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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4924746 No.4924746 [Reply] [Original]

So now we have a fuller understanding of the situation:
>Cover has learned from attacks on it's talents and from youtube takedowns that they need to be more proactive in policing content, because a slight offence can balloon into a company destroying shitshow. They feel they need to take these steps to protect their talent and the company. And they are right on this. It is an unfortunate side effect of growth.
>Coco wants to make content that pushes the envelope like she used to when she first joined, and doesn't want to be constrained by managerial policies. She's not happy streaming minecraft and making meme reviews, she wants to be creative. She's right on this. She shouldn't have to be cornered into making streams she doesn't enjoy.
So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?

>> No.4924821

>they need to be more proactive in policing content, because a slight offence can balloon into a company destroying shitshow. They feel they need to take these steps to protect their talent and the company. And they are right on this
holy cope, you sound like an actual Redditor, "t-they're doing it to protect the talent guis!"

>> No.4924823
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>OP can't greentext
>Greentexts anyways

>> No.4924895
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>> No.4924906

>No one to blame
That's where you're wrong anon, chinks are always wrong, and anyone who gives a single inch to them must be napalmed into oblivion

>> No.4924939

damn nigga, shut the fuck up
get a life or some shit

>> No.4924972

Accept that there is no one to blame. Sometimes people go their separate ways and there's not much that can be done about it. I love Coco's streams but you can tell she had been struggling with feeling constrained.

>> No.4924975

this is one of the best ogeys i have ever seen

>> No.4924989

I just blame myself like I always do

>> No.4925045

>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
Hire more complaint talent. Stop hiring talent that have a backup plan

>> No.4925079

Blame god or yourself.

>> No.4925126

This is good cope
>This doesn't
help me
This does help me cope

>> No.4925178
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I didn't know Delita was into Vtubers

>> No.4925366

Blame Susan and Mao.

>> No.4925406

What creative projects were NG?

>> No.4925475

wtf I'm #AnyColor now

>> No.4925493

The chinks are to blame. Always blame the Chinese

>> No.4925542

asshole waxing stream

>> No.4926062

so China isn't to blame? yippee

>> No.4926119

>when there is no one to blame
Nice try bugman, you're still at fault here and so is Cover.

>> No.4926309

>no one to blame
Even Coco herself said that Cover wouldn't be that paranoid about yabs if Taiwan hadn't happened

>> No.4926357

I hate it.

>> No.4926475

If that's the case, then why can't they have the Coco character leave hololive instead of graduating her? It would be like when a wrestler leaves one promotion for another. Would it be too much to ask for them to give it to her? I'm sure the fans will be willing to help her buy the rights to the Coco character from hololive if it comes to that.

>> No.4926591

China is fags, and certainly played a role in this.
But if it wasn't them it would be BL fanatics, or a crazy artist, or rabid Nijifans or whoever is harassing Shion.
This was a matter of when, not if.

>> No.4926619

Both Cover and China are to blame,
It wasn't just one small fuck up, China was angry with Holo/Cover after Coco's quiz game acknowledged Tibet, Cover promised to educate their girls and do better, then there were some drama because they basically stopped streaming in bilibili, the biggest one with Pekora, then Haato's incident happened and then like 12 hours later Coco's, and people speculated in china, here and reddit that she did it to support Haato. Chinese took it as an attack.

Then Cover failed to protect Coco, they suspended her, she had basically no moderators for months, and then they made the haters mods.

>> No.4926848

It's power harassment. They blame the talents for everything in order to avoid taking responsibility, provide no real support, then strangle their creativity in order to avoid having to do any real work.

Cover is a black company that, aside from the initial investment, abuses their talent while collecting a cut they haven't earned. The entire point is that they're supposed to be smoothing things over with partners and platforms so their talents can stream moisturized and unbothered. Instead, they place restrictions on talent so they don't have to do real work, refuse projects so they can hoard money to pay themselves, and make working for them a soul crushing corporate assembly line salaryman slog the likes of which their talent were trying to escape from in the first place.

Cover is effectively the worst kind of MCN, a multi level marketing scam that takes far more than the work they put into helping their talents and treats them like serfs who only exist to do the company's bidding. Except they're independent contractors rather than full time employees which means all the expectations and none of the benefits.

So now that cover's a disgraced MCN, it's time to look at indies and other agencies who are either managed better or not at all in order to find the next rising stars in the vtuber scene.

>> No.4926931

True, Cover just need to grow some balls and start standing up to the antis.

>> No.4927000

This is an unhealthy cope

>> No.4927075

Coping faggot zoomer. Why was your generation born?

>> No.4927233

Remove chang, simple as.

>> No.4927264

Effectively the same person.

>> No.4927345

I meant Choco's quiz game, not Coco.
Cover also after that severally limited what Coco could do, and collaborations with her, maybe they had good intentions but it's obvious it was just not fun for her anymore

>> No.4927479

You just said Cover is to blame for restricting her creative freedom. The problem could easily be solved if Cover allowed for a VTuber to take risks, and if they lost one a year to bans, they are easily replaced anyway. It’s actually fine. But Cover is greedy, and they think family friendly is the future of entertainment.

>> No.4927555
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>Coco wants to make content that pushes the envelope like she used to when she first joined, and doesn't want to be constrained by managerial policies

Should have joined Nijisanji, then

>> No.4927627

Still gonna blame China and overall people forcing their values on others that have nothing to do with it. Reading the name of a country in a list should never cause issues, even if you don't recognize that country. It's so fucking dumb and a real issue that this can even be a thing.

