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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.50076380

Bread! Thanks!
Also, you forgot the previous thread

>> No.50076421

Gomen im tabletfaggin and missed it

>> No.50076442

>No next stream frame.
Why did you bake the bread so early anon? Stay quiet on cooldown if you can't bake properly..

>> No.50076450

Frame UP

>> No.50076760

Hello brrats, i came here to say if she would like to play showering with your dad simulator

>> No.50076774

He didn't bake it early, he just forgor

>> No.50077140

oh za bread my beloved...

>> No.50077265

>He didn't bake it early
4 and a half hours early just leads to this >>50076760 sort of tourism.

>> No.50077353

But I really missed you guys..

>> No.50077452

Okay? And why wouldn't we just practice what we've been trying to do for a long ass time instead? Y'know, ignore retarded posts and report them if necessary?
I understand just letting it die when Bae is taking a break or if we're being raided, but it'd be ridiculous to not have the thread around because of a single post.

>> No.50077497
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>> No.50077666

and? i would still have made that post without caring about the time, that was just a one time question, i'm out, good luck

>> No.50077872

Dawg we arent /uuu/

>> No.50077965

Illegal black market /rrat/s...

>> No.50077994
File: 1.37 MB, 600x800, 1660840359480583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems like we may have some new brrats desu

>> No.50078102

brrats are pretty much going to end up mostly other council refugees at this point.
t. Ex-Clock

>> No.50078134

What happened to your clock bro?

>> No.50078309
File: 1.63 MB, 2100x2800, 1684962512157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, whoever they are, hopefully they learn to adapt. And remember not to shit on the other girls if you have anything to say about them. You can have your opinions, we all do, but there's ways to go about them.

>> No.50079409

She asked me if I had female friends.

>> No.50079490


Is this game like a tyrant ruler simulator?

>> No.50079711

I thought Clocks were used to Kronii being tsundere with her fans?

>> No.50079947


Thank you GJ!

>> No.50080321

It's cool to see that after she played the cock-game, she almost caught up to Fauna in subs for the first time in like a year. Proud of her, let's see what she can do with this rare bit of algorithm luck which YT hates giving to vtubers.

>> No.50080422

im glad dokter started doing more lewds
his style is nice to see

>> No.50080472

He mostly draws Kronii and IRyS and Mori so I don't expect much in the way of Bae lewds from him.

>> No.50080500

I was not prepared for how much attention her wtf would generate but I'm glad for her

>> No.50080526

i know but my dick likes all of hololive
well except for gura, shion and lapuchan, lapuchan is friend shaped

>> No.50080984

A better question.
Will she end up surpassing Fauna's sub count? That'd be interesting to see

>> No.50082157
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>> No.50082365

Why's this damn brat wearing her sleeves and skirt in the water

>> No.50082421

Because it's cute and sexy?

>> No.50083273
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>> No.50085169
File: 2.65 MB, 1414x2000, __hakos_baelz_kureiji_ollie_and_mr_squeaks_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_mitsuru_pixiv_34028718__e7b2e9910ca68cf77d4b1023ffc72819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50086883
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>> No.50086930


Whale bro is insane

>> No.50087140

That's a long clip, damn

>> No.50087165


>> No.50087194

Soon as in 1 hour soon

>> No.50087218

why did you think this was interesting enough to post

>> No.50087292

NTA but there's a nice little (not really little) clip attached to it that serves as a neat memory lane

>> No.50087361

I loved the GJ stream but I don't like when people numberfag with it, it just feels like it shows how underappreciated Bae normally is compared to other ENs, but at least Psycho is doing really well regardless + we still have that EP

>> No.50087492

we've had this discussion a few times but Numberfagging is useless and only ''useful'' in extreme cases.
For cover, anyone above 3K its earning their salary and there's no ''benefits'' to being the leader in your gen. Bae is ''the runt'' which is a fuckstupid term but whatever and she got a pc case and a voicepack in an idol game

>> No.50087495

I get what you mean

>> No.50087780

Even Migo noticed GJ stream kek

>> No.50088018

I'm very much aware of that, I just don't like it when people talk about the stream's numbers like it's something that's finally gonna get people to notice Bae, like I get that it's a legendary stream but cmon

>> No.50088125
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Mfw the GJ stream had no jousting in it.

