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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 138 KB, 952x675, 1682938394915369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48782431 No.48782431 [Reply] [Original]

Day 5 of no wife.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Merch: https://ko-fi.com/Z8Z07FFQ1/shop

Previous thread: >>48700690

>> No.48782495

Me in the middle

>> No.48782534

Me on the right

>> No.48782555

How do I set up chatterino to stalk wifey?

>> No.48782623

Why am i not in the picture

>> No.48782630

Download, install, login or not, load channels, set highlight for her name. That's all you're getting from me.

>> No.48782692

download the installer file from the official website
double-click on the installer file
follow the instructions on the screen to install the software

>> No.48782862

my pure wifey please don't mention cocks or act horny I will cry :(

>> No.48782903

I-I won't

>> No.48783181
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Me too.

>> No.48783274

Welcome new level 4 stalker! See you at level 8-9 in a few weeks!

>> No.48783305

I already stalk her, I've just been too lazy to actually set this thing up

>> No.48783822

yeah there wasn't really a good reason to stalk her twitch before, less so then discord and even discord was only anything of note once every month or two

>> No.48784058

Actual best Shondo based artwork.

>> No.48784076

crazy shondo's literally asexual but less of a prude than her whiny chatters, literally sitting there gushing over her friend while losers loudly whimper about how much they hate anything that could give them a boner

>> No.48784208
File: 4 KB, 351x40, 12feetpenis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe my wife will penetrate me

>> No.48784319

Maybe I'm not a coomer. Retard.

>> No.48784339

You're missing out

>> No.48784359 [SPOILER] 
File: 79 KB, 300x300, FpbckKoWYAEPy1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bend over

>> No.48784429

I think you need therapy not to call people degenerates over the most mundane things

>> No.48784506
File: 256 KB, 817x646, 1660601478685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that joel?

>> No.48784522

Nah, I took the nofap pill in 2021 and realized how much of my life was controlled by my dick. Never again.

>> No.48784543

yeah, you're a proud mindbroken impotent instead.

>> No.48784581
File: 409 KB, 689x689, Now You're Gay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9hut8e.opus] (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a roundabout way of saying you're a faggot with a nonfunctioning dick

>> No.48784617

>Maybe I'm not a coomer. Retard.
You certainly are a fag, however.

>> No.48784645

Shondo has never cum in her life and she can still make coomer jokes without seething

>> No.48784685

You mean from vinesauce? No. That's literally me, or You as my wife likes to call me.

>> No.48784809
File: 4 KB, 95x95, 1099785932690956400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually that's me ramming my tongue into those two homo's mouths

>> No.48784865

find healthier ways to moderate your behavior than being a sperg and projecting your problems on others who don't have to act like prudes to function

>> No.48784954 [DELETED] 

>being proud that you touch a penis
The pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.48785067 [DELETED] 

- said the nigger.

>> No.48785503

can you shut the fuck up and love wife in silence? thanks.

>> No.48785509

One last update to the Sho card, still scuffed and all I did was import the costume over the new Shondo card but it should be servicable

>> No.48785571


>> No.48785644

Coomers are always the loudest, hence why two people replied to my post and now you're the third one talking about me.

>> No.48785794

I can't decide if I want to see him with the tiniest micro penis or the largest pussy splitter. Seems like a good replacement for (you) in KK scenes in any case.

>> No.48785805

thanks for 400 listens on shadow's lament bros.
shameless shill but it feels less weird doing it here than anywhere else.

>> No.48785829

We are living... the DREAM

>> No.48786512

you eunuchs are as obnoxious as vegans, if not more. normal people just can't stand you, and that's why they appear loudest to you.

>> No.48786586

>normal people
I wasn't aware /shon/ gets laid. Eww.

>> No.48786699

okay okey, i wouldnt go as far as calling me normal kek, im definitely mentally fucked
i just cant stand le moral highground retards, they're leeches on every community and need to be shot

>> No.48786870

i don't mean "normal" as in "overall normal". just normal in terms of this one metric. normal as opposed to a eunuch.

>> No.48786965

One of the reasons I really like shondo is because she is not lewd, but I don't mind when she's a little suggestive, I just wouldn't like if it became too common.
I would not complain to her about it if she did that though, it's her content and she can do what she wants with it, I probably would just watch her less.
Yes you have the right to call me gay.