>> No.4927629
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This unironically, Coco herself said "If *that* didn't happen..." today. Hell, they're planning to attack more girls after Coco graduates.

>> No.4927697

>lost one a year to bans
How is that acceptable? That'd be worse than what we have now

>> No.4927713

>Coco is Ramza doing all the dirty work, taking the blows and being marked as a heretic
>Yagoo is Delita just scheming at the background and letting Coco do all the dirty work
Now we just need Sora backstabbing him at the end to make it perfect.

>> No.4927844

Iwane Matsui has been dead for 80 years, God rest his soul.
All we can do now is come to terms, friend

>> No.4927875

You mean the fujos that got tired after one stream?
You mean the doujinka that was BTFO, got a bunch of shit from holofans and made his twitter private?
And the fabled nijiantis?
Shut the fuck up retard, only CCP drones are this obsessed.

>> No.4927936

>no one to blame
The kikes and chinks causing this are very easy to blame

>> No.4927950

>How is that acceptable? That'd be worse than what we have now
Actually, the content would be many times better. Plus they might not lose anyone, anyway. In fact, probably not. Can’t guarantee anything. The girls would figure out their limit.

>> No.4927983

>no one to blame
This is some next level cope

>> No.4928024

More girls will likely quit because of the Hololive restrictions. It will cost Cover.

>> No.4928037

>who's to blame
It's china you retard. It was ALWAYS china

>> No.4928057

>No one to blame

KYS Yagoo

>> No.4928113

I think OP is Hololive management.

>> No.4928118

>muh chinese boogeyman
Lol cope

>> No.4928217

Why yes """"accidentally"""" did nothing to help Coco's moderation situation. Why yes """accidentally""" modded the fucking chinks. Why yes """accidentally""" pretended she didn't exist and excluded her from company events without inviting her. Why yes """accidentally""" hires a shit-load of execs who have a Chinese background. Nope. Nobody is to blame here. No honestly, fuck bugmen, they are all the same.

>> No.4928250

I used to be but got caught sexually harassing the talent
But whatever helps you cope

>> No.4928273


>> No.4928338

Wow, nobody told me China is based

>> No.4928366

Corporations are gonna corporation and grow more soulless and sterile as they grow larger. They'd take insane positions like placating chinks and not allowing more wild projects.
Coco being free from constraints is good. It sucks it has to be this way, though. It'd be better if she, at least, can come back as Coco for cameos instead of being permanently shoved in the abyss.
Fuck corpos. Indies truly are where the freedom is.

>> No.4928380

its way too late to try and deflect now coolie.

>> No.4928387

Even with all the damage control and NDA restrictions Coco herself said that if the Taiwan yab hadn't happened Cover wouldn't be walking on eggshells and restricting thebtakent creativity in the process.

Cope harder, zhang

>> No.4928509

>blames businessmen doing business
That should've tipped you off that the western market is shit.
No amount of Memberehips and Superchats can be good enough compared to sponsorships, and we all know China likes sponsoring shit, unlike the poorfag pirates of the west.

>> No.4928577

>Corporations are gonna corporation and grow more soulless and sterile as they grow larger.
But how do you know it won’t cause more of the girls to quit? It’s likely going to hurt Cover more to do this

>> No.4928583

They want reasons to be angry and lash out. That is the plight of the zoomer anon. "What do we do" is chill out, as everything winds down and nothing comes from this except that C*** is happier now that she isn't tied down by big corpo.

>> No.4928669

Go split an atom by accident in the center of Peking. The world hates you

>> No.4928674

So what's the solution?
Just refuse to manage them, and eventually draw the ire of another oragnized hate campaign.
God forbid, can you imagine if Miko called Lamar a nigger now? Every Western twitter SJW would be hounding them for blood.

>> No.4928780

>blaming a corporation in adapting to the current circumstances
Maybe if you Holoniggers actually kept your word and purged the Chinamen from her chat like you've always boasted, then maybe this wouldn't have happened.
You fags are all talk and a no show. Claiming to save shit but can't save anything, like an autistic Hero of Justice.

>> No.4928845

>if Cover let one girl get banned, that’s the end
No, it’s not. That girl could be replaced anyway. Also with the support coming from superchat and members, they are marketing to the individual anyway. No need for them to behave this badly.

>> No.4928924 [DELETED] 

>they need to be more proactive in policing content
No. Content shouldn't need to be policed, period. This totalitarian censorship bullshit needs to end, and I only pray I live long enough to see the pendulum finally swing back all the way to an absolutist freedom of expression policy.
I'm so SO fucking tired of people always having to whisper or stammer an apology because they almost said one of the 10,422 banned no-no words from the ever-growing list of fucking useless people with permanent asspain syndrome.
Say whatever the fuck you want, damn the consequences. If people don't like it, they can jump in a fire. THAT should be the only law regarding speech, art, or any form of entertainment content and fuck anybody who doesn't agree to death with a rusty rake.
Now if you excuse me, I need to go take my meds. Eat shit faggot.

>> No.4928947

Honestly, if losing their biggest cashcow to burnout from constantly having to wrestle management to get anything approved and getting rejected in the end isn't enough of a wakeup call that they are fucling up then they deserve to go the way of the dodo.

>> No.4928951

No amount of self-hatred would stop your people from buying OUR products, mutt.
Soon, even Vtubing will be OUR product also. Your money filling our glorious coffers to sustain us.
China is the future, and no amount of Cocope can change that.

>> No.4928996
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I'll give you a pat on the back zhang. even though I doubt any of you learned a thing, you at least finally ponied up some actual decent shills once you realized we aren't going to fall for your chink spam.

