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49061226 No.49061226 [Reply] [Original]

Curious question.
Why is this 1% thing being brought up only after a dramatuber mentions it, when it's been known since 2019 at the earliest?

>> No.49061283

get a friend, loser!

>> No.49061318

the scene is far bigger now compared to 2019.

>> No.49061326

Because nobody watches the litral whos at niji and nijiniggers will never betray the company

>> No.49061347

You already know the answer

>> No.49061362

Because Twitter dramafags are raiding the board and meidos and jannies have somehow decided the board being like this is acceptable

>> No.49061402

Because many people didn't know about that, forgot, or had no opportunity to talk about it because The Discourse revolved around other things.

>> No.49061414

Deron talked about her earnings in 2020
Again, it's information readily available but it's only relevant when dramanig channels decide to dramanig.

>> No.49061447

Because none of the EN viewers watch JPs.

>> No.49061476

2020 is still 3 years ago. unless you're deep with NijiJP back then you wouldn't even know about this, different situation compared to now. Especially since just like what this anon said >>49061326

>> No.49061507

There are English translated clips out there with the same info.

>> No.49061533

because of the newfag dramatrannies watching another dramatranny

>> No.49061608

People brought up a stink about it when Mysta mentioned it, it's just that >>49061533 and >>49061362 are the true correct answers

>> No.49061713

Beyond people not watching NijiJP, there would be the expectation that as the years go on and the company makes more money, things would change.
It’s not unreasonable to hope that the talents would at least get 10% of the revenue since they are the reason people even buy merch to begin with, without that they’d just be selling badges and acrylic stands of generic anime character designs. That, and after Nijisanji bragged about having a great quarter in their recent Quarterly Earnings reports, you’d think that some of the cash could go to the livers without fears of the company going tits up.

>> No.49061759

yeah and arguably only those that follow niji and /here/ regulars probably aware on it. and obviously, those nijifags won't blow it up because it won't be a good look for niji.

Falsefaggot's video just put a spotlight on it for those who are not in the said groups.

>> No.49061763
File: 1.77 MB, 1559x3134, 1683632577786948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it wasn't talked about because nijiniggers who were aware of it never saw any problem with it, it's only natural that the liver is suffering right? Now that more people know you just shift the defense angle kys you lot are fucking clockwork

>> No.49061932

That's a good question. The answer is probably >>49061402
The "revelations" blew up because it was coupled with several allegations from Zaion just few days ago: no salary (this isn't new either), no support for debut (this is to most people), getting in the red after joining Nijisanji, the terrible and malicious mistreatment from management, etc.

>> No.49061946

Who blew up Mysta's then?
But yeah I agree that falsefaggot's video did bring dramaniggers into this board.

>> No.49061976

Niji yabs constantly go under the radar because Nijiniggers never talk about them, either because they're too much of a bootlicking chinkdrone to see anything wrong with it or because they're intentionally trying to hide it.
And Holospies can only spy so much, nobody is gonna watch 200 hours of male streams just to catch some hidden yab.

The really funny thing is that Niji has its black company shitshow reputation even WITH so many of their yabs being hidden.

>> No.49062241

Probably another dramanigs who lurks in the sisters' den. they actually pretty open about NijiOrgans/homoEN talents and the state of the branches there.

>> No.49062288

You want a serious answer? Because nijisani's pr team has decided to suffocate a much bigger yab by using this managable yab as smoke screen.

This is PR 101, otherwise known as "dead cat strategy"

Kyo was absolutely retarded on stream during hex's birthday and everyone with a brain knows that had his making fun of a person making a personal confession about depression and suicidal ideations alongside hex laughing about it started making waves they were finished. So they saw both this and fauna's 'yab' and are running with both to consume all discussion and hopefully prevent kyo's dumbfuckery from gaining traction anywhere.

