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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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50034441 No.50034441 [Reply] [Original]

What's taking so long?

>> No.50034563

rpr is debuting next month

>> No.50034781

People kept backing out because of the drama and they can't fill up the gen.

>> No.50036497

They're losing faith in the boys

>> No.50036561

No idea. Also wondering the same about HoloEN3

>> No.50036798

Too many Western trannys, not enough Japs who can speak english

>> No.50037028

They actually want to earn money and not be a part of some black company

>> No.50037290

Pick one
>People keep cancelling contracts because of the BLACK COMPANY shit or the consistently bad PR
>Nijisanji doesn't want another Zaion so they got rid of most of the hires and are being VERY careful who they hire this time
>Nijisanji had stupidly high expectations for the applications and didn't get a single one they thought was good enough sub-count wise
It's maddening. SOMETHING must have happened, given how they didn't do shit for White Day sales, and how long it's been since xsolei. People thought they'd debut on White Day, People thought they'd debut around the time of the cancelled live, people thought they'd debut last week during the anniversary. Nothing, nada, zilch. EN might've been abandoned for all we know since they've stopped producing 3D for EN entirely in favor of faster 3D reveals for their JP members, and more 3D programs

>> No.50037300

i be suprise if he not getting poach by holo management as the tempiss manager.

>> No.50037324

These auditions were held before all the drama started piling up, so it's really hard to say what's taking so long. Maybe they didn't find enough people that fit what they were looking for?

>> No.50037584

RPR as a manager? Why would he downgrade himself like that, he was a plenty successful streamer

>> No.50039377

1% scares them

>> No.50042353

Come on NijiEN, now is youre time

>> No.50042469

It's simple. NijiEN only hires people with a decent following. No person with decent following will actually be willing to be subject to their greedy revenue sharing pyramid scheme. They already threw the applications under a certain subscriber threshold into the trash and the intern is still at the dumpster trying to find it.

>> No.50043014

If you add 1000 livers with 1 follower each, you have 1000 new followers! ACCELERATE!

>> No.50043568

homeless 0.1%

>> No.50043769

Aruvn was going to be in the new wave, fought with management, leaked a bunch of shit including one of the designs, and quit. He’s now back from being “graduated”.

>> No.50044509

There are no candidates left that meet their standards for subscriber count, because anyone who is already a 3 view as an indie would gain nothing from joining NjiEN

>> No.50044699

It would be funny as fuck to see Anykara give NijiEN the NijiID treatment the moment they stop being profitable enough for them, the ultimate black company move

>> No.50044771


>> No.50044783

>1% got exposed
>closing company soon

>> No.50045584

People now are forced to hire lawyer to read contract for them.
And all good lawyer are laughing reading anykara contract.

>> No.50046474
File: 23 KB, 360x340, Screenshot_20200514_123146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you actually looking forwad to new big corpo vtubers? With so many to choose from among indies and smaller corpos, there's little chance of new nijis/holos to truly stand out unless they are exceptionally charismatic and/or talented (and not even all of their existing livers fit that bill). And on top of that, how many can you physically watch? I lost count how many chuubas I'm following already and I barely can watch one vod of each of them throughout the month.

>> No.50046913

They opened auditions!! I am sure HoloEN3 will be better than the previous gens.

>> No.50047200

I really suprisethey didn't release gamer, didn't they advertise it almost a year already.

>> No.50047919

The ones worthy would rather take the Holostars debuff than to join Niji

>> No.50048160

>there are like 2 managers
>shit out 30+ retards in a year
>surprised when the whole organization falls apart

>> No.50048192

It's quite literally
>too many gook trannies living in canada
>not enough actual westerners

>> No.50048282

Most (western) indies are just twitch thots/ethots who took up an anime avatar, often because they're too fat or too old to compete with hotter or younger girls. Just think about very early ethots from like 20 years ago, sending out pics on dial up. Now she's like 45 and can't compete, daughter doesn't want to do mom on daughter action on onlyfans. But instead she can become a vtuber like many other single moms. Now she's back in the game. If vtubing remained profitable as in 2020 it would be a godsend for old whores from the 1990s.

>> No.50048316

Betting on a mix of all three. Zaion was frankly overqualified for the job, I bet they're not picking any established indie ever again for that exact reason.
Then you'll also have the lower tier indies who saw all the shit going on and decided they'd rather incline to a 3view over time rather than deal with all the drama and having to work with kyo.
So that leaves people from outside the otaku and vtuber sphere, most of whom are dogshit gamers.
I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they just quietly trashcan the gamer wave.

>> No.50048384

niji will releases another 5 waves for the second half 2023

>> No.50049798

he will save them all

>> No.50050790


>> No.50051788

honestly any smart applicant would have probably jumped ship before it even started by now

>> No.50052317


>> No.50052541

>Zaion was frankly overqualified for the job
>gets kicked after three months for not following rules
>I bet they're not picking any established indie ever again
One of the updated requirements for auditioning is that they need streaming experience. Whether they were "popular" or not is up in the air.