>> No.50088439
File: 15 KB, 452x136, bae sowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so investigated a bit. apparently the stream did so well because it happened as a perfect storm
>at the time of genital jousting, no one else was streaming, Mori had a karaoke later, but that was it
>A lot of people in the genital jousting hashtag mentioned tuning in because they couldnt believe the seiso bae was playing it
>at the same time, jps were completely unaware of what kind of game it was and jumped in
>follow up to that: Jps LOVE these kind of dumb shit poo fart dick games, they think the girls reacting to it its hilarious
>ON TOP OF THAT, hakotan is ''the good seiso girl everyone loves'', so her playing it was the equivalent of Sora playing a yabai game. Of course they werent going to miss that
>Pekora brought attention to it before it started, so that also helped jps catch it
>On top of that, the viewer retention was super high, both thanks to bae being bae and to the contents of the game being actually interesting aside from hahaha dicks
>Mori And Robe made people tweet about it , so we also got reinforcements from the deadbeats and some sisters
>Finally to cap it off, The game was banned on twitch and we had the initial exchange with Manechan, so some people jumped to see if the VOD would survive/ others made its priority to see it in case it got privated
Overall, a bunch of things made this the biggest bae stream and now i swear off numberfagging until its absolutely necesary

>> No.50088707

Wait, so I'm someone that never even notices the live viewers count, was this actually the biggest Bae stream?

>> No.50088906

I'm pretty sure the highest amount the stream had was 15k viewers. I may be wrong but that's the number I remember.
So yes, it indeed was her biggest stream

>> No.50088960

I didn't check it much during but we were at like 16k part way through. may have gone over 20? t. not numberfag

>> No.50089077

From the last year the only streams with more total views are the Council Host Club stream from 3 months ago and the anniversary stream from 9 months ago, both of which were collabs.
No idea how live concurrent viewers compare.

>> No.50089238

I have slightly mixed feelings about this being her biggest stream, but overall I'm happy for her getting the exposure. I also think Bae is legitimately one of the few if not only member who could pull this game off, her playing it completely straight was great to watch.

>> No.50089259

Why do you give a shit?

>> No.50089422

So is this actually king henry simulator or am I being lied to, the game looks super old school stylized
14 minutes btw

>> No.50089456
File: 235 KB, 487x362, Screenshot 2023-05-25 024658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could joust if you want

>> No.50089501
File: 1.39 MB, 1003x1416, ratinablanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to see how Bae reacts to frotting, don't you?

>> No.50089527

for perspective
Bae has 700K followers right? that's 100% of her viewerbase. Its imposible for all of them to tune in at the exact time every time, which is why her usual viewership is something like 8K.
That's a healthy number, specially because she keeps viewer retention through all of the vod. (Here's where Numbertrannies lose their mind because they compare dead subs numbers, which happen in channels older than 2 years+they use data from the vtuber boom in 2020)
Bae getting 15k Views was twice her usual views and By herself, which means either a lot of people tuned in or she had a lot of tourists, and even 7k tourists is a really good thing for numbers autismo because it means growth and people talking, which translates to more people discovering/giving a chance to bae
Again, numbers shit is completely useless because once you are streaming above 2k people you are going to grow as long as you keep a schedule

>> No.50089559
File: 32 KB, 250x194, 250px-Original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for Demobrrat, I've got my "John" right here.

>> No.50089686

Idk if it's just because of the quake reference but making it brown and thick at the head as well really made this rocket launcher look like a dick lmfao

>> No.50089760 [SPOILER] 
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Mine can be a bit hard to handle, but it can hit those sweet spots like you wouldn't believe it once you get used to it.

>> No.50089843

Its a shitpost game retro stylized and the story is exaggerated on the kings life yes

>> No.50090110

Its over....

>> No.50090119

I used to really like posting the pp emote but ever since that one fag made it his sacred duty to "lead" the chat in spamming it 1 minute before every stream I've really fallen out of love with it...

>> No.50090167


>> No.50090223

She's still mad at that one brat who forgot about the Bae font and now she won't show up on time anymore...

>> No.50090227
File: 790 KB, 1074x1030, suicha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those guys breathe too, will you stop breathing?
no? okay then do what you want

>> No.50090247

Look as long as I still get to use the "headpat rat" emote, they can spam their pps til the stream ends, doesn't matter to me

>> No.50090291


>> No.50090299


>> No.50090473


>> No.50090495

3D Bae my oshi

>> No.50090695

Damn her 3D looks even brattier than her usual version

>> No.50090767
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When she's tired she's basically drunk.

