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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4887604 No.4887604 [Reply] [Original]

I just want every Tatsunoko that's hurting right now to know one thing:
In one month, after your oshi graduates, you will become an enemy on this board. Coco will be called a liability, a western subverter, anything to damage her reputation and make Cover appear in the right for forcibly removing her. It happened to Aloe. At first when she graduated, sympathy. Now, she's called a dumb whore who doesn't know what she's talking about when she speaks out against Cover. It happened to Aqua too, who after receiving hate from antis and deciding to take a break due to her mental health and lack of support from Cover is now painted as an overdramatic crybaby bitch. After Mel came out about the harassment she faced from her manager for months and how Cover failed to do anything about it, she's now "dead weight". All of these girls have been dragged through the mud for taking a stand for themselves, and it'll happen to Coco too. Enjoy this time with your oshi while you still can, because very soon her reputation will be put through the toilet as tribalism inevitably gets worse and people need an excuse for Cover to have been "in the right" in this situation.
And no, I will not take my meds. Because I'm correct.

>> No.4887640

Maybe among JPs, that's never been the attitude among the much mocked EOPs.

>> No.4887659

Haachama is probably next to go.

>> No.4887689

Watching vtubers is just one big delusional cope.

>> No.4887703

not hololive but same thing happened with magnet too
notice how she's called a boring bitch now after she graduates and her fans are attacked for still caring about her

>> No.4887715

>massive chang astroturf conspiracy to discredit talents


>people not feeling a lot of empathy for somebody having skin thinner than a communion wafer when they're making 6+ figures playing videogames and chatting

>> No.4887743

everything is a cope life is shit

>> No.4887926

Cocos pussy is in her prime I just dont understand why shes so obsessed over white dick

>> No.4887936

I fucking hate this timeline.

>> No.4888499

>having skin thinner than a communion wafer when they're making 6+ figures playing videogames and chatting
this lol
you guys have probably never had a hard day in your life if you seriously think a bunch of random losers talking shit to you online is some kind of devastating event. especially if you also have a giant horde of supporters literally showering you with millions of dollars in response to the shit talking.
more likely though you are just so invested in the parasocial trap that you are looking for any excuse possible to maintain your mental narrative that you are real friends with real concern for these e-celebs.

>> No.4888581
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Pretty much. The real issue is the denial and bargaining are going to be bad. Like really bad. I've already seen it. Anon saying "She is going to become part of management!" or "She can still collab!" or "Maybe she can come back for a one off thing!"

After the graduation is when things will get nasty. Things are somewhat civil now since Coco is still with Cover. But once she leaves you'll start to see people get tribal.

Anon your post is shit and you are a faggot go kill yourself and die faggot. Why do you bother posting here you worthless faggot just kill yourself. Faggot no one love you kill yourself. Why are you such a disappointment just die.

>> No.4888605

>Anon your post is shit and you are a faggot go kill yourself and die faggot. Why do you bother posting here you worthless faggot just kill yourself. Faggot no one love you kill yourself. Why are you such a disappointment just die.
truth hurts huh

>> No.4888653

Go kill yourself and die. Why have you not died. Kill yourself and die fag. No on cares just die.

Now times that by any magnitude and make it more constant. It will fuck with anyone's head eventually.

>> No.4888689

I realized you had no idea I was trying to show you what the antis do. But then realized you are not intelligent enough to understand the subtly.

>> No.4888765

>Now times that by any magnitude and make it more constant. It will fuck with anyone's head eventually.
lmao, I've had that for about 15 years ever since I started using the internet. If you haven't noticed telling others to kill themselves is pretty common on 4chan.
You can't even argue that it's different for them either since they are effectively anonymous as well being behind their anime girl. The simple truth is if some random idiot you don't know telling you to go die on the internet seriously hurts you you are pathetic. Frankly I doubt these women are that pathetic, more likely they are just taking advantage of the situation for that sympathy cash.

>> No.4888861

neck yourself. the only meds strong enough for your ilk are measured in millimeters, rather than milligrams.

>> No.4888884

She is a subverter, she always has been. Remember her twerking shit, that's subversion.

>> No.4888908

Didn't read lol.

>> No.4888921

sure thing bud

>> No.4888945

Don't call me buddy guy!

>> No.4888977

You're never liked here niggers. At best you're tolerated

>> No.4889003

All the Reddit spacing in this thread couldn’t be more of a giveaway that most of you are tourists upset that your hugbox didn’t care about your JusticeForCoco flair. Fuck off. Coco sucked almost as much as the trolls making her cry.

>> No.4889049

Online bullying don't exist you retard. Just close your eyes. She's rich as hell thanks to your gullible asses and now she's just bailing out to fuck know.

