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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4946854 No.4946854 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get this weird EOP hatred towards APEX(not that it's limited to them)
It's the perfect content to you. Limited vocabulary is used so you can understand it even if you're N5 at best.
You can't understand Zatsudan or any other type of content that involves a lot of talking. Single player games are also boring since everyone else has already played them and reactions are all the same while APEX can provide new content due to its multiplayer nature.

>> No.4946906

Probably hardstuck Gold 1 seething

>> No.4946916

The game is too boring to watch. Minecraft at least is comfy, and things like Fall Guys or Amogus make for great collab banter. Apex is just another zoomer trash royal shooty shoot.

>> No.4946948

i started playing cause of vtubers. shit is really fun

>> No.4946951

>Amogus make for great collab banter.
you dont understand what they are discussing during voting

>> No.4947001

I'm N2, laddie.

>> No.4947051

Fuck off apextard

>> No.4947058

I don't like Apex but I've sat through the Ark obsession and that was way more boring to watch

>> No.4947070

then you're not EOP. read the poast

>> No.4947156

Even if people don't understand what they're saying, they want to hear them talk. Apex is a tryhard game and there's not much going on.

>> No.4947220

because Titanfall 2 is better in multiple forms outside of publicity.

>> No.4947318

It's not even a matter of understanding the language or not, don't be a tard. The thing is with Apex is that the gameplay is repetitive and vtubers get fucking addicted to it as you can see with your OP chuuba. It filters anyone who wants a variety of content. Half the time it doesn't even make for good conversation material - I tried watching Amelia and the NijiEN girls play it so no language barrier there and it was piss fucking boring, just ended up making Pomu miserable too. Not fun to watch.

>> No.4947358

Because I don't know what the fuck is going on most of the time

>> No.4947396

Apex is a shit game that only autists can enjoy.

>> No.4947587

The west is already burnt out of watching BR games. It's just Japan trying to play catch up in the streaming world which going to lead to stagnant content.

>> No.4947885

>It's the perfect content to you
Fuck you, don't tell me what to like. The problem with Nijis really is that they lack variety despite having a huge roster of streamers. It's like once you've watched one of them, you've watched them all.

>> No.4948060

Not fucking really man. You have Mashiro who plays a different horror game every day, Gwelu who does game shows and speaks about politics, Mayuzumi who goes heavy in on his character lore and Utako who does BL review and talk streams, they're hardly interchangeable.

>> No.4948279

yeah we can tell you've only watched one niji lol

>> No.4948318
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>> No.4948443

If I wanted to watch someone play a shooter and not talk much, I'd just go and find some rando on twitch.

>> No.4948749

I agree. The in-game dialogue and the chuuba's dialogue are repetitive enough so that if you play Apex yourself and have half a brain, watching the stream already counts as reps.

>> No.4948765

What are you talking about? Half the time the game is spend walking around which vtubers use the opportunity to chit-chat. It isn't constant action all time

>> No.4948879

>why does audience that mainly watches clipped content hates a game that doesn't generate any
And don't attach Chii-chan to your retarded post, stupid faggot.

>> No.4949059

Rather see this liver or literally apex addict chuuba play titanfall 2, or upcoming battlefield 2042, I hope it stomps freaking apex thus leading to it's downfall to vtuber scene

>> No.4949187

Most western /v/tuber enjoyers are tired of the overplayed battle royale trend, where it's not so overplayed in Japan. It's also a bad genre for streaming because most of the match is boring filler between fights but you also can't ever stop to interact with chat in case someone teleports behind you

>> No.4949199

it's actually better if you understand japanese. i leave my oshi's stream open in my second screen and listen to him speak while i get things done. for some chuubas apex is basically zatsudan with extra steps.

>> No.4949284

apex is fun to play but watching it is boring as shit
you have games where you eat shit instantly and ones where it seems like everyone left for lunch and forgot to tell your squad

>> No.4949512

That's not Chii-chan. That's Apex-chan.

>> No.4949606

Let me check the couple Nijis I do follow more or less loosely:
>PokeSnap, Life is Strange, ARK
>NKODICE, Minecra, Valo
Compare to three Holos:
>Uma, Rockman 3, kusoge, DQ4
>Stickmin, Silver Chains, DQ8
>Subnautica, kusoge, RE6
Dunno, anon, seems like there's a pattern. Either that or I just had very bad luck with the Nijis I ended up following.
I still like Ange and Chigusa a lot though and do VOD reps when I can spare the time.

>> No.4949645

You straight up just ignored all of the variety in streams somebody spoonfeed to you and attempted to find some connection between Life is Strange and Henry Stickmin, what the fuck are you on about

>> No.4949657

anon when there's over +100 chuubas there's always someone who's doing something different

>> No.4949703

Apex is fucking boring.

>> No.4949762

>let me cherrypick some random shit
lol ok

>> No.4949826

It's just my own experience anons, calm down. I'm sorry I got hard filtered by the sheer fucking number of talents you have in your agency and I'm not looking to be a deadsub faggot.

>> No.4950049

You dont have to sub to all of them to check out their content. It takes 5 seconds to open a channel and scroll down to see what they're playing this month.

>> No.4950514
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Okay anon, let me just open 160 tabs and tabulate every single Niji member's last four streams just for you.
Literally I write the post as diplomatically as I could and explicitly say
>Either that or I just had very bad luck with the Nijis I ended up following
and I immediately get three angry Nijiniggers who can't believe I'm not in touch with every talent in their agency.
You're just as bad as the Holofags you see as inferior.

>> No.4950633

>Say retarded shit
>Get called a retard
What a shock. Now fuck off.

>> No.4950683

I'm simply commenting on the dead subs part of your post, I'm not trying to be hostile.

>> No.4950796

I really didn't liked apex when i started watching vtubers, but after some months i really started to enjoy watching to the point now i need at least one apex stream as bgm.

>> No.4950805

It's better to use the schedule. The UI sort of sucks because it's a wiki, but it lists every stream basically, upcoming and archived.


People are just mad that it gets repeated so much when there is variety, but it's true that a lot of the members aren't really "gamers" at all, and especially someone like Ange is usually busy. When they have a choice to stream a fotm game vs a random game as their 1 or 2 games of the month, their audience usually wants the fotm game. If you want game variety, either you have to basically jump between members, or go for the people known for it already like Lulu, gamers even though they're stuck in Apex hell, Yashiro, Mayuzumi, Nui, etc.

>> No.4952329

What I want to know is why holo fans in particular have such a hardon for hating it. I'm not even trying to start shit, I'm just curious.

>> No.4952402
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>> No.4952536

Probably it's just Aqua or Matsuri fans and anti combinations.

>> No.4952578

It's also the perfect game for getting collabs. I'm convinced only Latinx posters are upset by APEX

>> No.4952650

I like when they punch each other off the stage or ride the trident

>> No.4952827

I don't enjoy fps battle royal. Apex happen to be chuuber favorite game.

>> No.4953103

Even like Fubuki gets a massive loss of views for her APEX streams. Granted she's not super good at it so there's that to consider.
