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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 283 KB, 1178x2048, FwiM-sAaQAAfvgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49765364 No.49765364 [Reply] [Original]

Bright and Early edition.


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

▼Kawaii ""Friends""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
CherryPie - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>49722830

>> No.49765570
File: 480 KB, 603x702, Opera Snapshot_2022-10-01_212530_www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please gather for Charzu.

>> No.49765594

Nami fat lol

>> No.49765616


Why not both?, nene is hot in all forms

>> No.49765619
File: 167 KB, 354x365, Charzu_Sneeze_2[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs5gf9r.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Charzu to sneeze on me.

>> No.49765709

>they did not give me the white bloomers i requested

>> No.49765749

you had a year you ugly fatsos if you arent poor you have no reason to not be at the concert

>> No.49765770
File: 72 KB, 680x387, FtwBt4AXwAAXrS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ebi still in the friends list

>> No.49765778

I think Nene also said she doesn't have safety shorts in her new 3D model

>> No.49765807


>> No.49765808

I'm not talking about things like that. I'm talking about stuff like in Charzu's case, where 2 pieces of info being thrown around directly points you to the person. Yeah we get it, you are an edgy shitter on /vt/ with LE SIKRIT knowledge, you are not based for knowing it and you are cringe for throwing it around.

>> No.49765913
File: 605 KB, 2118x2754, 1644202561577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking happening

>> No.49765927

You belong on kiwifarms then unironically. They are the true IRL gossip sisters.

>> No.49765962

In California and LA even, as much as i love the girls both places are a no for me

>> No.49765963


>> No.49765976

They are newfaggots who came with gen3 and did not experience Kawaii before the Idol Project.
Good thing because there would have been a meltdown over "incel" stuff everyday.

>> No.49765978

Charzu's granny panties...

>> No.49765995

Pack it up. It's probably just spats.

>> No.49766002
File: 27 KB, 428x474, 1662097613014242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atracted to 3DPD
Kill yourself, disgusting.

>> No.49766021

Charzu is overcooked and burnt

>> No.49766119

koshita you could have prevented this

>> No.49766140

Charzu is my nigga, deal with it

>> No.49766173

Thank god they got better, your argument of them being trash before isn't helping your case.

>> No.49766183

ok fatso

>> No.49766339

Yeah 3d lolis are where its at

>> No.49766344

Hey mongoloid, Nenes dox even implied is getting deleted here for a reason. Hang yourself you doxxing tranny shitter.

>> No.49766370

>go take a shit
>come back and got a charzu membership
t-thanks i guess

>> No.49766430

They're also just making shit up. The only person who ever really talked about trashy shit was N***a, who is gone and dusted.

>> No.49766464

No one was doxxing nene, a few mentions of her ethnicity means absolutely nothing

>> No.49766526

mentioning ethnicity is doxxing you faggot

>> No.49766664

>Shee and Lua talking about tinder
>N**na talking about sex positions with Nene
Kawaii before the Idol Project was another Tsunderia or Phase. Let's not memoryhole stuff.

>> No.49766685
File: 3.30 MB, 640x428, spider-man2-spider-man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49766795

>Making shit up

>> No.49766800

Tinder in what context?

>> No.49766807

ok you are shitposting too

>> No.49766863

The first one is technically true but removes all context that makes it functionally harmless. I remember that fairly well. It was a group collab that also included Nami, maybe the one where they all swapped models?

>> No.49766868
File: 113 KB, 902x273, 204358299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't doxxing but it is against the rules.

>> No.49766891

You're literally making shit up. Fuck off

>> No.49766980

The tinder talk was during Lua bar collab with Shee and Nami. I think the first one.

>> No.49766994

Nene would never i call bs

>> No.49767016

nice fanfiction tinder is way past her time lmao

>> No.49767083

Charzu's mum is watching her stream with us RIGHT NOW!

>> No.49767112

nice thread, /pkg/
this is the consequences of your bait threads in catalog

>> No.49767132

okay but if the streamer brings it up on stream is it really against the rules to bring it up here in discussion about said stream?

>> No.49767220
File: 989 KB, 894x1065, President of Sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i want her to milk my almonds

>> No.49767243

I had Lua added on myspace but she also added some other guy called Tom. Fucking faggot was trying to groom everyone.

>> No.49767354

I think it was during a members stream where N**na was talking about casual sex and position and Nene came at the wrong time and got asked a few questions. I think Nene believed she could fix her because N**na whorish talk happened a few times in their collabs and you could tell Nene was facepalming behind the screen.