>> No.50053229

Who knows?

>> No.50055218

Theyre going to need an rpr to save them

>> No.50055695

They've had two audition pools in recent months, three if you include GAMERS from last year. I applied for them all and the requirements keep changing per-planned wave. So someone within management clearly has an idea of what they want these waves to be.

Application form stressed that you had to be e-sports tier with evidence of high level ranks or tournament experience. Games they seemed to only care for are Val, Apex, League, Dota and Hearthstone. Expect most Koreans devoid of personality to be hired.
>2023 Application 1
Very base level application form you'd see from most orgs. Changes included requesting your official height (likely for 3D rigging) and a more relaxed introduction page. PC specs continue to be ignored despite being on the application form, considering the tech issues that plauge Xsolia
>2023 Application 2
Drastic changes. Now you needed to outright have streaming experience, confirm or deny any musical plans, ensure you can commit to streaming times and a borderline "describe your personality" section. Clearly the impact of Zaion and SGC changed things tenfold. >What's SGC. Not spoon feeding you faggot.

>> No.50055766

>gets kicked after three months for making a powertripping two-week hire mad

the rest fell in line because they had more to lose, zaion went back to being an indie with a similar size audience and no retarded managers pestering her

>> No.50055988

If that's how you're gonna cope, then sure.
>the rest fell in line because they had more to lose
>fell in line
More like then knew they were getting into when they signed up with company. Must hurt to have to have an oshi that has even worse judgement and cooperation than fucking hex heywire.

>> No.50056024

>More like then knew they were getting into when they signed up with company.
what, getting bossed around by a rookie who keeps changing rules on the fly because you made them mad once and then character assassinated on your way out after you've had enough? thta's just a nijisanji thing

>> No.50056095

This sounds a bit too detailed to be BS, the only problem is we haven't gotten any design leaks

>> No.50056188

That's all on zaion m8. No one else seemed to had an issue. If only she had sucked it up and made a new genshin account.

>> No.50056303

>No one else seemed to had an issue.
yeah because they don't have indie careers to go back to so now they're stuck there if they want to have a future as content creators, and they saw what management did to zaion on her way out so they have no hope as people without a pre-existing fanbases

>> No.50056488

>Application form stressed that you had to be e-sports tier with evidence of high level ranks or tournament experience. Games they seemed to only care for are Val, Apex, League, Dota and Hearthstone. Expect most Koreans devoid of personality to be hired.
I'm not suprised then that NijiEN didn't debut anyone for long time. Why anyone that fits that desciption would apply to Niji?

>> No.50056731

>No one else seemed to had an issue.
Sure, total coincidence that selen's burning out and has the same manager and luxiem had their 'covid huh' tweet meltdown against management. Everything's just sunshine and rainbows and zaion was the problem.

>> No.50056890

>Why anyone that fits that desciption would apply to Niji?
As stated before, someone in management clearly has an "idea" in mind for each wave. I've discussed this before in other threads, but I'll repeat myself here too. ILUNA are normies. They represent everything you'd not want in vTubing. What should be gatekept. However some chucklefuck at Niji thought that by hiring outsiders, they'd bring in new eyes to the medium and product. They didn't and all are borderline 3views. XSOLIA is a harsh reverse, all ESL and seemingly unaware of western norms. Some anons have compared them to being a K-Pop idol group. However since they are so utterly ESL, they don't intermix or link up well in most large EN events. Hex being the runaway success by being a sexpest to Chinese women is a testament to that. The treatment of Zaion's termination by them was also overtly Japanese. GAMERS is just another attempt at cracking a demographic that they feel like isn't covered by vTubing as a medium. "If we get all these pro tier players, we'll get this new viewerbase" and to watch we both know isn't going to be the case. Someone who watches Tfue, Seagul or Courage isn't gonna randomly go "Hey this laughing dragon who can't handle basic coms is live, I'll watch her instead"

It's also why I think the GAMER wave was quietly foreclosed and they rushed this latter two "general" pools one after the other. They are desperately trying to prep two new waves while they still have some level of interest left in them.

>> No.50058762

be patient

>> No.50058965

>Changes included requesting your official height (likely for 3D rigging)
the fulgur clause

>> No.50059403

Loads of applicants but none of them were good enough to get in

>> No.50059710
File: 99 KB, 3072x1728, 1679198030054702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine any person in the west working for this company

>> No.50059782

Christ, you fucks are delusional if you think one member getting kicked means everyone else is suffering. Is it that hard to believe that she couldn't handle working under a corpo?

>> No.50059951

dont underestimate the desperation of third-world 2views

>> No.50059965

NijiEN members are known for the endless praise they shower the management with and talking about how carefree and happy they are about the state of things in their member posts, right?

>> No.50060036

>XSOLIA is a harsh reverse, all ESL and seemingly unaware of western norms
Two members are from America, but go off I guess.
>However since they are so utterly ESL, they don't intermix or link up well in most large EN events
Baffling sentence. Do you even fucking watch them?

