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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 251 KB, 1280x720, Tetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49330743 No.49330743 [Reply] [Original]

Not worth it. Literally picking 5 random applications out of a black box to assemble and debut EN3 would've been preferable.

>> No.49330792

You the PR for Tempus or something, keep it up, how much is Cover paying you?

>> No.49330799

AAAAIIIEEEE you need to educate yourself you parasocial incel unichud fuck!

>> No.49330940

OP has males on the brain

>> No.49331015

Damn I saw like 6,7 post about them in catalog for the past 3 days now

>> No.49331035

and that's fact. even Cover Corp is too embarrassed to include them in their financial reports. they are tried so hard to hide the homos so that shareholders won't find out these failures.

>> No.49331094

I literally cannot even comprehend being this insecure.

>> No.49331166
File: 304 KB, 1500x650, 1682993785057596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm? how is Bettel doing better than majority of the EN girls then?

>> No.49331221

I just hope whoever thought turning Holo EN in to Niji EN was a good idea has been fired, murdered, and left in a ditch somewhere

>> No.49331254

Flayon is so cute I want to adopt him.

>> No.49331277

Why does this board seethe so much about males instead of just not watching them?

>> No.49331296

Now calculate the absolute total each person brought in for the company, including merch, events, all of it. Can Bettel even beat Sana?

>> No.49331325
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 1676612478043243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the cause!!!!

>> No.49331356


>> No.49331412

Gee Anon I don't know, it might have something to do with the fact that Tempus permanently damaged the entire EN branch so even if you don't watch them their effects are still felt.

>> No.49331425

Why debut males instead of girls? I get it with Anykara. They have many male big hitters. But what's with Yagoo's obsession with cock to debut 12 males in like a 12-month period?

>> No.49331466

God I hate the EN managment they are so fkn stupid

>> No.49331505

This is just considered spam Ernoul. Go back to Twitter.

>> No.49331532

it doesn't matter. they are farming sister wallets, to the business minds of cover, it's a worthwhile trade. it's not like en3 will actually attract new viewers and paypigs, council sure as hell didn't.. do well as expected.

>> No.49331571

Alright, if this fuck's making garbage spam threads link me to their Twitter so I can mass report them for child porn.

>> No.49331629 [DELETED] 

he's the faggot making all these threads including anything with EN3

>> No.49331720

>pretending literally only 1 guy doesn't like Tempus
What level of cope is this?

>> No.49331793

>didn't get the replies he wanted in his last thread
>decides to make a new one
stop thinking about cock nigga...

>> No.49331819

back to twitter you homobegging fuck

>> No.49331863

I never said you're the only guy, I'm saying you're the only one making anti homo threads and astroturfing it with your 15 followers Ernoul, fuck off

>> No.49331944

>not a new IP
I don't know what thread you're talking about. You seem obsessed in creating a narrative around some random twitter account, though. Can nobody say anything even remotely unkind to the homos?

>> No.49331946

OP being a faggot is extremely on brand, as always.

>> No.49331967

nepotism hires
you just know it

>> No.49331982

you're welcome to shit on them but one thread at a time you fuck, I don't want to see 5+ threads about the homos on the catalog

>> No.49332039

literally the same nigga who puts these threads day in and day out, look man if you gay just say you gay

>> No.49332046

in business, you still compete in markets you're not the major player in. This includes fujos.
Also fuck fagtare, have to end on a positive note

>> No.49332053

Sort your index by posts per minute and don't bother going past line 5.

>> No.49332095

>it might have something to do with the fact that Tempus permanently damaged the entire EN branch
with or without Tempus holoen still full of drama faggot like you

>> No.49332145
File: 695 KB, 649x1067, 342042985055211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right. It's not worth applying. Don't even bother. It's a waste of time. You'd be better off as a facecam streamer.
>submits audition

>> No.49332179

No it didn't you fucking retard, I watch Hololive and I don't even remember the males exist outside you faggots posting about them non-stop on the catalog

>> No.49332192

Give him 4... 7 years... 15 concidering he still probably have a good chunk of debut buff and he will.

>> No.49332233

I'd be more okay with them if they actually tried pandering to fujos, but they won't even debase themselves and do some cringe Hex-tier ASMR/roleplay/whatever it is that fujos like.

>> No.49332255

Why debut males? Why not ? My company my rules faggot

>> No.49332271
File: 28 KB, 512x411, FuFuPDyWcAAk7Uy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is both a
I never thought something like this could be possible.

