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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48926464 No.48926464 [Reply] [Original]

Is the FGC scene that bad or it twitter freaks again?

>> No.48926520

Just a combination of people who hate hololive and people who just hate vtubers in general.

>> No.48926568

Its the convergence of separate trains of haters gathering in one big dogpile. That said they are still a small minority compared to the ones enjoying it or who are whatever with it.

>> No.48926593

Ironic since you're seeking out hate posts to get mad at. This is one step away from being a "Look at this Twitter screencap and get mad like I did" thread.

>> No.48926638

FGC hates anime. (Weird since 90% of fighting games are japanese)
It's happening with Tekken 8 too, last i saw they were going like:

>> No.48926685
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What do (You) think?

>> No.48926708 [DELETED] 

if niggers and trannies seethe over it, you know the game is good

>> No.48926713

Things that require significant time investment attracts autists which then leads to a tranny infestation.

>> No.48926715

>Is the FGC scene that bad?
Yes. It would probably take an entire thread to even enumerate what's wrong with the FGC these days.

>Or is it Twitter freaks again?
Also yes. People on Twitter were already joking on how this game would steal Blazblue and UNIEL's thunder for being the most racist fighting game to exist, before the game even launched.

>> No.48926756


>> No.48926767

yes and yes, also it's just not a good game

>> No.48926791

The absolute irony that all those characters in their profiles would hate them roru

>> No.48926796

FGC and twitter overlap so much

>> No.48926814

Is it? I feel like you have to go out of your way to find it. I'm not seeing anything on my feeds.

>> No.48926825

fighting game elitists are a special kind of elitist since unlike other hobbies they spend hundreds of hours doing one thing while having nothing physical to show for it like model and car autists do and need to justify it by acting as if their hobby is superior.

>> No.48926838

fgc loves fighting games 6 people total play

its twitter weirdos who dont play fighting games, as usual

>> No.48926894

fgc by definition is tryhard

>> No.48926943

FGC has always hated anime games. Only a handful got a pass.

>> No.48926949

you misspell tranny

>> No.48926968

shonentards are subhuman

>> No.48926990
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the game has no in-game chat, stop reading twitter and just play. it has more concurrent players than any other 2D fighting game at the moment, this speaks for itself.
in fact, right now you would have to combine the 2nd, 3rd and 4th places in order to beat it. now, of course this only happens because it's free, not trying to imply otherwise, but clearly there is no significant boycott happening.

>> No.48927016

>most racist fighting game to exist
What? How? Why?

>> No.48927051 [DELETED] 

no niggers

>> No.48927072
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Which is funny since the only popular western developed fighting game is anime inspired and has only girls.
Skullgirls got a lot of hate in the past.

>> No.48927079

Why do people seethe so hard over vtubers? Doesn’t 4chan love anime girls? It’s not ponyshit.

>> No.48927109

anon, I know NRS' games are trash, but they are most definitely popular.

>> No.48927135

they think it's the cool thing to do, in style even

>> No.48927139

vtubers are eceleb shit, so they get hate

>> No.48927209
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>Transgender edward...
Yeah they hate this and everything, even themselves

>> No.48927213

>twitter freaks
Take a guess anon, what does pattern recognition tell you?

>> No.48927249

you can search any random fighting game competition and get the average shade of skin color
then you can search what kind of anime this group of people usually watch

>> No.48927257

The common wisdom goes that V豚 are so lost in the rabbit hole that they don't understand that they are simping for what literally is e-girls roleplaying anime characters to maximize simpbux, therefore all truotaku hates them

>> No.48927319

There's a weird notion that the people who play anime fighters are wholly composed of racist people.
How and why they got to that notion is beyond me. Games like Guilty Gear are apparently safe from that brand of harassment though, and I can probably guess why.

>> No.48927343
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>> No.48927354

>Idol culture is bad
>No black people
>Muh trans representation where?
>Why do they all have white skin if they are Japanese? Give them slit eyes and yellow skin for proper representation!
>Le parasocial fucks
I can give you another dozens of reason why twitertranny can get mad.

>> No.48927372

Where's Tekken?

>> No.48927411

Proof of the supposed hate ?

>> No.48927438

You have to understand that you can’t play fighting games “casually”. The scene in general only attracts tryhards because of the nature of the games

>> No.48927445

1. vtubers are industrialized e-girls and you're in denial if you don't think it's true
2. although anime is fairly mainstream right now there's still a fuckton of people who get offended by seeing eastern 2D cartoon style, like the election tourist wave still using the term "tranime"
3. Idol Showdown's fandom is almost entirely tourists to the genre and this genre's fandom is so small that they feel threatened
4. as always, there will be contrarians just because

>> No.48927495

EVO and its consequences have been a disaster for fighting games

>> No.48927518

These alot of proof above, you just have to scroll up
Or browse twitter if your still not convinced

>> No.48927568

the game is shit

>> No.48927596

I was filtering by 2D fighters, but Tekken is at ~6k

>> No.48927608
File: 20 KB, 400x225, Evomoment37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped following the FGC after the heyday of Street Fighter IV. I don't remember them hating anime. They always had respect for Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, KoF etc. Judging from >>48926685 I'm guessing the community got infiltrated by trannies and ironic weebs in the past 10 years.

