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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49994284 No.49994284 [Reply] [Original]

Would they be sucessful if they lauched now?

>> No.49994358

Is HoloX successful?

>> No.49994371 [DELETED] 

By JP standards?
Yes to all 5 because "It's ok when JP's do it" for literally anything bad they could possibly do.
By EN standards?
Mel would be a whore, Aki would be a whore for being married, Matsuri would be the third or fourth Mori, I don't know.
Fubuki would be fine until she starts stating "Not wife, friend" then she'll have a mini Fauna experience.
Lastly Haachama, she'll be the adorable retard until she streams less and less, then she'll get bait threads saying "X amount of days since last stream"

>> No.49994727

No, they're too normal for today's standards. Compare them to gens like Sankisei or HoloX and it's night and day. Back then they were just hiring average girls off the streets and now Hololive pretty much only accepts the cream of the crop.

>> No.49994987

None of those are the equivelent of the comparisons you're making. You're just autistic and aren't capable of parsing the subtleties that make EN behaviour whorish vs Japanese.

>> No.49995092

Prove it. Convince me that if Matsuri were in HoloEN, she would not be seen as another Mori / Kronii / Ame.

>> No.49995597

are they unsuccessful..?
All of them get to do whatever the fuck they want with their life while coasting on brand strength they helped to build and booting the stream once in a while to remind people they exist
do you measure success only in numbers?

>> No.49995922

>measure success only in numbers?
>Aki crying over her numbers a few months ago
>Matsuri basically admitting she's a has-been
>Fubuki outright saying she was happy people tried to sing along her latest song at 4th fes despite not liking her.

I don't follow Mel or Haato, but i'm pretty sure they care about numbers too.

>> No.49995981

Matsuri's case is the saddest one to be honest.

>> No.49996616

they didn't like fubuki??? what a bunch of fag

>> No.49998541

>>49994371 said the awful truth

>> No.49998600

>Matsuri basically admitting she's a has-been
lol really? It's the future she chose

>> No.49998666

>Gen 1
>3 flops and 2 successes
>Gen 6
>3 flops and 2 successes
Eh they'd be fine.

>> No.50000841

not dislike as much as "they came to see someone else."

>> No.50003301


>> No.50003410

Well, some of them wouldn't get hired in the first place.
Except maybe Fubuki, every holo before 3rd gen is basically just some random girls YAGOO nabbed off the street.

>> No.50004156

The only ones with no streaming experience were Aki and maybe Subaru and Okayu.

>> No.50004351

Mel does aware that she's bottom in the branch, she implied it in her 5th anniversary message.
Chammer never care about her number.

>> No.50004358

Holy shit did time stop 2 years ago where you are anon?

>> No.50005864

4th fes was 2 years ago?

>> No.50005958

>or Haato, but i'm pretty sure they care about numbers too
Haachama once demonetized herself when youtube wouldn't do it. She doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.50008229

Honestly? No, not really. Gen3 & Gen4 really established what Hololive is today.

>> No.50009498

that was in the era before Cover put their foot down about content though
both had RM streaming history
you can see how Laplus is treated for her interactions with males. how do you think she'd be treated if she debuted now?

>> No.50009533

Some people really think streaming requires real skill/talent lmao, Unless you're talking about e-sports aside from learning some basic tech stuff there is no difference between streamer it's all about luck and algorithm

>> No.50012144

>Aki crying over her numbers a few months ago
You mean a few years ago wtf are you on about?

>> No.50012235

Fubuki for sure. All the others would do a lot worse.

>> No.50013273

Mel and Aki are too casual and laid back to put in the effort to be huge. Same with Roboco and Sora for example.
Haachama, Fubuki and Matsuri have a chance.
Arguably even Fubuki is a bit laid back the past couple years.
Matsuri is too menhera and fights her own community at times over her Apex addiction.
Haachama would be even more fucked if she was screwed over by education at her debut on the levels she is now (supposedly, at least, unless she is dying hardcore from illness)
But if it were without the education issues, her chaos might have been a bit too much, because even she lost some views during the Haato vs Haachama arc.
Haachama would likely still remain the most successful of the bunch going by their current trends if you ignored her current life issues.

>> No.50013497
File: 363 KB, 752x1032, hololive gamers pile1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they launched right now under the Holo brand as strong as it currently is, absolutely. Even Aki would be a guaranteed 5view for at least a couple of months if she got fresh eyes and a horde of clippers on her.

If they launched without the brand buff (pretend Hololive never boomed, or they debuted somewhere else), no. They don't really possess the kind of wow-factor talent that a brand new vtuber needs to build upon, and they'd be working within a post-boom industry teeming with vtubers much flashier than themselves. They'd debut to numbers well below the worst-performing holo and see slow growth at the very best.

