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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49585111 No.49585111 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (Crazy Raccoon, KNR, DTN, 芸人旅団, GETI, etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>49533881

Upcoming/ongoing events:
Pacific Racing Team collab

VSPO! 3D announcement.

VSPO! is:


Miscellaneous recent streams:
Lisa's 30 person totsumachi
Minecraft server hide and seek (Met POV)
VSPO morals check with Sumire

Songs, anime, etc.:
Point two seconds story
New Logo Animation PV
Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
for Victory! (Full ver.)

Main channel competitions:
Previous: New Year OW2 Winter Campaign
Extra: Autumn Sudden Test (Ren's channel)

VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Previous: The King of Uruha Ichinose

>> No.49585157
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pi, protector of thread
she looks down on shitposters and bait-repliers

>> No.49585237

Died to ring cause Noah fucked up her zip

>> No.49585249
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>> No.49585252

It's fine because she's cute

>> No.49585342

told yall Noah stops doing lisp as soon as theres another person in stream.

>> No.49585353

stats guy is updating again

>> No.49585404

How many points does she need to reach pred now?

>> No.49585424

Sumi is as agile as cat.

>> No.49585485


>> No.49585500


>> No.49585566

today for sure

>> No.49585582


>> No.49585709

I am no longer annoyed by Noah's shite repeater, now I just find it funny

>> No.49585756

wtf is this dogshit ring

>> No.49585858

Gets the best gun, but doesn't shoot it, just tries to run away... just like her flying around in Valk.

>> No.49585900

She got caught while looting come on

>> No.49585965

Cute frustration sounds

>> No.49586013

Tail plug.

>> No.49586050

Do not replay to noah schizo

>> No.49586081


>> No.49586234

Hypothetically speaking, if there was a vspo kart racing game, what would you like to see in it?

>> No.49586255

See? Nemesis works just fine. Fuck the peater

>> No.49586301

what do you mean? All you can do is race...

>> No.49586324


>> No.49586444

Holy shit please just go nemesis every game from now on

>> No.49586571

@4000, she WILL make it

>> No.49586705

Still 4k away, she needs another 10h session today

>> No.49586742

Noah 40131 points right now. Cutoff is 43989 so that's around 3.8k-ish.

>> No.49586802

we have google too bruh

>> No.49586823


but it's a moving target, so she'll still have to play the whole day to get there

>> No.49586872

>but it's a moving target
Oof then Noah definitely can't hit it

>> No.49586943
File: 187 KB, 337x484, yuinotes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear Yui and I are watching the same coaching videos. Except for 同じところを守らない our notes are pretty much the same.

>> No.49587089

gasu pasu bakuhatsu

>> No.49587450

isn't that just the general rules of tact FPS?

>> No.49587708

Everyone knows how to play tactical shooters until they actually play tactical shooters. Knowing what to do is easy but doing it is the hard part.
There are still more "general rules" that aren't listed here, like when to run and gun, when to hold wide vs. tight, when you have time to look at the minimap, etc.

What she's (probably) doing is focusing on her biggest weaknesses so that it becomes second nature. Once she can apply all this stuff without thinking, she can move on to actual strats.

There's this (english) youtuber called Woohoojin whose coaching for most gold players basically boils down to Yui's notes.
>inb4 she hasn't watched that because she's JOP
I don't mean it literally you dolts.

>> No.49587907

vibes seem high in Noah's stream

>> No.49587984

Mel is a good mood setter

>> No.49588015

yes, it's far more lively than with rpr
even better than with eden

>> No.49588171

He's like a lower tension Kinako. Which is still hell of a lot.

>> No.49588221

huuuuuuuge game for Noah

>> No.49588245


>> No.49588285

gee I wonder how I feel if I got multiple back to back champ

>> No.49588288
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noah strong

>> No.49588300

noah flanking without a care cause the other two are so solid is pretty nice.
also ww at that guy hiding right above

>> No.49588313

who knew the answer to her problems was just bringing in an actual pro, he also carries the mental

>> No.49588328

She got back to back champs with rpr and mikodayo yesterday too but mikodayo is autistic and rpr is an eop

>> No.49588393

Noah would never fall asleep if she ranked with Eden and Mel.

>> No.49588476

So who's the better player over all: Pakael or Noah?

>> No.49588620

double arcstar goodness gracious

>> No.49588627

anon you already know the answer to that

>> No.49588632


>> No.49588644

And it's not even close.

