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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.50012838

full pic please?

>> No.50012934

Imagine her cute screams

>> No.50012944

It's an slight edit of a skeb.

>> No.50013200

Me and her in my basement btw

>> No.50013290

>20Mb zip file
no thanks

>> No.50013423

It's a full set, anon

>> No.50013445
File: 12 KB, 611x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50013572

Shondo did not actually have a dream about being kidnapped shes just saying she did for gratification.

>> No.50013634

Asking again for the Shondo countdown edit an anon made

>> No.50013674
File: 17 KB, 771x151, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking guy

>> No.50013700

wheres the one where she squirts/pisses all over me

>> No.50013706

Hopefully she already muted him.

>> No.50013717

Just look at the previous threads man don't be so lazy.

>> No.50013753

But there's so many to look through...

>> No.50013794

by now it must resemble spam enough she won't tell herself he's being nice

>> No.50013916

Literally go back and search for catbox links. It's easy to find, stop being lazy.

>> No.50014148

She’s had some sort of eating disorder for most of her life. I figure she knows exactly what’s going on here, probably better than any anon.
Given she hasn’t acknowledged their tweets in any way I figure she took one glance at their profile and muted.

>> No.50014473

For the anon that asked, I'm still planning on making more with audio, just want to find the best Shondo noises for it

>> No.50014576

Is that meant to have audio? I can't hear anything

>> No.50014604

No, I just wanted to use this scene while looking for good stuff in the meantime

>> No.50015059

I'm not very knowledgeable about eating disorders, why would these tweets be bad for her?

>> No.50015194

Shame that the star jumps done in the subathon are unusable, thanks to the music she played while doing them. Unless some audio wizard can remove those.

>> No.50015234

I know some ways to remove audio and was actually relistening to it earlier, but I feel like the counting wouldn't fit well, unless someone wanted to make an even longer countdown edit

>> No.50015238

>>50015194 (me)
Some nice panting noises from her there.

>> No.50015304

does anyone read threads anymore christ
open wide
>this guy was brought up /here/ a couple days ago
>couple anons said theres a large community of people with eating disorders (ED) that encourage others to get worse or relapse
>shondo has an ED
>this guy keeps encouraging her to eat
next time do your reps

>> No.50015335

Could always remove the countdown. The audio doesn't need to be just a single file. The point would be to string the noises together without the counting.

>> No.50015359

if time stamps are provided I might be able to extract the voice

>> No.50015412

Starts around here.

>> No.50015413

fucking sleep for 8 hours properly u whore

>> No.50015441

I know what happened I just don't understand how that can cause a relapse.

>> No.50015485

Pretty sure the last time she had an actual full 8 hours of sleep was after the edible she did

>> No.50015577

I imagine the chance is low but its the intent behind it that pisses me off

>> No.50015618

i will go to her house and donkeypunch her unconscious then the whore can sleep properly

>> No.50015639

that's literally what she wants

>> No.50015822 [DELETED] 

she should make her address easier to find then

>> No.50015910

Yeah it is shitty behavior specially since she's still not 100% over her disorder.

>> No.50015951

>he doesn't have it

>> No.50016236

Pretty much putting a severe focus on her eating, especially on stream, is something she and anyone with an eating disorder is very anxious about. Bringing a lot of attention to it is done with the goal of making her paranoid about eating and about her body. I know it sounds crazy to you but to an anorexic this would read akin to someone thinking she looks like Nicocado Avocado or something and they would be entertained watching her eat. It’s pretty much reverse psychology: by telling her to eat over and over, they’re hoping her eating disorder will spiral, make her self conscious about eating and food, and she will eat less.
It’s really hard to explain how impactful shit like this can be to someone who has food issues. It’s really sneaky and manipulative and the exact shit that goes on in Proana spaces

>> No.50016694 [DELETED] 

the last things i need to collect are
>full face
>last name
then i will fly to england and plant a syadouLove sign at her house

>> No.50016901

fine, ill spoonfeed you. the mods on discord each have access to one of these and will share with you if you send pictures of your dick to them

>> No.50016967


>> No.50016988

You fucking retard. Why did you tell him?

>> No.50017204

All we can really do is report and mute them, unfortunately.

>> No.50017305

so you have nothing got it

>> No.50017343

Shondo's weakest stalker

>> No.50017395

Could you morons stop dox baiting?

>> No.50017601
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 3 (1).0 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying

>> No.50017619 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 1000x750, shondo photo 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I can't stand these beggars anymore, here have a photo of her face and stop asking.

>> No.50017644

Anon, what the fuck

>> No.50017662


>> No.50017672

thank you anon

>> No.50017902

whorse belong in /lig/

>> No.50018100

Wow she has a really cute nose.

>> No.50018124

>used to be a Brony

Dropped. Every fucking time with these whores.

>> No.50018189


>> No.50018296

I know you're joking, but I still find it funny how as a kid Shondo didn't want to be caught watching kids shows because she thought they were childish, despite her being a child

>> No.50018420

That's how kids work

>> No.50018626

anorexia doesn't come from neglect, it comes from a pathological hyperfocus on eating, hence why people often "recover" by becoming binge eaters instead
the best thing you can encourage is for people to eat casually, and someone harping on you nonstop to think about if you've eaten or not is just going to spiral you into the same thoughts that cause the disorder

>> No.50018653

>youtube-dl is fucked
>I dont know how git works to fix it
sorry boys im going to have to come back to this tomorrow

>> No.50018749


>> No.50018987

is the uploader id issue fixed now?

>> No.50019096

Just tested it and it works for me. I use phantomjs with it, maybe that will help if you have issues.

>> No.50019123

This was very informative, I will refrain from saying anything about her eating during streams from now on, thanks anons.

>> No.50019429

Sorry the point wasn't really to make you treat her more delicately, she used to be touchier about it but for about a year now she's been comfortable with eating on stream or mentioning that she'll eat after stream.
She's been in recovery for awhile now and I don't think innocent food talk's ever gonna set her off. That account is just shitty because it's spamming her on unrelated shit constantly and trying to make it sound like she's not eating properly, which seems very deliberate in its intent.