>> No.50090959

BaeRysbros... it's really over...

>> No.50091005
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>> No.50091045

a literal text adventure

>> No.50091068
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As a Sam I have been feeling very warm and fuzzy these last few streams with all these mentions

>> No.50091090

Bae doesn’t test games before she streams them?

>> No.50091156
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shut up manlet

>> No.50091168

Kek no

>> No.50091245

so huhh
is Luna gonna declare war on Bae? are we like...peasants?

>> No.50091355

I don't know, will Luna ride into battle on her noble Harley

>> No.50091876

susprised shes as into this as she is

>> No.50091939

same, i would be bored out of my mind, but she seems to be really into it

>> No.50092788

Just got here what is this game about

>> No.50092836

bae executed people she didnt like and made herself the pope, so in a way its just the story of europe

>> No.50092891


>> No.50093052

Basically declaring yourself pope then doing whatever you want

>> No.50093119
File: 24 KB, 281x284, e363a3a87430bed557f2fcf5c6c0c49f64abc582v2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop right there, Brrat, you confessed to abandoning Bae! Now it's off to the dungeon!

>> No.50093150


>> No.50093410


>> No.50093601


>> No.50093846
File: 98 KB, 637x358, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can explain such hogwash to the judge, the jury, and the executioner!

>> No.50094088

>peppa pig reminds her the queen is dead
>wears a crown on stream two days later
What did she mean by this

>> No.50094140
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>> No.50094199

Queen be damned eh

>> No.50094818

I admire the fact she got really into this niche type of game

>> No.50094990

I blame Purple Bae

>> No.50095280
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Bros....is Bae slightly dyslexic, or is this just more zoomies?

>> No.50095335

This proves that any game can hold Bae's attention and she isn't one of those gamers that gets turned off by 8 bit old school graphics.
NES-SNES Castlevania when?

>> No.50095699

Hello Brats!
Chumbud here! I almost never come here
I just wanted to say "Sasuga Baelz-chan"
I just saw the genital game, lmao, hillarious
she is the avatar of chaos after all

did other Holos react to the stream? what did they said?

>> No.50095741

gotta give it to the game, its letting her fuck around as much as she want
usually text adventures kinda put your dick in a hydraulic press and go ''okay, write EXACTLY what i want to hear or die''

>> No.50095929
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The pretty much all reacted like gif related.

>> No.50095940

Not actually softlocked, very forgiving text adventure

>> No.50096061

Killing that jester really backfired, didn't it?

>> No.50096073
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why is 3d hakotan so cute?

>> No.50096114

thats a good reaction I guess
and did you guys had a good time? I enjoyed it but you know how unicorns and hater nickpic shit like that
I hope you are all having a good time! Hakos its cute

>> No.50096122
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>> No.50096302

I would love to see Bae play some platformers but so far the only EN I've seen that actually does is IRyS. Maybe Bae will awaken to retro games?

>> No.50096348
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Rat king

>> No.50096360

Yeah it was a fun time, the JOPs loved it too

Bae would love the 8 bit music of castlevania

>> No.50096539
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*Blocks your path*

>> No.50096553


>> No.50096629

Im glad for you brats!!

>> No.50096783

Super Castlevainia 4's ost still sends me to another world.

>> No.50096863

Bae should play the Ys games so she can experience the absolutely kino soundtrack of Falcom

>> No.50096962

>bae playing a ys game
>eternal streams of her doing sidequests

>> No.50096999

Thanks mate, I hope you enjoyed it too
Now this would make for a great stream

>> No.50097024

First two games are incredibly short, you can beat 1 easily in 5-6 hours on your first playthrough

>> No.50097251

This games story is only 77 minutes

>> No.50097291

This is Bae we're talking about though

>> No.50097511
File: 483 KB, 720x962, Mio Beam![sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Ffnvufz.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotta be honest
i dont get what we are doing anymore

>> No.50097616
File: 48 KB, 227x508, 1636017013882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to classic Adventure games, brrat