>> No.48927662

>Idol Showdown's fandom is almost entirely tourists to the genre
absolutely not. can count the amount of matches I fought against people who didn't know what they were doing in one hand. people don't learn to play like this in a day unless they have a lot of prior experience with the genre.

>> No.48927678

Both, and I agree with the anons in this thread, we should ignore these mouth-breathers cause it's pointless to give any of them attention.
They really are seething over a free game, of all thing. It's not even made to be in a competitive e-sport scene, but just a tribute by fans to Hololive's talents.
>"We won't play the game!"
Yeah, like who the fuck ask?

>> No.48927769

Eh I see e-girls as talentless whores that only get views based on looks. With vtube, your talent has to carry you.

>> No.48927833

FGC scene is one of shittiest scenes out there in nearly every respect there is

>> No.48927841
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I've often found that people who seethe like in picrel>>48926685 have no idea what they're talking about before they type out of their ass, rather than them commenting aas an actual member of any community.

>> No.48927894
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Idol Showdown's strongest hater

>> No.48927907

vtubers are 3DPD and not real anime girls, also most of 4chan hate anime now

>> No.48927956

Partial cope, even weebs want a nice model on stream most of the time

>> No.48927979

What a shame that his dad failed the post-natal abortion

>> No.48928014

nijifags brigading with some leftover chink antis, nothing new.

>> No.48928022

full-on cope
although vtuber fans will eat up lots of slop, they have some standards and get easily filtered by bad models

>> No.48928030

You are disingenious if you think their model doesn't play any part in their popularity. Sure, anyone can comission pretty anime girl model so it is hard to stand out with pretty models if everyone else is also pretty anime girls. But having an abomination as your model is still a big minus no matter how talented you are.

>> No.48928031

Most of 4chan is not /v/ (which goes through constant civil war) and /pol/ (reddit colony)

>> No.48928129

Trannies are losers and nobody cares about them until they start touching children.

>> No.48928250

A big portion of the fgc, at least online, overlaps almost 100% with the twitter freaks. These are the people demanding a tournament that happens in Miami to move locations because of the new laws Florida is passing. Now why this happens? Because California, especially the Bay Area and LA, has always been an important place for the scene and where a bunch of the best American players hail from.

>> No.48928265

>Most of 4chan is not /v/

>> No.48928266

That's every competitive scene though.

>> No.48928326

They realised the fans weren't going to shit on the game for the homoreferences so took matters in to their own hands

>> No.48928387

Vtubers are streamers. A lot of people instantly have a negative association with streamers.

>> No.48928448
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>> No.48928459

I don't think this would hold true for the FGC specifically. Justin.tv made it what it is today. Which, you know, isn't all good, but twitter freaks are definitely part of the "today" era of the FGC, so for them it is.

>> No.48928461

Everything has a meta. Let's not forget how many Waluigi Wigglers we see in Holo Mario Kart tourneys.

>> No.48928479

>Chazz pfp
That one has to be satire

>> No.48928515

Kronii proves you wrong.

>> No.48928528

>and has only girls
there's two guys

>> No.48928600

DLC only

>> No.48928604

The factor he is missing is sex appeal outside of appearance

>> No.48928670

FGC has an inherent anti anime bias. Half of it is the Twitter stuff already mentioned but another half of it is the cultural attitude that liking anime is childish, emasculating, etc. Shonen is popular because it's not seen as "emasculating" in the same way (but it is still seen as childish). Simple as

>> No.48928679

I love dunking on those shitters with comet Rosalina

>> No.48928727

>Twitter fags and trannies

>> No.48928731

>”made by hololive fans, for hololive fans”
why are there homos in the game?

>> No.48928739

anons zoom in on the one or two negative examples and pretend that it means that the game is hated, /vt/ is attracted to imaginary drama

>> No.48928742

Wow so I’m not the only one that thinks all she does is exist? I don’t understand her following. She is so slow to form sentences too, and her models mouth being open all the time like a retard doesn’t help.

>> No.48928825


>> No.48928833

believe it or not most people don't hate the homos, they just genuinely don't give a fuck about them. people who would actively avoid the game because there are references to them (not even fighters) is probably a grand total of less than 100 people. if you have to be told this then that's on you desu

>> No.48928849

She has a good voice and the vibe of never having good dick, it's a fixable issue so before all the ENstars shit she had a lot of appeal

>> No.48928933

He thinks Holostars are part of Hololive when they aren't.

>> No.48928936

NTA but, I thought that was an inside joke people did, how is it a meta?

>> No.48928952
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Will LowTierGOD play it?

>> No.48928977

So has anyone actually seen this "strange amount of hate" OP is talking about? The only thing posted on this thread is 3 literally who twitter accounts, and nothing pops up immediately when I search through mentions of the game on twitter

>> No.48929069

/vt/ loves imaginary drama, this place has devolved into a circlejerk shitshow. Things were better when it was mostly memes and porn.

>> No.48929079

You mean unplug the computer before he loses? Probably

>> No.48929087
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>most racist fighting game
that belongs to Jojo

>> No.48929199

It’s all from unicorns.

>> No.48929220

are they paying you to make these threads?

>> No.48929247

Touhou fans need to step up

>> No.48929266

>Is the FGC scene that bad
The group that was so bad their main tournament was filled with pedos? Yes.

