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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49793827 No.49793827 [Reply] [Original]

Today is baby making day. All day and night long.

New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT:

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop

Previous thread: >>49747721

>> No.49793931
File: 2.71 MB, 2896x5000, 1675084718874695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wife no life!

>> No.49794115

yeah, with me

>> No.49794235

Why would I want to baby make with an incoherent drooling retard?

>> No.49794732

you answered your own question

>> No.49794958

Mr schniddo wave you've inspired me to try out making some music. Will probably fail but why not give it a try

>> No.49795135

low test

>> No.49795292
File: 1.07 MB, 800x1440, B33161AF-125E-423C-B7D9-D2E3D91B0195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not watch Shondo

>> No.49796051
File: 50 KB, 1024x683, 1684264857873742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this little creature and why have I not heard of her since yesterday? Any other VTubers with this vibe? I'm new to VTubers and have just been watching the Hololive EN and JP girls thinking that was all there was lol

>> No.49796205

She is one of the most precious thing in this world, that's all you need to know

>> No.49796414

Seems like it, she's quite the "unique" one. Found out about her after the one Neuro-sama vid where she got NTR'd kek

>> No.49796569
File: 323 KB, 715x703, IMG_5722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard he's doing a track break down soon
>basics of synthesis
>basic song structure
>basic mixing
>this video:


this is your homework anon. make something great.

>> No.49796582

Quick question, how long does it take for VODs to get uploaded on the youtube channel?

>> No.49796661
File: 305 KB, 2000x1429, Fus_ViZaMAAQpoN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What vibe exactly? There are a few others who are creepy-cute, but otherwise she is very unique. If you are just looking for vtubers other than the holos, you should check out /lig/, particularly any of the barbie girls.

>> No.49796664
File: 127 KB, 1127x996, Fs7D1J4XwAESv8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any other VTubers with this vibe?
...why would you need anyone else?

>> No.49796732

If you're expecting coombait, thanks to OP image, you're gonna be disappointed.

>> No.49796738

a long time. she's a couple of months behind. her internet is garbage

>> No.49796939

I think she said she already has some uploaded but they are not yet public

>> No.49796944

I hate to say it because it's retarded zoomer speak but "based", VTubers who aren't afraid to say the 'fuck word' and seem to atleast not be super restrained in what they talk about.
Don't even know what you're talking about. (I'm serious.)
Thank you, anon.
Because the fucking youtube VODs are behind... Love ya babby.

>> No.49796995

Feeling really overwhelmed, I've never wanted to create anything before but ever since she told us to do our reps over break I've been really inspired. I keep thinking of a hundred things I want to do for her. Drawing was fun but also think trying to make a song for her would be cool too

>> No.49797037


>> No.49797088

>Don't even know what you're talking about
Coombait = Coomer bait
Does sexual shit on stream on purpose to attract views. Shadow doesn't do that. Just some occasional teasing.

>> No.49797093

Yep. Found out about her from the "What is a glowie?" clip, she's interesting to say the least.

>> No.49797126

how is this girl able to release a dakimakura like that? i'm amazed that she is not receiving backlash for that
pretty cool

>> No.49797155


>> No.49797175

I see now. Just looking for comfy yet unhinged VTubers like her, not interested in the whole "coomerbait" like you've said.

>> No.49797242

Anon... Literally look at the QRTs on the merch tweet.
Good, enjoy your stay.

>> No.49797267

She simply does not care
Random faggots on twitter do not watch you and cannot do anything to harm you. Shondo has figured that out.

>> No.49797316

>Implying she cares what those "people" think of her

>> No.49797337

If talking openly about stuff is the most important and not the yandere/menhera vibe then you'd probably like Pippa and Kirsche. Kirsche goes very hard on some issues and I'm honestly surprised she hasn't been banned from Twitch yet.

>> No.49797356

>I keep thinking of a hundred things I want to do for her
anything you make will mean more than you can know to her, look at snaildo anon
>he was going through the exact same thing
>got told to do his reps
>did his reps
>snaildo on stream
you wont regret it

>> No.49797412

Lots of newfags recently
Welcome, and I recommend lurking in chat for a while to get the general vibe before chatting yourself because otherwise you'll be in for a swift ban/timeout.
Do state where you come from though (unless it's from here), she likes to hear that.

>> No.49797590

Since you come from a holo background, if you want real/based but still idol concept, I'd recommend nyaru (nyaruchuuu on twitch).
Both shondo and her are "naturally" based, as in it's just how they are rather than pandering. Just keep in mind shondo is "unicorn-ish" for her viewers, as in you shouldn't gosling for anyone other than her if you plan on going deep.

>> No.49797699

>she has two male VAs on her MAL favourite list
its so over

>> No.49797725

I'm the newfag who's been asking most stuff on this thread. It truly amazes me that this needs to be said, do people really just turn into apes as soon as they see the moving 2D woman?
Will check. Thank you!