>> No.49588753


>> No.49588940
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consistently got 300+ points. she's on good trajectory

>> No.49588972

Noah taking on this pred challenge is because she was told she will be raised to 10 points if a future vsai apex happens, and she doesn't believe she is worth 10 points with her current skills. She herself doesn't think she's as strong as Paka, so she's trying to train by grinding rank

>> No.49589261


neet zatsu

>> No.49589355

nazupi love!

>> No.49589457

Narapute girls furupa

>> No.49589475 [DELETED] 

meanwhile jobbermito has been pleading for them to lower his 12 points since forever

>> No.49589561

nvm I can't watch a stream with Nari in it.
I just can't stand women who sound like that.

>> No.49589630

runa totk soon

>> No.49589668
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>> No.49589718

Cute retard

>> No.49589726

Sisters can't appreciate baby talk chuubas.

>> No.49589741

people say stuff like this and then only talk about 3 vspo girls and only when they are playing an fps and spend the rest of the time talking about how guys are being sex pest

>> No.49589896

Damn fps content is popular for vspo now?? Wtf happened we lost zatsubros it's so over......

>> No.49589965

Besides Towa, which female chubba will be picked first in Epefes?

>> No.49589974

Kinda make sense after bad performance in cr cup where rizztel soloed his team 1vs3

>> No.49589978

Yes! I can watch her while she avoid everything crafting/building related.

Honestly it was funny seeing her tight ropes her way to the next location. Plus it's comfy.

>> No.49590040

I'm here for Toto Zatsus
Toto is life

>> No.49590157

I'm worried that Shinomiya's 3D will be her new outfit. She hasn't worn the original in a few weeks now.

>> No.49590180

kamito reid and rpr got talked about more doing non fps stuff then any of the vspo memebers do

>> No.49590397

Did Paka ever hit Pred?

>> No.49590420

reid? haven't seen anyone talking about him lately now he back to his mahjong autism

>> No.49590562

more nazuzone without shinchan...

>> No.49590582

Pakael just doesn't want to grind past masters so he's never hit pred

>> No.49591022
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>> No.49591030

goose goose duck with pink brain and hinano's team

>> No.49591094

more lisa content biglove

>> No.49591218


>> No.49591251

Noah's definitely making it today

>> No.49591985

kinda sad that it took having a current pro to have meaningful progress but that's just how it is for her skill level; it's not like she's ranking to be considered pred either, she also knows that she's being carried

>> No.49592099

If she wanted to get hard carried from the start she could have done it way faster

>> No.49592122

70% of preds climb like this anyways

>> No.49592219

Yui needs to lose this promo. Can't have her leaving me behind like this.

>> No.49592240

benicraft in 40 minutes

>> No.49592466

i thought the video was playing at 0.5 speed

>> No.49592824

she....she let go of the repeater?! What happened!?

>> No.49593049

Grew some confidence after almost beating cheeky 3v3?

The peter was a mistake from the very start. Pakael with a longbow is what Noah wishes she was with the repeater but she's just not really a sniper player

>> No.49593205

She's already back on the repeater don't worry

>> No.49593219


>> No.49593231


>> No.49593251

i should've screenshotted that my captcha was w8wat

>> No.49594411


>> No.49594615

ema genshin

>> No.49594619

this thread dead without arupi

>> No.49594737

Good. This thread's been a mess since this year's vsai, there has been a huge increase in activity but it doesn't seem to be because there's more people watching vspo here now, it's just tourists talking about vsai or rust or astel or rpr

>> No.49594865

Beni's dad, the fisherman, and Beni's dad, the civil servant, aren't the same person?
I knew her mother divorced the fisherman, but I don't think she's ever mentioned having a step father before.

>> No.49594959

Actually I guess this is an explanation for why there's a big age gap between Beni and her younger sister. And that story about her (step?) dad going to a girl's bar before even coming home after being isolated due to covid.

>> No.49594996
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>> No.49595079

3D Sumire triggers my primal instincts to breed. It’s going to hard for others to top her, Beni, Qpi or Ema likely the best shots.

>> No.49595145

Is Noah stopping less than 2k lp away from the border?

>> No.49595154

she's dead tired lol

>> No.49595196

if she stops now, itll be the same thing tomorrow....

>> No.49595208

That’s kind of the appeal here though, you can approach basically anything the way you want and find a way to get through it.

