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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 247 KB, 1942x981, Fvt8yynX0AMnFeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49094324 No.49094324 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this shit, how can people simp for this degenerate? she has no teeth, she doesn't bath and she lives like a fucking animal. LOOK AT THIS FUCKING PICTURE.

>> No.49094909

Pippa will never let you down because damn she ugly.

>> No.49094929

Post tits or Gtfo

>> No.49095129
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I wonder what it looks like with the caps off.

>> No.49095204

I can see the story about why it's like this
The person just cuts or peels their nails at their desk

>> No.49095268

hot. if i didn't have an oshi already i would probably watch her a lot more

>> No.49095358

god i want to lick her keyboard

>> No.49095618

people like pippa love to wallow in misery
they are too far gone to give a shit

>> No.49096667

I don't have to worry about saving her
I know I can't

>> No.49097143

she's disgusting

>> No.49097625
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>> No.49097696

Damn, my keyboard is cleaner than that and I eat my computer desk.

>> No.49097903

>Doesn’t shower for months
I can save her

>> No.49098506

it's not even that bad

>> No.49098609
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>> No.49098614

Based. I have a chance with her and her monster feet.

>> No.49098654

Bald toothless goblin

>> No.49098894

While on the subject... What do you all use to clean your keyboards with? I have a dollar store toothbrush to get any hair and dust out.

>> No.49098980

I have an ultrasonic cleaner that I use for cleaning glasses, gunpla parts etc, so I use it for my keycaps. And then I use my electronic duster to blow out the shit in between the cracks

>> No.49099002

isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs

>> No.49099070

i love pippa so much bros

>> No.49099257

I just have two keyboards. If one seems grimy I pop the keycaps off, fill up a plastic drinking cup with some detergent and dunk them. Then I use a combo of compressed air and a toothbrush to get in between the channels of the switches.

>> No.49099308
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>She has no teeth

>> No.49099526

She has a vagina

>> No.49100176


>> No.49100200

NGL, I would love to see a meth vtuber. She'd chill like a degenerate roastie. The crackle of the lighter on mic.

>> No.49100258

How does an ultrasonic cleaner work? When I want to clean my gunpla parts for painting I just use soap and water and some sponge/cloth/whatever.

>> No.49100308

Gamer Girl Keyboard Gunk.

>> No.49100317

What does Pippa smell like?

>> No.49100350

she could literally just buy a new one why doesnt she

>> No.49100404

So, her fanbase is perfect for her, then.

>> No.49100424

look at those crusty spots...stinky dried pussy juice...

>> No.49100512

She’ll be your friend, not just treat you as a coin purse

>> No.49100518

you eat your desk? how often?

>> No.49100529

my even dirtier hand

>> No.49100549

it just makes stuff vibrate in a water dish really fast, loosens up particles, we had a big one at an optical lab i worked at

>> No.49100643

Last December one of her front teeth got infected and had to be pulled. She's also talked about having other teeth that are broken and that she avoids some foods because they hurt her teeth.

Her depression/self loathing may play a part in the lack of effort in maintaining her self and she's just fallen apart. She has stated that since starting Vtubing she's done more to keep up her hygiene. She's said that taking more showers has actually made her sleep better.

>> No.49100693

Considering the image in the OP is from literally right now I extremely doubt that

>> No.49100701

Sounds neat, at least for the novelty. Is it a leave and forget sort of thing, because that would be nice

>> No.49100863

People have gotten nastier and nastier....no standards...just look around your local Wal Mart...I hate it here not even hard to be clean and dress decently even if you're ugly and fat like you keep yourself looking decent and fucking clean and your stuff goddamn. Just pisses me off so much like no one takes care of their shit and they wonder like say why like retro Japanese games are always in nice shame but US and Europe tend to look like DOGSHIT fuck man.

>> No.49101675

Damn. Maybe I should vtuber. Encourage me to get off my lazy no good ass.

>> No.49101896

Bro I'm actually autistic and taking showers and being clean just like something I was taught to do as a kid and never stop, how do you stop? it just comes natural like don't you feel fucking nasty if you don't do hygiene?

>> No.49102216

Her room's cleanliness is separate from her personal hygiene unfortunately.

>> No.49102396

It's ok, I will clean her. With my tongue.

>> No.49102503

glass wipers, paintbrush, mini vacuum

>> No.49102653

Toothbrushes are too short I find. I have a good, soft, 1" paintbrush I bought from a hardware store that I use.

>> No.49102702

I bought a chinese knockoff vaccum/blower on amazon for 30$
It charges with a USB, and sucks air on one side, blows out the other, and has attachments on either side to make a vaccum or blower to blow dust off the computer or suck in dust off the keyboard

>> No.49102805
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>> No.49102966
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i was a suffocated gas flame away from unbirthing by CO2. depression and hopelesness wise. i imagine most board users been close to be in the same shoes. those who make a drama out of this, not being happy for pippers should be ashamed.