>> No.49797789

I'm going to learn how to twist my vocal chords to make myself sound like them

>> No.49797799

I'm not gay (non derogatory) but I'd put motherfucking Jouji Nakata, or Tomokazu Sugita in my MAL list if I cared about that site

>> No.49797844

actual faggot

>> No.49797858

You'd be impressed with how retarded some newfags (and even oldfags) can be

>> No.49797972

The internet is filled with retards anon, they are everywhere

>> No.49798005

Pippa isn't based, she is already groomed

>> No.49798023

>not norio wakamoto

>> No.49798094

Don’t care. Move to YouTube or stfu.

>> No.49798112
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, oh mah gawd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course him too

>> No.49798207

Yeah... That's a thing that popped in my head while watching, there's probably a whole wave of VTuber girls who force the whole "based" thing, with the clickbaity thumbs, titles and "coombait" like the other anon said.

>> No.49799126

This thread marks our grave but you may rest here too, if you’d like

>> No.49799258

>monopolies good

>> No.49799414

Name a single English speaking indie vtuber on youtube who gets the same numbers as her or higher.

>> No.49799562

She doesn't give a shit and muted thousands of accounts including drama cunnybros, twitter probably won't recommend her content to the vast majority of antis.

>> No.49799598

She should stop being a 4view on twitch and change platforms and become a low 3view again because uhhhh well uhhhh ummm well uhhhh
Name a single EN YouTube indie who gets a higher CCV than her

>> No.49799688


Not my problem.

Do you enjoy multiple launchers for your PC games? I watch everyone else on YouTube and I’m not using VOD-deleting twitch just for her

>> No.49799724

Then go back.

>> No.49799739

She was a 4 view on YouTube before she started vtubing. I don't want her to switch but she would easily get 3-4k viewers average on YouTube

>> No.49799770


>> No.49799829

Today i will not reply to bait

>> No.49799840

I didn't like creating a twitch account just for her but I ended up liking the vastly superior chat. I assume she can't multi-stream on youtube and bilibili due to her internet?

>> No.49799851

Selfish conspiracy to keep her on twitch so she won’t get big.

>> No.49799973

she hates both platforms

>> No.49799984

>Not my problem.
And it isn't her problem if you prefer youtube.
>Do you enjoy multiple launchers for your PC games?
Multiple launchers? Both youtube and twitch work fine in firefox.
Only after a month or so. That is also why she puts them on youtube.
see >>49799414

>> No.49799997

True. I don't want wifey ever reaching 100k even though she will soon, she can live comfortably off of this money as long as she doesn't waste it.

>> No.49800048

Do you hate her? Why would you ever suggest her to enter the ch*nese market?

>> No.49800074

Good for her + didn't ask faggot.
It's ok for my wife to have her own tastes.

>> No.49800200

To become more popular.

>> No.49800257

With the chinks? No fucking thanks

>> No.49800272

do you even watch her? she doesn't give a shit about numbers

>> No.49800317

why did she hire a clipper and start posting on tiktok then? just because she'd be fine with a single viewer doesn't mean she doesn't want to grow

>> No.49800332

She does.

>> No.49800401

Do YOU even watch her? She's no longer gonna have long watchalongs on her main channel precisely because it hurts her numbers. You're dumb, lol.

>> No.49800554

Why is there no big indies on YouTube then?
The only one is Punkalopi and she got there through shorts with millions upon millions of views, meanwhile she’s only a high 3view.
There is meanwhile 20+ 1k CCV indies on Twitch. I wonder why?

>> No.49800672

>had to completely wipe computer after a crash
>have to re-setup chatterino again with all the channels she follows
Fuck I wish there were an easier way to add them instead of 1 by 1

>> No.49800747

Please stop arguing with retarded tourists

>> No.49800863

How did you no know about the lily thing
She talked about it very recently during her redebut stream, and mentioned it before

>> No.49800907

I did, why are you asking me?

>> No.49800973

I probably wasn't paying attention

>> No.49801030

the replies on the tweet seem to be full of regulars who didn't knew

>> No.49801063

these are the most basic of reps i dont get it

>> No.49801072

I just realized. In her latest stream Shondo straight up told everybody the exact date, the exact movie, what she's gonna wear and who she's going with to the cinema.

Is she challenging her viewers to find her or is she stupid?

>> No.49801121

I'll be there to protect her

>> No.49801125

The latter.

>> No.49801149

Thank god there is only one cinema in Norf UK am I right

>> No.49801192

>he hasn't narrowed her location down to a 5 mile radius
I'm only half joking

>> No.49801194

But UK is the size of a Walmart. How many cinema could there be?

>> No.49801195

With how shitty her town is, I'm sure anyone who tries will get stabbed to death and robbed as soon as they enter it. She'll be fine.

>> No.49801268

I have narrowed it down to 6 movie theaters that she could reasonably go to. If I lived in England it wouldn't be too hard to find her

>> No.49801305

are you basing this on all the post thanking her? if you take those repsonses as if they didnt know you are autistic. sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.49801338

Is it a sin to only care about the Shondo lore and vtuber model? I narrowed it down to a forest.