>> No.50019532

Yeah that’s the best thing to do. She feels comfortable enough to eat around us sometimes and she wouldn’t have done that when she started streaming. Don’t comment on it, don’t make a big deal about it (ie: “oh you’re eating?” “how much are you eating?”) casual questions like asking what she got is good and healthy for her, but anything regarding quantity or how often she eats can be harmful.
Plenty of vtubers, especially loli ones, tend to have food issues. This applies especially to Shondo, but it’s good etiquette in general.
Take care of the cute girls!

>> No.50020442

I cant believe our schizo pass might actually come handy

>> No.50020613
File: 67 KB, 1144x562, 1653709250024660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so?

>> No.50020620 [DELETED] 

The q&a streams are a good starting point.

>> No.50020650

>Plenty of vtubers, especially loli ones, tend to have food issues
I've noticed this, early on Gura would constantly complain about being hungry and unable to eat and say how she was so stressed she hardly ate anything, on top of the random fainting issues. I don't think there's a single healthy loli chuuba.

>> No.50021403

Punching Shondo in the face and licking her wounds clean

>> No.50022891
File: 473 KB, 590x816, 1679043701337238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone needs to make a Shondoll

>> No.50023023

I would if those dolls didn't cost more than my pc

>> No.50023322

those things are creepy and would give me nightmares

>> No.50023412

Shondo's a fetish friend...

>> No.50023417


>> No.50023431
File: 282 KB, 587x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this

>> No.50023466

I don't count the guy that made one in /uoh/ since he never publicly posted it

>> No.50024133

That's the best part

>> No.50024336

>no cum-filled cun

>> No.50024485

Wtf bro? Zip bombing us, are you?!?

>> No.50024603

Wtf is wrong with you people? Be respectful baka

>> No.50024747

Wait wtf? There's a word filter here?

>> No.50024820

Does /shon/ ever occasionally function as a stealth /meat/ thread?

>> No.50024834

go back

>> No.50024964


>> No.50024999


>> No.50025001

Checked this guy out. He just replies to all of her tweets. Is that a bad thing? Is cyber stalking a thing?

>> No.50025046

>Is that a bad thing?
Check the other replies in this thread.

>> No.50025176
File: 2.47 MB, 2150x1518, 1683120750215599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need wife

>> No.50025243
File: 29 KB, 328x313, 1684272012125145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her I want to hang out in the forest with her and eat chocolates and look at animals

>> No.50025412

Is that a ducking anorexia groomer? Also, I didn't know shondo had an eating disorder? I thought her talking about her fingers was just normal girl stuff.

>> No.50025461

How new?

>> No.50025511

I've only been following her for 5-6 months. I thought she was only schizophrenic

>> No.50025683
File: 94 KB, 439x699, Jack_Hanma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo said she wanted to redesign (you). Any ideas? Let me pitch in mine (pic)

>> No.50025731


>> No.50025858

No, how new are you really? There's no way you haven't heard her talk about how she used to be super skinny, how she doesn't get her periods, or how she used to have weird hair on her body. Especially if you are browsing these threads. Anyway, she used to be anorexic. She hasn't been for a while now, but she is most likely still underweight. She has all kinds of health issues, both mental and physical.

>> No.50025866

Bruh why you hating on Baki characters bruh he's literally the canonical height of (you) (give or take 3 inches)

Also, shondo doesn't Like femboys so we should become the exact opposite

>> No.50025958
File: 453 KB, 2764x1724, FvKFXGRaMAASZfA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't oppose a redesign, but I recently realized the black goo You is actually a good idea since it leads to variations and ease of self-insertion.

>> No.50025970

5-6 months bruh. I even have the sub streak to prove it. I also thought the whole period thing was due to the schizophrenia medication.

>> No.50026015

(not the guy you're replying to, but she has schizoaffective, not schizophrenia. It's similar, but yeah).

>> No.50026058

You must be that newfag containment breaking during the 2 week break. Please take this into consideration as its a heartfelt recommendation, kys

>> No.50026067

damn, that was tame

>> No.50026074

Goo is a great idea too. I just want to exaggerate the existing lore points which are "tall" and "viking"

>> No.50026151

Watch your tone, you little shit.

>> No.50026220

another newfag to shit up the thread

>> No.50026272

then you are very retarded, I knew all that since month 3. Use your head for once, literal retard.

>> No.50026520

Waa waaa waaa
Some mf posts here and doesn't know all the heckin 4chan lingo.

>> No.50026595

I dunno man. I just don't happen to be there when she talks about that stuff. Also, I only opened this thread, like, three times total.

>> No.50026642

>newfag doesn't even watch
Of course, every time.

>> No.50026722

I love how easy it is to tell who is posting sometimes

>> No.50026745

All me

>> No.50026796

I watch
Like, 1-2 out of the the 4 hours maybe. It's just that I have this thing called a life and responsibilities.

Not everyone can afford to spend 4 continuous hours on entertainment.

>> No.50026842

Fuck off

>> No.50026849

You're not an intellectual. I just made it blatantly obvious.

>> No.50026968

Yeah? DM me a dick pic

>> No.50027037

Sure thing dawn, on the way

>> No.50027051

NTA, but you are definitely a mod.

>> No.50027280

Aaaaaagh I want to kidnap Shondo, chain her in my basement, cum on her face and leave her down there for days at a time aaaaaagh

>> No.50027286


>> No.50027402


>> No.50027478

I only watch the zatsudan section desu

>> No.50027513
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>> No.50027672

I'm gonnil be really sad when she gets hard filtered by the DLC bosses + Nameless King.

>> No.50027811

That just means she can move onto ds1 quicker to get filtered by how slow it feels compared to ds3 so she can move onto bloodborne and get filtered by the 30 fps cap

>> No.50027962

Then moving onto Sekiro just to get filtered by lack of motion in her right hand?

>> No.50028062

I don't think that she will go back to the Nameless King, but yeah. Sister Friede will kick her shit in.
The fps won't be the problem. Having to farm blood vials will be the issue.

>> No.50028090

>stealth game
>parry only game
Yeah I dont see that working out well for her

>> No.50028262

Hello, I'm new IP

>> No.50028309

I wonder, Shondo is playing that weird game on Thursday, a vtuber I watched was playing that not long ago I wonder if she was watching her too. I am not cheating, I don't really use the chat.
Shondo is not a framesnob though.

>> No.50028405

Pekora? I saw a bait thread on the catalog about that.

