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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48910229 No.48910229 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't her fans not learn to let go?
Like she keeps being added on fan projects and other things but still, she is gone, a new character.
Are people really that stubborn to accept the fact that she no longer exists?

>> No.48910345

Some people who watch vtubers really don’t want to memory hole them. Others want to memory hole them as fast as possible because we really hate the fans who want to remind everybody of the vtuber who’s gone.
I’m with you on the same boat, actually. I have no idea if that many people even ever actually watched Coco or knew about vtubers while she was still around.

>> No.48910390

This isn't nijisanji where we unperson every member after they leave every member has a legacy they leave in hololive and there is no reason to not remember them.

>> No.48910469
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Why can't her company not learn to let go?
Like she keeps being added on merch and other things but still, she is gone, a new character.
Are people really that stubborn to accept the fact that she no longer exists?

>> No.48910470

people have a hard time separating vtubers from reality so she will keep being put into stuff and though she done stuff agaisnt the company

>> No.48910677

Unlike in real life where holograms and deepfakes are creepy as hell, it is possible to see a moving, speaking vtuber after the VA has moved on and not be immediately weirded out

Kiara may have had a collab with an AI vtuber just for the novelty of it but if I was a streamer with an animated avatar I'd be concerned for the future

>> No.48910717

491000 people watched her graduation LIVE, not counting those that wouldn't make it. She was also at one point WORLD'S number 1 superchat, beating out even normies youtubers. Even now, long after she graduated, she is still number 2 on superchat of all time, beating only by Rushia. So yes many people knew and watched her.

>> No.48912435

Stop diversion Thread, nijinigger

>> No.48912452

I don't watch Nijisanji so I don't care

>> No.48912515

The industry desperately needs someone like Coco (not Kson) to cut through all this bullshit backstabbing and shady businesses.

>> No.48912645

yeah because she was so honest and virtuous

>> No.48912791
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This. Unironically.

>> No.48912842


>> No.48913174

my dick is too stubborn to accept and lots of artists think so as well

>> No.48915088

fbk recently talked about how in 5 years her fans might all have their own personal Shirakami on their phone and she'll be out of a job.

>> No.48916139
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I miss her.

>> No.48918038

I don't think she should be forgotten but people should move on.
Like adding her to that fighting game is fine but she should play a different role not an initial playable character.

>> No.48919645

>Why can't her fans not learn to let go?
they like her

>> No.48919712

Go back to your shit company ninjafag

>> No.48920219

I look forward to seeing Rushia and Coco added to HoloCure because WHY THE FUCK NOT.
I was hoping they'd throw in Mano Aloe as a bonus, too.

>> No.48920458

she's not dead, retard, she's just working with a different company, why should people memoryhole the character design? should people stop making fanart of Kazuma Kiryu if the voice actor stops working with sega and moving on no new Kiryu game is made? same shit.

>> No.48920487

dear nijicuck this is the result of proper branding,the Coco character stayed mostly untarnished and will always be seen as part of the hololive collective, unlike her RM who just keeps being stupid on twitter

>> No.48920553

the absolute state of nijikeks

>> No.48920570

I don't think anyone is actually stupid enough to add Rushia

>> No.48920627

Graduated members should never be a playable character. Just a poster in the background would be fine. Its really too much that they never let go

>> No.48920732

Botan went straight to Coco and greatly enjoyed the references in her stream, so why exactly should that be the case? Just because you personally don't want her? I don't either, but it's not my game.

>> No.48920784

Thats a you problem.

>> No.48920845

If you don't like it so much, why not design your own popular fangame that excludes her then? Come on, chop chop. No time like the present to start.

>> No.48920912

reminds me of the Sana people. Most of the people that cant even let her go never watched her to begin with I was an actual day 1 sanalite and moved on the day she announced her graduation

>> No.48921153

Coco was special when she was in hololive. Yes she was the first to really crack the English audience, but the other members (mainly before the taiwan incident) were extremely impressed with her business lady attitude. She was the heart and soul of 4th gen, and had a major lasting impact on the other gens. As one of the older members she was leaned on by many of the younger ones for guidance. She was a senpai in the streaming game to many of them, it wasn't like holo is today where they are hiring well established large talents.

>> No.48921855
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You will never understand our faith. She will return in 500 (vtuber) years and reset the world

>> No.48922053

Not just her kohai, even her senpais leaned on her at times, the infamous Coco Aqua Raft stream being one of the biggest examples.