>> No.49801391

Based lorechad

>> No.49801413

>he doesnt know

>> No.49801537

I'm sure she has a cute face haven't seen that pic but the idea of lusting after a flesh woman feels alien to me. I haven't done it in half a decade.

>> No.49801568

man the mention of marley again is making me really paranoid of my own dog, he's very close to that age where every day is uncertain, help ;-;

>> No.49801590

Shondo has discovered the ineffable truth of the internet: you don't have to give a single fleeting shit what people you don't like say. You just mute them and move on, and that's the extent of their influence on your life.

>> No.49801646


>> No.49801648
File: 109 KB, 652x837, 1684343281028593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel any better, Marley's death was entirely the fault of that retarded vet, assuming you don't live in a shithole like Shondo where doctor's try to kill you, he'll be fine

>> No.49801678
File: 814 KB, 3308x4096, FkmeS3BakAE1gdC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's that old he live a good live. Stop worrying as much and enjoy what you have left

>> No.49801696

i live in the shithole part of the netherlands, so... yeah...

>> No.49801730

>doxxfag cant even do that himself

>> No.49801737

Is it "giving an animal a medicine you were told they were allergic to" levels of shit? If so then try to find a better one out of town, even if it costs more.

>> No.49801816

while you're right, i am incredibly attached to my animals to an unhealthy degree, so it's easier said than done
im a complete shutin that lives with my mother, she pays for the vet and so she gets to decide on which one... and unfortunately she likes this one, so it is what it is

>> No.49801900

we don't have to talk about this, but the onus isn't entirely on the vet. shondo and her family were negligent and if they didn't leave dangerous things out for marley to eat he wouldn't have had to go to that vet in the first place.

>> No.49801916

If you care about that dog you'll get a job

>> No.49801999

It was her kid sisters leaving hair ties in their own bedroom. He was never left unsupervised and probably ate them while Shondo was sleeping.
You know damn well she wouldn't have just let that happen and neither would've anyone in the house.
I'm gonna say it's fully on the vet considering the surgeon said he made it through the surgery just fine and was very surprised to hear he had passed away considering he had woken up when the surgeon saw him. It's highly fucking unusual for an animal to die once they've already made it out of the danger period without serious neglect.

>> No.49802055

i really wish it was that easy, but i have my own circumstances
though i might be able to finally arrange for a disability income now that im officially a schizophrenic

>> No.49802080

I really don't think you can claim negligence in the case of a cat that was supervised 24 hours a day and was never even left alone in a fucking room. Most cats are outside eating whatever shit they find.

>> No.49802232

All night long baby making with Shondo!

>> No.49802432
File: 22 KB, 690x265, 1662911118706242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is 'creature' part of the same species as Saya? In that case our babies will become the foundation of the world.

>> No.49802476

if marley didn't eat 8 hair ties he wouldn't have had to go to the surgery or to the vet. saying it's fully on the vet means you disagree with that statement, which makes no sense logically.
>Most cats are outside eating whatever shit they find.
and that means you should allow them to eat anything in your house? what a bizarre argument

>> No.49802502

I don't think it's clear if there's even more creatures like Shondo so really it's a coin flip. Fun lore question to ask if she ever does shadowchama maros again.

>> No.49802654

You're right it isn't fully on the vet, but I'm saying that he should've been fine after the surgery. He was young and healthy and the surgeon told her the surgery went very well and he was waking up last he saw him. How he went from that to dead in a couple of hours and then the vet who was in charge of his care admitted they gave him the one medication she told them he couldn't have shortly before he went into cardiac arrest says a lot.
It was a shitty and unfortunate situation. But you can't watch anything every second of every day. I highly doubt anyone deliberately left anything out knowing he could eat them or sat back while he did. Sometimes animals get into stuff they shouldn't. And considering the way she treats Otis and how Marley was never even left alone in a room I don't think you can call it negligence. She loves them like they're her actual children.

>> No.49802765


>> No.49802819
File: 1.70 MB, 498x291, 1653609657853616.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So reading the last thread someone said there was a scream during the stream. I didn't hear it. Timestamp?
Also for a scream to be audible across the house through her noise filters and whatever it must be really fucking loud.

>> No.49802958

Near the beginning of the stream, her little sisters scream a lot.

>> No.49803200
File: 604 KB, 638x696, 1683344396949779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon, i appreciate it. i'll go full sleuth mode later combining it with some other stuff she has said

>> No.49803213
File: 217 KB, 640x542, 1681832297743908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how bad she is at games. Watching her slowly improve like during the Princes yesterday was fantastic. She went from getting her shit kicked in to nailing the fight. She was so happy when she did it too, it's so cute.
A year ago she never would've been able to make it this far.

>> No.49803222


reminder that she's tired of all of you

>> No.49803299

Shadow mama was right....