>> No.50028422


>> No.50028681
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>> No.50028692

I'm so fucking jealous

>> No.50028727

Foreat tree you lucky bastard

>> No.50028786

and she still insists she isn't a brocon

>> No.50028830

Totally not, she's just really overprotective of him and refuses to believe that he takes interests in girls and she just forces him to give her piggy back rides as a joke. Totally not a brocon.

>> No.50028839

Based amerimutt fetish friend

>> No.50028885

Are you implying that being a brocon is exclusive to America?

>> No.50028903

and refuses to acknowledge that her brother masturbates too

>> No.50028923

I wonder how she will feel once he gets a gf. From what she's said he is a pretty handsome guy so its going to happen sooner or later

>> No.50028981

his gf will clumsily trip into a 6 ft hole in the ground

>> No.50028993

The thought of Shondo in oversized clothes never gets any less cute

>> No.50029025

I have the perfect game for Shondo

>> No.50029075

She's beat every boss anons thought would filter her so far. I don't think she wants to go back to The Nameless King but I think she could handle the DLC with time.

>> No.50029135

>forest tree gets a tiktok zoomer gf
>"accidentally" doxxes shondo for being overprotective
>entire country of England descends on her shitty house to kidnap her

>> No.50029165

Only americans and colonizedtards cant see a normal sibling relationship without going THEY ARE FUCKING YEEEEE THATS HOT

>> No.50029190

>Watching imoutowife streamer
>Getting angry at incest

>> No.50029205

>forest tree gets a gf
>it's one of her vtuber friends

>> No.50029228


>> No.50029260

>shondo sets up forest tree and neppie to try and prevent more chatters from cheating
Could see it happen

>> No.50029308
File: 3.65 MB, 498x348, 1666421248116399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a cute teenage girl
>have the hots for this cute, tall, gentle boy who's really into games
>finally get talking with him, ask to come back to his place
>he nervously accepts but warns you about all of his sisters and mom
>warns you about his oldest sister, who acts younger
>she has a job he can't tell you much about for privacy reasons but you have to keep it down
>get there
>meet his sisters
>the older one is missing, guy assures you she's just shy and busy, don't worry about it
>hanging out in his room, having a great time
>suddenly notice the door is open a crack
>peering at you from the darkness is an extremely pallid, emaciated girl, one hand around the door, her dark hair half covering her face
>she just stares
>leave as soon as possible as politely as possible
>get stabbed
>last thing you hear is deranged, high pitched screeching

>> No.50029316

forest tree is the luckiest male in existence

>> No.50029383
File: 154 KB, 726x778, Shondo Death Scream 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F32vs42.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd pay good money to get stabbed to death by Shondo

>> No.50029419

I wonder if the trick to being forest tree's gf is to be bi and to flirt with shondo too.

>> No.50029445

Wheres the art of Shondo wearing (you)r oversized shirt

>> No.50029457

Imagine the threesome...

>> No.50029476

Actually it was two, Alice and Grimmi
Now Shondo paying this, cant believe 3/4 of the streamers I watch are playing this shit.

>> No.50029478

literally her ASMR animated screen

>> No.50029486
File: 1.29 MB, 3050x4050, 1658401741238602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close enough

>> No.50029511

Oh yeah, Grimmi did play it

>> No.50029542
File: 239 KB, 1597x2480, 1656137519773149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50029552

It's an "in" game right now. Just came out. A lot of horror themed streamers will play it.

>> No.50029578

Post the version with no shirt TuT

>> No.50029613

she uses reference pictures of herself when she paints. top middle is probably exactly how it looks. uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh

>> No.50029635
File: 37 KB, 299x292, 1684892188845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's going on here?

>> No.50029659
File: 145 KB, 954x1432, 1679718291271412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have it.

>> No.50029686

The legs are connected to the ass?
How do you think it works?

>> No.50029725

i meant the shading, it's an entirely different color.

>> No.50029767

Those are cool shadows

>> No.50029898

>supplied one of my forest tree's shirts
so she's completely nude under the shirt?
she's going to sleep in just a T-shirt?

>> No.50029974

>she's going to sleep in just a T-shirt?
anon, have you ever even met a woman?

>> No.50030018

Otis is going to get a full view of her sleepy cunny...

>> No.50030028

why do you think I'm here.

>> No.50030048
File: 851 KB, 1771x2508, 1661756555793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool shadow?

>> No.50030419
File: 64 KB, 887x966, Fwxt2NGWcAQrXZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 minutes left

>> No.50031132


>> No.50031184

until i should've been dead. but seeing how that didn't happen i guess the cat decided not to show up

>> No.50031390

the cat is busy eating my kidneys rn

>> No.50031688

t. me

>> No.50031789

I like that she's tweeting a lot these days it probably means she's not wasting all of her time stalking chaters and being sad.

>> No.50031880

Yeah, she's with me all the time. That's why she's happier now.

>> No.50032071
File: 15 KB, 371x145, 1663118946305742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed
>Huge to Shondo is 6'2
>I'm nearly 3 inches taller than that
Always nice to remember how fucking IN I am

>> No.50032350

Are you strong enough to just pick her up no matter her struggling and fighting though?
That's where the real power lies
I am

>> No.50032381

I'm not particularly strong but I can hold down my little brother with minimal effort, and I doubt Shondo is stronger than a 13 year old boy

>> No.50032400

She is weaker than a 7 year old girl
You are in

>> No.50032610

Shondo lost arm wrestling to
>her little brother
>two of her sisters (preteens)
>her mom
>a 7 year old girl
I think you would be fine,any man of average strength could haul her around like a doll

>> No.50032739
File: 795 KB, 2414x3036, 1666430014121409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo and Neppie have grown tired of their fans flirting with both of them and have decided to enter a relationship
I'm so happy for them

>> No.50032761

she bites though

>> No.50032798

Yeah, both decided to enter a relationship with me
I then broke up with neppie

>> No.50032816
File: 274 KB, 2738x2714, 1680156490254702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes one punch to break her jaw
It takes a little while to rip all of her teeth out (but it'll definitely be a worthwhile investment)

>> No.50033209

She can bite my arm all she wants while I fuck her

>> No.50033297
File: 346 KB, 2000x2600, 1677511829768205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many modifications can be made to a girl's body to make it an ideal sexdoll
Limbs are unnecessary and heavy and removing them pretty much ensures she will never be able to escape. The removal of teeth ensures the mouth is always ready. Removing the eyes makes her even more reliant on you.

