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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49263171 No.49263171 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, after the dust has settled and Fauna ripped off the Mask, are there any corpo chuubas left that don't have disdain for their fanbase ? It's still a riddle to me why they still want to entertain a group of people that they don't even would befriend irl. It's not about actually hoping to get in touch with a chuuba, it's about them not being disgusted when we watch them.

>> No.49263267

Irys, Kiara, Mumei and Bae from En
80% of Jps
Kaela from ID

>> No.49263329

Get a jp oshii. You'll never go back. They treat their fans right

>> No.49263377

What did Fauna even do that is getting so riled up here?
BTW the only En vtubers who seem genuine are her, Mumei and IRyS

>> No.49263423
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She may not want to be friends, but i still love her!

>> No.49263453

How are you this retarded to miss her point, she said to not prioritize her over real people. Maybe make real friends and not rely on shit posting for a bunch of anons.

>> No.49263464

1% deflection thread

>> No.49263502

thats a lot a words there buddy
*disembowels and rapes you*

>> No.49263520

How many threads are you going to make you fucking clown? You've been trying hard for the last 3 days and have been told to fuck off every single time, do you get off of making threads all day or what? It's only spam at this point.

>> No.49263587
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Just accept the fact that all vtubers are actors trying to keep up the facade of being a cute anime girl in front of an audience. Don't fall in too deep.

>> No.49263599

She litreally answered to the question if she could befriend a sapling with " We shouldn't and can't be friends." It was not a question from a parasocial schizo site. Even if a troll asked it, she goes out of her way to tell 12 minutes that we shouldn't want to be friends with her. It was the biggest "duh" moment. The only thing I could take away is that she wouldn't want to be friends with any of her viewers

>> No.49263660

I don't need woman with anime beauty filter lecturing me what's real

>> No.49263715
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>> No.49263723

Yep the fucking irony of it. She can pretend to be our friend just like we pretend she looks like that and not a 3dpd. It's a mutual trade

>> No.49263779
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Funny that you post this vtuber, who is probably one of the closest to a JP chuuba EN will ever have, alongside IRyS and Kiara.

I think there is some kind of cultural barrier that makes true western vtubers unable to keep a keyfabe like JP ones.
The common denominator between Nene (EN), Kiara and IRyS is their first-hand experience of japanese (idol) culture.

>> No.49263782

This is going to stick for about a month tops, but Niji is never going to run from the 1%

>> No.49263797


>> No.49263808

I mean yeah no shit most of us know that deep down but it would be like an anime character pausing mid scene and telling you they aren't real. No one wants that in their entertainment

>> No.49263812


>> No.49263826

OP only meaningful interaction in life at this point is to just spam Fauna and get called a retard everytime

>> No.49263840


>> No.49263855

Sapling how can we cope

>> No.49263873

I think it's just Gen Y and zoomer entitlement. I see the same mcdonalds worker tweeting about how proud they are to tell customers to fuck off in these western chuubas. 100% pride, 0% effort

>> No.49263882

anyone who's experienced any real struggle in their life will appreciate what a ridiculously good deal working on Hololive is, and will respect what Hololive stands for.
Someone who suffers of veganism, a peak first world problem, will never appreciate what they got

>> No.49263912
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Oh hey you finally had the balls to make another bait thread. You gonna start dox posting now like you did before?

>> No.49263941

Fauna schizo idk, and unironucally Nijidrone deployed to keep their yab at bay, which failed obviously

>> No.49263942

Take pills

>> No.49263947

Kizuna ai was the template for vtubing and not once did she break keyfabe much less give fans a reality check about what they actually are

>> No.49263949

I think Mori likes deadbraps too, she's done ASMR and date streams and as far as I know hasn't denounced parasocial attachments. So she counts, if you don't think of tempus collabs as actively hating your fans

>> No.49263960
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Kiara, Nene (EN, and IRyS aren't that old, between cake and hag, if not younger.

I think it's the "half-japanese/lived in Japan for a good amount of time" that makes them good at being vtubers.

They understand the culture and its origin, lived in it and they are arguably "more weeb" than most people watching vtubers.

>> No.49263993

You know what bothers me about all of this? Her oshi, Northernlion, married a fan.

