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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 358 KB, 503x618, kson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49397739 No.49397739 [Reply] [Original]

What went so fucking right?

>> No.49397762

fat ass bitch

>> No.49397798


>> No.49397842

Anon? She just signed the best talent on the market and is inclining again.

>> No.49398003

>Kson inclining
>Best talent in the market
Why are vshojotards so fucking stupid?

>> No.49398033
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, 2022-10-07 fan update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally the power of friendship.

>> No.49398064

Holofags dreamed of Pikamee joining them. She was their white whale.

>> No.49398126

>b-b-but holochads always win by doing nothing!!!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

>> No.49398135

Why are holotourists this obsessed with coping?

>> No.49398156

Anon? We've already seen this movie before.

>Green cunny quits
>VShojo signs green cunny
>Nothing changes and people stop watching 1 week later

>> No.49398243

Why are you obsessed with coping, Holofag?

>> No.49398283

9 more JP talents are joining VShojo btw

>> No.49398285

Oh, VShill... Oh Vshill...
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will actually start watching your corpo some day instead of just retweeting debut posts eventually.

>> No.49398319

Don't need numbers, just need the proper networking to facilitate real organic growth. Get out of your bubble, Holofag. Numbers don't mean shit nowadays.

>> No.49398371

Nothing, really.
>acts like even more of an absolute degenerate slut
>collabs with garbage men like Trash Taste or Nuxtaku
>appears on Chaturbate
>has meltdowns over people not enjoying her doing all these things and moving away from her, lashing out at some """weebs""" for being toxic and not supporting her creative freedom

>> No.49398384

Why are you obssesed with Hololive?

>> No.49398419

>real organic growth
>VShojoJP has been stagnating hard for the last 6 months
Stop, stop man. The coping is too much!
Also, love the little
>Numbers don't mean shit nowadays.
thrown in at the end there. Ask Kson if numbers don't mean shit. They're literally all she cares about.

>> No.49398454

do you have this book of grudges saved in a .txt?
it would save you a lot of time for the next time you post it

>> No.49398614

>acts like even more of an absolute degenerate slut
Cry harder, incel
>collabs with garbage men like Trash Taste or Nuxtaku
Nothing wrong with that, incel
>appears on Chaturbate
Nothing wrong with that, incel
>has meltdowns over people not enjoying her doing all these things and moving away from her, lashing out at some """weebs""" for being toxic and not supporting her creative freedom
She's correct on everything you know nothing about.

>> No.49398623

Then the process will repeat 9 more times, and you guys will still claim VShojoJP is saving the industry by the end of it lol.

>> No.49398639

Hey kson, how are you doing

>> No.49398658

You tell him, sis!

>> No.49398668

I could care less about your black company, brony. All I just want is for the industry to be right and for proven leaders like Kson to anchor it in the best faith.
>They're literally all she cares about.
Do you even watch Kson? She's all about maintaining the VTuber industry at its best. She doesn't care one bit about muh noombers, you numberchud

>> No.49398694

>looks in the thread
Yup, it seems retardation is contagious

>> No.49398721

>100% merch cut
>talents can stream whatever they want
>broad networking opportunities growing and potentially becoming mainstream in Japan with their next batch of talent working for them
Yes? Holoshit isn't alone in terms of potential.

>> No.49398729

Fraud groups are very good at making things look good.
Already seconds away from brand collapse, she still insists that she is the savior.

>> No.49398775

>brand collapse
VShojoJP has 9 more debuts to go, I wonder how many of them are ex-Holo and how many graduation we will see between now and March :)

>> No.49398777

2 more weeks

>> No.49398920

This is why everyone laughs at you morons

>> No.49398989

>how many graduation we will see between now and March :)
Seem like vshowshitfag are inhaling copium, where those grad then?
>b-but they will graduate next week, trust me
I wouldn't trust you retard to count much less even know what the current state of vtuber in general.

>> No.49399023

Anon? You couldn't sign what was, the best talent on the market. Hololive has been stagnating for nearly 2 years due to lack of new members outside Stars which no one cares about and Pikamee would have revitalized interest. Now VShojo has everywhere to go and more debuts are well along the way between now and March.

>> No.49399044

>She's all about maintaining the VTuber industry at its best
She would sell her family to a gang of rapists if it meant making 10 extra dollars.

>> No.49399079

You seem to live in your own world. Both kson and Nazuna bled a lot of viewers and have lost tons of people since joining vshojo.

>> No.49399106

>Kson joins vshojo.

I haven't forgotten that this was all you VShills talked about when KSon joined your corpo. I'm still waiting for this mass exodus lmao.

>> No.49399109

>this obsessed with money
I feel bad for you Holokek. You clearly know nothing about Kson's role in this industry and what purpose she serves. Her contributions far outweigh many of those in Holo combined. She is THE REASON why VTubers are popular around the world outside Japan. She grows along with the medium, she is the VTuber industry. As she thrives, so does the industry.