>> No.49803518

I wish I didn't go back and listen to the previous couple of minutes. She really is preparing us for what's coming

>> No.49803596

Her sitting outside in her garden with her family and going out with her mother every few months?
Anyone who thinks this is genuinely a bad idea is a fucking anti. She deserves to do shit that isn't sitting in her room and being a contentslave.

>> No.49803622

Stop replying to bait, you retards.

>> No.49803702

that's why she said we should read saya

>> No.49803723

Shame she can't stream it on twitch

>> No.49803754

I'll reply to you instead Anon *chu*

>> No.49803945

She seriously lives with other people while playing a retarded loli? Really?

>> No.49804049

No, she is a shapeshifter. They're similar for sure, but Saya's species goal is to infiltrate the planet and replace the population with her own. We don't know where Shondo came from, or what Shondo's species goal is, but considering she's a less aggressive shapeshifter, her species probably has some sort of sneakier strategy than just outright killing and taking over. It could be some sort of parasitic lifeform that infiltrates the population and aims to control from within. Since Shondo has been around for a long time, it's safe to assume she's not an alien like Saya, but rather a prehistoric, strange sort of abomination that was too durable to die out. That said it's pretty safe to assume that either Shondo is the only member of her species on Earth or there isn't many others, or else they probably would've taken over by now. Shondo's relatively docile nature for an abomination means she never tried to take over a queen or a king's bodies or mauled villages to death as a bear or anything, she just became fascinated by humans and wanted the family which she never had from them.
TLDR Shondo is a shapeshifter and Saya isn't, Saya is an alien and Shondo may or may not be, Saya's species is much more aggressive and tries to control in a short period of time, whereas Shondo has been around for thousands of years and survives parasitically by blending in. They are fundamentally very different but both weird goop monsters that disguise as little girls.

Actually she can
It's not banned, you can stream the steam version.

>> No.49804052


>> No.49804088

>Actually she can
Really? I could've sworn she said it was, and that if she does ever do a stream of it it'd have to be on youtube.

>> No.49804114

How can you be in this thread and not even know clipwatcher levels of information. She talks about her family every single stream and her mom was literally on stream 2 streams ago.
Also >playing kek

>> No.49804141

She's said that exactly about yandere simulator when its finally released, maybe you got them confused

>> No.49804155

Oh yeah, you're right

>> No.49804170

Wait until you find out she supports her entire family, her mom has been on stream multiple times, she shares a room with two of her sisters and has to finish at 11pm so they can go to bed...

>> No.49804246


How do I ask her to do this again?

>> No.49804270

500k points

>> No.49804268

500k chocos

>> No.49804271
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>> No.49804643
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My gamer wife is already better than me at FromSoftware games, I only played Sekiro and got filtered by the spearman ninja.

>> No.49804679


>> No.49804683

She has more patience than I do that's for sure
t. Never finished Bloodborne

>> No.49804696

I love how this dork cannot contain her laughter

>> No.49804694

>the sims


>> No.49804903

I can tell this is your first time watching her play the sims

>> No.49804954

tourists don't watch her

>> No.49804985

Fuck off. I watch streams that look interesting not every stream.

>> No.49805045

Bait or retardation?

>> No.49805055

How can anyone with a job watch her live all the time?

>> No.49805082


>> No.49805086 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 680x680, 1668307394330484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Nigger-kun

>> No.49805109

skill issues

>> No.49805110

I work while she's sleeping. Not that hard.

>> No.49805115

to be fair the gimmick has kind of worn off, at least for me. it was very much a single stream kind of idea imo.

>> No.49805153

The entire point is to get to 100 babies

>> No.49805221

cool, that doesn't change anything about what i said.

>> No.49805378

what happened with this artist by the way? did he ever do more art? he hinted on doing worse stuff and i was looking forward to it but its been month

>> No.49805487

Fuck, I shouldn't have fapped before stream. Now I'm sleepy.

>> No.49805702

Can't the adults keep the brats in check? This IS her job.

>> No.49805711

I get that British houses were built with the intent of trapping heat, but did they just never account for summer?

>> No.49805730

>108 degrees


conceptualize the aroma

>> No.49805773

You're supposed to not stay inside all day.

>> No.49805774

>she doesn't sweat

>> No.49805810

she absolutely does unless she's a robot

>> No.49805826

>he doesn't know

>> No.49805841

Shondo's body is riddled with problems

>> No.49805871

everyone sweats. it's a thermodynamic law. people would die immediately if they couldn't regulate temperature

>> No.49805903

Again, Shondo's body has a laundry list of problems

>> No.49805953

This. She probably mistakes sweat for coconut oil.

>> No.49806008

between the schizo(posessed) and the lizard traits I'm surprised we haven't gotten a "shondo is satanic" kind of /pol/schizo

>> No.49806007

fucking tourists

>> No.49806091

I think she might be influenced by demons but she's coping very well.

>> No.49806102

Good idea for some art, maybe I will add it into the queue (dont get your hopes up I am dogshit)

>> No.49806113

Only 12% of her is satanic.