>> No.49264074

Kiara was an idolfag too, she understands that you can idolize people and the love and passion they give you back is a wonderful thing, especially for isolated people

>> No.49264114

Wowzer look at this Fauna thread that is totally organic, not manufactured and posted for the 100th time or something. I gotta sperge out and seeth about this right now.
Its getting boring

>> No.49264144

I think irys is legit about liking her fans. She is just making her personality far too much and it stinks

>> No.49264219
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Anons when people that don't sit around /here/ 24/7 and then talk about the same topic they already saw

>> No.49264223

Friwndly reminder that most doxnogs on this board reek of the stench of indomie and chicken joy

>> No.49264253

Someone has to, schizo

>> No.49264325

Except that goku doesn't get audience interaction sending them pathetic and deranged messages and requests for gfe feet pics.

>> No.49264397
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"idolfag to good vtuber" pipeline is real.

You can also see it in reverse, people jumping on the vtubing bandwagon who have little to no interest in the culture itself and are there just because it's popular often and up fucking up one way or the other.

>> No.49264444
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>Fauna ripped off the Mask

>> No.49264448

Some people spend way too much time on this board.

>> No.49265087

She had sex on stream ? :(

>> No.49265253

Yeah, with me

>> No.49265449
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>why they still want to entertain a group of people that they don't even would befriend irl
Most people hate their jobs, but still do it cause we need money to survive. Its not rocket science
Pretending to care about some random faceless/voiceless people that you hate online is still a way better gig than most, if not any regular job

>> No.49266841


>> No.49267182

>It's still a riddle to me why they still want to entertain a group of people that they don't even would befriend irl
Idk how you were able to type this with a straight face Op.
You don't even watch her.

>> No.49267684

With what? We stay winning as always. There's no drama outside this board. Fake outrage over nothing because they can't catch Fauna slipping up with any merit.

>> No.49268993
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At least Fubu will be my friend

>> No.49269332

I have news for you. I do, but probably now did, cause I can't watch her without the feeling of "do she even want me to be around ?"

>> No.49269497

Be honest who the fuck would want people from /here/ as audience??

>> No.49269617

You know it's bad, when even streamers reject you being around

>> No.49270347

Lol fag

>> No.49270783

Apparently the SCschizo was the same one annoying half of EN about being banned from kroniis chat
He's a legit schizo and it seems making shitty bait threads on /vt/ is his way of coping when someone doesn't feed into his delusions
Remember not to bite low effort bait

>> No.49270873


>> No.49271244

Anything but complete isolation from society is cuckery

>> No.49271763

Faunas unironically too based and honest for this industry of simps desperate for women who will string them along for money. Like you really thought you were her actual friend when you're a member of a crowd of thousands? Go find some 2 view if you want friendship. It's not disdain to not be lied to. It's respect.

>> No.49272090
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Kiara, Nene Amano were mentioned. I'll give shoutouts to the remainder of Kawaii.

Although they're a dead company, Tsundaria produced a lot of affectionate Vtubers. There's Purin, Lisa and Miori. My personal favorite is Amiya. She was always very affectionate when she was still a corpo, but she was holding back because she was stressed out dealing with the corpse that was her agency. Now that she's Indie she drowns her audience in love.

>> No.49272094

In that order? That seems counterproductive

>> No.49272167

i wrote this

>> No.49272670

Fauna has one of the more parasocial, lonely, autismo fanbases of any corpo (likely because they're drawn to the human connection aspect of ASMR and soft cozy voices like hers) . At least out of HoloEN, certainly. She was genuinely trying to get the most far gone among them to live a happier life by trying to give them advice to cherish their actual friends, rather than just treat them like a paypiggie. You know who does that? A sweet person, who cares. This only reaffirms the fact that Fauna genuinely cares about her saplings. This would be like a chuuba with a gamersupps sponsorship telling a fan who was ONLY drinking gamersupps to drink a fucking glass of real water. If you're mad at this, you're the one who needs to heed her advice the most. It's not too late

>> No.49272948

reminder there was a second part to the question that she and the saplings are actively ignoring, and it's that she sees all saplings as simps lmfao.

>> No.49273126

we can't be friends with any Nijis on their 2% salary either.

>> No.49273637

There might come a day when Fubuki stops mogging everybody else's oshi, but it's a very far off day still

>> No.49273683

Well yeah, the Niji drama is much bigger. Fauna just repeated what Kronni, Ame and Mori did.

>> No.49273922

If they're reacting like this, I'm not sure if they had any friend to begin with, anon.