>> No.48929317

The amount of "homo" representation is exactly the amount that makes sense given the majority opinion towards them. Mostly subtle references (except Roberu npc, the most popular one), since most people don't hate them enough to avoid them, but no fighters because they aren't popular enough to justify that. Most people aren't unicorns but most people aren't serious fans for theirs either.

>> No.48929323

>Trains people
yes im sure their voice matters

>> No.48929341

>It’s not ponyshit
That fighting game also got a lot of hate.

>> No.48929358

You're thinking of Smash Bros. players.

>> No.48929374

>We will not be buying
Troons lack reading comprehension

>> No.48929398

Are you talking actual pedos or “17 yo slut flirted with you. You are le bad”

>> No.48929419

FGC is tranny twittard central
It's second only to speedrunners in trash videogame communities

>> No.48929474

>trannies hate this game
>unicorns hate this game

They are???

>> No.48929495

you can tell it was made by "hololive" fans and not "homo" fans otherwise they would have added at least oga or shien or temma as dlc. or they would just make a "homo" game.

>> No.48929521

only thing i've heard about is some guy from smash grooming young boys, don't think there is many girls to groom in the FGC community
cope sis, homobeggars are seething the chad holoJPs ignore their references

>> No.48929543

unitroons real once again

>> No.48929558

nta but absolutely
/v/ is a piss-infested shitstain of a board and it's hated for good reason, /vr/ and /vg/ are the only options for people who actually like games in the first place

>> No.48929575

think a lot of them are from the 2020 reddit era and got stuck making the game and unable to follow modern references

>> No.48929950
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The answer is always, ALWAYS. The chinese.
Pic related, Little witch nobeta after it was announced that the game will be dubbed by hololive

>> No.48930023

Meanwhile most of the games they play are made by the Japanese and feature a heavy anime aesthetic. Then again, most fightan fags are also niggers, and those guys can rarely put two and two together.

>> No.48930088

lmao cope. they are hard carried by their anime beauty filter.

>> No.48930097

Its a free game the devs already won by having thier oshis play it , but yeah FGC has those weirdos who think all vtubers are men with voice changers which is ironic. Im going to guess most of the real hate is faggots here seething at a homostar being included

>> No.48930218

homos aren't popular enough to be the main reason for hate, most people dont even realize they exist. it's definitely twitter that has the mainly negative reactions to the anime egirl game

>> No.48930399

There are vtubers with expensive-ass models whose stream numbers can't break double digits even after years of grinding. A good design can carry a basic bitch only that far.

>> No.48930509


>> No.48930542

I doubt chinks care, but buying chink bots now thats pretty cheap and i can absolutely see nijikeks doing it.

>> No.48930619

>ignore their references
No no you got it all wrong, they are so insignificant JPs dont even KNOW they are references.

>> No.48930621

so you FGCfags are just butthurt seeing some fighting games with whores with anime avatars get more attention than your fighting game series no.1000. I take that as a W.

>> No.48930745

Anime girls can be AI generated these days, not to mention that these 3Ds don’t even have to bathe or put make up on before going live. All that matters is the personality

>> No.48930806

most people saying those word are black

>> No.48930938

>With vtube, your talent has to carry you.
lel. then how come the most talented are far from being the most successful.

>> No.48931140
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false, being fun is in and of itself a talent

>> No.48931143
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>go out of my way to look up the negative tweets about the game
>most people have never tweeted about fighting games or even vtubers before
>the fgc Twitter seems to be open to it
Is this thread a psi op.

>> No.48931167
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Now that you mention it...

>> No.48931215

too much time on discord

>> No.48931257

why would you care if it's getting hate if you believe it's unjustified?

>> No.48931312

Where these nerds come from? People played Touhou, Melty, and EFZ like 2 decades ago

>> No.48931348
File: 52 KB, 500x500, artworks-TMNwCeyI0RYVWGtS-FmuSFw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The successful ones are still E-girls with anime beauty filter. Real talent uses an ugly orange as avatar.

>> No.48931357

Good stat spread and Waluigi's lanky frame increases visibility.

>> No.48931679

They want you to kill yourself in specific.

>> No.48931734

>hard R
They don't differentiate in the modern day so it's gonna be like 5 percent at least now

>> No.48931818

Do blacks realize that there are more races than just them

>> No.48931899

Nah, dramaniggers need to get their (you) fix as always.

>> No.48931937


>> No.48932012

Is this the right thread to ask how did Gura get so popular? She is so fucking BORING. 2 mil is ridiculous.

>> No.48932056

Not going out of my way to hate it myself, but if you faggots stop going to every general and shilling a fighting game that people generally don't give a shit about then you wouldn't be getting as much hate. Along with superchatting every girl in order to try and get them to play it and give you advertising. It's a huge marketing push to try and popularize the devs and try to get them hired by cover so they can try to fuck the girls. Just stop being shitheads and make a game for fun not for other motives.

>> No.48932082

Wrong thread sister.