I imagine by now they've also had a private communique for everyone to shut the fuck up about absolutely anything to do with zaion, no subtle jokes or jabs whatsoever with threat of immediate suspension for doing so. So now they simply have to try and smother the shit kyo made on the carpet for a week by keeping everyone's attention on the dead cat they've thrown on the table and they're good.

Serious answer over.

>> No.49062359

That doesn’t even say that you’re all EOPs on every side

>> No.49062547

>Who blew up Mysta's then?
Mysta's didn't really blow up that much.
If you look back through the archive, it was /#/fags who started it (right after he said it, too, so some of them probably were watching). Then it was just a minor back and forth between /#/fags calling it out and other anons, presumably NijiENfags, defended it by claiming that he was just joking or exaggerating it. It was mainly contained in /#/ with a few posts in other threads now and then, not a full blow dozens threads on catalog like what we have now

>> No.49062583

What the fuck are you saying

>> No.49062610

>literally who source

>it's been known since


>> No.49062643

FalseEyeD is my oshi. He is so smart. I will eat his dick while he takes a shit on Nijisisters. We hate Nijisanji. I love fucking drama!

>> No.49062699

>Nijisisters constantly denied it or thought it was a joke
It's funny you were denying until mountains of evidence were dug up

>> No.49062746

Niji are paying intern 1% overtime to shit up this board

>> No.49062761

He’s just saying that this is probably a smokescreen for Kyo’s fuck up to not make the company’s talents look like awful people.
I kind of disagree, not because the theory sounds silly but because Anycolor is not that smart. They’re impulsive, so now it looks like bad people are employed and exploited by an even worse company.

>> No.49062787

Kek this is so accurate.

>> No.49062831

Hmm qrd on the Kyo yab

>> No.49062971

What is a smokescreen, False’s video??

>> No.49063040

Because for the longest time nobody cared about merch you fags always claimed it was cope. Vshojo gave a 0% cut and seems to be why vei left and there was no outrage. So either you fags are new or the ones blowing up the catalog aren’t from /here/

>> No.49063042

He made a joke that NijiEN members make all the time and the timing just happened to line up for people who don’t watch NijiEN to call it a jab at Zaion and accuse you of coping when you point out that they’re almost certainly wrong

>> No.49063170

Why do people bring up things in politics from years ago against their political opponents.

>> No.49063204

No one that these drama channels are aiming at will bother watching translated clips of NijiJP from 2020. None of the EOPs even know who the JK Gumi are.

>> No.49063240

Probably, just the fact that they only give 2% to livers becoming news.
Again though, I don’t really agree with that claim, Anykara isn’t smart enough for 4D chess. It’s just another PR headache in a string of them.

>> No.49063334

Anon, the difference is that it’s been years since then. There would be an expectation that their business model would change somewhat.
People buy stuff in the hopes that it helps their oshis, not that it supports the company only.

>> No.49063342

That is actual schizo conspiracy theory level lol, there really are a lot on this board huh

>> No.49063344

What the fuck is up with those numberniggers? How TF are they everywhere? It feels like all of catalogue threads come from there how do they talk about 100 different topics?

>> No.49063595

that conclusion at the end of the image is retarded, saying "the talents get along fine and there's no rivalry" when that entire image is based on a leak of nijisanji shit talking hololive which proves that there is some feeling of rivalry there

>> No.49063803

>Few people know thing
>Newsman finds out.
>Newsman tells many people.
This is a rare occasion of the Press actually working.

>> No.49065488


>> No.49065509

>Pol shit

>> No.49066747

>talked about by a jp member 4 yrs ago when they're still nobodies vs talked about an EN member where most en fans/antis would know.
Gee I wonder why...

jesus, the threads here are infested by nijiniggers, that's not even worth a yab anon.

>> No.49067917

>that's not even worth a yab anon.
NTA but tell that to all your friends who were shitting on Elira for the same exact situation

>> No.49068391

>Is terminally /here/
>Has publicly bullied zaion in the past using his roommate
>Somehow the joke that can be easily seen as mocking sayu's expose released a day prior that swamped the board isn't actually about that
I'm sure it's also just a coincidence that the member he made that joke with was the other known hater of zaion too.
Sure they're definitely not smart but they are cunning and the dead cat strategy can be a fairly stupid move to make.