>> No.49103731


>> No.49103945

Even if you are a hiki and don't leave your house at least keep the place you spend all your life comfortable, how the fuck can you even function with shit all over the place, all wet and soggy
that fucking thing is disgusting... i don't even want to know more about her

>> No.49103990

stop being a pussy

>> No.49104138

How am i a pussy retard? would you live to spend all your day in your own shit and piss? even if you are disgusting animal at least keep your space "almost" clean. You think the state of that keyboard is acceptable for someone that uses it all day long?

>> No.49104316


>> No.49104643

>would you live to spend all your day in your own shit and piss?

>> No.49104683

Remember what site your on anon, people on here fuckin' gross.

>> No.49104716

pippa clumps

>> No.49104739

why are you here?

>> No.49104866

I wish I knew.....I wish I knew....where should I go anon?

>> No.49104991

it doesnt matter where you go, as long as you try to ascend and not behave like one of the subhuman mob, ffs

>> No.49105142

a wet rag and a thin screwdriver
remove keycaps, wet the rag with water, use screwdriver pressed through the rag to get in between keys
dry afterward by leaving it sitting somewhere arid for a couple hours. I put it on top a dehumidifier.

you really don't need anything fancy, water+friction will remove 99% of the shit that will get on a keyboard.

>> No.49105221

Where were they going without ever knowing the way.

>> No.49105347

why bother about others? your way is hard and unclear enough.

>> No.49105393
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Small electro static duster off of Amazon for $9

>> No.49105548

Anyone can see the road that they walk on is paved in gold.

>> No.49105663

God I want to sniff Pippa's stinky hairy armpits.

>> No.49105802

You know, I very much doubt Pippa shaves her bush.

>> No.49105912

I respect her more for putting herself back together and actually making a successful for herself, and i respect that a hell of a lot more than joe normie who got raised to work in a cubical doing that every day.

>> No.49106120

Pippa... I love you but please clean your fucking keyboard.

>> No.49106165

I've been in a state where you care about nothing, you do nothing, nothing matters. You eventually reach a point where you have no will, you don't care about eating, bathing, brushing your teeth, anything. Your body can start to fall apart and you just don't care. I can get the road Pippa (and other posters here) have been on.

Even if you pull out of that you may have problems that happened during those times that now need to be addressed and you just can't bring yourself to tell someone that, "Yeah, my teeth are fucked up because I spent a year depressed and didn't do anything to keep them up."

>> No.49106224

I actually didn't even think women were capable of being like this. And I thought I was fucked, but man, at least I regularly clean my keyboard... It's not even that long of a process and makes it look so much more bearable.

>> No.49106533

once you realize, how deep you have fallen, this is the hardest part of getting back on to life. psych and financeially

>> No.49106550

Wow, she's just like Asmongold.
Americans why are you afraid of dentists?

>> No.49106655

American dentists are scumfuck scammers who charge you thousands of dollars for simple procedures and then pressure/scare you into buying shit you don't need for even more money. Plus they are complete sadists who act like assholes.

>> No.49106677
File: 348 KB, 1677x2048, FvuRU1HWcAMnbyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow, she's just like Asmongold.
i have the suspicion pippa realized how broad this problem is spread within western society. she may be spanning an motivational redemtion arc to lift people up.

>> No.49106763

no free healthcare

>> No.49106942

Insurance doesn't cover dental?

>> No.49107133

It does but not the full price, so if you get a root canal the cunt dentist will charge you like $1200 and then insurance will only cover half, so you end up still having to pay 600 goddamn dollars

>> No.49107578

>American dentists are scumfuck scammers who charge you thousands of dollars for simple procedures and then pressure/scare you into buying shit you don't need for even more money. Plus they are complete sadists who act like asshol
oh, frfr? how comes every single shitter itt has so perfect and beautiful white teeth?
you must be lying.

>> No.49107825

Please don't be mean like this to Pippa, she browses this place and she is not in a good headspace lately. I get it that is a shitpost but she is trying to better herself and this can be demoralizing

>> No.49108127

I use a fan-shaped makeup brush.

>> No.49108514

>I was taught to do as a kid
I wasn't made to so I never developed the habit. That and the 18 years of depression.
>don't you feel fucking nasty if you don't do hygiene?
honestly not really. It feels normal. The only thing is my scalp starts getting tender and hurts a bit after not washing my hair for a while.

>> No.49108713

Shut the fuck up faggot. She can take it like a champ, you are just being a pussy

>> No.49108744

If I bought her a replacement set of teeth do you suppose she'd marry me?

>> No.49108840

Literally my dream wife
Please Pippa let me take care of you, I promise to cook, clean and even wash your body!

>> No.49108919

>I wasn't made to
what's wrong with parents?
>It feels normal
because you're use to it, it shouldn't feel normal.

>> No.49108932

if 1%ers are going in for the kill, she can brace for the impact.

>> No.49108972

Pippa doesn’t want a husband she wants a big brother who will molest her in the bath

>> No.49110081
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>> No.49110190

I hate ame

>> No.49110920

Pippa is definitely special

>> No.49112829

I love you Pippa, dirty keyboard and all.