>> No.49806129

lemonleaf raid when?

>> No.49806140

still havent heard of the /x/ anon who was going to cure shnidoo...
i guess the demonic entity was too strong for him

>> No.49806145

So she's not sleeping again after not sleeping much? Shonshon...

>> No.49806157

is that the part of her that compels her to eat children?

>> No.49806180


>> No.49806184

Damn erotic brat...

>> No.49806293

will take a while to prepare plus I don't have the full information, but it will happen

>> No.49806353

Please keep us updated and if you need any psychic assistance

>> No.49806379

>Israel is not a real place, sorry

>> No.49806395

she knows

>> No.49806397

Shondo saying political stuff by accident never gets any less funny

>> No.49806501

No matter how many times she kisses, it's not the equivalent to my oshi's one kiss!.... Though now I really want a clip of my oshi doing some quick kisses which will never happen unless AI

>> No.49806535
File: 462 KB, 1432x702, israel_lenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49806536

Who's your oshi?

>> No.49806557

clickbait newsflash: vtuber whose existence is caused by literally hitler unexists the State of Israel

>> No.49806559

Go back to your oshi you cheating whore.

>> No.49806661

Sometimes, but it's irritating when she says things that have basically been settled in the UK and/or Europe that are still considered political in the US. But I understand how she wouldn't realize what she's saying is annoying some of her audience.

>> No.49806698

Is SIMS wifey's coping mechanism? Cute!

>> No.49806723

Just remember that she has the education upbringing of a retarded 8 year old

>> No.49806942

Wasted pet name, had to be a woman

>> No.49806948

whats wrong FRIEND

>> No.49807019


>> No.49807089

Omg shes spelling it out for any retard that doesnt understand, how cute of her!

>> No.49807180

Otis has a cute voice for a menace

>> No.49807200


>> No.49807207

chair stained by shondo (actually by Otis) sale when

>> No.49807251

lmao that cunny face

>> No.49807274

Yeah, now the daughterfags don't have to feel guilty.

>> No.49807278


>> No.49807324
File: 267 KB, 533x916, Screenshot_20230207_094703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to put on your babymaking clothes Shondo

>> No.49807330

What's the rules, you can watch her casual along with others or having other oshies, but if she becomes your wife she has to be your number 1?

>> No.49807333
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>> No.49807395

might be a dumb question, but ive always wondered, do you guys think its annoying when 1view streamers raid shonshon?

>> No.49807412

If you call her wife then she's wife for life but if you're a platonic daughterfag or imoutofag then you're allowed to leave.

>> No.49807431 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49807456

I think the general rule is that if she's your wife she's your number 1, but you can still interact and watch others as long as you don't flirt with them or shit

>> No.49807494

I also don't donate money to other streamers.

>> No.49807526

Not really.

>> No.49807553

But she's both my imouto and wife

>> No.49807589

Wife can't be platonic so you're married for life.

>> No.49807872

Deep voice sexoooo

>> No.49807900

nah regular Shonshon is hotter

>> No.49807905

I'm an imoutofag and I'm never gonna leave. Leaving your imouto is disgusting.

>> No.49808007

you fucking idiots

>> No.49808017

only shit, do it faggot

>> No.49808018

Uh oh

>> No.49808021

Which one of you fuckers was it?

>> No.49808032 [DELETED] 


>> No.49808036

this guy lmfao

>> No.49808039

She DEFINETLY comes here.

>> No.49808048

Did she just break containment?

>> No.49808051

I'm shaking and seething right now

>> No.49808055

kill yourself

>> No.49808056

This, he should've just done it

>> No.49808071

Just do it already, faggot

>> No.49808076

Do a flip faggot

>> No.49808093 [DELETED] 


>> No.49808099

It's always one retard to ruin everything. Fucking faggot.

>> No.49808104


>> No.49808112

Don't kill yourself but please leave my wife alone

>> No.49808126

Hey Anon, please kill yourself and stop bothering my wife you stupid fucking nigger.
I want today to be nice, so do everyone a favor.

>> No.49808134

she hates all of you

>> No.49808148

Trolling outside of /b/ is against the rules.

>> No.49808163

>It's another let's blame 4chan but steal all their memes to put on social media daily episode

>> No.49808165


>> No.49808176

Leave this place anon, it's not good for you, just leave and do something else with your life

>> No.49808181

how is being mean on 4chan real, just close your eyes

>> No.49808182


>> No.49808202

>guy literally says he's here in the maro
Are you even watching?

>> No.49808203

she's bringing it up again because people have been catching on that she comes here.
she was reading the previous 2 threads.

>> No.49808206


>> No.49808242

Based shondo telling all the discord fags to fuck off from the thread

>> No.49808244

Fuck you random_user_69 I hope its you that wants to kill themselves

>> No.49808263


>> No.49808268

>guy brought up the sharty

>> No.49808278

why does she always deliberately look at things that will upset her when she's already in a bad move, she does this every time

>> No.49808297

I predict the length of stream and her now thinking about this will trigger a menhera

>> No.49808324

whoops didn't mean to give a (you)

>> No.49808323


>> No.49808369

I hope all containment breakers get their legs broken

>> No.49808371

I still can't tell if she read here and lig, or if retards send her every single thing 4chan says about her in DMs, I can believe there's retards who do that to try and gain points with her.

