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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4910858 No.4910858 [Reply] [Original]

What is /vt/s thoughts on Snuffy?

>> No.4910872

She's a slut and a whore and I want to suck her dick.

>> No.4910886
File: 775 KB, 3000x2392, 1576447816677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have stinky, dirty, rolling around in filth and garbage, oily, greasy, nasty, scum tasting, humid sex with her

>> No.4910888

Would let her sit on my face.

>> No.4910915

Her rigging is pretty gud

>> No.4910935

I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.4910944

Cartmen as a vtuber (just as fat as him irl too), except its a girl so she isnt funny.

>> No.4910946

too close to vshojo, shame

>> No.4910969

Her mouth and face are SSS tier, possibly at this moment the best in the biz, honestly. The fact that an indie can get this while actual companies with multiple talents and paypiggies can't still blows my mind a little

>> No.4910979

ugly irl with a cute avatar rig

>> No.4910985


>> No.4911033

unfunny ponyfag furshit

>> No.4911120

This is the best description I've ever seen.
Also much like cartman she's associated with the main group but not really part of it

>> No.4911157

I think 17 year old me would have loved her but I'm no longer attracted to gamur gurlz who open Pokemon cards on the regular I think that shit is gay

>> No.4911326

Almost too good. It's way too smooth, it's uncomfortable desu.

>> No.4911539

Extremely fat and insecure degenerate that needs to be gased this instant

>> No.4911619

Sort of ok
The ponyfag avatar and general furshit really put me off her not gonna lie.

>> No.4911820

Never watched her but stumbled on her stream Intro music.
Shit’s really good.

>> No.4911932

Her setup is amazing, genuinely bleeding edge. Not my cup of tea but huge props to a westerner dicking on overseas complacency

>> No.4912095

Her rigging blows pretty much everything else out of the water, including big companies. Goes to show you how lazy places like Hololive are when they know people will simp no matter what they do.

>> No.4912252
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I've never actually watched her, and probably never will, but I want to eat her ass

>> No.4912289

unfunny retarded whore

>> No.4912292

Her model makes me rock hard. She's good for clips but repetitive for streams.

>> No.4912305

Used to get a lot of clips of her recommended a few months ago but it's completely dried up. Her voice change created a spike of interest but I think it dropped off. Now I only get Nyanners/Vei/Mouse clips.

>> No.4912309

Meant for snuff.

>> No.4912316

I'm getting a lot of mixed messages here anons.

>> No.4912710

>fat, like actually western woman fat
>mentally ill, takes meds
>drew pony and furry porn (probably still does)
>gigantic sausage hands and fingers
Take everything you'd want in a woman and turn them into its anthesis. Just another byproduct of a fatherless zoomer slut who is cashing in on lonely simps who jack off whenever they hear someone without a penis talk about their genitals. I will admit her avatar setup is nice though but that's really about it.

>> No.4912797


>> No.4912901

>w*stern w*men

>> No.4913157

She's a stupid trash panda.
Going to fuck her in the ass.

>> No.4913482

Trashy whore but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't smash.

>> No.4913556

She fucks her dog daily

>> No.4913629


This sums her up.

>> No.4914170
File: 580 KB, 874x948, 879g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her rigging + model is so fucking good. Everything feels animated. Watching some others after it feels dated.

>> No.4914260

i like her

>> No.4914280

She seems like someone I’d smoke and play video games with in her basement and just seems like a cool friend to have. I like her a lot

>> No.4914508


>> No.4914525

Her design and both her 3d and 2d models are pretty cute (especially the 2D)
I don't know much about her but she doesn't seem to stream much and the content she's made recently doesn't appeal to me

>> No.4914549

is she actually a fucking furry or is it just a meme

>> No.4914568

She was a brony in her late teetns and drew porn of it.

>> No.4914577

She's just fat and slow, other people don't have that much weight supporting their body, so their rigging obviously looks a lot lighter and their actions - less punctuated. That's one of the contributing factors.

>> No.4914633


Snuffy are you going to preview your patreon content on your regular streams?

I need to know what lewd shit I'm getting into before I sub.

>> No.4914658


>> No.4914806
File: 587 KB, 1200x469, yaminogame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only watched some of her clips and saw she likes card games, that's a good on my book, tell me more about her.

>> No.4914877

She has huge sweaty tits.

>> No.4915397

I like her more since she started using her normal voice. It fits the trash panda.

>> No.4915414


Are we supposed to care about what they look like irl?

>> No.4915700

As Cringe as all the other whores Vtuber fans hype up.

>> No.4915728

I find her to be legitimately ugly.

>> No.4916074

>This guy's great!
What did she mean by this?

