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4939488 No.4939488 [Reply] [Original]

Realistically speaking, is she rich enough to not have to work anymore

>> No.4939583

no not really

>> No.4939590


>> No.4939597

No, child there is something taxes and Japan does not consider streaming as a Job so Streamers are gangbanged by Japan's tax's laws. You too will learn it when you are old enough.

>> No.4939606

Yes, if she was smart enough to invest her money

>> No.4939620

More than enough to live comfortably for a decade at the very least. She won't stay in Japan either, so you can ignore retarded bleating one post above.

>> No.4939633

She already told everyone she is gonna mooch off Kanata since she has a job still after July 1st.

>> No.4939644

She could have been if she invested her money wisely instead of buying a 9000 dollar bed.

>> No.4939663

That money won't last forever especially in an expensive country like Japan. She will also not be able to extend her visa. No way she won't regret leaving, it's too good of a job to pass on like that.

>> No.4939681

she could if she moves to some bumfuck inaka. Maybe survive for a few years if she stays in a metropolitan city, also depends on how much cover takes on superchats.

>> No.4939695

>She won't stay in Japan either

Ogey so, are her parent/ guardian?

>> No.4939704

How long before she return to Hololive once she blow all of her money

>> No.4939718

Isn't she murican? She doesn't have to abide by Japanese tax code.

>> No.4939734

She is a half breed

>> No.4939742

A good bed is the best investment you could make

>> No.4939752

If Coco can't live at least for a while on her money how some other girls with way less income even sustain themselves?

>> No.4939763


i think shes from a wealtjy familiy. money was never an issue. but now she has sacked anywhere between 1 and 2 million and still has her private channel. shes an attractive woman as well. shes living on easy street.

>> No.4939770

No but if she's been smart with her money she has over half a million invested. Apparently she owns the block of apartments she lives in with Kanata now.

>> No.4939774

>ITT: retards make dumb rrats about japanese tax code and Coco's net worth

>> No.4939777

Ah hello newfag, I think you got your Idols mixed up. We are not talking about Kiara but Coco and if you dont know she is not half. She is a pure jap but born in USA. Her whole family moved back in Japan 10 yeras ago and she already has citizenship as she is once again a pure jap and was working a 9 to 5 job before joining Hololive.

>> No.4939795

>Anything that isn't said directly by the talent on a stream is a rrat
I'm losing patience with you fucktarded reddit cunts

>> No.4939798

Japan isn't that expensive

>> No.4939812

>She is a pure jap but born in USA
So a USAfag

>> No.4939815

She can live on it for "a while" but probably not for the rest of her life, she's not a millionaire.
Girls like Mel and AkiRoz obviously dont do this as their main job.

>> No.4939837

Depends if she renounced her citizenship or not since Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship, though chances are she's still a USAfag because you'd be insane to give up USA citizenship.

>> No.4939868

So in a year or two after burning all her money she will return

>> No.4939873

Coco and Rushia apparently renegotiated their profit sharing to their favor.

>> No.4939882

yeah she gave up usa citizenship a long time ago as they were only there due to her father's job

>> No.4939885

she could have been but the stupid bitch spent all into fancy food for her wife and a 9k dollars bed

>> No.4939900

no, don't see the number on playboard, because cover take her money alot

>> No.4939906

This is fine with me.
She can be the first returning talent and pave the way for any who graduated while she was away who also want to return.

>> No.4939911

I mean, it would be off topic if they didn't.

>> No.4939923

Hey fucking retards, just her kson channel is making her twice a salary and she have the nnd secret club that is making her yet another one
Do you think cover do anything but milk their talents dry like absolute kikes?
Girls barely get 35% of the money you give to them after cover and youtube get their cut

>> No.4939934

Moving "back" to USA right now would be poor timing given the inflation rate.

>> No.4939940

Americans actually get double dipped. It's one of the few countries on Earth that taxes you for income earned abroad. Coco has to pay income tax in both countries.

>> No.4939942

Yes she is pretty rich now

>> No.4939951

Until tatsunokos stop giving SCs and membership to her roommate's channel.

>> No.4939959
File: 459 KB, 1543x1401, laughing holos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck no dumbass.
Women spent money like retards. More so if they are high earners.
I bet she doesn't even have half a mil in her account even tho she was the most superchatted one for couple of months.

>> No.4939964

>you'd be insane to give up USA citizenship
lol why? It's not like it's an EU passport. American citizenship is only valued if you're a third worlder. Giving it up for citizenship in another 1st world country is hardly irrational if you intend to live there forever.

>> No.4939979

She has earned about 300-400k USD in superchats depending on how you calculate taxes, and who knows how much in merch and membership. If she invests it smartly she'll be fine for the rest of her life.
If not, well, that'll be enough to live for a decade or two

>> No.4939980

HELL NO! Being rich is about having a steady source of income with out having to work for it. Just having a large bank account means nothing once inflation destroys it's value in 20 years.

>> No.4939984

Then why doesn't she have her own apartment?

>> No.4939987

why are yuropoors like this?

>> No.4939994

Coco did say that she's not normally a big spender (130k per month on expenses isn't a large amount), and remember she's still getting a good amount of money on her roommate memberships and SCs with only a Youtube cut.

>> No.4939997

>If she invests it smartly
Money literally burns in women hands

>> No.4939998

>Moving "back" to USA right now would be poor timing given the inflation rate.
Anon-chama, your exchange rate reps.
Inflation is not the primary factor.

>> No.4939999

She is married to Kanata is obviously why retard.

>> No.4940004

She will move to twitch and open up a only fans once the Hololive money run out

>> No.4940076

>Money literally burns in women hands
AFAIK several comparative studies on gender and investment have shown women to be more conservative, stable investors: more pragmatic, higher median returns than men, lower average returns than men. Less likely to make outsized returns, but less likely to take risks that don't pan out.

