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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49154185 No.49154185 [Reply] [Original]

>"Men are easy, just be nice to them!"
/vt/sisters mocked her because of this, but half of the chuubas can't even pretend to not be disgusted by us.

>> No.49154473

Men are easy, but V豚 are easier.

>> No.49154487

she speaks the truth most women today refuse to believe, the world needs more Ninas

>> No.49154621

Based hag

>> No.49154771

Then become someone other people won't be disgusted by

>> No.49154806

I was going to joke "Men are easy, Nina is easier" but she seems to be very high maintenance.

>> No.49155282

She is a hag after all. Wise woman.

>> No.49155345


>> No.49155396

>/vt/sisters mocked her because of this
Where? Everyone on /vt/ agreed. /vt/ also reminded everyone of what a two faced traitor she is

>> No.49155432


>> No.49156601

Ahh yes, if I throw my delusions in here with a verifiable fact no one will notice.

>> No.49158738

Can you blame them? Have you seen the men attending the events?

>> No.49158782

She said this out of kindness.
Nina is a good woman. Being selfaware is the first step

>> No.49158993

This is why I treat women like shit. The last thing a woman is interested in is another "nice guy" or simp.

>> No.49159986

Speak for yourself. If your oshis saw me, they'd be begging for my seed or rape me.
Fellas, hide your oshi...I'm headed out for the day.

>> No.49160244

Stop pretending being me

>> No.49160291

Why does /vt/ always take this quotes out of context and make them into a big deal. It was a joke.

>> No.49160450

You clowns have unrealistic expectations from humans. Keep up with the times a bit, will you? No amount of mocking lonely men on 4chan will change the situation. You're just racking up bad karma that will put you in the same situation poetically.

>> No.49160518

Why are us men such easy sluts

>> No.49160524

Nina always seemed pretty based, but I enjoy too many vtubers already.

>> No.49160534

>drops nearly all male interaction
>hangs out with Pomu and Rosemi
>suddenly superchats jump from 1k a month to 7k

Wow, men really are easy

>> No.49160537

when did I post this?

>> No.49161007

They need to hear it. There's too much of this soft ass "blame women for me being unhappy" and it turns into an echo chamber. They have no one to blame but themselves.

>> No.49161293

>meanwhile in reality, dating app stats consistently show women are delusional to the point of psychosis and consider 95% of men to be below average, turning courtship into a literal mathematical impossibility

>> No.49161373

>dating apps

>> No.49161609

I knew nijisanji was a shithole when her genmates excluded her for their own shitty little clique of irl friends
honestly disgusting behaviour. I am disgusted that anyone has enna, finana and the others as their oshis.

>> No.49161704

So not a cishet male? Well you do you trannychama

>> No.49161907

Rosemi is a whore, though

>> No.49161910

>your brain on 24/7 4chan

>> No.49162559

careful with the edge sapling

>> No.49162600

Yeah mine

>> No.49162676

90% of women fail this simple task!

>> No.49162734

>Easy task
>Majority of women still fail it

>> No.49163072

This anon >>49161293 is actually correct. Men and Women are both average but the way it’s spread is different. Most women fall in the 4-6 range while most men are 1-3 or 8-10. It both averages out to like a 5 but woman are either much smarter then men or they’re a lot dumber. You’ve probably seen this in school or work. But women mostly want men better than them so they only go for the 8-10s while a man is fine with going for a 3.

Now whether you believe statistics are up to you

>> No.49163413

so true sister

>> No.49163497

Did you really need some leftist hag to tell you this? Do you also need her to tell you that water is wet.

>> No.49163550

Nina is proof positive of how needless so much of NijiEN’s drama is. If someone with a PL like hers can be professional onstream and not bring in political bullshit nobody wants to hear, then why can’t everyone else? Yeah, yeah, I already know the answer. Because Nina is a hag and she knows better.

>> No.49163821

Bruh even Top G said similar thing. Which discord is this? Pick something else. No giftcard for you.

>> No.49164242

If you say she's right then you're a yes man/cuck
If you say she's wrong then you're an incel
There's no middle ground. So what does that make me?