I want to repurpose Shonshon into a thing that exists only for my pleasure. I swear someday I truly will.

>> No.50033348

>Removing the eyes makes her even more reliant on you.
Where's the fun if she can't see what horrible thing you're about to do to her?

>> No.50033416

That's a good point but I'd argue completely depriving all of her senses (after mindbreaking her) will result in permanent despair and complacency
She will feel every bit of it.

>> No.50033435

Girls that bite and scratch are the best, though

>> No.50033482

We're not talking about sex anon
We're talking about when you kidnap her. She's admitted she has negative strength but she WILL bite

>> No.50033484

But if you mindbreak her too much she probably'll stop making noises. The eyes are good because you can see her fear despite her lack of emotion on the outside.

>> No.50033569

Very fair argument but I like the idea of removing as many human functions as I can
I want to turn her into a thing, not something living, feeling and thinking.

>> No.50033588

How strong would you have to be for a bite to really hurt? I'd only be worried about some kind of infection but if I died after what I had done it'd be a life well lived

>> No.50033716

She's truly done something to my brain. How desperately I want to hear what she sounds like when she's truly terrified. I want to hear her beg for her life. I want her to plead with me as I prepare to rape her. I want to hear her struggle and watch her fight with every ounce of meagre strength she has to no avail. Just the thought of seeing at her most vulnerable, of her voice making these sounds, makes me diamonds. This girl has broken me.

>> No.50033788

Imagine breaking her legs and listening to her scream and try and fail to crawl away from you

>> No.50035099
File: 1012 KB, 747x795, 1666405432089391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So renpc is just going full anti huh

>> No.50035166

How so

>> No.50035324

I mean those posts are funny as fuck but we probably dont want the shork defense force to show up so let's not talk about it

>> No.50035327

Not for Shondo and since she will never do a Gura, nothing to worry about
It's kind of sad, because he drew a ton of Guras when she first debuted, but it's definitely understandable things ended up like this

>> No.50035402
File: 1.41 MB, 800x1440, 1671462417652142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50035417

It understandable, anyone not a bootlicker is likely fed up.

>> No.50035549

Has he done official art for hololive before? Comment under the post implies it

>> No.50035556

lol seeing the couple people attacking him in the comments cracked me up. The forced positivity stuff is obnoxious.

>> No.50035578

Just seems wrong to shit on someone without fully understanding what is causing her problems. But you're right, I won't bring it up anymore, not like she'll see it anyway.

>> No.50035659

If shondo disappeared like gura did I think I would wait patiently and be upset with people shitting on her like that. Wouldn't voice it publicly though

>> No.50035666

He's drawn a bunch of backgrounds for Ame and Gura (he's good, he drew Shondo's forest background too)
He was genuinely a fan of hers given how much Gura fanart he's drawn too, so it's a little sad but anyone who isn't /ggg/ is sick of it. The time to joke about it has long since arrived.

>> No.50035683

What happened? What now?

>> No.50035794

The thing is Gura hasn't done it once. It's been over and over again for almost 2 years. She streams once or twice, lovebombs for something like Valentines, then disappears for weeks to months, returns for a stream or two, promises things will be different now, and then it happens over and over again. I only started to find it frustrating a few months ago, it really must be horrible to be a chumbud.

>> No.50035810

The Shondophrenic hivemind has manifested into self creating art blessed upon us from the internet itself, Lain predicted this

>> No.50035853

Off topic shit, dont worry about it

>> No.50035857

Shondo will never do that, she wont ghost us like that unless she literally dies. The ghosting WITH the zero communication and lies is the problem here.

>> No.50035877

>disappeared like gura did
You don't understand the Gura situation at all then. She didn't just dissappear, she's been ghosting her fans off and on for over a year now with almost no communication and very little to show for it in the way of projects. If Shondo did the same thing she would be a completely different person.

>> No.50035885

Imagine a Shadow weekend, but it's 3 months, there's no social media updates, you just have no clue where she is, and finally she comes back for 3 streams, promises things are better now and she was busy working on stuff (two of the streams are twitch subs only) and then she disappears again
Now imagine that 10x over in a row

>> No.50035951
File: 155 KB, 773x669, 1679083916105950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren forgot to take his meds, that's all

>> No.50035989
File: 992 KB, 800x1440, 1667697157631639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue where they came from. But holy shit they're good, and they're involved enough to know the wrist and neck rule.
I really hope they post this stuff somewhere she can see. Might be a new #1 artist at this rate

>> No.50036200

Don't shitpost

>> No.50036280

Sorry but I wont let you retards insult my wife implying she would ever lie and ghost us just like gura does to her chumbuds

>> No.50036822

Sorry, I know shondo would never do that, was just trying to empathize with chumbuds but I didn't realize how long it's been going on

>> No.50036874

if something that anon is saying Shondo is superior to Gura precisely because she cares too much

>> No.50037163

She might think of it if she has a big enough breakdown, but would just come back when she calms down

>> No.50037395

I would only like to see that to see the collective mental breakdown that goes on here

>> No.50038774

everyone talking about drama
nobody comments on shondo saying she's dating neppie

>> No.50038907

It's ok I'm fucking both of them (I only cum inside Shondo though)

>> No.50038927

hmm the last time she mentioned something like this...

>> No.50038983
File: 19 KB, 448x75, 1684901996127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50039041

She was replying to lots of stray tweets, though sad to see that fag is still around

>> No.50039178

I want to punch her harder than ever

>> No.50039267

fwiw I'm a True Gamer by any measure and I still struggled plenty with the dlc bosses
somehow she did better against champion gundyr though so there's that, maybe I'll cope that she's overleveled
you know it may have been a silhouette of a stock photo so anyone can insert, but I hope if we get redesigned at all we're still some shadow blob, it's just fitting

>> No.50039368

the whole List is in the likes be more subtle guys

>> No.50039439

Ah yes, her favorite...
Cheaters get rewarded. She's not changing anything.

>> No.50039545

Didnt she say something about dreading the thought of people only staying because of sunk cost fallacy? I think I'm starting to feel that

>> No.50039595

Why don't you guys just complain to her about it? You aren't scared of making her sad in dms or something right?