>> No.49808378

>stop breaking containment
Shondo you brought it up in the first place, dumb bitch

>> No.49808404

It's her fault some retard was complaining about this thread in her maros?

>> No.49808422

>or if retards send her every single thing 4chan says about her in DMs
If anyone did this she would mute them 100%. She hates this shit. She doesn't care.

>> No.49808445

The same retard who said he was gonna kill himself last thread.

>> No.49808467

Bet he's revelling in the attention and impact he has on her mental state now

>> No.49808523

I want to help him. Permanently.

>> No.49808526

I thought she wanted physical beatings not emotional ones yet the fact she keeps doing this shit leads me to believe it's both.

>> No.49808576

It's both, self-hatred that leads to seeking emotional punishment as well as physical.

>> No.49808604

Ah yes, coaching him and giving him coping skills that permanently remit his mental illness and make him a productive and happy member of society. Very hard work. Good for you, anon.

>> No.49808627

And then shooting him in the back of the head so he can remember what to do in the next life

>> No.49808661

Was it worth it? Now we'll get a wave of tourists.

>> No.49808807

>surprised karaoke
Looks like it didn't affect her mood all that much after all

>> No.49808840

>renpc family is glad you're here
Oof. Not even in chat

>> No.49808844

Please, they all think 4chan is /b/. They're too braindead to find this place.

>> No.49808876

He is though?

>> No.49808878

Anon... he renamed his account he's here

>> No.49808893

she was using the marshmallow to just throw off our suspicions of her being in the thread.
It never actually affected her, she had always wanted to close the marshmallows anyways and was just using this as an excuse to kill 2 birds with 1 stone

>> No.49808911

I wouldn't be so sure about that, youtube keeps recommending me /vt/ videos even though I never clicked on anything 4chan related.

>> No.49808921

He renamed to kiiro_kuma
wouldn't be surprised if he's paying more attention to neppie chat though

>> No.49808928

He is though. He renamed himself on twitch too.

>> No.49808958

Not mentaly, he's talking constantly in n* chat

>> No.49809064

I didn't say that, I'm just saying if that's how you approach a relationship it's no wonder people act selfishly and hurt one another.

>> No.49809076

Wifey's small lies as I always call them.

>> No.49809090

kill yourself

>> No.49809148

heading to the maros right now

>> No.49809193


>> No.49809202

Don't worry. Google knows regardless

>> No.49809263

there are no rules, she'll do literally nothing if you break them and there'll never not be people breaking them

>> No.49809267

>discord interactions gone
>dm interactions gone
>maro interactions gone
>4chan interactions gone
my wife is being taken piece by piece

>> No.49809292

But if you love her you won't break them.

>> No.49809296

next I'm going to take her hair

>> No.49809329

Baldo my beloved.

>> No.49809340

it's almost like we were the problem from the start

>> No.49809344

Even listing 4chan interaction makes you part of the problem.

>> No.49809353


>> No.49809376

>4chan interactions
How are we losing something we never had?

>> No.49809382

and that's a good thing!

>> No.49809394

Ok time to stop reading the thread, have fun I guess.
I will take a look after the stream.

>> No.49809404

what if she gave a (you) but you never knew that it was Shondo

>> No.49809413

see you, and kill yourself~

>> No.49809417

>8 hours stream
This is your interaction, she already read my chat shit posts 4-5x in the past hour.

>> No.49809418

better start donating more, she'll only interact privately with the top 3 donators

>> No.49809442

It's weird, some days it feels like she reads all of my messages but ignores me on twitter, but some other days the inverse

>> No.49809443

I never browsed /jp/, anon.

>> No.49809488

hi fleece

>> No.49809513
File: 154 KB, 726x778, Shondo Death Scream 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F32vs42.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to confess, I used to make fun of Fandeads before I warmed up to Rushia and she became one of my favorite JPs, and everyday I'm scared at the thought that I probably called Shondo a faggot on /hlgg/ when she was just being nise

>> No.49809566

>called Shondo a faggot
well you aren't wrong

>> No.49809600

She literally wouldn't think twice about something like that.

>> No.49809648

>4chan interactions
as if
I'm sad about maros but I got over it long ago, didn't expect she'd even ever check again. I'd also kinda prefer discord to offline chat but oh well. She's just not going to be a low 3view again, nothing to really do about it.

>> No.49809722

she will be once I kill all of you

>> No.49809739

must be nice being one of her favorites
90% of the messages she reads are from them

>> No.49809745

>actions matter words dont
what exactly does this mean, besides dont cheat and watch streams? money, art? thats really all i can do.