>> No.49595254

She's actually retarded

>> No.49595285

now you know its holofags

>> No.49595339

Hinano hasn't killed herself yet. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

>> No.49595353

she will be dead tired again tomorrow and maybe 4k off the border lol. The number of Masters competing is increasing more and more everyday.

>> No.49595383

If Noah is tired now, she should just take a break for a couple of hours and get back to it then. Waiting until tomorrow is too late.

>> No.49595429

she didn't keep it up, my estimate was so close to being true

>> No.49595466

This is why you dont listen to your chat for advice and ask that pro you just played with earlier.

>> No.49595509

Noah wants to drag out her pred climb because it's getting good numbers, 14k people watching her "solo" Apex today (no one was watching for fucking Pakael)

>> No.49595552

Tired today and be done, or tired for maybe the next few days chasing the border.

>> No.49595554

>beni dies in magma
I've been waiting for this

>> No.49595592

shes not that smart.

>> No.49595648

Rent free.

>> No.49595869


>> No.49596039

mondo is so cute

>> No.49596174

true vspo thread is in towa thread

>> No.49596202
File: 374 KB, 1080x1526, FwUbmHnakAAGqgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qpi birthday postcard

>> No.49596229

stupid brat with stupid pad Ilove her

>> No.49596236

>shoots gun
>moans immediately

>> No.49596293


>> No.49596457

She's aiming for the hag

>> No.49596544

they definitely fucked when taya when to gyaru house

>> No.49596761

What about when taya stayed with Beni?

>> No.49597413

i hate her mouth, that's all

>> No.49597475

why? it seems very tight to me

>> No.49597599

This is my first time really watching her, her voice kinda hot.

>> No.49597800

her mouth is the best part

>> No.49597843

Shame that she and Toi are both fucked by noise cancelling.

>> No.49598033

brutal.. little too honest lol
also, at the beginning qpi says because she goes both ways she doesn't like to answer the question because people will take it seriously but then says:
which i don't get what that means in context. anyone explain?

>> No.49598088
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>> No.49598164

KonKon zatsu

>> No.49598623

This amongoose game kinda weird..

>> No.49598722

God I want to fuck Hinano

>> No.49598921

gorilla stole eden

>> No.49599065

>which i don't get what that means in context. anyone explain?

The reason why qpi would date mimitaya is not because mimitaya said that she would date qpi

>> No.49599103
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Riveting gameplay

>> No.49599122

Those are some knockers

>> No.49599137

utsuro wa kusa

>> No.49599151

Allfather give me sight

>> No.49599216

Another reason to wish I was Runa's kitten.

>> No.49599408

ah, yeah, that makes sense. thanks

>> No.49599630


>> No.49599932
File: 1.06 MB, 2894x4093, FwVr_btWwAM5puR - marutA818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Qpi's birthday. Say something nice about her.

>> No.49599973

She's probably masturbating while wearing Pengu's jersey right now.

>> No.49600178

beautiful baby chocolate gyaru gamer caffeine addict i hope she has a great birthday she deserves the world

>> No.49600911

I'm shocked at that recovery. Beni has truly improved at minecraft.

>> No.49601725


>> No.49601845

Kek I remember watching this stream live.

>> No.49602545


>> No.49602660


>> No.49602749

was literally just about to post that lol. i miss qpi tarkov...

>> No.49604920

Beni just said her 3D stream will be wholesome
it's over...

>> No.49605775

Sex can be wholesome

>> No.49605838

3 AM valo furupa w/ Ariken, Aja, Maitake

>> No.49605979

Pi? Pi!

>> No.49606709

i'll confess, i love rabuchi

>> No.49607593
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Anything in particular?

>> No.49608246

You're one sick, sick degenerate... wow. This is a blue board, sir.

>> No.49609527

kek this is ascendant?

>> No.49610369

Hayun is about 1k from the pred border after streaming for 11.5 hours
If she had kept playing, she'd be about the same place or even closer

>> No.49610494

Goofing around against 5 duelists is the worst mistake you can ever make.

>> No.49610728

Why did she stop, were Pakael/Melt leaving? If she was just tired she should have kept playing, she was useless in every game anyway.