>> No.50039602

Finally caught you, it's an hour old tweet and anyone that cares for her would've already seen it, or at least the replies she did after that to random shondophrenics she's following.
But you didn't know about it until it was posted in the thread.
You don't care about her one bit, you only care that she doesn't care about you.

>> No.50039625
File: 221 KB, 2856x3714, 1656638358467386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is ender lillies? I'd hate to see her get filtered.

>> No.50039725

>You aren't scared of making her sad in dms or something right?
Why would you be? Making her have full blown meltdowns gets you rewarded so you may as well spam her DMs if it's available to you.

>> No.50039752

>You aren't scared of making her sad in dms or something right?
No I do not want to make my wife sad wtf?

>> No.50039769

>you guys
It's shitposters shitposting, that reply was already like an hour old

>> No.50039924

why would you ever say shit to her in DMs? even being critical is likely to get you blocked let alone addressing it to her directly

>> No.50039946
File: 3.64 MB, 1668x2224, 1663418217483564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to sleep early so I'm well rested for wife tomorrow, hoping that I don't miss any tweets like sleeping. G'Night.

>> No.50039966

twitter doesn't sends notifications for replies so i don't know what you are on about

>> No.50039994

It's funny to see some regulars suddenly start tweeting out thoughts after she started randomly responding to people she follows, hoping that she replies to them

>> No.50039995

as if, people trauma dump on her and she won't even so much as unfollow them or restrict access in any way

>> No.50040001

He's probably baiting people to do it to eliminate competition. Some of you seem to be like that.

>> No.50040003

You can set it to send alerts for replies anon

>> No.50040076

only when you're part of the thread unless youre using some 3rd party shit

>> No.50040154

It's just fleece again begging about it.
notice how secret offline chat complains stopped the second someone taught him how to use chatterino.

>> No.50040199

i would like to know how because reply notification seem to happen at random

>> No.50040221
File: 123 KB, 392x408, 1666611412385441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't I ever get name dropped....

>> No.50040237

I tried that a few times and got pretty much ignored. Not even gonna bother

>> No.50040247

I don't know how to enable in on desktop but the alert button has multiple options for alerts on mobile which carries to desktop, one of which is any reply

>> No.50040306

lies, you didn't even know about it until it was posted in the thread.

>> No.50040317

trauma dumping is just people being retarded, comes with the territory, ignoring is the correct response.
fan tries to get in your dm's and talk to you personally about something you're doing? nah, gtfo with that shit

>> No.50040791

Nigger, I watch every single like, tweet and reply from her. This isn't the first time she replies to random tweets. I wonder if I'm muted, even though I don't retweet porn

>> No.50040820

i did before but I stopped when I accepted she doesn't cares about me

>> No.50040824

Why is she so cute?

>> No.50040840

Its kind of cute how obvious the shitposters are

>> No.50040890

I haven't tweeted anything on my account since she followed me since I feel kinda weird about having an audience now, and everything I'd tweet would feel directed at her in a roundabout way. Things were easier when I had 0 followers ;-;

>> No.50040914

Not surprised, but disappointed nonetheless. Shame that she rewards this type of behavior. Guess if you donate and gift enough subs you get to treat her like shit…

>> No.50040949

>4 new IP since that post

>> No.50041002

It helps her to lure in innocent men to corrupt

>> No.50041018

it’s almost like when something happens people come to the thread…crazy how that works

>> No.50041123

I'm in bed on my phone

>> No.50041151

what u wearing?

>> No.50041209

my brothers t-shirt

>> No.50041233


>> No.50041294

Black trousers, long sleeved shirt and black hoodie

>> No.50041375
File: 29 KB, 753x707, 1664178750466287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

falling in love with vtubers.. we've all met with a terrible fates haven’t we...

>> No.50041378

I’m done

>> No.50041400

Hi done

>> No.50041437

grey sweatpants and the official fallenshadow t-shirt (I got early access)

>> No.50041458

You guys got cucked again, by the same guy?

>> No.50041506

Fuck off Otis

>> No.50041593

If you’re surprised you’re a newfag or another dram tourist…either way fuck off

>> No.50041698


>> No.50041737

sometimes kinda wish I had made an account just for all this, had I known the nature of being her fan and in her community, could go harder on the wifey shit and have an easy out if it became too much

>> No.50041785

It is what it is. She cares more about him than a hundred loyal fans.

>> No.50041817

I didn’t realize /shon/ would start getting SEAposters but here we are

>> No.50041883

Everyone is just frustrated the cat didn't come to kill them at 3am

>> No.50041886

>>50041737 (me)
also thinking about it, it's why a lot of those people appear to get her attention more, because they all solely interact with each other and that boosts the likelihood it appears on her timeline since she follows all of the ones interacting

>> No.50041889

SEAniggers infest whatever they see

>> No.50041927

Whenever a fanbase gets cucked they come out in full force to voice support and act as a shoulder to cry on

>> No.50041962

I don't see anyone voicing support though, only complaints about it which I agree with

>> No.50042046

Stop using them as a scapegoat. They aren’t all knowing boogeymen. Accept that some are upset with her actions and clear special love for an emotional manipulator over the rest of her fans

>> No.50042150

its fine, i have accepted i will never be her favorite unlike him, and that i will always be worthless to her

>> No.50042163

at least half of her dedicated fanbase skipped liking that one reply and continued liking her other replies.
although it sucks to see that most of the yes men that liked the replies to his post are known to be /here/

>> No.50042200

The way I see it if I don't recognize your name at all from lurking twitter, discord, and twitch she probably doesn't either. Your presence is probably just too low.

>> No.50042241 [DELETED] 

>shondo fucking her mods and her 6'6 boyfriend? It's nothing.
>one loser getting a bit more attention? IT'S FUCKING OVER
meds now

>> No.50042253

I know you'll read this, please drop 50 gift subs next stream

>> No.50042290


>> No.50042307

I don't really have this problem but I think it might apply to many people so I aired the thought. So for those who want to be noticed more it might be worthwhile to follow and get followed by others who are already in there.
If you can bear the other community members.