>> No.48787020

Anyone knows of you can increase the amount of chat stored in chatterino or to automatically download logs of the chat?
Today's chat went back further than chatterino had stored

>> No.48787045

Nothing wrong with achieving a state of asexuality, after like 3 months I didn't even get morning wood anymore. These days I only get hard if I hold in my pee for a long period of time.

>> No.48787053

I doubt I'll make that much Sho stuff but here's some

>> No.48787150

>nothing wrong with making yourself impotent
Kill yourself

>> No.48787152

there's literally a fucking search bar in settings.

>> No.48787190
File: 9 KB, 715x336, 1661947066461028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mentions is automatically logged if you have it enabled but I added it to the list just in case

>> No.48787264

theres more than one of us? her not being horny is one of her biggest appeals, if the horny stuff does keep getting more frequent then I'm gone too

>> No.48787282

Would Nina love Sho or Shondo more?

>> No.48787306

On one hand she loves Shondo, but on the other Sho can give her the babies her womb craves

>> No.48787318

Yes, there's nothing wrong with it. Do you plan to find a normie woman and make 2.5 children with her? No? Then you have no reason to get hard. It's meaningless.

>> No.48787577

You sound like a troon. Go ahead and castrate yourself. The sooner that drives you to commit suicide the better. I will remain a healthy heterosexual man. Seethe.

>> No.48787642

i don't care what you do. i don't care what you or anyone else thinks is wrong or right.
objectively, asexuality is not normal. which is what i said.
the only thing i want is to not be bothered by obnoxious virtue-signaling retards desperate to validate their own decisions to themselves by forcing others to adopt the same viewpoints, shitting everything up with their constant nagging and whining.
if you're not doing that, then you're golden. do whatever the fuck you want, normal, not normal, right, wrong. not my problem.

>> No.48787736

You live in a society.

>> No.48787743

i never understood this. physical pleasure from cooming is like eating something unhealthy because it tastes good. theres nothing wrong with it in moderation

>> No.48787982

Koikatsu anons, you know what you have to do.

>> No.48787995

That's not good enough, even moderate coomers feel the need to share their degenerate fetishes with everyone and "UOOOOOHH" everywhere and then get mad when I shame them for being a bunch of apes.

>> No.48788056

Already done that with the old card. Should update it

>> No.48788105

Kill yourself

>> No.48788174

There is nothing shameful about lusting after your wife you fucking faggot.

>> No.48788215

What're you even doing here, much less on this website?

>> No.48788270

i have no fucking idea what the word "coomer" is supposed to mean.
listening to some people makes it seem like even Shondo is to be considered a "coomer". and an avid one at that.

>> No.48788277

But your wife doesn't lust after you, she's also part of the ACE master race.
Reading threads, mostly in /vt/ and /o/.

>> No.48788288

god i want to hug and squeeze and smell her hair and nuzzle her neck so bad I love you so much *chokes you (out of love)*

>> No.48788331

>Trying to take pride on how uwu pure he is on 4chan of all places

>> No.48788334

Could you not call my oshi an ape? thanks

>> No.48788336
File: 172 KB, 500x500, 1656462739119251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo would call you a faggot for not being attracted to her, fuck off

>> No.48788361

at this point I feel like with all the name calling an anon has taken up larping as that guy for attention

>> No.48788385

really dude. i know who you are. stop being like this.

>> No.48788421

You don't know shit.

>> No.48788440

>But your wife doesn't lust after you
She does. She loves my big strong viking body.

>> No.48788490

actually, you're the second living poster itt. welcome to my thread. all these posts above? me.

>> No.48788650

hows your firebird

>> No.48788807

i gotta admit part of why i liked shondo is she didn't lean super hard into the coomer aspect as much as some of the other lolitubers.i feel like shes quite well rounded as a content creator if you ignore her schizo outbursts

>> No.48789004

I'm a "coomer" but I leave it at the door for Shondo because I love her more

>> No.48789122

Fucking IP scrapers aren't even hiding it anymore.

>> No.48789174


>> No.48789237

When I started watching shondo I lost all my libido, I felt only love for shondo and nothing for anyone else, but when anon confirmed that shondo change her nipples in the koikatsu model it was like a dam broke.