>> No.49611634

Nazupi is the strongest (also the most horny one)

>> No.49611664

All the more reason to love her

>> No.49612493
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>> No.49613392


>> No.49613647

yon go

>> No.49613695

Is it bad that I imagine his english equivalent as having a cockney accent saying two nil

>> No.49613871

I'm down for that being the kansai accent of the UK

>> No.49614202

Is that the real CR ade from smashlogTV!?

>> No.49614211

please fucking no

>> No.49615435

Maitake... ;_;

>> No.49615520
File: 76 KB, 642x406, ashumi.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASHUMI, owner of thread
this is now an an ASHUMI thread

>> No.49616440
File: 223 KB, 2184x2184, FwKMJuRaEAE6cCc - tokosumi_2434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really necessary to play so many deathmatches?

>> No.49617687
File: 232 KB, 1326x1318, FwWmVfhaEAA_VPF - nokachoco114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49618076

ashumi (owner of new home) zatsu

>> No.49619317

Shinomiya has a cat huh.

>> No.49619577

Beni is just a comedic genius. She'd get so many more opportunities to crack jokes when she collabs.

>> No.49620232

When was the last time Qpi played qpikov?
I remember near the start of last year it was implied that she'd stream it on twitch. But then I don't think that happened in the end.

>> No.49620587

he made it after another 3 hours but not solo, he was with h1yaa and resh

>> No.49622182

rabu love

>> No.49622192
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>> No.49623415

So cheeky, so Korean

>> No.49625541

I told you guys it was because russia is NG

>> No.49627728

Right now Noah is 3k from Pred border, If she starts early she will be 4k behind, if she starts late itll be 5k. So starts back to when she started yesterday and if she doesn't finish today the gap will be even further.

Shouldve taken a nap and finish off the 1.7k from last night.

>> No.49627827

they were willing to go all the way, but Noah suggested taking a break and asked her chat and they told her to take a long rest....

>> No.49629261

god i love chuuna's new outfit

>> No.49631160


>> No.49631787

>noone post metosexo

>> No.49632665

how can a triangle be so

>> No.49636492

met vs random listener

>> No.49636595

hello, I love messan, that is all

>> No.49638837


>> No.49638919


>> No.49638982


>> No.49639405

nice 30-30 shots

>> No.49639821

noah champon

>> No.49640805

noah champion

>> No.49642110

noah champion

>> No.49642128

noah champion

>> No.49642157

fuck i dont want this grind to end

>> No.49643578
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>> No.49644522
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>> No.49644798
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>> No.49644820

noah champon

>> No.49644967

If I were nocturnal's girlfriend i'd be pretty nervous right now

>> No.49645068


>> No.49645137

He's spent like 8 hours a day with the purple dragon lately, they were playing yesterday as well.

>> No.49645189

unless she sent him nude pics, it doesnt matter.

>> No.49645265

literal schizos from the selen thread although i thought they really got worked up about acid instead?

>> No.49645271

If she sends him nude pics he'll realize how fat she is and stop chasing her

>> No.49645309

nah she only fucks dogs

>> No.49645327

In other news, the 774 team might be interesting. Uruu can barely hold it together in a normal stream let alone tournament

>> No.49645652

noah champ

>> No.49645664

noah champion ora ora

>> No.49645970

Selen really trying to make up for her embarrassing performance in vsai by entering a hal custom with fucking nocturne lmao

>> No.49646002

Who is the cutest vspo? Also post proof. I've found these girls to be helpful for my daily jp reps so far.

>> No.49646012

She needs to play on a team with Hoshikawa. Then she can fully succ away her personality, and will be complete.

>> No.49646060

The girlfriend https://twitter.com/rpr/status/1643704370901467136

>> No.49646142

retard Noah had nades but didnt toss any into cave

>> No.49646151
File: 2.81 MB, 1500x999, nif7y_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meto ニチアサ is always a good choice. Also, triangles are sexual.

>> No.49646182

Who's jojo

>> No.49646207 [SPOILER] 
File: 996 KB, 2048x1788, 1675269365471514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your cutsest vspo

>> No.49646215

ramu wins

>> No.49646216

i like the hag.

>> No.49646255

top 3 for me is Ema>Mimi>Toto

>> No.49646381

runa by far

>> No.49646486
File: 1.24 MB, 1250x1638, qpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qpi love

>> No.49646639


>> No.49646673

>jojo: I don't have any heavy ammo
>noah stares at the heavy ammo in front
>says nothing
>doesn't ping it

>> No.49646690

>現在のボーダー(47073LP)まであと1965LP,配信を続けた場合あと16試合で到達時刻は05/18 19:44,到達時47678LP(あと2570LP)

>> No.49646790

tosaki mimi

>> No.49646803

once again... Noah with 6 nades and didnt use any.

