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4904798 No.4904798 [Reply] [Original]

>[EN] Coco: So, the question of "Then why can't you tell us why you're graduating" remains.
>[EN] Coco: There is still quite a lot that I can't say, of course.

>[EN] Coco: There have been people who didn't think I'd make it.

>[EN] Coco: When I can't smile anymore, I can't make you guys smile.
>[EN] Coco: The main reason why I can't stay with you guys is because I can't make myself smile anymore.....

>[EN] Coco: There are so many projects I wanted to do but couldn't get around to.

>[EN] Coco: I feel nothing but gratitude to management for creating a place like this for me.
>[EN] Coco: There's no one to blame.

>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
>[EN] Coco: I feel sorry about that too.
>[EN] Coco: No, mgmt didn't do anything wrong!
>[EN] Coco: I was thinking, "The fans might think this fun!" and skipped steps, etc.
>[EN] Coco: Haha, you do hear it with bands a lot, right? "We disbanded due to creative differences."

>[EN] Coco:I did work that I thought you guys would love, and I shaved off years of my own life for it.
>[EN] Coco: And it's not like the work will disappear.
>[EN] Coco: This place really, really gave me so much.
>[EN] Coco: I might have gotten a bit too big.

>[EN] Coco: If I didn't graduate, the worst-case would that I would continue be streaming without enjoying it myself.

>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.
>[EN] Coco: If there are ppl who want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack me..... I'll still take it as their expression of love for me.

>[EN] Coco: Hololive is a very, very precious place to me.
>[EN] Coco: I don't want it to disappear after I'm gone. I don't want it to be taken down.
>[EN] Coco: I don't think I'll ever be affiliated to any other agencies.

>> No.4905036

B-but narukami said..

>> No.4905185

Is this what she said?

>> No.4905264

>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
this literally checks out with what nrkm said, she's obviously not gonna call out management unless she wants to get memoryholed

>> No.4905269

>I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
Well, management is headed towards somewhere I don't want either. So I am unsubbing and won't watch any more homolive streams.

>> No.4905287 [DELETED] 

it was always obvious. only chink insects and dumb woke "creative freedom" eop cunts were denying it.

>> No.4905391 [DELETED] 

see these assholes. shit on the management first. totally ignoring chink bugs.

these dumb chiky chinky chiky sjw chink rratters cant help themselves

>> No.4905421

post the whole liveTL

>> No.4905430

This sound like they hold her channel and well-being of other girls as hostages in exchange for her shut up about the bully. But I will buy it anyway because my Oshi still in Hololive and I respect Coco's wish.

>> No.4905446

Maybe you should read the whole text again, read every word carefully

>> No.4905459

What's the source for this?

>> No.4905468

there is no creative freedom under the yoke of the hundred acre wood

>> No.4905515

nice excuse she just got enough money to live on the rest of her life she doesn't give a fuck about you. to be expected from a reddit tier bitch

>> No.4905535


>> No.4905562


So in the end it all comes back to Kanata forest.

>> No.4905654

>[EN] Coco: The main reason why I can't stay with you guys is because I can't make myself smile anymore.....
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.

learn to read between the lines redditor.

>> No.4905670

>[EN] Coco: I don't think I'll ever be affiliated to any other agencies.

she will stay in cover as she was talking about it. also ofc vshojo rraters are already totally rekt. it was the same as "ms is buying sega" rrat

>> No.4905695

They're not mutually exclusive. Management's direction could be reentering china.

>> No.4905751

>Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
Of course she would say that.

>> No.4905785

>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
>[EN] Coco: I feel sorry about that too.
>[EN] Coco: No, mgmt didn't do anything wrong!
>[EN] Coco: I was thinking, "The fans might think this fun!" and skipped steps, etc.
>[EN] Coco: Haha, you do hear it with bands a lot, right? "We disbanded due to creative differences."
Cover shills will still say management isn't restrictive after this. "Bare minimum standards" my ass.

>> No.4905822

Ching chong pong pong peng ping ling?

>> No.4905823

I mean, she did. It's not her fault, but she's aware that it caused a lot of trouble for those around her.

>> No.4905875
File: 22 KB, 900x160, download (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4905907

Cover is the one re-entering China, call them the Chinks, not me.

>> No.4905929

so it's covers fault like everyone said, cool

>> No.4905931

Funny how literally nobody cared about that bitch before the announcement.

>> No.4905942

Time travel?

>> No.4905960 [DELETED] 

every member was like that and is bothered, you fucking dumb chink eop insect. if you hate just stop watching hololive. its a "shared issue"

purely bizarre that you chink bugs are trying so hard to make only coco "a special victim"

>> No.4906010

They're learning from the western whore.

>> No.4906015

the kanata forest?

>> No.4906041

It'd be retarded as fuck to lose both Coco and China. Now that China got its wish granted, why would you refuse to get all the chink money back?

>> No.4906070

>every member was like that and is bothered
That's the point, retard. It's an issue shared throughout management. Nobody said only Coco was affected by this.
>if you hate just stop watching hololive
No, I won't stop complaining about Cover being incompetent just because it hurts your feelings, sorry.

>> No.4906137

>why would you refuse to get all the chink money back?
Because no amount of chinkmoney is worth getting KyoAni'd.

>> No.4906171


>> No.4906188

Do your asacoco reps

>> No.4906226

Because you're a fucking retard newfag that doesn't know that they are banned forever from china, bilibili will never ever let them get near the market again and the ccp is more restrictive than ever with streamers

>> No.4906231

Imagine having to choose between western culture and zhangs, those two can't be in the same place after all happened recently.

>> No.4906258

Are you fucking stupid? Management is shit precisely because of their incessant kneeling to chinks

>> No.4906260

>That's the point, retard. It's an issue shared throughout management. Nobody said only Coco was affected by this.

then dont bring the argument to victimise her, you woke chinky cunt. like "theres no creative freedom" "coco was oppressed by that" nothing but stupid snowflake karen argument. what western sjw faggots or chink commie scum are making better and more "creative" contents than hololive?

>> No.4906281

You sure seem to know a lot about China, my slant eyed friend. Now fuck off back to NGA.

>> No.4906300

Looking at asacoco 2.0 I doubt her projects were any good anyways.

>> No.4906318

>another coco thread filled with rrats
lmao you chink schizos are ever so desperate. Have some batsoup, it's on me.

>> No.4906340
File: 193 KB, 1280x1000, 1623275696843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fake you retarded brainless chink

>> No.4906411

Narukami is gay, don't listen to rrats

>> No.4906415

Whoa it's almost like this has been discussed nonstop for 8 fucking months so it's impossible to not know it unless you're a newfag

>> No.4906417

and you keep ignoring chink insects themselves by bringing a vague scapegoat. thats called damage control or id call it "a dummy argument"

>> No.4906439

>then dont bring the argument to victimise her, you woke chinky cunt. like "theres no creative freedom" "coco was oppressed by that" nothing but stupid snowflake karen argument
Are you actually retarded? Who said any of that? You're getting mad at words you put in my mouth. Take your fucking meds. The fact that Asacoco, the most anti-woke content in Hololive got banned by management shows that it's not just LGBT shitlib propaganda or whatever you headcanoned me to be talking about getting censored here, and being barred from making actual creative content is bad, yes.

>> No.4906466

Kek "creative differences"
Management just put her into a smaller and smaller box. They either wanted her gone or practically lobotomized. FUCK Cover

>> No.4906514
File: 471 KB, 1536x2048, E3F_7WbVoAI04Ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if that would happen.
This guy might actually do it.

>> No.4906546

You're the only dummy here.

>> No.4906550

Why the fuck do chinks get so buttblasted over Taiwan?
That's like if Americans gets pissy if people say Puerto Rico isn't part of America.
I know there's Chinese shills here so explain yourselves.

>> No.4906551

your not supposed to release transcrit of member only stream for free
Best, Yagoo

>> No.4906739

The hololive that can't head where Kaichou wants it to is not the hololive I want to support. This is the end of my hololive journey.

>> No.4906744

I've met many Americans who don't even know it's part of America, it's absolutely not the same.

>> No.4906777

Link me the archive and I will translate it for you guys.

>> No.4906792

>kneeling to chinks
They don't want another Holocaust. They toe the line and stop things that might cross said line, because they know that there are people who will go over literally everything they do, looking for an excuse to report and take them down. While the chink thing almost certainly didn't help, it's a problem that already existed long before that.