>> No.49767356

good post

>> No.49767387

holy kek but you're posting to zoomers here they wont get it

>> No.49767473


>> No.49767478

the only "zoomers" who wouldn't get it are under 18 and shouldn't be here to begin with

>> No.49767550

myspace has been dead for 25 years grandpa...

>> No.49767581

I WILL puke on Charzu's feet.

>> No.49767769

Nami, please, post the good night tweet, I want to go to bed

>> No.49767888
File: 336 KB, 436x513, 068456898908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49767910

im 21...

>> No.49767990

The tinder talk is here, check timestamps by the usual taggers. Sorry about liveniggering

>> No.49768012

You lied to me, anon. Maros were not the right place for that question.

>> No.49768071

She is raiding with Old Man Mage and the gang, not going to sleep anytime soon.

>> No.49768165

He's sun downing! Quick give him his meds!

>> No.49768223

They are casual EX farmers not even a real raid, doubt they go that late.

>> No.49768235

uhh?? based maro???

>> No.49768257
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>> No.49768330
File: 704 KB, 731x1064, CharzuDog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm surprised she left that maro in

>> No.49768390

>no timestamp

>> No.49768429

>Charlotte Suzu voice acting maro
my imouto is a real nigga for leaving that in

>> No.49768474

>The girls all hate doing voicepacks

>> No.49768522


>> No.49768572

I guess most charlatans don't know about it

>> No.49768576

1:49:06 Dating apps talk
This is literally nothing. Even I know some of these things and I never used a dating app in my life. Even the "charging guys but girls use it for free" part that Lua mentioned.
Drama sisters hungry for drama faggotry. Pathetic. This general is under a constant barrage of at least 2 drama trannies trying to shit on the girls. One of them is that seething cloudtomo I'm pretty sure.

>> No.49768601

>1:49:06 Dating apps talk
thank you Vesperam for tagging this shit

>> No.49768605

peak /strongmind/

>> No.49768804

I didn't see the stream where it happened, but the narrative I heard about the sex positions thing was N**na was the one talking about it and Nene was uncomfortable with it.

>> No.49768884

She doesnt speak for nene... Right?

>> No.49768915

...Is this seriously what those faggots are trying to drum up drama over? Fucking seriously? They said absolutely nothing worth raising an eyebrow over, this isn't even a molecule of a yab. They're literally just talking about Tinder, as in the literal mechanics and meta of the app itself. No personal experiences or anything. God I hate dramaniggers so fucking much

>> No.49768919

This is something I actually remember. It wasn't sex positions but "what type of guys do you like" and Nene obviously just went "Cloudtomos" and then "nice people" when pressed and left shortly after. This wasn't long before she got fired.

>> No.49768926

Never said they were talking about getting ran through (N**na did though).
It just that personal stuff and controversial topics were always here and if they get brought up, it's from those days. Not some sister dramafagging.

>> No.49769003

nothingbuger supreme

>All talk in 3rd person
>Completely wrong facts about actual tinder
>"People who use tinder should go outside instead and talk to real people"
>"I saw tik toks of people using tinder"

most inoffensive talk ever.

>> No.49769079

How funny is it that she ended up giving out her IRL pictures as donothon rewards. What an absolute whore. A fat roastie whore.

>> No.49769168

>Girls' Generation
Charzu's a fucking boomer.

>> No.49769186

N**na being a disgusting fat whore and trying to bring nene down with her, glad the bitch was dropped, she still seethes on twitter about nene being a bad person. N**na ur fat no one wants to see ur ugly irl pics

>> No.49769184

they didn't say anything questionable. if anything this just proves the girls' innocence even more, lmao. dramatroons can't even do their jobs right

>> No.49769242

Wow people are idiots.

>> No.49769308

Apparently Nene was the one who wanted her to stay in Kawaii and endured all her whore antics because she thought she could fix her lol

>> No.49769403

Nene is an actual pure angel, she is too good for those traitors.

>> No.49769484

I'm not sure they would be comfortable talking about Tinder now like they were back in the day.

>> No.49769521

only nami did not have it

>> No.49769593

>Jake Paul vs KSI maro
what the fuck

>> No.49769611

Nami was trying to tardwrangle them and prevent a wonton moment.

>> No.49769690

you were BTFO by your own claims, dramanig, stop trying

>> No.49769749

You are beyond pathetic. Keep seething faggot.

>> No.49769780

what the fuck are you even talking about.
I said they used to talk about tinder, and they did that.

>> No.49769811

Nami people always use fat as an insult, but I want to let you know that I really love a plump bitch.