>> No.49646960

She actually used a single arc star

>> No.49647358


>> No.49647451

Eres tan malita....

>> No.49647479
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>> No.49647626

eta ~3-5hrs?

>> No.49647710

The guy is still watching vtubers for reps. Don't recommend him Shinomiya.

>> No.49647762

True, she's probably the most difficult to understand out of everyone in vspo.
Ema and Beni have the clearest speech (though in recent times Beni has given up on suppressing her accent).

>> No.49648198

Noah becoming increasingly uncarriable

>> No.49648252

nainai kun

>> No.49648665
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boku nainai kun

>> No.49648888
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>> No.49648890


>> No.49648912

~1250 LP to go now.

>> No.49648930

Time for Noah to go to sleep, wouldn't want her to get tired after all

>> No.49648961

ashumi solo epe

>> No.49649132
File: 1.20 MB, 2894x4093, FwZcp4iaYAAN_Tg - brainporain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49649224

>ras cpt selly
make it official roster

>> No.49649341
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rabuchi frame

>> No.49649476
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AA valo custom tomorrow

>> No.49649547


>> No.49649567

she really popped off at the end

>> No.49649585
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>> No.49649723
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https://twitter.com/Vspo77/status/1659122905697886211 ema

>> No.49649957

I will now start IMAGINING how small she is

>> No.49650090

hanabusa > qchan > messan > nose

>> No.49650102

What if she's close to 6ft tall?

>> No.49650120


>> No.49650140


>> No.49650184

No, it has begun.

>> No.49650191

Less than 1k to go now. At this pace, she could hit pred in under two hours.

>> No.49650239

how could they not take the hottest vspo outfit and make it 3d what a waste

>> No.49650263

cause nose fits the original way more.

>> No.49650353

>Not the original sex outfit

>> No.49650437

said no one

>> No.49650467


I hope she just has very jagged arms and it's the original

>> No.49650470

fuck you I like original uruha that I watched for years before that outfit

>> No.49650479

wolf cut was a crime against humanity

>> No.49650604

crime against my COCK

>> No.49650663

4 champs in a row?

>> No.49651032

It's simple really. She doesn't have to be conscious of her intonation when she's with Eden.

>> No.49651066

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djgayTFxzDA CHEEKY KOREAN BITCH

>> No.49651196


>> No.49651256


>> No.49651262


>> No.49651267

5 champs

>> No.49651276

It's fucking happening bros...

>> No.49651310

394 points left
Its so fucking close

>> No.49651315

Toto Valo with Tentei/Delutaya/Itoi/Mitwun? Interesting lineup

>> No.49651318

5 champions in a row but she is barely keeping up, its now or never, she's got this!

>> No.49651352

almost matched with Gorilla. would have been over.

>> No.49651392

Triangle? now that's new

>> No.49651477

What a way to end the streak lol

>> No.49651565


>> No.49651609

nice chase noa

>> No.49651647


>> No.49651689

what is the border now? 47,3k? is the one on pinned up-to-date?

>> No.49651701

>Tentei with 4 other girls
Interesting indeed.

>> No.49651707


>> No.49651712


>> No.49651741

thanks. today is the day, i can feel it.

>> No.49651747


>> No.49651751

didn't someone say predators are by region?

>> No.49651764

Ignoring someone who says something ridiculous is the worst form of tsukkomi ever.

>> No.49651804
File: 16 KB, 555x146, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Noah stop at 50 so she can extend the climb for more views and sc.

>> No.49651870

why not play with world renowned ALGS 2 man champion Dexyuku? Ariken rank too low?

>> No.49651946

I still remember when he wiped the entire practice lobby as solo.

>> No.49651963

Eden has places to be

>> No.49651986

No. It's by platform, pc, ps, xbox, switch (lol)

>> No.49652026

that minigun kill was dirty...

>> No.49652095

yeah their positions were fucked

>> No.49652109

he and jojo got sbhr custom right after this

>> No.49652110


>> No.49652114


>> No.49652133

thats 2hrs from now...