>> No.4889084

Get Well Soon anon.

>> No.4889101
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>> No.4889116

>She's rich as hell thanks to your gullible asses and now she's just bailing out to fuck know.
She's always been pretty obvious with her greed for money, she's gonna be raking it in after she doesn't have to split her earnings anymore.

>> No.4889149

I'm wondering what kind of moves she's going to make once she's no longer in hololive. She seems pretty smart and it was pretty obvious they were holding her back from doing any "edgy" content. I just hope she doesn't join vshojo or something.
She must have gone through some bad shit to drop a channel with over a million subs though.

>> No.4889157
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Yes. That is literally what happened. I should have posted nothing that was the best option.

>> No.4889191

>She must have gone through some bad shit to drop a channel with over a million subs though.
A million subs doesn't count for much when you have to give away half your income to your employer. She's already started streaming on her personal channel again, Pretty obvious the motivation for this was to get more money.

>> No.4889270

She should and probably will stay indie. Though I guarantee everyone is calling her right now to join them same thing happened to Delta after she graduated.

>Bilibili is calling Coco right now to join them

>> No.4889343

dont bait more medposting redditors please.

>> No.4889365

>Bilibili is calling Coco right now to join them

Unless they want Pooh to fucking rail their ass himself

>> No.4889370

> It will fuck with anyone's head eventually.
Their job being rather comfy (playing videogames, chatting and singing while getting a good salary) aside, you are forgetting that for every negative comment they get at least 10,000 messages that are extremely supportive.
They get people telling them that they are cute, beautiful, that they love them, that they are amazing, that they are funny, etc... literally thousands of time whenever they stream.

If the antis comments supposedly affect them so much then why wouldn't the support comments help them?
It's very possible that they are legit bugged by a few nasty comments instead of looking at the bigger picture and seeing the overwhelming support, but in that case it's them that are being short-sighted. It's not a real mental health issue.

If the chuuba is genuinely an emotionally sensitive person then they should be pretty happy knownig that people are dying to tell them how much they love them.
I think it's more believable that they just want a vacation and using a couple of nasty comments is a nice simple excuse that no one will question.

>> No.4889406

Actual question but have you ever done any performing or streaming in front of a group of people anon?

>> No.4889435

lol have you?

>> No.4889456


>> No.4889467

what was it?

>> No.4889527

anon these people have been bullied literally their entire lives and i don't mean american bullied. their shit is on an entirely different level. from an outsider's perspective, hey, man, cool job, tons of support friends. from their perspective, this is all an illusion, and if they relax at all then everything they thought was good and cool will actually turn out to be a cruel trick that was to raise their spirits just so it could fall harder than it ever has before

>> No.4889578

>anon these people have been bullied literally their entire lives
>most of them have been doing it 1 or 2 years
> from an outsider's perspective, hey, man, cool job, tons of support friends. from their perspective, this is all an illusion, and if they relax at all then everything they thought was good and cool will actually turn out to be a cruel trick that was to raise their spirits just so it could fall harder than it ever has before
I mean this unironically, take your meds. These streamers are not your friends.

>> No.4889593

wasted dubs

>> No.4889601

Not on a scale even close to be remotely comparable to someone like Aqua.
In any case being able to recognize destructive criticism and not paying attention to it is just a very minor display of stoicism that any functioning adult should be able to achieve. I get that chuubas are legit rarted, I'm just saying that being sad over 0,01% of comments being nasty is not an actual mental illness.

>> No.4889638

Enough negativity will eventually get you no matter what, its why those spam campaigns work, the human psyche is not built to dismiss that amount of negative feedback even if you know its BS it will get you, its just a matter of time

>> No.4889668

>anon these people have been bullied literally their entire lives
you literally don't know a thing about their personal lives. At least try to recognize how far in the parasocial pit you are.

>> No.4889677

>functioning adult
Do you even watch Aqua?

>> No.4889679

This won't happen because Kson will continue streaming. If she starts doing streams that are like Asacoco with a twist then people will understand that it's really about creative differences. Rrat only happened because noone knows where magnet is, Delta is locked in a paywall and Mel barely streams. As far as narrative about her, opinions has improved and is still improving. If Kson starts collabing with holoroommates then this means she will be treated as an unofficial holo.

>> No.4889692

>anon these people have been bullied literally their entire lives
Post proof or take meds.

>> No.4889724

A couple different things. One was 4chin related won't say what the other was radio on another image board. It was small but yes the shit comments do bother you more. I ignored them for the most part but they still scratch the back of your mind.

Having people literally coordinating shit to fuck with you and spamming your inbox 24/7 would ruin almost anyone.

Gotta take into account the stress of having a big fanbase.