>> No.49769816

you're crazy, nothing changed like you think. That talk is completely fine even if it was yesterday.

>> No.49769856
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu is more of a Logan Paul fan.

>> No.49769861

Neena is not a surprised because she was not against discussing sex.
Be suspicious of post about shee/lua/Nene's early days. They are bullshit mixed in with twisted facts

>> No.49769925

My poor wife, she really loves broken people

Nope, i cant picture that ending positively in any way. Gfe corp who the fuck wants to hear about tinder

>> No.49769928

And you tried to present it as some big yab and compared our girls to Ph*se and Tsunderia. Keep making shit up and blowing shit out of proportion, we're all here to laugh at you

>> No.49769955
File: 1.35 MB, 750x720, manyfaces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shee please invite charzu to your pizza party at the pizza plex

>> No.49769996

Are you black?

>> No.49770002

Nami and Lua didn't have much but Shee was always talking about spicy stuff with Nerd. I think that was how she got the dogfucker meme going.

>> No.49770126


>> No.49770137

try harder

>> No.49770225

are those big yabs in the room with us?
I presented facts about Kawaii's past, yabs or not it's your call. I have seen vtuber from other agencies get called names now for similar things our girls did back in the day.

>> No.49770262

Can you not bring yourself up nerd, you had ur chance and failed ur no better then the fag who sold his car to give her money. Shee never loved you either

>> No.49770329

Like what names and for what?

>> No.49770351

>he doesn't know about Shee's GFN arc
ngmi, I think the twitter spaces are still out there

>> No.49770385

It's not nerd. It's one guy who was butthurt about nerd getting attention from shee and now he's dedicated to bring up straight up bullshit about shee's "early day"

>> No.49770431

GFN has absolutely no relation to the dog meme, anyone who has been in these threads for any meaningful amount of time knows that.

>> No.49770480

There was a MEGA full of Shee spaces from several months ago that was shared here. I downloaded it but haven't listened to most of them. Give me a date and I'll check it to see how bad it was

>> No.49770513

Who do you think the person that asked Charzu to be in a cover with them?

>> No.49770530
File: 15 KB, 554x554, FwW_rxaWwAAGsAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earlydaysniggers confirmed falseflagers and shitstirrers, move along.

>> No.49770573

Any phase EN girl gets called a whore by default and not just Lia or Pippa.
Rita gets called a whore over baseless rumors, Shiki gets called a whore for talking about a breakup.

>> No.49770660

>Charzu lost subs when she uploaded her cover

>> No.49770682

I keep seeing "Charzu dakimakura" flash past. When will the maro show up?

>> No.49770795

was/is a prostitute
having a boyfriend is a major yab, talking about having sex and past sexual experiences is an even bigger yab. Shiki talked about both

>> No.49770829

That shit must hurt

>> No.49770917

If it's a female vtuber why not, if it's male vtuber lmao

>> No.49770963

I watched the stream after people complained about it and she didn't say anything explicit at all.

>> No.49770972

I will put Charzu in my bed and there's nothing she can do about it.

>> No.49771034

You are a drama shitter. I don't know why you make pkg your personal drama thread when most people here don't keep up with shiki/Rita to know whether you are just pulling shit out of your ass or not. I know you are making up shit for drama for kawaii girls though so just gtfo

>> No.49771161 [SPOILER] 
File: 64 KB, 619x636, charzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charzu don't look!
i kinda want to hear charzu cry on stream should i do it?

>> No.49771237

My guy that wouldn't faze Charzu at all.

>> No.49771242

she is not a failure though

>> No.49771271

Lmao. That's not going to make her cry, you spastic. She'll just delete it and move on.

>> No.49771273
File: 124 KB, 1080x1080, 339988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49771327

>charzu 1on1 guys were all spergs

>> No.49771353

what should i send then?

>> No.49771536

You are lying. Shiki did talk about having sex before. The stream that you probably watched was her guerrilla when she couldnt sleep. She talked about her previous relationship and said how when she really likes a guy, she will go to great lenghts for him because when she falls in love she falls in love hard.

>> No.49771538

Charzu fat tits

>> No.49771640

it's around the 59:00 mark, Shiki starts talking about her ex boyfriend and how she genuinely wanted to have kids with him. if you're doing GFE that's fucking nuclear

>> No.49771644
File: 252 KB, 400x606, NlrB9GV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49771657

A link to the Charcole skebs

>> No.49771685

Last time I repeated something Shiki herself said about past relationships I caught a 3-day.

