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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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49052218 No.49052218 [Reply] [Original]

>voices -> superchat
>ticket and promo -> merch
Is this true? Is this common knowledge among Nijifans?
>inb4 unironic Twitter thread
I don't know how else to ask after coming across this apparently common Nijifan lore

>> No.49052285

>twitter screenshot of literal who quote-tweeting some other literal who about another literal who
Do you people have any self-respect whatsoever

>> No.49052293


>> No.49052329

>twitter screenshot thread
why is this allowed?

>> No.49052395

They already knew the hirearchy but they didn't know it was literally 2%

>> No.49052427

Yes. Pomu said that long time ago, but people shat on me when I pointed it out.

>> No.49052437

If true, I just found it interesting that Nijifans might be playing a kind of metagame against Niji management to try to get as much of a cut for their livers as possible.

>> No.49052442

forsen losing minecraft record deflection thread

>> No.49052511

I didn't actually read anything in the screenshot or your post beyond skimming it just to confirm what it was I was looking at. Your posts are dogshit and you should make less of them >>182747

>> No.49052521

Because fuck you

>> No.49052604

Kuzuha, Pomu and Mystia have all said that they get diddly squats from merch sales

>> No.49052882

> Nijifans might be playing a kind of metagame against Niji management to try to get as much of a cut for their livers as possible
That’s actually… quite smart? Where are you seeing this and how can one help?

>> No.49053127

I hope it works out like that

>> No.49053358

Lol wait until they clamp it down and decrease that cut.

>> No.49053489

That would be good but lets be realistic. Unless the shareholders thinks it benefits them in any way then it won't happen. You know how stocks usually sore after massive layoffs? They only care if they get money in return.

>> No.49054301

There's a cheer function for the JP shop website where you can overpay their voice packs so that 100% of what you paid over the price goes to the liver

>> No.49054391

>I just found it interesting that Nijifans might be playing a kind of metagame against Niji management to try to get as much of a cut for their livers as possible.
Perhaps one day you'll even find that that being against management means being in favor of the vtubers.
Holofags on /jp/ had always shat on Hololive's management.

>> No.49054497

yep, this is already very well known in JP. I realized that 4chan really doesn't watch niji.

>> No.49054529

Vshojo may suck but they don't suck like this, yeesh

>> No.49054539

Based False my nigga called out nijikeks

>> No.49054625

Yeah... this explains 2%434 profits margin.

>> No.49054681

source for Kuzuha

>> No.49054783


>> No.49054861

No. Kaede explained it in detail a long time before kuzuha.


>> No.49054997

You expect dramatuber shiteaters to have any respect for themselves?

>> No.49055047

>admitting that it's old news, but still want to shitpost about it bc your dramatuber oshi is parroting it
>admitting to being a holofag
No shame whatsoever.

>> No.49055154

a tweet back from 2019 you think his contract is still the same?
The video is 2020 so it's not long before kuzuha

>> No.49055217
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I mean, 2% is enough if your merch is soullesly mass produced like this desu

>> No.49055257

It likely got increased overtime.

>> No.49055283

Saying "we already knew about this" doesn't change the fact that Riku is raping your livers and ripping them off from their potential source of revenue. What's up with nijifags and being unironic bootlickers? And I fucking say this as an unironic cover bootlicker myself.

>> No.49055284

>nijisis is an indog
color me surprised

>> No.49055342

I think their contract might've gotten worse.

>> No.49055368

>forgetting the fact that most fans advocate to donating in streamlabs because that's where livers gets the most cut
Oh wait, you don't know because you don't watch Niji streams and you're only here to stir shit!

>> No.49055739

what's the benefit of being in niji if you don't earn that much? most of them seem burned out and sick/depressed too

>> No.49055866

I imagine they thought converting from middling indie to corpo would translate to more exposure and then more money from that exposure. But, the reality is: they only got the exposure bump. And while there is more money floating around, they only see the smallest percentage of it. Black company shit essentially, or just normal idol pay scales if you live in Japan.

>> No.49056001

>"I watch FalseEyeD. Trust me I know everything!"

>> No.49056139
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>"I know what to do! I'll greentext my way out of having a substantive argument!"

>> No.49058240

>Is this common knowledge among Nijifans?

>> No.49058322

>100% of what you paid over the price goes to the liver
kek, do they write this in legal document or somewhere? if not there's no guarantee Riku wont pocket the extra money

>> No.49060284


>> No.49060694

Not that much on top of that. And exposure to the worst kind of Vtuber viewers : the nijiniggers

>> No.49061421


>> No.49061542

unironically? a lot of the people that applied for nijiEN initially did so because of looking up to nijiJP. after noctyx, the applications became more about "i'm applying to any big corpo willing to accept to try a different aspect of content creation" (iluna with the exception of maria, got in after watching noctyx) with the most recent wave applying because they looked up to waves 1-4 (before noctyx).
they don't earn much money, yes, but comparatively before they were dirt poor (with the exception of those that live with their parents - they're actually pursing because they love nijiJP).
the reason why so many of them stay including talents like pomu and selen whose fanbases /here/ advocate to go indie? the non-company made, liver-made discord. it's been stated a ridiculous amount of times throughout different livers that the emotional and technical support that they give each other makes them incredibly happy to be in niji.
my schizo reasoning is this: they might not enjoy being in niji, but they much enjoy being with each other - hence why a majority of them went to japan together when it wasn't company-mandated.

>> No.49061801

Stepping stones.
I know a Vtuber who joined a popular corpo, appeared on the TrashTaste podcast as a Vtuber, and promoted her RM shortly thereafter.
I'll never forget the tension in the chat when everyone pretended to know that 3views rapper living in Japan.

>> No.49061837

The order has been known but not the percentage. 2% is really bad but I don't know if I want to trust a dramanig

>> No.49061952

yfw this is all an inside job by the niji livers to get fans to spend more money on streamlabs/superchats instead of merch

>> No.49062025

>long time ago
>wearing her latest outfit in the clip which is like 2 months old

>> No.49062127

this is like an eternity for an average /vt/ tourist.

>> No.49062224

>branch gets merged due to low sales
Gotta remember that Anycolor was banking on NijiEN to increase their profits because of how successful the males are. They were one of their biggest talking points about how the company was growing. Also I’m not sure what the hell they were thinking with this Malaysian concert, it’s just terrible optics if it doesn’t manage to sell out.

>> No.49062352

It's just going to be a 2D concert like they had at cons before. Lazu won't be using their 3D

>> No.49062408

I’m well aware of that but they keep marketing it as their “first” concert and are charging $80+ for it

>> No.49062437

Dramafags/EOPs are usually about several years behind whatever they're "discovering", at least when it comes to the JP corpos.

>> No.49062498

Such a far cry from the AR live which was promising everybody from Lazu-Noctyx in 3D

>> No.49064723

save them

>> No.49064738

>Black company called out
>"No!!!! Don't let normal people know!!!"

>> No.49065003

Yea instead of getting pennies out of merch sales, he gets quarters. Pretty neat huh?

>> No.49065177

Good point