>> No.49399150

>3 Vshojos quit just because Twitch changed their guidelines a bit.
What do you think about them?

>> No.49399153

>You seem to live in your own world
Ah yes, the utter projection of a Holobrony unfolding in real time kek
Next debut is mid June :^)

>> No.49399164

Well bad news then, she isn't thriving at all and has had shit tier viewership for a while now.

>> No.49399199

Twitchildren, assemble!

>> No.49399216

Because VShojo is switching gears to becoming a full fledged Japanese/idol style agency. Kson is basically a combination of A-Chan, YAGOO, Sora, and herself all in one. She will be the one spearheading a true rival competitor to Hololive. It's best you start kneeling before your oshi joins her without any of the limitations.

>> No.49399255

Inclined the past month but you wouldn't know that, numberchild :)

>> No.49399301

>shaving my pussy on stream followed by collabing with males in person and then appearing on chaturbate

>> No.49399332

Who gives a fuck what they do? Let the talent speak for itself :)

>> No.49399337

I don't think Kson inclines but Pika does seem like the biggest name available for Vshojo?

>> No.49399338

found another gayboi!
The Chinese government is not legitimate.

>> No.49399366

Oh I do. The same way you get to speak for yourself fans get to decide who to watch for themselves.
There's a reason you lost so many viewers kson.

>> No.49399386

She's what Holofags have been dreaming of having for years. I think that speaks for itself :)

>> No.49399392

No thx
Pikamee reeks of twitch whore

>> No.49399426

>you lost so many viewers for kson
The fuck are you on? She gained a lot the past month compared to the month before.

>> No.49399469

>denying the mass push to get Pikamee in Holo since early March
Your cope is noticeable.

>> No.49399478

Eww I never wanted Pikamee to join Holo. Someone who abandons her avatar entirely is a whore confirmed.

>> No.49399498
File: 10 KB, 536x352, 1674077189810494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49399518

You just have sour grapes because she joined le bad corpo according to you bronies
Cope harder :)

>> No.49399555

Nice drawing retard

>> No.49399589

It's not bugcope if it's true. She's let herself go and is currently Mori tier fat

>> No.49399610

Holobronies malding this hard they lost out on the LeBron James of VTubing. Pikamee is only the beginning.

>> No.49399627

>broad networking opportunities growing and potentially becoming mainstream in Japan with their next batch of talent working for them
And that's why the ENs are leaving because the company won't do shit for them to help with that potential?

So how much are they paying you to post here.
I mean you're not doing it ... For Free

>> No.49399641

They are becoming a full on JP corpo now.

>> No.49399681

>kson still earns a lot of CCVs.
If Vshojo fans who believe this bullshit really watched kson's stream, it wouldn't be bullshit.

>> No.49399738

I just want Holokeks to die

>> No.49399836


>> No.49399863

Lets just survive and watch some hentai, or vshoujo

>> No.49399872
File: 6 KB, 275x183, riversface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah probably the Philip Rivers of the market
Puts up big shiny numbers... then finds a way to blow it no matter what. Also autistic.

>> No.49399894

>Pikamee is only the beginning.
Rushia was just a practice then?

>> No.49399911

And Kson wants to free everyone from CORPORATE SLAVERY!!
So make up your mind!

>> No.49399949

>numbers war on different platforms
u retard? 2k on Twitch is equivalent to 8k on youtube.

>> No.49399963

See they got their BIG THREE now. Sadly they got the schizo, the grifter and the emotionally fragile one. Now am I talking about the Nets or Vshojo, and if I'm talking about the Nets which version of their Big Three

>> No.49399998

Man that's some mental gymnastics.

A viewer is a viewer. You can't have half a viewer.

>> No.49400010

Also promised more creativity after leaving Hololive. Then we've gotten some good ole creative titty streams. Sometimes I really wished she was never Coco.

>> No.49400065
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>> No.49400107

The formula youve invented apparently makes sense.
The CCV of henya's debut stream was 30k on Twitch, while on Youtube it is estimated to be 120k. This is the same number as Hololive's debut.

>> No.49400146


>> No.49400188

>Hey, come leave Hololive to do the same job with less pay and less facilities with me and Rushia, It'll be like old times
I'm sure some of them will consider it, maybe

>> No.49400202

Do you read the things you type before you submit them as posts? Or does the vomit just submit itself?

>> No.49400290

>Cross-platform adjusted 120K CCV stream for Henya debut
>not good
Is coping your only talent in life, anon?

>> No.49400293

In fact, youtube's main audience is pensioner boomers who have never heard of twitch, whereas twitch's audience is young, affluent people with a lot of vitality.
It is no longer necessary to consider which number is more valuable.