>> No.4940080

She probably is capable, but won't be able to. the problem is most people aren't capable of reigning themselves in and cut back on expensive spending habits once they've gotten accustomed to them, and they don't invest their money either. Also woman are particularly bad at handling money
If she went all in on crypto she could probably live off of that forever, but good luck getting her to figure out how

>> No.4940086

I'm American. In the 50's an American passport was hot shit but we haven't had enviable living standards in decades. This is an actively crumbling society.

If you're a dirtpoor Guatemalan moving here is a leg up, granted. But if I could pick any citizenship I wanted the USA wouldn't be in my top 10.

>> No.4940136

Not sure what you're trying to say, there's a recession right around the corner, everything points to it, if you have savings i suggest you invest at least a part of it in something that wouldn't be affected by inflation and a market crash.

>> No.4940146

She likes the company

>> No.4940177

>is she rich enough to not have to work anymore
Yes. But she will, because she's going to make poor financial decisions and blow all her money.

See: her $9000 bed

>> No.4940206

>her $9000 bed
I bet it was worth every single cent for all that kanata action she had in there

>> No.4940217

dont forget, she has double degree and various job experiece, not to mention connection. so yeah, she's kinda on an ez road ahead.

>> No.4940222

A bed isn't a bad investment compared to say a fucking car or jewelry. At least she isn't a buck.

>> No.4940236

maybe if you retire in indogland

>> No.4940241


>> No.4940309

can't wait for coco's philipino sex tourist arc. $100,000 goes a long fucking way there.

>> No.4940316
File: 471 KB, 1942x1202, 1613063148831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she was smart, resourceful and hardy enough, yes.
With just the supachas from that one return stream she did she'd have enough money to buy a woodlot in a free State, build her own tiny home, and buy enough seed and ammo to feed herself for the rest of her life.

However she probably wouldn't be happy with that, since she's a reddit browsing Vtuber and all.
For some reason people think that worrying why people are giving them the cold shoulder or what you did to make others mad while trying to balance a steady income with your own happiness in this "civilized" world where you just serve as a labor and money cow for the wealthy is less stressful than simply worrying where you're going to get your next meal or being sorta lonely sometimes.

>> No.4940319

Tatsunokos SCd her specifically for that bed since she was resorting to taking sleeping pills to get a good night's rest

>> No.4940324

Of course, she can be annuitant and live comfortably for the rest of her days. Don't listen to burgers thinking Japan is like America where you have to pay insane health costs and pay off a huge student debt.

>> No.4940326

perhaps she could cut some of her costs if she moved in with me

>> No.4940329

>AFAIK several comparative studies on gender
Are entirely pulled out of the asses of a college campus faculty to make the kids in their care feel good.

>> No.4940342

Yes. She knows enough spanish to move to LATAM and live like an upper middle class NEET.

>> No.4940349

She can freeload off her wife.

>> No.4940377

>you'd be insane to give up USA citizenship
Good one
Some people are really living in the past

>> No.4940396

And a non-shitposting answer?

>> No.4940397

She IS a woman, all she'd have to do is leech off of a husband that's not you, like all women do.

>> No.4940402

Wat? She had like 3 lessons on duo

>> No.4940412

Stop this incel mentality only 99.99% of women do this

>> No.4940430

She said on her member stream that she only spends about 130k yen a month, not a particularly large amount in Japan.

>> No.4940433

Did you not see the quads of confirmation?

>> No.4940435

>market crash
Anon-chama... inflation tends to decrease during recessions.

I know exactly what you are attempting to say. You might even be right on some of it. You are not using the right words in the right way, though. Some thoughts:
1: A recession typically is declared in retrospect, after two consecutive quarters of decline in GDP. Not "everything" is pointing to that.
2: A market crash (I assume you mean stock market) seems possible, or at least a correction. However, a lot changes for the average person depending if you get a panic-level selloff (a true "crash"), or just a gradual correction in several sectors spread over a quarter or two.

As for inflation? The conventional wisdom used to be that falling unemployment led to rising wages, which led to higher inflation. A lot of very sober inflation-hawks spent the period 2015-2019 making very diplomatic statements to the effect of "Maybe we don't understand inflation as well as we think we do." Right now, part of what we're seeing may be that the CPI Market Basket isn't an infallible oracle. It's normally good enough, but uncharacteristic temporary shocks to key goods (housing, used cars, etc.) can cause it to behave strangely.

Again, you may be right on some of your concerns, but not all of those big scary things you named are going to happen at once, by their very nature.

>> No.4940439

most streamer or OF don't know that pro tip

>> No.4940459

Those quads don't lie.

>> No.4940460
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>> No.4940464

>Mel and AkiRoz
No they don't Mel especially barely streams nor even her roomate, HL is a side hustle at best for the most of the lower SC girls

>> No.4940465

That's all you need

>> No.4940483

>Right now, part of what we're seeing may be that the CPI Market Basket isn't an infallible oracle
No shit. Real inflation has been over 4% for nearly a decade now and is rapidly ramping up to 10% this year

>> No.4940508

Unless she renounced her US citizenship, no she doesn't.

>> No.4940545

And why wouldn't she
I would get ride of that as soon as possible if I was unfortunate enough to be born there

>> No.4940562

A bed is an acquisition, not an investment.
A $9000 bed is stupid nonetheless.
I doubt you need more than $1000 to find a ''good'' bed whatever the fuck that means to you.

>> No.4940590

You get a credit for the taxes you pay overseas, it's not like straight up double taxation or anything.

>> No.4940612

Everyone says that but no one ever moves anywhere else. The emigration number in the US is always miniscule.

>> No.4940632

Capital gains are taxed the same as income in Japan.

>> No.4940642

it was a joke man

>> No.4940646

No ones going to wat a 45 minute podcast of some nigger interviewing some thots anon.

>> No.4940671

Absolutely terrible time to be Asian in America. US citizenship not as valuable as it used to be.

>> No.4940680

where's the punchline?

>> No.4940687

Depending which self-proclaimed geniuses you choose to place trust in, it already has been about 10% since 2001! But has average person's life gotten 10% more expensive year over year since 2001? I don't feel entirely qualified to answer, but you can cherry-pick your own basket to make the case for and against pretty easily, which makes internet discussions on this devolve pretty quickly.