>> No.49332296
File: 22 KB, 400x400, GS2b2-TE_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why debut males? Why not? My company my rules faggot

>> No.49332297

Yet you never disputed his statement credibly, frogshitter.

>> No.49332390
File: 425 KB, 680x574, 00d43ad2ad1b598aebfed6f5a35a95526dca31b973a23c5f8c5cc2a219779a5a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not worth -ACK
Shut yer mouth and bend over

>> No.49332449

>Moving the goalpost
Seeth everytime you want unicuck ,stars en make a good money and Tempus 3 already get hired

>> No.49332457 [DELETED] 

What's with the influx of racism and homophobia coming from the tempussisters? Three years ago they were protesting for BLM and against Trump, what made them do a complete 180?

>> No.49332482

shut the fuck up /pol/tard

>> No.49332487
File: 774 KB, 2000x1600, yabba dabba doo[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F03fqxe.mp3].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing all these shitpost anti threads is reminding me of that scene in needy streamer overdose where ame says that a large amount of haters is usually indicative of a large amount of fans

>> No.49332500

Do not lie faggot,Vox literally doing that and still live rent free in vt until now

>> No.49332504

1% deflection

>> No.49332524
File: 164 KB, 728x450, 1672287024582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On your knees, bucko. Someone shoulda broke you a long, long time ago. I have nary met a buck I can't break with this here long and mighty dingus! I tell ye back in aught-4 I met a real mean one. He had big, air stealing nostrils, monstrous, boot lips, muscles that rippled under his cobalt skin so it’d look like a nest’a snakes as he’d be twisting here and yonder. T’was an older gentleman, the owner d’ye ken?, that had hired me to break this particular buck. Was some half-dozen breakers what had tried and failed! I tracked this moon cricket, this big-assed baboon, by fallerin’ the sounds of his impressive proud buttocks, clapping as he capered to and fro on the western half of yon gentleman’s land. There he be, proud as a damn peacock, black slave’s body framed by yon settin’ sun, just begging to be broke. I approached from the east, heading westerly way. Took him unawares as he were sat alone out front a shack, mending a loincloth or some such. Knocking him to his glistening buttocks produced a thund’rus CLAP, and I mounted from the front. I tell ye boy, but that buck began to FIGHT! This unbroken, proud negro was ornery I tell ye, but I ain't ne'er been denied, d'ya ken it? I had my cock out in an instant as he scrambled onto his black belly and began ta’ wrigglin’ this way and that. And bucko did he began to wail! As loud as prairie lightning he were. This buck could tell the breaking was coming, could tell his time was up, and I tell ye, he did BUCK. This obstinate cur could turn on a dime and give ye some change! I tell ye as the winds were my witness, he were a right sunfish, struggling and flopping as he did, gyrating his unbroken black anus and dodging my breaker man’s meat. But he broke, and I finished the job. D’ye ken? That buck broke. Say sorry, boy. But they all break. By the man Jesus and his snowy white pappy, now say hallelujah, boy, you'll break, too!

>> No.49332539

Go back

>> No.49332547

wow sister! you're being ableist as well! i think you need to educate yourself on why that is problematic to marginalized folx!

>> No.49332578

Bettels autisitc clown clock once again mindbreaks the catalog

>> No.49332631
File: 483 KB, 2786x2000, Fsu53rfWwAYvGps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they hate him cos they aint him
love the boston clown man
i want to watch every barbie movie with him and then rape him

>> No.49332673
File: 180 KB, 864x864, Fs7IyNvXoAAr-XO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh I'll show ye som' REAL ableism in a minute. Now show that ass of yours, black boi.

>> No.49332746

Tempus existing doesn't stop you from watching the girls

>> No.49332812

they replaced EN3 and sank the branch, without them we would have 15 or 20 cute HoloEN girls by now

>> No.49332839

back to twitter troon

>> No.49332869

Very effective bait, that's IT. Any other explanation is just deflection and retardation.

>> No.49332985
File: 621 KB, 887x1202, homoshitters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a large amount of haters is usually indicative of a large amount of fans
meanwhile their streams today
>all sub 1.2k ccv
>6 3view
>some need raids to pass 500ccv but instant drop after that
nice "large amount of fans" you got there, sister lol.

>> No.49333017

>tempisssister calling other people trannies

>> No.49333147

hundreds of people is still a lot compared to you and your 15 smartfridges

>> No.49333186
File: 35 KB, 680x526, aa9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back on yer knees, nigger boi. I'm still not dun breakin' yer anus.

