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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 571 KB, 809x2288, sXSQ4zQ_copy_809x2288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49504840 No.49504840 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji, where the talents do the hard work and the company reaps all the rewards

>> No.49504881

Why is this in Hebrew?

>> No.49504931
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>> No.49504959


>> No.49504962

running a billion dollar corporation takes more work than youve ever done in your life wagie

>> No.49505022

>same place
>different angles
>tweets in the same day

Nijisanji watched Sayu stream yesterday lol

>> No.49505027

Just like China intended.

>> No.49505039
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Get back in the oven Benjamin

>> No.49505080

Why are you Jewish

>> No.49505085
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Work? Concert doko?

>> No.49505124

running a million dollar corp is easy, all day every day i do nothing. a billion though? i couldn't tell you but i bet its the same so long as you keep total control. keep the rest of the csuite paid. ship steers itself.

>> No.49505217

AnyColor: your work, my achievement.

>> No.49505281
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EN3 doko

>> No.49505326

at least the livers stream

>> No.49505345

yes kiss AnyColor's ass for 2%! work you peasant!

>> No.49505355

>shitposting anti thread is in hebrew
Didn't idolen announce a new marketing branch lately kek

>> No.49505377

What's yours is mine™

>> No.49505410

any freaks in here need an eyeball licked?

>> No.49505448

why are you a jew

>> No.49505449

Wtf I love idolcorp now

>> No.49505484

Correct me if I'm wrong but this is against Youtube TOS isn't it? You are not allowed to let other people have your youtube play button

>> No.49505500

Then shouldn't you have enough money to buy extra plaques for your talents? That way both the office and the talent has one. C'mon how much does 1 plaque cost riku?

>> No.49505503


>> No.49505555

If you're part of same company then you can all get one technically.

>> No.49505560

explain every youtuber who has sold theirs

>> No.49505564 [DELETED] 
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>Nijisanji, where the talents do the hard work and the company reaps all the rewards

>> No.49505607

True, it's hard thinking up new and interesting ways to fuck your talent

>> No.49505613

Anycolor is an mcn so no technically they are not other people. It's also the same reason why youtube allows you to buy more plaques if you want, in case there's a team behind your youtube channel and you want to give everyone their own plaque

>> No.49505620

>mmmuh narrative!

>> No.49505671

>plaques arrive at niji HQ
>they are then mailed to each talent

>> No.49505723
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, Enna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny you'd pull the debut card when the new NijiEN gen is supposed to have been released months ago now. Riku losing confidence? Repeat of KR/ID on the horizon?

>> No.49505742

>>they are then mailed to each talent
Citation needed

>> No.49505800

So they aren't allowed to take their own pictures or something?

>> No.49505814

I'd assume that the company counts as "channel team members"
Like many laws and regulations, the point isn't that they want to prevent it outright, but to give themselves the ability to punish people who do it, if they so choose. Selective enforcement.

>> No.49505830

>Nijisister using Selen imgae

>> No.49505859

Sorry, I mean to reply to >>49505484 as well

>> No.49505923
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Yeah that's why the ones who've achieved it a long time ago still haven't got it right.

>> No.49505933 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 575x533, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd assume that the company counts as "channel team members"
>>>49505560 #
>Like many laws and regulations, the point isn't that they want to prevent it outright, but to give themselves the ability to punish people who do it, if they so choose. Selective enforcement

>> No.49506002

Thread theme

>> No.49506017

>I have a million subscribers and I still haven't sent a dog plaque bro
Is he retarded or are his clippers retarded

>> No.49506094
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Riku lost confidence because tempus blew him out of the water
now the male vtuber market is theirs

>> No.49506100

Imagine a sports company getting all those trophy because they're the employer, or a school getting all those trophy because they're the school. Sending the reward / plaque should be the norms; or atleast getting 2nd copy if allowed. And Nijinigger protecting otherwise is grim.

>> No.49506101

so holofags are just /pol/fags...suddenly many things make a lot more sense kek

>> No.49506120

>Still no "rent free" comment
I wonder why

>> No.49506220

The nijinigger fears the jew

>> No.49506246

Yes, that’s the claim. The entire point is that we all know they’re lying. NijiJP members have said multiple times that they don’t get their play buttons, Sayu said she didn’t get to have here, and the NijiEN members who supposedly have theirs all post pictures that look like they were taken in the same office.
Sure, we could believe them, but…why the fuck would we do that when it makes more sense to assume they’re lying? Because only a nijifag or a literal newfag who hasn’t heard of all the scummy shit that company’s pulled would find it hard to believe.