That said, we've strayed from the topic of what it means to Coco. I think we don't know enough to say. For all we know, some of her money could already be in USD in an account she opened while living there. Good luck to her, if that's the case. Or it could be all JPY, at which point we could ask all sorts of fun questions like "Will there be a better JPY to USD exchange in the near future due to the crazy spike in M2?" and so on. This is all speculation on top of speculation: we don't even know that she is returning to the US in the first place!

>> No.4940696

Why? Because of the china virus? That's overblown by libtards needing a new boogieman

>> No.4940697

Taiwan IS a country.

>> No.4940700

it's (You)

>> No.4940706

Because you might get sucker punched by a certain enlightened minority on a public bus? Just don't live around them in some shithole city. Asians make the most money out of any group in the US.

>> No.4940715

No shit, moving somewhere else is a huge decision and not that easy, and it also costs money to do it properly, most American are indebted. Not to mention the school propaganda trying to brainwash teens about how great and might the US is and how everyone can reach the top based on "merit".

>> No.4940732

People gave the 9k specifically to buy the bed. It was a gift/demand from the crowd. Buying the bed was more of an audience interaction than anything else.

>> No.4940741

>Asians make the most money out of any group in the US.
perhaps you're forgetting a certain (((someone)))

>> No.4940765

Right, most of them are even convinced they're the main reason of Germany loss in 45.
I couldn't find one american knowing how most of the work was done by the Soviet Union. When they even knew the Soviets were against Germany.

>> No.4940774

I heard you had to renounce to every other citizenship to get a japanese one or is that just some dumb rrat? I have no clue about jp immigration policies. But i doubt that's the case iirc she said she had to pay extra taxes exactly because she's not of japanese citizenship

>> No.4940782

Yeah, if you don't count one of the more prominent other groups.

>> No.4940787

That's because moving is a bitch, cutting off all ties to your family and friends and starting a new life is a hard proposition even if you're from a shithole country. Doesn't change the fact that America has taken a mighty big fall as far as living standards, and where it hasn't fallen its stagnated. Wages, vacation time, retirement age, Healthcare costs, home ownership rates, all down the fucking tubes.

>> No.4940794

>You are not using the right words in the right way, though.
What can i say, English isn't my first language, and i won't pretend i'm an expert, i'm just saying you should prepare just in case, there's a lot going on that is pointing in the same direction and some of it is way overdue, but yeah, not literally "everything", my bad.

I guess a part problem for inflation is that people aren't working when there are jobs available, that probably will change when the handouts are over, assuming they do end, it's reckless to just keep printing money.

The hike in gas prices is probably the main cause right now though, you do need gas for everything related to food and other goods.

>> No.4940799

man down man down!

>> No.4940800

Massive uptick in violence against Asians by dipshits blaming any available Asian they see for the virus. Politicians on both sides using Asians in general as scapegoats.

>> No.4940809

Many countries don't allow dual citizenship, the ones that do just kneel to rootless cosmopolitans.

>> No.4940814

Plenty of countries don't allow dual citizenship for adult immigrants. Japan is one of those places, yes.

>> No.4940838

>I heard you had to renounce to every other citizenship to get a japanese one or is that just some dumb rrat?
That is correct. The US is unusually liberal in that it doesn't ask you to renounce citizenship if you get one elsewhere. Japan requires you renounce all previous citizenship. AFAIK they don't always thoroughly validate that, and you could try to lie about it... to what ends? So that you can risk being arrested later? In the country you just worked hard to get a new citizenship in, and has basically the same freedom of movement as the US? It would be quite the dumb move.
>But i doubt that's the case iirc she said she had to pay extra taxes exactly because she's not of japanese citizenship
That is also correct.

>> No.4940869

>Asians make the most money out of any group in the US
Asian households have more money on average because the average Asian house has a larger family unit. Asian cultures typically don't toss out their kids when they turn 18. As such, you get multiple paychecks arriving at one address. Whites still make more on a person to person basis.

>> No.4940871

>Massive uptick in violence against Asians by dipshits blaming any available Asian they see for the virus
No proof of that. Don't believe everything CNN tells you bucko.

>> No.4940874

So whats gonna happen next? Will she go to vshojo or what?

>> No.4940884

Plenty of very high quality of life countries and/or with rich culture and identity, allow it. To name a few, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, France, Canada etc.
Even Russia allows it I wouldn't say they "kneel to rootless cosmopolitans"

>> No.4940901

She has directly stated she is not joining any existing group ever (other than hypothetically Hololive if they cleaned up their shit).
She's going indie and maybe down the line starting her own group.

>> No.4940910

>But has average person's life gotten 10% more expensive year over year since 2001?
Mine did, shit, I'd even say by more than 10%

>> No.4940913

The lie CNN is talking about is the perpetrators not the victims.

>> No.4940915

Japan comes down pretty hard if they find out you didn't forfeit your foreign citizenship. One story I read had the guy getting his japanese citizenship revoked, permanent residency revoked, and had to talk to the IRS about back taxes in the USA since he wasn't paying those either. Basically totally up the creek. Seems like a stupid thing to fuck around with.

Fun fact, Japan actually has the most valuable passport in the world. You have more countries that allow you to visit without a visa than anywhere else.

>> No.4940929


>> No.4940950

>Susan takes half her earnings
>Cover takes another half
No one in Hololive is rich. If they were rich they wouldn't be wasting their time in Hololive.
>b-but this one girl said!
You have no way to verify if what they say in-character is them talking about their real selves or if it's even true in the first place. Cope.

>> No.4940978

There are many girls that literally need this job for their ego/mental health.
Pretty sure Polka would end up killing herself if she couldn't do vtubing.

>> No.4941003

>Capital gains are taxed the same as income in Japan.
Isn't it flat 20% for stocks and securities?

>> No.4941022

And then we have Shion, who is actively being deranged by her activities in Hololive. Truly a company of contrasts.

>> No.4941046

The splits are
30% YT
35% Cover
35% Talent
The highest tax rate in Japan is 55%, so assuming the worst and that she never hired a good accountant, she made $369,304.98 since debut from superchats.

