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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 326 KB, 2048x1536, FvYD0JqaUAEsiFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48993442 No.48993442 [Reply] [Original]

>miComet Moments Compendium Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UkroWXcwoU-1v_wAT6virfDYKULWyxd8RthHs0vEoM8/edit?usp=sharing

>Submission form for spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaxwHz3lpa_msdac-yq8xLOEo2dkuc12EkEmedTK191M6ZQw/viewform

>List of miComet collabs (1 on 1): https://pastebin.com/xWypadBB

>Song: https://youtu.be/9yBLZKFKXyg

>Previous threads: https://pastebin.com/kByj9Nwp

>> No.48993519
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Previous thread: >>48708217

>> No.48994649
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>> No.48994674

They need to turn this on 100ft statues

>> No.48995843
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>> No.48996021
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>> No.48996074
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>> No.48997730
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>> No.48998962
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>> No.48999069
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cute OP

>> No.48999162
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>> No.49001157
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>> No.49001779

Suityan on minecraft rn flirting with Kanata, Miko doko?

>> No.49001996

Busy licking Suityan while Suityan is playing to relieve her sore throat

>> No.49002343

i tuned in just now, i see no suityan only azki..

>> No.49002568

suityan's juices heal sore throats..

>> No.49002722

Suityan is in MC's chat for a short moment

Yes, Suityan's juice has healing properties and her juice works well as a substitute for vitamins too

>> No.49002867
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Going offline, take care of the thread

>> No.49002954

She asked Kanata for gold and other materials to build her house (going by her Twitter likes it looks quite complex).
Really digging this Hoshimachi maikura arc, it'll give us more micomet moments if Suisei continues with it

>> No.49003710
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>> No.49003808
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>> No.49004119
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I'm not a big fan of Miko or Suisei but I thought you might like this:

>> No.49005550
File: 342 KB, 1447x2047, 32C75BFB-E190-44F4-9DB9-707677E029A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49007263


>> No.49007289
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>> No.49007635
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>> No.49008650
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>> No.49008746
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>> No.49008839

real and soon

>> No.49010368

kek he doesnt know it already happend and that's a real photo

>> No.49012020
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>> No.49014048
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>> No.49014720
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>> No.49016471
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>> No.49017441
File: 1.43 MB, 560x448, kith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this artist so much

>> No.49017815

So, do they both have stealth covid too? Both of them seem to be conveniently absent at the same timeframe that Aqua and Shion caught it and they attended the same dinner party.

>> No.49018931

I might need to reaaaally take my meds, but I did not expect a micomet reference in Elden Ring

>> No.49019000
File: 298 KB, 599x730, micomet sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the bloody picture

>> No.49019788

That's a cool sword

>> No.49021858

Honestly I think that could be the case. They don't have to announce they have covid( atleast en doesn't or Gura didn't them about her coof till afterwards) pretty sure it's optional for protection of the girls getting harassed for not streaming.

>> No.49023571
File: 255 KB, 1523x2048, Ftg57mBaIAIElHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be healthy, micomet...

>> No.49024702

as a 35p im extremely worried about miko
she was already sickly
i got rona myself last year and it wrecked me for a few months with incessant coughing

>> No.49025955

Were you vaccinated? Fuck I just hope the 2 of them are ok but the chances of getting the rona are high, they had dinner with aqua and shion, I'm legit scared for their throats and overall health in Miko's case

>> No.49026044

yea i had 2 shots and a booster
im a healthy man in early 30s too
im hoping it doesnt affect them too much

>> No.49027667

Or it's possible that they just got a slight cold. And the other two got a bad cold/covid (covid tests actually pick up colds as covid now because of all the different strains).
I think they are ok. Nether one had a fever ( atleast Miko would post it) and both only had nasal problems basically and yes a sore throat is a nasal issue a lot of times.
I don't actually think either would be ones to not disclose covid.
>Actually hoping they are pulling a fast one on everyone and actually took a romantic vacation for the end of golden week.

>> No.49027761

You know that covid symptoms don't appear immediately right? We'd get a definite answer in a week or two if Aqua and Shion infected them

>> No.49027946

covid doesn't give you sore throats sooooo...

>> No.49028184

>On average, symptoms showed up in the newly infected person about 5.6 days after contact. Rarely, symptoms appeared as soon as 2 days after exposure. Most people with symptoms had them by day 12.
The dinner happened on May 3rd, 5 days ago. If they are sick the symptoms will start showing by now (hopefully not of course). Miko's sore throat is clearly because of all the long streams she's been doing for a while so not related, while Suisei's break seems to be because of work. We just have to wait and hope for the best

>> No.49028770

The thing with that is I was going off of someone saying the covid train went lap>twappi carried>aquashio. All would have been the same week as well. Also anon>>49027946 is right. And thinking about that it's secretly mono which they can't disclose due to it would out their business practices.....
Also joking btw but I think it's a cold for real they both take shit seriously especially with their throats.

>> No.49031228

Symptoms may varied on each person
I completely lost my sense of smell for a week when I got covid, but the other people who got covid and live in the same place as me has no issue with their sense of smell
And sore throat can be an early symptom of covid
But that time when I got covid, I have both sore throat and fever so hopefully they are okay and it's just a common cold

>> No.49033296
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>> No.49033701

Suitsei doesn't exist and will never exist, even if she loves androgyny

>> No.49033928
File: 709 KB, 1800x2400, FlQw8j0acAIJkgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino soon

>> No.49035754

Doesn't that anon mean Suisei won't wear suits despite her liking androgyny characters?
Anonchama, you reminds me to the catalogfags in a bad way

>> No.49036121

Anon you need to stop accusing any comment of being schizo...

>> No.49036272
File: 81 KB, 500x500, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you so triggered over two words?
Saying suisei "doesn't exist" isn't schizo behaviour to you?
As far as I'm concerned, this is a thread about vtubers on a vtuber board.
Suisei is a vtuber therefore she exists.
Only and last time I'm interacting with this.

>> No.49036473
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>> No.49037804

It's Suitsei not Suisei
It means Suisei in suits, therefore Suitsei

>> No.49037920
File: 431 KB, 2048x1535, 20230509_112854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.49038054

Subaru down
Micomet down
After eating together with akushion
Except Towa

>> No.49038321

wait shuba is sick? coof??
tokyo tower too strong...
but seriously i hope aksio get well soon and i really hope the other girls don't get it

>> No.49038408

shuba has chest pain, could coof or could be her existing heart condition

>> No.49038452

Wait Subaru is down too?

>> No.49038522

that's extremely concerning, i hope it's just gas...
t. md

>> No.49039704

Towa the smoker....

>> No.49039953

Learn how to read first dumbass

>> No.49040595

TMT (Towa Maji Tsuyoi)

>> No.49041228
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>> No.49042123

Smoking is bad they sad

>> No.49042480
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>> No.49042531
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>> No.49043028
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>> No.49043478

>without cleaning

>> No.49043568

guguru probably doesn't know what that expression means
i'll assume it's sex kek

>> No.49044537

>A few minutes before Migo penetrate Suityan

>> No.49044827
File: 101 KB, 1080x575, Soon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can smell it
The day Migo top will usurp Sui top is near
And us gap moe chads will get the last laugh

>> No.49046020
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>> No.49047348
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>> No.49048247
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>> No.49049188
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