>> No.4916500
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>> No.4916567

She shows her fat hambeast hands when she opens packs. Should have done like the Holos and used some sort of raccoon cosplay hands

>> No.4916735

She worr a ring on her finger in the last stream and it didn’t make her hand look like sausage links is she really all that fat?

>> No.4916788

The last time she mentioned weight, she was 150lbs, she said. That's definitely fatty territory for a woman, but fuckable fatty tbqf.

>> No.4917074
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, pouty snuffy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen her hands irl in card openings, and you're delusional if you think they're fat.

Sure, but she'd also be particularly tall, like, lanky tall girl.

And yes, it's ridiculous how good her rig is. Probably the best I've ever seen in the business.

>> No.4917204

Lmao 4chan fatsos saying these are the hands of a fat woman need to take their meds.

Speaking of which, I would fuck Snuffy so hard I’d turn her even more dumb. Her streams are boring anyways.

>> No.4917627

5'6" 150lbs is chunk territory. Not obese but def fat.

>> No.4917671

Is she 5'6'' IRL tho? or just her model?

>> No.4917710
File: 207 KB, 347x362, 1622424226119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best vtubers are usually fat and ugly.

>> No.4917766


>> No.4917893

It's her actual IRL height.

>> No.4918083
File: 34 KB, 142x158, Screenshot_2021-06-10_22-19-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for gangrape.


>> No.4918116


>> No.4918149

why she blue?

>> No.4918190

I'm not good with the lighting settings.

>> No.4918203


>> No.4918434

Didn't she say a while ago that her mom wanted to be a vtuber too, but got cold feet?

I hope she gets the confidence to go through with it, I want to know what Mommy Snuffy is like

>> No.4919209

I was curious when the eurotards started saying she’s fat in American standards but the female average in England is 140, she’d only be ten pounds over average

>> No.4919327

why does she have so much high-quality horni ?

>> No.4919412

Voice update when

>> No.4919610

Stop bullying the coon

>> No.4919642
File: 356 KB, 560x560, Snuffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same scenario as Marine. They're both horni themselves.

She must have made like 3 or 4 tier ranks on which monsters she'd fuck.

>> No.4921841

are you a retard? maybe if they are a midget

>> No.4924031

snuffy is made for breeding

>> No.4926270

No, she's made for snuff. It's literally in her name.

>> No.4927938

I wouldn’t consider anything under 175 lbs fat unless she were like >5’4

>> No.4930691

>150 is fat
you literally dont know what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.4931158

I want her to sit on my face

>> No.4931367

she's full-on furry

>> No.4931547

Average is a such a stupid metric for weight.
Each fatass would bring the average up so much, it would take 5-10 thin people to offset.

>> No.4932051
File: 442 KB, 474x890, 1622413873048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her downgrade 2d model is so expressive and springy.

>> No.4932110

Why would they waste the cash when their make more than enough with their shitty 2D rigs like you see on Subaru

>> No.4933460

Those are definitely fat hands. Unless your standard is nothing short of the michelin man is fat.

>> No.4933580

>those obnoxious twitch sounds
How can anyone watch this?

>> No.4933633
File: 1.01 MB, 765x1063, 1621477929890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat pokemon nerd with decent 3D tech and horrible live2D tech, will eventually be a full Vshojo and she just needs to admit she loves /vt/ since it's obvious she ego searches here

>> No.4934066

Is yet another overly lewd/degen personality western Vtuber, liked her pink cat model more than trash rat and it's better than Nyanshit but coon fits her more

>> No.4935133

almoast 70kg holy fuck you amerifats are so used to see morbidly obese bitches you forgot how a normal woman looks like. 70kg is fat for the rest of the world

>> No.4935136

Not man enough for snuffy but i love her nonetheless

>> No.4936408
File: 78 KB, 640x478, korones helpful advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you implying korone is fat and ugly

>> No.4938022

Don’t like her, good character model, but really annoying person. Lol weed, sex jokes, pony shit, furfag shit! Not a good vtuber

>> No.4938114

She is fat. Those are fat hands.
I agree with a decent number of anons, I'd brutalized her impressive model but she is fat irl and her streams are pretty boring. She is also a degen and not in an endearing way.

>> No.4938361

I LOVE how much hate this annoying botch is getting! And the best part is she’s so insecure about herself that she lurks in these chats to see what people really think about her. Take a good look snuffy, no one likes you! Fuck off

>> No.4938471

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.4939109
File: 241 KB, 600x800, 1512073688128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen a few clips of Snuffy and I like the idea of her I have in my head. I'm pretty sure if I watched her more I wouldn't like her, though.