Of course, you already know who to blame for THAT shitshow.

>> No.4906804

What's COVER's policy on graduating vtubers and super chats? Will they continue to take their cut even on the final day of graduation?

>> No.4906806


>> No.4906819

rekt. go back to your smelly chinky bug colony.

>> No.4906850

That's even worse for China

>> No.4906855

I think the China/Taiwan situation is more analogous to the Argentina/Falkland Islands then America/PR

>> No.4906886

narukami is right!
she...she's not coco! it's fake!
she's....kocaine...yes she's kocaine!

>> No.4906888

the channel is getting demonitized

>> No.4906894

Let me put it this way. To the Chinese, saying Taiwan is a country is the same as saying Trans women are women here. If Coco had said that she would be just as hated here as the bugs hate her.

>> No.4906930

post graduation the channel is there for archive only, no monetization.

>> No.4906936

>. The fact that Asacoco, the most anti-woke content in Hololive
peak schizo. it wasnt a political content in any sense, let alone amerimutt idpol or woke trash. although you certainly dont seem to be an sjw. must be a chinky chinky chinky chinky chink bug.

>> No.4906942

>yonkisei tells you she was the driving factor not cover
>she tells you she wants it not cover
>you still dont believe it

>> No.4906953

you redditors really think she tell the real reason why? "but management being dicks and restrictive!!!" there was a reason for that and it happened around the taiwan incident when she got back from her suspension, but it's up to you to come to the conclusions because a corporation trying to save face isn't going to tell you anything but the most "safest" reason

>> No.4906956

The only thing you need to realize here is by shackling coco, cover and the bugmen is effectively on the same side.

>> No.4906970

>any other
EN2 or C-chan confirmed

>> No.4906989

You know thats not true,people get cancelled for less shit but it never lasts more than a week

>> No.4907016

yeah sure lets see if the anons would keep spamming her comments using bots for an entire year while polluting her hashtag with a guro collage of her roommate's face or sth

>> No.4907030

>nah reddit consensus said cover good and coco is happy to leave so we should not do anything about anything ever and if you criticize the corpo you're an anti

>> No.4907038

It called corporate talk. I literally fired some guy and on official level we were best friend, but on personal level i would crush his fucking skull

>> No.4907111

>peak schizo. it wasnt a political content in any sense, let alone amerimutt idpol or woke trash
None of that matters to SJWs. Making suicide jokes gets you "cancelled" over in their circles. They can make anything political. Not to mention the fact that they already had precedence for hating her since she's said "faggot" and "retard" on stream in the past. Coco being held back by management just shows how Cover is pandering to easily offended types, not revolting against them. And call me a Chink all you want, pandering to woke crybabies will never be a good thing.

>> No.4907114

Is there any chance she'll talk about it outside of her hololive persona?

>> No.4907135


>> No.4907136

And you see people here being gatekeepingfags and purityfags which catalyze the restriction from Cover. Your insecurity and selfishness is killing your oshis and only more and more will graduate if the trend continues.

>> No.4907138

She would get sued.

>> No.4907144

Literally this. How can people have such tiny brain, thinking that she would be able to give an actual reason and her true feelings towards COVER. All we truly know is that she would vent to almost everyone around holoJP about COVER.

Also redditfags are free to spend hours watching her other accounts bday stream

>> No.4907146

>Breaking NDA
Not if she wanted to get sued

>> No.4907149

Why are you well adjusted humans like that?
I don't get it.

>> No.4907165


>> No.4907173

chink millennials werent this bug-like to be fair but chink zoomers are absolutely brainwashed. the ccp definitely have gone too far, plus because of chink social media like the chink twatter and such. its really similar to cancel culture in the west.

>> No.4907181

Coco is definitely going to work behind the scenes at Cover.

Do you really think she just left a job and will be a NEET?

Otherwise she will end up getting married and be a full time housewife.

>> No.4907183

A guy used a wheelbarrow to spam Roberu's chat once when he was sick of seeing homoposts once in /hlgg/, it's not like it'd be surprising.
>it never lasts more than a week
Nyanners is still paying for hypocritical statements she made years ago.

>> No.4907187

No, I mean I remember seeing some other vtubers graduate and their corporate HQ said that on their graduation day they wouldn't take their usual cut of superchats. Honestly that's the whole reason I don't donate, because youtube and corporate take 50+% of the superchat, but if Cover decides not to take their percentage then I will totally donate to Coco.

>> No.4907188

Doubt it.
But once enough girls graduate. It'd be easy to "leak" the shady shit and have it not track back to her.

>> No.4907189


>> No.4907227

Yeah. I understand this is #canceled in China.
But I just don't understand of all the things to get booty blasted about, it's people recognizing Taiwan as its own country.

>> No.4907229

I want her to marry kanata

>> No.4907296

Business is for shizos and sociopaths

>> No.4907322

go donate to her roommate you retard

>> No.4907342

Get a load of this fucking newfag over here

>> No.4907362

nyanners never stopped doing things and associating with people that rightfully deserve hate

>> No.4907385

Americans have never care about Puerto Rico, PR could vote for independence tomorrow and most reactions would be a shoulder shrug. A better comparison would the Falklands.

>> No.4907413

No way that cover gives up the money.

That's why they are leaving memberships open for 3 months too. It's not to be nice to the fans, people who care will have already archived her member content.

I wouldn't be surprised if coco doesn't get any of that money. I can't see cover paying someone who isn't working, but maybe it's in her contract.

>> No.4907436

TL;DR, absolutely bonkers otaku burns down a KyoAni studio, killing over a quarter of their workforce, just because he thought they'd ripped off a novel of his (they actually hadn't). If you think Holo gachikois wouldn't consider doing something similar to Cover for throwing their oshi under the bus to placate China you're mad, nip idolfags have done similarly insane things before and will surely do it again.

>> No.4907519

Coco apparently renegotiated her contract after the one year period, including a better cut of the profits. She's smart, wouldn't surprise me if she ensured that she'll get the money.

>> No.4907537

>Now that China got its wish granted
China didn't want Coco just gone, they wanted Cover to ask for forgiveness publicly. Look at John Cena, that's more or less how China wants an apology. Not a graduation a year later, Coco's work isn't even taken down, and her name isn't being censored.

>> No.4907566

its not new. chinks were always like that, but probably because of chink social media, too many of them became just a typical angry mob in an echo chamber. like a click bait article or a twitter screen cap, they dont need to read or know about the details. its just anti chink, so they have to attack anyone who doesnt recognise taiwan as part of mainalnd.

>> No.4907581

Nyanners is a good counterpoint to the Coco situation, she gets shit here but no one is demented enough to harass her non-stop. Plus her throwing her old fans under the bus was entirely on her, Coco showing YT analytics was entirely on the chinks for misinterpreting her intent.

>> No.4907583

Don’t forget about Kannagi fans chimping out and destroying merch when the author decided to suggest that the main girl may have been secondhand goods

>> No.4907585

>of all the things to get booty blasted about, it's people recognizing Taiwan as its own country
As the other anon said, cancel culture has been forcibly embedded into their own culture. You may not notice, but the culture you grow up in shapes your beliefs. And when that culture says that even implying that a territory that belongs to China doesn't belong to China everything you believe will be destroyed, you react like the chinese.
Say what you want about other countries' population being hseep, but chinese are literally THE UNENLIGHTENED MASSES.

>> No.4907663

>misinterpreting her intent
Anon, they didn't misinterpret shit, they just wanted an excuse to attack Clapistan as always, and since Coco is half-burger (and the representation of burgerland according to the voices on their heads), she made a perfect target.

>> No.4907671

>But I just don't understand of all the things to get booty blasted about, it's people recognizing Taiwan as its own country.
China’s like North Korea except their country is actually prosperous (at least in places with stable internet connection) so poeple actually like their country
They're brainwashed by state propaganda so they are full schizo, thinking America would go on a war with them any time, etc.
Thats why those retards lost their mind when AN AMERICAN mentioned Taiwan as an independent country

>> No.4907672

She must hate Yagoo. He probably never went to bat for her.

>> No.4907691

Decades upon decades of indoctrination and propaganda exposure following the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward will do that too a population sadly enough.

>> No.4907749

See, this is why all the rrats about Cover re-enter CN makes no fucking sense to me

>> No.4907753

On reddit (yeah i know) someone explained that for most people in China their grandparents were hungry peasants and they now have a stable life. So the drastic change has created more nationalism, because the reality of hunger and poverty is very much alive in their minds.

