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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 479 KB, 650x650, fauna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
49039957 No.49039957 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my god she's soooo perfect, literally the perfect vtuber. This is what vtubing is supposed to be.

>> No.49040049
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Whoops, wrong pic.

>> No.49040293

Her constant giggling is annoying

>> No.49040468

Don't you guys have friends?

>> No.49041139

Vegans are subhumans

>> No.49041591


>> No.49041783

Same thing honestly

>> No.49041791

She just called her fans friendless incel losers

>> No.49041884
File: 488 KB, 640x640, _G8GisQ9EFBxNFDiI9YcTVA240lkGg-z094_fNsVFZg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her constant giggling is cute

>> No.49042621

take that back right now

>> No.49043012

She's not your friend though. Don't be parasocial with her

>> No.49043466

It's really infectuous if you don't have a dead soul.

>> No.49043502

I can fix her.
I'm sorry but I am going to be.

>> No.49043676

People with friends watch vtubers?

>> No.49043738

Nijisanji 1% deflection thread

>> No.49045349

imagine still shilling this whore

>> No.49045549

does someone have a link or a timestamp where she said this?

>> No.49045570

too perfect. every chuuba plays a character but as streamers they eventually let some of their original personality shine through.
but not fauna. i've not once seen her break character. and i know it's all an act because i've seen her PL

>> No.49045869

What does that make Fauna then? That Vegan Whore.

>> No.49046083

no timestamp exists because she never said it

>> No.49046278

That quote doesn't actually exist. What she actually said was "We as Fauna and Saplings cannot be friends and we shouldn't be friends." and she said it at 3:22:10 at the end of her latest Minecraft stream.

>> No.49046355

well this aged like milk

>> No.49046434

anon...this was literally made after all the other fauna bait threads. if you can't read obvious sarcasm that's on you

>> No.49046454

yeah just got around to watching it. Like most things /vt/ flips out about, it's nowhere near as bad as the catalog would have you believe. She doesn't explicitly say "You guys have friends, right??" though she does say stuff like "cherish your friends"

>> No.49046719

her pl acted the same though?

>> No.49046804

Where do I go to meet friends like Fauna since Fauna herself is off limits?

>> No.49046820
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 295818247_763366201750005_2452090924005984308_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapling here! I watched her latest stream till the end and she did not say any of that. It's just the nijiniggers making a deflection thread over the 1% merch share drama. It seems like they love the company more than their Oshi which is kinda sad desu.

>> No.49046916
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Holo's can't stop winning.

>> No.49046945

It's sad you have to lie about being a sapling to deflect from her yabs

>> No.49046984

her speech cadence was carefully engineered to maximize coomer bucks. her voice was completely different 3 years ago.

>> No.49047046

The crazy one gets me hard

>> No.49047067
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>> No.49047712

Does she believe friendship is that special? Imagine not being able to consider your fans as friends.

>> No.49047731

The bar

>> No.49047946
File: 289 KB, 1434x2048, 1683445120108457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted thr wrong girl

>> No.49048597


>> No.49049107

I have a terrible relationship with my mother. Of course she's my choice.

>> No.49049161

Is she wrong?
Think about that for a minute and come back.

>> No.49049211

Fauna doesn't hang out at bars

>> No.49049273

...yes? I'm not a virgin, and I have friends

||I am a loser though||

>> No.49049429

It's actually pretty funny seeing how hard catalogshitters are trying to make this bigger than it has any right to be by twisting her words.

>> No.49049585

Show me on the dolly where did her words get twisted?

>> No.49049637

Aged like milk

>> No.49049689

Worked on the other en holos, so...

>> No.49049767

>"We are not friends"
Doesn't get any clearer than that

>> No.49049819

Fauna and the rest of Council are her friends. Saplings are simply her source of income who watch her work

>> No.49049876

check the time this thread was made, it was after the other threads were already made

>> No.49049914

Do you think you can just go and become friends with TV celebrities as well? Do you think you're supposed to chat her up and become a special member in the middle of her chat either? That's the boundaries between an entertainer and their audience she mentioned, it's fine if you want to imagine she's your wife or whatnot but going anywhere beyond imagination has too much of a chance to fuck things up to be allowed.
If you want to become friends with a vtuber, become a vtuber yourself. After killing yourself and being reborn as a girl, that is.

>> No.49049930

I meant my post

>> No.49049955
File: 93 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After killing yourself and being reborn as a girl, that is
*blocks your path*

>> No.49049983


>> No.49050049

Would you think of Bill Burr as your friend? Lebron James? Ryan Gosling? Taylor Swift? Shes a celebrity.