>> No.48932086
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So do you faggots

>> No.48932117

its actually based on someone doing a search of every fighting game discord and adding up the hard R to server population ratio. its also not serious, its just a joke

>> No.48932146

>industrialized e-girls
the cost has to come down more

>> No.48932155

Because Homos are a part of Hololive Production

>> No.48932271

>the community got infiltrated by trannies and ironic weebs
you have no idea how bad it is

>> No.48932300

Ogey. Giga ogey even

>> No.48932302

Counter point Gura had the worst model of myth. Pekora had one of the least interesting models. Personality beats model unless you join hololive now. If you join now model does 90% of the work but there’s only hololive

>> No.48932424

He said fans nobody watches them so it’s obviously not hololive fans. Not caring also means you aren’t a fan of them

Time trials are also dominated by small characters because they can fit through gaps

>> No.48932503

Kiara has the worth myth model and it's not even close

>> No.48932554


>> No.48932735

Gura had the worst model but the best design so it more than evens out.

>> No.48932931

FGC is genuinely a terrible community that constantly does things that push new players away, then every few months goes "what can we do to get new players to stick around?" They've always had a "ewww anime shit" attitude despite loving Street Fighter and Tekken. It started to lighten up, then a bunch of big names got exposed for being pedos and sex pests, and is now over correcting itself by going back to "eeww anime shit." When Enchantress was revealed for DnF Duel there was a big thread about "oh my god can those Japanese stop putting lolibait pedo shit in their games" and everyone outside of the fgc gave them the side eye for it.

>> No.48933051

>then a bunch of big names got exposed for being pedos and sex pests
This is smash bros. Why does everyone keep lumping them together, the FGC does not like smash niggers.

>> No.48933271

Anime model and design are still the main reason of their success.If not, IryS won't have to change her old model.

>> No.48933274

I'm confused everyone's saying the FGC is a terrible community who hates everyone, but I've only had positive interactions with the FGC. Where are you finding these negative beings?

>> No.48933458


>> No.48933599

FGC is tranniecentral these days

>> No.48933597

Were you not around for all the hate lucky chloe players got in tekken 7 also what this anon the moddern FGC is wack as fuck.

>> No.48933602

No one cares about your local tournament experience

>> No.48933862

And we care about your Twitter interactions why then?

>> No.48933921

Fighting games don't even have voice chat or text chat most times how ate you having negative interactions online?

>> No.48933931

No, the money WB puts into the prize pot for NMS is popular. The actual games are snoozefests enjoyed by very few people.

>> No.48933975

I would rather have normies seethe over vtubers than have them apart of the hobby just to ruin it more.

>> No.48933981

>won't buy free game
>troon logic

>> No.48934136

>twitter screencap
who cares

>> No.48934196

>1. vtubers are industrialized e-girls and you're in denial if you don't think it's true
Would you really touch a e-girl ? even with a stick ?

>> No.48934200

Mk 11 sold like 8 million copies. I don't think you understand how popular MK is as a brand with casual people who just want to play through the story and see the fatalities.

>> No.48934265

Locals or a small discord you're probably gonna have a good time. Twitter fgc has a problem of complaining about shit normal players don't care about and stereotyping players based on what characters they like and being hostile towards anyone outside of their clique. Reddit is reddit. Youtube comments are youtube comments. And if you play Online without disabling your DMs you'll probably rack up enough messages calling you slurs cause they got mixed one too many times.

>> No.48934349
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Reminder capcom litterally put a black tranny in SF6 and made him dress and talk like Chris Tucker from the fith element. This is the moddern FGC in a nutshell and its gross.

>> No.48934354


>> No.48934452

Never experienced any of this, sounds like something that only happens to the terminally online. Mean while I've been harassed more times then I can count playing FPS or MOBA games. Maybe I just don't play the right characters for hate mail.

>> No.48934498

Are the FGC assholes?
They have been hating melee for almost 20 years and trying to get rid of it every chance they get despite the game having more depth than most shit they play and bringing ten times as many viewers.
What do you think.

>> No.48934511

Ok and street fighter has had poison in it since 3rd strike. Now you care about their being a transperson in the cast?

>> No.48934577

>despite the game having more depth than most shit they play
Smash pedos actually believe this.

>> No.48934747

the BO fumes have made the delirious, please understand

>> No.48934811

thats a nice spin you put on what i wrote. Everyone knows posion was never trans untile they changed it to be that way do your street fighter lore reps.

>> No.48934849

>AHHH MY [twitter screencaps]
>AHHH MY [trannies]
>no gameplay in sight

>> No.48934867

Yes, the gameplay is superior on so many levels it has outlasted every single fighting game the FGC pedos have to offer over a decade and will continue to reign long after every game they like now is gone.
The FGC pedos can't even grasp its gameplay.

>> No.48935340

Game developers have realized the only way to sell the game via advertising is to get Twitter troond hating it since everyone hates Twitter troons after what they did to Pikamee.

>> No.48935353


>> No.48935645

I mean, are all female streamers e-girls? I really dont get this complain, whenever a vtuber tries to stave off the parasocial aspect they get shit on here for not pandering to the gachikois, and whenever they do, tehy get shit on for being e-girls, e-whores, menhera or whatever other label.

>> No.48935667

Vtubing is kind of a loser hobby. Even some of the girls agree (like Ina).

>> No.48935809

Omg so true sister they hate us!!!!

>> No.48935888

Only appealing threads are the porn ones might as well name it /vpol/ ill never understand why tr**** live rent free in their heads

>> No.48936359

ALL nerd hobbies are loser hobbies

>> No.48936489

Losers calling other people losers is such a loser thing to do.