>> No.49771741


>> No.49771746


>> No.49771803

she needs the ear tag

>> No.49771821
File: 96 KB, 743x916, sheebee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49771856

sounds inoffensive, wholesome even.

>> No.49771898

This will just make her mad, not sad.

>> No.49771930

Whenever Kson acts like a slut IRL on the VERY SAME channel where she streams her chuuba form and it's embarrassing that rule gets abused to delete the IRL stuff.
Doesn't apply to /pkg/ of course, but let's not pretend it's a good rule that's enforced by anyone with a brain.

>> No.49771950

> only want 1 kid

>> No.49772024

I wouldn't say it's innofensive, it's insulting if you were her gachi but not turbo whore behavior just yet.

>> No.49772026

wotaGODS we are IN

>> No.49772092

I want to be pollinated by Shbee

>> No.49772148

I don't particularly care for them myself, there I said it.
The handwritten stuff is where it's at for sure, if she's going to spend time on something for the merch buyers that's where I want it spent.

>> No.49772200


>> No.49772276

wotagei are based, Charzu in a wota getup skeb when?

>> No.49772333

No wonder why Nene loves the Cloudtomos and me most of all

>> No.49772432

If she talks about ex boyfriend it's already over. If she wanted kids at least you know it was something serious and not a tinder date

>> No.49773093

Why are you broken?

>> No.49773216

>Dango Daikazoku

>> No.49773218

Get ready cloudtomos, our waifu is starting her shonen arc about becoming the greatest singer. She's literally going to be the Goku of music.

>> No.49773285

>Goku of music.
That is a bad thing.

>> No.49773771

Charzu is married and hiding a baby, it's over...

>> No.49773841

Some of you need to be torched in fire the fuck is wrong with you people. Last thread we had a cloudtomo talking about seeing the others as competition. Nene will never be cool with cloudtomos trying to compete honestly the next time your sad fucking ass freaks out about not getting attention. I pray she name drops you on stream she wont but its what your two faced ass deserves. That shits fucking weak as fuck

>> No.49773870
File: 9 KB, 246x247, ebi.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49774003

some cloudtomos are more passionate than others

>> No.49774546

Not all of us are as prepared for Nene's love and our relationship as everyone else. I'm sure many of us didn't expect our relationship with the woman of our dreams to be like this. The distance between us, limitations in our contact, and divided attention are all things we need to cope with. Some of us are sure to have more trouble with it than others.
Even Chichigami and Writer, who gave Nene problems, seem to have come back around in the past couple of streams and were saying nice things to her again.
Nene is so perfect and sweet and we have a lot to learn from her.

>> No.49775017

I sent a maro 2 weeks ago about the card game but I should have known better since Charzu hates AI. At least she didn't publicly shat on it in the stream

>> No.49775914

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits
will save us from page 7

>> No.49776751

we've officially entered dead hours, boys

>> No.49776907

New rrat: the reason the thread dies after Charzu goes to bed is because half the thread is just Charzu jumping IPs and samefagging.

>> No.49777016
File: 660 KB, 932x795, 167611823053190989-78096098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami boobs

>> No.49779604


>> No.49780280


>> No.49780400


>> No.49781721

Nami is a fat fuck

>> No.49782084

it's leaking out, they know Nami is fat :(

>> No.49784092

Chances of Nene killing Orphan of Kos today?

>> No.49784236


>> No.49785044

need Shee gf

>> No.49785249

I will troon out of she doesa

>> No.49785766

Nerd actually left a few weeks before the dog meme started. I remember people memeing in the threads about how he dodged a bullet

>> No.49786101

Shee has my favorite ASMR in kawaii

>> No.49786136

Also now that I think about it since you're arguing about it that much why don't you go ask him about which parts of the Shee lore are true. He was there 24/7

>> No.49787904
File: 749 KB, 627x744, 1673553752403643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet it was all those dang pirated games on Shee's computer that gave it a virus.

>> No.49788137

Not a virus, still happens on a fresh windows install, I was thinking it could have been Bios, but I doubt her brother messed with it when replacing her CPU.

>> No.49788188

Coul be a fucked up motherboard from the CPU install

>> No.49788351

Maybe cherry accidentally sent a virus to shee... that dumb polish girls gather some wild ass virus

>> No.49788371

That Nami clip spawned a general
We have a /Nami/ split now, she was too fat lmao

>> No.49788416

stop advertising your trash bait threads

>> No.49788500

I wish it was my bait thread because I don't really understand what they are trying to do.
It's almost free shilling.