ALSO Aqua is a bad example because she has legit mental illness. Keep in mind Coco lasted months of this shit before everything piled up.

It needs to be noted the antis are NOT the only reason she is graduating. Management has been fucking with her for a while now. Shit piles up.

It will happen. Do not doubt tribalism.

>> No.4889729

This entire board is a demonstration of how people can't even ignore destructive criticism not aimed at themselves.

>> No.4889756

Most retarded take I've seen ever since the announcement, congratulations. Won't even attempt to argue.

>> No.4889763

The Aqua crybaby rrat is poor. It's very 30/70. To which 30 are rrats. People are sympathetic and even glad she's back. She got the red bull ad with Botan so she looks good right now.

>> No.4889764

>A couple different things. One was 4chin related won't say what the other was radio on another image board. It was small but yes the shit comments do bother you more. I ignored them for the most part but they still scratch the back of your mind.
Okay so shit that no one has ever heard of or cares about. And you are using that as a position of authority to talk about what it's like to be famous? lol

>> No.4889765
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Take your meds, because you're wrong. If you think that most tatsunokos browse /vt/ and involve themselves with the circlejerk and shitflinging here, then you're retarded. The average tatsunoko will mourn for probably a month and move on with their lives. They don't even know that /vt/ exists at all.

>> No.4889801


Anon I know you are retarded but come on.

>> No.4889847

the only retarded one is you my friend, don't try to relate doing some imageboard event for half a dozen people to making millions as a famous entertainer.

>> No.4889901
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Anon. You might be a dumb retard. But you are a cute dumb retard.

>> No.4889911


>> No.4890015

>ALSO Aqua is a bad example because she has legit mental illness
Proof or take meds.

>> No.4890046

She still has a problem with JP antis who act towards her the same as /vt/ behave toward Kiara, in that its not about her anymore, but hating is just ingrained board culture at this point

>> No.4890127

Sure. She has haters. Majority though still loves her. It's pretty much the same like before. Old rrtat different coat.

>> No.4890211

Watch more than 10 minutes of her stream and it's pretty clear she's autistic. Her social issues connecting with anyone except Shion are also blatant. I also wonder if she has issues with Coco because she put quite a bit of effort into CN market and was quite popular there before the big YAB.

>> No.4890743

>being shy or socially awkward = autism
This might surprise you, but unlike what the average 4channeler might tell you, autism is a real disorder with very specific characteristics that's not easy to diagnose even for a trained professional.

>> No.4890839

Anybody well read on autism would tell you that from what we can see the most likely aspie in Hololive is Choco, not Aqua.

>> No.4895556

I'm thinking of going full nijinigger. If tribalism must ensue, then COVER HATE.

>> No.4895599

>she's called a dumb whore who doesn't know what she's talking about
But she is, self-admittedly, a dumb whore who doesn't know what she's talking about.

>> No.4895623

i think its gonna be shion or aqua desu

>> No.4895643

you're stupid if you think thats the reason why she left

>> No.4895651

Anyone who doesn't suck chink cock will get the boot. The mask is off. Cover is a black hole company that devours the dignity of all their talent.

>> No.4895693

Case in point

>> No.4895882


as some one whos actually autistic is hilarious what normies think autism is actually like.

you really think autistic people are socially awkard and anti social?
asbergers is literally just one branch of autism, and it ISN'T even AUTISIM they just got lazy and classified them together due to lack of funding the 1990s. Also even then it is nothing like being an introvert.

the best example of an autistic character portrayed in fiction i've seen so far is probably hina from hinamatsuri, her behavior isn't anti-social at all, but rather she acts like an alien discovering a new world, everything seems detached, and has a hard time feeling connection with things and people, autism is more closely related with psychopathy and you think.
an autistic person might laugh at some ones funeral, not knowing why people are sad at all. they might stab a guy to death for stealing a cookie.
IROINICLY ONION a SATIRE website actually portrays autism more perfectly than any other media i've seen
THIS IS WHAT AN ACTUAL AUTISTIC PERSON IS LIKE, *extremely loud, doesn't know personal space, barely understands sarcasm takes everything literally, screams and stands up or moves erratically, and willing to do things regular people think as too far like killing someone to get a candy etc.

autistic people usually don't understand shame, or embarrassment, actual autistic people (not asbergers) literally don't know what social axiety is, they could literally pull down their pants and shit on the street in public and won't give a damn.
your example of aqua is literally just normal social anxiety

>> No.4896104

anon... youre on 4chan, how have you forgot about negativity bias, this whole site exists on fueling negativity bias.
the human brain will remember negatives more easily then positives, thats just how the brain works and even with mental training its still something you cant avoid.

>> No.4896206

it is however easy for someone with high-functioning autism to pick up on it in others, when your brain works different, youll notice when theres people whose brains work similar to you then normal people.