>> No.49050229

Then why the fuck am I wastibg 5 hours a day watching her play shitty minecraft and paying $100 for it I dont even like minecrap. vtuber content isnt even good

>> No.49050337

because group psychosis is really fun and gives you a sense of belonging for once. can't get that from regular celebs

>> No.49050372

No, but I don't spend multiple hours almost every day of the week talking to TV celebrities, having them talk back with me, participating in exclusive member events, sharing a book club, or playing games with them. You're delusional if you think a streamer relationship with fans is anywhere near the same as a hollywood actor's relationship with their fans.
And I don't disagree with Fauna either. Of course what we have isn't the same as a regular in-person friendship or even an online 1-on-1 personal friendship, but I think it's fair to say she's some kind of "friend" if we've been regularly hanging out several times a week for almost 2 years.
This is the main issue I have. Yes in person relationships are more valuable than streamer relationships, I agree. But saying outright "we are not friends" is fucked up and wrong and devalues all those other interactions that make streamers different from other types of entertainers.

>> No.49050425

If a statement as simple as "we, as character and audience, can't be friends" makes you genuinely feel like that, you should take a break from everything and review all of your hobbies and your entire life as well.
Or you can just keep you being her husband, best friend, sex pet or whatever all in your imagination where it's supposed to be instead of trying to pursue it for real, and save whatever sanity you have left.

>> No.49050492

true frfr

>> No.49050536

>But saying outright "we are not friends" is fucked up
Good thing she didn't say that, and she even added a few details why, but what does a catalogshitter know.

>> No.49050885

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really

nice try

>> No.49051027

>we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends
>the same thing as "we are not friends"
It's funny how much difference the presence of a verb can make, don't you think?

>> No.49051060

My oshi isn't a whore compared to yours. You believing a genuine whore is perfect is peak retardation.

>> No.49051151

It's awful and I genuinely can't understand people who like it. Hard filter for me.

>> No.49051322

>I'm sure you've heard the saying don't meet your heroes, I don't think hat necessarily applies to everybody, but I think its good if you can just watch streamers and enjoy their streams for what they are
>Fauna is mean in real life? I don't think so, and I think I try to be myself on stream but you know, if we were friends we might have disagreements, who knows
>there might be things that you would be like, like maybe, the fact that I made 10 servings of curries and you don't eat leftovers is irreconcilable
>Because I want to show you guys only the best side of myself you know
>I think that's best, because I don't want to bring your guys moods down, by showing you, like, a non positive side of me, you know
>But I think for friends its important to open up, show them more of you if you want to be really close
>Anyway, I hope that is okay, I know, I know, don't be sad, cherish your friends because they are just as cool as streamers I promise. I promise they are
>There's nothing particularly special about streamers, I mean like sure maybe there's a streamer and they're great at singing but does that make them a better friend, no, it doesn't
>someone can be a great friend even if they aren't great at singing
>My friends are cooler than you? I hope so, I hope so
>quite a few of my friends are streamers, what do I do? I mean that's an exception. I mean obviously streams have friends. And I'm sure sometimes people have made friends with streamers and it workout out, but you know
>Anyway there's my deep talk, I answered it as honestly as I could, I am happy to be here, and entertain you guys and hang out and its fun
>yeah exactly, the great part of streaming is interaction. There's a back and forth which makes it great, the banter.
>you just try to make me laugh? You do, you guys type funny stuff all the time.
>I think I would've had a harder time be a lets player without having a chat to bounce off of mmm hmm
>But, you should always...I know I shouldn't lecture you guy...It's important for you guys to not neglect your real lives too
>Put yourselves #1 always. I'm just some silly streamer on the internet. And I will not be happy if you're neglecting yourselves
>No you wont? *laughs* You must, you must. Please take care of yourselves.
Seems like a really nice and heartfelt show of praise for her fans. I don't get it. Isn't she saying that her fans have a lot of value and deserve to be treated kindly and she would be sad if they don't? Isn't that kind of the opposite of YOU PARASOCIAL FUCKS?

>> No.49051392

is this the cope?

>> No.49051646

NTA but what is your point? "we cannot be friends" or "we are not friends" I don't see how it could change the argument, you thing one is harsher than the other or something?

>> No.49051774

>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really

>> No.49051873

Perhaps "we're not friends" isn't a synonym for "I dislike you" the way she said it.

>> No.49051896

Improve yourself

>> No.49051903

>we can (or shouldn't) be friends because >>49051322
There's an entire universe of difference in there, and that's even before adding in the potential yab factors that becoming friends with a few select viewers would cause in spite of that.
Seriously, everything she said is fucking obvious and only sounds kind of offensive if you reduce it to the point of removing all meaning. How desperate do you have to be to treat this as something on the same level as "parasocial fucks".