>> No.49788556

No shit. Phase intentionally shill themselves the same way. I don't like to advertise the /here/ girls clip like that because it attract the worst of audience

>> No.49788626

The fatty is just gonna ban their asses if they don't behave. She already bans people for minor shit anyway.

>> No.49788953

True, but that's like eating moldy food just because you can take medicine when you get sick.

>> No.49789091

I still don't know why it came out now of all times but Nami might incline? If anyone can control the /here/ audience, it's her.

>> No.49789148

I doubt those thread did much for her in terms of shilling anyway. But who knows, maybe she will graduate from eternal 2views for a stream or two.

>> No.49789731
File: 366 KB, 397x588, Fm940X3WIAIH7Ti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her regular outfit in 3D

>> No.49789762

Isn't it coming soon?

>> No.49789809

A week from now I think

>> No.49790316

Reina mating press btw

>> No.49790940

>>>Last thread
LMFAO what is this guy doing

>> No.49791134
File: 156 KB, 739x1200, 34234234236887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nami so fat she spilled over to the catalog

>> No.49791295

Time to stop

>> No.49791322

I'll stop when she finally tweets good morning

>> No.49791393

I want to be engulfed by a tidal wave of Nami's rolls

>> No.49791854
File: 419 KB, 754x518, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miss my wife

>> No.49792624

If you love someone you will get jealous and you will see others as competition, doesn't mean you're some fag who cries because nene didnt heart ur comment. Its normal and healthy to feel this way, the relationship with nene is different but you're basically stuck in the courting phase permanently, so other guys will always be potentially threats. Any cloudtomo who says they wouldn't jump at the chance to have her for themselves is a liar

>> No.49792965
File: 169 KB, 804x1023, 324242534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every cloudtomo wants to be her number 1, they just suck it up and play along nicely with all the others. Sometimes.

>> No.49793344

You're stupid if you want to be her number 1, unless you can outspend all other tomos alone, you are effectively making her life worse, I care about her being successful and having a good life and contributing to that on equal level is the best scenario possible for all parties.

>> No.49793509
File: 747 KB, 812x690, hagsex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with your wife right now heh

>> No.49793679
File: 20 KB, 205x318, FwGQGYLaAAIsShZ_charzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Charzu has massive fat tits and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.49793713

It's been 8 hours since her last tweet. Maybe she messed around for an hour before going to sleep, so that's 7. How long until she wakes up?

>> No.49794140

long raid night

>> No.49795049

Is Nami the most popular kawaii chubba?

>> No.49795107


>> No.49795131

Why is nene retweeting some fucking hololive catch up vid, who the fuck are these fags?

>> No.49795301


>> No.49795366

oaml yfoog lla'y

>> No.49795406
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1662573969936657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49795450

You got 2 threads to catch up to, and don't forget to look your name up in the archives

>> No.49795474

Isla sex btw

>> No.49795731
File: 1.73 MB, 674x534, 1653781829981946.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49795780

There is something very endearing about Charzu pushing through anxiety to see Aqours at the anime expo.

>> No.49795812
File: 472 KB, 1120x1680, 00534-2871394450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat hands, at least it's not tranny hands

>> No.49795962


>> No.49795971

Who's stream is this from?

>> No.49796024

Me on the bottom right

>> No.49796066

maybe im just paranoid but Reina's recent member's post spooked me at first

>> No.49796082

Very doubtful that they'd reach the target Charzu mentioned but I really hope there will be lots of people there. At least a hundred. How large is the fanbase anyway? 800 people or something? This is judging from how many watched the idol 3d debuts plus deducting a bit because of tourists. How many of that chunk are in the US, willing to fly to the venue? Shit, I wish I was rich enough to blow money on this. Too bad I'm outside the country.

>> No.49796100

Koshita's Kawaii fans special adress during gen ones 1st anniversary

>> No.49796201

it's over for sunreis

>> No.49796278


>> No.49796473

i just find it funny that she reads the "nami is fat" and "nami's fat tits" and either laughs to herself or do a big eye roll.

>> No.49796585
File: 78 KB, 636x900, 3423423354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nene will not abort Orphan of Kos today, again

>> No.49796711

Is it bad or something?

>> No.49797110

more repair lady incompetence

>> No.49797166

I hate whenever some talent is here because the thread defaults into attention whore posting.
>hue hue she is probably reading what i posted right now
fucking rope yourselves

>> No.49797193

Had a dream last night about having a Reina gf. It was nice.