>> No.4929089

The only thing worse than actual zhangs is ironic zhangs so bad that they glow even harder than actual zhangs.

Fuck off back to global

>> No.4929147

its unbelievable that coco let herself believe that things will actually get better if she leaves instead of worse.

>> No.4929244

The funny thing is Gura said when she gets an idea for a video upload, but by the time management has to look over every single detail, she loses interest and doesn’t bother.

>> No.4929294

Pretending to be Chinese is a sad way to cope with loss, anon
Not even the Chinese want to be Chinese

>> No.4929428

Well redditfag why don't you tell me why Cover translated this one announcement in their site in simplified chinese? which is the one the chinks use in mainland, I give 3 months tops for the holos shilling Genshin or another China gacha shit.

>> No.4929435

Both Pekora and Haachama were sad some time ago because their big new projects weren't greenlit by cover, so maybe it's also part of these more restrictive policies.

>> No.4929615

Fools who cling to their outdated culture doesn't want to be "Chinese"
Those who are actual Chinese have no qualms whatsoever, except for the few ingrates who desire more for lesser reasons.

>> No.4929652

I'm fulling betting on it.
Cover's restrictions will choke out the freshness and innovation from Hololive and it'll be too late when management realizes this. IF they actually realize it.
Coco leaving is the turning point of whether Hololive doubles down on its path to stale mediocrity or realize it's gone too far in stifling its talent. If Coco blows up on her own and captures her hololive numbers, hopefully management will realize how much they fucked up.
That's your best case scenario.

>> No.4929655

It's really not her responsibility if they get better or worse. She has to look out for herself first. If hololive burns to the ground because she left, it's on them not her.

>> No.4929757

Detected the newfag

>> No.4929766

Japan's corporate culture, and culture in generally really, is "stay the course, never speak up or offer an opinion even if you and everyone you know is on fire," so unless someone at cover as a shonen manga style third eye awakening, expect everything to continue as it currently is.

>> No.4929827

>Both Pekora and Haachama were sad some time ago because their big new projects weren't greenlit by cover, so maybe it's also part of these more restrictive policies.
Obviously. But Cover is probably letting up a little on Haachama, because if she quit now, the shows over.

>> No.4929952

I will join when she acquires an actual sense of rhythm.

>> No.4930080

I remember Marine tried to join 2434 but got outted.
Guess that'll bite her back soon.

>> No.4930452

Based lolicon electric eel

>> No.4931947

Please don't bully Lulu for her Rhythm Heaven goofs.

>> No.4934390
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Look, all I'm saying is if they start sucking chink cock again after the 1st we need to stop giving those gooks money.

>> No.4937297

I dont think yagoo is at fault, coco herself memed him out of everyone in Hololive, botan also joined in later on. But even after all the harassment, you wouldn't put time and effort into making a sad YAGOO pixel art just to say you hate the man.

>> No.4937324

>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
I know this is kind of a hard concept to grasp, but have you considered watching and enjoying vtubers?

>> No.4937393
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>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
>No one to blame
Taiwan is a country.
Tibet is a country.
Manchukuo is a country.
"""CHINA""" is NOT a legitimate country.

>> No.4937707

Why the fuck do you incels watch Vtubers in the first place?
If you're watching it for the chuuba, why are defending for the company?
I swear you fags are doing aything to create an imaginary enemy/mark an enemy just for the shits or y'all are unironically mentally incapacitated.
Get a life.

>> No.4937753

Nijisanji does not feel like one big family. It's not what Coco seek.

>> No.4938161

That's just autism and ADHD anon, maybe she's the problem.

>> No.4938172

I love it.

>> No.4938178

According to cum sharts, Kiara's the problem.

>> No.4938264

Unironically this, why the fuck do the people here have to care about the company backing them? At the end of the fucking day, the talent always has the power to stop and quit at any moment they want to, so why care at all about whether or not the company blooms or burns, vtubers are just fake anime characters with cool people voicing them as they stream.

You can literally just follow the real person behind it when they disappear, stop whining like fucking bitches about how your company has suddenly turned evil. All companies end up becoming evil anon, any company will, especially when they get big.

Never forget CDPR, or EA.

>> No.4938292

Wow, fans really do represent the streamer huh.

>> No.4938339

I love it!

>> No.4938489

>there's no one to blame
Chinks still deserve a nuke, as does youtube for its push towards family friendliness. Oh, and copyright was a mistake.

>> No.4938501

Do you even watch hololive? They aren't simply 'replaceable' to the fans. Most aren't in anycase, and that would play hell with the relationship ecosystem they've built up.

>> No.4938546

they can just reincarnate, why the fuck do you guys care so much? these people will eventually move on from vtubing anyways, this fad isn't going to last forever anon.

>> No.4938604

>why the fuck do you guys care so much?
I always see this question in different boards. What's so wrong about caring?

>> No.4938632

Do you think Red Bull isn't part of the west? Do you think Hololive would be getting red bull and microsoft sponsor deals if it wasn't big in the west? And calling Westerners pirates compared to the bugs is hilarious.

outed yourself retard, there's been no spam in Coco's chat for a good while, that isn't the issue and you should do your reps instead of pretending you know shit when you can't get basic facts right.

>> No.4939228

Nothing much I guess, it's just going to leave you drained if you care about these things too much anyways. You should much rather support the vtuber/talent towards the end and not really give a fuck about the corpos they're behind and all.