>> No.49506346
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>> No.49506348

Buy an ad falseflagging jew

>> No.49506417

The owner of a championship team gets a ring too, and important members of the supporting staff like the coaches and people in the front office do too (the latter get smaller and less fancy ones than the player, coaches, and owner).
The ones for the team are free and paid for by the league, the team pays for the ones for its other employees with its own money.
So actually, the sports metaphor makes what Anycolor does even more fucked up. They can and should order a copy for their talents. We all know why they don’t.

>> No.49506540

Why would they not give them their play button? That's just evil. It only has sentimental value

>> No.49506576

They definitely did. They have a lot of money. What else are they going to be spending that money on if not the talents?

>> No.49506620

yeah and all have the same exact table and ceiling right?

>> No.49506666

Waiting for Pomu and Selen to graduate

>> No.49506676

Riku needs his yacht please understand

>> No.49506783

Riku is an Orange Lantern

>> No.49506788


>> No.49506850

My serious guess is that they have so many talents that they’d have to either hire staff to specifically handle all that or get some of the people in the office to take time out of their normal workday to handle it.
My guess is that it’s the same reason they threw away the NijiID’s fanmail. Because they don’t want to waste money and go through all that trouble when they want everyone to quit anyway.
Note that I’m not excusing Anycolor for any of this. It’s still a fucked up move. I’m just giving what I think is the most plausible explanation, because it dovetails nicely with how they can give so little of a shit about their talents reclining and still debut more.

>> No.49506881
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Okay I can't defend this bullshit. The merch thing was like whatever. We don't know the full details of it. But this one has an easy solution; they should just send people a copy of the damn thing. The reason they don't is probably because of some stupid shit like "oh we have too many people, we can't afford to order and send it to everyone" but then they should just let people order it themselves.

>> No.49507079
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>those letter

>> No.49507093
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Wouldn't you get an email from google saying hey you get a button, give us your address? Can't it just be sent directly to the talent?

>> No.49507130

No the talent's didn't earn it, the company earned it. Which is why the company has the right to display it in their offices.

>> No.49507276

I bet only Anycolor can do that since they’re the ones who own the channel. Sure, I bet the talents could ask them to order one and pay them the money, but who has time to deal with that? Not Anycolor.
Besides, it’s only $225. That’s not enough to be worth the paperwork to process from each member that gets 100k subs, so better to not do it and tell the vtuber to shut up or get terminated.
Of course, $225 is enough money for them to refuse to pay it themselves, because the ACCELERATE business model doesn’t work if you have to actually put in effort for each of your talents.

>> No.49507337

Because they already paid bots to get them to 100k

>> No.49507339

>jew image
Opinion instanly discarded.

>> No.49507547

Right, as if treating content creators like factory workers and turning it into an assembly line process of mass production is new or creative. At least when Walt Disney did it, he used the savings to innovate in animation and create technically sophisticated cartoons beyond what was thought possible.
Yeah, they really work hard, putting together a big concert every year and building a brand with strong associations for their audience, providing 3D models for all their members regardless of personal performance, and amicably parting ways with even terminated members without being petty and unprofessional. Oh, wait.

>> No.49508076

The staff really do work hard behind the scenes, it's not their fault the concert got cancelled, it's probably a scheduling conflict with the livers.
Niji is the strongest brand right now and everyone in Japan think of us when they think of vtubing.
3D models just take time so I'm sure they'll get to it, VOMS has no 3D models for example.

>> No.49508383
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>> No.49508591

Please for the love of god tell me you’re falseflagging. I know for a fact I wouldn’t give a flying shit if my employer hung up a bunch of awards in the office. If I’m an Anycolor staff member, the only reward I give a single shit about is the salary, plus looking good on my resume for the next job. If I was ensured those, I couldn’t give a fuck if the company went under the day after I left.
And even if I did, it would be because I care about the vtubers, not Riku or the company itself. Which means I’d want the livers to have their fucking play buttons, not the fucking Anycolor HQ break room.

>> No.49509408

They treat the vtubers like "property" they "own"

>> No.49510527

Based idol corp! Best company in vtubing

>> No.49510864

Anycolor is the one giving them any chance of receiving the awards. With how big Anycolor is, I don't see them closing down anytime soon, so why would the talents want to leave if they are currently in the best hands in the industry.

>> No.49510954


>> No.49511165 [DELETED] 
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>> No.49511317

$150 was the number I heard. a pittance to insure goodwill

>> No.49511770

>play button sent directly to talent by yt
>gets stolen in the mail by nogs
>or gets tracked and leads to the talent getting doxed

>> No.49512886

>standardised layout of play button and letter
Corporate mandated tweet

>> No.49513489

smartest sayu fan

>> No.49513633

Big corpo. The merch % probably covers the button, but nobody wants to talk about the 2% of a playbutton they have hanging on their wall due to being afraid of getting hit with a 2w vacation.