>> No.4907771

It's also similar to Russia/Crimea

>> No.4907791

I mean, there are plenty of people that don't recognise Israel, are you baffled by their responses as well?

>> No.4907798

So their reason is fundamentally unjustified, yet another difference between the two. Cool.

>> No.4907823

>Say what you want about other countries' population being hseep, but chinese are literally THE UNENLIGHTENED MASSES.
Anon we have whole campaigns to promote the acceptance of dick cutting and pretending that cutting your dick makes you a women. Don't act like we are some high IQ society without propaganda. In the grand scheme of things screaming about terriorial issues makes much more sense than screaming about how cutting your dick off is ok.

>> No.4907868

And yet you can be guaranteed no one would make anywhere near as much of a fuss about it if that had been the subject matter, especially because it was just YT analytics. If things were misrepresented, at most it'd cause the more zealous people to take it out on Google since it's their data, Coco would have nothing to do with it.

>> No.4907872

Then think a little bit more. How they can apologize if Coco is still in Cover

>> No.4907873

>and the representation of burgerland according to the voices on their heads
She is, what other Holo brought trash like twerking into hololive. She grew up in Atlanta, culturally shes more black than japanese.

>> No.4907887

Did you even read his post?

>> No.4907898

I think it's just a question of local education and brainwashing.
These reasons could be important for the old generation who created this system though.

>> No.4907956

>not even auto-saged, just straight up archived because of misinformation
Mods were a bit less faggy today.

>> No.4907972

it's a fucking traditional chinese you fucking retarded faggot. Traditional Chinese = Taiwan.
The fact that they only translated the message using traditional Chinese is even a bigger slap to the bugmen faces because they recognized the existence of Taiwan and their significance to Hololive

>> No.4907981

Pretty sure she had to sign a fuck ton of NDAs and what she's telling us is just a cover story.
I'm also pretty sure that Cover will return to China in the future, probably they'll be back before the end of the year.

>> No.4907991

The CCP literally brainwashed most of their population to go 200% frothing at the mouth full schizo towards anyone who isn't a CCP mouthpiece.

>> No.4908010

There's also a simplified chinese version, anonchama.

>> No.4908022

>I signed a non-disparagement clause
Did anyone expect anything else?

>> No.4908055

If your grandparents were literal starving peasants and you are a living a life of luxury in comparison, you are gonna think about the reasonsbas to why. This idea that Chinese are all being brainwashed is a poor analysis, they are the way theybare because they wanna be. Imagine if your mom tells you when she was a child she only ate like three time a week and now you are playing games, have a smartphone, eating every night.

>> No.4908061

where's the twitter link?

>> No.4908063
File: 568 KB, 1012x681, 1622386864111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of propaganda is so incompetent its unreal. Chink OP thinks hes actually helping his case by reading this shit out to everyone? this is basically a word for word "Called it" for everything we've been predicting;
Coco doesn't want to leave hololive
Coco is being forced to by awful management practices and chinks
Coco is putting up a strong front because she doesn't want to drag down any of her friends and co-workers with her
Shes worried their lives will be ruined if we try to do something crazy.

The pain of her supposed friends not sticking up for her has been utterly validated by this.

>> No.4908075

>a cover story
Quite literally, even.

>> No.4908082

You're wrong on every possible point.
1) It's a Simplified Chinese
2) It's a fake
3) Cover did made an official announcement both in Traditional and in Simplified

>> No.4908116

Thank you Coco for slaying all the rrats. It's something anyone with half a brain would understand. Constant chink harassment in exchange for not even being able to do what was still fine last year is a deadly combination. She understands that as Corps grow big they have to take care of certain things but similarly she has to make a stand. Continue on being a shell of Kiryu Coco, trying to work around restrictions to appease sponsors, YouTube-kun etc. Or get your freedom back. And since Coco is American, of course she chose freedom. I love this bitch!

>> No.4908130

>censorship good

>> No.4908142

Trump famously said, "I'm going to visit the President of Puerto Rico." (Which at the time, was him.)

>> No.4908159

Go back anti-Cover NGA Chinknigger

>> No.4908160

based and seperationist pilled.

>> No.4908184

Not because they want to be. But because older generation wanted them to be.
I knew this because I was born in ex-Soviet country, and remember how overly-patriotic all our textbooks were at that time, and the same was my environment. Of course I had similar mentality in my childhood.
But when I became more educated, learned some foreign languages and begin to talk with different people on the web, my opinions changed almost 180 degrees.

>> No.4908193

Now imagine if Confederates fled to Puerto Rico, had a claim on the rest of southern US, and a big world power was threateningly very supportive of them. Mutts would chimp out too

>> No.4908195
File: 985 KB, 2000x2103, kanacoco_to_the_moon_nasfaqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo dont call out the truth, eat these buzzwords
why the fuck did you post the truth if you want people to believe lies you fucking retard? can you only see what you want to see? bugmen seriously have no feelings to not read that and understand how fucked up it is.

>> No.4908200

>where's the twitter link?

>> No.4908208

I'm sure she'd want to stay if she had free reign to do what she wants but the company is going to blackball her either way because vulgarity isn't mass marketable.

They tried to throw her consolation prizes with the new model and outfit but ultimately their priorities differ too much for a working relationship to continue.

Which still sucks, Cover is a kuso black company and this mass-appeal approach is never going to be palatable to the core fanbase but
>Coco wants to leave
>Coco was pushed out
can both be true.

>> No.4908218

rundown on why there are alot of Coco threads and what makes her so controversial?

>> No.4908220

Because for the latest generation of Taiwanese people, a separate Taiwanese identity is stronger than their Chinese identity
For One-China people, both on the mainland and Taiwan, this is a red cloth and a sign that Taiwan is slipping away from PRC AND that ROC is entirely losing its claim to be the "true Chinese" state
Since this is a very recent development its very raw and can easily inflame tensions both on a official and uncivil society level
and in this case coco being american adds a whole another dimension to it

>> No.4908238

singapore malaysia etc. using simplified chinese

after 10 yrs, hong kong will use simplified chinese

you know the reason

>> No.4908243

Did you guys not have war generation grandparents? The ones who scraped by on rations, fighting off the Nazis and shit? Most people get the whole "you have it so much better than we did!" shit from the previous generations and often tons of patriotism and xenophobia to go along with it, that's not unique to China in the slightest. The fact that China deliberately walls itself from external information and perspectives is the reason why no one questions that shit like everyone else does.

>> No.4908282

This. Most of her viewers would understand this going forward. Rumorfags will always be the loudest minority, not that they'll be that loud outside /vt/ anyway.

>> No.4908283

My impression from that mengen is that Coco's disagreement with management is as much about Asacoco and her family-unfriendly style as her collab restrictions and exclusions. As in, she described it as something kinda separate from the Zhang affairs.

>> No.4908291

cover has never made a single post using simplified chinese some time after the taiwan incident.
this is the first time in months anything was ever posted in simplified chinese.

>> No.4908320

I will continue observe both side for now but the moment Cover show signs of trying to return to China then it’s over.

>> No.4908322

>If your grandparents were literal starving peasants and you are a living a life of luxury in comparison, you are gonna think about the reasonsbas to why
What is this bullshit?
First of all, as child I wouldn't care at all about some stories how who had been living 50 years ago. Especially, If I were rich spoiled child.
Second, what is the connection with Taiwan?
You sounds like a chink yourself.

>> No.4908367

>show signs of trying to return to China

>> No.4908369

NDA's don't last a lifetime though.

>> No.4908390

So basically she's quitting because she doesn't have the talent to do anything herself, so she's throwing away a self-sustaining lifestyle that basically boils down to just talking to her friends because it's 'not fun', all while attention-whoring every microsecond of it
Typical 3D woman behavior and a good example of shit I watch Hololive to avoid in the first place
Expect an 'un-graduation' in a few months once she realizes she's a retard

>> No.4908410

Kind of. But it's a sort of brainwashing, especially if it's being supported by government and all external sources of information are blocked..

>> No.4908426

She naturally can't say "the management are ordered by investors to fuck up my shit at every opportunity'

>> No.4908429

If Coco already told Cover that she wants to graduate a long while ago, and planned to return to chink money eventually, why did they have to retcon everything about Nene?