They're all adults, they all have a reason for joining said agency, and if it fucks them over and eventually causes them to leave, then the reason can be one of two things, the talent themselves or the agency behind them. Doesn't matter too much since if the corpo vtuber agency really is that bad, then they'll just crumble down in time.

There's no need to waste energy over these things.

>> No.4940391
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What's going on with Coco? Now she's just putting poop in her video titles? Is she losing her mind or what, what's going on? This is crazy even for her.

>> No.4940515

We should have let MacArthur make Beijing glow, all our current problems would have been solved

>> No.4940529

Braid your queue, Pingping

>> No.4940693

Your big family is collapsing lmao.

>> No.4940725

Shitting (heh) on the NKODICE dev

>> No.4940728

I wish west Taiwan would fuck off already. At least we only have to endure about decade more.( these thing take time)

>> No.4940764

I literally just watched her play that game though.

>> No.4940767

they're just moving house

>> No.4940769

you are wrong, wong

>> No.4940792

You're really going to continue posting racial slurs after it caused Coco to have to retire?

>> No.4940804

The cognitive dissonance in crying about copyright while also crying about China is truly impressive.

>> No.4940841

Go drink your sewage oil before the tanks run you over, Chang

>> No.4940870

it's not MY big family. It's THEIR big family you fucking retarded tribalist faggot. My entire point is their concept is different and Coco wants to be in the environment where the girls can gather up and be a big family. Nijisanji does not offer that kind of environment so it does not fit with her vision. Fuck you and fuck your tribalist mindset shit.

>> No.4940889

calling west taiwanese as they are (West taiwanese) is not a racial slur, chink bugmen.

>> No.4941028


>> No.4941089

dilate your ass, chink

>> No.4942211

Nijisanji livers can form tight-knit groups on their own initiative all they want. Either you submit to managerial policies or mane-san doesn't have the power to force everyone to LARP as friends. Can't have both, sorry.

>> No.4942306

Bitch I would put a .45 in Winnie the Pooh's mouth, and keep pulling the trigger until I painted the whole hundred acre woods as red as your pussy flag.

>> No.4942358

It's a secret sign that she will join VShojo soon

>> No.4944302
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I personally dropped hololive and now watch only NijiEN. No drama, no shit management and community is not completely retarded. Also niji threads are not a twitch chat, unlike /hlgg/

I don't know how you people still can cope with Cover's incompetence to be honest. Gura's shit tier rigging was a last straw for me.

>> No.4944948

Anon that's a bad reason to move, it's going to hurt you more when Niji inevitably fucks up like any other company does or the talents themselves do something that shouldn't get them heat but does it anyway
NijiEN is new, they have plenty of time to fuck it up

>> No.4945026

While I’m one to assume ignorance dev or incompetence instead of malice, at a certain incompetence can be just as bad as being outright malicious if not worse since they’re making retarded decisions thinking it’s the right call. I think Cover is dangerously close to that line if not in the process of crossing it, and that’s only because I’m trusting Coco’s words and giving them the benefit of the doubt. Building a company’s success of the unique personalities of the girls, their interactions with each other, and their creative output, and then responding to a crisis by stifling the creative output and restricting interactions of one their biggest talents is just retarded no matter how you slice it. Sure the creative restrictions were beginning prior to the incident, but the impression given from everything we know now is that they were fast tracked because of it. I’m personally in wait and see mode, but I can’t blame anyone for already abandoning ship, cause my confidence in things panning out well is considerably shaken.

>> No.4945424

Everyday until you ogey

>> No.4945741

Sounds like some cuck mentality. Cover could have worked harder to enable their talents instead of striking down Pekora's and Haachama's big projects, for example. A big part of the reason why Coco is leaving is because of how restrictive management has become.

>> No.4946105
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>> No.4946221

If you want to can send a message to cover and properly think if they have "bullied" coco even when it was not their intention by giving her limits other talents didnt have and apologize anyways if she felt in any way disadvantaged compared to the others.

>> No.4946366

>The year is 2028, somewhere in the backwaters of Zhangistan
>You have barely enough strength left in you to hold your old surplus AK
>A CCP shill had shoved into your hands "to defend the homeland" before he had fled the village
>The glorious capital of Beijing has long since been nuked from the face of the earth
>The great PRC Navy is a smoldering wreckage in the Gulf of China
>The CCP is in full damage-control, barely existing at this point
>You don't know all that, nobody has ever told you
>Most members of your family have starved in the great famine last year
>You just want things to go back to normal, peacefully tending to the fields with your father
>Through blurry eyes, you see something move in the distance
>A US HUMVEE pulls around the corner
>A large Taiwanese flag is mounted on one of its antennas, fluttering in the wind
>You shiver in fear
>Pointing your gun at the metal monstrosity, you pull the trigger
>Nothing happens
>As everything crafted in the fires of Communism, the gun had beed doomed to fail from the beginning
>The turret of the HUMVEE turns towards you
>It's bullet shield is painted with a large portrait of "Warcriminal Pekora”
>The anime girl laughs at you. Mockingly. Menacingly.
>"Blue Clapper" drones from tentatively mounted speakers on the side of the carriage
>”THAT’S WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING MY OSHI CRY, FILTHY BUG!” The man in the turret shouts at you
>You don't understand him, you don't speak English at all
>You turn around to run, but the burst of .50cal bullets chasing after you is faster
>You fall to the ground, sliced in half by the lead
>Everything turns dark

>> No.4946396

>No drama, no shit management and community is not completely retarded

>> No.4946441

checked and coped

>> No.4950432
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based and checked and keked

>> No.4953479
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I'm thinking based.

