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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.43 MB, 1500x2927, Nijisanji fans show support to their oshis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49192559 No.49192559 [Reply] [Original]

Nijifriends... You alright?

>> No.49192648

Now Nijisanji fans and Hololive fans both hate Kson.

>> No.49192680

Holy cope

>> No.49192692

everybody with common sense hates kson

>> No.49192736

Even Excalibur isn't that hard to pull out compaired to a Nijisister's tongue out of Riku's asshole.

>> No.49192781

>1-3% is justified
I want to meet a girl or guy that's this blindly devoted to me

>> No.49192784
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>> No.49192831
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bitch LOVE

>> No.49192848

its funny how in defending the company of nijisanji, theyre actually taking a fat shit on the streamers they so purport to love by saying they dont deserve a living wage

>> No.49192861

>Sea workers being underpaid
I don't see the problem

>> No.49192871

Do these "people" ever stop to consider that they're wouldn't be any merch to sell if not for the Liver? The whole reason any of this shit sells is because the person behind the avatar

>> No.49192936

>Think of le artists, designers, the materials!!1
Funny how other vtuber companies also pay for those and still give their talents more than than 1-3%

>> No.49192980

Please think of the chinese factory that mass produces all of Nijisanjis copy and pasted stolen artwork acrylic stands

>> No.49193030
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roru roru

>> No.49193038
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Truly the hero we need but don't deserve

>> No.49193097

A broken kekson still right occasionally.

>> No.49193133

>can't even deny that 1-3% is the actual rate the talents get paid
>her only argument is "shut up, you don't watch nijisanji"

>> No.49193196
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I wish one of the sisters would spare my ass a tongue-ing this deep...

>> No.49193236
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>"they're adults, they don't need this money"
>"think of the artists!"
Meantime niji artists...

>> No.49193235

>Chinese company gets in trouble
>Social media gets flooded by defense brigade using terrible english
Many such cases

>> No.49193299

People have replaced most relationships with being in love with corporations. In fact you'd never meet a person like that, because conventional propaganda tells them being devoted to another person is cringe.

>> No.49193379

holy fucking apples and oranges batman
>the livers are entitled to more than 1-2% of sales from a product they're usually not involved with aside from their avatar
>artists should be able to get exploited by handing over their IP to a corporation that didn't hire them and have someone else profit from a product they were 100% involved with
maybe try using your brain every now and then sweetie

>> No.49193407

imagine arguing against your oshi making more money

>> No.49193423

Gen-Z truly is doomed.

>> No.49193424

lmao you don't anything in Nijisanji and that's why they only play games and call it as """""""""content"""""""" then call it day, fuckers should have went full coomerism if that's their game plan right from the start.

>> No.49193456

>yet another thread of twitter screenshots
Jesus Christ do you guys not have anything better to do than post screenshots of twitter while digesting your daily dose of street pagpag and gutter oils?
I don't care if you want to talk about this shit but posting screenshots of twitter Is the lowest form of sister drama I can think of.

>> No.49193557
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why do njfgs come up with the worst abbreviations known to man?

>> No.49193607

You should see mental illnesses they come up with in their twitter bios.

>> No.49193608

the chinese are known for many things
being bilingual isn't one of them

>> No.49193624


>> No.49193666

EN "artists"
>complain about something they probably wouldn't participate in anyway
JP artists
>draw dozens of different outfit predictions whenever a liver is teasing a new outfit just for fun (these ideas are sometimes used for following outfits)

>> No.49193696

>NijiTwittard seethe
Lol, Lmao even.

>> No.49193712

The "livers" should absolutely make more than 2% of the profits from their fucking merch. They're the whole reason people buy that crap.
You think people buy the shitty $45 acryllic plates because of how high quality they are? Fuck no. They buy them because the streamer they're parasocial with told them to.

>> No.49193722

I don't think you can go any lower than 1% anon...

>> No.49193801

>zaion known to be liar and gaslighter.
Can't believe the virtue signaling crowd protecting them yacht

>> No.49193810
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you niggers that shit on nijisanji or the people who love the brand are the same that love hololive and watch them because the talents are in hololive, you are one and the same, all of you are corpo bootlickers but somehow you tricked yourselves to think otherwise. Fucking pathethic.

>> No.49193867
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>> No.49193895

>calling out bad things corporations do is the same as being a mindless consoomer

>> No.49193990
File: 166 KB, 1389x1080, Nijiniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49194055


>> No.49194075
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>> No.49194105

How far could Niji take things before even the die hards would say that maybe they are a bad company?

>> No.49194113

Niji fans are Apple fans.

>> No.49194116

more like a retard yelling at graffiti written on a wall lmao

>> No.49194127
File: 2.29 MB, 2160x2362, 1683729661276617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49194296

The funniest fucking thing about this is that Nijisanji hates their fanartists so much that Selen had to argue with management for months just to be allowed to pay the winners OUT OF HER OWN POCKET.

>> No.49194306
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>> No.49194375

Anyone still defending them after the Zaion document is in it for the long haul.