>> No.48922164

it's entirely possible that she was being developed while still in hololive.

>> No.48922233

Damn, I guess Kay Yu needs to remove Sana from HoloCure because your retarded ass is crying about retired vtubers
I mean, Kay Yu confirmed Coco and Rushia being included long ago, but for Aloe it's mostly the lack of any references to make her kit around
He also confirmed the addition of HoloStars after JP Gen 6 is added, and that alone will filter a bunch of retards here
seethe harder

>> No.48922290

I think that is very likely, alot of the references in this game were much more prominent in the fandom in 2020 and early 2021. Guaranteed alot of the planning for it occurred back when Coco was still with Hololive.

>> No.48922318

The dev said they started 2 years ago.
>seethe harder
You're the one that seems mad, Rushia was given the Stalin treatment and wiped out from the past, if she was in the game Hololive members would not play it, Coco was not fired so she's fine even if she is an awkward addition.

>> No.48922451

I'm not the one who seethe at the inclusion of some character, you are
>here's my dumb reasoning
cool but dev doesn't care about your dumb shit so keep seething

>> No.48923242

Rushia is in the game, just not as a playable character.

>> No.48923818

It's not even about the game. Almost everyday cocofags keep creating new threads about Coco. Cocofags will also insert coco's name on a thread that has nothing to do with coco.

>> No.48923881

Coco at least did cool shit which would warrant her inclusion in fan projects. Sana on the other hand didn't do a single thing and was on vacation for 95% of her time in Holo. Yet she's put in everything and holomems have to act like they have sentimental memories of someone they never talked to. All of that aside, the creators said they started work before Coco graduated. If you've ever done anything, you'd know that it sucks to finish a bunch of work and then have to delete it all. So they left Coco in.

>> No.48923898
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I like the streamer
the character she uses just adds some flair

>> No.48923901
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Coco the character still exist in the canon of hololive, you like it or not, hell her fucking streams are still up, meanwhile Coco the VA is over there doing retarded things that knowing her, wouldn't surprise me if she is just doing them for pure unaltered spite.

Is that hard to disconnect the character from the VA? Why I should not be able to play with the tits out fire breathing bitch dragon just because some retards are unable to pass their emotional check?

I swear its the same stupid reasoning from people who think that having clone characters in smash took the place of new characters.

>> No.48924061

I like how bae and Korone did their best to never mention her name or tried their best to avoid even showing her on stream.
Mori and botan probably played it before management found out and sent out the notice about avoiding her if playing the game.

>> No.48924341
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anon is not even a thread reader
Laughing at her voice and clearly having fun decking her
Literally getting mixed by everyone while trying to use Coco
>Sora & Ollie
No fucking idea, not watching them, but they are also the last persons concerned with these type of things

And you can bet your ass Kiara is gonna sperg somehow about Coco in one hour. Cover still has her in her website btw.

>> No.48924898

Matsuri said when HoloCure came out that management was the one who told them about it, was likely the case for this one too. Management probably knew about Coco being in the game before Botan knew what this game was.

>> No.48925048
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>Why can't her fans not learn to let go?
>Like she keeps being added on fan projects and other things but still, she is gone, a new character.
>Are people really that stubborn to accept the fact that she no longer exists?

>> No.48925610

I'll never forget the fattest titties and ass of hololive.

>> No.48926223

She's been retired from hololive for 22% more time than she was active.

>> No.48927198

Nice double negative, retard

>> No.48927280

why bring it up today? is this some sort if deflection?

>> No.48927835

Coco is featured in Idol Showdown (came out yesterday) and retards are crying about her inclusion

>> No.48928245

*Coco is featured in Idol Showdown (came out yesterday) and retarded chinks are crying about her inclusion

>> No.48933515

mental ilness

>> No.48933826

How do we report this to management?

>> No.48934403
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Cocos sterling career turned to fertilizer because she thought she was too good to work for the industry leader. Now shes an irrelevant fat traitor whoring herself and and her coworkers out to a predatory pyramid scheme.

I cant blame the former coco fans wanting to remember her when she peaked rather than the horrendous cesspit of delusion she turned into.

Farewell, Fuckface.

>> No.48934922

ogey zhang

>> No.48936616
File: 251 KB, 1252x1309, 1624879526520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't bugs learn to let go?
Like she keeps being added on fan projects and other things but still,but still it is gone,the bug's spam site
Are bugs really that stubborn to accept the fact that she still exists?