>> No.50097649

I think the plan is to kill King Sam or something

>> No.50097707

Yeah i completely agree I’m just playing zelda while listening to bae ramble about kings or something

>> No.50097834

Bae should play Grim Fandango

>> No.50097852
File: 70 KB, 500x483, flip the flaps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>regular bae is imouto
>3d bae is a smug brat in need of correction
>strawberry bae is funky little creature
i dont know what to feel anymore

>> No.50098263
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This is why you don't kill jester

>> No.50098371
File: 26 KB, 640x480, FullThrottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should play all the classic SCUMM games, too

>> No.50098396

Why the fuck was that bear so fast

>> No.50098445


>> No.50098535

>the jester is the most important character in the universe

>> No.50098596

>The game makes the jester offend you
>You get cocky and kill the jester
>The game continues to remind you how he was walking easy mode

>> No.50098617
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>> No.50098693

>Marry rat? I'm good

>> No.50099257


>> No.50099266

jp fans seem overall pretty upset by the genital jousting stream, wonder if it's gonna have any consequences down the line

>> No.50099339

If by consequences you mean a net gain of 3,000 subscribers in the past 2 days

>> No.50099402

He's baiting
t. in touch with the JOP sphere

>> No.50099433

>chaos is the truth of nature

>> No.50099459

Hes a retarded tourist

>> No.50099473

What is that bear's problem?

>> No.50099492

I think nature and chaos should slam pusses together.

>> No.50099514

Pissy that Bae didn't legalize beastiality

>> No.50099521

He finds monarchy unbearable

>> No.50099656


>> No.50099682
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>> No.50099756

>Game warns Bae the jester is important
>She still kills the jester
>Game is 4x as long now
>She's still gonna complete it
Luv my stubborn rat

>> No.50099810

Be-chan sugoi!


>> No.50099838

Kill jestah

>> No.50099949

I thought this was just going to be an hour and a half long stream, simple game, Bae has a little fun, easy.
No this turned into ragekino and confusion all because of 1 jester nobody expected was integral to the plot

>> No.50099953

It's always the money
Purple Bae was right

>> No.50100008

Nene sent its regards

>> No.50100024

I wish great harm against the fags spamming for her to just go to the summit

>> No.50100493

>marry furniture
Did shinkai play this game before writing his latest movie

>> No.50100514


>> No.50100542

She did it!
I"m surprised the game let her win without the jester

>> No.50100596

If it was an actual old game she would game over on deaths and there would be no saving.

>> No.50100795

Wait a minute... Bae played Genital Jousting?!

>> No.50100828

Well the game wasn't that focused on combat and focused on intrigue and exploration so it makes sense for no game over on death and saving.

>> No.50100909

>game wasn't that focused on combat
I see you haven't played any Sierra adventure games.

>> No.50101075

That fella really just SCd to tell her he wants to fuck her huh

>> No.50101096
File: 281 KB, 1707x2048, Fw8nmq7WYAYp4tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss peaky Bae.

>> No.50101117

What'd he say in the message

>> No.50101215

>paying attention to SC reading
i just zone out until she goes in a tangent

>> No.50101370
File: 710 KB, 831x1075, producer mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Sire, please do rate the stream

>> No.50101379
File: 78 KB, 512x512, cQWdY9HONYiE9way7ZvIDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Bae until next week

>> No.50101405

>no stream in bae's channel until next week
I'm not going to touch grass, I'm going to catch up on videos/streams/fanfics/manga

>> No.50101417

Don't kill jesters/10

>> No.50101450

do NOT kill the jester/10. I was lost the entire time but it was aight

>> No.50101470
File: 561 KB, 631x629, PORUKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50101504

It gave me time to backgrond noise most of the stream but bae being so into something as niche as a text adventure warmed my oji san heart

>> No.50101549
File: 2.05 MB, 1500x1500, 1673084090102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rrat makes me insatiablely horny like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.50101554

Kill jester / 10

>> No.50101627

It started by saying that she didn't need to read the rest of the message aloud. Then she read it silently, followed by a quick, "Get help," in reply before moving on.