Don't think anyone ever thought FGC was cool

>> No.48936773

Trannies hate vtubers. They first saw the concept as a sort of tool they could use, to fulfill their fantasies of being a girl on the internet. But as it turns out, even when watching fake anime girls most people still really prefer when there's a real girl behind it. It also really fucks with their self image, those that try it out, because they're of the opinion that even if they can't pass physically at least they can SOUND like a girl. But they still get found out nonetheless.

>> No.48937151

Yeah, I follow a lot of people mainly from the anime fgc side of the circle (Guilty Gear, Blazblue) and most of them seem positive on it.

>> No.48937302

Not to mention that a model and rigging costs money and a commitment to actually use it. Vtubing has a higher barrier of entry than normal streaming.

>> No.48937523

The irony that it's a Taiwanese publisher and the fact it's hololive that offends the mainlanders, presumably because of their takent acknowledging Taiwan, is pretty funny honestly.

>> No.48937569

Why is every fighting game fan fat or a literal faggot? They make us look good.

>> No.48937818

I notice this thread of shonen pfps on twitter all having the exact same personality

>> No.48937871

Why can’t they just let the tiny island exist? Why do they seethe so much over Taiwan? The CCP I understand but just citizens jacking off to drawings in their apartments?

>> No.48937927

my oshi liked it so it's okay in my book.
could have done without the tempus reference though

>> No.48937943

Smash pedo deflection post.

>> No.48937999

Well, there is of course the ideological reason. But the true reason is that Taiwan is the largest producer of semiconductors in the world. In the era of information, processing power is king.

>> No.48938180

By and large people the world over love to be outraged no matter how flimsy a premise is needed. It's a distraction from mundane problems and young Chinese have a lot of mundane problems to worry over.

>> No.48938336

I quit playing strive and tekken as much because once you get to a decently high level so many popular players are just huge assholes, you play vs any streamer and they just flame you if you are winning or losing, their is a reason aris hates the fgc nowadays

>> No.48938468
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Same and now mine is going to play fighting games in the future

>> No.48938590
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Any hobby or past time whos audience is overwhelmingly male and not hyper mainstream (Sports, ect) is a prime target of ridicule, or attempts at subversion. Just look at how gaming has changed for the worse these past few years
like >>48932271 you have no idea how shit things have gotten

>> No.48938656

Twitter freaks and FGC are almost a circle in venn diagram anon.

>> No.48938731

>protect the integrity of our brand
What integrity?

>> No.48938735

I don’t go to stupid deodorant-free FGC events I just play ranked online at home. Fuck the community.

>> No.48938757

Polfaggots are annoying, they gotta move somewhere else.

>> No.48938914

This is over 8 years old at this point and mister wizard isn't even affiliated with Evo anymore

>> No.48938979

Was he caught for child porn?

>> No.48939435

The tranny shit was so bad I stopped watching Guilty Gear Strive after the whole Bridget and Testament shit. And hilariously enough, all the people I ended up just muting on twitter that has any adjacent relation to GG or anime fighting games just went and cleaned up my timeline. No tranny shit, no drama. All I ended up with was mortal kombat posts, street fighter, tekken, Melty and king of fighters.

>> No.48939459

hololive is the smash community of the vtuber world? Their large community revolves around ogling at cutesy aesthetics and demanding to be liked even though people are against infantile behavior. If the FGC hated GBVS and DNF Duel which had better "cool" aesthetics why would they like this game? Maybe there could be a side tourney for this scam like arcana heart or smash but not main stage

>> No.48939622

Yeah I’m happy that I creamapi’d all the Strive DLC. After the Bridget shit I was over it. A shame, but whatever.

>> No.48939712

holy fuck FGC fans BTFO

>> No.48939826

>a fighting game being played some how is the FGC getting BTFO
What level of Twitter brainrot is this

>> No.48939878 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 680x560, image_2023-05-07_153610561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just showing an example of the FGC going downwards, the memes out of that situation were funny though

>> No.48939899

do you not know how the fighting game cycle works? All of them reach this number when it's new

>> No.48939949
File: 16 KB, 231x187, 1682623579072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but what about the bridget porn

>> No.48940010

No need to get caught if you just go straight for the source instead (yes he's an unironic pedo).

>> No.48940163

But enough about /vt/

>> No.48940175

transgender edward elric saying Vtubers are for lovers is a big pot calling the kettle black situation.

>> No.48940268

>Just look at how gaming has changed for the worse these past few years
That's not about men though. It's about getting into the heads of kids

>> No.48940565

maybe if there was a chud fgc player that could beat sonicfox consistently, someone would care

>> No.48940582

PS3/360 era fighting games were littered with hate mail after matches. Especially SF4

>> No.48940841

It's funny how people reply to this thinking it's actual adults typing this shit, but considering the pfps they're probably some dumbass 12 year olds who can't even read properly.
Kids say all sorts of stupid shit, you shouldn't be treating it seriously.

>> No.48940969

Nah, its usually niggas in their 30s in the fgc's case. Hood niggas love shonen shit. It's not that unusual.