>> No.4908432


>> No.4908437

Unless her contract is shit, she's loaded. And that's not even considering the money her roommate is going to make. I don't think she's going to have to worry about money

>> No.4908459

>one of the most lucrative vtubers
>shes not mass marketable
>in a fucking neet simping industry
you are more retarded than cover.

>> No.4908463

More proof that Cover shills run this board

>> No.4908474

She's quitting cause she's not gonna bent the knee. Seethe harder, Chink.

>> No.4908483

that has nothing to do with what i quoted

>> No.4908484

It’s still too early to say anything. Also, that can also be a way to tell the bugs to finally fuck off.

>> No.4908485

thankfully no, just their shills run rampant here. they are too jewish to buy off gookmoot for actual clean up.

>> No.4908494

Cover doesn't want yabai shit. They don't want talents shaving their snatch or talking about pissing and shitting or constantly cussing because it drives off advertisers. This is simple stuff, try not to be a fucking retard.

>> No.4908543

>coco if you hate the way managment is doing this why dont you do it
then coco decided she was going to become management

this is the only rrat i will pet

>> No.4908562

Faggots like you are reasons Cover more incompetent every fucking day

>> No.4908568

>it drives off advertisers

>> No.4908582

That's just called being Jewish. The fact that there is a reason attached to this decision doesn't mean it's a good one.

>> No.4908585

So then explain why they're clamping down so hard.

>> No.4908609

I'm not defending the company, dipshit. I'm saying she was heading for a creative dead-end with Hololive and made the right decision to leave.

>> No.4908684

>vulgarity isn't mass marketable
VShoujo would not agree with you

>> No.4908688

This is cherry picked, and oddly so. There's a lot more she said that plants blame on China and upper management. Then you pulled a line about shitters being able to send her Marshmallows for some reason

>> No.4908694

I'm not sure most Americans want PR to be part of America.
- t. American

>> No.4908696

>there are people in this thread calling people siding with Coco chinks
based retards

>> No.4908704

>i wont risk my head for others, im not that big
Literally what she said.

>> No.4908722

Just link the pastebins you retarded fuck

Part 0.5 https://pastebin.com/Aq2Sdf4Q
part 1 https://pastebin.com/70AdAU3T
part 2 https://pastebin.com/HikQx9hz
part 3 https://pastebin.com/wkxPeeaU

>> No.4908733

reddit consensus said cover good and coco is happy to leave so we should not do anything about anything ever and if you criticize the corpo you're an anti

>> No.4908739

And while China's economy is strong as ever, they would like to solve Taiwan question as soon as possible.

>> No.4908755

Can someone explain me what the frick is happening? I kinda suprised and found out just recently.

I know that around half a year ago she was reading youtube viewer stats and read that ~4% of her viewers are from Taiwan. Is that what this is about? Like how is this her fault, and not youtube's if its statistic from their site?

Or is it about something else, like her not being the true japanese idol material?

>> No.4908759

She said a fuckin word lmao. China is a shithole

>> No.4908778

>disapproving of shitty behavior from a bad content creator makes you a chinaman
Americans are actually completely brainwashed and they don't even realize it

>> No.4908795

It’s damage control by Cover’s shills. Because of these new faggots, we are not even allow to Criticise the company stupidity

>> No.4908798

Chinks are evil, they cancel people over petty shit.
Cover is evil, they kneel to chinks and harass talents that chinks want gone into quitting.
Coco did nothing wrong.
Holo members did nothing wrong.

Therefore the correct stance is to stop supporting cover who is working for chink interests, but in doing so you need to stop watching the talents.

The talents should graduate and as indies or a new company, create a new hololive that doesn't kneel to chinks.

>> No.4908843

This. Fuck Chink and Fuck Cover

>> No.4908851

and then my chink company can buy them all off

>> No.4908882

> Like how is this her fault, and not youtube's if its statistic from their site?
This is what I call brainwashing.
Some nationalistic chinks created a ridiculous narrative around it (like it's all a conspiracy from Hololive against China etc) and forced others to believe in it. When everyone around you say Coco is in fault, you start to believe in it.

>> No.4908916

"it drives off advertisers"
Which coincidentally includes Chinese ones, how convenient. Cover will surely thank you for the explanation.

>> No.4908918

Alternatively kill all chink subhumans. But all in all, agreed.

>> No.4908924

Im latino, im just saying i get the people would be happy shit got better.

>i wouldnt care
Yeah probably cause you are white and have zero concept of family.

>> No.4908955

>I know that around half a year ago she was reading youtube viewer stats and read that ~4% of her viewers are from Taiwan. Is that what this is about? Like how is this her fault, and not youtube's if its statistic from their site?
It's a long and convoluted story. Basically, because Cover had signed some bullshit contract to operate in China, Coco doing that actually broke their faggot-ass One China policy clause that basically says you can never acknowledge Taiwan as anything other than PRC soil. So even though it was just Google analytics, it was technically a breach of contract and put Cover's entire China operation (including shit like major sponsorship deals and gacha game stuff) in major jeopardy. If she'd been Japanese like Haato it probably wouldn't have been so bad, but because she's American the NGA faggots leapt of the opportunity to have her cancelled and started the harassment campaign. After she got brought back after suspension and Cover pulled out of China (including terminating HoloCN), they presumably just kept it up out of absolute spite and determination.
TL;DR, don't ever do business with China.

>> No.4908963

>Nobody cared about Coco despite the fact her threads would always read bump limit and there would be multiple at a time during meme review

>> No.4909019


Damn, thank you very much for info. Didn't know that she was American.
Its horrible how blind can people get, even if they can just watch the original clip, and what ideology and environment does with societies.
It was suprising especially as this was so long ago. If that was the reason then i thought it would happen months prior, but it seems they never forget.

>> No.4909023


>> No.4909070

Then you can also add youtube in there for shadow banning Coco, cancelling her live streams, etc.

>> No.4909076

ultimately, it seems Coco wanted to keep doing daring stuff like AsaCoco, but management wants to keep things boring and sanitized. and it's no secret that's the reason why Haachama's been so quiet recently since she probably feels the same way. it's an inconvenient truth but I expect she'll soon be following on Coco's steps, the big difference is that she'll have a massively harder time supporting herself outside of the company

>> No.4909082

No matter how much i hate zhangs, just because they are zhangs doesn't mean that all who watches Coco is some retarded kid who bought a bot to spam her

>> No.4909089

I’m going to fucking cry again. I don’t care if she just does one boring ark stream a day, I don’t want her to leave

>> No.4909113
File: 111 KB, 811x1162, coco dissapointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be aware anons there is a fair bit of mud slinging here, obviously, but it could be a chink tactic to make us start fights with each other, keep your heads straight.

I'm on the side of her just being depressed with everything and management being...management, when you work for a big company of course they'll want to censor you, of course they want your control, with little regard to how you feel and what you may bring in your own unique way.

To be honest, even with the money she was getting, I'd quit, maybe a bit longer I'd hold but I'd quit, money doesn't buy happiness, and she's shown she takes responsibility for her actions even if she's quite literally done nothing wrong.

Just support her roommate, one day we'll get the truth but no need to attack each other, or for that matter the chinks, I'm watching people on twitter pick fights pointlessly with them.

If it's not the fact people are attacking the wrong people it's the fact that an old proverb (I think Chinese) states something like "don't fight with a pig in mud because they enjoy it and you get dirty too".

I know, this just leaves us to simp with her room mate and read rrats here but really, what's done is done, I for one would love her to return as an independent vtuber again since she was flying when she started over her room mate but no matter what she does she will be chased by her anti's.

You might think I'm being nice to the chinks but the fact is no one won this thing, those guys are just desperate for a "win", we all were which is why we clung to Coco for so long.

I'm just glad she existed and so very tired, I'm conflicted with cover but I will still support the girls with them, and if they move on I will follow, I just trust you guys to help guide me to them one day when I or another gullible innocent anon ask when the time comes.

I'll leave quietly

>> No.4909137

Answer the question faggot, if Cover is so willing to suck the cock of zhangs, why did they get rid of Nene's old costume?

>> No.4909147

honestly, respect to her for for the most part quitting on her terms when she felt like she should, stayed around as long as she felt like she could while still keeping the job fun for her as well ruffled many feathers for the lulz and cemented a legacy in vtubing and adding salt to the wound for the ccp fag antis her channel and content is staying up, she won antis.