>> No.48789268

Here you go.

>> No.48789316

Does Shondo even have enough blood to support an erection?

>> No.48789341

I'm pretty sure she'd faint.

>> No.48789351

You have an obsession

>> No.48789378

i am living inside your walls

>> No.48789390

All faggots are like that.

>> No.48789506

Im going to be sincere here, ever since I started watching shondo my dick and balls actually started to retract and shrunk immensely until they fell off when they were about an inch big but its okay because I love her so much and I dont need them anyway

>> No.48789631

Average nofapper.

>> No.48789661

Its really cringe when you guys try to force masculinity/straightness/asexuality because you think thats what shondo would want. If i can tell youre doing it so can she.

>> No.48789727

I'm trying to force twitter uoh's into a woodchipper.

>> No.48789858

Then you're in the wrong thread faggot.

>> No.48789922

the coomerposting only bothers me if it bothers shondo, which it only does if it gets way out of hand.

>> No.48789939

Why am I in the wrong thread? Shondo isn't a coomertuber.

>> No.48790045

Why would you do that? That upsets my shondo bro

>> No.48790079

She literally has a UOH emote. Now kill yourself.

>> No.48790110

And she isn't the puritan you think she is either, you are just projecting your retarded values on her.
Go cry about it on her discord. She doesn't likes your kind of people.

>> No.48790178

She has to tolerate them since they're a chunk of her husbands. Do you think Shondo masturbates to loli porn?

>> No.48790232

Kill yourself fleece wannabe.

>> No.48790282

if she doesnt want watchalongs on her main acc because of the algo thing does that mean other sub only streams are ng?

>> No.48790426

Is there a lemonleaf card?

>> No.48790445

Pretty sure she said only the marathons will be on her alt

>> No.48790455

No, she will still do subs only streams.

>> No.48790470

The problem is longer streams, because she gets 200 viewers at the end of 12 hours
She can probably tank at 600 viewers for less hours, if that makes sense
So we can still have sub only streams, just not watchalongs

>> No.48790473

Long sub only streams hurt the algo, watchalongs are 12 hours+. Shorter ones might be fine.

>> No.48790480

Don't believe so

>> No.48790513

Not that I'm aware of.

>> No.48790523

The masculinity bit yeah, but I think sadly the prude act is genuine for a number of them. They clearly have some mental hangups around sex and have chosen a means of coping which requires treating normal people with disgust and labeling them as degens. They'd never call wifey a degen though she hates "coomers" like them but is pressured to pander, at least in their mind.

>> No.48790542

oh right i remember now sorry im retarded

>> No.48790783

There should be a fauna card but it would not be the same thing.

>> No.48790973

God I want to fertilize one of Shondos eggs so bad. I dont care if shes malnourished or touch averse or whatever I want my kid inside her.

>> No.48791160

I think the real challenge would be her surviving 9 months without meds.

>> No.48791180

I will fuck her body into being normal

>> No.48791231

If she got pregnant somehow magically (which might be physically impossible and is definitely mentally impossible) she would have to stop taking all of her meds or else the baby would die and considering last time she was off all of her meds she tried to kill her whole family and fully believed everyone was trying to kill her and smeared her blood all over the walls and got sectioned for several months until they got her back on her meds and stable again. I do not think these are ideal conditions to carry a child.
Shondo is literally the dark souls boss of carrying a child

>> No.48791336

I can save her

>> No.48791417

Unfortunately she is also the dark souls boss of saviorfags since she has been severely mentally ill since she was a very young child and had she not been diagnosed and medicated when she was she would probably be dead, in prison or in a mental hospital permamently somewhere

>> No.48791554

Imagine shondo without meds stabbing you for looking funny at her haha

>> No.48791610

No, you can't. An 100% unmedicated pregnant Shondo would likely delude herself into thinking there's an alien parasite inside her belly and try to forcibly remove it

>> No.48791648

I WILL save her

>> No.48791671

I suspect that it'd be best if she were only impregnated by an oil baron, as he'd be able to afford the care needed to keep her safe while the child develops.

>> No.48791682

>pinning pregnant Shondo down because she's trying to cut her own stomach open
>she rips out your throat with her teeth

>> No.48791690

It would be the hardest thing she ever did, and that's saying something.