>> No.48941032

That's exactly his point, WE the VTuber fans are the tourists invading the FGC.
They're scared about the cultural change that would result from such a big tourist invasion.

>> No.48941094

sorry dude but this game's only saving grace is rollback netcode. It looks visually unappealing for the western fgc. Worse than hisoutensoku, worse the dengeki bunko and those are already very niche

>> No.48941242

These are unironically the same exact accounts that freaked out over Mori's song on her last album because she used the word "cancel"

>> No.48941644

A turbo chud autist that would be autistic enough to beat Sonicfox wouldn't have the ability to walk into a FGC tourney. The anxiety and terror of human contact, much less contact with furries and trannies, would destroy their mind and they'd tank the set.

>> No.48941871

if it shills tempus it's a bad game

>> No.48942037

Imagine taking the opinion of the nigger whose fursuit smelled so badly that it was considered a distraction during competition.
He still needs to get punched.

>> No.48942056

That's rich coming from /vt/, the hate capital of internet.

>> No.48942253

He wins games and tournaments. That's the only shit that matters. And this game's community hasn't made any effort to sell this game to the average fgc player other than put them down for not following the internet "chad" image

>> No.48942572

Poison is at least hot.

>> No.48942754

What about it? I’m not into men.

>> No.48943093

Their hate for the game is unfounded to begin with considering it's a free game and the whole purpose behind it all.
Literally people trying to find things to hate on

>> No.48943243

Actual straight men don't need to publicly reassure themselves and to others that they're straight like a Pokemon.

>> No.48943399

Flooded with troon shit in the west and Japanese artists used to be bullied if they didn't abide by the new butchered canon, but I believe the freaks stopped doing that after a while.

>> No.48943498

There's several things to nitpick at with this game. First of all, it's a fighting game featuring youtubers. That alone should immediately put it in MUGEN tier. Second, the aesthetics aren't cool or badass. The mechanics aren't outstanding either. There are also vtubers or players engaging in vtubing within the fgc already and are completely ignored on this board like romolla and omito. Why does the holo community demand people give them respect just because of the brand?

>> No.48943499

And actual straight men are not fine with fucking boys as long they were a dress.

>> No.48943609

The sprites are hideous and I'm pretty sure half of the talents are just being nice about it. The animations are janky and awkward, which is all understandable considering the size of the team but still a valid criticism.

>> No.48943657
File: 25 KB, 400x365, trollface blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know trannies were identifying as clothing now

>> No.48943687


>> No.48944145
File: 239 KB, 1397x1863, 1669881240965548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares; I've been playing SF since third strike and I'm just happy doing combos with the best doog
That ground "EX" doog to launch, jump attack to air DOOG, then launch again, jump attack to DOOG feels fantastic (and broken kekk)

>> No.48944494

It's completely free. Nobody is trying to sell you this game. Aesthetics are subjective but seeing the effort put in it is obvious unless you're biased or braindead.
>>48943498 needs to chill. Most of your complaints aren't even about the game

>> No.48944843

its crazy how much damage strive has done in so little time

>> No.48944953

He asked and I answered, retard. I don’t care what you’re personally attracted to.

>> No.48945086

dont know why you're trying to grandstand here when ricky ortiz and sonixfox were a thing before strive

>> No.48945205
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>> No.48945334

>unable to follow modern references
Kotatsu and G penguin are from 2022

>> No.48946640
File: 68 KB, 227x300, 1682186493229425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow Ricky trooned out? I just remember him being gay and everyone was cool with it/didn't give a fuck. I do remember SonicFox's antics and thinking "nigga Ricky was a gay pro player before you, sit your ass down." Internet brainworms do exist.

>> No.48947090

strive kicked the flood gates open

>> No.48947259

reminder that floe confirmed that ricky and arturo were a thing and that ricky was the top.

>> No.48947331

why? Because the eng version changed bridget from a trap to a trans? Bridget was already a trap and testament was already a crossdresser before that

>> No.48947433

>Bridget was already a trap
true, but then they made him a tranny for whatever reason
>testament was already a crossdresser
what the fuck are you talking about
he was androgynous sure, but not a crossdresser

>> No.48947921

>See their twitter handle
Those people don't worth our time and breath. Why you care though? Converting them is impossible. Let real life and nature punish them. It's inevitable.

>> No.48948195

>eng version changed bridget from a trap to a trans
This cope was killed in September of last year. Ishiwatari sold out and even talked about it on Japanese interviews, so it's not just the localization that butchered Bridget's character. And Testament was a twink, not a crossdresser.

>> No.48948291

Kronni and Shylily exist to prove u wrong , both hard carried by model

>> No.48948306

Imagine listening to a guy who posted bail for a gay faggot who roundhouse kicked a woman in the face.

>> No.48948407

I've only seen people like it. I don't know where you're getting hate from.

Normies tend to hate fighting games and find anime kinda gross so I'm not surprised if there were people being upset.

>> No.48949301

Yes, they are.
If my friend told me he watched a female streamer, it wouldn't matter if it was 3D or a vtuber, it would still be pathetic

>> No.48949647

black people

>> No.48950041

It's looking like an uncanny mix of an anime and NRS fighting game, which is a double whammy in the FGC.

