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4962902 No.4962902 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically, who's going to replace her?

>> No.4963117
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>> No.4963152

am shit?

>> No.4963324

She's versed in memes and has already shown she can interact well with people she's not very familiar with. I think she can pull it off better than Kanatan.

>> No.4963418

Ollie or Kiara, probably Kiara and she will become one of the most important holos now that Coco is gone as a bridge between JP and EN

>> No.4963445
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anyone who actually believes Kanata will do anything, just because they live(d) together, needs a wakeup call

>> No.4963579

Yeah, I don't think any of the JP girls can do it but Chammers who doesn't seem very active these days.

>> No.4963770

No one. Say goodbye to any EOP/ESL pandering. HoloJP will fall to Nijitier relevance. HoloEN will be their own island that will slowly fade to irrelevance.

>> No.4966383
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>> No.4966530

no one they are going full seiso and that would be their downfall

>> No.4966570
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>poggers? what's it mean?

>> No.4966606

No one. YAGOO will dogeza in front of Holohouse to beg her come back.

>> No.4966635

This is a rrat in my head but maybe cover is more willing to let coco go because they think Kiara can take over for her.

>> No.4966661

>replace her
No one, people aren't something you can repleace, I mean well maybe in west Taiwan where if you get ran over by a car and people literally step over you body sure but not Japan or the US.

>> No.4966695


>> No.4966745

holy shit there is no one, the closer i can think of is ame but she is a EOP

>> No.4966871
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>> No.4966929

about a month ago pekora said she started stidying video editing, maybe she want to do some prerecorded stuff

>> No.4966947

overall, kson
on hololive, literally no one (until next hololive generation)

>> No.4966991

The only way a reddit meme review will work no matter how bad it is will be if Coco approves of it and if the audience knows that Coco is okay with it. It's never about the quality anymore. It's more for sentimental reasons at this point so it is going to be Kanata maybe with the help of other Holomembers. Like 2 man show kind of thing. Or even the whole gen 4.
And another thing, Doing stuff that is remotely close like what Coco did back in the good days is not possible because will never be greenlit.

>> No.4967036

No one, who is going to replace you when l*ddit notices their resident retarded faggot is gone?

>> No.4967393

If after coco leave, someone is about to do something similar to asacoco, then I don’t even know what kind of shitstorm will happen in the jp fanbase.

>> No.4967804
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Polka if her limiters are fucking removed.

>> No.4967844

The real question is why would anyone want to replace her after seeing what happened to her? It's an object lesson. Cover did the equivelant of shooting the most charismatic person in the squad in the head, the guy who always sticks up for others and helps them out. It's a message that ensures compliance.

>> No.4967901

They are Japanese. They are way more concerned how their words are perceived and how their actions look like. That's why you see a lot of them even struggle to talk with one another when streaming but actually do interact just fine offline. Stepping into this will be something that has to be carefully considered and even then, they might not even do it. Kanata can do reddit because she asked permission from Coco and Coco pretty much said she will help her. So no burning will happen

>> No.4968499

I am talking about asacoco. It is probably one of the reason coco was force to leave, so if after she leave, cover suddenly ok a show similar to it in content, it would piss off the jp fanbase particularly the tatsunoko.

>> No.4968764

I am talking about asacoco. I only used the reddit show as an example. Btw, Kanata already tried to do a show similar to it with very pg topics however it only lasted for 1 episode. So it clearly was harder than anyone was expecting. They are more sensitive about this and probably is more self aware about it because of the ungodly amount of time they dedicate to egosa. Like I said, it can happen if and only if Coco was behind it and she approves of it. Noone will touch it.

>> No.4968903

All of them. Manyearned something from Coco or were inspired by her. That's why she feels comfortable leaving now, she knows they will be fine and she will be able to express her full creativity. While watching and laughing as just another viewer.

>> No.4968939

Kanata has already talked about doing something like meme reviews on stream with coco, and watame has already done a similar thing to asacoco

>> No.4968978

Not happening, Poruka knows jackshit about the West, and the western influence was Coco's major gimmick.
Also - what limiters? I thought she's got some sort of special treatment.

>> No.4969020

No one, Cover is clamping down on anyone who tries anything new.