>> No.49797297
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x1536, 45345342365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Nene is hyping herself a bit too much with this whole vsinger arc but I'm ready to be surprised

>> No.49797344

It's not bad, basically she was just expressing that she's really thankful for her fans and apologizing that she hasn't been doing as much member's content as she should.
She does that every now and then but it's kind of jarring to read a chuuba's paragraph expressing how thankful she is for her fans and support out of the blue since it often signals something not good, but like I said recent events have given me PTSD

>> No.49797406

I forgot to link the tweet lol

>> No.49797479

>spoonfeeding greynames
Please don't, anon. It only serves to make them spin more rrats and try to generate fake drama. If he cared, he would join her membership.

>> No.49797555

you guys are really mindbroken by "dramasisters" lol

>> No.49797681

Im a tomo i dont watch the other girls, just curious. I dont care about ur drama shit

>> No.49797720

these girls on Nene stream are ugly af
thank you tenshi for reminding me that 2D > 3D, regardless of race

>> No.49797754


>> No.49797798

they are literally japanese goblinas

>> No.49797836

He is right though. If Reina was on Nene's level of popularity, someone would already make a bait thread. Don't spoonfeed members content.

>> No.49797907

Spoonfeeders and those who defend them deserve the rope. Pay up and pay attention if you actually care.

>> No.49797995

in your drama PTSD brain maybe, people don't know who the fuck Kawaii is and already forgot about gen3 debacle and even these recent Nami catalog baits will last maybe another day.
Even fucking neneschizo stopped posting his Nene bait shit.

>> No.49798416
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for reference, Nene says they are cute. Maybe it's a female thing. The twintails one looks like a certain graduated green woman.

>> No.49798546

They look fine. I'm just assuming that you have online brainrot and expect every woman to be a 10/10

>> No.49798564

>Velo City guys raided Nene and she thanked them for featuring Kawaii
Nene leeching off fleshstreamers and Hololive orbiters arc incoming?

>> No.49798773
File: 12 KB, 176x176, 3343254576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently Production Kawaii sponsored this reaction stream of these two literal whos real life streamers with 77k subscribers, who like 5k views on their reaction videos.
What the fuck is going on?

>> No.49798857

Well, they gotta shill their concert. Honestly surprised they are even doing that.

>> No.49798870

unironically over

>> No.49798926

no one watches these fags though, if they want to shill at least pick someone with actual reach lmao

>> No.49799354

weird sponsorship but they also somehow got a Niji on their channel for an interview

>> No.49799408

Why is Lua's ass so plump on her latest merch?

>> No.49799439
File: 463 KB, 824x688, hagsex2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would it NOT be plump, you gay?

>> No.49799559

Does she think I have four hands?

>> No.49799791

you don't need four hands heh

>> No.49799881

Imagine shoving your entire head up there

>> No.49800095
File: 186 KB, 286x287, managementDUMB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(We) slept on it during her latest ASMR scenario

>> No.49800999

not killing him today either

>> No.49801135


>> No.49801139

It's still not ok to share members content. But go ahead and be a faggot if that makes you feel good.

>> No.49801269

owari da...

>> No.49801315

> paraphrased summary
> "mEmBeR cOnTeNt"

>> No.49801324

it's over...

>> No.49801352

>We got Reina in the chat

>> No.49801407

kawaii what the fuck are you doing

>> No.49801465

production pajeet

>> No.49801513
File: 571 KB, 1872x3456, 828eft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well of course it's Reina whoring herself out for networking.

Still wish management whored the girls to someone with an actual following and not some unknown shitters who get less VOD views than our talents lol

>> No.49801547

CodeVISHNU exists for a reason. ALL MORTALS SHALL BOW!

>> No.49801721

couldn't they get someone better?
if you're out of ideas, just call Punkalopi, she did sponsorship stuff for Idol and VReverie

>> No.49801872

Sponsor Kiara to live watch the concert
I know she has a concert to attend the next day

>> No.49801874

Koshita doesn't know what the fuck he's doing id it isn't obvious
Refused to advertise kawaii when it mattered most, and now he's not only late to the advertising party but he's paying actual who's to shill kawaii. These guys are 3D men, quite literally the opposite of kawaii's target audience

>> No.49802041

who they are don't matter, who their audience is is what matters, it's not a terrible strategy to buy ads from hololive shills, holo fans are probably the ones who would actually enjoy Kawaii events and streams as Kawaii is the nearest thing to holoJP the west has, but these guys are just randoms, they need to buy 100 of these adds or 10 big shot adds.

>> No.49802070

>Koshita doesn't know what the fuck he's doing id it isn't obvious
Implying that he is actually doing anything and this is not just our girls trying to get whoever they can just to advertise the concert a little bit.