>> No.4909156

same reason why they got rid of holoCN
they were being under fire in china.

>> No.4909161

I mean the one thing I don't get is why they kept it up so long after Cover pulled out of China. It's just so miserable and spiteful and until now probably extremely unrewarding for them. Their mindset is really baffling.

Yeah, that too. Chinese business practice really just seems like an absolute horror show.

>> No.4909173

updated from /hlgg

>Mio talk about what happens on Coco
https://youtu.be/pvPk-IiXYRc [Embed]

>Suisei talk about what happens on Coco and Cover
https://youtu.be/ZdxHVJnBANE [Embed]

Cover Investors
>Mizuho Capital
>owned by 安田善次郎

>SMBC Venture Capital
>owned by 宮田浩一

>owned by Ajay Srivastava

>owned by 天野佑介

>I-nest Capital
>owned by 山中 卓

>Chiba Dojo
>owned by 内藤 聡

>Hakuhodo DY Ventures
>owned by 成田純治

>Coco talks about her reasons for leaving (yt policy/idol culture)
https://youtu.be/_ooeKl7Eq5I [Embed]
>[EN] Coco: So, the question of "Then why can't you tell us why you're graduating" remains.
>[EN] Coco: There is still quite a lot that I can't say, of course.
>[EN] Coco: There have been people who didn't think I'd make it.
>[EN] Coco: When I can't smile anymore, I can't make you guys smile.
>[EN] Coco: The main reason why I can't stay with you guys is because I can't make myself smile anymore.....
>[EN] Coco: There are so many projects I wanted to do but couldn't get around to.
>[EN] Coco: I feel nothing but gratitude to management for creating a place like this for me.
>[EN] Coco: There's no one to blame.
>[EN] Coco: It's just that the direction I wanted to head was different from where management wanted.
>[EN] Coco: It's partly on me, of course. I caused mgmt so much trouble.
>[EN] Coco: I feel sorry about that too.
>[EN] Coco: No, mgmt didn't do anything wrong!
>[EN] Coco: I was thinking, "The fans might think this fun!" and skipped steps, etc.
>[EN] Coco: Haha, you do hear it with bands a lot, right? "We disbanded due to creative differences."
>[EN] Coco:I did work that I thought you guys would love, and I shaved off years of my own life for it.
>[EN] Coco: And it's not like the work will disappear.
>[EN] Coco: This place really, really gave me so much.
>[EN] Coco: I might have gotten a bit too big.
>[EN] Coco: If I didn't graduate, the worst-case would that I would continue be streaming without enjoying it myself.
>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.
>[EN] Coco: If there are ppl who want to take advantage of this opportunity to attack me..... I'll still take it as their expression of love for me.
>[EN] Coco: Hololive is a very, very precious place to me.
>[EN] Coco: I don't want it to disappear after I'm gone. I don't want it to be taken down.
>[EN] Coco: I don't think I'll ever be affiliated to any other agencies.


>> No.4909203

i can understand them not wanting to piss off china, it kind of is a gigantic superpower literally right next door that could invade whenever it felt like it really.

>> No.4909207

Based, same here

>> No.4909230

Honestly Coco could handle the situation a little better.

When she returned to streaming after her two weeks suspension, she added a screen with words "If you don't like my stream, fuck off and never come back"

I remember how people here were happy with that she don't give a shit about chinks. But it was a mistake after all. It has damaged fragile Chinese ego a lot, and they could never forgive her. Chinese have decided she clearly sided with westerners against them.

After Hololive disbanded CN brand and ditched China, I don't think there was a way to save situation. From that moment it became a full-scale war.
Again, people said it's a great thing because Coco will be safe. Look what's happened in the end. Everyone is lost.

>> No.4909233

and you still believe that their return to the Chinese market is even a possibility?

>> No.4909250

Her video stays. She ain't getting censored like what's happening in ching chong ping pong land, zhang

>> No.4909254

Fuckin dumb falkland is not different government within one country it is clash outside nation
Kind if Taiwan vs Japan then you can make that analogy
CCP and Republic of China is
Taiwan is from Kuomintang
Ccp is well commie

Tawan is always a country

>> No.4909262

nothing would have changed even if she didnt have that screen, don't kid yourself.

>> No.4909285

why do you think they are appeasing the chinese?
>b-but they aren't!

>> No.4909327

What >>4909262 said. Nothing short of an explicit apology and acknowledging that Taiwan belongs to the PRC would've placated the NGA faggots because they hated her for being American. Even then they probably would've kept pushing to make her graduate, although the apology might've made some of the less zealous ones get bored and stop.

>> No.4909337

Except that Taiwan doesn't want to press any claim on China. They pretty much just want to be left alone

>> No.4909357

This is the exact reason why they put that message on chinese, to stop retards from making shit up

>> No.4909402

How's their global outreach? Are they big outside of their domestic market?

>> No.4909403

I wanna see your fucking face when Cover starts sucking chink cock again, you corporate cocksucker.

>> No.4909411

She also mentioned that if "it" didn't happen things could be different, but what ifs can be a shoot in the dark and it might have not changed the situation.

>> No.4909453
File: 265 KB, 498x498, 1612695712346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about Taiwan. It's just an excuse turning "turning black into white" as they say, half the other holos did the same thing.
It's literally just that Coco is popular and raised in America which makes zhangs seethe and then bilibili tried to use the seethe to literally extort management & mod positions over Hololive. (which is the real reason why Cover pulled out)

>> No.4909478

The real reason is that she is pregnant. I am the father.

>> No.4909521

I think you guys totally miss this.

Why bugs can keep harassing for so long, why can someone stay motivated for such a petty reason?

It's because the bugs were and still are hololive fans (for mainly aqua and suisei). Patriotism is only a mental disguise. They were angry about Cover leaving China and coco, and fubuki's "betray".

That is the main reason why bugs still persist. I am very curious on how their mentality would shit after 1/7, would they keep spamming or would they withered away.

>> No.4909529

>If it's not the fact people are attacking the wrong people it's the fact that an old proverb (I think Chinese) states something like "don't fight with a pig in mud because they enjoy it and you get dirty too".
thats stupid. kill the pig in the mud and it wont be such a big deal.

>> No.4909536

They have quite a lot subscribers and it seems that western people like them.
Considering that Hololive works for the western fanbase too, it could as well have some edgy streamers.

>> No.4909548
File: 301 KB, 640x360, 2ZTkDCHQh6oq-QcY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4909560

more chink shilling

>> No.4909565

Kannagi defenders never actually read the damn thing.
It's easily understandable to anyone who read that shit manga. It's pretty much an Ah My Goddess ripoff up until that point and then suddenly the tone shifts into "I have an ex-boyfriend i'm ambiguous about but possibly pining over" and then "oh I now have amnesia and don't remember anything me and the MC did up until this point but I do remember ex-boyfriend". It also stops being a fun lighthearted manga at that point for several chapters and drags on and on about drama over both those things.

>> No.4909592

>When she returned to streaming after her two weeks suspension, she added a screen with words "If you don't like my stream, fuck off and never come back"

based as fuck, fuck cover and fuck chongs

>> No.4909599

>They were angry about Cover leaving China and coco, and fubuki's "betray"
But they backed off after awhile, sure she copped a bit more than some of the others initially but the worst I've seen on fubuki was a fake translator making up trump shit

>> No.4909605

wow, if the bugs still likes suisei they`re malding about how mad she was for management letting coco go

>> No.4909606

It doesn't make no fucking sense to dump all the prior investment in 3D and shit and a fan base of over a million into toilet just because she is "not marketable". I'm sure she is way more profitable staying than leaving for Cover. But that is with alternative opportunities in China not taken into account, of course.

>> No.4909638

that would explain why they came out of fucking no where when she made that coco impersonation and went fucking nuts

>> No.4909656

they do tho
hell taiwan even had a mongolian affairs department up until 2018 or some shit, their claims are even more expansive than PRCs

>> No.4909661

>They were angry about Cover leaving China and coco, and fubuki's "betray".
Which was entirely the chinks' own fault, ironically. If they had an ounce of self-awareness none of this would've happened. As it stands Aqua will probably be gone as well at some point and they'll have succeeded in burning everything they loved to the ground.
You'd think there'd be some kind of socio-cultural equivalent of Darwinism to filter this kind of self-destructive shit out of the global gene pool, but apparently not.