>> No.48950231

I can't answer your question without being banned, but my suggestion would be to look up some fighting game tournaments and look at all the people involved. Just look at them. Take a long, hard look at who plays fighting games. Look at their faces. Listen to their voices. Read their names.

That should probably tell you everything you need to know.

>> No.48950401

the "you should kill yourself NOW" guy

>> No.48950513

From a fighting game player perspective, the game is pretty ass. I've never seen a lower quality fighting game with bad sprites offsets, shit state transitions, and just being ugly.

>> No.48950658

>From a fighting game player perspective
You mean snob casual who only buys NRS games for the "story" and thinks Strive is the best GG ever?

>> No.48950691


>> No.48950759

Please, honestly, tell me why you think that.
To answer the question, no

>> No.48950969

Internet based fighters killed fighting games. At least with arcade you were limited to your locality when it came to skill level

>> No.48951161

Kinda this yeah. I literally only played Guilty Gear and Blazblue mostly with just a couple friends locally - even if I could hold my own online, it's just set up to eventually give you frustrating matches if not find some player or matchup that will just body you relentlessly.

And because it's online, you're not there in the room with the guy, you don't know him at all, there is no intrinsic understandings or honor systems going around of "we just don't play Tager" or whatever to ad-hoc balance things out or know that it's nothing serious if someone is being a shitter or using cheap/scummy tactics. Online, it's just someone being a fag, it's not as enjoyable.

At least with something like Idol Showdown there isn't really ever going to be a competitive scene for it (I don't think at least) so probably the bar to tryhard it isn't as high.

>> No.48951748

>had as many day1 players as Melty
>Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam

>> No.48952948

>Coco is in it
The Chinese are getting uppity again.

>> No.48952993

Poison isn't trans. In the early 90s, the American localizers for Final Fight said she was a post-op tranny in the English manual because they were afraid that American soccer moms would freak the fuck out if they saw their sons beating up a woman while playing as macho muscle dudes. Since then, actual trannies have tried co-opting her and paraded her as their "representation", even though the only thing she represents is how horrible the localization practices used to be for Japanese games.

>> No.48953154

Disgusting, because he's no longer a cute little girl. Now he just reminds me of real life uncanny valley tranny garbage.

>> No.48954264

Who are these people shitting on the game anon? I'm watching a prominent big FGC person currently running a scuffed ass tournament for the game as we speak. People are asking Max to play the game and he probably will at some point. Others are either interested in it, are playing it, or have said good things about it. The talent themselves love it and are supporting via giving the devs custom VA work. Theres even a real chance (if Cover is smart) that Cover will pick up the game as a publisher and give a ton of support/budget to the game to catapult into the FGC community.

>> No.48954391

To add to this anon, people are comparing this to early ArcSys games with how in depth the gameplay is and how impressive the sprite work is. That should tell you something about what the FGC folk think. A lot of anime FGCers are boosting the hell out of the game right now. Koefficient was THE BB FGC guy on youtube for his entire career .

>> No.48954439

Wait,.. I always thought bridget was male? he
/she wasn’t one in the official JP canon? wtf

>> No.48957079

He was a dude until Strive when they made his story laser focus on gender identity issues and it ends on him identifying as a girl. It's not a localization thing, he is trans on both Japan and in the west, with the series creator giving interviews to Japanese publications talking about this and being very explicit about it, even saying it was his goal for the character since the beginning while ignoring how he spent almost 2 decades saying Bridget is a guy. The general Japanese fanbase ignores this and still treats Bridget as a dude for the most part, while in the west the character became a huge contentious topic with twitter freaks harassing anyone who doesn't agree with the new canon. Funnily enough a big portion of his story in Strive is a literal fed thinking he's a girl and constantly misgendering him even after being corrected multiple times by Bridget, so make of it what you will.

>> No.48957214
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, 1604502886632 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres approximately zero chance Max plays the game whatsoever my fellow dood. The guy won't even touch BBCF even when it got its massive Rollback update. He ain't touching the fucking cute idol vtuber version of it. Max has a major weak point when it comes to anime games not called Guilty Gear.

>> No.48957292

The devs lost the support of Hololive fans by showing males in the game.

>> No.48957313

Redditors, anon. Anything idol and japanese is hated by default.

>> No.48957526

Love Maximillian and all but he's an absolute normie fag when it comes to anime and especially anime fighters. He couldn't stand Melty and wouldn't touch BBCF again after its major Rollback update. Bro could barely stand Cross tag and only stuck with it cause of the double scythe team comp he ran.
Max has major bias when it comes to fighting games and its no secret. He's gotten so much shit over the years for his treatment of BB as a whole. Like, I have watched that man shit over anime for his entire existence while claiming to like anime.

>> No.48957747

Then why not a no cam or avatar stream?

>> No.48958039

Anyone want to play?
Don't worry I'm not good or anything. I'll mostly be fucking around.

>> No.48960234

surprised at the lack of room codes, if you past them people will join anons.

>> No.48967098

Correction, he always said he likes 90s anime but its like the real basic normie picks like Cowboy Bebop or anything remotely serious along those lines. And even then, his mileage may vary these days if the topic gets brought up since he only remembers what he remembers and the last time for example like years ago when he saw tenchi muyo again, he basically cringed at it. When it comes to games, it basically boils down to is the aesthetic enough to grab him, a character he likes and is the netcode good enough. Lack of one of those things and its a deal breaker.

