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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49717353 No.49717353 [Reply] [Original]

> Someone's discord notification keeps pinging
> Chihiro asks why, Deron asks if it's hinting at something?
> oh, someting like "Chi-chan I'm going home now~<3"? - Chihiro (word for word, same message from Rushia's Miko collab stream that ended up with her terminated).
> "oh no~ did my discord get exposed~?"

>> No.49717456

Your move Michael Carto

>> No.49717551

Is it really their fault for mocking one of the more famously retarded career ruining move in the scene, though?

>> No.49717693

Disgusting in more than one way. Fishing for drama to stay relevant is all Nijis can do. Using Rushia is a new low.

>> No.49717722

Yes. Dramafags make dramafag content.

>> No.49717740

It's just a joke, no need to get so buttblasted over it.

>> No.49717814

This is a new low even for Nijisanji desu

>> No.49717830

You are laughing. Deron and Chihiro are getting sued and you are laughing

>> No.49717961

The Yamcha pose of vtubing

>> No.49718018

Show us the legal proceedings if they're getting sued.

>> No.49718053


>> No.49718082
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Coconut picker discord gang just woke up

>> No.49718149

He's taking the piss at Miguel the Cat who has been going around suing/threatening to sue anyone making fun of her

>> No.49718152

Someone link this discord, I want to get paid for my shitposting too.

>> No.49718193

niji members made fun of the taiwan situation and cold chicken too

>> No.49718225

>bullied Niji becomes a bully

>> No.49718258

Why they acting like dramanig?

>> No.49718432

Why do Nijis keep doing this shit

Mocking during the Taiwan thing, Gweru singing a song literally written by a Pekora anti, and now this. Are they really so opposed to their company supposedly being allied with Cover?

>> No.49718436

Pekora's gonna go nuclear when she sees this.

>> No.49718450
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which ones? i only know of the nigger elf that got suspended and kzh because he shut down his chat when they were egging him on

>> No.49718495 [DELETED] 

Someone should send this to her, gurantee she will have a meltdown

>> No.49718517

She's not gonna see this. I dont think she has time to watch small fries

>> No.49718577

HAHA. Based blue loli.

>> No.49718650

If there's enough fuss about the clip she might.

>> No.49718657

Nijisanji? This is just women in general.
They're all two faced.

>> No.49718745
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She's friends with the nijis now, she'll see it.

>> No.49718744

lol, she was trying to be friends with them as of recent. i wonder if thats gonna change now

>> No.49718768

Chii-chan doesn't give a fuck
She joked about being a laplus anti and talking shit about her online to her face

>> No.49718818
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What did Michael do to deserve this? They also surely know she's legitimately insane.

>> No.49718889
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based there can only be 1 apex gremlin

>> No.49718898

>living in Japan

Unfortunately she's an easy target for shit like this

>> No.49718952

I hate Nijiniggers to my core but this just seems like a funny edgy joke. Got a good chuckle out of me.

>> No.49719017

pathetic, even for nijis

>> No.49719025

Gwelu did nothing wrong, he didn't deserve that suspension.

>> No.49719104


>> No.49719114

Yeah but making Pekora your mortal enemy is a bad move

>> No.49719169

I watch Nijisanji from time to time, and one of the thing they say the most is:
>we can do this, because WE are not idols

>> No.49719232

Yeah, I actually laughed for a bit, Michael Cat fags are just too thin-skinned

>> No.49719347 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 4933x4108, rushia_anti_nijiniggers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The viewers reflect the steamer or something

>> No.49719566

It's fair game if it's Rushia.

>> No.49719606

I really feel the whole shit about the Cover/Anycolor joint statement against harassment feels useless when the livers themselves are the niggers.

>> No.49719637

>one said it on her face with no intention of mocking her
>the other one said it on her back with intention of mocking her

>> No.49719670

Yeah, kinda gives the whole thing a hollow feeling when the antis are inside one of the parties to the joint statement. Niji needs to get their shit together, this kind of thing is becoming increasingly common with them and it's really not a good look.

>> No.49719691

No, Pekora did a trial bit last year to make absolutely clear that Rushia is a retard.
Even recently when some butthurt nigger tried to make her feel bad for mentioning Rushia was not a holo anymore, she was like “Did >we fired her? :3”

>> No.49719693

You don't need to be an idol, it just shitty.

>> No.49719729

Isn't Chihiro one of the nijis with the most antis, anyway?

>> No.49719744

Absolute seethe in 2023

>> No.49719762

Write this again in proper English nijinigger

>> No.49719780

Gwelu made sure to prove that directly after

>> No.49719797

Maybe he's thinking about when holofags completely fabricated a Sasaki quote about cold chicken out of frustration after Rushia's birthday 3d live lost to some Niji stream.

>> No.49719844

Yes, adding the 10 remaining mikefans on top of that is nothing. She's fine.

>> No.49719845

>Michael Cat fags are just too thin-skinned
Fans sure resembles their oshi

>> No.49719877

Classic Nijinig behavior.

>> No.49719956

well if you cant be funny without laughing at others' mistakes then you arent much of an entertainer. Not every criticism is seething

>> No.49719958

i was wondering how she managed to get so many antis
guess she was just a shitty person all along

>> No.49719993

link brother

>> No.49719999

Why is like what? Funny?

>> No.49720161
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That's funny

>> No.49720380

That wasn't the career ending move.
Reminder that the actual fandeadshits were willing to wait for a proper explanation from rushia herself, but she went full retard and spilled trade secrets with a dramatuber.
That was the career ending move. I'm convinced that if she hadn't done this and triggered a cover investigation into her actions and communications then she'd have been able to overcome this pretty easily.
Not that she wouldn't have taken a hit; money and viewership wouldn't taken a beating, but people underestimate the power of abject simpery the associated cognitive dissonance.
I mean look at Orca, or Lyger for that matter.
She would've still had a career if she'd just
>bitch be cool
'd herself for one fucking weekend.