>> No.4969213


>> No.4971538

who dis

>> No.4971591
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>> No.4971905


>> No.4971948

No one will actually replace her, her facets will split between some members.
Guest shows and similar content ideas will go with Kiara, Ollie will get to be the over the top high energy one, Amelia the one who gets to be the badmouthed gremlin, and Kanata should be the one who breaks her mold and become not only yonkisei strongest link but also inherit Coco's boss/winning attitude(although Im not sure she will be able to)

>> No.4972151

I don't think Coco is actually going away.
This thought is now stuck in my head and it's not leaving. Somebody in a next gen is going to sound like Coco.

>> No.4972244
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stop, and just accept that she is leaving.

>> No.4972294

no one, she can't be replaced. with anyone currently available, and cover is moving in a direction that make her brand of entertainment 'obsolete' anyways, hence why she's retiring. as for EN JP connections, her role will be covered by kiara, haachama will be too busy with college. Kiara will cover it imperfectly, and the subreddit will stagnate.

>> No.4972316

i have finally figured it out

she is a hardcore gamer and the reason she is leaving is to have more time to play games and being a fujoshi fulltime read her interview if you dont believe me.

>> No.4972340

I refuse, anon.

>> No.4972782

If rrats are to be believed (lol) then Coco's whole situation led to a major falling out between the talents and management. The fact that Coco isn't being given the 1984 treatment is probably a result of that.

>> No.4972856

As the most boring holo?
Probably Roboco.

>> No.4972934

Realistically she's too much of a pillar of the entire English-speaking part of vtuber-ing as an industry.

She was doing too much and putting too much on her own back to be able to handle all of it on her own.

And what she's done is already done.

>> No.4973147


>> No.4973464

anyone knows why she is leaving? she survived china, get recognition for her contribution to the vtuber community , grows in popularity and it didnt seem to stop with all the collabs . its like quitting when your band finally get to the number one spot.

>> No.4974121

Ideally Kanatan should be the successor, but let's face it, realistically speaking Kiara is going to take over. Perhaps she will use HoloTalk's template to create a new Reddit Shitpost Meme review series.

>> No.4974262

thank god i'm leaving hololive alongside Coco in july

>> No.4974276

She's more successful with her limiter, anon.

>> No.4974329
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some online personalities are irreplaceable
totalbiscuit died over three years ago and there's still a void in what he used to do.

>> No.4974336

> While watching and laughing as just another viewer.
Will she use her roommate account? Or a burner account instead?

>> No.4974440

She made Hololive too big to be "cool",

>> No.4974504


Cover wants to be safe after what happened to her, chamers, towa, and others. They want to carry on doing what they’ve been doing and continue to rake in money and grow. Safety in the comforts of the ever day routine.

Coco wants to be daring, creative and fresh. Coco is not willing to sit back and quietly take in money. The wealthy status quo for both her and cover doesn’t interest her.

So she’s leaving. It really is that simple, but there are schitzos here who will try and convince you otherwise.

>> No.4974543
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>> No.4974551

she's doing many collabs now BECAUSE she's graduating. Cover finally noticed that they've cucked her and decided to give her some freedom for before she leaves.
She also said that the decision was made much earlier. Most likely early may, I'd say.
We'll most likely never know why, don't listen to rrats. I highly doubt that it's caused by China or Cover firing her. If any of these would be true we'd hear Fubuki graduating aswell.

>> No.4974856

I'm holding out hope that maybe in a year or two Cover will ease restrictions or Coco will get the projects she wants to do out of her system and she might come back, but if I'm being honest with myself the best I think I can hope for is her turning up as a surprise for an anniversary live or something.

>> No.4974959

Depends what part do you want to replace.
The person herself? Her creativity? Nobody.
Meme review? THe only person with the skills to bridge the language gap is Kiara but she has Holotalk and no way is she doing 2 shows like that.

>> No.4974965

There are only 2 people who know japanese and english enough to pull it of, Kiara and Hachama.
I don't see either one of them pulling it off.

>> No.4975066

>know english enough
I doubt that, anon.

>> No.4975109

I don't think any of the other members have the balls / freedom to do the shit Coco did, like fucking shaving her Pubic hair during a stream. So no one, not one. We will never have another Coco.

>> No.4975280

There is one thing I don’t get with cover, why don’t they just give her a chance with her project? She is planning to leave anyway so what is the harm of letting her tries it out with the condition that is she fucks up then she has to graduate? Graduate is already on the table so might as well give her a chance and off the chance she can make it super popular then they will just gain profit from it. Being so stubborn about giving her a chance to the point that she would quit seem so stupid to me especially right now where hololive is at the peak of the vtuber world, this shit could cause so many unknown risk/factor.