>> No.4941058

CNN?? Cable news watching retards like you need to learn to read actual press releases from local news sources. Many police departments in major cities across the US are establishing anti-asian hate crime units due to the very noticeable increase in violence against Asians. Asian towns in big cities have young men patrolling their streets to protect their elderly and women. Of course, you probably don't see this if you stay inside all day or live in some countryside or suburban shithole.

>> No.4941085

I think you quoted the wrong post.

>> No.4941099

The US is not "unusually liberal" about this. Most countries permit dual citizenship.

>> No.4941148

Why would you want to live alone when you could live with a friend that you enjoy living with?

>> No.4941191
File: 82 KB, 1280x629, multiple-citizenships[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the breakdown.

>> No.4941197

But we dont know what exatly happenned in hololive, no? I mean there is no way she said she'll quit because she can't handle chang harrassing anymore. There is no way she'll go back to cover.

>> No.4941202

Personal space. But their house seems big enough for that. It's not the case for most people especially in Japan tho.

>> No.4941214 [DELETED] 

>Many police departments in major cities across the US are establishing anti-asian hate crime units due to the very noticeable increase in violence against Asians
Yeah just like the FBI thinks "white supremacy" is the biggest threat to the US at the moment lmao

>> No.4941223

The Yakuza is taking back everything she owns as we speak, so no.

>> No.4941237

Nope, that was directed at the cable news watching retard. The only entities who care about a cable news network are other cable news networks and the retards who watch them. He referenced CNN which shows that he lives in that worthless cable news bubble and assumes other's share his bubble.

>> No.4941239

>There is no way she'll go back to cover.
Realistically? No and she knows it.
But she loves her coworkers and if, for the sake of argument, the mistakes by Cover that made her leave were to be convincingly resolved then she could go back.

>> No.4941255

The US has a tax treaty with Japan that because Japan has a higher tax rate, means she'll pay no American tax.

>> No.4941272

Dog whistle.

>> No.4941296

Honestly why would anyone go back after this? Its clear as fuck Cover probably didn't wanted to bother with Chang's spreging. To choose them over her feels like a BS. I mean a lot of times she recieved restrictions too that she can't do this or that, but maybe its better for her if she left.
This whole corporate fuckery is getting out of hand and I'm fairly sure cover as a whole is now just going to be no fun allowed mode. Everything will be sterile as fuck in this year.

>> No.4941314

From what she said and her tone, she really does want to stay, so if we give all of upper management some concrete shoes or nuke all of mainland china that would do it.

>> No.4941329

Most of them would. Japanese people are always looking for an excuse to an hero.

>> No.4941332

Honestly she wasn't in Holo that long, was she
Like a year and a half?

>> No.4941342

I suggest you read what he said again instead of doubling down.

>> No.4941345

>no fun allowed mode
The proper description is "family friendly". And yes, the talents will either bend to it or be made to leave.

>> No.4941357

Japan seems to give to access to 6 more visa free than the US. 4 of these are obvious (Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela) but I can't figure out the last 2.

>> No.4941368

>Don't believe everything CNN tells you bucko.

>> No.4941396

Yeah, how are you interpreting that as somehow defending CNN?

>> No.4941417

Anon if she doesn't exist neither would holoEN. This is for sure, she did so much networking and opening up for overseas fans. I mean I know the "show must go on" mentality but fuck yagoo should at least shows some form of compassion.

I'm going to be honest I suspected this will happen sooner or later especially around gen5. The company becomes too big, the fun gets sucked out, everything is too tame and boring. There is a reason why there was no asacoco either, but these are the reasons I started watching this whole thing. It's offensive but funny. If its all idolshit its boring.

>> No.4941438

People worship Yagoo for some reason but to me he looks like a fuckin weirdo

>> No.4941448

Holy shit, you need to learn how to think critically while reading if that's how you interpreted that.

>> No.4941453

This guy is right. I walked outside my door and saw a redneck waving the Confederate flag attack an innocent Japanese family enjoying bento in the park while screaming "FUCKING CHINK FLU GO HOME"

>> No.4941488

She can make a fortune with escorting now

>> No.4941526

The intention is not bad to give girls a chance to perform, but eventually this thing will happen, but it still feel like bs from cover's side, because Coco did a lot of things to reach out overseas. The its like nu uh you can't collab with them. For fuck's sake they wouldn't even let her do it with vshojo or even holoEN, which happened because it was a "yeah who cares let her have a collab before she fucks off".

>> No.4941536


>> No.4941551


>> No.4941566

I think you're just reading what you want to read to be honest, but yeah, fuck CNN.

>> No.4941573

Your point was that people only think Asians are getting targeted because of CNN.
He was disputing that and pointing out that CNN's reporting on the matter didn't matter, people are getting their information from other sources that have nothing to do with CNN or mainstream news networks in general.

I don't see how this can be made more obvious.

>> No.4941577

coco cum countdown asmr

>> No.4941578

Yes but not at her current standard of living

>> No.4941587

I have a half Korean half spic friend who is terrified of going back to his neighborhood because he got sucker punched by some black kid while he was on his way home.

>> No.4941610

>Your point was that people only think Asians are getting targeted because of CNN.
I have not made any point, i'm not that guy, and yes i agree with that.

>> No.4941620

Yeah well niggers gunna nig, what can you do about it

>> No.4941645

Literally always niggers

>> No.4941669

A great bed is one of the best investments you can make anon. You'll learn this as you get older or you're old already but a poorfag.

>> No.4941682

I don't live in Japan...

>> No.4941700

Honestly you are a fucking idiot if you live in a place like that and you dont carry a weapon.

>> No.4941738

Sleeping on the floor is best for your back. This bitch bought a mattress in japan of all places where floor sleeping is the norm.

>> No.4941745 [DELETED] 

Not let niggers run around all of your cities burning shit whilst your politicians tell them they are right to do so and generally excuse any and all behaviour from them whilst saying that any authority that get's in their way is bigoted and evil? Think that might have something to do with niggers acting like they can get away with anything and everything and beating up defenceless old woman just because it makes them feel good.