>> No.4953612
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Like you said, no one is to blame. Just accept it and move on. A lot of you faggots just want to be angry all the time. Very unhealthy!

>> No.4953844
File: 179 KB, 1052x2282, your_greatest_crackpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
The most truthful and probably uncomfortable truth is:
jews are to blame.
Because they generated the entire precedence of 'limits' like that.
faggot pride
censorship, etc

They always used their media to manipulate the public mind, but the internet, and later on their many social networks they own really pushed their engine into overdrive.

Feminism/mysogyny/sjws for example.
jews have SUCH a large chunk of media in their palms, and more important, media where they can be 'faceless' where they can successfully pretend to be a large chunk of any nations native population to fabricate some issue like "western men hating their own women very much" (which is horseshit, jews hate our women, not us) that it looks real enough for them to get laws get installed to 'deal' with that.

Once THAT is running nice, THEN many of them 'switch sides' to be 'based' by attacking 'nasty women' openly and showing how cool and great that is, after they set them up as harpies and co.

It's ALWAYS them who do this.
>why would it always be them
>why can't it be real natives
Well, consider Japan, like Japan partaking in things like BLM or 'slowly, but thankfully surely, shedding their closed minded racism and co'.

If it really, really were Japan itself wanting to change, then it would NEVER be a 'slow' process, it would be a meccha haya 97% ethnic majority process.

It's only 'slow' in Japan because jews, who sadly now have enough influence to pull off the masquerade yet again, are still too low in number to snowball it hard (but they are snowballing it)

This is, sadly, the cause of pretty much ALL contemporary societal problems.
Without jews, we wouldn't have that.

It's them and their (social) media.
Too bad so many people defend em...

>> No.4954002
File: 137 KB, 1296x1410, it_boggles_the_mind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews have SUCH a large chunk of media in their palms, and more important, media where they can be 'faceless' where they can successfully pretend to be a large chunk of any nations native population to fabricate some issue like "western men hating their own women very much" (which is horseshit, jews hate our women, not us) that it looks real enough for them to get laws get installed to 'deal' with that.
Pic related, too.
If you really, really pay attention to 'bigotry' and so forth, like those 'redpilled MGTOWs" and co.

They will virtually NEVER. EVER. attack jewish women, or female jewish characters, only western ones, etc.

Why? Why are these based, pretty much nazi level chuds so in love with jews that they cannot ever speak an ill word about them?
But can coordinate themselves in huge campaigns against any other woman, even if said women share the same flaw or notion, etc, even when the jewess exhibits it harder?

Either it's all those neo nazis loving jews and hating their own women in an almost a hivemind fashion.

Or it's the jew who ACTUALLY hates everything not jewish using his media conglomerates to spin everyone a nice projection...and heineously influencing 'politics' and 'law' with it, to boot.

It's so evil that many can't even process the magnitude of it.
Can you?
I'm not sure even I really know the farthest reach of this corruption, since there is nothing that is too petty or insignificant for them to attack.
Their evil is virtually limitless and knows no 'well that's enough for now'ness at all.

>> No.4954630

They too are also Yellow nigger cocksuckers and a actual black company

>> No.4954840

because i basically don't care

if it's entertaining i'll watch

if it's not i won't

really not that complicated. i do not get attached to talents outside of how much they can amuse me

>> No.4954950


>> No.4955391

A-HA! Instead of watching this person signed to a corporation that only cares about money, I'm instead going to watch content from another corporation that only cares about money!!! Take that, corporation that only cares about money! YOU just lost a precious CUSTOMER!

>> No.4955439

Nobody cares, /wvt/.

>> No.4957025

Not that fag, but let me ask you a question--did you forget that Hololive is a job and not an after school club or some other brand of casual shit? I am not defending Cover and its incompetence in any way, but this really is one of those "pick your poison" type situations. Think about the following approaches:
>You do not place any restrictions at all on the activities of your vtubers.
Antis who want to fuck with you will get you kicked off of Youtube, Twitch, or whatever other platform you are using. Your company's monetization is entirely dependent on fishing for gachikoibux, which is unreliable in the short term and untenable in the long term.
>The only restrictions you place on the activities of your vtubers are ones that will get the company kicked off of Youtube, Twitch, etc.
You will have trouble obtaining strong and consistent sponsorships and corporate partnerships. Some of your vtubers won't care and some of them will be happy that their company isn't "selling out," but many of them will probably be less than happy at the prospect of being forced to leave money on the table because one of the other vtubers really likes to collab with camwhores or talk about drugs. Meanwhile, your company's monetization is heavily dependent on fishing for gachikoibux, which is unreliable in the short term and untenable in the long term.
>You restrict your vtubers from doing things that Youtube and potential corporate sponsors don't like.
This limits your talent to put bumpers on all of their content. No sexual ASMR, no swimsuit outfits, no vulgar talk, nothing that could be construed as political, etc. Some vtubers will feel that they can't "be themselves" and others will get bored of always doing the same things. On the other hand, the vtubers who approach their activities with great ambitions or who want vtubing to not be some weird underground shit like it still is right now will be happy for the chance to make more money. With this approach, your company's monetization is NOT dependent on fishing for gachikoibux.

So yeah, as I said, this really is a case of picking your poison.

>inb4 "why do you need to worry about monetization at all? they should just do it for free like the 4chan jannies lmao"
Like any other endeavor, creating decent content as a vtuber requires money. Vtubing without any money involved (e.g. merely as a hobby) is admirable, but it necessarily means infrequent streams and upper limits on the type of content you can produce. The reason this board is dominated by corporate vtubers is precisely because vtubers that have the money and resources offered by being affiliated with a company are able to outcompete the ones who have to pay for everything themselves.