>> No.49652160

meto delu collab when
unit name "square" ignore that delu's isn't a right triangle

>> No.49652197
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>> No.49652220


>> No.49652239
File: 276 KB, 1200x1697, FwMRZHIacAAkASM - nanasecocoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the softest qpi I've ever laid eyes on

>> No.49652271

closer to an hour, that's why they gotta go all in now, so they don't spend the next hour grinding for the last couple hundred

>> No.49652272

noah completely styling on this guy

>> No.49652280

Noah was showing off there. Dancing between all those shots.

>> No.49652310

We watched this live, guys.

>> No.49652361

toto ema sumi is top 3

>> No.49652453

deathmatchmiya, on twitch

>> No.49652491



>> No.49652521

pred incoming

>> No.49652554

pre emptive kitaaaa

>> No.49652556


>> No.49652563


>> No.49652592


>> No.49652598
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>> No.49652602


>> No.49652611
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Finally I can nut to Noah

>> No.49652616
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, Noah Predator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noah Predator!

>> No.49652620
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, prednoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49652623


>> No.49652625


>> No.49652637

pretty sure she lost it already kek

>> No.49652639

now people can stfu about hinano being the strongest in apex

>> No.49652640

Just in time for shibuhal custom, how considerate of her.

>> No.49652646


>> No.49652651

*toto valo

>> No.49652675

she is less boosted than selen. she did a solo game yesterday and still got champion

>> No.49652677

and its over

>> No.49652678

now what

>> No.49652688

back to master kek

>> No.49652687

Now that she reached Pred, is it back to irregular streams

>> No.49652691

Pred for all of 2 minutes.

>> No.49652697

Now we go back to valo

>> No.49652700

She was also fighting lower ranked players most of the challenge rather than out right being in pred like Selen. Less point gain that way.

>> No.49652708

radiant run baro

>> No.49652711

gate status: not kept

>> No.49652712

depending on how much sc she gets, i bet all the other vspo girls will go for it next

>> No.49652714

That's Selen. Noah actually does damage.

>> No.49652718

>hal boots up vsaikyou 6

>> No.49652732

>master again

>> No.49652733

imagine the smell of her ass right now

>> No.49652752

kinda late now and theres no split.

>> No.49652762

2 mins of pred

>> No.49652789

The first game i watched in Selens run, Noct had 14 kills and Selen still got almost 700lp.

>> No.49652791

>i bet all the other vspo girls will go for it next
Maybe next season. Catching up would take too long now.
I'd like to see Beni/Nazu/Ramu/Tuna/??? go for an immortal plan in valorant though. Ramuchi needs the help right now.

>> No.49652792

someone said noah got pred but i just tuned into her stream and it still shows master?

>> No.49652804

We're gaslighting you

>> No.49652810
File: 1.01 MB, 2447x3541, qpi soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qjup birthday in 2 hours
what about this one

>> No.49652834

>volorant grind

>> No.49652846

She lost it basically immediately, she was ranked #750.
It would probably be profitable to keep playing and try to keep up with inflation to repeatedly touch pred and get rained with SC each time.

>> No.49652856

>Finally I can nut to Noah
I hope you were done in those two minutes

Alright then, an overwatch grandmaster plan. Imagine the mindbreak.

>> No.49652863

She hit #750, then dropped back down. It's what usually happens at the border unless you grind further to get a comfortable barrier.

>> No.49652887


rrruuunnnaaaa daily prac

>> No.49652891



>> No.49652901

https://youtu.be/gcBkAHhZvyc forte
https://youtu.be/Fd0Z0pJqhzc toi
https://youtu.be/9vnYqpYtInw toto
https://youtu.be/S3vCsRS9_8c mitwun
+ delutaya valo

>> No.49652909

Traingle POV just went live

>> No.49652923

fuck you want then? rust?

>> No.49652921

Tentei is crouch spamming, it's gonna be a rough night.

>> No.49652959

these pred run just show that viewer still prefer apex over baro by miles.

>> No.49652976

just the usual apex rank stream?

>> No.49652977

Kys numberfag

>> No.49653008


>> No.49653016

it's pretty ironic that these girls seem to prefer valo than apex

>> No.49653104

triangle sounds like qpi with autotune

>> No.49653123

that's a lot of sex in one party

>> No.49653128

Noah found it fun b/c she had a goal to work towards, and the suspense in seeing if she would catch up in the LP race made it fun to watch too; it's about the stakes involved

>> No.49653207
File: 72 KB, 1152x612, FwZ-ugNaQAAH8-g - CloudFN425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49653224

and meeting new people. Eden and Meltstera were cool.