>> No.4939157

Earth to Anon, you're replying to a post that called her fat.

>> No.4939173

>she just needs to admit she loves /vt/ since it's obvious she ego searches here
she literally repeated on stream something that was said in a snuffy thread. SHE'S HERE

>> No.4939248

Women will always go where men give them attention. Snuffy is probably dysfunctional so she looks for validation from the worst sources.

>> No.4939270

Ligma wrote dis. Ligma phat greasy nuts u poll smoker

>> No.4939697

>>Her voice change created a spike of interest but I think it dropped off.

The fuck? She pulls around 7k per stream AS AN INDIE.

>> No.4939791

England is not a part of Europe.

>> No.4939896


>> No.4939914

the continent or union?

love her non-squeeky voice

>> No.4939937

Great face capture, can't say much more since I don't watch her

>> No.4939954

She has amazing 3d rig. She's a landwhale. She has some dorky hobbies.

Would harapunch for cute squeaks. Pretty sure she would love it.

>> No.4939988

>She's a landwhale
have doubts with those hands

>> No.4940737
File: 338 KB, 512x512, 1621157495199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, she has fat girl hands. If you knew any really overweight women you would be able to notice. She is from the midwest, so it's kinda a given.

>> No.4940822

shit face

dunno, but then i dont associate with fatties so you could be right

>> No.4941333

Why does indies need to join any vtuber company?
What are they gaining from it?
I literally can't think of any positive sides of joining company if you are doing fine by yourself.

>> No.4941377
File: 1.53 MB, 1162x704, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I swear to God some of you motherfuckers have never felt the touch of a woman. You think this is fat ? What the fuck ?

>> No.4941404


cute avatar
nice tracking
boring content (trading cards unpacking)
too much attention whoring with sex
ditched her old model for views
friends with pink cat
fat irl
veibeiish storytelling

>> No.4941686

Western whore, don't care

>> No.4941863
File: 21 KB, 704x317, burgerstand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. She's a burger, so pic related.
2. You can't even see the segment lines on her fingers.

>> No.4943228

Europe. Not geographically or politically. Just Europe.

>> No.4943289
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 2345b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she would be post on chans. She is an actual fucking degenerate, not a pretend one for the chat. This is a person that spends way too much of Pokemon cards by the box worth, draws pony porn. This is a person that once talked about as a child she used to like to rub her junk on the carpet stairs. She is one of us.

>> No.4945602

Be patient with him he's a third worlder.

>> No.4945897

I wish her avatar had some big ol' honkers stuffed into that shirt.

>> No.4946117

rent free

>> No.4946227

got recommended a clip with her doing a pog face, havent seen shit about her since.

/vt/ seems to like her so i guess shes not that bad.

>> No.4946342

snuffy got me into trying vtubing. I know I'll probably end in failure cause everyone wants to watch girls but fuck it I'm giving it a shot lads.

>> No.4946453

I want to coom in her fat coon cunny!

>> No.4946551

Probably not much harm in it if it's something you want to do for fun. There's so many vtubers out there now that I doubt many of them ever reach a point where they can do it as their primary source of income but you never know until you try. Good luck, anon.

>> No.4948680

What did she say
Do you have a clip of it?

>> No.4948892

Good design wasted on basic twitch whore that only uses anime avatar because it's a new fad. As any other twitch whore she's avoid at all costs.

>> No.4949182


>> No.4949211

Unlike coom pics on vei and nyanners real life faces, I guess I will only fantasize on getting a handjob from those hands.

>> No.4950224

Why would she even want to come here though? I get wanting to stroke your ego, but if she wants validation she has way more (not to mention better) outlets for that.

>> No.4950458

Love from Reddit is filtered. Love from Twitter comes from clout chasers. Love from a place full of schizos who will shit on you for the tiniest thing is genuine.

>> No.4950580
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with too many C's for my dick to hold

>> No.4950596

Love from this place did wonders for Nyanners didn't it?

>> No.4950663

>Why would she even want to come here though?
Why do you?

>> No.4950699

It unironically did. Look at where she is now compared to the million of other indies.

>> No.4950814


>> No.4950884

Really good rigging and cute model, but the viewbotting she did to get a start is a turn off.

>> No.4951012

Sort of unrelated but how can someone put up with the constant barrage of pretending to be nice and playing videogames all day? I know you get some good ass money but doesn't it get tiresome?

>> No.4951049

Any proof of that? You know how many people throw that accusation around just because they don't like someone?

>> No.4951113

Not everyone gets mad at video games.