>> No.4909680

Well, fuck, if Cover keeps that, I can see Chammers leaving too.

>> No.4909688

Based but everyone is lost in the end.
Better be not based, and let other side a chance to save face.
Bad peace is better than a good war.
I don't care about screwing China, I care about watching vtubers I like and don't want to put everything in fire.

>> No.4909731

How much did Cover, faction inside Cover, or even China pays you? Really. Or are you a millionaire that has nothing better to do today?
I can't fathom this idea that you're deliberately posting this on so many threads with this many free time in your hand other than a) you're being paid, or b) you're a millionaire with nothing to do today.

Which is it anon? forreal?

>> No.4909732

>no one is demented enough to harass her non-stop.
Nyanners got doxxed weirdos showed up and spooked the shit out of her.

>> No.4909748

We already knew that, the reason why she wasnt allowed to collab with EN is because Enma is a confirmed chink, every single one of their managers is a SEAnig

>> No.4909769

>Basically the company changed
>management have totally shut me down
>I worked really hard to help build this company and I want to leave on "good" terms
Management is at fault here she is being the professional she is in this situation and letting them save face for the sake of her friends and the brand she helped build.

In fact suddenly opening the EN collabs and makes it plain as day what happened and they were never waiting for the spam to ebd they were waiting for her to graduate so they could get one last payday and give us the happy send off.

It's just so nasty when you really look at it. I mean think about it. You are mad at Cover but "boycotting" them hurts the talents. They are essentially holding these girls hostage in these situations. Yes they can always try to go out and be an indie but that rough and uncertain road.

What a mess I still love Holos and support them but I really hope some of them start telling Cover fuck off and leaving because this situation won't get better until Cover is forced to acknowledge their poor management is killing them.

>> No.4909772

Apologize is a common way to solve problems in the East.
People were angry when Miko and Marine apologized for something that wasn't their fault, but it worked well and the story is already forgotten.
If Coco were raised in Japan she would know this fact.

>> No.4909792

The difference is Nyanners owns a gun and lives in burferland. Coco does not.

>> No.4909799

What? Isn’t he just translating the member stream? How is that chink shilling

>> No.4909805

>just keep your temperature low and let the virus spread slowly killing you, dont get hot and fight it
fuck off faggot.

>> No.4909821

Sadly their mentality is worse than you can think. They'll surely go after one who says something their precious vaterland doesn't like to death for no good reason. This is the way to relieve the pressure of living in a totalitarian country with 12 working hours per day and without any political liberty.

>> No.4909827

It really doesn't. The only reason the Miko and Marine thing was solved is because they contact the artist and smoothed things out. The antis had no ground to stand on so moved on to their next victim.

Apologizing literally solves nothing in these situations.

>> No.4909838

hes made it clear what his opinions are, and started adding more shit like the translation because he finally figured out that nobody gives a shit about his stupid list of links that "PROVES cover is 100% nip nong no ching chong involvesd whitoid."

that and hes a newfag who doesn't know how to erase posts when he makes a mistake.

>> No.4909865

The current shitpost is to insist ANYTHING that can be seen as anti Cover is a Chinkshill. We're being invaded by tourist just ignore it.

>> No.4909873

>hes a newfag who doesn't know how to erase posts when he makes a mistake
>second post is deleted
Uuuh, schizobros...?

>> No.4909889

She isn't saying what he wants her to say, so he's doing mental gymnastics to try and discredit her. Kind of ironic, really, since it's literally the same reason the chinks got so mad with her in the first place. They wanted her to apologize, she told them to fuck off.

>> No.4909897

its fake, you can check the link and translate it in deepl yourself

>> No.4909916

real chuuni hours

>> No.4909930

Since when did being a pussy become the right way? There is something called justice.

>> No.4909940

Chinese clearly think the same about you.
They fought and they won. Cover could even return to China soon. Are you happy?

>> No.4909949

Well that sucks, if true. That said one or two insane morons doesn't really compare to a dedicated mass campaign that ran for 8 months straight non-stop, NGA is just on a different level, with the Aloe NND antis being somewhere in-between I suppose.

>> No.4909975

Wrong, anti-coco
Nobody is denying that cover is a shit company that cant give 2 shits on who they hire for managers

Catch up with your shitposts chink

>> No.4909992

>Cover could even return to China soon. Are you happy?
Not that guy but I for one wouldn't be happy to see Cover get KyoAni'd, so no.

>> No.4910001

Unfortunately, there is no universal "justice", because every country and nation has it's own mentality.
These Chinese are celebrating their justice now.

>> No.4910010

fuck Cover

>> No.4910045

My takeaway from this is that Coco wanted to find a replacement for Asacoco but all of them carried risks of spillover and the constant shutdowns wore away at Coco worse than Haachama losing her creepypasta ARG storyline. This made Coco lose enthusiasm and just decided to retire rather than continuing with nothing but gaming streams, meme review, and karaoke.

>> No.4910061

the post is literally pro cover you retard.

>> No.4910063

I imagine they're eventually going to lose more than just Coco and Haachama.
Would not be surprised if Mori, Ame, Marine and Choco have a falling out with management at some point

>> No.4910127

Anonchama, you are aware that when Coco talks about only ever being associated with Hololive she's talking about the Kiryu Coco character, right? And that's obvious because it's Cover's intellectual property. With the value of the IP Cover wouldn't gift it and no one in the current Vtubing business could afford to pay for it.

But Coco did not talk about what she will or won't do outside the persona. She could very well still debut at VShojo, just not as Kiryu Cooc.

>> No.4910166


Yeah, that's really the key thing. There is no universe that it's coincidental that suddenly Coco is allowed to collab with EN at the point they would have known she was quitting.

Same with her never being on Hologra, etc but hey she gets a big sendoff now. She also mentioned in the member stream that not killing her channel was something she had to fight/negotiate for, it wasn't some grand offer by Cover.

I'm not interested in any conspiracy theories and what happened to Coco is basically just life for anyone working for a large corporation. You get on someone's shit list in management and it will never, ever end, until either you leave or they do.

>> No.4910171

Yes but is it a direct translation of her member stream or not? Did these words come out of Coco’s mouth? Not to mention Suisei and Mio both said not to blame anyone, that much is true

>> No.4910202
File: 158 KB, 1024x576, E3afMUoVcAcyRjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this bitch, and so do you.

>> No.4910227
File: 461 KB, 446x469, 1598273670971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point in trying to be an idol if people will just give me money for eating pizza?

>> No.4910229

Hint: she isn't talking about Taiwan, retard.

>> No.4910259


She won't though. At this point she's basically set for life, not in the sense that she'll never stream again or whatever, but in the sense that there's absolutely no reason for her to lower herself to working for someone else again.

>> No.4910278

spread in bad faith to gaslight you retards.
if you cant do your own reps on this you are beyond saving. The full list of words spoken by coco paints one of the most bleak heartbreaking things I've seen all year. Go ahead, trust a cherry picking zhang to give you all the details you tourist.

>> No.4910289


It's a direct translation, but it is cherry-picking a bit. He's not posting everything she said on the topic.

>> No.4910301
File: 973 KB, 460x282, just trust the chinese bro they are a 1st world country.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is. Its funny how you bugs are trying to deflect it onto something else now.
Dont worry you will be exterminated.

>> No.4910303

>Since when did being a pussy become the right way?
When the world became a huge pussy afraid of offending anybody.
That was basically laying down their arms and letting any culture who was united in solidarity walk all over them. That's why huge movie studios proclaim how much they love gay marriage and equality but also change everything about their products to specifically suit a foreign market that hates it.

>> No.4910333

>you bugs
I am a pale ass white ginger. I hate chinks, please do not ever call me that again.

>> No.4910347

Anyone have that post from the guy who dealt in steel trading and was talking about how impossible it was to keep the Chinese honest?

>> No.4910353

this, if we see her again as a vtuber it'll be as an independent so she can say whatever the fuck she wants and do as she pleases

Better result:She makes her own indie team and she runs as manager with only small guest appearances so her talents don't get demoralized by anti's

Realistic result:Back to room mate comfyness

>> No.4910364
File: 2.17 MB, 1280x720, tick tock.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinkoid insect goes splat

>> No.4910411

No, but I remember that. "No, YOU don't know English!"

>> No.4910429

Money isn't a problem for her anyway. Her family is super-rich like Haachama.