Much of their current renown is based on their years of service in the top vtuber company in the world. They have a ton of meme factor, but beyond that, they're just not that incredible in terms of showmanship skills.

>> No.50016671

Not even close.

>> No.50016812
File: 473 KB, 1616x1616, 3010E251-A83E-4E44-AA03-825338608DAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayus oold rm playthroughx are the best. Even chiller than 2019 cat

>> No.50017623

HoloX has 2 flops at most, but Iroha seems to have become more popular, so it's more like 1.5.

>> No.50017645

As they are now? No.
2019 Haato and 2020 FBK? Maybe

>> No.50018153

Hololive wouldn't be where they are today without them, especially FBKING.

>> No.50018228

Haachama doesn't give a shit about numbers

>> No.50019876

That pic was drawn by Suisei back when she was one of the least subbed
The lore behind this : the girls raise their index finger to show they are all 1st gen

>> No.50020017

I mean the post 4th fes stream when she bowled for over 30 minutes.

>> No.50023678

fbk is gamers retard

>> No.50023782

nice bait

>> No.50024689

Honestly, I don't know.
I think they might be about the same as they are now.
Fubuki is talented but not that interesting, she would benefit from the bigger audience Hololive has today and make a good impression but she wouldn't catch people's attention too much.
Mel is very cute and has a strong coombait 1.0 model but there's not that much substance. She might actually do better now if she had the advantage of being a shiny new member freshly debuting with the bigger audience of current Hololive.
Matsuri would probably remain where she is, she has too much holding her back from apex to male interaction and she doesn't play to her character's strengths.
Aki might actually do better, she'd have a good chance at least with more people paying attention to her post debut. Similar situation to Mel.
Haachama is a fucking wild card because she was actually big, really fucking big at her peak during the early haachama arc, the haachama cooking period, her maximum creativity phase, and her schizo arc. But those only worked so well because they were subversions of the seiso character she played straight for a while.
If she debuted now would she be debuting in her base Haato form? Would she be a schizo from the start? Would she re-experience the same arc she did before?
I think her appeal is so unique and her exposure was already so strong that she might have reached her peak potential already so even if she debuted now and maximized her potential she'd still be roughly as big as she was or maybe even less.

>> No.50027184

Motivated fbk and Matsuri would thrive. Aki with a proper support crew would actually know what she's doing and have a proper debut.

>> No.50031073

yes theyre talented

>> No.50031174

that wasnt about numbers you retard

>> No.50031957
File: 858 KB, 959x1202, 92147619887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we assume that things would happen/develop similar to when they first started:
Mel and Aki would be eventually fall in the same boat, being ones who are inconsistent with streaming and not playing as much interesting games.
Matsuri probably do a bit better and fall into like Towa/Laplus level, even if the hand stuff still happens, and she'd probably not be as worn out now so she might still have put effort on variety streams instead of just having Apex.
Haachama would do pretty well with alternating from some tsundere persona at times and then some wacky girl in others, and probably get lots of EOPs to check her out. Suffer a bit from having mostly pre-recorded stuff due to being in australia but would probably still do well if we see how Laplus was doing prior to menheraing out. Also wouldn't have had to deal with comparing herself to Coco at this point and probably wont be too pressured in being creative.
Fubuki would do more or less the same as she did, maybe a bit better as she wouldn't kick back as much. Potentially be as strong as Korone with mix of her variety and willingness to play popular/FOTM games. Would also not have to take on the responsibility as one of the faces of Hololive and representative as a rock for other members like Matsuri.
Chris would have asked a loan for streaming equipment from Cover and wouldn't have to whore herself out to a guy that would doxx her.

>> No.50032771

If you mean debut today with cover's marketing?

Fubuki- Yes
Aki- Probably.

The rest not so much.

>> No.50036100

As long as they're part of Hololive, yes

>> No.50036759

not all of them built that brand, really.

>> No.50036883

Fubuki was only successful because of very specific circumstances. Haachama was successful because she's fucking crazy. The other three are basically dead in the water, and I doubt that would change if they debuted tomorrow.

>> No.50036971

None would pass auditions today. But there'd be no hololive without them.

>> No.50037448

All she had to do was 2 things, don't kill her channel by spamming 1 game and prevent ZA HANDO from appearing onstream.
Her, and Choco, got brutalized by Susan's YouTube in the past. They were pretty popular compared to the other members back then. Maybe if they debuted now they wouldn't get hit by the algorithm much but who knows.
She gets sick everytime she gets an incline in popularity so not sure how to deal with that.
She was broken after Coco's graduation and she's also still a university student. If she only joined after finishing her studies, there would be nothing to hinder.
She's still fairly popular.

>> No.50040763


>> No.50042025


>> No.50045780