>> No.49809794

kill yourself

>> No.49809799

actually stick around rather than say you will

>> No.49809823

She wants you to become a serial killer for her

>> No.49809837

Hang out with your wife and don't be a cunt.

>> No.49809850

she talked about the contributing after she said that actions matter more than words.

>> No.49809851

You deserve it and I hope she continues to ignore you

>> No.49809854

Yeah but nothing will ever change until someone popular takes a stand and shoots the bird in all directions. I thought Shondo was going to be the one, but she's just parroting the same "4chan in le bad", abandoning it and pretending she never went there like so many before her. Don't think I'll be renewing next month.

>> No.49809894

why don't you make a bait thread about it like last time

>> No.49809935

kill yourself

>> No.49809933

Bro I started watching her streams like a week ago and I'm a tier 1 sub.

>> No.49809938

Thank god, goodbye and good riddance

>> No.49809981
File: 294 KB, 850x1200, 1683295413608672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy woman wants to feel loved through actions
You don't beat her enough, anon.

>> No.49809988

Don't let the door hit you on your way out.

>> No.49810009

She's just keeping appearances, she fucking quoted anon posts. She's either psychically linked with ME or she still comes here.

>> No.49810016

kill yourself faggot

>> No.49810041

>She's just keeping appearances
Why should she have too? She needs to stop being a pussy.

>> No.49810077

She's an oldfag. She knows the rules (and so do I)

>> No.49810081

If you want le epic based /here/tuber I think /uoh/ may be more your speed

>> No.49810104

she's linked with me, by the waist
more specifically, the groin

>> No.49810114

that means there's not actual criteria, you are either one of the few ones she cares about or aren't and can't do anything about it

>> No.49810132

Maybe she wants to actively avoid sending people here knowing what sort of retardation it generates.

>> No.49810156

One. Me.

>> No.49810180

t. me

>> No.49810202

i'm one of the few just letting you know

>> No.49810213

I am same fagging you guys are me

>> No.49810263

i know

>> No.49810282

why would you want wife to be on 4chan? its no place for a little imouto

>> No.49810285

We're all one being split apart.
I'm the part of us that bangs Shondo though.

>> No.49810295

Yeah, me

>> No.49810301

Please go trauma dump in her dms or threaten to kill yourself in her maros again

>> No.49810314

Catalog tourist, please understand

>> No.49810345

So she can see our true face.

>> No.49810351

Can't really blame her. /vt/ is one of the worse boards. Two big problems that killed 4chins even more than it was before are "people who think this place is just for being edgy" (exacerbated by the ridiculous moderation in other places which makes them come here) and "replacing the topic of discussion with discussion about the users" (from introvert oriented to extrovert oriented). Basically turning it into unmoderated social network.
Please nuke the modern Internet..

>> No.49810413

lmao wow shondo, really like you?

>> No.49810498

the thing is, ive seen /shon/ be more supportive and nice about shondo especially during break than anywhere else on 4chan

>> No.49810506

That was a weird raid
Its some male fleshie

>> No.49810519

And? When I watch a vtuber I don't want to hear about 4chan.

>> No.49810565

I also don't want more 'le based sekrit club' fags showing up.

>> No.49810729

>she reads another one of my shitposts
I am a prodigy husband.

>> No.49810807

Anon you're going to make that other guy kill himself

>> No.49810872

I figure she can probably tell I chat less since she got this level of ccv, and if she's stalking me she'll notice I'm more active in some other chats. Hope she doesn't mind too much... I still catch every stream I just kinda put it in background when the game starts and wait for an opportunity where I think my message could be read...

>> No.49810899

what if Shondo started bringing up 4chan things every other stream?

>> No.49810907

I'd need to correct her womb

>> No.49810994

Imagine you playing this gay 5D chess and wifey not even stalking you because you're not one of her favorites like me >>49810729

>> No.49811035

i eat dog

>> No.49811132

You don't actually like her, you just want attention.

>> No.49811346

He's basically a woman.

>> No.49811399

I still think the baby system is rigged

>> No.49811514

i paid her to rig it

>> No.49811549

Try having better luck

>> No.49811566

Can't be, I haven't gotten in yet and she loves me the most

>> No.49811606

these characters are so fucking UGLY how did this get popular

>> No.49811629

The earlier games are better

>> No.49811665

Not surprised that Shondo and Nina are on a first name basis, but I wonder how many of her friends she calls by their actual name

>> No.49811671

I thought she was smart enough to not make sweeping statements but I guess we're all not wanted.

>> No.49811705

Nope, just you. Shondo loves me.

>> No.49811748
File: 3.70 MB, 314x250, 1666269825357314.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't want to dox myself in case the mailman knows who fallenshadow is
>wrote "to my beloved sister" on the package
Shonshon... if one of us was the mailman now he knows where you live.

>> No.49811778

im that mailman, best friends with forest tree

>> No.49811798

What are you talking about

>> No.49811892

it's a very generic thing to write on mail

>> No.49811924

Literally what are you talking about

>> No.49811957

>specific region of UK
>from X country
>"to my beloved sister"
Unless she lied about the last one (You) would at least remember the street if not the house.

