need more tits

>> No.50128273

She could have hired a clipper with the 5k that model must have costed her.

>> No.50128340

the bodystocking is super hot, she could've used this one on Twitch as well

>> No.50128360

It doesn't have a different past participle form for cost.

>> No.50128377

I mean if she's desperate for money she could always try and sell it but does anyone really want to pick up a tainted model that could be liable to get banned on twitch the second you show the pastie?

>> No.50129267

>spending $4k chasing a bad trend just to go back to your old model
lol, lmao even

>> No.50129543

this guy is such a shameless pussy, if you're going to make fun of small indies at least keep it contained to /here/

>> No.50129967

this isn't even a meme, it's literally just an info dump/ thread screencap

>> No.50130178

I can't blame a vtuber for wanting to make bread but the jump from cute model to extreme coomerbait was too much. There are hundreds of vtubers that go lewd but remain 2views because there are so many of them.

>> No.50130432

>I didn't blame anyone
>>50124783 seems to imply otherwise, you said it was your fans fault for not clipping you enough and sharing streams with friends

>> No.50130455

Isnt chink vtubing dead since the censor law

>> No.50130514

Her desired initial model was streetwhore-tier. God bless the artist who toned that shit down.

>> No.50130680

Wow that was a clear upgrade, now she looks like any other fucking loli.

>> No.50130762

Why doesn't she just make her own clips?

>> No.50130922

women moment, I'm not getting attention so first solution is look sexier, act sluttier

>> No.50131124

1) Shizu, stay off of here.
2) What is desired is that you be of humble character, stop worrying about chasing clout, and just embrace being cute loli panda.
For some reason, some funny ideas got into your head that rocketed your ego sky high. Egotistical women are blind to their mistakes and are incapable of self-improvement. Their self-destruction is inevitable.

Believe it or not, some spergs here actually do want to see you be successful. Not everyone's a hater. Some people are just bitter because they care too much.

I know I didn't regularly tune into your streams, but on the few occasions I was there, you seemed to actively go out of your way to make me feel welcome as a chatter and as a viewer.

That's the kind of Shizukou I'd want to see, and to keep seeing. Ditch the attitude problem. The best Shizukou is the friendly and inviting hostess Shizukou. The best Shizukou is the Shizukou whom carries herself with refinement, elegance, and grace.

Bitchy whores are a dime in a dozen. To stand out, be different. Be creative. Develop a good-natured sense of humor. Set trends, don't chase them. And have fun.

>> No.50131220

can never have enough lolis desu, they don't stand out as much and compliment streamers more

>> No.50131410

>The good ending of metamorphosis
Oh, wow
I didn't catch the reference at first

>> No.50131715

Probably the most sane and realistic post on the entire board this week.

>> No.50131800

good advice but I doubt she's gonna see this bro lol

>> No.50131889
File: 1.51 MB, 1104x2584, FOURTEEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never do it in the first place. But this place will lay a trap and if you step in they'll bite and not let go, just stop engaging, it's that easy.
There are already too many bland fat-tittied whore models. Being a cartoonishly exaggerated slut isn't a character, it's a niche. Western men are weak to it because of porn, but niches get tired. That model was nothing but the latest in the arms race to get as softcore as possible without getting banned from mainstream platforms.
Correct take. Honestly combining the two into a "bitch loli"-type persona would've ironically been the most novel experience of the 3. But instead she went "my personality is tits" like every fleshtuber thot

>> No.50131902
File: 690 KB, 800x1131, shizukou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are nuts, the original panda design was way better

>> No.50131967

>you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.50132099

>2)be a good little submissive whore
based! hope she reads this and realizes women aren't allowed to think for themselves, just please your men and move on

>> No.50132162

ditto, far more character in it. the tits model just looks like every other Twitch vtuber, I genuinely have trouble telling them apart. panda loli is simple but has enough branding to make it memorable. nothing needs to be innovative to make a successful vtuber, but you can't be "great value-brand whore" as a character

>> No.50132164

Cute is justice, glad to have her back. To the people complaining kys

>> No.50132334

>stop clout chasing and be yourself
>>don't think for your self!!
shut the fuck up, dumb hole

>> No.50132560

>just please your viewers

>> No.50133042

Based, even if i never hot to catch many of her streams i did watch several of her channel's clips, and she seemed like a good natured cute comedian.
Sadly, this Tomato panda turned rotten. I can only hope this whole shitstorm helped her grow as a person, and who knows, maybe a few months or years later i could catch her streams.

>> No.50133237

uooh ToT

>> No.50133358
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Some kind anon should tack this post and tweet it to her.

>> No.50133378

>When OP's statement about metamorphosis makes much more sense as a book reference but I know he is a retarded coomer who doesn't read so definitely the doujin.