>> No.49802185
File: 1.50 MB, 1285x871, 5675654454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reina and Nene in the chat
>sponsored react content by fleshstreamers
>with no one watching
management is so retarded, they don't believe in advertisement and when they finally do, they go for the worst kind of exposure, with shitty numbers on top of that.

They need to hire someone who is not completely clueless managing their marketing and social media team.

>> No.49802361

been rewatching gen 2's Girls After Dark collab and am once again surprised by how long women can just talk about their clothing and body sizes. they spent like 20 minutes just discussing their feet and shoe sizes, also just imagine Shee's tiny latina feet uooohhh

>> No.49802651

pajeet'd company

>> No.49803110

Kiara doesn't mind shilling literal whos, I remember when she groomed Ophelia. Reina also has connections with Ollie from HoloID.
Punkalopi wouldn't be a bad choice either. Definitely better than whoever these guys are.

>> No.49803633

Nene just killed a pregnant woman, the baby killing tenshi strikes again

>> No.49803783

based tenshi

>> No.49803809

she put that baby in there

>> No.49803906

she has to cope with not being able to abort the Orphan again

>> No.49804591
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>> No.49804650
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>> No.49804854

Nene is really bad at thinking of locations in a 3D space.

>> No.49804898

Nami playing Overwatch....

>> No.49804938
File: 257 KB, 762x800, 1683049580230996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat bitch count your calories

>> No.49805015

hey it's that girl from the catalog

>> No.49805071

What the fuck did Nene expect to happen?

>> No.49805103

woman magic

>> No.49805204
File: 1.92 MB, 780x448, 1681593429493439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49805273

Please use Nami image next thread to make her happy.

>> No.49805347

she stopped coming on /here/

>> No.49805351


>> No.49805389

Is Nami retarded?

>> No.49805428

The fuck are these audio issues
Nami so far she broke her audio setup

>> No.49805446

You don't just leave this place.

>> No.49805462

Dramasisters make it really hard for chuubas to be permanenty here. Maybe some of them check the thread once in a while but thats it. You need to browse through 50 posts of idiocy to find one that is kinda relevant to your content. It's unironically not worth the hassle.

>> No.49805497

Dramasisters ARE the chuubas

>> No.49805512

What >>49805347 said, I never actually believed she was a /pkg/ regular or anything. She likely just happened to leak one of the few times she was browsing the thread

>> No.49805565

>browser /pkg/ live
>not a regular
No way.

>> No.49805670

Maybe in other companies. I don't think Kawaii girls post on /vt/ and especially not to start dramas.

>> No.49805870


>> No.49805912

Kevin did not deserve that, this fat fuck is punching down again

>> No.49805957

Sit down and take it Kevin, you troon

>> No.49806473

Nami you fat cunt stop stuffing your hog face and get back to the stream

>> No.49806572

darko is a whoretomo

>> No.49806611
File: 180 KB, 671x381, sleepyslime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49806623

What a waste of fucking money, i dont wanna see some fags fake reacting to Kawaii stuff. What a dumb move by management

>> No.49806714

you already watch, the add isn't for you eisntein.

>> No.49806775

The ad is for no one because no one watches those pajeets

>> No.49806778

getting desperate...

>> No.49806879

Whos stream is he in because hes not in nene's

>> No.49806993

Nami stream

>> No.49807104

Ew plump girl lover

>> No.49807150

Nami is such a fat slut siren that she pulls whoretomos in like a magnet

>> No.49807163

>plump girl lover
Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing? Are you unironically a cock sucking fag?

>> No.49807304

hormal people don't like slampigs, at best they fuck them

>> No.49807515
File: 187 KB, 1024x1536, 1682706215038170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slam this

>> No.49807607

Come on, with Kawaii scraping only 50% of the girls take how could they possibly afford good marketing?

>> No.49807650

Plump girls are hot. I like a woman with some meat on her thighs, and I doubt Nami is disgustingly fat or anything. She says she has massive tits too, I don't see what the downside is

>> No.49807677

Nami only reads /pkg/ when OP has a Nami pic or thumbnail.

>> No.49807770

>Nene got 3-4 hate messages through streamlabs

>> No.49807838
File: 386 KB, 529x480, p2XTtuH4jTY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is kinda shit. See you guys later for Isla and Charzu's streams.

>> No.49807868

more Nene drama...

>> No.49807921


>> No.49808013

What happened this time? I missed it.