>> No.50042323

They don’t see that happening so it’s easier to pretend it’s just another rrat. In this case she’s doing the cucking publicly on twitter

>> No.50042376

Newfags, every time

>> No.50042473

fuck off shogger

>> No.50042487

>someone claims SEAfags support cucking
>someone rebukes that there's no support for cucking in the thread so far
>suddenly 1 new IP, all about cuck shit

>> No.50042497

I’m just imagining how he must feel. Imagine meaning so much to your oshi you cause her to have a melty…and then she comes crawling back, begging you to stay with her in your dms. Dude must be on top of the world, he knows he’s top dog, the number one in her heart and mind.
Makes me fucking mad just thinking about it

>> No.50042546

He paid good money for it, let him have it

>> No.50042569

do any of you believe a thing you're posting because it kinda feels like you're just going through the motions for the hell of it

>> No.50042577 [DELETED] 

yeah not being happy for feeling cucked and worthless is newfag behavior yep

>> No.50042618

if you don't know which post is the newfag, you're a newfag too.

>> No.50042620

Don't make me bring this matter to the catalog. Sisters and parasocial bad fags will have a field day with your cucked ass lol

>> No.50042631

That’s the thing though, he’s never been the top donator or gifter. He hasn’t even gifted that much in comparison to what other smaller chuubas get gifted. She just unironically loves him for some other reason

>> No.50042647

I’m 100% sure it’s like 2 people samefagging considering how all of a sudden it started being spammed on cooldown

>> No.50042723

How new?

>> No.50042764 [DELETED] 

yeah, shondocucks have always been cucks

>> No.50042773

Why do you reply to them, give them nothing but dead air

>> No.50042818

even if everything you say is 100% true shondo is still better and more loving than literally any other vtuber out there who wouldn't even give you the time of day.

>> No.50042882

oh, she responded to him first, panicked and realized how biased she's being, then replied 2 two other people's unrelated tweets

>> No.50042906

Did people here actually delude themselves into thinking Shondo loved them? If you can’t see it’s all an elaborate act to make money you’ve all been fucking brainwashed. Of course she’s gonna care more about her oilers…that’s how the world works

>> No.50042922

>number of likes dropped by 2
guess more people are expressing their opinions.

>> No.50042978

now you just truly have nothing better to do

>> No.50042987

I doubt she’ll notice but I hope she does. She deserves to lose sleep and stress when she acts like this.

>> No.50043008

I forgot what day did Shondo say our son’s birthday is? I think it’d be a shame to not do something for it.

>> No.50043154

>She deserves to lose sleep and stress when she acts like this.
No she really doesn't.

>> No.50043193 [DELETED] 

ok cuck

>> No.50043200

Stop replying to him

>> No.50043237
File: 183 KB, 1440x1799, 20230521_234325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying

>> No.50043236

She welcomed back the guy who made her have a mental breakdown with open arms and gives him special treatment. How does she not see how harmful that behavior is? Not only to her but to the actual loyal fans.

>> No.50043259

Good. Leave. I'm gonna continue making her laugh and making her art. I would say "more for me" but from the sounds of it, you weren't taking away much.

>> No.50043284

I'm glad someone else noticed how menacing he looked there

>> No.50043300

I want to pet this little demon

>> No.50043349
File: 452 KB, 654x731, 1684271566146700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gloating does nothing, they're laughing at you. If you don't want this to end up like /shondo/ of early 2022 you're gonna stop entertaining bait even to point out how stupid it is (they know it's stupid, they're fucking baiting).

>> No.50043351

>”more for me”
Shame you’ll never get close to as much love and appreciation as darkkal…

>> No.50043360

strange though, he's only been subbed for 11 months.
That doesn't give him the pass of being with her forever, so why care so much?
Thought she had a measure implemented for that.

>> No.50043372

The likes on this tweets really tell who cares about her you know who you are and you should be ashamed

>> No.50043431

Are you saying the people who liked it care about her or the people who liked it dont care about her?

>> No.50043461

It’s nearly 2 am, these kind only come out this late so it hopefully will clear up by the time stream starts

>> No.50043469

Money, all she really cares about is money. Can’t go losing one of your oilers, especially with a home/financial situation like hers. She needed to show him how much she truly loved and appreciated him.
Even if that meant cucking the fans who are loyal and have been around longer.

>> No.50043520

that's exactly what I'm saying shoggers who only care about attention skipped it

>> No.50043563

Or people skipped it because they don’t want to see her reward a guy who hurt her

>> No.50043584

That's not a demon, that's my son

>> No.50043662

>all she really cares about is money
then I would assume you're going to stop giving her money right? if you really want to speak out against it without being a little bitch that's probably the healthiest thing you all can do.

personally I don't think that's all she cares about, but I think she does have a conflict of interest where she both needs to support her family and do this as a job, but she would still be doing it anyways even if she got paid nothing. its therapeutic for her.

>> No.50043668

No (YOU) for you if you still don't understand that i was a misunderstanding

>> No.50043669

How is liking her reply rewarding him

>> No.50043670

you're thinking too much about it
I'm steering clear of the whole thing on the chance that she resents the people who decide to hold a grudge, but I think in the end she's not going to notice any real aberration, shit's random who notices and likes random shit

>> No.50043707

Can't really blame her.
8/20 of the top 10 gifters and donators right now are all cheaters.

>> No.50043791

I only ever gifted around 50 subs total but I won’t anymore, unless she has a change of heart.
You are agreeing though that she does value and show preferential treatment to her top donors, regardless of how shit they treat her?

>> No.50043799

Stop calling me a cheater

>> No.50043842

>cuckfags sad they weren't retarded enough to misunderstand her and accidentally make her have a breakdown
if you really think she wouldn't have done the same to any regular in the exact same circumstances maybe you should leave?

>> No.50043852
File: 82 KB, 616x499, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go do some homework, anon.

>> No.50043915

>why yes I approve the fact you cheated on her and got rewarded, you are her favorite after all and I am a nobody please continue

>> No.50043985

You're really putting a lot of thought and value on something that means literally nothing
Maybe I just liked what she typed Anon

>> No.50044004

Holy shit you're right. Poor Nick and Bapy, only getting replies because she feels guilty.

>> No.50044034

I think that its hard to ignore anyone who gives you a sizeable amount of money. Not because she's greedy or shallow, but because its tangible and easy to remember. If someone walked up to you and handed you $10,000 for no reason, you would remember that person regardless of your values. They made a real impact on your life. People who donate to her are enabling her to live without fear and not fall into complete despair and that means something. Her life is already bad and if not for her supporters she would be in real trouble. So yeah, if d* gave her like $50,000 he basically paid for her house.