>> No.49653274

the arupi stall

>> No.49653293

>Will be in the custom tonight at 5:30 am pst ! I won’t be streaming my pov but will record it if the games are good
>will record it if the games are good
... come the fuck on lol

>> No.49653380

Selen makes it really hard to like her

>> No.49653398

For sure, even if she doesn't want to maintain pred, it'd be great to see her still playing rank with Eden, Meltsera, and others

>> No.49653404

Here >>49644975

>> No.49653584

Now is Qpi's birthday stream. Then there's epematsuri and the next batch of 3Ds

>> No.49653597

Someone asked for 200 million yen if they want to poach them. Rrats on who? Towa?

>> No.49653670

Sorry bro. The only Nijis accepted here NijiJP like Putechi, Chiichan and Nyarara.

>> No.49653678

Can't watch the clip now, is kamito an option? Sounds like something he would ask just to say no, but if they actually accept he wouldn't mind

>> No.49653694

how can this woman's mental be so weak
TSB banter clips made me think of her positively but that didn't last long

>> No.49653709

>numberfag adjacent subtitled clip

>> No.49653936
File: 476 KB, 1920x1080, FwaFO3taQAAUlSc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she had a taste of the #numbers... barobros...
kinda wonder what ccv she could maintain if she ground this for 2 months

>> No.49653993

imagine if Niji allowed Bora to transfer instead of faking her graduation.

>> No.49654012
File: 82 KB, 804x720, cheeky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49654063

Toto is so cute

>> No.49654124

Kamito has always expressed he wants to stay and indie. Though he's affiliated with Hendy's influencer talent agency, UUUM, which still gives him plenty of leverage.

>> No.49654153

That would be a debuff, her new model is way better and she doesn't have a nasty good name anymore

>> No.49654174

Thats why I'm sying it's his way to say no.

>> No.49654280

Oh hey, one of the new girls from that upstart HHH made it.

>> No.49654298

>Though he's affiliated with Hendy's influencer talent agency, UUUM,
When did that happen? In the last couple of weeks?

>> No.49654625

For a while now. Both of them have known each other for a long time, probably around the time when they were in BRG.

>> No.49654647

why did a voice actor congorats Noah.....

>> No.49654657

I mean looking at his video descriptions, he only started mentioning UUUM recently

>> No.49654732

He's only having UUUM be his P.O box for fan-mail. That's it.
Plus this happened earlier this month.

>> No.49654782
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>> No.49654915

God I wish I were a woman

>> No.49654959

the most popular streamer on twitch has a penis

>> No.49654987


>> No.49655038

oh yeah right i forgot she is a trans

>> No.49655087

why does tenten seem like a hag but also a JK at the same time

>> No.49655090

big clutch from empress forte there

>> No.49655224


>> No.49655429

>draw at 16-16

>> No.49655459

You're right. She's a woman deluxe.

>> No.49655549


>> No.49655710

why tentei so sex

>> No.49655752

she was way more sex before..

>> No.49655824

nah this outfit is better

>> No.49655885

>has the OL vibe with also a bit of JK aura
yeah this outfit is much more sex

>> No.49656027

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ih43BUighu8 rabuchi hal custom

>> No.49656085
File: 231 KB, 499x385, 2023-05-18_14h29_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate them so much

>> No.49656151

but the demon queen energy..

>> No.49656280

Meccha omoshiroi kamo!!

>> No.49656334

shes a semen demon in this outfit wdym

>> No.49656332

please just shoot me in the head, onegai

>> No.49656371

imagine losing to a bunch of girls in baro

>> No.49656373

>Kamo bot
Nice lineup

>> No.49656412

Toto is having fun!
without her boys

>> No.49656435

the garterbelt.. the official pantsu design..unless I missed the one for the current outfit

>> No.49656476

>official pantsu design
huh? i might miss something here

>> No.49656488

they killed robin/mukai

>> No.49656578

I watched a bit of rpr's stream now and haven't you guys been exaggerating how washed he is? His aim and kyarakon seem really good.

>> No.49656604

but girls are good with FPS games for some reason

>> No.49656607
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>> No.49656702

he is a former pro so you would hope so, people call him washed compared to other pros/grinders

>> No.49656734


>> No.49656737


>> No.49656794

Washed, not trash