>> No.49808069

watch the stream, dramanigger

>> No.49808100
File: 373 KB, 488x492, 1684336598962621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the user who sent hate was a regular cloudtomo
>very sexual and nasty comments, used to send love and support
>she gave him a lot of chances
so that was the neneschizo, he is gone now anyway

>> No.49808113

Revenge by "you know who" for not being overjoyed at Velo City

>> No.49808196

He is sending more right now.
This dude is a true schizo.

>> No.49808199

it's a very active regular apparently, and one that donates often, weird

>> No.49808231

Come collect your retard

>> No.49808265

>Nene will send this to management, it's that bad
one good thing at least

>> No.49808359

I don't know why this fag is trying to turna Nami general into a thing

>> No.49808510

nene getting oneguy'd by a schizo, it's been a while

>> No.49808688

Charzu has some wise words for streamlabs trolls

>> No.49808694

bad rei ig

>> No.49808765
File: 822 KB, 1301x727, 1662037926991853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather watch overtrash 2

>> No.49808781
File: 32 KB, 588x234, dumbters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu watching, the faggot may get company wide banned, wish that happened with the doxxknights too specially the discord mod.

>> No.49808788

Writer you fuck, just leave all ready. Id love to find you and fuck you up

>> No.49808811

bad rei is more entertaining than Nami playing overwatch

>> No.49808834
File: 204 KB, 1440x551, Screenshot_2023-05-20_132030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which one of you fags was this

>> No.49808879

all me

>> No.49808930

jake is a heroji and also treasonkek
he tags not-orange-cat streams in the NotGen3 discord

>> No.49808942

jakeXIII should be banned too. He frequents the traitors

>> No.49808996
File: 64 KB, 637x798, FwbImG4WAAAwxA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll get what he deserves sooner or later.

>> No.49809053
File: 22 KB, 604x240, 8767656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reina also joins in
I think they might go after this dude after all.

>> No.49809224

You need to be seriously mentally ill to activelly anti someone. I can kinda understand if someone larps as an anti here to piss off the fans that lurk here, more than an actual talent, but to send hate messages or post shit on their twitter or whatever, it's just how fucking mentally gone are you?
It's beyond cringe.

>> No.49809251

Discord link? I don't know how guys find all these other discords.

>> No.49809279

guys enraged that their oshi doesn't actually love them

>> No.49809318

its invite only, but if you get in you get a chance to groom gen3 since all 5 of them are in there too

>> No.49809324
File: 86 KB, 1200x1600, Cookies-and-Cream-Cheesecake-Parfaits-blog-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oreo cheesecake parfait

>> No.49809349

Im surprised nene doesn't get more honestly considering heavy gfe, but shes such a sweetheart i also understand why she doesn't. You have to be a special kind of faggot to hate her, id love to meet this faggot

>> No.49809497
File: 434 KB, 750x639, 1669227501304238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is most likely to catch some actual schizos in her fanbase. They haven't sperged out this hard in a while, I wonder who is this longtime cloudtomo.

Proper gosling to anti arc.

>> No.49809549

what happened? i was out

>> No.49809601

My bets on writer, she talked about giving many chances and hes been a sperg lately

>> No.49809629


>> No.49809655

Basically this >>49807770

>> No.49809681

jesus, there'a a clip or something i can check?

>> No.49809827

End of todays stream basically the last 10 mins or so

>> No.49809874

> selfs
> there
> To
> xP
I don't know who the fuck this guy is but I hate him already.

>> No.49809911

3:57:44 is the start

>> No.49809954

Beware the VOD is going to go down to cut some music videos Nene watched on stream, timestamps may differ.

>> No.49810496

Ah true, duno then. Hopefully anon is watching now, for anyone Looking just check from when she finished bloodborne and went back to her room, its not too long after

>> No.49810883

To be fair, you play with fire, is likely you gonna get burn.

She should chill with the GFE shit but she knows damn well that if she stops that, all that left is a boring ass girl. Also, she would see a lot less of money. Like every other chuuba doing GFE out there, Nene needs to learn how to deal with creeps without making a big announce at the end of a stream every single time it happens. But I guess pity also gives her a lot of money, so yeah lol

>> No.49811134

Shes fine without gfe, but its part of her. She enjoys it as much as we do and it gives both sides something. I agree she should be better at ignoring things but i think today she was looking for emotional support not money, shes unfortunately sensitive to stuff like this. You gotta remember as well this was a regular who tried to hide his identity and play both sides, nice messages to hate must screw with a persons perception. Its a big betrayal because it comes from within and now she'll never know whos genuine and whos not. Isla learned this lesson in a worse way