>> No.49274112

You say that as if the kronii or mori dramas weren't big. Fauna's was a true nothing burger in comparison.

>> No.49274149

It's part of the course for Holo now is all.

>> No.49274850 [SPOILER] 
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>any corpo chuubas left that don't have disdain for their fanbase
An honest answer. It's not the answer you want, but it's honest.

>> No.49275646

Is it even satisfying to reply to yourself? I've always thought it would be disappointing beating your own strawman.

>> No.49275700

Yep, you were gatekept. Sorry, you're too dumb to be a Fauna viewer. Find another chuuba

>> No.49275806

>Fauna just repeated what Kronni, Ame and Mori did.
Actual threadreader. Congrats, you have had your perception skewed by dramasisters. You're an actual, legitimate, retarded nigger.

>> No.49275810

I guess all those 1 year long members upset with Fauna in the comments were just Niji spies in disguise just waiting for her to slip up.
There is no drama in Hololive.

>> No.49275930

She was not you retard. Again, she was asked if she could befriend a Sapling. She said No and then was going on a 12 minute "Oh shit, I said something I shouldn't have said" tangent " uhh Anon you should cherish your friends"

>> No.49276035

Yeah, thats exactly what she said. Now go ahead and never watch Fauna again, your IQ is too low for her.

>> No.49276167

Imagine thinking Fauna is smart when she only has cursory knowledge of subjects that she watches video essays about on YouTube KEK
The idea that any of the EN broads are smart is laughable, because if they were smart they'd do what JP do: shut the fuck up and stream.

>> No.49276177

Consume meds

>> No.49276246

Imagine thinking you're smart when you only have the attention span to listen to one sentence

>> No.49276317 [DELETED] 

Exactly gonna do that. Enjoy watching someone that litreally sees as dirt Anon.

>> No.49276347

Good, get gatekept retard. You're an actual net negative to her fanbase. Go be a shitter somewhere else.

>> No.49276629

see for yourself

>this is such a deep question that you're asking me
>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really
>and if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy
>That's if I'm being really real, which maybe, I don't know do you want me to be real? and this goes for every streamer I think
>I don't know, I used to.. really- because I've always liked youtubers and stuff
>And I used to look at youtubers and be like "OMG if only I could be their friend, like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
>But as I've gotten older, I've realized like there's nothing particularly special or that amazing that makes the youtuber different from anyone else
>Just because their youtubers doesn't mean they would be good friends to you
>The people you know in real life, your friends, they can be better friends to you than any youtuber can be
>They're just as cool, they have just as many interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves than the youtubers who you admire do
>I think its easy to look at youtubers and then admire them but I promise if you look at your friends through the same lens you will also see the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too
>youtubers are just normal people, I mean I'm a kirin, keeper of nature but I'm pretty normal, or maybe I'm not I don't know
>but yea, I think I understand cause I used to always watch youtubers and want to be their friends and I think that's normal to some extent
>but its important to keep in mind that I'm just here to stream and hopefully entertain you and make your day better in some way
>I promise its better that way, its better that way, its better that way
>You should cherish your friends in your life. mmhm hmm, and I hope you can have a good time in the sapling community
>There are many people you can make friends with

>> No.49277577

the worst part was that she fell for a troll SC, from a deranged kronie nonetheless

>> No.49278146

>ripped of the mask

>> No.49279011

so this is what the grays are all riled up about
even funnier if its the greens

>> No.49279394
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Not only greys

>> No.49279419

>isnt your waifu either

>> No.49279577

>a bunch of people who weren't there for the stream and went straight to the comments without listening to what she said

>> No.49279812

Are you deaf?

>> No.49279868


>> No.49279945

stop spamming your nothing burger faggot

>> No.49279970

Is this what you wanted? Here it is: (You)

>> No.49280126

(Me) not only deaf but also blind

>> No.49280147

(You) don't have to tell me you're retarded, I already know.

>> No.49280199

Fauna was too genuine and schizos don't like that.

>> No.49280258

Reminder that a schizo from either here or twitter made a GameFAQs account to pretend to act like a "sapling" that got burnt by what Fauna said earlier this week on the OT forum.

>> No.49280400

>that novel at the bottom
guy needs to get some help holy shit

>> No.49280480

The guy copypasted it from here to cause drama search the archives if you don't believe me
probably generated by chatgpt too

>> No.49280547

I believe it