>> No.4941751

Have you ever tried sleeping on a floor?

>> No.4941770


>> No.4941811

She invested in DOGE last year so her net value is 9 figures now. She actually cashed out some weeks ago in anticipation of her graduation. That's why the Crypto market crashed.

>> No.4941828

Yes, you're doing it wrong without some padding though. Which is what the futon is for. If you just take a blanket to the carpet that's going to suck. If it wasn't socially unacceptable I would throw my bed out. I sleep more soundly on the floor, I chalk it up to better spinal alignment.

>> No.4941896

Yeah, i've slept on the floor/ground with my rough wool soldier coat back when I was doing lots of meth. It's peak comfy when you get used to it

>> No.4941914

Anybody that answered yes, including OP that even suggested this, should be booted off the site immediately for being underaged.

>> No.4941922

possibly, but its very unlikely

>> No.4941947

her mother already returned to america, she will probably go back to the US and live with her

>> No.4941968

Unfathomably based.

>> No.4943333

anon, you are, once again, delusional. it's specifically because Americans are so well that they find non-existent problems to complain about.
you succeed off merit and connection. this has always been the case.

>> No.4943392

luck and connection, "merit" is a myth

>> No.4943456

It may sound cringy, but you make your own luck. Being aware of the circumstances that lead to success is also part of the "merit"

>> No.4943507

what's your GPA, anon?
you think pajeets get jobs at google because of connections? you think asians opening shops in black neighbourhoods have "connections"?
this "luck" cope is unironically made by retards who just live off benefits or work wagie jobs.

>> No.4943591

I'm an engineer in IT (semantic analysis), it's well paid and comfortable, no overworking and lot of work from home.
Where and from who you are born heavily determin your opportunities. You can try just as hard as many but no get result because of elements in vast majority out of your controle. Sure, "trying your best" is better, but many people do that, in the end, cryonism and luck are the main factors.
Of course, people who got that luck will always convince themselves they got there from their own "merit", it works similarly to the survivor biais.

>> No.4943622

You sound like a Reddit faggot who has no marketable skills. Any construction employee who can write at a proper high school level can make a 6 figure salary as a foreman, the learned professions (engineering, medicine, law, etc) are valuable enough that the educations is paid for as long as you’re smart enough to inspire confidence you can succeed at the programs, and the military is all merit. Entertainment is closer to luck, but even then you either need to be smart or talented enough to take advantage of the luck when it arrives.

>> No.4943666

Don't even try to argue with mutts on that, they're brainwashed to accept the myth of the self-made man going from nothing to the top. It's toxic and honestly pretty sad, but their whole ideology is rotten to the core.

>> No.4943674

ask me how I know you don't work in any worthwhile industry. pajeets are dumb as fuck at the companies I have worked at.

>> No.4943702

Because her and Kanata getting housemates was a rite of convenience more than finances. When they started looking, Kanata was having some health issues and Coco was suffering from insane insomnia. They were moving in together to keep each other safe, and eventually Suisei opted in to be their Designated Normal Person.

>> No.4943705

I'll make her my sugar mommy until she's completely dry, then we'll start whoring out the most doormat holos to make a living then write official hololive h-manga of that concept until we die of drug overdose

>> No.4943727

>Designated Normal Person.
she gives me Patrick Bateman vibes

>> No.4943751

>Where and from who you are born heavily determin your opportunities.
yes, the difference between growing up in africa and growing up in the US is quite literally night and day. it's why people who emigrate to the US do so well.
it's quite hard to find a job in modern day US, but it's still very much possible. just work for it and you'll figure something out.

>> No.4944053

At the very least, Suisei has the lowest risk of health issues compared to what the other two were going through at the time.

>> No.4944158

Unless she's somehow invested her money very, very well and bought some very good stocks... no.

>> No.4944164

Impossible to say currently, we don't know how much Cover takes or what Coco's expenditure is.
Having no children and sharing a house automatically makes her cost of living well below a normal person, I'd be surprised if she couldn't coast along for a few years. I doubt she'd graduate if she couldn't afford it.

>> No.4944228
File: 56 KB, 480x640, rainbow dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she had only lived in America and invested smart, assuming no collapse in the future she'd be able to retire comfy on the ~1million or so she's made thus far, yeah. and just casually stream on kson to pick up some extra bucks now and then if she felt like it.
if willing to move somewhere cheap in South Asia, South America or Eastern Europe, you could manage it on a lot less than that.

but as for what she pays in taxes as a Japanese/ how much Japan would take out of her nest egg every year, i don't know anything about that.

>> No.4944616

Luck and privilege exist but you can compensate them with sheer hard work and talent. I deeply respect people that do that.

>> No.4945058

>you think pajeets get jobs at google because of connections?
uhh... actually, that's often the case yes

>> No.4945125

shes probably well off enough to live comfortably while choosing something else to do for the next decade at least id say

>> No.4945307

Isn't 1 and a half years not that long to be a vtuber?

>> No.4945437

If she was already rich before joining hololive yeah.

>> No.4945508

She is a millionaire she is set for multiple lifetimes

>> No.4945713

Do Holos get anything from merchandise sales?

>> No.4946404

I've been doing my reps and there's evidence from more than one year ago about Coco hinting at bad management on Cover. It was around Towa's incident, where a male voice was heard in the background. Cover issued an empty statement saying they were looking into protecting their talent. Some comments were like "Coco is right, their management sucks"

>> No.4946470

Hard to find a GOOD job. You can find easy shit comfortable jobs but don’t expect to find a place to live

>> No.4946478

If Polka is filthy rich what do you think Coco is?

>> No.4946540
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Is she really leaving or is it a publicity stunt?

>> No.4946543

they do but nobody knows how the money is split or how much they've sold so any numbers involving them is just pulled straight out of my ass

>> No.4946647

My 700 yen bowl of ramen has a single thin slice of pork in it.