>> No.50044073

Yes so profound, truly a masterful use of diction and prose to elicit a wondrous sensation within my heart.

>> No.50044132

strange how nobody has said that another way to gain her attention is just to have a baby cat or dog
she always gives a like to them even without tags

>> No.50044155

she absolutely wouldn't
the vast majority of her fans are a third class faceless entity lumped together, then there are the artists and then her favorites. she doesn't notices when a irrelevant third class husband leaves, we are worthless

>> No.50044191

Im glad you agree, maybe you can show how it moved you by giving it a like

>> No.50044235

I don't think that excuses manipulating her, but that's really on him. I think he was wrong to try to weasel his way back in when he seemed satisfied with his new 2views. He should have explained himself to clear up his autism but let her be because if he was willing to leave thinking that was what she wanted, even if it was a misunderstanding, then it kinda shows his mind is elsewhere with these other vtubers anyways. If you are more interested in them, then just go over there. I don't want anyone else. There's no conflict in my mind about who is #1. I only need Shondo.

>> No.50044267

Given the sort of relationship she has cultivated with us, is it not wrong and harmful to so blatantly show how much more you care about a specific individual, regardless of how much they donate?
It just rubs me wrong to see her hate for us to cheat, when she herself shows public favoritism and welcomes a cheater back with a warm embrace, just because he’s an oiler…

>> No.50044306

Fuck no, I unliked that shit ages ago

>> No.50044341

i won't approve cheaters even if she does

>> No.50044360

1 more unliked it, and 2 more liked it.

>> No.50044384

Don't worry someone else liked it for you and it already gave me a chuckle you are no longer needed

>> No.50044410

Neither are you pal, she’s got darkkal to cover all her needs

>> No.50044420

>is it not wrong and harmful to so blatantly show how much more you care about a specific individual, regardless of how much they donate?
That's the thing, I don't think she does. But she's only one person. Her attention can only be split so many ways and its not the case that the only thing she's doing is tending to her husbands. She does a lot of work for her stream, she does her own art, she has her family and personal care, and she's severely mentally ill on top of it all. I don't think she's consciously choosing to be more attentive to some, they have just taken root in her subconscious due to the real monetary impact he represents. It's not malicious, its just inevitable.

>> No.50044423

her wake up call didn't work too well huh

>> No.50044454

it's not like he forced himself in, she didn't want him to leave
she'll basically do anything to not have people leave, even excuse some emotional hurt, but she'll do that for anyone who is remotely on her radar I think; it's just that most people who leave do so without any fanfare and were genuinely just not interested anymore, otherwise they could run back and probably be accepted

>> No.50044546

she did say it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
and she did also mention watching two streams, not just the 1 that he was in.

>> No.50044558

>she’ll do anything to not have people leave
Including alienating all of her audience in favor of a manipulative cheater who just so happens to be an oiler…yes I’m sure Shondo really cares about all of us equally and would have the same meltdown if you or I left

>> No.50044610

And you also have to work in what Twitter chooses to show her when she's just scrolling through. It's not really her fault if it puts him where she can see it. I don't often scroll very far and just interact with whats at the top.

>> No.50044652

She definitely does. Hundreds of husbands to interact with and she chooses the same one. Its too obvious

>> No.50044668

Some evil brewing in you lads tonight.

>> No.50044706

She had an entire meltdown about him. Him leaving caused her to publicly tweet about it. If that’s not purposeful, blatant favoritism I don’t know what is. I genuinely don’t see there being any excuse for that and her following actions toward him.

>> No.50044725

It doesn't take much to interact with the 20ish replies to her tweets.
With her reading speed she should be able to do that within literal seconds

>> No.50044732

if you are a regular chatter, donator, tweet replier, or artist she will notice. there are reasons this specific case spiraled out of control. if your only conclusions are she loves him more or he's a whale so he gets apecial attention then you simply aren't paying attention. there are too many other factors for someone to reasonable jump instantly to those conclusions

>> No.50044740

Some people are dissatisfied with how the situation was addressed, but haven't really voiced it out as much

>> No.50044769

I'm sorry guys but... I gifted a sub once and that's why she replies to me on twitter over you

>> No.50044798

Has she even streamed since the incident?
My sense of time has been so skewed I can't remember if this entire thing happened in the last 2 days.

>> No.50044844

yeah I noticed she will disregard the feelings of her lesser husbands in to keep her favorites happy

>> No.50044886

Laugh at this dude, holy tourist
You would have known if you watched her

>> No.50044890

So if you leave all of a sudden it will cause her to have a melty and tweet saying “she’ll do better” just for you?
I’m so fucking tired of seeing this cope acting like she can do no wrong. How hard is to accept that she does love and cherish him more than the faceless entity that the majority of us are to her.

>> No.50044965

>but haven't really voiced it out as much

Reps, anon. Ganbatte

>> No.50044976


>> No.50044993

Imagine if the feedback form was still up

>> No.50045012

Yeah its just shitposters who don't get that aspect. I understand not wanting him around for hurting her that badly but whatever, nothing you can say can really change her mind there, she doesn't want to lose anyone even if they're shitheads.
If you're actually not shitposting and still feeling jealous you really shouldn't I guarantee she'd do this for you if you were a massive faggot like him

>> No.50045014

nah. she kept saying she cared about all of us equally, but I now know it was a lie

>> No.50045020

>she only cares for her oilers
If you weren't newfags you would know better

>> No.50045023

I hope they never go up again

>> No.50045035

don't encourage an anti to do reps, he might spite her by drawing her and darkkal together

>> No.50045043

I don’t see how anybody who cares about her as an opinion other than this. She did fuck up, and it’s not a bad thing to voice that.

>> No.50045071

do you not understand the state she was in and the interaction they had the day prior to this happening? do you just not get her at all?

>> No.50045088

Please ANYTHING BUT THAT. I don't want to know how massive his cock is from the art!!

>> No.50045127

We're just splitting hairs at this point. Him being a top donator enables her to see the effect. He is an avatar for her delusion that people in general are going to leave her and that she's doing something wrong. You have to consider the context of her trying to bond with a giant formless mass of people. Humans aren't designed to do that and we aren't a hivemind, we're individuals. If she's going to respond to an incident like this it requires taking the individual into consideration. It comes off as favoritism because the whole situation is fucked from the beginning.

