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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49440478 No.49440478 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop Oshi hopping...

>> No.49440552

watch koyori
never a day off
too many vods for one man to consume
you wont have time to think of other girls

>> No.49441829

If your plan is to dive deep into the escapism aspect of the hobby, the best way is to make consuming her content a daily habit.
This kind like the strategy that some mobile games uses to keep the player base engaged for a long time, by shoving them a bunch of daily activities and time-limited special events.
Funny enough, making watching my oshi's stream daily is the reason why I started sleeping early and waking up early, because she streams at 6am to me so I gotta have a healthy sleep schedule to follow her

>> No.49441956
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Gura has been my oshi for almost 3 years. For some reason, whenever she goes missing, I end up loving her more. It's a weird thing.
Maybe you just need to find a girl you really really love. You probably just haven't found 'the one' yet.

>> No.49441986

Tell us who you left and why, and who you went to.

>> No.49442027
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Yuckymen truly are disgusting whores

>> No.49442269

It's a sign.
You are unable to commit to a single women, because deep down they are incompatible to who you really are and what you really desire.
You're gay, I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

>> No.49444129

What does it matter? You'll stop when you find the one. It's entertainment; do what you want.

>> No.49447497
File: 1.35 MB, 3760x3328, mumeigosling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch The Moom.

Unironically, watch The Moom.
You're welcome.

>> No.49447778
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No better choice than Kaela. Always streams so you know you can look forward to her at any time. Always updates her fans. Has a very nice smooth voice and is cute.

>> No.49448018

Fucking man whore

>> No.49448082

Too many streams, can't keep up

>> No.49448102

Try practicing being loyal for once?

>> No.49448113

Why should you stop?

>> No.49448288
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Your true oshi is within yourself

>> No.49448374

inside you there are two oshis, you never watch either of them

>> No.49448501
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Pavlovian conditioning. Fap to art of them while you listen to their voice for artificial pair bonding.

>> No.49451265

stop being a frog, stop hopping around

>> No.49451524

dun ask how, ask why instead

>> No.49452015

We're you born a whore or did something happen to you to make you like that?

>> No.49452480

just tune in when she's live

>> No.49453413

you're just a DD, anon. basically a whore, like your oshi(s).

>> No.49453891

You watched all of these past oshis for at least a year right?

>> No.49454626

my oshi won't stream anymore because all the pedos scared her away

>> No.49456337

oft repeated wisdom is that you don't choose your oshi, your oshi chooses you - basically you watch vtubers until you find one that speaks to deep down, one that you think about when not watching them, one that you look forward to.
If you find yourself constantly swapping oshis then maybe you haven't found the right one and should try branching out to other corpos/indies, maybe your tastes are too particular and your true oshi doesn't exist or maybe your a whore, whatever the case this journey is one you must walk alone, you can ask for directions but must reach your destination by the sweat of your own brow, not someone elses

>> No.49456560


>> No.49459545
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Sounds like a skill issue, I've only ever Oshi hopped once (from Miko to Polka).

>> No.49459590

Kill yourself