>> No.49051913

ITT: People trying convincing them selfs that there oshi is there wife.

>> No.49051952
File: 54 KB, 214x187, 1681946904106348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously, everything she said is fucking obvious and only sounds kind of offensive if you reduce it to the point of removing all meaning

>> No.49051982

Alexa, what time is it in Jakarta?

>> No.49052092

honest answer try a coffee shop or cute culture store

>> No.49052145

Fauna's right. She didn't say that the relationship between fans and streamers is meaningless, she just said there's a meaningful difference between that and Friendship. And there's a big difference between that kind of mediated relationship, with a little bit of reciprocity, and a proper, full blooded relationship with your friends and family.

>> No.49052258

Atleast girls IRL will friends zone you.
She went one further, and put them in the work college zone.
Maybe she was trying to help the deranged few who forgot to take there GWS pills.
Shes a caring person, she just doesn't care about you personally, her boing boings are full of the milk of human kindness

>> No.49052391
File: 55 KB, 298x188, 1683615986068959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make it easier to undertstand: what Fauna said can only be interpreted as a yab if you reduce it to the same percentage as the revenue Niji talents get from merch.

>> No.49052461

>excluding the first two posts
Why are dramafags like this

>> No.49052498

No, it's the same thing with more layers added to it under the guise of being "nice"
It doesn't help that chuubas who said similar stuff were shat on endlessly by her fans

>> No.49052580

Vesper i kneel

>> No.49052748

Her acknowledgement of being a comedian/entertainer only makes her more of an idol and not a comedian/entertainer.
She IS the Messiah!
I should know, I've followed a few!

>> No.49052827

A fauna life of Brian watchalong would be pretty great

>> No.49054583


>> No.49054682

>Her constant giggling
Thats the best part retards

>> No.49054699

I don't mind the "friend yab", its Fauna asking her saplings to commit ecoterrorism that really made me upset

>> No.49054780

Holy shit I think I'm going ghost for this kirin

>> No.49054809
File: 2 KB, 119x125, 1643795265190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only antis used more than 1% of their brain.

>> No.49054835
File: 100 KB, 674x859, 1677684157512664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no aunt teddy vtuber

>> No.49054849

Fauna is my favourite NLSS member.

>> No.49054851

Why'd you cut off the start where she says she doesn't want to be friends with you?

>this is such a deep question that you're asking me
>I mean, if you want me to be real, I'll be real
>we as fauna and saplings, we cannot be friends, or we should not be friends, there's a lot of reasons
>is I think important for boundaries to be maintained
>I am here to entertain you, and that is all really
>and if you can have a good time here then that makes me happy
>That's if I'm being really real, which maybe, I don't know do you want me to be real? and this goes for every streamer I think
>I don't know, I used to.. really- because I've always liked youtubers and stuff
>And I used to look at youtubers and be like "OMG if only I could be their friend, like I really wish I could be their friend, it would be so cool"
>But as I've gotten older, I've realized like there's nothing particularly special or that amazing that makes the youtuber different from anyone else
>Just because their youtubers doesn't mean they would be good friends to you
>The people you know in real life, your friends, they can be better friends to you than any youtuber can be
>They're just as cool, they have just as many interesting ideas and cool traits about themselves than the youtubers who you admire do
>I think its easy to look at youtubers and then admire them but I promise if you look at your friends through the same lens you will also see the cool things about your friends that makes your friends special too
>youtubers are just normal people, I mean I'm a kirin, keeper of nature but I'm pretty normal, or maybe I'm not I don't know
>but yea, I think I understand cause I used to always watch youtubers and want to be their friends and I think that's normal to some extent
>but its important to keep in mind that I'm just here to stream and hopefully entertain you and make your day better in some way
>I promise its better that way, its better that way, its better that way
>You should cherish your friends in your life. mmhm hmm, and I hope you can have a good time in the sapling community
>There are many people you can make friends with

>> No.49054895

No, because she never said that. The number of replies here >>49037486 just shows how many double digit IQ people browse this board.

>> No.49054946

Thread theme

>> No.49054957

Japan in any lolita fashion mecca

>> No.49054968

Do you not get how impossible it is to try and be friends with someone you've never met, who you at best periodically exchange a few remarks with? When that's all your relationship can be, and when you've got thousands and thousands of people like that in your life, it's just not something that can happen.

>> No.49054985
File: 382 KB, 828x784, 1624322087634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay retard. Which containment did you crawl out of?

>> No.49054994

Yea, the dude is so lucky

>> No.49055012

Yeah me.

>> No.49056021

You need therapy.

>> No.49056270