>> No.49333202

Is there any proof of this or is this some temptroon scapegoat

>> No.49333214
File: 108 KB, 615x680, stop coming back here ernoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we hate niggers here, wanna end up like Floyd boy?

>> No.49333243
File: 692 KB, 1173x1080, Yagoo In Pain Template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the dedicated daily tempus shill thread, OP! And doing it for free, too?!

>> No.49333256
File: 728 KB, 1521x1701, 1666516056843954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should post more about their bad numbers
i think it would be a valuable use of time and be satisfying for everyone
i love you anon....you're so cute when you're shitposting. seriously, it just makes me so....ah....

>> No.49333258
File: 341 KB, 1752x1950, FmLJXKYXkAAQHTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my cute Flayflay!

>> No.49333260

but will you watch him?

>> No.49333307
File: 497 KB, 900x900, 1658778336184478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry his anime dub voice really really really offputs me. i've tried watching him i really have i just can't get past the dub voice. also when he tried to speak japanese for rio's birthday video it made me cringe into a new stratosphere

>> No.49333325

Homo defenders are an interesting breed, it seems.

>> No.49333341

>the other two threads are slowing down
>this one is accelerating
That's all the proof I need Ernoul.

>> No.49333378

I think homo antis and homo lovers should breed lol haha

>> No.49333411
File: 422 KB, 1024x749, 1683439017093115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does OP like taking it up the arse so much while crying about the "sisters" all the time? Is he jealous that he'll never get to have a real pussy or something?

>> No.49333413

this is now a breeding ground for homos, bend over and drop your pants

>> No.49333540
File: 220 KB, 409x880, 1662842127714798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who says I'm wearing pants bro?

>> No.49333545

You temptrannies are just embarrassing, the only reason I don't watch these fags is your level of insecurity over the fact these guys couldn't draw attention even if they lit themselves on fire. I don't watch any 2%-er but it's kind of poetic justice that Vox akulard and his gang of Chinese groomers overshadows any of these boring faggots. Rest in piss tempiss we hardly miss ya

>> No.49333547
File: 814 KB, 2284x2084, 1668147637259379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people suggest this all the time in /mans/ but both groups find each other disgusting so it would never pan out

i think we should all realize how gross we are and accept each others gross fetishes. post your fetishes. i really enjoy oneeshota rape dojins.

>> No.49333618

>not even denying it
>resorts to numberfagging
happy to oblige nigger, now I didn't buy you to post on the basketweaving forum, get back to doing the crops

>> No.49333678

>picking 5 random
Niji deflection thread

>> No.49333760

>O-o-oh yeah well YOU TOO
Just put a bullet in your temple troon, you'll get a bigger audience at your funeral than flayon in his average stream.

>> No.49334071
File: 111 KB, 448x448, 1675311936453919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hundreds of people is still a lot

>> No.49334389

Actual rent free. What is it with these threads that we've getting lately? I'm starting to really believe the deflection rrat.

>> No.49334452

I hate his voice but I managed to watch his Idol Showdown for 3 hours. He's cringe at times but when he's focused on the game he's fun. I like the little red nigga.

>> No.49334528

Sometimes the truth hurts, sister. Just try to accept that they're just a bunch of failures like you.

>> No.49335561

It's true.

>> No.49335607

I wouldn't actually. I'd only have like eight to fifteen people and they're just friends and family. So I guess the homos mog even me and you

>> No.49335659

just like being born a nigger, right Ernoul?

>> No.49335709

a faggot on Twitter was so butthurt about males in Idol Showdown that he decides to make three threads about the homos

>> No.49335887

>le roastie brings up le typical virgin insult

>> No.49336086

Just like the typical homo seethe from every thread you make.

>> No.49336241


>> No.49336294
File: 265 KB, 512x512, irony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ai-san wtf

>> No.49336435

their OS are pretty basic with not train of thoughts, waiting for the ESL insult next.

>> No.49336541

One is a meme streamer. One is a femboy. One is an geezer.
50/50 on succeses

>> No.49336677

but all 8 fags,
100% failure

>> No.49336805

western women just dont like being simps, its that easy

>> No.49336984

let's see Fauna in May

>> No.49337644

Did you mean "it's true that they're failures"?

>> No.49338273

I love and watch Holostars but Tempus felt really off except for maybe Vesper and Axel, then they murked the Hololive and Holostars brand by just calling themselves Holopro, I rarely see new EN fan say Holostars at all.