>> No.49400337

I'm gonna start lecturing /#/ on this btw :)

>> No.49400362
File: 362 KB, 641x361, KSON Snake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We will forsake our past life. We will leave our beloved land behind us and become one with this wind of freedom. We have no nation, no philosophy, no ideology. We do what we're needed, streaming not for political, not for company, but for ourselves and fans. We need no reason to stream. We stream because we want to. We will be the deterrent for those with no other recourse. We are vtubers without borders, our purpose defined by era we live in. We will sometimes have to sell ourselves and services. If the times demand it, we'll be Idol, entertainer, whore. And yes, we may all be headed straight to hell. But what better place for us than this? It is our only home; our heaven and our hell. This is VshojoJP (Outer Heaven)." -- Kson Snake

>> No.49400469

Remember that Naked Snake/Big Boss was a villain that only furthered the plans of the Patriots.

Despite Kojima wanting to suck his cock so much it doesn't change this fact

>> No.49400525

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.49400556

Imagine coping this hard
Cross-platform adjusted CCV is a very real thing. Stay in denial as Holoshit declines further in favor of VShojo and Mythic.

>> No.49400613

Holofags hating Pikamee now. Lol, lmao, lemao even.
Also the decision to hire her is the best thing Kson has done since joining vshojo.

>> No.49400657

Rule of thumb anon, holofags hate everything outside their walled garden

>> No.49400695

they really all should just die

>> No.49400775

I don't hat her but she's been a shitty react streamer for a long time now, she really wasn't anywhere near as good in the past year-ish as she used to be

>> No.49400814

I remember a time when I didn't have to share a board with people like you. Get fucked, tranny freak.

>> No.49400852
File: 46 KB, 582x587, 1683733603817184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijiniggers deflecting their hate culture to holo again

>> No.49400864

Nah I don't like many Holos and Tempus coz they're boring. Outside the wall is even worse.

>> No.49400891

>> BIG BOSS isn't side with Patriots


>> No.49400897

She realized that effort doesn't give rewards proportional to what she puts in so go LCD/Easy product and get same results

>> No.49400925

Are you making fat jokes about the Atlanta dyke on purpose?

>> No.49400938
File: 66 KB, 500x475, 1684066275835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49400940

>lose 3.
>only gain 1.

>> No.49400973
File: 29 KB, 600x706, 1684066331365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49400983

She will never reach the same level Coco did.

>> No.49401031

Also don't soak your axes in water

>> No.49401050
File: 41 KB, 720x697, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holofags dreamed of Pikamee...

>> No.49401907

Fuck you too, buddy.

>> No.49401950

wow so many holorejects in one picture.

>> No.49402096

The Tifa outfit still fits... barely

>> No.49402232

What happened?

>> No.49402838

That just makes it better

>> No.49403141

feels nauseating seeing this pic

>> No.49403225

We need a bot that automatically bans every IP that has ever accessed Twitch

>> No.49403398

cuckdogva being the only real person there is funny

>> No.49403435

Everyone would be banned, except you and me. Uhh I mean, except me.

>> No.49403530

She is just good at what she does, unironically
You could put kson in wactor and after a year or so it would be a notable company

>> No.49403790

VShojo basically doesn't support Rushia anymore and most of her fans, including the JP fans, have turned on VShojo.
You can speculate on a few reasons why, but my personal ones are that they resent her for putting so much attention towards her Mikeneko account and that she goes against "talent freedom" because she willingly restricts her activities because she doesn't want to upset her fans.

>> No.49403867

She left a black company to be herself and now is proving that the black company was always holding her potential back. simple as.

>> No.49405101

> goes against "talent freedom"
> willingly restricts her activities
How does a voluntary act go against freedom?

>> No.49405414

Depends on who you ask. Some would say "talent freedom" is about being yourself on stream, but you're saying her choice to restrict what she does in public is freedom because she chose it.
She has done both anyways.

>> No.49405497

Because she is doing it for her fans, would be the logic used.
Ask any Twitchfags if someone like Nazuna has "talent freedom" and you would be surprised about how many would claim that she actually doesn't.

>> No.49406513

The only thing that went right is that she found her happiness and left Holo before influencing members with a philosophy that would kill the larger culture of vtubers. People like groups and friendships and being along for the development. Her idea of being able to keep their company-associated character sounds good on paper until you consider that it will make trust in vtubers tank because it will strip the security in the group culture away and shatter the feeling of unity knowing that a decent offer is all it takes to make someone leave. Not to mention it will be damaging for the vtubers and companies who aren't instantly successful if fans come and go with the most popular members of the group, trust issues would become prevalent and it would mean pressure for people behind to shoulder the weight of their departure, not to mention the hurt of seeing a friend becoming successful elsewhere and forgetting about you.
I'm not saying it can't work because, it does for eSports and regular streaming, what I'm saying is that it would strip away what makes vtubers unique to begin with. It was never just about the silly cartoon model.

>> No.49409762

Nobody believe Pikamee was going to be in Hololive. Only the voices in your head.
Everybody and their mom knew she was going to be in VShojo or Nijisanji because that is where her friends are.
You are doing a victory lap of a race that never took place.

>> No.49409795