>> No.49194481

Funny that it looks like Nijifags just can't make up their mind on what they want to believe
>It's old news. Everyone who followed NijiJP knows it. It's fine
>Fake news! Fake news! Fake news! It's not 1%. It must be higher. Kuzuha and Mysta were just joking

>> No.49194597

never stop posting this

>> No.49194631
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>> No.49194711
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There's nothing wrong with 1% cuts, if you disagree you're a greedy bastard.

>> No.49194725

>95% of Holo content is playing games, watching movies or reading superchats.

>> No.49194803

a whole gen or two graduations or terminations.

Don't think it will happen anytime soon though

>> No.49194846

They're under 18 years old and gender confused

>> No.49194927

Most of the ESL I've been seeing on /vt/ recently is on the Holo side, frankly.

>> No.49195024

A lot of this board is unironically underaged SEAtards, I'm not even joking.

>> No.49195030

Nijiniggers having a mental breakdown

>> No.49195078

The artists don't hand their IPs to Nijisanji. They draw a model that is owned by Anycolor in different outfits. Imagine there was a contest where you can submit Pikachu in different outfits to Nintendo. Someone draws Pikachu with a hat. Now that person claims he invented Pikachu with a hat and throws a tantrum on Twitter.
Selen could be drawn in an idol outfit. Now that artist forever owns the right on Selen in an idol outfit.
It is just common sense for the company to play it as safe as they can. If you think you should own any rights to a Selen outfit, your brain is busted. And I say this as someone who knows artists that make a living selling fan art.

>> No.49195100

Nah, nijiGODS are wiping the floor with kekson, by the way weren't you holoRETARDS shitting on her lately too? and now you're back to simping for her?
kekson is right, she'll run her agency and have you retards paying for it lol

>> No.49195133


>> No.49195135

we're on the same side fuckface you should be defending me

>> No.49195155

read up a bit about the difference between copyright and trademarks

>> No.49195175

ez just be a billionaire with a bunch of wage slaves

>> No.49195265

t. dana white
this shit is like the poor bastards that fight in ufc

>> No.49195290
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1611372603544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would that even work if she didn't talk with the management? Would they suspend her for using her own money or what?

>> No.49195322

The white man marches on

>> No.49195366

>The white man marches on
the white man watches blacked on a full HD 4K TV while Juan the gardener fucks his wife

>> No.49195413

>nijiKINGS live rent free in his head he makes macros to damage control

>> No.49195463

>Imagine there was a contest where you can submit Pikachu in different outfits to Nintendo. Someone draws Pikachu with a hat. Now that person claims he invented Pikachu with a hat and throws a tantrum on Twitter.
>Selen could be drawn in an idol outfit. Now that artist forever owns the right on Selen in an idol outfit.
That's not how it works..

>> No.49195464

No, she’d just take a month-long “family vacation”

>> No.49195509

>expecting literaly chinks to understand copyright

>> No.49195519

fucked up that gura gets stealth suspended like that all the time
bitch must hate her company I don't blame her for hating her incel fans

>> No.49195554
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>> No.49195567

Hololive fans want coco back though

>> No.49195701


>> No.49195729

i was in a three-week coma
can someone give me the rundown

>> No.49195798

Well, Zaion got suspe- I mea n suddenly had to go visit her family for 2 weeks for not following the chain of command and speaking to a higher up when the intern they assigned as her manager didn't answer, so...

>> No.49195801

Just the slightest hint that they are using anything that was sent to them in the contest could be enough for an artist to go crazy.

>> No.49195815

Nijisanji only gives their talents 2% of the money from merch sales.
Nijiniggers think this is fine and that their oshis don’t deserve any better, everyone else thinks it’s fucked up.

>> No.49195867

cope my cock nigga

>> No.49195897

a couple of them mention nijis not being involved as a reason they get so little, aren't they not allowed to be involved? didn't selen have a stream where she designed merch she wanted to make but couldn't?

>> No.49195938
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>> No.49195960

Dramanigger says
>uhhh I have a sekrit source that says anycolor only pays talents 2-3%
>No you can't know this source
>No you can't see where they got this information from
>Uhhhh just trust me bro

SEAniggers go

Then try to pretend like a tweet made in 2019 and a guy who thinks penguins can fly are two extremely credible sources of information that can confirm this

>> No.49196062

now ready to piss on nijisanji

>> No.49196113

Custom merch is expensive, they'd probably lose money with the sales numbers selen would pull off
I might be misremembering, but didn't Marine say she spent a lot of money to make some merch?

>> No.49196184

>T-they probably don't watch Nijisanji anyway!
I did. Then these faggots came only watch Luxiem came and took over and pushed everyone else out. I'd eat my fuckjng nuts if even a third of these Niji ass lickers watched even one JP stream. Man, fuck the "western" fanbase.

>> No.49196194

Iirc at least pomu mentioned that they were given the opportunity recently to make custom merch as well but they turned down the opportunity due to a lot of stuff going on around this time since it is lazulights 2nd anniversary

>> No.49196195

Why would they sell merch that the talents had a hand in designing when they could just sell some shitty acrylic stands that cost them nothing to produce and have fans defend paying the talents peanuts?

>> No.49196215

Is it something you knew about all along or something false made up, make up your fucking mind
