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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 251 KB, 1264x810, newkettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49433937 No.49433937 [Reply] [Original]

Can't you fucking cancerous faggots just shut up and enjoy the kettle? The Kettle was cute, the Kettle is still cute, why does anything else matter?

>> No.49434083

Not my kettle

>> No.49434126

It's the same kettle

>> No.49434195

/pol/ wants a culture war and nijis need something to deflect with

>> No.49434212
File: 40 KB, 527x465, 1602666205137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never watch her in the first place.
I just hate trannies.

>> No.49434217

I'm gonna enjoy the kettle when I'm inside of her

>> No.49434291

Blue triangle fags were denied what should have been an easy PR win. Blame Yagoo.

>> No.49434334

>le heckin kettlerino DAYO!!!!!!1!
shut the fuck up

>> No.49434363

If you're doing boogeymen you should include the farms too.
Don't be stingy.

>> No.49434371

A backstabber can get away with anything as long as it acts cute and uses a 2d model
I bet Tomoshika disagrees with you

>> No.49434614

Pikamee would've fucking sucked in Hololive. I don't know why Holotards expected her there.

>> No.49434673


>> No.49434777

>Pikamee comes back just to expose herself as a backstabbing Ameriboo-whore

>> No.49434824

Yes. Bump. I like the kettle comeback.

>> No.49434868

I grieved for MY kettle. This is a reanimated soulless mockery. My kettle is gone.

>> No.49434922

this, she played with peoples emotions and also leaved her friends behind for the people that actually hate her

>> No.49435034

No it not. different model, different persona, worse corpo. I won't give vshitters the time of day she made her choice and choose poorly.

>> No.49435099

It's just not the same without the old avatar
This one doesn't fit her personality at all
No cheerful quirky ray of sunshine

>> No.49435115

>bitching about culture wars while inciting another culture war

>> No.49435215

>the kettle?
The fucking who?
Won't watch vshojo. Thanks

>> No.49435361

I'm never on Twitch, I liked pika but not enough to use that site

>> No.49435545

Kettle was irrelevant and nobody cared about her until Hogwarts. Now she gets to be irrelevant and exposed as an idiot for trusting those same type of people who took issue with the game in the first place. I look forward to watching her get cannibalized by her new friends.

>> No.49436055

Honestly, I didn't really watch her much after 2021. I watched her last month and re-debut mostly out of nostalgia. I think vtubing is shrinking back to what it would of been if not for the covid lockdown buff.

>> No.49436254

She is protected by Kson. not happening.

>> No.49436293

>Can't you fucking cancerous faggots just shut up and enjoy the kettle? The Kettle was cute, the Kettle is still cute, why does anything else matter?
no blue dorito no watch
t. I can speak to animals, and that's what they say

>> No.49436375

Because Vshojo is fucking cancer. Just you watch, your precious kettle will turn to shit just like Kson did.

>> No.49436483

That's not Pikamee, that's Henya. Just like how Coco is not kson. Same VAs, but the legacy and history they built stays with their old personas. One can carve the exact replica of a destroyed statue, or make a 1:1 accurate reproduction of the Mona Lisa, but a replica is just that - a replica of the original; it will never be the original. The question is more about how Henya will develop under Vshoujo. Since I absolutely detest Twitch and Vshoujo pretty much only stream on Twitch, I assume Henya will do the same and thus I won't be watching her streams.

>> No.49437203

Maybe because you retard believe everything you read, nobody want her in holo just like no one want any niji after luna in holo anymore.

>> No.49438038

Does "enjoy" mean I should watch her? Lol.

>> No.49439039

Don't care, not watching your pitybaiting whore.

>> No.49442951

No. And "enjoy" is a buzzword, just like fun is.

>> No.49443220

Stop spamming, I hope they anti her more, shut the hell up

>> No.49443311

>destroy the hearts of your fans and reap in the akasupa like its a retirement
>so you can put on an ugly ass costume for a whore company the next week
why'd she do it bros

>> No.49443381
File: 381 KB, 446x423, everyone makes mistakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She joined the same company as the one who harassed her so yeah fuck watching her.

>> No.49443552
File: 72 KB, 480x480, 1630726076551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goes to show who really cared about her in the first place.
Also it seems like the shills here got a new directive.

>> No.49443584

Nigga you covered my damn kettle in purple asbestos, it's unusable now

>> No.49443611

All I see is salty woke trannies seethe cuz she still alive

>> No.49443919

Kson can't do shit if trannies attack her or henya, it would be CN/TWN all over again, even worse since she is in their turf (western social media) and there is no great fire wall this tims.

>> No.49444468

Yeah, I have a feeling she got pressured by Kson to join and is going to regret doing it later. Should've just went indie.

>> No.49447903
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>> No.49451182

>enjoy the kettle?
she needs more porn

>> No.49451269

I'm not mad at her, just disappointed that she would join such a shitty company. I wish Vshitshow would just dissolve.

>> No.49451339

She changed, and I don't like it.

>> No.49451423

source: crackpipe

>> No.49451668

You get somebody in the middle of a traitor company with the weakest ally you could ever think of and Rushia
Give her 1 year and she'll fuck off again with even more mental problems
I wonder how much she'll like being put in the spotlight with all the faggots targetting her again

LMAO, kson is the type to send you a singular "are you ok?" message and then not answer afterwards.
Your kettle is ready to break again at any time.

>> No.49451913

She came back and is happy with a new model and a lore animation and shit already, so they're mad they can't keep blaming le trannies for killing a chuuba they pretend to like only because of culture war shit, just like they pretended to give a shit about fucking Silvervale of all people.
They never cared about Pika and they hate Henya for disproving their rrat and taking away ammunition.

>> No.49451940
File: 780 KB, 800x800, 1684043837041212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were never viewers of hers.
They are just here to bring down the competition.
They are paid in pennies for their spam.

>> No.49452185

Nah. Maybe later but I'm just not feeling it right now so I'm finding other stuff to do.

>> No.49452192

Kson streams on YouTube all the time tho