>> No.49164543

A contrarian

>> No.49164590

She's cool idk why everyone hates her

>> No.49164714

yes because dating apps is the the only way you can meet women.

>> No.49164769

Shes a babushka who lives on a snowy mountain and chops trees.

>> No.49164940

She's right. All single women need to do for a man is to be nice to him, and the vast majority of them are utterly incapable of that and will die miserable and alone because they just can't find it within themselves to give a smile and compliment and be friendly.

>> No.49165015

Okay Sasuke

>> No.49166107

ignorance is bliss.

>> No.49166649

>dating app stats consistently show
Post two sources that aren't this OkCupid blog article written in 2009: web.archive.org/web/20091121080804/http://blog.okcupid.com/index.php/2009/11/17/your-looks-and-online-dating/

>> No.49166816

All men need to do is treat women as more than a warm hole to fuck and most can't manage that. Turns out humans are kinda garbage.

>> No.49166924

A good woman will force you to become stronger, so in turn she will feel protected and both will grow as persons. A bad woman will say nice lies to manipulate you and leave you when you're no longer useful. She's the latter.

>> No.49169214

posting this retarded shit in reply to men wanting to be friends and being sad they cant even have that is funny

>> No.49169497

>not be disgusted by us.
Stop being disgusting then, stop showing up to cons with your fat hanging out, stop sending SC asking to be your wife/gf, JUST STOP EXISTING

it's not hard to improve yourself and get a female friend.

>> No.49169535

>man hates women
Misogynistic piece of shit
>woman hates men
Perfectly normal, nothing to see here

>> No.49169839

very alpha sigma like king

>> No.49169920

Women want to act like complete bitches but be treated as if they were very nice. Western ones anyway.

>> No.49170030

anon youre on 4channel...

>> No.49170339

Hey, it worked for him

>> No.49171621 [DELETED] 


>> No.49172329

See you in 3 days anon

>> No.49173291

yeah with me

>> No.49173602

>in reply to men wanting to be friends and being sad they cant even have that
Weird that you just went and lied like that for like no reason at all my man.

>> No.49173705

I guess that's most western modern women, so full of their ego they want to have the cake and eat it at the same time, since they play on easy mode.

>> No.49173733

>Nina is a good woman
She's a wise woman, but probably not a "good woman".
I watch her content sometimes so I know.

>> No.49173793

Its great how forcing women to be nice immediately fixes them
All the retards here are straight up just listen to their woman talk for 5 hours straight because they are being cute and kind

>> No.49173796

>seething sisters in the responses
based anon

show me your tits you pack of whores

>> No.49174849

>ending with Sakura
No, it failed him miserably. I don't think anyone deserves THAT.

>> No.49174941

Based hag

>> No.49174986

He ended up with Sakura because he stopped being edgy and returned to the village.

>> No.49175096

He could have had Ino, Karin and probably a dozen other girls without trying

>> No.49175779

>treat girl nice
>she gets bored
>rides the cock carousel getting pumped and dumped by broke boys who see her as a warm hole

>> No.49175959

I remember typing this.

>> No.49175994

two simpcels of the same coin. you can't make sweeping generalizations to save your own pathetic lives, don't preach where you shit in.

>> No.49176597

Sister, most women treat themselves as nothing more than a warm hole for chad to fuck to begin with.
Need proof? Look no further than yourself. You dont even have a hymen.

>> No.49176971

God, I love hags. They always have the best takes.

>> No.49177237

Why can't everyone be nice to everyone? Why must it be a war. Fuck women for objectifying men as heartless idiots. Fuck men for objectifying women as traitors and sluts. Fuck this world for giving us intelligence enough to care. But you Anon? I love you, because you are surely one that understands how lonely we all are. Yet we all say fuck this fuck that. What a circus.

>> No.49177348 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 965x1930, 1624611191140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.49177610

You are a beauty, I will remember you at my marriage. Why did the earth give birth to me?
Just to find those eye of yours so I could see them with clarity only the devil could bring.

Vtubers should be kind just like everyone.