I can't really convey what I'm trying to properly and you don't want to try to understand so I give up. You win.

>> No.50045155

is she only supposed to be considerate of us or should we know her feelings and why she cares more about not losing someone
it's much easier for us to be understanding than for her to think of every contingency and how thousands of schizo viewers are going to react to anything she does

>> No.50045170

I know everything. If she’s so against cheaters she should have ended contact with him right then and there after he sperged out. Instead she did the opposite and now he’s back in her good graces as the number 1 again. It’s baffling.

>> No.50045321

If everyone left her, we would all get equal reactions.

>> No.50045407

the schizos will never understand it

>> No.50045420

Sadly I know I win, this situation can’t be explained away.
How many times has she drilled into us to not cheat. She made her fanbase this way. If you expect me to believe that she was unaware of how many would react to her handling of this situation, I’m sorry that’s just idiotic.
She should not have singled him out at all, why does he get a second chance after cheating, why does he get publicly acknowledged, why is he the reason she wants to “do better”.
She’s been around long enough to know what not to do, yet she still did it. She can use the excuse of not being in the right headspace or it being the meds, but those excuses only work so many times.

>> No.50045430

To put it another way, if shondo had the option to make all her followers anonymous on twitter and twitch so that we all looked the same, I'm sure she'd much prefer that.

>> No.50045441

nice copium, unfortunately I ran out of it and was made aware of my worthlessness

>> No.50045453

she is trying her best to care less about who you watch when she's not streaming and you should follow suit. he thought she wanted him out so he obliged. she thought they were good again so she saw it as a massive betrayal. it was literally an accident compounded by a week of self admittedly out of control menhera. she said multiple times it was worse than usual then this happens. i can't help you if you're full rrat on the situation and don't believe what you were told. i'm not here to reason with your schizo delusions

>> No.50045466

But she can’t, so instead she shows favoritism to her oilers. Really great point you tried to make…retard

>> No.50045485

We all need to stand together just to match his power… Sugoi

>> No.50045609

QRD on what happened?

>> No.50045647

Oiler here this is not true

>> No.50045716

This. From what I noticed you need to be both an oiler AND in her personal list of favorites in order to get special treatment.

>> No.50045727

All of these posts really make me realize how much shondo loves me if you guys are really this jealous of some tweets and a few dms. Thanks guys!

>> No.50045776

>Shondo broke the immersion
>realized her only option for a rich husband to leave (us) is a fat retarded weeb with zero social skills
>trying to damage control the fallout of giving her regulars maybe the worst brainworms I've seen

>> No.50045785

Accidents like this don’t happen. Not when you’ve been doing this as long as she has and cultivated an audience like she has.
It’s not reasonable to explain this entire situation away as simply another menhera episode. Her behavior towards him during and following are simply too blatant to ignore.
Saying it was all an accident is a real dangerous cope to have, bordering on the “she can do no wrong” level of things.
While think I do still trust her deep down, I would greatly appreciate an actual explanation of why she acted this way and not a simple wave of the hand and saying it was the meds.
I’m sorry if that’s really insensitive but I refuse to believe that she didn’t know better and only acted this way because she was afraid of losing an oiler.

>> No.50045829

ganbatte shogga

>> No.50045842

Don't fall for it, this is another one of her tricks to make us worse again.
It's exactly what she wants.

>> No.50045857

Wait till you realize what darkkal gets anon!

>> No.50045904

It's over

>> No.50045924

her oilers and artists are the only ones her human medicated brain has the capacity for recognition with any regularity. how about you try to not be worthless instead of lamenting how you're worthless and no one cares. that's really why you're upset, because you don't want to put in that kind of effort but want to reap the benefits. the faceless impersonal nature of your relationship with her means she doesn't get things like passive personal qualities. she doesn't watch you stream and know your personality, you only watch her. you're trying to measure this like its a real relationship where the other person gets to know you for who you are and that should outweigh things like money. she doesn't know you. she can't know the real you. contribution is the only way a streamer can appreciate you at an individual level.

>> No.50045987

anon I get the point you're making to dunk on that bait post but there's really quite a number of non-artist non-oiler community members she replies to and shows attention frequently
you really only need to be active for long enough it's not even that deep
if you want quick recognition though sure go for those options

>> No.50046020

Damn, so 95% of her fans are worthless, faceless, nobodies? I thought she was my wife, I thought she cared about me?

>> No.50046061

At what point is the depression not worth the happiness she brings

>> No.50046092

I’m reaching that point soon I fear…

>> No.50046097

That doesn't excuse her behavior. Even as a lurker who doesn't plan nor expect to interact with her, I still find it mortifying for her to throw the love and affection of hundreds of people into the trash over one person. Literally hundreds of people spent an entire 10 hour stream supporting her and she didn't care one iota about them compared to darkkal.

>> No.50046103

Can we only have threads when she is streaming?

>> No.50046146

Why? Are you afraid of valid criticism hurting her feelings?

>> No.50046202

you can always tell her you don't feel like the relationship is healthy for you right now and back off, she said she didn't want it to be detrimental to anyone
kind of have a feeling her abandonment complex will override that desire though...

>> No.50046218

After this thread
I can't help but agree

>> No.50046221

i'm not saying it was an accident on her part i'm saying it was an accident on his part. an accident at a very bad time. i don't know how you could read the third account tweets that week, listen to her talk about how bad the week was for her mentally on stream, understand that she is severely mentally ill and then say "nah there's no way it could be her mental illness". i believe her actions were intentional and in the same circumstances (bad week, just had a talk about staying then doing the opposite) she would have done the same for any long time regular. you can feel bad or whatever that it wasn't you that hurt her. don't worry though, she'll have another bad week in the future and you can get your time in the spotlight

>> No.50046224

In practice, when interacting with us as individuals? Yes unfortunately. You're part of the collective, and she loves the collective. But she also tries to get to know and interact with individual parts of the collective and its simply not possible to distribute that equally. Those who have made an impact in some way are automatically at the tip of her tongue when she tries to do this. You're trying to berate her for not being more than human.

>> No.50046241

Apparently all of you are considering you keep it here instead of places she can see it

>> No.50046270

Fine, if you insist, I’ll let her know how we all feel

>> No.50046307

Man please dont fuck up my wife more than she already is leave her alone fuck