>> No.4957725

Anon, as much as I love Nijisanji and NijiEN, that's seriously a retarded reason to just jump shit. You can't escape controversy or drama or any of this shit, this happens everywhere.

Nijisanji is not a clean place either, and I know that very well as a huge fan of it. Stop being a bandwagon cuck, every fad meets it's end eventually, at least support the talent you like until the very end.

>> No.4957766
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>>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
>The most truthful and probably uncomfortable truth is:
>jews are to blame.
>Because they generated the entire precedence of 'limits' like that.
>faggot pride
>censorship, etc
>They always used their media to manipulate the public mind, but the internet, and later on their many social networks they own really pushed their engine into overdrive.
>Feminism/mysogyny/sjws for example.
>jews have SUCH a large chunk of media in their palms, and more important, media where they can be 'faceless' where they can successfully pretend to be a large chunk of any nations native population to fabricate some issue like "western men hating their own women very much" (which is horseshit, jews hate our women, not us) that it looks real enough for them to get laws get installed to 'deal' with that.
>Once THAT is running nice, THEN many of them 'switch sides' to be 'based' by attacking 'nasty women' openly and showing how cool and great that is, after they set them up as harpies and co.
>It's ALWAYS them who do this.
>>why would it always be them
>>why can't it be real natives
>Well, consider Japan, like Japan partaking in things like BLM or 'slowly, but thankfully surely, shedding their closed minded racism and co'.
>If it really, really were Japan itself wanting to change, then it would NEVER be a 'slow' process, it would be a meccha haya 97% ethnic majority process.
>It's only 'slow' in Japan because jews, who sadly now have enough influence to pull off the masquerade yet again, are still too low in number to snowball it hard (but they are snowballing it)
>This is, sadly, the cause of pretty much ALL contemporary societal problems.
>Without jews, we wouldn't have that.
>It's them and their (social) media.
>Too bad so many people defend em...

>> No.4958525

Not that fag either. My oshi never as much as said "kuso" on stream even though nobody puts any such restrictions on her content. That's just her brand. One would think that if Hololive wanted to go full PG, they would hire talents that don't associate with camwhores and don't talk about drugs because they don't want to and not because mane-san will step on their throat if they do. People full time LARPing as something they hate for money is the definition of soulless. One would also think that if Cover didn't like the idea of depending on gachikoibux then they would actually do something to find other sources of revenue instead of intensifying gachikoi milking.

>> No.4958686

Stop falseflagging with Lulu and tribalism, thanks.

>> No.4958787
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>the idea of depending on gachikoibux then they would actually do something to find other sources of revenue instead of intensifying gachikoi milking
Like getting corporate sponsorships? It's like people don't even read what they reply to.

>> No.4958918

She's bored of Hololive. Chink situation's been handled and YouTube is a better platform after this whole mess.

>> No.4958927

Like focusing on producing original songs and merch instead of making the talents fund that shit out of their own gachikoibux for starters. I'm pretty sure that memory holing any collabs with males that happened in the past has nothing to do with getting sponsors by the way.

>> No.4959102

>Producing original songs and merch
These are nowhere near as good as gachikoibux or corporate sponsorships for keeping the lights on and could potentially be money-losing propositions given that the majority of the Hololive audience does not highly value music or performance ability.

>> No.4959153

>Let's not depend on gachibux by making merchs that will be bought overwhelmingly by gachikoi.

>> No.4959205
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Take indiepill and forget about corporates.

>> No.4959441

>These are nowhere near as good as gachikoibux
Wrong. Both merch and especially music make tons of money. Tickets for Holofes 2 alone brought Cover more income than total lifetime supacha of all talents combined up to that point.

There is a world of difference between having schizo whales and depending on schizo whales for living.

>> No.4959602

Critical thinking, anon-kun. Do you think people were watching Holofes 2 for the music? What is the mechanism by which spending tens of millions of yen on producing original songs translating into stable or increased revenue?

>> No.4959736

>There is a world of difference between having schizo whales and depending on schizo whales for living.
Do you think there's hundred of thousands of japanese kids waiting for a Pekora backpack or something? Holos are incredibly niche still, the whole point of this thread is that the company is trying to increase their broad appeal to attracta larger audience.

>> No.4960430
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>> No.4960960

>youtube takedowns
What is youtube taking down?
>Coco wants to make content that pushes the envelope
I never watched her. What kind of stuff was she doing?

>> No.4961149

When coco makes her own vtuber company and sora joins

>> No.4963856
File: 89 KB, 600x706, 56C199D4-8066-4F46-A4B8-0499EB7C1AB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in, faggots. It's not over yet.


>> No.4964104

let's not think that it was just cover mistreating her. Many other girls are at fault for not speaking out against it until it went out of control and led to this. When Coco announced her 1 million subs only like 5 holos replied to her(Botan, Watame, the rest i forgot)

>> No.4964744

I'm pretty sure she only started getting included in group collabs after she had told them that she was graduating (somewhere around March). Apparently that was the kick up the ass the other girls needed to actually take their friend's side instead of sitting on the sidelines waiting for everything to play out (probably at the insistence of management).

Obviously chink scum are the primary cause of all the problems, and that will never change, but I'd be very surprised if there aren't any holos that feel guilt for not doing more to help Coco before it was too late.

>> No.4964867

>What is youtube taking down?
Where are the swimsuit videos, anon?