>> No.49177907

i dont watch big corpos
naruto is for fags and i got pussy
than you fellow chad
i will never understand why women always say they want nice guys and care about personality when they will literally date assholes, drug dealers, and niggers. either be attractive or fuck prostitutes i guess

>> No.49181631

even being attractive wont stop women treating you like shit, they'll want to have sex with you but they'll still stab you in the back over nothing.
I know a 10/10 chad who is like the stereotypical "ideal guy" wears suits, good looking, has a great job paying ~$250k a year. His wife left him for a drug dealer because he was "no fun" because he didnt deal drugs or do drugs

>> No.49184028

She’s right.

>> No.49185627

I kekked

But sasuke got grils

>> No.49185837

Did she actually say that "men are easy" thing?

>> No.49185873

bratty Slavic hag!
needed correction!

>> No.49186129

Yes and she isn't wrong either

>> No.49186286

this hag makes my dick hard

>> No.49186380
File: 2.80 MB, 2400x3000, FF66dIVVEAIfVnY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink boxed wine, listen to old music, sit outside in the frigid Canadian air, cuddle fuck, and go to bed at 9:30 with my hag wife Nina

>> No.49186790

>dating apps
Don't be obtuse, they're not dating apps, it's an app to fuck people, not date
That said when you have the option to pick whatever, you SHOULD pick the best of the best whether you're a man or a woman
And considering most men have the "i have to be expendable mentality" it's not wonder they don't go for you

>> No.49186877

People don't fuck anymore, so what's even the point of them then?

>> No.49187070

You tell us, you've already given the options - which view d you hold?

>> No.49187517

Have (You) tried being likable?

>> No.49187606

Because otherwise there would be nothing better left to do besides watch streams.

>> No.49189085

Clip pls?

>> No.49190210

Foxmom might unironically be one of the few chuubas who isn't awful.

>> No.49192070

shes not wrong

>> No.49192263

yep and most v-tubers fail at that simple task.

>> No.49194802

I'm still hoping Nina can teach Kronii how to interact with her fans.
Mori has been a disastrous influence on her.

>> No.49194988

>"Men are easy, just be nice to them!"
Sounds based. Wonder who she is.

>> No.49195051
File: 1.36 MB, 2892x3323, 1634852710644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how Kronii and Fauna behave and the way /vt/ has coped like motherfuckers pouring out their heart out for Fauna in the last 2 days... Nina is right about it all.
If you hate her you're a cuck, if you like GFE you're a cuck.

Go get some bitches you fat NEET cucks.

>> No.49195073

Vesper stop please

>> No.49195122

....yeah , imma gonna pass on that one

>> No.49195141

Would Nina fit at Hololive EN since they desperately need a hag among their ranks or is she a no go because Cover doesn't have perms for any of the games she loves to play?

>> No.49195216

Being a hololive streamer is the easiest job possible, literally don't even need a personality at all, or be entertaining.
Just wave and smile, Nina would be KILLING it because she's actually funny and witty unlike your boring whores.

>> No.49195253

All the more reason she needs to be saved from the black company she's in now.
She can bring Pomu and Selen too.

>> No.49195882


>> No.49195925

She wouldnt fit because she is nice and holoEN are trying to become just as cunty as NijiEN

>> No.49196009

hey vesper what u doin this fine day

>> No.49196020

LONG way to go. HoloEN’s neglect and blatant coasting sure sting but that’s not even close to the vitriol of even one Enna stream.

>> No.49197238

This, the worst Hololive has is Mori and that's because she's killing GFE and gives horrible advice that sabotages other members.
But even Mori is not actively sabotaging other members like Enna or Kyo have done.

>> No.49198815


>> No.49199156

sounds like you watch Gura, not Kronii

>> No.49199759

Nina is one of the few people I still watch in NijiEN.
The sooner the shitty ones are booted, the better. (especially given they shat on her and kept her out of activities at one point)

>> No.49202013

>Men don't fuck anymore
Women still sleep around, that's never changed.

>> No.49202264

>random catalogfags spend all day acting like petty, spiteful, vindictive, and obsessed pieces of shit
>complain about why nobody loves them
And yet when Ame told you all to not be this way you freaked the fuck out