>> No.48791739

I will keep her chained to the bed for 9 months and feed her and take care of her and rape correct her until baby is born.

>> No.48791758
File: 392 KB, 618x708, 1661888821294443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48791786

Then correct the baby

>> No.48791800

She would literally have to be kept in a padded room and have 24/7 support and even then she might just bite off her tongue or have a miscarriage due to stress or med withdrawls (coming off antipsychotics is similar to coming off heroin)

>> No.48791906

I dont care I want MY CHILD IN SHONDO

>> No.48791982

i dont actually if the baby is born i just want to make shondo pregnant and see what shes like on pregnant hormones

>> No.48792173

Hence the need for an oil baron. It needs to be a thing with months of planning in advanced before baby making sex even starts.

>> No.48792199

jerking off onto shonodos face while she has her tiny vagina split apart and dies giving birth

>> No.48792251

She doesn't have periods, which means she probably isn't ovulating, she's not having kids

>> No.48792301

I want to cut her open and fuck her womb directly

>> No.48792315

who is shonodos?

>> No.48792416

shondos eviler twin

>> No.48792460

I will fuck her pussy and mouthpussy all day nonstop until she starts ovulating again

>> No.48792473

i will make her ovulate with my 12 feet peenus

>> No.48792491


>> No.48792721


>> No.48793059

what is YOU's height? there is nothing about YOU in the refs

>> No.48793093

making schizobabies with my schizowife

>> No.48793113

However tall you are

>> No.48793151

He's meant to be your height.

>> No.48793159


>> No.48793209

about tree fiddy

>> No.48793982

ok i came

>> No.48794529
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>> No.48794925

wife is so talented. i will never understand how people get work done while watching streams my brain tunes out one or the other.

>> No.48796762
File: 1.39 MB, 946x1291, 3121a2c0247c0b04aad5b51a9452226d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my wife.

>> No.48796999

Would wife really try to kill me if we were alone you think?

>> No.48797093

If she were off her meds yes

>> No.48797119

huh, today was interestin.... finally got diagnosis from psychiatrist today because family pushed me to do so, and so now im officially diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder!
official and legal shondophrenic now... when does it start getting cute bros? ;v;
how did u all spend your day of no wifey?

>> No.48797186

Only at 4 to 6 AM

>> No.48797333

I wish I understood how that cute little brain malfunctions. I dont get how she flips between such extremes.

>> No.48797342

>when does it start getting cute bros?
Are you a man or a woman? If the former, you're fucked.

>> No.48797418

average shondophrenic
are you taking any meds?

>> No.48797485

If you are a man the next step for you to impregnate a british slag.

>> No.48797495

tits or gtfo

>> No.48797609

Is sho canonically asexual, or does he fuck?

>> No.48797617


>> No.48797720

nope, probably never will either unless i get forced to, really dont want to live with constant mega brainfog
6'9 huge black man with a giant penis hit me up

>> No.48797796

Sho is fucking his harem of beautiful girlfriends. Most of them don't even have a penis!

>> No.48797894

so youre a cute girl then

>> No.48797931

Sho wishes he got some, and is stuck with e-sex with questionably aged and gendered valorant e-girls

>> No.48798278

I feel like the dynamic with shondo is probably different for girls.

>> No.48798570

He wants GFs but Shondo has left hints his rizz might just be surface level. In the collab it was more like babysitters humoring his skillset and he made a comment about his last fortnite account being taken by his GF who turned out to be a 40 year old man (again)

>> No.48798868
File: 834 KB, 586x876, 1667077619939371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys gonna make it?

>> No.48798913

I am so in

>> No.48799014

It's so over.

>> No.48799033

not really, im going to stop subbing and showing up to her streams
I mean if im not her type then what's the point in forcing it?
more shondo for you bros!

>> No.48799169


>> No.48799407

holy shit 3 bingos im so in

>> No.48799450

After the last few threads I can't tell if this is ironic or not

>> No.48799805

Shes in a good mood today. I love her so much

>> No.48799900

i didnt make it
im sorry i dont want to murder you enoufh shondo
i really thought u wer special
time to die

>> No.48800117

Can't wait to see people complaining she DARED mention the concept of a male

>> No.48800351

Most of the people who would responded with their own sheets filled out

>> No.48800516

I am at work
Wtf happens during Friday the 13th part vii at 27m and 50s

>> No.48800577

is it the thing where he slams the bed bags into a tree or something, whatever it was she came to on stream in the game

>> No.48800994

NEED more Shondo streams where she starts laughing manically and her voice starts trembling because she's so excited over some serial killer bashing teenagers into trees

>> No.48801018

>Do you think Shondo masturbates to loli porn?
Obviously. Do you think she doesn't?