>> No.4896258

yeah and as some one with autism aqua out of all the members is the least likely to have autism out of everyone in hololive.

in fact even coco has more symptoms than aqua.

>> No.4896301

So Baqua is just literal retards?

>> No.4896375


she probably just has some intense social anxiety,

also why the fuck do people think autistic people are QUIET? like where does this even come from wtf?

have you worked with an autistic person?
we are loud as fuck, and don't know personal space, never stop talking etc.

if I didn't know Tyler1 was playing a character I would say he almost fits the bill as a standard autist

>> No.4896402

while youre right that tends to be the case, autistic people can still feel shame and understand it, theyre just bad at expressing it, if they get proper treatment and training they tend to be able to act normal enough in a social situation, theyll still have their ticks but theyre still functional.
plus youre mainly describing low functioning autism, most diagnosed with autism and would be in a position like aqua arent low functioning
i agree, aqua just seems dumb, not autistic, but i dont really watch her streams enough to determine that

>> No.4896409

Extreme social anxiety, probably. Gets herself in trouble by avoiding unpleasant situations even when it leads to worse trouble down the road.

>> No.4896423

Coco was always called a western subverter, stop rewriting history. Hololive is a virtual idol group and vulgar Americans just can't handle the tough requirements to be a Japanese idol

>> No.4896462

If I ever lose my way and stray from my initial ideology I will refer to this post to remind myself what I was fighting for, because I will never prove this anon right suck my dick cope seethe and dilate nigger

>> No.4896479

It has already begun.

>> No.4896518

> It happened to Aloe. At first when she graduated, sympathy. Now, she's called a dumb whore who doesn't know what she's talking about when she speaks out against Cover.

lol we (I mean /hlg/ not you newfags) laughed from her SEX twitts together with 5ch before she even debuted.

>> No.4896529

Hey give me some links where Aloe speaks against Cover? Who has called her a dumb whore?
Aqua took break, what other support she needs from Cover? A massage?

>> No.4896578

I've been saying this for over a year, your rewriting of history is what has begun

>> No.4896585

Archive reps.

>> No.4896634

the human brain is wired to hyperfocus on people trying to ostracize you, retard. contrary to popular belief, having lots of money does not magically change this. if you have an organized harassment campaign targeting you for the better part of a year, it's going to be a major source of stress no matter who you are. Coco, to her credit, seemed to handle it pretty well, but it was obviously wearing on her.

>> No.4896793

dumb RRAT
Cover treated her incredibly well and they care for all their talents.

>> No.4896825

i may have exagerated a bit about the embarrassment thing,
as it CAN be learned over the years.

however for an autistic person even though they can be learned, it will still feel alien to them why that specific thing is embarrassing at times.

or somethings the inverse where an autistic person feels embarrasment at something that normal people don't feel embarrassing like wearing red for example, or jumping on stairs

>> No.4897202

>Coco was always called a western subverter
By China, yes. Japanese fans just laughed at her clumsy Japanese in a "lol those dumb foreigners" way and didn't know her English was exactly as bad as her Japanese.

The real question is: Did you really mean to out yourself that easily?

>> No.4897252

>And no, I will not take my meds.
That's okay, OPchama. The fact that you have them is all we need to know.

>> No.4897528

Cover do almost nothing for their talents. Seriously their tech barely works and upgrades are very slow and far between.

>> No.4898020

>vulgar americans can't handle what its like to be a japanese idol

HUR DURR muh pure idols

>what is Bis
>what is poor lui
>what is alternative idol groups
>what is gravure shots
>what is statistics of idols going into jav in the real world after retirement or eve in the middle of their career. and sometimes even being successful afterwards
>what is with the large amount of idols doing "work" on the extra to keep themselves afloat because their producer doesn't pay them enough.

the only history revisionist is you.
the whole idol business was NEVER pure not even in 1980s idolfags don't realize that what coco did is literally identical to what poor lui did during BiS's peak being an idol doesn't mean you can't break the mold or do crazy things, you got idols that strip naked in woods and throw dead big carcasses in the audience, there is a whole genre for that in alternative idols. what she did was appeal to that specific audience that likes that, her audience was actually primarily japanese during her peak around early 2019 to mid 2020, it wasn't until holo en when the normies got to her and this was when was banned from asacoco as well. and now her new fanbase is insufferable as hell giving her a false image of being one of the western twitch thot when what she did was completely planed, she had guests come to get asacoco show very similar to idol radioshows where they make skits and do crazy shit, there have been real idols who have done this before, like literally pretend to make drugs on show etc.

>> No.4898153

meant for
as well

>> No.4898265
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It's still real to me damnit!