>> No.4951184
File: 3.37 MB, 2048x2048, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd furiously beat my meat if she did more of her nsfw asmr

>> No.4951240

Pony content outside of mlp can be rewarded with a ban

>> No.4951265

Wow, this is actually one of the best descriptions I’ve heard in a while. It makes sense when you think about it too.

>> No.4951267

That's kinda based.

>> No.4951279


>> No.4951363

I would like, but joined vshojo. She’s literally the embodiment of 4chan in female form though desu

>> No.4951488
File: 102 KB, 778x635, (you) farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right.

>> No.4951506

And what are the alternatives? Work in general is tiresome, and if you can sit on your ass and collect simp bucks all day it's easy life.

>> No.4951523

I'm happy she's doing successful cause I like her content. It just hurts my soul knowing I'll never be as successful as her but that's life. Really enjoyable streamer.

>> No.4951674

t. totally not snuffy

>> No.4951794

>joined vshojo
It’s okay to admit your know nothing about her, anon

>> No.4952953

Because I don't know anything else.

>> No.4953175

This. She literally said in a stream two nights ago that she's only friends with people in Vshojo and has no intention of joining.

>> No.4953763


>> No.4953823

What are you streaming today Snuffy? More Kingdom hearts?

>> No.4953898

Holy shit the (you)s

>> No.4953921

Oh wait you’re op I’m a retard, instead of the op for once. Funny how that works out, eh?

>> No.4954062
File: 97 KB, 838x736, all me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, hilarious.

>> No.4954456

oh damn you're right. that's crazy

>> No.4954783

>what if op was Snuffy the whole time
>what if this whole thread is just a massive ego trip

>> No.4954858

what if you're snuffy?

>> No.4954963

I wish, but I have the persality of a clay statue.
If everyone assuming that everyone else is a commie is a "red scare" what would it be called if everyone suspected everyone of being Snuffy? Orange Scare? Brown?

>> No.4955093

>simping so hard for a chick that you'll never meet
>flat out denying she is obese when she absolutely clearly is
Seek professional help.

>> No.4955194

design super cute
fanart very sexy
3d rig very impressive

but if you think I'm ever going to listen to one of these man-voiced whores vlog about how much dick they've sucked, then you got another think coming
fuck no

>> No.4955265
File: 890 KB, 480x270, spy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snuffy has already breached our boards
You've seen what she's done to our anons!
And worst of all, she could be any one of us...
She could be in this very thread! She could be you! She could be me! She could even be-

>> No.4955361


>> No.4955483

Either that was just normal jewelry or her husband's a cheapass

>> No.4955712

Nah they're a little chunky. Even my fingers are thinner than hers.

Doesn't mean she's overall fat but she definitely has some meat on those fingers.

>> No.4955865

i like her mask
and i rape her

>> No.4956113

Worst part about her is she's a fag hag. I hate when I watch a clip of her and her gay friend starts talking with his fag lisp

>> No.4957226

Is she gay?

>> No.4957313
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could be in this very thread, she could be (You)! She could be me! She could even be...

>> No.4957429


>> No.4957727

It’s called the ring finger for rings in general, anon.

>> No.4957978

I wish she did more feet things.
I want to bust a nut all over her feet.

>> No.4958063

Her mods on discord are a bunch of faggots

>> No.4958113

she should do some JOIs or something

>> No.4958149

That would be cool

>> No.4958823

I want her to peg me while sticking her fishnet gloves in my mouth.

>> No.4958925

i joined her discord on an alt and of course there's a ton of clout chasing faggots and trannies all clamoring for her attention. nothing new really.

>> No.4959128

What a shock. Are they also pedos grooming 13 year old girls or telling 13 year old boys to take hormone pills?

>> No.4959884

This! This! A thousand times this!
She really underestimates just how sexy her voice is, her patreon would be so much better if she made more lewd voice clips

>> No.4959946

I saw a clip or two and thought she was entertaining then another clip about ponystuff ruined all my goodwill

>> No.4960481

“>This! This! A thousand times this!”
Reddit coomer

>> No.4960694

Did you just fuck up a greentext and then have the audacity to call someone else reddit?

>> No.4961169
File: 21 KB, 554x555, 2a4e564b8c6a40cf196b587bdb6a0863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quotes with green text
you need to go back

>> No.4961706
File: 306 KB, 1068x601, FE286BA4-6561-419A-A989-C8DB50025974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I fuck up a greentext and then have the audacity to call someone else reddit, how could you tell?

>> No.4961751


>> No.4963550


>> No.4963986

I had a gf like her when I was 20. It didn't work out between us but goddamn the sex was great. I miss her a lot and I get kinda depressed when I talk to her occasionally on holidays.