>> No.50101643

Same, the game lost me extremely early and if im being honest, it was kinda shit
but she loved it a lot, so its ok

>> No.50101669

Yeah but I wanted to know what it actually said

>> No.50101724


>> No.50101743
File: 540 KB, 750x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck CRIES after watching a barbie movie?
my oshi, that's who

>> No.50101747

oh no I meant the one about wanting to take the place of the bible and wine to marry her, the one you're thinking of was just a guy referencing what miko said about bae without her understanding

>> No.50101915
File: 13 KB, 1877x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate coomers

>> No.50101976
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>>50101915 (Me)
whoops wrong fucking image
Anyway seems to be one of those discord niggers

>> No.50102012


>> No.50102019

This one ain't it

>> No.50102046
File: 121 KB, 660x660, 1635227547011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chat is gonna push "pp raid" from now on

>> No.50102052

To be fair he's literally just repeating the red text black border on the thumbnail of the clip he watched

>> No.50102080

I think this is because of that clip floating about

>> No.50102084

Any name that has X of Chaos/Bae/etc should be instantly dismissed.

>> No.50102085

this guy just quoted what the retarded clipbaiter put on his video, hes innocent

>> No.50102175

pp raid is innocent enough and even kinda childish, no to mention the oui oui pp bit has been with bae since year one.
I agree that chat is insufferable but this is like the most nothing thing they can force

>> No.50102501

I guess you're going to miss the pp raid

>> No.50102653

I've heard it's very hard to get in

>> No.50103080

For you

>> No.50103112 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 640x640, whoolay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, usually the chances are SUB-ZERO

>> No.50103282

i liked this one

>> No.50103592 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 1684992328032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure my chances will be fine, my MEAT is used to the cold

>> No.50103865
File: 125 KB, 480x480, cQWdY5vPNYiE9way7ZvIDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not again...

>> No.50103915

We just have to make ppeace with it.

>> No.50103978

Oh god...

>> No.50104583

I actually kind of like the idea that Bae may suddenly be seen as the new avant garde Coco by JP members and only because she does silly childish streams about pps and other related topics.
Sort of like they thought Mori was insanely cool by western standards because of the language barrier when she is anything but that.

>> No.50106378

Even Nene is appalled!

>> No.50106500
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>> No.50106570

Give me an 80s disco original I can groove to. Bae please.

>> No.50106777
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>> No.50106881

I can hear the Australian just from the text.

>> No.50107277

Speaking of Coco, still don't get how shaving your pubic hair on stream is somehow more seiso, less weird to be given permission to do by Cover than any game with risque imagery. Yes, yes, I know about the Hololive Holocaust and how scared some members are about demonetization, but still get a grip (while bouldering) people.

>> No.50107368

Forget shaving pubic hair, coco era was straight up filled with drugs and dildos
2020 Hololive was wild, this is why the JOPs enjoyed this stream because it reminded them of the old days

>> No.50107380

No one ever thought Coco was seiso. Her entire shtick was being vulgar. Hell she did a bit where she talked about wanting to put a stethoscope on a man's testicles and listen to what it sounds like.

>> No.50108669
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>> No.50110166
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>> No.50110990

Post dancing chibi rat webms

>> No.50110997
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>> No.50111210
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>> No.50113236

No solo Bae for 72+ hours....

>> No.50114475

Yeah I was gonna say, one of cocos merch and jokes since debut was the fact her tail was a literal sex toy that injected a hardcore drug into your asshole

>> No.50116042
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>> No.50117085

/rrat/, do you think Bae would enjoy Dungeon Meshi?

>> No.50117408
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>Princess Mihri

>> No.50118847
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>> No.50119274

Cheeky if intentional

>> No.50119353

I was catching on the vod but lost attention at some point and Princess Mihri came out of nowhere, now can't find the timestamp for her first apperance

>> No.50119479

chat reflects the streamer it seems.

>> No.50119566
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>> No.50119679

I'm having a shitty day, what's a bae stream that cheers you up? For me it's https://youtu.be/o0QNmC9GKEg

>> No.50119872

That zatsu from days ago where she went on a rant about a shitty shoujo anime for like 20 minutes and was just overall super energetic and pleasant the entire time

>> No.50119908

Shitty shojo manga*

>> No.50120046

Yeah that superchat catch up was just a good time

>> No.50120123

Can also be romanized as shoujo.