>> No.48801082

>New IP responding to 3 hour old bait
off yourself

>> No.48801097
File: 13 KB, 205x274, 1682759459899174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourists OUT

>> No.48801463

I’ll kill one day so yes

>> No.48801502

I loved that moment, I want to kill for my daughterwife's amusement

>> No.48801560

Will you serial kill though? One is not enough.

>> No.48801871

shondo is really gonna regret being edgy riling up all the serial killers who dont know how serious to take her when one comes and kills otis and her forest elders one day thinking hes making her dream come true. many such cases. remember that women are children and dont know what they want.

>> No.48802030

I doubt that'll ever actually happen

>> No.48802298

She likes serial killers who kill teenagers having premarital sex. A big part of why she likes Jason so much is that he lets animals and old people live.

>> No.48802316

To any serial killers out there: family and animals are off limit. Just about everything else should be fine though.

>> No.48802351

i'm starting to cringe at some of her stuff

>> No.48802389


>> No.48802426

Did some updates to the Sho card. Fixed some of the clothes textures that were weird and aligned the hair that was all skewed along with back hair colour that was too blue-ish. Changed the mouth and eyes a bit too, to try and give him a bit more masculine look.

>> No.48802453

So do I kill her teenaged siblings or not? Im getting mixed signals here

>> No.48802454


>> No.48802458

She’ll have to settle with a multiple homicide kinda guy than a serial killer, but I think it’ll work out

>> No.48802512

Forgot to mention. I kept a female body on him, since the male body is crap and I hate it. You can always add a penis and balls in studio anyways.

>> No.48802567

she has reduced herself into such a tiny stereotype. everything she says is completely predictable.

>> No.48802632

>How dare Shondo have likes

>> No.48802679

If at this point you're starting to not like her, you ain't gonna last long. That's how she is.

>> No.48803273

eh, twitter main account stuff is like, "vtuber account" noise I can filter out
although it feels like it's a lot harder to get much interaction with shadowchama anymore, I still care about most of what she posts there

>> No.48803659

i've lasted since 2021. maybe i'm just starting to change. sorry, not gonna anti up your space.

>> No.48804643

>Tries to turn (You) into jason
>Posts this bingo
Just keep it in your pants shondo

>> No.48804750


>> No.48804795

You're not the only one and you don't see me complaining.

>> No.48804844

Thank god I always make sure to reply

>> No.48805110

Breathe anon breathe
happens to me too and it fucking sucks

>> No.48805111

I feel your pain

>> No.48805146
File: 23 KB, 112x112, pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sorry bro I know it feels bad

>> No.48805189

glad she had some post-nut clarity honestly, I think she can do better than making us an unholy lovechild of jason and dream

>> No.48805474

>tfw responded pretty fast but she didn't give a you
Don't really mind but I gotta work on my rizz reps I guess

>> No.48806105

I am really fucking bad at getting any kind of response out of her and I don't exactly know what it is I always do wrong but I feel like such a piece of shit. I hope its just her inability to keep up with everyone and im paranoid.

>> No.48806170


>> No.48806254


>> No.48807626

man, if anythings changed, its that a shondobreak makes me absolutely uninterested in watching any other vtuber
its like my entire enjoyment of cute girls hinges entirely on shondo existing

>> No.48808523
File: 128 KB, 1176x1176, 20230423_201919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night! I hope I don't miss any wife activity.

>> No.48808579


>> No.48808661

Thank you for your sacrifice, she will now proceed to do a 3 hour long twitter space

>> No.48808746

>considering last time she was off all of her meds she tried to kill her whole family
I cannot imagine her being very effective at this, considering she is the weakest person in her family and would have been even weaker at a younger age. She probably can't even thrust a knife hard enough to pierce your skin. I would just back hand her once and she would be unconscious, and then take everything sharp and hide it.

