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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49052381 No.49052381 [Reply] [Original]

Is the Niji 1% merch really a bad thing?
Hololive (allegedly) giving their vtubers greater passive income cut is what made them go full lazy mode.

>> No.49052851

Fauna deflection thread.

>> No.49052922

Now this is cope. Might as well say slavery isn't so bad. Just look at how productive they are. There's no reason to justify a bad deal no matter what company they are from.

>> No.49053112

I like the way you think, Jew

>> No.49053141

>Might as well say slavery isn't so bad.
But I agree with this. As long the slaves are undesirables who damage society

>> No.49053197
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Niji talents are streamers.
Meanwhile, holomems are entertainers.
Do you understand, retard-kun?

>> No.49053216

Good ol’ whataboutism, who would’ve guessed?

>> No.49053341

if it comes down to it, it's really just like an extra little pocket money for them, IIRC cause their merch is:
>made by the company itself
>the livers really don't have to do anything at all about it. They can personally promote them, but its not an obligation and the company would already done it for them

but the problem for that though:
>the livers don't have any input on it and/or whether they like those merchs or not
>while they don't have to do anything, those merchs sells because of the reputation & ... bond(?) with their fans that they have built up beforehand.
>their merchs, from what I've seen so far, are so fucking barebone. Like they just came out from a Chinese sweat shop or, at the very least to put it in kinder word, just printed out from mass production factory

Take it with a grain of salt, cause I'm a SEAnig holofag and I don't watch Niji livers. These things are just stuff that I read from /here/ and Youtube.

>> No.49053661

If character design was enough to sell merch they wouldn't need vtubers to begin with. They still need to stream occasionally.

>> No.49053755

>>the livers really don't have to do anything
>I'm a SEAnig holofag and I don't watch Niji livers.
Look at >>49053197 pic rel

>> No.49053813

Kill yourself bootlicker

>> No.49053846

suit yourself, dude.
I don't see the point on this tribal war shit. The only reason that I care this much was just because of the Zaion shit.

>> No.49054530

it is unironically better for liver, the fans, and the company
Can't have employees being full of themselves
They need to be put in their place and thrive in a more restrictive and controlled environment than to be spoonfed. That way they achieve greater self-actualization, work ethic and lifestyle.

>> No.49054970

1% is I retire and sold my IP so they make derivatives based loosely on my work and I got money while at home doing nothing royalty tier not when you still actively building the brand awareness and shilling the very merch itself. Marketing is 80% of the sales and we get the appropriate percentage for that