>> No.50121428
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You know damn well I was correcting the anime/manga bit lmao

>> No.50121478

You know I actually didn't lmao, I genuinely was not paying attention to what I even typed there so I thought you were being a smartass, my bad

>> No.50121583

a dancing rat

>> No.50121686

why is she dancing

>> No.50122387
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That's fucking hilarious. Yeah, don't worry. I didn't even notice I missed the u when I wrote shoujo, so it's partly my fault too.

>> No.50123051

Go to bed bae

>> No.50124468
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with me

>> No.50124845
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I've already done my reps what the fuck do I do until next week while waiting for Bae

>> No.50125106

Enjoy life. Get a hobby, be it something as simple as reading or as complex as drawing. That's part of doing reps. If you can't be interesting, what good will doing your reps do to you?

>> No.50127214
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no, don't take za bread away!

>> No.50127537
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>> No.50127695

Did she sully Hololive's good name with her dick and ass stream?

>> No.50127837

I wonder what name she will name her coaster

>> No.50128704

I appreciate the night off. I can finally catch up with my gacha events

>> No.50129074

I like this guys art, like that hes a cool brat who loves drawing bae outside of her stream outfits.

>> No.50130505

we're an LGBTQIA+ friendly general, any suggestions for more inclusive games are definitely welcome

>> No.50130615

Damn theyre really desperate today

>> No.50130886
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>> No.50132235
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Funny thing is, we're half dead when Bae takes breaks anyway
I was takint a nap, personally. Very nice for such a chilly day.

>> No.50133096
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this is so cute i love this image

>> No.50133689

If this is a "gays are pedo groomers" joke, congrats anon I laughed.

>> No.50134232

best joke i saw was in a previous catalogue thread after one anon was going off about GJ being a porn game

>> No.50134561

Oh man I can't wait for tonight's stream!

>> No.50134826

Mane chan... call me..

>> No.50135590

Please tell down will always remain one of my favourite jokes

>> No.50137429


>> No.50137559

Voting is mandatory in Australia. Who does bae vote for?

>> No.50137926


>> No.50137972
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Yeah! I'm gonna have so much fun watching the stream I won't miss bae at all!

>> No.50138287

Our bratlings are growing up and becoming tougher... It brings a tear to my eye...

>> No.50138299

Liberal down the ticket. Was a huge Tony Abbott fan (this is real)

>> No.50138519

They don't even need Bae anymore, they can create their own Bae streams in their mind now! That means she doesn't need them anymore either!

>> No.50138694
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>> No.50138880

Bob Katter

>> No.50138918


>> No.50139175
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>> No.50140236

No talking to bae until next week.. deprived..

>> No.50140297

Total bratling annihilation!

>> No.50141813

>i got sniped and highlighted by a clipper in a bae clip cause she read my comment
Man this feels weird

>> No.50142393

I'd probably feel the same, but also a bit flattered if that happened to me.

>> No.50142422

I would frot with Bae

>> No.50143171

My greatest shame was a clip that got really popular where I was highlighted but I was super tired and made a minor spelling error that made me look like an esl

>> No.50143954
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I don't know man, I wanted to see some pingas jousting, but all I got was pingas melodrama

>> No.50145103

>tf2 pics
>wanted to see pingas jousting

>> No.50145880

Sorry to disappoint, but I dont really watch Ame anymore. I used to, but those days are long gone. I'm still subbed to her tho.

>> No.50147683

Psycho 800k omedetou!

>> No.50148726
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jej... pingas... jejejej
feliz 25 de mayo argiebrat

>> No.50150470

>the chat is gonna push "pp raid" from now on
Honestly funny, this is what a good dick joke looks like.

>> No.50152347

I miss...

>> No.50152408

I mister

>> No.50152448

I miss (you), dad... When are you gonna come back from your trip to australia?

>> No.50152906

Never son, coming back would mean I didn't get to marry bae

>> No.50153352

But Clara wanted you to come to her graduation... And Jack is having a kid soon, you're gonna be a grandad... you missed his wedding... Please dad, we all miss you...

>> No.50154475
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I'm sorry son, you'll understand one day....

>> No.50155176

Feliz 25 hermano

>> No.50155436

so did anything come about from the cock game debacle?