>> No.4946662

I am excited for Coco's comeback arc. In due time. I hope she takes a nice vacation first. She's more than earned it.

>> No.4946723

always see these percentages posted but no proof
where do these numbers come from

>> No.4946778
File: 9 KB, 240x240, lz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a fucking aneurysm reading this before I realized you meant yen

>> No.4946779

>Susan can't double dip
Oh hell yes.

>> No.4946785

Poor people always think that once you earn enough money from being middle-class it will teleport you to heaven and you will live the rest of your life playing games, fucking girls and never lifting a finger but never think why they would believe it.

>> No.4946899

Not having to work is the closest thing to heaven.

>> No.4947092

IRS niggers absolutely S E E T H E at the thought.

>> No.4947134

You have no idea how expensive it is to live in Tokyo.

>> No.4947164

You will still work.

>> No.4947193

The 30% to Youtube comes from Youtube, that isn't Hololive specific.
The 50% of what's left going to Cover comes from Coco during one of the meme reviews.

>> No.4947211

Not if I have enough money to live without working.

>> No.4947309

Do you sleep on the fucking floor Anon? A bed is a great investment

>> No.4947337

You will still, because living while not doing anything is miserable and will hurt you buckets in a long run. You won't even be able to start if you're naturally hardworking. Keep dreaming.

>> No.4947351

Yeah I don’t understand why people think she’ll be on the streets once she’s done. She’ll be fine

>> No.4947420

Maybe because she likes living with kanata?? It’s just fun and convenient

>> No.4947459

>Anon if she doesn't exist neither would holoEN
Westerners may have flocked to her because she speaks English, entertaining and the most vulgar hololive but let's not get carried away.

>> No.4947522

Imagine being so brainwashed by wage slavery that you can't come up with anything to do in your life except work.

>> No.4947657

What would you do then? Watch anime everyday?

>> No.4947702

Working without having to worry about paying your bills is a pretty far cry from wage slavery anon. Believe it or not some people actually dig delayed gratification beyond the scale of edging yourself when you're jerking off

>> No.4947705

Is that really the only alternative you can come up with?

>> No.4947760

Mind giving us some ideas?

>> No.4948040

>go on 4chan(nel)
>make fun of people who want to be NEETs
I'm impressed by the sheer amount of normalfags on this shitty board

>> No.4948135

Dumb wage drone.

>> No.4948142

>was holding the most superchatted spot on the platform for MONTHS only getting passed by Rushia just recently and Gura afterwards
She bought a $9000 bed during the first few months because she had so much money to burn, she is pretty much set for life.
Zhangs lost

>> No.4948256

When you have no skills and talents you have to make it with obedience and low expectations. I'm sorry your every work experience ended up with you being a dumb wage drone anon

>> No.4948400

Go outside? Have you never encountered a retired person with money? You have all the time in the world to throw yourself into any hobby you want and all you can think of is watching anime and being bored?

>> No.4948594

No. Keep in mind Coco only keeps 35% after youtube and Cover cut. Then she has to pay super high japanese taxes. She needs to work, it's not even close. But she has enough money to buy some very safe stocks and an apartment

>> No.4948668

she is starting her own corp and is related to galaxy or a planet mark my words she codeworded in his zatsudan

>> No.4948731

That sounds less like an anti-Asian racism problem and more like a nigger problem, which is a perennial issue.

>half hispanic
He should have ample family members ready and willing to help El Chino take retribution on the nigger menace, then.

>> No.4948747

Well I asked what that anon particularly would do.
Closer to the truth. In case of Coco she doesn't have to bust her ass for superchat anymore, she can stream whatever she wants and when she wants because clearly streaming is her hobby.
Just because you monetized your hobby it doesn't stop being a work, you just don't have to worry about not earning enough.

>> No.4948754

Agreed, everyone here is underaged, a NEET loser or low tier wage slave. She has 2.2 million in total revenue over two years and people think she's set for life? Everyone in my office in my profession bills a total revenue of 1.2 million usd a year, then you take out the amount for staff, taxes, facilities, and you are making 6 figures, but she hasn't even lasted 2 years while my career has 20+ more years with 401k.

Early retirement is for people who earn millions a year in hedge funds / private equity for people coming from target ivy league schools

>> No.4948808

holy shit it's fucking lz
that kid is a legend i knew him since before anyone knew him
imagine running into an lzposter on random /vt/ thread

>> No.4948829

Or you can move to Vietnam/Eastern Europe

>> No.4948949

if you live modestly, you can retire on a million in the states. might want to pick up some hours if you feel like raising kids though

you're not gonna be able to afford a place in downtown San Fagcisco or anything though so sorry if that's included in your definition of retrirement

>> No.4949075

you forgot to take out the 65% cut youtube and cover take before taxes you fag

>> No.4949248

That's was exactly the point, she isn't making millions because after the taxes and paying Cover she is making 6 figures, but I wouldn't be surprised if I make more than she does except my career is still here while she hasn't even lasted 2 years.

You know who else makes that kind of fast easy money? Strippers and whores

>> No.4949396

Rushia and Coco have better cuts from Cover than this. Youtube also takes less cuts from Hololive. If you have dealt with monetized platforms, then you would know that those cuts can be reduced if you bring big number. Shit like paypal, stripe, etc charges 3%, but if you bring good traffics, you will be charged less.

>> No.4949473

Merch is usually a pretty huge chunk of income in these kinds of industries.

>> No.4949898

There's also the standard salary that they pay.

>> No.4949906

She has only gotten about $2.2m in SS, and probably $250k in Members, and $100k in merch. Probably a fair bit in sponsor deals as well.
30% YT cut, then 50% off of that again to Cover. Then like 30% in taxes.
She's probably sitting on around $80-110k after all is said and done.
It's nothing to live on, so she'll have to look for a job ASAP or move back to the US with her mom. Or she'll be homeless in a year.

>> No.4950051

I'll just assume you're trolling

>> No.4950080

Thought we all were.

>> No.4950094

You say and there are holos from nippon with times less than Coco, are they piss poor or what?