>> No.49812053

>you can enter again
guess we're looking at 50 sur oranges

>> No.49812086

The chances of guessing the correct random number multiple times are extremely slim

>> No.49812097

yeah, "guessing"

>> No.49812112

ogey schizo

>> No.49812146

I am so back bros. The feds cant contain me.

>> No.49812148

you are right she told me the number before the stream

>> No.49812149


>> No.49812207

She just DMed me the number along with a few nudes. Sucks to be you.

>> No.49812251

All joking aside I love the Chad energy of /shon/

>> No.49812264

Only a few nudes? I have free full access to her OnlyFans.

>> No.49812270

>hire a clipper
She does her own clips and anyone else is a fan.

>> No.49812310

anon she hired a clipper months ago

>> No.49812313

i love every /shon/ regular and would kiss everyone

>> No.49812332

Oh, they weren't her nudes. I asked her to take a few candid shots of the forest tree.

>> No.49812376

Damn my wifey's a multi-tasker!

>> No.49812400

Mod post

>> No.49812456

Her good mood is starting to deteriorate due to Sims 4 being a shitty game.

>> No.49812495

after everything this stream this is how she goes down huh

>> No.49812534

you dont know where she lives already?

>> No.49812542

I was considering writing a program to help me with the mooboot 1-100 giveaway guessing, but I have a feeling this may be the last pregathon stream ;_;

>> No.49812560


>> No.49812568

I love it when she says something at the start of the stream and immediately gets proven wrong during the stream or the next few days.
I don't know how someone can be proven wrong so many times and still have the confidence she has.

>> No.49812668

That comes with her terrible luck

>> No.49812686

>wants attention from his wife
no shit, so do the rest of you

>> No.49812692

She's a self-hating optimist.

>> No.49812773

I don't want attention all the time though, for me the yandere thing it's a scary fantasy not a hot one.

>> No.49812798


>> No.49812876

Yeah, I want attention from her, my wife. But I don't put the stream in the background just to wait for an opportunity to get her attention, while I am in watching others in the meantime. That's the difference. I actually like her.

>> No.49812898

wanting attention from your own wife is not a yandere fantasy, it's just a normal thing lol

>> No.49812958

you might want to find a kinder GFE type vtuber elsewhere then

>> No.49812997

I didn't specify but I'm only watching other streams when she's offline. I'm just more of an active chatter in those because they're not 4views. Shondo still loves lurkers but I do think she probably notices if people become less active.

>> No.49813108

Have you ever been in a relationship before Shondo? If you're spending 8 hours with your wife then you don't need her texting you for example.
Love overcame the fear, she's incredibly kind as long as I'm loyal.

>> No.49813254

>Have you ever been in a relationship before Shondo? If you're spending 8 hours with your wife then you don't need her texting you for example.
what the fuck are you talking about? you're a kissless virgin and it shows

>> No.49813271

>another of the favored group
of course

>> No.49813288

I already made back my losses from yesterdays scam gamba

>> No.49813323

I'm smashing Shonshon every night.

>> No.49813446

don't need to brag otis we know

>> No.49813557

shondo doesn't want a guy that messes around, just one that impregnates her and leaves

>> No.49813575

sometimes I find it a little hard to tolerate when she gets sing songy or repeats some phrase, my sister would do things like that incessantly and annoy me
all a part of the imouto experience...

>> No.49813593

Just like Shadowmama.

>> No.49813633


>> No.49813639

the cycle continues

>> No.49813664

These types of women legit need to be chained to the kitchen stove.

>> No.49813696

what are the odds her mother is part of the reason she has resigned to never being able to have a real relationship
norf men doing us a disservice...

>> No.49813700

how can they be chained down if the men just walk out on them

>> No.49813735

Dad needs to correct. Arranged marriage.

>> No.49813749

you mean doing us a service, right?

>> No.49813768

The one who disowned her or the one that's dead?

>> No.49813798
File: 474 KB, 581x673, 1667041308251410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this...

>> No.49813815

i need to impregnate this barren malnourished schizospreading womb

>> No.49813818

Her dad is the one who left, newfriend

>> No.49813838

I can fix the giraffe

>> No.49813837

The opposite, at one point Shadowmama was roasting her "at your age I had 3-4 ex boyfriends" which imo is code for 10-15 ex boyfriends.

>> No.49813886

Why would Shadowmama lie about her number of exbfs? It's not like she has any problems being (jokingly) called a whore as is. Also new bread baked.

>> No.49813965

Do you really think it was all the men that were wrong? lmao when someone has that many relationships it's obvious where the fault lies.

>> No.49814082

Its only her fault because she didn't chose to have a child with me

>> No.49814118

This. My parents had 2 failed relationships each before finding each other.

>> No.49814595

Do you really think any man that goes over to her house and see it in it's dilapidated state, and 5 other children that aren't theirs would want to marry into that household?
