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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50081272 No.50081272 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening to all protectors of CGDCT.

>> No.50081317

Fuck Fauna.

>> No.50081681

She's still CGDCT. Don't be so picky or we'll end up with no one left.

>> No.50081789

If you're this picky with yabs this group would have 1, maybe 2 members

>> No.50081931

CGDCT encompasses anime as well, being friends with the characters isn't necessary. Gachis, CGDCT enjoyers, idolfags and unicorns aren't identical.

>> No.50082593

its over

>> No.50084647

sex with fauna

>> No.50085830

Fauna should be out because she broke the illusion. CGDCT is all about the illusion.

>> No.50085917

all of them have collabed with towa

>> No.50085957

How did she break the illusion? It’s not like homocollabs where they’ll do it repeatedly and talk about in other streams. You could literally just pretend it never happened and it would be the same as if it never happened at all, parasocial relationships are one sided anyways, you don’t need fauna’s permission

>> No.50086219

Every single one of them has broken the illusion at some point.

>> No.50086229

>Fauna should be out because she broke the illusion. CGDCT is all about the illusion.
CGDCT is all about CGDCT, no men around at all, CGDCT can't have male friends and their male relatives can't have any screen time at all, her telling you (a man) she's not your friend actually sticks with CGDCT.

>> No.50086328

But that would remove everyone.

>> No.50086394
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Stay based Hexagon of Hope.

>> No.50086416

You're full of shit. Lucky Star had Konata's dad. K-ON had Ritsu's brother. Even Yuru Yuri had male relatives.

>> No.50086716

Is it funny how screeching leftist try to use Rules for Radicals to hold others to a standard they don’t even adhere to? Pretending to be what they hate, to undermine others by holding them to be a more extreme version of their enemy’s standards. Your fake outrage is obvious homobeggar.

>> No.50086756

>Isn’t it funny

>> No.50086764

>Fuck Fauna

>> No.50086824

Are you mentally retarded you sound like you graduated from special education.

>> No.50086829

t. Seething Nijinigger
You don’t belong here and no one likes you.

>> No.50086865

>Fuck Fauna x2

>> No.50086931

It’s a Marxist tactic from Rule for Radicals, they pretend to be what they hate, in this case a “unicorn” then attack the things you like by holding them to a more extreme criteria no one else agrees with.

>> No.50086964

I'm on it.

>> No.50086990
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>> No.50087490

lmao, 1 drop rule

>> No.50088796

Every single one of these girls except maybe Mumei and Gura (only because you’ll never yab if you never stream) have “broken the illusion”.

>> No.50089543

If IRyS has broken the illusion, Gura has. Gura had the exact same yab but worse, but the cumbud jannies erase all mention of it and give you a three day vacation if you bring it up, but let IRyS's tamer version run wild. Meanwhile, Mumei is the only one who has actually collabed with a man and has broken the illusion harder than anyone else. The most amazing thing about these threads is the hoops people will jump through.

>> No.50089895

Let's just say that the other girls are worse offenders at keeping the illusion

>> No.50090013

Gura's yab is actually bad if you dig deep in the rabbit hole

>> No.50090660

I like them all but I can't wait for all these girls to betray (You)

>> No.50091918


>If you want me to be real...
Straight up broke the illusion within the first few seconds to be real with us

>> No.50092215

okay, tranny.

>> No.50092279

>schizo thinks he's informed because his delusions tell him so
>unicorn LARP thread

>> No.50092684

How delusional are you to still do this? Shouldn't you be sperging out over these girls doing personal meet and greets with a 99% male audience at conventions?

>> No.50092833


>> No.50092916

When does IRyS break illusion?

>> No.50093141

>EN whores
>mori, kronii, amelia and bae aren't in it

>> No.50097719

Yeah you can't be friends you're a stranger to her. And she to you as well. Fauna tardwrangling the cuckling was the best thing that happened. Just look at how every mentally ill retard on this board who are still seething over nothing.

>> No.50097936

Is there a JP version of this? Even if it has 20 members in one pic

>> No.50098130

>Mumei collab with men
>Doesnt even tlak much the whole stream
>clearly just there because of Bae.

At least watch streams

>> No.50098272

Is not cuckoldry if they enjoy running trains on their oshi. That's their logic

>> No.50100399

This thread just convinces me more and more that the Fauna drama is incredibly forced especially in the context of literally everybody else on that list. You cannot convince me a genuine human being made this post, for instance >>50086990
This is homo/sister falseflagging, right?
