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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49196567 No.49196567 [Reply] [Original]

She was right, you know. You can't just use vtubers as a crutch. If you don't keep trying to make your own happiness you'll just end up rotting away while letting opportunities pass you by until you're left with nothing. Switching to someone else when they pull back the curtains is just retreating further into your deep dark hole.

>> No.49196720
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Pretty egotistical of her to assume she's the only source of happiness for random people on the internet, she should improve herself and not be so judgemental of others.

>> No.49196856
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She knows there are people like that because she used to be like that herself. She improved herself and now she's in Hololive.

>> No.49197189

I'm going to improve myself into being even more parasocial!

>> No.49197254

ok bitch take off your anime beauty filter clutch

>> No.49197368

You're technically correct, but you made the assumption of thinking that /vt/ wants to be happy and successful. We don't. We want to lie in our holes and rot in peace.

>> No.49197384

c..couldn't you try having sex...? please just have sex anon why are you like this...

>> No.49197668
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Sounds like a case of projection springing from one's unresolved insecurities, sad to hear!

>> No.49197726

She could be right but even then I would not follow her advice because if I ever leave my comfortable life to chase LE HAPPINESS which is probably just the biological duty in this retard's mind, is not gonna be because a woman whose job is larping as a anime girl told me so, the end.

>> No.49197750

an empty half-hearted advice from a bitch who has never worked a day in her life and believes "le happiness" can be achieved by giving up stuff that's not socially acceptable.

>> No.49197787

It's a pretty safe bet that anyone who was SO heartbroken she was going to do the occasional collab with tempus they felt the need to sperg out in her comments day after day and shit up her supas instead of just moving on was about that invested in her.
Or maybe they are addicted to being a shitstirrer with /vt/ as their oshi like with the recent fauna situation, both are equally sad.

I don't watch the homos or like them and as far as I am concerned they didn't need to exist but Ame was right that there are far better things to put your energy into than eternally seething over them to the point of making an arse out of yourself in her comments/supas

>> No.49197906

The problem with what she said was that she used it to justify her homo collabs and the obviously condescending way she said it.

>> No.49197941

or maybe some people see the merit in trying to communicate with people before cutting them out of your life regardless of context(yes, streamers are people and they are in your life)
normal people bitch plenty, and definitely not just to the people who might give a shit either

>> No.49197992

Pretty much this. Having to interact with the world is a obnoxious pain in the ass. Guess I need to switch to IT.

>> No.49198071
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Well...yeah. I think this has been mentioned by youtubers back in the day.
Some of the young viewers were so attached to their favorite youtubers that they think they are close to them.

And the cycle continues with vtubers/twitch streamers.

We can always enjoy the parasocial aspect of vtubers. But I think we need it to prop up ourselves and improve little by little and have other hobbies that can fill the void inside.

>> No.49198303

I will admit she jumped to the improve yourself moment pretty quick considering it was before the bulk of the sperging out actually happened, but what did end up happening afterwards proved her point in the end anyway(also just imagine how much autism was probably in those maros, she ended up picking two to respond to but you can bet there was a LOT more than that and she had already read a lot of opinions by that point).

She had made a decision she was not going to totally ignore her new colleagues (blame cover for that one) and encouraged people to not watch if they didn't like it. Reading the maros and letting people know her intentions WAS the communication it was a subset of people couldn't cope with her decision and decided to write paragraphs upon paragraphs begging her to change her mind and send troll supas that was the issue.

>> No.49198459

given the amount of butthurt that occurred when fauna dared suggest she wasn't every saplings bff i'd say it's a fairly reasonable assumption

>> No.49198513

Im glad people are still seething about this 10 months after it happened.

>> No.49198660

The tone-deaf part is that she expected Unicorns to channel their incel energy to improve themselves but obviously they can't do that. Incel energy will always be directed at women, so of course their only response will be to get salty and go somewhere else. Kinda sad all-around, really.

Also quite sad a fellow IRyStocrat is an Ame anti.

>> No.49198772

To be fair, Ame contributed a lot to the size of the sperg out. The altare duet was dumb and hard to see as anything else than spiteful revenge and before the collabs she said cross branch collabs would only happen every now and then, but she ended up organizing almost weekly collabs for a month by herself

>> No.49198990

>The altare duet was dumb
Agreed, a low point from her and pretty much the only part of the tempus arc where she did something out of actual spite. Do consider though that she is human too, and that if anons on here can shitpost about her and seethe so much they even take it to her comments/supas it is understandable that she might have wanted to punch back even if she should probably hold herself to a higher standard than retards from here.

The multipart tourney was an interesting choice for sure, I don't know if she saw it as exposure therapy or what her plan was with that but I don't think anyone would argue that the collab spam arc was well executed and I guess that is why the breaks got slammed on for unknown reasons. People really need to move on now though, she has barely fucking talked to them in months and months apart from filling in for Kronii, either she learned not to try to force it or management put their foot down we will never know.

>> No.49199108

smol ame is a bitch
there i said it

>> No.49199126

It's like she's too stupid to understand what a crutch is, something you rely on while you're healing. It's like screaming "Just walk harder idiot!" at someone with a broken leg

>> No.49199257

Why are you arguing about semantics when its not a direct quote?

>> No.49199345

nah, she just didn't to be bothered while flirting with the homo on stream.
cut the copuim

>> No.49199391

Simpling deflection

>> No.49199463

I had nothing to lose but yes she was right so I did both things because fucking bitch, I stopped wasting my money and time on her so i could improve myself and my supportive wifeRyS keeps me going