>> No.49513802

>literal jewish psyop thread
>unironic corpo bootlicking falseflagging
idolEN isn't sending their best

>> No.49517570

ignore that

>> No.49518002

Watched original clip and yeah, he talks like a fucking esl

>> No.49518068

God, im so glad i've changed twitter language to he from en when i was taking screenshots

>> No.49518109

>You are not allowed to let other people have your youtube play button
That's why the livers can't have it, it belongs to Niggersanji

>> No.49518303
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>> No.49518429


>> No.49518492
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>> No.49518592
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>Nijisanji, where the talents do the hard work and the company reaps all the rewards
This is called capitalism OP.

>> No.49518783

no wonder none of their EN livers ever did any unboxing of silver buttons despite it being supposedly a testament of people' giving support to a chuuba.

>> No.49519190


>> No.49519404

lmao 100k. To the storage you go

>> No.49519406


>> No.49519550
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>> No.49520158

Kek saved

>> No.49521757


>> No.49521812

Probably it cost more for them to ship it out than hang it at their office, and they somehow convinced everyone that that arrangement is perfectly okay

>> No.49522005

This sounds like any job desu.

>> No.49522130

>hard, putting together a big concert every year and building a brand with strong associations for their audience, providing 3D models for all their members regardless of personal performance
Main branch does this, who cares about shitty EN?

>> No.49522174


>> No.49522226

>everyone in Japan think of us when they think of vtubing.
>think of us
Faggot ain’t no one ever thinking about you.

>> No.49522241

Of course the jews are behind every drama posts.

>> No.49522263

Now just work on your writing reps and no one will guess you’re an ESL.

>> No.49522288

Pretty much 90% of jobs around the world.

>> No.49522351

wrong actually
>providing 3D models for all their members regardless of personal performance
there is a sub milestone to get 3D its "only" like 100k but its there

>> No.49522353

Stating a fact is coping now, is it?

>> No.49522481

>it doesn't matter because
Yes cope

>> No.49522534

Holos had a milestone to hit for their 3D too, can’t remember what the number was but it’s been pretty pointless since at least Gen 5 when they’ve cracked that number before debut.

>> No.49522609
File: 2.38 MB, 498x278, 26df2182fc943676dc6cc51371efc04b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but this gif is so damn funny. Not even dumb racist meme reasons, it cracks me up.

>> No.49522613

No they absolutely do not. Stop lying toake.your shit black company look better. Holo 3ds are always done by generation regardless of how many subs you get, see holo stars. Fucking niji scum.

>> No.49522755

they used to yeah, but like you said most gens would hit it before even debuting so its hard to say if it even exists anymore

>> No.49522841

I remember Subaru talking about this, though that must have been at least a couple years ago. Current Hololive is big enough to provide models for everyone, more specifically that they need them for HoloFes concerts.

>> No.49522877

Is that why Fubuki had her 3D debut like three months before Haachama? Who had another three months between her and the next 3D? Is that why all of Gen 2 had 3D before Aki?

>> No.49522883

Had is past tense.
Search /jp/ archives for "3d 50k" or "3d 30k", sorting oldest first.

>> No.49522930

To be fair the niji milestone may as well not exist for the JP branch at this point, they are already sitting on a backlog of 3D debuts, some people even using their models before said debuts, that by the time they are up they usually have hit the number anyway.

>> No.49522955

Hope someone screencapped the previous thread.

>> No.49523102

I’m always impressed with how confidently retards here will state shit as fact when they clearly have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about.

>> No.49523283
File: 1.36 MB, 1451x1775, 56DCB490-8193-417A-9CD5-994BC735EF02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah don’t worry, They’re in good hands.

>> No.49523346

What would I be worried about? All I did was point out Holos had a performance benchmark to hit to get 3D, said benchmark is now pointless as they hit that number before even debuting. Gen 7 will probably hit the 500K like it’s nothing when they eventually get announced.

>> No.49524063
File: 51 KB, 1895x316, the day nijiniggers got burned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget!

>> No.49525346


>> No.49525574

secret groupchat...

>> No.49525656
File: 405 KB, 695x680, Ogey Jjew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey, fellow shitposter. Be sure to shill the IdolEN girls after that!

>> No.49527916

No they don't.

>> No.49528078

Not gonna fall for your lies.