>> No.4910448

Just adding to this as well

She also says she doesn't see herself joining any new agencies or groups after graduation anytime soon, so I guess she wants to go solo or just kick back for a while.

So we can probably stop the "She's moving to Vshojo or Niji" rrats for now

>> No.4910450

>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.
Well she got that part right, damned fatistan bitch.

>> No.4910478
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, do not learn mandarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an all time classic

>> No.4910512
File: 2.94 MB, 640x480, he said taiwan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a chink
>say word the CCP doesnt like
>entire family gets slaughtered

Whenever you are arguing with a chink you are talking to a literal slave who isnt even being paid to shill. He literally does it for free because the alternative is getting exterminated by his owners.

>> No.4910540
File: 49 KB, 573x335, -_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the live translator is bad

So if he's bad, why didn't anyone here try to also try translating along side, I seen haato have up to 3 people at once and it's hilarious seeing the differences in TL's, too much effort for you?

There isn't much defending the guy but coco is under contract so with or without translations she would otherwise be silent, and she is aware he's translating she thanked him in the past though there is that chance she's not really reading it due to trust.

I just want to know where this logic is coming from and why is here of all places the best place to discuss it, no I don't mean plebbit (or least the official sub), I'll just assume chink anti trying to cause a ruckus among fans otherwise

>> No.4910559

if you want to see the entirety of western market, japanese market to be gone overnight and seeing maddened Kiryu-kai to burn down their building then they should do it.

>> No.4910560

>[EN] Coco: I know that I'm the kind of person where ppl either love me or hate me.

>> No.4910581

This is from a members-only stream, so the pool of potential translators is much smaller.

>> No.4910618

Dont let your American show, retard.

>> No.4910623

You can ignore the bugmen, they literally have no power but yelling loudly. It's the management that decided to not only listen to them, but kneel to their every whim. It's management that let a bunch of rando cockroaches run the show, the gnats didn't break in and hold cover hostage.

>> No.4910660

Can coco members confirm this? These are rrat infested times. Can't be too careful.

>> No.4910673

I know, and I was present, and yes I am an EOP and tried in vain to send out marshmellows to get her speaking more english but seems they got filtered.

But some of the claims *here* makes me think, are these people echoing basesless claims without first hand knowledge, chink divide and conquer tactics, are are these "elite" coco fans not willing to do something other than bitch about it here?

I know I shouldn't trust this place for anything other than comedy but seeing shit from western fans picking fights is making me very concerned if they're also here letting politics and their sadness blind them

>> No.4910676
File: 244 KB, 1200x1105, 1596154832120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is for her to be happy. If this is what it takes to bring her smile back, then so be it.

>> No.4910699

How is this not on nyaa so we can have someone reliably translate it

>> No.4910714

Thanks anon that was a fun read.

>> No.4910721

It's something like that. Coco herself said in english that she really didn't know how to say or phrase it too, so even cocos version might be incorrect.
She kept saying don't blame management and that it was nobodies fault, so it was almost definitely management. But that's a rrat.

>> No.4910751
File: 329 KB, 1024x1024, slutplushie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fatistan loud whore with the education of a nigger goes to Japan
>calls everyone a motherfucker
>talks about her pubes and shaving every other sentence
>talks about how small everyone's tits are compared to her badonkas
>behaves like a nigger
>does a drug show
>is a redditor
>gets instantly worshipped to high heaven by every single last fat fuck in the world
>company gets annoyed that she spills liquid shit through her mouth
>company curbs the Karen bitch
>company keeps curbing her gently
>for once in a decade, Japanese boss finds a pair of tiny testicles abandoned in a drawer years ago
>says no
>bitch leaves
>fatistan explodes in autistic rage
>rest of the world falls in love with Japanese master race and understand that they at least will not become niggers

I'm gonna get annoyed by your moaning for a month, but at least, I know that this whore will be gone. And a lot of you will as you an hero for her.

>> No.4910766

I can only confirm this is exactly what the live TL posted on stream I'm afraid being en EOP myself.

Well, might be a few lines here or there missing my memory is dog shit but in short NGA's management restricting her and she can't continue making us happy if she's not happy since she's forcing herself and others have tried including management to stay

>> No.4910775

I think best way to interpret it is that you can't really blame management for imposing these restrictions because at this point, hololive is big enough where any little insensitive thing will rile up so many fucking feathers that it will cause a collective aneurysm on the entire company. Thus Coco decided that the time was right for her to leave for new mountains to climb which is why she constantly emphasizes that this is her decision.

>> No.4910792

If I were management I’d encourage the talent to do more stuff like Asacoco and the ARG stuff but just with the warning of not going overboard and getting banned from Youtube. Because honestly, just them playing games is boring and people actually liked the Asacoco and ARG stuff.

>> No.4910809


>> No.4910810

except japan is just as pissed

>> No.4910822

Of course the bugs hold a great amount of the blame, but cover are the ones spreading their asshole wide open for the chinks to fuck it as they please. Am I supposed to say that's ok? Fuck off

>> No.4910825

thank you for reminding me why I love this bitch. zhang cope is a treat

>> No.4910846

It's fucking China tying management's hands. We have to commend management for sticking by Coco as long as they did. Any other corporation would have fired a person that did the heinous crime of mentioning Taiwan immediately.

Hololive is becoming mainstream and popular, and eventually they will want that Chinese market. They cannot do that as long as the CCP tells its citizens Coco is a problem.

Haachama may be next on the chopping block, and will "voluntarily" graduate "at her own discretion."

>> No.4910849

Ching chong ping pong
t. Li Wang

>> No.4910863

Asacoco 1st June

>> No.4910879
File: 621 KB, 1920x1080, kiryu coco love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell you're smart enough to post in a language we can understand but honestly I feel just sorry for you, love her or hate her but to go this far tells me you need some love in your life, one someone behind an avatar can't give you.

Stop, get some help, I pray for your happiness.

>> No.4910881

Go back, Zhang.

>> No.4910882

Honestly this feels extremely consistent with everything that's happened. Cover started getting much more strict with regulating content over the past year, and Coco did try for a long time to bring back Asacoco but could never do it in a form that pleased her. Hanged Kanata was already a pretty big hit, but after Taiwan they put the leash on so tight that she felt like she couldn't do any of the content she wanted anymore. I won't buy for one second that the chink harassment didn't weigh heavily on her decision though.

>> No.4910884

You forgot to mention that Taiwan is a independent country Zhang.

>> No.4910896

kys, chink.

>> No.4910993
File: 473 KB, 4096x1925, E3afYXVUUAA1aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover posted the Simplified Chinese announcement of coco's graduation at the same time with the Japanese version, way before the English version is posted. lol they can't wait to send this good tiding to the great overlord.

>> No.4910998

The fact that Coco will remain a part of holoalt should be proof enough that Cover is no willing to do everything they'd need to do to re-enter the Chinese market.

>> No.4911007

>they backed off after awhile
I just browsed their forum and no, they are continuing their spam in Fubukis stream.

>> No.4911017

>I won't buy for one second that the chink harassment didn't weigh heavily on her decision though.
Which is sad.

Reddit and twitter keep parading the fact her channel spam is gone, but the moment she goes to literally anyone else or is even mentioned they have to put up a guard, something they shouldn't have to do, her twitter hashtags are fucked beyond recognition, and even her room mate is a target for harassment WITHOUT the safety net her Coco channel *JUST* got and youtube's response "just report lol".

I'm honestly amazed she persist with her roomate channel but then again she was a very minor e-celeb before the vtuber fad came in and she herself doesn't want to just fad away like some obscure voice actor, I just hope the fat superchats keep her going for awhile, or preferably as early retirement so she doesn't have to deal with this shit

>> No.4911038

honestly reads like he's just salty that he's not as good of a businessman than he thinks he is. like he's going onto ebay and trying to buy a PS5 for $200 and then getting flummoxed that it isn't as easy as buying from Walmart *4 then complaining about how it's not his fault.

>> No.4911057

Dear Zhangs
We Graduated Coco
Fuck off now

Dear Taiwan
We Graduated Coco

>> No.4911078

holy cope

>> No.4911081

I honestly don't see it though, as in while on her streams but I'm not a regular enough I guess.

She doesn't seem to bothered though or would that just be how strong her mask is compared to Coco's?

>> No.4911087

Anycolor Inc also has chink investors (bilibili is their partner) in it.
No fucking way.