>> No.4975293

Newfriend, she speaks normal english, just with aussie accent.

>> No.4975335

I will bet my left testicle the shit talking dragon will return in some Alternative short, or anime mini series, or some anniversary of some kind. They’re parting on good terms. If they weren’t, she wouldn’t have gotten more than a month to say goodbyes, make the announcement, do a collab rampage through the company, do the biggest most watched stream in Hololive history as a send off, and then be treated as a proper graduate with honors. July first is not going to be the last we hear from Coco.

>> No.4975447

She is a kingmaker, her recent meme review made me think of Mori and Ollie in a more positive way. If she vouches for them who am I to disagree? I truly respect her, and she will be greatly missed.

>> No.4975449

I remember her doing many mistakes on that english. Be it her haachama horror arc or even actual EN collabs. She may understand them and sometimes respond, but she's far from the level we need. I'd say it's on par with Calli's japanese.

>> No.4975508

It’s not about “one project” she wants to do. It’s about putting Asacoco on ice, restricting her collab opportunities both inside and outside HoloJP and even her own Gen. it’s about restricting her to basically meme review, solo game streams and chat streams since her forced break. Cover management are being overly cautious about the bug men, and her wilder side. They’ve essentially bubble wrapped her. And it feels stifling to Coco. Letting all that go and going back to early 2020 policies is just not something a corporation of covers size can comfortably do. The expanding corporate rigidity is not the place for coco. She’s too much dragon for them now.

>> No.4975532

Depends on what you mean by "replace." As the face of the company? Gura. She's set to overtake Kizuna AI as the top Vtuber before too long, but she probably won't beat Kizuna to the 3M mark like she did Korone to the 1M.

>> No.4975578

I don’t know about this, if they just outright force her to quit without any preparations for the fan then cover would have been burn down already. Not sure if they are any hate between them but I doubt they will want her to be in anything again.

>> No.4975660

I mean I get what you are saying but with the new YouTube feature, the spamming is no longer a problem so letting her collab shouldn’t be an issue for much longer, as for projects, it still think giving her a chance with the warning of her graduating if she fucks up is a nice deal and less risky then forcing her to leave which led to too many unknown factors.

>> No.4975704

Calli knows as much japanese as Korone english, if anything Chama's english is on par with Kiara.

>> No.4976351

Hachama doesn't seem to be in good grace with Cover either since she's on the extreme side too. Wouldn't surprise me if she eventually leaves too.

>> No.4976512

Isn't the Haachama arc the other half of Cover's clampdown on creativity? Considering the timeline of events, the Haachama Saga being censored could have been the final straw.

>> No.4976619

EN gen 2 is right around the corner. No doubt one of them will try to carry on her legacy.

>> No.4976657

I'm amazed she hasn't done it yet. Can't wait for it to happen so we can have cooking streams where she doesn't have to use gloves.

>> No.4976663

>anyone knows why she is leaving?
realitically speaking ? she want to return to her old living style of playing sega games non stop.
more than an idol she is a fujoshi

>> No.4976829

Candice should.

>> No.4976842

Nene has potential

>> No.4976845

Who is Candice anon?

>> No.4976849

Whose mouth?

>> No.4976867

- Management told me that I can't tell other holomems about my graduation, but I feel like that's wrong so I told them anyways 3 months earlier.
- I won't be able to use hololive discord channel anymore so I exchanged LINE (messenger app like whatsapp) with Matsuri
- I wish in the future Vtubers can give number 1 priority to entertaining their fans
- I'm being monitored by management, if I slip anything they will end my stream right there.
- I will work hard so that I can say I did not regret leaving Hololive.
- Indies are a hot thing today.
- I love to talk about others so I'm sad I can't talk about other hololive members anymore.
- I will become a person that people will say "If you talk about vtuber you're talking about (me)". If I can become that then maybe the management might think "We need to call her back".

>> No.4976868

Cover has slowly become too restrictive for the type of content that she wants to do. I don't know why she insists on being into vulgarity. It's also obvious that management is very careful with what they let her do, I can't imagine that they were approving of her giving the middle finger to yagoo or spreading her legs when a lot of their other talents are trying to be as respectful as possible within reasonable boundaries.

>> No.4976872

In the mouth of that anon, of course.