>> No.4950117

They are all living in a collective basement. Think Indian call centers, but with Vtubers. Living on the floor, shitting in buckets.

>> No.4950140

most threads have been filled with retarded bullshit to spread disinfo because it’s fun to make fun of new people stupid enough to believe anything

>> No.4950160

They have PCs so it's not that bad

>> No.4950191

Supacha is not their only source of income. There are also membership, concerts and merch which alone is likely bigger than SC. Then you have the upcoming graduation live that will cover her living expenses for a few years. Maybe some farewell goods too. Considering that the average Japanese wagie makes about 50k she can go for a long time at that living standard and if she moves to bumfuck inaka she is set for life. That being said, there is literally zero reason why she wouldn't continue to milk Coco gachikoi as kson.

>> No.4950239

This is also 4chan, so, gotta take anything with a kilo of salt.

>> No.4950261

>he still doesnt know most talent are decades old seiyuus

>> No.4950294

Damn, I thought they were all 9 years old.

>> No.4950322

yeah she's set for life for sure. Even if she didn't have enough from hololive to live on investment returns, they should at least be sufficient to supplement her income and she can do whatever the fuck she wants for work.

>> No.4950459

>Rich culture and identity
>Names a bunch of countries that are being niggerfied and islamified

>> No.4950646

Probably not
And even if she was, she would still keep working because not working rots your brain

Stable is boring and is only for uber rich people. Go hard or go home. That's why it's men who usually are at the top, you need to gamble to get there and women don't like that shit

>> No.4950782

Coping wagie.

>> No.4951219

lmao ok mike rowe

>> No.4951242

If we take into account her roomates channel and hers, then merch (which iirc they get all of that), their salary (they still do have one) and memberships, she is making pretty good money, but I would hesitate to say she never has to work again. Even if we put her gross revenue at about 10 million excluding any cuts or taxes that still isnt THAT much for Japans standards if she lives in a big city like Tokyo. Of course Im not gonna sit here and give an accounting lecture, but tl'dr no, she more than likely does not have enough to quit working forever.

>> No.4951257

You're rotting right now, neet

>> No.4951316

Googled wages in japan once, apparently anyone making 20million+ yen per year is considered rich

>> No.4951319

Apparently they provide the money for the merch production themselves (cover takes it out of their superchats), so its likely they get a bigger portion of the profits than they would superchats.

Think this was confirmed via lamy?

>> No.4951365

>>4951316 that is 182,292.98 United States Dollar which I guess could be considered rich? Depending on where you live of course. In my neck of the wood 6 figs is basically living like Trump

>> No.4951475

Well I think this worked under the assumption it was a stable job, which vtubing certainly isn't but you get the idea
But 200k year is great no matter where you are, you just have to not spend like a movie star's wife and invest a significant portion into good shit like stable cryptos or aristocratic dividends

>> No.4951560

>Apparently she owns the block of apartments she lives in with Kanata now.
Where the hell did you hear this, and timestamp?

>> No.4951982


>> No.4952407

Arent there a graduated nijigirl that come back after 6 months and no one make fuss about it? I think Coco can follow her step once all that money has been blown off feeding her milk tanks

>> No.4952445

so what are they doing? JAV or Gravure? I need rrats on those two

>> No.4952453

>Westerners may have flocked to her because she speaks English, entertaining and the most vulgar hololive but let's not get carried away.

No, you don't understand. She convinced them to start an EN branch. She was the one who convinced them it would even make any money.

>> No.4952557

>omparative studies on gender and investment have shown women to be more conservative, stable investors: more pragmatic, higher median returns than men
NO, I learn psychology as my major (dont ask why) and all my textbook mentions that women consoom more than men even the one that is written by a woman and is Pozzed as shit (the science of psychology 4th ed). where the fuck you got your study from? even by observation you can see that most ads are targeted towards women.

>> No.4952608

>you think pajeets get jobs at google because of connections
it was because of diversity quota anon. Pajeets that works on my office are all dumb as shit that we frequently need to hire white technician to fix up their mess.

>> No.4952656

fuck you sexist bigot! its only like 60% now since onlyfans exists

>> No.4953213

Even then, Japs are chronic workaholic. She will still work.

>> No.4953828

>only Chad has no data

>> No.4953946

just wait for her own company she hinted it in her last stream

suddenly she start to sing fly me to the moon and the last line is jupiter and mars.

>> No.4954739

Yes, obviously
IIRC Coco said in a member's only stream she bought long-term call options on $GME early January. I heard she was a long term DOGE holder too.

>> No.4956972

it looks inexpensive due to japanese currency being weaker against top currencies but they add up with all the services.
travelling for a holiday to japan sounds cheaper with USD or sterling but actually living there with a job as I have done, the experience is completely different and the wallet starts hurting.

>> No.4957031

>living around niggers
his fault

>> No.4958627

If anything, what you said reminds me of my university teachers. One of them said he cashed in his salary every six months to pretend he made a decent earning there. Most of them had actual jobs and just teached to guide students (and to poach the good ones).

>> No.4958955

She was *literally* the person who lobbied for Cover to enter the English market.

>> No.4959580

Are we sure Kiara as actually a hapa? I think she just uses a fuck ton of photoshop and nip makeup.

>> No.4959726

They're walking the streets in the red light district.

>> No.4959788

I think people genuinely underestimate how much money hololive tubers make. Seriously underestimate it.

>> No.4959823
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why would a twenty-something year old throw away all their potential to live like a frugalcuck?

>> No.4960672

talent is a form of privilege

>> No.4962302
File: 663 KB, 848x1200, 1619884262652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you compete?

>> No.4962399

that's based though?

>> No.4962450

niggers tongue my anus

>> No.4962713

dual citizenship in japan is not allowed but, in practice, they don't care as long as you don't bring it up. there was politician who had dual citizen for years and years and only gave it up as a political act. they very rarely enforce it.

>> No.4962732

Friendly reminder that her channel as Kson has 460k subs(+250k after announcement), and after retirement she will be close to 700k once she starts streaming more often and she will win about $30k for every single stream. She is good.