>> No.49338349

>new EN fan
No such thing

>> No.49338592

They still show up in my recommendations despite how many channels I block

>> No.49338677

Maybe the algorithm is trying to tell you something.

>> No.49338806

300 ccv puts a stremer in the top 1% iirc. they're doing decent, closer to their jp counterparts. still amazing how being a male in hololive already puts them at a disadvantage. noticed this early for starsjp, they're pretty talented but struggles on breaking 1k. better nowadays though, astel and roberu breaks 1-2k regularly.

everytime i see mori in the top superchat for holo, i am reminded that this shithole is nothing but a safe space for the unicornfags KEK
>music cope
yeah because superchats buys you her music, retard. it's SC + music sales so it's even more cash

>> No.49338911

Faggot probably watched a clip or two. No way you'll get recommended if you didn't. Holostars never benefited from the holoboom, algo wise.

>> No.49338988

No unfortunately I watch Kronii

>> No.49339062
File: 26 KB, 680x373, 6cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger boi sure loves replying to himself all day.

>> No.49339151
File: 48 KB, 672x819, 0ef7b54dd4e154b4a954d6032d834c4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that hit too close to home, cotton monkey?

>> No.49339265

Yes 300 ccv put you in the 1%, remove all the retard who stream for their 2/3 friend +1 lost random (groomer) and you drop easely top 50% and i'm generous. Lower if you concider them who are seriously streaming as a full time profession. And inb4 yes it's still viable, close to not but still viable.

>> No.49339266
File: 29 KB, 142x120, 1651334754246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>call them women and then backtrack and scream "YWNBAW"
Do unitrannies really?

>> No.49339327

Literally doing nothing at all would have been better
Tempus was a net loss for Hololive Productions and they will not be able to recover from it as long as the boys remain part of the company

>> No.49339398

Fauna deflection thread

>> No.49339455

oh damn net loss, would be a shame if they released their financial statements for 2022 already

>> No.49339469

Another shill thread. Thanks daily tempus sister advertiser.

>> No.49339677

Tempus has less viewers combined than the loss they caused for Mori, Kronii and Ame each individually
That's a net loss if you ask me

>> No.49339800

>le ccv is more than enough proof that it is a net loss, and not related to revenue from merch/supas/etc

>> No.49339838


>> No.49339981

Selen graduation deflection thread

>> No.49340092

You still watch that whore? No wonder you get recomms.

>> No.49341146

didn't she lectured u the other day
go make friends annon with homostars

>> No.49341286

do your english reps ESLchama

>> No.49341454

>everytime i see mori in the top superchat for holo
we win either way, homobeggers throw money into the sink, we win they get poorer for their fun stuff,
they stop, mori gets questioned for her shit views and supars
this is what you call a win win no lose situation sister!

>> No.49341557

u do know stars and corp self buy their own merch for fake hype/algos/and brand awareness, but only a certain % at least they'll throw 100k if they are serious into their bullshit.

>> No.49341724

that the best you got sister!
you fags are so easy to identify at least try

>> No.49343311

keep seething incelcucks

>> No.49343420

You sisters... ruined tempus and /MANS/.

>> No.49343590

don't care, your oshi doesn't love you and will keep giving you the talk

>> No.49343636

I think I will go watch the Vesper stream about to start

>> No.49343683

This is why you can't have nice things. I hope VG burns to the ground.

>> No.49343714

enjoy tempus 3

>> No.49343846

They’re just upset faggots who think they’re best angle for these threads is that the hate is “PR” as if anything posted here actually does anything to these 3views shit numbers.

>> No.49344023

lol you can just post their numbers every day and it would be considered shitting on them.

>> No.49344135

>100’s of people is a lot if I compare them to literal nobodies.
>Tempiss has had over a year in the EN spotlight
>They didn’t debut a girls gen for THIS lmao
>I guess these “shilling” threads aren’t helping, huh homobeggars? Maybe we post another?

>> No.49344478
File: 37 KB, 900x900, chadni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sisters... ruined tempus and /MANS/.
Unironically this, I'm fine with men but Twitter sisters don't want us to have nice things.

>> No.49344549

Cave dwelling fujoshis ruin everything.

>> No.49346745
File: 52 KB, 437x405, 22853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only reminded that you invade a normal hobby and still somehow see yourself as a victim in your head. You disgusting tranny YWNBAW

>> No.49347197
File: 292 KB, 414x378, 1677351275823277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clown man beat Fauna in superchats
>Mori is top superchatted HoloEN

Yeah, unicorns ain't shit

>> No.49347352

I love Shinri so much