>> No.4964936

therapeutic reading

>> No.4964991

Take the "only repost funny pics and fap to r34" pill

>> No.4965137

>I'm pretty sure she only started getting included in group collabs after she had told them that she was graduating
what if that was the reason calli was so awkward....

>> No.4965220

Calli is just socially retarded.

>> No.4965247

It's too late, sucks for them. They've fucked up, time to move on with their lives, those whores are going to eventually forget about their "friend" Coco anyways because like hell are any of these Japanese vtuber talents actual friends with anyone when they finish being workmates.

Just like the Chinks, never trust the Japs, they're all the same, Asians are all two-faced pieces of shit, women especially. Coco just had to realize that earlier, but she didn't.

>> No.4965475

>Is there a reason?
Of course there is, not a single thing happens for no reason.
>Will we ever get to know the reason?
Maybe, maybe not, but don't expect it. No matter what it is it's not something Cover would willingly tell you. No matter what it is it would damage the image of the company.
>Should we just accept it?
No, definitely not. This doesn't seem right at all, but we don't have a choice. We can just acknowledge that and try to move on.
>Is there someone to blame?
Maybe, maybe not someone but something, maybe not at all. Sometimes things *just* happen. The less you're trying to think about it the better, especially since it's just not something you can expect to learn about.
>Should we expect her to get more active on Kson?
No, definitely not. It's highly possible that she'll want to finally get some rest. Also - she'd have no problem in finding a very decent daily job.
>Should we blame the Chinese?
We can blame their extremely weird culture and brainwashing, we can blame the antis, but shouldn't blame China as a whole. Taiwan incident was, indeed caused by some chinese people, but we have no idea if this one is.
>Should we be enraged if Cover would try to regain China's trust?
Of course, fuck globalism and pandering to the Chinese. Fuck opportunists.

>> No.4965497

Blame the chings and the chongs. If they were not butthurt, then nothing like this would happen

>> No.4965735

"That sounds like a difficult decision to make."
Spineless japs, soulless chinks, what are we left with?

>> No.4965760

>company-sponsored original songs
Did you just happen to forget Bloom? They're making steps towards that direction.

>> No.4965880

She was getting included in collabs as early as October of last year, shortly after she returned from suspension. More than one girl has mentioned how Coco feels guilty for bringing spam along and keeps shying away from invites. Do you actually watch streams or do you just sit here and jerk off all day making shit up?

>> No.4966005

I think you're lost

>> No.4966049


>> No.4966050

This is what you get for deciding to watch shitty japs anyways. Now you're realizing just how fucked the vtuber industry is huh?

Now stop watching these jap niggers, they're all irredeemable fucks especially after all the bullshit they pulled in WW2 and then suddenly acting as though they got wronged by the Amerimutts like they committed no warcrimes at all to deserve it. Maybe if they decided to own up to their own bullshit they wouldn't be like this, but they just continued being pussies and brainwashed their population into believing a different narrative and ignoring everyone and everything that isn't from Japan.

Fuck Japan, fuck China, fuck Korea, these Asian mutts deserve nothing but death. Two nukes weren't enough, they were never enough.

>> No.4966114

You would know from experience

>> No.4966312

Americucks, mudslimes, SEA/Sandnigs, Bearfuckers -- none of them are okay. We all need to eat a couple of rice-cookers.

>> No.4966599

They're nothing compared to Asian fucks. They're the source of all the degeneracy the rest of the world have right now. Hentai, shitty mobile games, shitty gacha games, shitty money, they're corrupting us all—no, maybe it's already too late. (You) just refuse to accept it.

>> No.4966664

Realistically, she could make plenty of money teaching or translating since she is fluent in American English. Don't know how things are going over there with the pandemic, but I'm sure she could still find opportunities or even run a service for tourists herself.

>> No.4966932

That's just what happens when you mix Asians with jewish capitalism

>> No.4967572

>Coco wants to make content that pushes the envelope like she used to when she first joined, and doesn't want to be constrained by managerial policies. She's not happy streaming minecraft and making meme reviews, she wants to be creative. She's right on this. She shouldn't have to be cornered into making streams she doesn't enjoy.
where was this confirmed? serious question, I'm willing to believe this but I've heard a lot of "official explanations" for her wanting to leave lately.

>> No.4969355

That's basically what I got out of it too, she's not enjoying her time in holotime anymore because she feels restricted.

ctrl+f creative difference or brainstorm for a some of the context.

>> No.4969593

im unable to cope ive gone between accepting and crying several times in the last 2 days i think i just need a break from hololive and only tuning into her streams til the end at which point ill make up my mind if i can even keep watching... I havent done anything productive in 2 days and I couldnt even watch ame or gura today without feeling like something was wrong and breaking down a bit i hate this feeling

>> No.4969949

>he needs vtuber drama to feel like shit

>> No.4970119

in her new account she sings really well and sing in both english and japanese

cant give you more zhangs can identify her new account.

>> No.4970134

Look at how all these changs are squirming lmao.

>it's we that are a problem, it's coco that is a problem!
>it's not we that are a problem, it's cover that is a problem!
>it's not we that are a problem it's... all asian people in general that are a problem! please don't single us out!

The damage control is getting desperate.

>> No.4970174

>when has Coco mentioned restrictions and seemingly unhappy about it
Start at 45 sec mark:


>> No.4970246

The zhangs are as much of a problem as the other asians are, they're all worthless fucks who deserve nothing but death. Fuck China, fuck Japan, fuck Korea, fuck Taiwan, fuck Asia, they don't deserve to live. Use the nukes you fucking have you pussies.