>> No.4911095

Probably lasts long enough for the vtuber industry to die. Also she most likely doesn't want any of her friends still in Hololive to receive more shit for keeping quiet about this.

>> No.4911116

>they are continuing their spam in Fubukis stream.
And Aqua, they really didnt like that redbull is sponsoring her. Aqua is going to be next on the graduation list (totally unrelated to chinks whatsoever, yep|)

>> No.4911131

Fatties lose the only whore that made them feel like it was normal to be a complete dumb nigger.

Fatties elect a president that was supposed to build a Wall.

We have a wall. A Great Wall. Your whore doesn't pass. Your whore will go nowhere anymore.

>> No.4911184

>And Aqua, they really didnt like that redbull is sponsoring her
Why would anyone be angry at getting a sponsorship from redbull? Chinks are retarded.

>> No.4911187

While I think vshojo would be a good move personally she might be concerned about how their agreements work, talking shit on stream is one thing but the extent of the content is another

That and they're an english branch, she REALLY wants to persist in her japanese DESPITE being fluent in english, if they had a JP branch she would have to go basically dead for a looooooong time before joining so the anti's can forget (no chance) and it'll have to be via twitch in the vain hope she has control

>> No.4911217

As much as I hate the cover's handling I'm hating the chinks more

Hololive may have been better off not dealing with them, Jp anti's are bad enough but these guys are tearing hololive apart

>> No.4911245

She's only talking about the character coco not herself, anon.

>> No.4911281

She's going back to vtubing as a hobby and is probably taking up an office/managerial role somewhere
Maybe you faggots need to stop your fanfiction she wants to continue vtubing as a job and just wants to go back to being a casual hobbyist

>> No.4911285


>> No.4911288

She lives with a gorilla and will probably forcefeed you her tail buttplug.

>> No.4911341

You say that like the non-business related stuff isn't absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.4911367

Redbull doesnt bend over to china due to their controversial history together, also one of the biggest sponsors you can get in the world.
They also dont give a fuck about Coco graduating. They are going to attack hololive for as long as they dont have all of them worship the CCP daily

>> No.4911461

Brb OD’ing on Redbull. Seriously, they get triggered by stuff like this too lmao. A fucking energy drink.

>> No.4911533

More that he's trying to get a PS5 for cheep; they sell him a ps5 he gets it, it's a ps4, he complains, and they try to pass the buck to not take blame or to try and make him the one at fault.

>> No.4911560
File: 69 KB, 576x649, Screenshot_20191123_004344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one shizochama was fucking right...
Hololive is part of something bigger than just entertainment.
First begins with a retarded concept of "this is mine, not your own"
Then continues with the "lmao, they're fighting over nothing"
Once challenged, the retard who claimed what is whose gets triggered because of his insecurities
Then the Cold War begins until there is finally an outcome
>Coco being constantly bullied until her final graduation
The victor now believes that he has all of the spoils and thus can do what he pleases >CH branch development
Western antis rising up and exacting their revenge for the "death" or their idol
>Westerners making it a living hell hole for the CH branch
Oppositions continue to brew hatred among the young, planting a premeditated seed of evil on each side
>racism grows stronger for each side
China vs America forever. The eternal and recent enemies
>Japan is forever considered as the "victim", as they simply didn't have any say in this

Dead God almighty, entertainment truly is the easiest way to separate a people.
Fuck you globohomos, fuck you Kissinger, fuck you geopolitics.
I want off this ride.

I just want to enjoy a distopia virtually, as I will never have the opportunity to enjoy it physically.

>> No.4911692

>Redbull doesnt bend over to china due to their controversial history together
Well now I'm interested.

>> No.4911743

>calls everyone else niggers

>> No.4911746

Chinks are as dumb if not dumber than niggers. Enjoy your everlasting confinement along your subhuman brethren within that Great Wall.

>> No.4911819

I don't get it is this real or a rrat

>> No.4911861

Flushing this redbull down the shitter.

>> No.4911862

After reading this (and the other two updates posted on /hlgg/) I think that any mention of that faggot Narukami should be a bannable offense on this board. This board was a shit show for the last couple days just because of his shitty video. Fuck him and his tabloid ass bullshit.

>> No.4911928

the wall is inside your tiny bugman skull you bat eating peasant

>> No.4911935

They are trying to do a hostile takeover. China has had a "red bull" since it first launched back in the 90s and redbull isnt having none of that

>> No.4911972

Honestly I think she probably got a bigger gig OUTSIDE of Vtubing. Maybe she's scouted to be an actress or model, something that pays more than being a vtuber.

She has the looks for it, plus a showbiz job in Japan sounds safer.

It'd be funny if she got a role in something like tokusatsu though

>> No.4912028

>It'd be funny if she got a role in something like tokusatsu though

>> No.4912030

So they're after chinese money just like everyone else?

>> No.4912076

I heard the next Kamen Rider is gonna be colored orange and purple too...

Bah who am I kidding, they'll never let a girl be a main Rider.

>> No.4912159

Yeah they're going to attack Hololive but there won't be as united and concentrated an effort as they had against Coco again. They don't have a single figure to completely demonize. There are no more raunchy americans they can accuse of intentionally pissing them off.

>> No.4912178

There's chinese in the board of director at cover corp.
盧明徳 <- chinese name

>> No.4912264

doesn't it say manager underneath? Can't imagine one guy could affect anything

>> No.4912355

And why do you think there's not more of them?

>> No.4912386

because they would be also be listed like that guy

>> No.4912467

That lists only have the most important positions.

>> No.4912501

are you implying that the chink janitors did this

>> No.4912513
File: 757 KB, 1100x582, Utah resident receives a brick instead of the PS5 they ordered off eBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that's exactly the kind of shit you should be wary of buying "discount" goods off of ebay. point being any half decent businessman would have known better and they played him 4 times before he caught on.
navigating a market that barely has any regulation and negotiating with a different culture is a whole skill set. this guy assumed it would be business as usual but was obviously way in over his head and all he can do is bitch about it instead of stepping up to the job. he's either a sucker or full of shit.

>> No.4912541

>盧 明徳
Isn't that traditional, not simplified?

>> No.4912621

it is written using japanese kanji.

>> No.4912652

That's Ryo Meitoku you fucking EOP. Just an uncommon kanji for a japanese name.

>> No.4912721

there is no way Cover does a CN branch after that disaster. Absofuckinglutely not. However I expect Cover to finally be able to partake in China sponsored vtuber festivals and get China gacha game collabs again.

>> No.4912805

Hololive x Genshin when?

>> No.4912850

kekus maximus
and 金秀賢 is kanesaka masaru right?

>> No.4912851

Hopefully never.

>> No.4912958

Taiwan uses Traditional Chinese characters. If they really care about the feeling of Taiwanese fans they should use that instead.

>> No.4912988

They did both.

>> No.4913005

Hopefully next month.

>> No.4913052

>Lu (surname 盧)
>In 2019 it was the 50th most common surname in Mainland China.

>> No.4913093

nahhh it's a japanese name just like 金秀賢 (kanesaka masaru)
they're totally japanese trust me bro

>> No.4913262


>> No.4913353

what proof do you have that that guy's a chink? you're just a retarded rrat poster with no evidence trying to stir shit

>> No.4913382

the proof is in his name.

>> No.4913429

I bet you think Shlomo Goldberg isnt a jewish name either

>> No.4913499

It's a latin name because it's using latin alphabets.

>> No.4913651

You don't have a job I guess. He is a cog in his business. He's told to work with shady Chinese companies. There is no real choice, it's his job. This isn't a case of dumb boomers trying to get amazing deals on ebay.

>> No.4913669

>58 results

You guys realise we should call this """country""" Mainland Taiwan, right?

>> No.4913940

Just post a clip. You know you want to.

>> No.4914494

That seems pretty rude towards Taiwan.

>> No.4916218

She quit because of VShojo Shame.

>> No.4916269

Literally what

>> No.4916816

>Coco: I guess I'm just not good enough to follow with the times.
It's the same thing why there are no comedians left today. Too much woke madness

>> No.4917075

Anon, 70 million people died and there wasnt a war to blame for it. Thats how fucking bad it was under Mao.

That sort of shit sticks in the mind. And it wasnt their grandparentd, it was their parents. Its even the young adults. China was an absolute shitpile even in the 90s. I dont think you understand how fucking big a shitpile china was just 20 years ago.

Look up the Mango Cult.
