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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 300x300, artia_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49062112 No.49062112 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.49062201

based artia. i still love my gremlin.

>> No.49062364

Growing up is realizing Artia did nothing wrong

>> No.49062388

I still beleb, fuck you chink

>> No.49062481


>> No.49062617

Based. But you're still a pussy because you're gone. Bitch.

>> No.49062633

Nijinigger was bad enough, now its Chink Nijinigger

>> No.49062710

>sudden Lyrica appearance

>> No.49062738


>> No.49062739
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>> No.49062822

>still blaming artia when she didn't do anything
Lol. Where are you now Coco?

>> No.49063063

Did Artia reincarnate?

>> No.49063166

No. China stopped her twice. Fucking hell.

>> No.49063199

beating people up in idol showdown
not selling nfts

>> No.49063205
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I'll meet you on mars one day, twitch gremlin

>> No.49063214

Wait what?? I thought China loved her???

>> No.49063270

In China you're only allowed to love Chairman Pooh

>> No.49063492

It's because there is another company with vtuber thing in china. She got relegated to the background and then quit.

>> No.49063557
File: 24 KB, 505x607, do yu rele.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prophets usually die young.

>> No.49063622


Even in death, i still sigma grind.

>> No.49063888

despite being a snake she is right about this
thank you judas for waking me up very early from those gfe lies

>> No.49063956
File: 18 KB, 376x326, 1600607176442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reincarnated as Hecatia. Went for a while, then was "banned" from twitch (only 1 stream per month allowed on twitch) by her new company because they were salty she wasn't pandering to the bili2 chinks enough.
Then she wanted to debut a swimsuit and the new bili2 guidelines killed it so she sort of teased and showed it then graduated.
Now she's creating a new vtuber corpo.

>> No.49064611

>thank you for the bits Lyrica, I love you


>> No.49065385

Where is she now? She ain't updating anything on twitter.

>> No.49067482

I used to watch her as Hecatia out of curiosity but nowadays I only know of what she posts on twitter.

>> No.49068217

You know, what Artia said is 100% understandable. Pretending to be "in love" with your audience is ultimately cruel. But that's at the very top of the hierarchy, you don't expect every vtuber to truly be in love with their fans. But you would at the very least expect them to have some appreciation beyond "this is my job, I entertain you and I get money.".

1. I love you guys
2. I'm your wife
3. I'm your girlfriend
4. I see you guys as friends

This is pretty much the hierarchy I'm talking about. Not touching on 1-3 is understandable. But if you don't at least see the viewers who support you endlessly and want to have a fun time together as friends (like certain vtubers proclaim), then what's the point?

>> No.49068648

you communist whore is dead lol

>> No.49068695

There's kind of a numbers issue too.
A 2-3view who doesn't feel like she's in a friend environment with chat when streaming eventually burns out and crashes. You need to curate your audience so both you and the viewers feel comfortable.
At 4view+ high numbers chat is a blob of images and it causes more disattachment. Also talking in discord with the fans stops being viable. At that point, appreciation becomes a vague background vibe, and the hostile/trolls become more salient (thus getting one-guy'd)

>> No.49070152
File: 1.14 MB, 498x424, skeleton-burning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Artia.

You are never right. We will never forgive you. And we sure as hell we make sure she pays for her crimes.

I hope you burn in hell Artia. Your ice powers are useless against the intense and painful heat.

>> No.49070210

Soulless bugpeople and western whores both can't actually enjoy their jobs or even pretend to enjoy their jobs like JP women can

>> No.49070441

>wumao thread
these never persuade anyone, you must realise

>> No.49070478

I think even if everyone knows it's the truth, it's still a cold thing to say, especially years in

>> No.49070585

That's why she made it into hololive
Absolut gem

>> No.49071375

Don't care. She's still right.

>> No.49071430

You have to let her go.

>> No.49072655
File: 23 KB, 763x196, sdgdhdhr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then was "banned" from twitch (only 1 stream per month allowed on twitch)
more like throwing away his only 3 remaining fans

>> No.49072823


>> No.49072844

>the retard believes in the crypto and NFT scam
that's why no one takes artiafags seriously, they are legitimately stupid.

>> No.49076718


>> No.49077650

I once believed but now I see clearly

>> No.49077864

she explained more in one of her last streams
She also after graduation tried to stream on twitch but had to use a Hong Kong VPN kek

>> No.49077890

I legit miss this little gremlin.

>> No.49078576
File: 210 KB, 773x451, Screenshot from 2023-05-09 11-17-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i love u
this hypocrite

>> No.49078899

What happened to her

>> No.49079119
File: 297 KB, 400x543, 1678360319707983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 she starts getting involved with crypto/nft

>> No.49079309

How naive someone has to be to believe that a bunch of thots got into this industry because they have a noble cause of helping young lonely men go through their day to day lives?

>> No.49079355

She got doxxed by the bilibili fans, but guess she knew what made the most

>> No.49079420

Or become what they warned

>> No.49081106

I know it is a lie... but I still want to beleb it...

>> No.49081982

you don't know?

>> No.49082206

I hope everyone now realizes that we should have kept CN and ditched the reddit dragon earlier.

>> No.49090101

fuck off bug

>> No.49090599

Bro... oh man... oh god... I can't believe you missed that... truly sad.

>> No.49090954

I beleb
you will never destroy faith, ice gremlin
the existence of God is the only real lie
the kindness of humankind is immeasurable

>> No.49091250

what's with the autistic noises?

>> No.49091486
File: 158 KB, 957x1340, 1676518279570940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had to choose between sucking cock on the street and streaming video games than I would really mean it when I say that I love the audience. Every thank you would be truly meaningful that way.

>> No.49091622

Not sad enough
She deserved worse

>> No.49093718

I got really busy so didn't have much time for vtubers

>> No.49095558

>chink doesn't understand human feelings
Nothing unusual

>> No.49096963

I saw a youtube vid months back going over "where are they now" re: HoloCN and it said she did a face reveal for her dedicated fanbase.
...And got dropped by the lot of them for being ugly kek.

>> No.49097053

It's a shame it went down like it did, cuz I'd like to see how HoloCN would've been adapted into HoloCure.

>> No.49099278


>> No.49099421


>> No.49099732

>she was right
Sure thing, she was soo right that the moment she showed her face Jesus fucking Christ she's ugly her entire followers turned on her.

>> No.49100415
File: 123 KB, 400x300, 1680744573415302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's remi from phase connect pussy https://files.catbox.moe/sbojam.mp4

>> No.49101265

lol NO

>> No.49102294

wemi love

>> No.49103449

I forgot who it was and went to the bother of googling the name to refresh my memory so might as well spoonfeed.
I'm 90% sure she's the one who joined NijisanjiEN.

>> No.49103673

cute pussy

>> No.49103721

Oh where she took the piss out of /vt/ a few months ago. Hence the one anon seething I guess.
She's doing fine AFAIK. One of the most entertaining in the whole branch IMO.

>> No.49103835

Hi millie

>> No.49104357

If it helps you cope with people liking what you don't like I'm a clipshitter.

>> No.49108910

I miss her

>> No.49110816

>improve yourself
>don't you have female friends
>we are not friends
anything else to add?

>> No.49111734

One day her spirit will rise from the grave and the world will know she was right.

>> No.49112314

Hopefully someone has the balls to say "kill yourself" soon. They'd be forever based in my book despite the immediate termination.