>> No.4970374

Unfortunate side effect of escapism i know its kind of sad but its hard not to feel this way when the comfortable nature of something i love starts its slow death

>> No.4970501

>Use the nukes you fucking have

Outed yourself zhang lol.

>> No.4970507

Everyone knows who she is by now.

>> No.4970583

Then why haven't you launched your nukes yet you pussies?

>> No.4970608

Just Chink in mainland are worthless piece of shit.

It very offened for us if you group up us with Chink

T. SEAnigger

>> No.4970647

Maybe my memory is bad but I don't recall anything from Asacoco 1.0 that was all that bad aside from when she hanged Kanata in that forest. I really don't get why she would need to be stopped from making jokes about her co-workers and silly product commercials. Cover really got too soft.

>> No.4970654

Us SEAniggers are just as worthless, don't fucking lie. Look at all our corrupt and retarded politicians.

>> No.4970656

I know her but coco is effectively dead after the 1st. She will never interact with holos indefinitely if not forever, even if we know as fans she is there with them coco is gone for us forever after her final live..... aaaa i need sleep

>> No.4970904

anon, your slur reps...

>> No.4972524

the reason why she stopped making 1.0 is because of her health.

>> No.4972634

Right but when she brought the show back for 2.0 and then 3.0 the content was neutered, then the clip I replied to has her saying she wasn't allowed to do Asacoco at all. I was wondering why they'd ban her outright when the content was never really that bad, even in 1.0 when she was at her most "edgy".

>> No.4972748

> Yakuza
> Drugs
> Sex
Can she do anything else that would put a smile on her face?

>> No.4972886

Whore herself out.

>> No.4972895

If for example the Taiwan incident never came and HoloCN was still a thing and HoloEN debuted. Hololive will be 30% more famous at most because people in BiliBili never stopped watching them. They are still clipped and translated heavily. Casuals are casuals everywhere. They enjoy what they want to enjoy. The only matter here is that every time one person does something controversial, it will be 10x worse because Twitter will be the same and you have more people to handle with less restrictions upheld. This whole restriction thing is inevitable. Sooner or later it would have happen. Sooner or later it will push out people that aren't happy with it. It's just how it is.

>> No.4974183

Nips, whatever.

>> No.4974304

Yeah, sure. Let's pretend anything that gets popular in the west doesn't get BTFO by oversenitive NIMBYs that will get you deplatformed for controversial content.

The biggest problem that management is suffering that the moment is that of demographics and they need to settle that first before they even bother trying "pushing the envelope" in any direction.

>> No.4974305

if it wasn't the Taiwan incident, it would have been something else to trigger the thin-skinned CCP cult
you don't think "if only i avoided that one specific landmine", you think "walking into the minefield was a mistake"

>> No.4975320
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Isolating a valuable employee till they quit in frustration is standard nip procedure, Coco was far to big a talent for Cover to simply fire her after the Taiwan stuff so they just isolated her and said no everything she wanted to do.

Even if I ignored the things Coco herself has said, one key moment strikes me and that's Kanata's birthday, Coco wasn't there, that made no sense to me, its obvioys management told her she wasn't allowed to be there, Coco's last appearance on Hologra was also nearly 8 months ago.

This is just JP business culture, they don't stand up for themselves, they don't fight, they just bend the knee every single time and if you happen to be high profile they just toss you into a corner till you leave on your own.

>> No.4975627

And then what, be forced to play Apex? That's even worse anon.

>> No.4975673

>So what do we do now, when there's no one to blame?
Blame the Chinese, of course! Fuck them all to death! Let's make Nanking 2.0 happen and turn it into a country-wide event.

>> No.4975711

That's probably true, yeah, especially if you believe the rrat about the chinese fans looking for an excuse to get rid of her.

>> No.4977189

the apex joke makes no sense when most of them don't even play it and only like 10 play regularly.

>> No.4977519

So furbuki is acceptable now?

>> No.4977713

It's also has to do with their employment laws since it makes it hard for companies to fire people like in America

>> No.4977741

Go back to /pol/

>> No.4977763

No, fuck you. I can be racist all I want to asians here because I am asian myself, fuck you all. If you can't even get rid of our little bug ass then what's the worth of all your bitching in here huh?

Fucking pussy.

>> No.4977826

I cannot believe that OP is hololive glowie!

>> No.4980022

The antis

>> No.4985580

>they need to be more proactive in policing content
No, fuck off zhang. They need to be more proactive in protecting their talent if the bugmen try to start shit, but policing the content and saying that "n-no you can't do this, it'll make the Ch*nese angry" is just giving them the victory and what they wanted in the first place. How about you start by hiring dedicated moderators and don't give mod powers to the antis, for starters?

>> No.4985629

haatochama is gone
rip in pepperonis

>> No.4985851

>educate and do better
I hate this smug doublespeak so fucking much it's unreal. Everyone who uses it is a fucking psychopath trying to browbeat others into obedience.

>> No.4986296

It's even more retarded because Taiwan's percentage was so large only because the Zhangs use Taiwanese VPNs to access Youtube in the first place. Their own fucking government forced them to use something that caused the issue in the first place and then they got mad because that issue insulted their government. There's no people as cucked as the chinks.

>> No.4986510

>Do you think Red Bull isn't part of the west?
I agree with you but Red-Bull will sponsor anything, they singlehandly keep most obscure sport alive

>> No.4986558

I blame china and its brainwashed antis, more than ever.

>> No.4986738

Totally agree, I will not watch anything made by those who always afraid of piss off these zhang antis, with out freedom to create, nothing great will produce.