If anything it is usually a strategy favored by retards because most of the time the dead cat is something just as damaging over time as whatever controversy they're trying to deflect from so I still think the shoe fits.

>> No.49068710

>it can’t be a coincidence even though this same exact joke template is made all the time by the same people and the context of the joke doesn’t even match with zaion’s exposé!
Anon your and your retarded friends’ logic is the reason innocent people get the death sentence

>> No.49069911

Thing is, it would be just written off as a coincidence if Kyo didn’t expose himself as one of the pettiest talents in the branch months before. Especially during the Golf with friends collab where he deleted his VOD because he couldn’t handle banter.

>> No.49070197

Yeah it’s Kyo’s fault that he’s given himself this reputation but that’s exactly why I’m comparing this to innocent people being incarcerated, correlation does not equate to causation. I could probably give you multiple timestamps of them making the same joke in the past if I actually took the effort. And the context of the joke is “you’re toxic I’m writing a twitlonger” which is different from Zaion’s situation. The only reason why I’m defending so much this is because I hate seeing people misconstrue something and spread it for the purpose of hate

>> No.49073462

It's because it's basically a confirmation

>> No.49073523

What's the answer anon?

>> No.49075029

stop spreading lies its actually 2%

>> No.49075156

honestly the 1% is much worse than kyo yabbing yet again lol

>> No.49075445

Because, unironically, /#/ might as well be /news/ and /drama/ by now.
People might look down on numberfags, but there are always numberfags everywhere - whichever big corpo split you want to name, there would be at least one, two or several of them there. You can occasionally see even numberfags in /lig/, for that matter.

>> No.49075700

We are at the "downplaying phase" now >>49061763

>> No.49075931

for some fucking reason nobody actually knew about it or thought they were joking, so when someone actualyl said it out in a way that cannot be misinterpreted as jokes it made the news

>> No.49076068

kek this is gold

>> No.49076219
File: 95 KB, 1024x1024, 1682424432977606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we already knew about this
>kidneys already talked about this before therefore riku fucking them in the ass is totally a-ok
>after all, nijisanji is a business and they have to earn money
>except whenever hololives tries to profit then of course we're going to dogpile them for being capitalistic pigs
>s-stop bringing this up holobronies AAAIIIEEEE
>now here's a nothingburger yab about fauna p-please forget that this shit happened AAAHHHHHH tasukete Rikuman

>> No.49077440

you are the retard or a fucking esl that doesn't understand
>but with this, maybe not

>> No.49077833

holy kyope

>> No.49078196

Your point would have merit, if the Twitlonger comment wasn't immediately followed by a googledoc comment. Yes, Twitlongers happen regularly, but there's a very specific, recent, sequence of events they're referring to here.

>> No.49078257

Exhibit A

>> No.49078717

Innocent people do get incarcerated, yeah. But I’d rather not apply that to Kyo because the man is very much anything but innocent, there’s zero chance that he and Enna took over Hex’s birthday stream without knowing full well what they were talking about.

>> No.49078727

You know that’s part of the joke too and also a very common way to expose someone?

>> No.49080476

imagine having to work with him, the pussy can barely contain himself on stream

>> No.49083733

This whole thing has been fucking hilarious.
"We knew this the whole time! Stop bringing it up!"
So you're saying you knew this whole time and you guys didn't do anything about it?
I guess it really is up to holochads to fix the vtuber industry.

>> No.49084423

>So you're saying you knew this whole time and you guys didn't do anything about it?
Yeah, because they love the brand/company, not the talents.

>> No.49090532


>> No.49094667

Not so sure about that one.

>> No.49098773

Why are nijidrones like this

>> No.49100487

Falseeyed made a video and brought in tourists