>> No.50156275
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>> No.50157399


>> No.50157554
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>Got hit with the Horny and imagined Queen bae and her lesbian harem fucking all night
im sorry, i didnt meant to

>> No.50157763

Is this supposed to be "soon"
Oi oi, if you're gonna say it, the least you could do is share with the class who did you imagine and anything else of interest, like if they were in the queen's royal chambers

>> No.50158184

i mean i should give you some context. I was high on painkillers thanks to a dental extraction so i went to sleep. It wasnt Fully a dream, because i woke up several times and i could keep ''playing out'' the weird dream even awake.
I dont remember most of it but it was
>Princess Bae getting sandwiched by Mori and Kiara. Incest really got everyone going in this dream because every time the ''sisters'' kissed they all got horny
>then she became queen and made the royal harem, which was miori, moom, irys, kiara, and mori but not officially
>Bae was never the top, she got kind of manhandled by everyone
worst of it, i couldnt jack off because i was so high and i was too busy getting confused

>> No.50158603

How does one obtain dreams about the Holomems? I've only had 1 so far and it was just a bit of a wholesale moment.

>> No.50158668

*wholesome (me)

>> No.50159269

there is no real rhyme or reason to dreams anon. you can kinda try by thinking about holomems 24/7 or something like that but its about as effective as yelling I WANT X DREAM TONIGHT and then going to sleep.
When i was a kid i always wanted to dream i was megaman but i never got that, until like 4 years ago where i had a dream i was megaman X, despite NEVEr having played one of those games

>> No.50162261

Thinkin bout bae

>> No.50162399

Thinkin bout bae's toes

>> No.50163665

Thinkin bout bae's baes

>> No.50163877
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>> No.50164228

Thinkin bout bae's belly button

>> No.50164311
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>> No.50164448

its been a while since bae and irys were the gay together
next stream when?

>> No.50164503

offcollab karaoke during Bae's upcoming jp trip for sure this time

>> No.50165072

I dont buy the rrats of THEY HATE EACH OTHER but i've noticed that bae doesnt bring irys up as much as she did before
i guess she wants shippers to calm down a bit

>> No.50165439

Think theyre both just too busy and their creative paths diverged
Not to say they dont love each other to bits as friends but shit just happens ya know

>> No.50166250

Yeah the shipping was starting to get a little out of hand so I understand why they're cooling off a bit

>> No.50166521
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Will we still have bread with no bae channel streams for this week?

>> No.50166712

Ill still make it if needs be
Don't expect many people to sit through the watchalong on the clowns channel tbf, just not an interesting idea to sit and watch bae watch two other people watch something

>> No.50166795

I've unironically been getting really anxious leading up to that watchalong after listening to how excited she was to watch with them and how much I wish that could be me, I think I'm too far gone...

>> No.50166872

I think youre misinterpreting her excitement as something its not, shes just there to be the barbie encyclopedia and be the voice for all the weird as fuck barbie women in the clowns audience (theres many)
Old guy is there because he would die for the clown

>> No.50166925

Have the clown and old man really gotten that close?

>> No.50167007

Yeah they game in classic wow every week

>> No.50167160
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>> No.50167921

Pure head cannon but I agree that it seems to be a mutual de-escalation of the ship.
If you watch streams like chad cast and whichever stream bae talked about irys not eating greens, it's clear they still talk on the reg off steam.
I remember some 'crats complaining that most of irys's art tag was baerys at one point so I can see how that would be annoying.
Baerysfags (and I am one) have had good eats, so you can't complain. Maybe we'll get a collab next jap trip, for now at least we have chadcast.
This has been my blog etc

>> No.50167974

If that was their goal it was a little silly to dump a double ship cover drop on valentines with plans to do a duo karaoke after even if it had been in the works for 9 months prior

>> No.50168031

Im still sad that karaoke was shelved... its really bizarre the antis to the ship "took credit" and wave it as a flag of pride that it got canceled when everyone knows irys doesnt stream multiple times in a day

>> No.50168213

Yeah losing the karaoke to schedule issues was a huge disappointment, I really wish they'd do something together again if only because it's been so long other than the post-Gisney zatsu. It's a shame they don't have the time to coordinate that Cuphead playthrough Bae wanted to do due to scheduling conflicts while Bae's in JP, would be great if they could find something to do together at least given that we've been eating good with council collabs lately

>> No.50169045

The gisney zatsu is one of my favourite streams. The way irys just starts whaling on bae after she says "5 nights at Gaston's" and bae's pained cries does unspeakable things for me

>> No.50169222
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Cmon thread, don't die