>> No.4976882

Remember the reason why the JPs are stuck in this permissions autism rut is that there's no one like total biscuit on the Japanese side to champion for the right to stream.
If he didn't exist it's quite possible that the entire Internet would be stuck in the same spot as the Japanese

>> No.4976912

>Poruka knows jackshit about the West
she read more Edgar Allan Poe and Arthur Cona Doyle more than you

>> No.4977004

Replace her in what way? Being an anti-idol with a weird voice that likes to do joke dance moves?

>> No.4977097

I think she want to do the gap moe route. Being a seiso idol all the time can be boring, having a little spice once a while make it more interesting, having some one in the group that can make those seiso idol do stupid thing or say something bad once a while is entertaining, cover forgot that shit like miko’s nigga were what attracted the international attention and not because they can sing.

>> No.4977137

Why is Cover management so retarded? It's not like they're a massive company, surely they're still small enough that the talent can just tell management they're being retarded and sort it out. Why the fuck do they need 5 layers of management for a company that has less than 200 employees?

>> No.4977199

This just seem to me like the kizuna ai situation all over agin with management thinking they know better than the talents.

>> No.4977240

Yeah it's shitty, but put yourself in Yagoo's position. Nigga was the CEO of a literal who tech company just a few years ago and only created Sora as a proof of concept for his live2d tech. Now he is the head of an international brand with all of the opportunities and controversies that come with that. I can't blame the guy for getting a little risk-averse. And the CEO sets the tone for the management that work for him.

>> No.4977271

I mean sometimes they do. It's not like the talent know how to run a business, thats the managements job to steer the ship. In some cases it's entirely reasonable for management to set boundaries so that talent don't sabotage the growth of the company by doing something stupid. In this case I can think of a whole bunch of possible solutions that don't involve graduating Coco. Why not create a different brand for the vtubers who just want to stream and not do idol stuff?

>> No.4977346

moona also did this

>> No.4977366

Between YouTube restrictions and investor expectations, I doubt Yagoo has much say in how risk averse he can be.

>> No.4977397

That's supposed to be most of the talents. Hell, they had an entire generation called "Hololive Gamers". You'd think they'd be less autistic about letting some of them just stream.

>> No.4977409
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>> No.4977425
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Am shit!

>> No.4977466

Yeah and sometime they don’t like with kizuna ai. Like they don’t really have anything to lose if they let coco have a little more freedom. The worst that could happen is coco get cancel by the west and she quit, it wouldn’t really affect the other girls. This isn’t like the case with them playing what ever game they wanted without asking for permission aka the holocaust. Or let her tries her new project on twitch. Miko do watchalong on there. The more I think about it the more stupid cover management seem.

>> No.4977526

Wow that sure is an entirety of western culture!

>> No.4977828

They were never an idol company
but they are no longer an entertainment company either
they are corporate shills


I'd like to thank Calli for finally making me understand why Coco is leaving

>> No.4977886

you somehow missed the memo when she was shilling Strive?

>> No.4977981

This really is the worst timeline

>> No.4977986

Did you miss the obvious reason why?
And the fact that Coco "ruined" depictions of self harm and suicide by hanging Kanata

>> No.4978465

Even Indies do sponsorship, it's real hard to say no to some guaranteed money when you are relying on the nebulous nature of super chats for income. So yeah one day you might be forced to shill RAID, but at least it's an easy few thousand for a stream people will forget about in a few weeks.

>> No.4978615

Realistically?? Nobody, Cover doesn't want edgy chuubas anymore that's why she's leaving. There might be some other fluent JP speakers in next EN batch, Kiara is very invested in the JP side that's one of the few good parts about her but nobody will be like Kaichou because they just won't let her.

>> No.4978645

I don't really think she would

>> No.4978977
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It still hurts.

>> No.4979260

what a fucking cursed image

>> No.4979547

With her personality, I think she'd have a hard time asking anyone to collab at all.
If we're talking strictly about stuff like meme review, I think Risu could be a good fit if she wanted to do it.

>> No.4979677
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I miss that glorious bastard...

>> No.4979737
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Nobody, she’s too out there. The only person I can imagine coming even remotely close is Hato or Amelia

>> No.4979801

Top retard.

>> No.4979895

Better hope they have another burger-raised haafu tapped for Gen 6.

>> No.4979941

FAQ News

>> No.4980190

>totalbiscuit died over three years ago
Has it been that long now?