>> No.50060136

nobody watches them. they struggle to hit 1k

>> No.50060173

Yet they still push thru and deliver major content to their fans instead of turning tail when things gets too hot.

>> No.50060233

I was talking about you. Why speak out of your ass about chuubas you didn't even given a chance past debut?

>> No.50060511

That's more of an example of their retardation and/or desperation than a defense for the management, though.

>> No.50063231


>> No.50064882

>Two members are from America, but go off I guess.
>Koto and Meloco

The "American" as a Japanese born native in Zaion who moved to America in her youth.
>Baffling sentence. Do you even fucking watch them?
How did they do in WrestleSanji? In which they could barely strign together a sentance. How about the Tetris tournament? I'd ask how they did the Rhythm game tournament but the Xsolia bitch feel asleep for it. "But the Val tournament" gonna be your reply? That tournament strictly in Japanese? Yeah. ESL.

>> No.50068524

I wouldn't be surprised if people are pulling out. My friend was interesting in joining, but he lost interest with the constant shitshows they keep making for themselves.

>> No.50069595
File: 242 KB, 648x603, alv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50070076

I believe this

Looks like shit lmao

>> No.50070493
File: 24 KB, 406x525, 8JacYwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The image isn't clear either.

>> No.50073098


>> No.50073194

So Aruvn was the one who leaked the merch rates kek. Do we know what else he leaked?

>> No.50073418

>Join Nijisanji
>fight with management over the shit that's blowing up on them right now
>leave and leak a bunch of shit
>ungraduate from PL and immediately release a song with one of their former talents
sasuga aruvn

>> No.50073514


>> No.50073599

>What's taking so long?

>> No.50073612

>google "generic male vtuber" or some variant of this
>paste in paint
>type "check out this EPIC niji model i snatched from them" on the image
>post on 4channel.org

>> No.50073661

dude has also been a niji simp for years and is now retweeting hololive corpo stuff like crazy + Kson's statement on Niji merch cuts

>> No.50073689

surely you can find an example of this image from before the date this leak was posted. should be easy if you can just google it.

>> No.50073796

The design doesn't even look AI at all to me. It's clearly not a fake design, and I've never seen it used either by any indie

So yeah, this rrat is legit

>> No.50073923

hardly. the design could be grabbed by anyone who made that far in auditions. this isn't a social media post, and putting "alv" as a signature in ms paint doesn't mean anything

>> No.50074004

Most of them have way more to lose than Zaion ever did, Selen was a fucking 2view and it's not like Hololive is a feasible goal for anyone in NijiEN right now

>> No.50074154

I'm really curious considering how dead-set they were on acceleration before, maybe the bad rep is getting to the..

>> No.50074283

Anyone with numbers high enough to not immediately get thrown in the trash shouldn't bother.

>> No.50074509

>Gamer wave
Why is no one mentioning this?

>> No.50074657
File: 151 KB, 540x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50075203

some fag is really pushing this, especially with signing some jpeg with "alv"

>> No.50075263

Omg i believe this, This model is so fucking different from the models of the last two JP waves. It's also different from the Xsoleil model. This guy can't play any game well enough to be considered a gamer. But hey, I still believe in this rrat

>> No.50075370

yeah what the heck?
Where's my next wave?

>> No.50075438

The what, anon? THE WHAT??

>> No.50076492 [DELETED] 

alan wake 2?

>> No.50077958

There's another thread

>> No.50078246

A la verga?

>> No.50078533

Where in the fuck did you hear doppio was Brazilian??

>> No.50079816

I'm one of Doppio's voices. The D stands for dissociative identity disorder.

>> No.50081312

Niji management needs to keep lowering their standards from the auditions since literally all western streamers are shit.

>> No.50082042

nice design

>> No.50083096

I want to believe

>> No.50083122

perfection takes time

>> No.50086056

makes sense

>> No.50088235

Holding the debuts to counterprogram HoloEN3

>> No.50088644

I can see that because management is no doubt pissed about the times HoloEN did it to them. But NijiEN should be the last corp to try that since they chased away so many fans over the past year. I dont even know who would even tune in to watch since the new talents will just play the same old Chillas Art/APEX/Valorant shit

>> No.50089960

The scouting for the gamer wave totally failed and they are waiting people to forget about it.

>> No.50092396

Pick one

>> No.50096200

I believe

>> No.50096528

This looks AI generated. If this was real they would get their ass for NDA.

>> No.50096983


>> No.50097163

Ai generated is the new directive given to the niji defence force huh

>> No.50099558

Nobodies given any reason why this would be fake, so they're relying on muh AI

>> No.50101644

>Expect most Koreans devoid of personality to be hired.
jesas good luck

>> No.50106511

Give it a month

>> No.50108409

>complain when waves are coming out one after another
>complain when they take their time

>> No.50110274

Unironically would be the best male hire in this cursed fucking branch.

>> No.50110345
File: 535 KB, 828x1309, E558032F-9E9E-4F45-AA52-FE250E77046F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50110393

AI is the new meaningless buzzword around used by people who have nothing of worth to say.