>> No.49720459

You can hate niji all you want but there's literally no reason to defend mikeneko and her insanity.
Making fun of her fall from grace will always be accepted and funny.

>> No.49720467

This. Rushia is a fired traitor and Holochads should not be trying to defend her anymore.

>> No.49720492

That retard is a dumb thread reader, what actually happened:
>Pekora trying to teach ChatGPT about 3kisei
>input Rushia's as graduated
>Chat: Um, acktually she was fired
>Pekora: Hey hey what's wrong with calling her graduated, no need to be so specific right and teach it that she was fired. Graduated is fine enough!

>> No.49720530

She still has a career, she wants to stay a small 4view by own choice

>> No.49720559


>> No.49720641

You seem tourist af so I included clips of those mentions
https://youtu.be/dVEpBGGInys <- This nigger is coping with his title and got calked out in the comments
Hi holopicks!

>> No.49720651

i was the one sending those messages to chi-chan btw

>> No.49721317
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Delutaya also said a joke

>> No.49721369

Rushia doesn't deserve Pekora and Marine. How do you fuck up a good gig and nice genmates because of alien dick.

>> No.49721514

If you saw her previous persona that's her pattern, she can't handle stress and self destructs. It's a shame because in every other way mikeneko is the perfect vtuber.

>> No.49721679

They’re also irrelevant but hey who’s keeping track.

>> No.49722878

Chihiro seems like she's kind of a cunt.
Regardless of what happened to Rushia, she never made fun of anyone from Nijisanji and only had good things to say about them.

>> No.49723292

>kind of a cunt.
>kind of

>> No.49723322

needs correction

>> No.49723340

>he never made fun of anyone from Nijisanji and only had good things to say about them.

>> No.49723395

Rushia used to be my second or third oshi at one point, but I found this hilarious. Chiichan is funny. I like her.

>> No.49723449

Funny that's exactly what a nijinigger would say

>> No.49723475

i find it funny
its just a joke anon its been like 2 years already

>> No.49723555

They do it for free tho

>> No.49723612

OP did you really start watching NijiJP clips just to make catalog bait?

>> No.49723667

just a cunt trying to be relevant with drama

>> No.49723746

If a holo did this to a niji. They'd get mass reported, doxxed, harassed, get death threats

>> No.49723929

Go ahead and post literally a single incident of when she said anything bad about Nijisanji or any of its members,you petulant shit eating faggot. I'll fucking wait.

>> No.49724021


>> No.49724047

that reminds me, is towa's yab basically miguel gatto's yab treated right?

>> No.49724213

Will she? The ones that she interacted with was Rena and Nui not those two

>> No.49724232

Towa didn't have an audience at the time so no

>> No.49724328

How the fuck was that insulting? Rushia was awkward and embarrassing as fuck because she wanted to make small talk with Mito and told her that she watched her clip, but she didn't think about what she was actually saying or how Mito felt about that story that Mito herself talked about.
Even if you're a retarded EOP, there's literally a translated version of their conversation posted in this very thread. >>49719566
You'd have to be completely autistic to think that Rushia had any kind of bad intentions by talking about that. She even felt bad about it afterwards.

>> No.49724593


>> No.49724762
File: 91 KB, 767x759, anti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.49724804

If there was actually an anti Discord, they'd /pol/ post or do gay ERP. Probably both

>> No.49724809

No. Towa's yab was her joining the discord group of the friends she's always playing FPS with. Why do you EOP always think those MULTIPLE people that were heard were literally in her room or something? She lied and said they were cover staff, and Cover itself said that wasn't true. That's why she was suspended.
It was also handled extremely poorly.

>> No.49725191

Handled poorly how?

>> No.49725292

huh? calm down, i didnt say anything about people being in her room

>> No.49725481

would still use her second hand pussy

>> No.49725488

It was handled poorly by Towa because she knowingly lied about it to her fans and ended up receiving a two week suspension over it, not to mention that her JP fans nearly all left her at that point and she had to work for years to get them back.

>> No.49725521

Not sure what you're talking about, but whatever it is, it's probably riddled with STDs.
You should make better decisions, anon.

>> No.49725596

more flavor for my dick.

>> No.49727002

So good content?

>> No.49727040

No shit content for mentally ill people. Americans complains about distopia and live in a distopian shithole.

>> No.49727229

Rushia deserves all the shit that she has coming.

>> No.49728317

The saddest part is that after a while, you just know it’s just down to jealousy. Jealousy that they aren’t the top vtubing corp in Japan anymore, and that they’re pretty much stuck in a bad deal that only gives out 2% merch. Nevermind how bad management is when Pekora felt uncomfortable with how shit was for Nui

>> No.49731497

imagine if niji is on the receiving end.
imagine if a holo makes fun of the accent shitstorm.

>> No.49731895

Why are nijiniggers like this

>> No.49731944

>mikeneko is the perfect vtuber.
yeah the perfection of mediocre

>> No.49733669

lmao based

>> No.49734691

Why is hololive like this?

>> No.49738288


>> No.49738415

NijiJP is alright. It's NijiEN we hate.

>> No.49742687

Funny because its true story

>> No.49743025

All those people in the room with her? Me

>> No.49743142

didn't Chihiro had problem with her antis and has to resort to lawsuits as well?

>> No.49743670

bullysanji is real...

>> No.49743905

That's just funny though. Lighten up.