>> No.4962744

>Japan does not consider streaming as a Job
Because it isn't.
I nornally hate the bugs, but they have the right idea in this regard.

>> No.4962813

Even conservatively, if 5000 people buy $200 in merch that's still a million in revenue. Of course a lot less than that hits their bank account, but I'm sure a final round of merch would get Coco a nice financial cushion.

Merch seriously is the best way to support them, especially voice packs.

>> No.4962827

Iceland actually practices eugenics

>> No.4962847


>> No.4962870

10%? yea, that's fucking hilarious. try 30% minimum.

>> No.4962894

Anything that makes money is a job. This is where "jobs are what make you a contributor to society" logic breaks down. A vampire financial worker who is high status and respected by the government and pandered to by media spends all their time wrecking actual productive sectors of the economy and taking all the resulting profit and sending it offshore, while low-status proles who actually make the country run and not dissolve into chaos are demonized and hated.
By any standard of logic, streamers are at least as valid a field of work as scumbags like stock traders, and realistically, way more positive a field since at least they have an earnest demand and loyalty from their audience who pay to see them do their thing.

>> No.4962948

Reminder that she literally said herself on memonly that money is not a problem for her anymore, this whole thread is to practice counting taxes

>> No.4962957
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If she isn't she got a good way closer to it today

>> No.4963000

Yeah, value is subjective, we all know it

>> No.4963220

Honestly this, I rather have a society of streamers and twitch thots than even a few of the people who caused the 2008 crash.
That said, the advantages of a 'real job' is also security. Security is what really separates 'real jobs' from transient ones. Things like health care, unemployment, retirement, these are things that people actually mean when they say 'real job'. And yes, I'm fully aware many 'real jobs' don't have these things either.

>> No.4963605

>also namefag

>> No.4969316

Iirc she bought that bed specifically because tatsunokos basically paid for it in a single stream.

>> No.4969561

Retarded boomer wisdom. Floor sleeping or a cheap futon is patrician minimalism. Even if you have back problems and need a mattress, dropping $9000 on one is fucking stupid.

>> No.4969944

Sheer hard work and talent makes you the biggest crab in the bucket

>> No.4970297

and she have a third account where she actually sings and play chill games.

>> No.4970493

she didn't make enough from vtubing to retire, however, she did just cash out with her doge coins. the amount she made from that allowed her to quit and do whatever she wants. say whatever you want about her being reddit meme dragon, but those meme coins literally made her a millionaire.

>> No.4970805 [DELETED] 

>no overworking and lot of work from home.
t. loser
The happiest people I know love their jobs. The idea of “overworking” is as foreign to them as the idea of too much sex.
Every work-from-home fag is deeply unfulfilled and compensates by getting into weightlifting or day trading. If they compensate at all. Some just watch Chinese girls pretend to be cartoon characters all day.

>> No.4970958

She probably does have "fuck you" money since she is leaving a profitable job.

>> No.4971456

Kiryu Cocoin when?

>> No.4972389

Armchair financial planner:

Coco's lifetime total SC earnings according to latest playboard data: $2,284,812. Given what we roughly know about Youtube and Cover cuts, let's assume a third of that went to her: $761,604.
(disclaimer: this is of course just the public side of things, there are additional sources of income we don't know, like memberships, sponsorships, merch deals, etc., which could increase that number, even dramatically depending on how big they were, but let's just work with what we have and take this as a lowball estimate).
Now let's account for japanese and/or US taxes, again the details are not known but lets just assume a rough 20% rate for an idea, which leaves $609,283. Now lets consider that she already used some of that money for her normal living expenses and day to day consumption. How much? Again, unknowable, but assuming she didn't blow it all on extravagant high-life shit and lived a relatively frugal or at most middle-class life, she maybe already spent $50k to $150k during the 1,5 years of her Hololive career. Let's make it the middle number and say $100k, which leaves us with $509,283. Now for the fun part, assume she ~invests sensibly~ that remaining nest egg, so no /biz/memes but just a classic "boring" financial mix of diversified stocks and bonds, and assume a 4% "safe withdrawal rate", she'd have a perpetual passive annual income of $20,371 from that (of course, there's also taxes to be deducted from that, so make that around $16k if you assume the same rough 20% tax rate estimate). Now, while that's nothing to sneeze at and is certainly a nice supplemental income, it's still not "never have to work again"-level money, if you tried to live off that alone, it's barely above total poverty line and not even really lower-middle class level income, so she'd probably still have to do something else on the side or as a main job. Of course, again, we don't really know how much money she also made through membership/sponsorship/merch/etc., which could bump up those numbers significantly, even up to doubling it, which would get her closer to "can actually afford to retire and live off capital gains forever" into reaching middle-class income levels. Not comfortable "you can do everything you want" level, you still have to be frugal with your money, but at least you wouldn't necessarily be forced to go back into just any old minwage shitjob.

>> No.4972699

holy shit that was comical

>> No.4972944

Even is she was sitting around on your ass everyday is a depressing existence. I don't think she has enough to fuck around doing fun shit everyday.

>> No.4973216

Imagine if Coco used her brains and bought >$100k of crypto starting in 2019, the bottom of the market...
Probably not though.

>> No.4973221

Your forgetting one small little factor.
How would the Soviet Union fair if they were fighting a two front war?
They didn't have one of the strongest Navies blasting their asses from the east because of America keeping the Japanese Empire busy.

>> No.4973437

Here she's talking how much she paid for her 2020 income tax.
>8 figures yen

Here is a Japanese income tax.
>40% after basic deduction of 2796000 yen for top earners

2020 Income before tax: range of 27796000 yen to 252795998 yen

>> No.4976170

>limited cut of SC
>living in Japan


>> No.4977657

Coco knows she has alternatives. She doesn't need Cover anymore and can easily open a Twitch channel too. Her fanbase won't leave her if she comes back in some form.

>> No.4977793

She has 2 profitable jobs so leaving one won't absolutely kill her finances

>> No.4978592

She has room-mate channel..........so at least she has fall-back once she leaves Hololive next month