>> No.48968162
File: 215 KB, 350x309, pikamee black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Pikamee, No Purchase. Simple As!

>> No.48968231

They hate Coco.
Indodog Holodronies call her traitor

>> No.48968345

>incongruous animalbabble
Shut up.

>> No.48968603

The truth hurt Holodronies

>> No.48968834

The moment corporate money touches the game it's over

>> No.48969017

Indodogs also upset and join force with Chink Nijisister.

>> No.48969063

Shut up.

>> No.48969498

everyone called wizard a retard for this
then it turned out he was a groomer

>> No.48970222
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>> No.48970250

Those pfps are from anime specifically before mid 2000's. Bunch of seething late 20-mid 30 year old wannabe teenage girls. Its really depressing, hope these aren't high engagement tweets but the usual bottom of the barrel garage screen capped by retards.

>> No.48970365

>vshitshow fags pretending that the discord steam card farmers are every holofan again
don't you have a quarter of your talents to cry about?

>> No.48971701

Who cares? Play it or don't. Forget weirdos on social media and have fun.

>> No.48971746

i created a cheat to the game that let you have infinite hp if you guys want
also to the dev you need a anti-cheat or something because its really stupid

>> No.48974016

What did Hololive do to incur the tranny vitriol?

>> No.48974176

From what I've gathered.
Anime fighters are different from other fighting games in that they have mindnumbingly long combos and air dashing.

>> No.48974245

Incels are angry that vtubers gets more views than their thots

>> No.48974636

> denuvo thinks it hears a whisper in the wind

>> No.48975705

You need to really pull your head out of your ass and see things through lenses of a person with at least slight ammount of self awareness. Look at this board, it's full of 20 to 30 year old men getting into console wars about 3DPD ewhores larping as anime girls, creating cults of personality over their favorite girl using the amount of money they've donated to her or how long they've membered to her as a badge of honor. You'll constantly see thread of people fucking malding at the existence of males in the general vicinity of their favorite girls, to the point of losing their fucking minds and harassing the guys over twitter and screaming about their poor little hobby being invaded a hobby they themselves invaded and turned into a girlfriend simulator thing. It's not surprising at all why people fucking hate vtubers and vtuber fans. We're literally the modern bronies,

>> No.48977933

>indie gamedevs
Pick none

>> No.48978301

>We're literally the modern 2hu
Also, you're a retard if you think anything going on /here/ has any repercussion on how the hobby is seen outside. The whole point of this board is for people to vent and shitpost about stuff they'd normally not bring up in other places, which the vast majority of normalfags aren't even aware of. People who hate vtubers usually just find their reason in a general dislike for anime, streamers, ethots or a mix of all three, anything more specific than that comes from a fringe of dedicated haters or fans turned antis. Like you, I'm assuming.

>> No.48978717

Never seen those comments myself, but I've seen people say they want character designs like Marissa's (SF6). Seems like the ugly fucks and fags are barking once again.

>> No.48979026

No Anon, it was that the main tournament(EVO) was run by a pedo who groomed and took pictures of naked 11 year old boys while he bitched about DOA6 advertising itself in Japan by being sexy and the MCs having fun during EVO Japan.
The CORE VALUES meme came from that event.

>> No.48979227


>> No.48979395

Well I tried it today at least, and the game itself blows.
So I imagine the hate is people who recognize the game sucks as a fighting game and want to prevent it from appearing in events.

It’s a fun doujin game but damn it plays like ass

>> No.48979490

Grand Wizard KKKalliope Mori committed the gravest sin of all (being white)

>> No.48979661

>Is the FGC scene that bad

>> No.48979828

do not mix me with those morons

>> No.48980049

>industrialized e-girls
I stopped reading

>> No.48980412

she was already popular,newfag

>> No.48980482


>> No.48980634

>and made him dress and talk like Chris Tucker from the fith element.
that sounds kino

>> No.48980754

>Blazblue and UNIEL
>most racist
Fucking how? Street fighter has literal stereotypes. Or do they think "Unreal Black Things" refers to something else?

>> No.48980857

What are they? venom? why can't these "people" talk normal as if they're not some sort of hive-mind?

>> No.48980953

>Is the FGC scene that bad?
Probably, fortunately I don't use twitter, I just only play mahvel 3 and smash if you could even consider that a "fighting game" if this is free I might try it out

>> No.48981045

>is getting a strange amount of hate
>*checks steam*
>*reviews overwhelmingly positive 10/10*

>> No.48981044

I couldn't find where he talked about the game, only about his fetishes

>> No.48981094

>That's the only shit that matters

>> No.48981258

>First of all, it's a fighting game featuring youtubers

>> No.48981348

>made him dress and talk like Chris Tucker from the fith element
You sold me on it, I did not like it and you just made it okay.

>> No.48981482

Kamone's been playing it too https://twitter.com/kamone1006/status/1655182933366575104

>> No.48981779

>no reading comprehension

>> No.48983145 [DELETED] 

I fucking HATE the Jojo art style they went for. Other than that, the game's fun

>> No.48983557

I've only ever watched one of her streams, but I think she's fun. She looks like she'd be a bored bitch who doesn't give a shit about anything, but she's actually quite childish. The contrast is amusing to watch