>> No.50133410

>The good ending of metamorphosis
Funny you mention this, ShindoL made a 'meta' page on Metamorphosis that reveals that the whole story is a movie/series with actors and a director. The MC even wears a wig.

>> No.50133520

I remember seeing that image. Do you mind sharing a link to it with a translation? I would greatly appreciate it.

>> No.50133638
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>> No.50133665

Why is Phase Connect viciously attacking every other vtuber like a screaming toddler...?

>> No.50133742
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Much appreciated anon.

>> No.50133878

I think she's incapable of this kind of advice, honestly she should probably just retire this character and redebut as a corpo. have managers stop her from tweeting

>> No.50133996

How can you defend her ability to think when she spent $1000's on a redebut for positive marketing that blew up in her face and the only thing I know about her is that she is terminally online on twitter complaining about things?
Her goals failed

>> No.50134106


>> No.50134120 [DELETED] 

Why is that nigger not fucking dead yet?

>> No.50135431

I mean, yes. Her role is to please her audience.

>> No.50135469

What a fucking waste

But it's possible to use a model like this on any platform anyway ??

>> No.50136051

>why does parasite who profits off of /here/ drama start drama
>why does a phase fag act like a phase fag

>> No.50136714

Iron Mouse's at least look similar, I'd play more of the blame on Snuffy who just completely rebrands the entire look every few months

>> No.50137865

>what the fuck i'm supposed to please my audience instead of doing whatever the fuck i feel like?
yes, if you want to be a strong and independent woman who don't need no man then stop asking them for donations

>> No.50139305

They can think for themselves.... as a wagecuck lmao

>> No.50139460

You're right Snuffy changes a lot but isnt really influential

>> No.50139976

that's nice, she's still on my shitty vtubers that I'll never watch list, along with a new footnote that says backpedaling bitch

>> No.50140395

Even as someone who isn't a lolifag, her original design is definitely better. There's something about the coomer model that just doesn't look right. "Trying too hard" is often a dumb critique, but I really can't think of a better way to word it.

Besides, coomer models are a dime-a-dozen nowadays, whereas cutesie girls are more unique by contrast. The loli model helps her stand out more.

>> No.50140452

picked up, thanks bro

>> No.50141180

She could use it to get attention

>> No.50141330

Or just have bvtm do it

>> No.50141506

She just does it because she wants to copy vshojo.

>> No.50141599

Why do streamers pull this bullshit? If I call a movie shit, I dont think anyone involved would ask me how much unpaid marketing for good movies i've done. Its unironically really parasocial

>> No.50141633

yeah because I'm sure she would listen to that faggot if he was the one tweeting it

>> No.50141725

there's no good ending, you learned that women just want to be whores and you can't get your innocence back
also she literally learned nothing, she's still making alienating tweets >>50126712

>> No.50141772

>I know I didn't regularly tune into your streams
>Yes, I never properly watched you (pre or post drama) yet you should still listen to what I say!
You're literally clipwatcher tier

>> No.50141785

So she went from hag back to loli? I like cunny but why would you waste money like that

>> No.50142260

Her viewers are just pedos, why else do they want a child avatar for her lmao

>> No.50142700

Are you fucking retarded? New outfits and toggles aren't free you absolute monkey

>> No.50143114

anon, do you know what upkeep cost is?

>> No.50143145

Yes you dumbass bitch. You can go be an independent ass hoe as you please, but that attitude won’t please an audience. Retard.

>> No.50143208

Stop lying fag, no one here actually watches indies and no one actually want to see them succeed. Get the rope holobronie

>> No.50143313

She was just having a woman moment. Only an extremely self centered retarded woman would blame her fans for not clipping her streams as a reason to become a whore.

>> No.50143396

>cater to one demographic
>flip the switch
>demographic leaves
>how could this happen
Same shit with ASMR streamers trying to become gamers, this isn't the fanbase you grew. You don't even have to be a content creator to understand this shit.

>> No.50143971

To not be a retarded grifter for starters

>> No.50144039

She already showed her hand, it will never be the same now.

>> No.50144212

>if my PNG looks sluttier people will clip and share!
It doesn't matter what you look like if you're a charismaless e-thot. Sorry sister but some people are meant to work at Wal-Mart. Just enjoy getting some dollars from the original fanbase you cultivated instead of stabbing them in the back

>> No.50144737

Correct, naked dogeza is always the only correct response to fan demands. At last you truly see.

>> No.50145370

The biggest issue I had with it, that it was basically a complete rebrand. Nothing of the old model carried over.

Imo, if she had her loli form just grow up it would have been 10 times more sex, while keeping her identity and not estranging a lot of her viewers.

>> No.50145723

I want you to keep the coomer design but not be a diamond dozen coombait streamer.
I want you to accept the consequences of your actions and live with them instead of thinking you can hit the reset button by running back to your old model.