>> No.48808852

That was when she was younger and still a chonker. She said at that time she was stronger than her mom at least, and a scared schizo child with a knife is like a cornered animal I imagine.

>> No.48809054
File: 880 KB, 220x124, WhitePopularGavial-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

live footage of shondo trying to kill me

>> No.48809416

are we sure she was even a "chonker" and not just a normal weight. i dont know if I trust the perspective of an anorexic about their body weight

>> No.48809442

She said she was like around 200 lbs so yes

>> No.48809817
File: 24 KB, 600x341, fetchimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can claim that but I literally don't believe a woman of her size in the merch vid was ever that large. maybe im wrong.

>> No.48809934

I doubt she'd lie about being bullied for being fat

>> No.48810083

I don't think she's lying, I think she probably believes it. But I think its more likely to be part of her delusions.

>> No.48810510

She was on antipsychotics as a child which are known for making you fat and ate like crazy to deal with trauma. She's said many times she was over 180lbs at one point. You do realize most anorexics were overweight at some point? That's typically how they end up with body dysmorphia, they still see themselves as the fat fuck they once were.

>> No.48810724
File: 8 KB, 420x423, 1677384006416333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most anorexic women used to be obese
Their brains do not regulate properly. Most of them absolutely love food which is why they become obsessed with it in another way.
Known 4 girls that were dangerously underweight and every single one of them was a chubby or straight up landwhale child. The thinking that comes along with being fat and being ostracized never really leaves you, throw in woman body image issues and a dash of mental illness and you have them staring in the mirror and seeing their old fat rolls while they're so skinny they can hardly walk. Most anorexics if they recover will become chubby again and often relapse. Most women with eating disorders spend an entire lifetime battling between extremes because they adore food and can eat a lot of it but hate themselves and their body no matter how it looks, and can never properly see what it really is.
TLDR women. I am not surprised Shondo was a fat kid.

>> No.48810905

Ok. Not trying to make it a point of contention.

>> No.48811051

Second post is me. Didn't mean to. I just thought I'd explain that being obese as fuck and being anorexic are two sides of the same coin. It's the same problematic relationship with food, a lot of people don't know that. Her having been very large as a child is statistically much more likely than her having been normal sized given her being anorexic now.

>> No.48811251

God I wish I could cook for her and see her enjoy eating it

>> No.48811636

Its fine. I understand. I know firsthand that antipsychotics can make you gain weight and people like her have a complicated relationship with food. But I've also known anorexics that were never fat. I just have a hard time seeing it in her. So much change in such a short time. Maybe I'll get it one day.

>> No.48811840

Probably because you've only seen her very skinny.

>> No.48811992

Seeing people sperg noooo she couldn't have been fat at any point because she's soooo skinny now is retarded and shows you have no clue how eating disorders work.
Why do you think she thinks she's fat and is obsessed with the idea of it? Because she was fat once. She knows what it's like to be fat. That's why she's so terrified of it.

My sister went from 300lbs to 80 in 2 years.

>> No.48812124

who's sperging, no shit most people don't know how eating disorders work because they don't have experience with it

>> No.48812188

I wish I could talk about shows with shondo but I have 0 interest in TV...

>> No.48812192

wtf is a lbs

>> No.48812399

this is why we have watchalongs at least

>> No.48812597

The correct measurement

>> No.48813309

I missed out on chatting her up about Sopranos, which is an amazing show. Would have been really interested in all her thoughts about it. Especially stuff like Kennedy and Heidi

>> No.48814115

Same, most of these shows I have zero interest in watching and each episode is way too damn long.

>> No.48815838

I want to shove my face into otis's fat tummy

>> No.48815915
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It looks very soft and pettable

>> No.48815994

ngl the idea of a naked cat was very offputting to me but I think Otis has turned me around

>> No.48816039

Would lightly slap

>> No.48818864
File: 49 KB, 853x454, male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i never watch male streamers, don't worry guys

>> No.48818958

>>i never watch male streamers
She's never said that, in fact she's talked on stream about watching kitboga streams and girutea draw

>> No.48818997

When has she said that
She's said she doesn't care about and isn't interested in male vtubers but has nothing against them
She is watching an artist. She's talked many times about watching art streamers and also people like Kitboga.
You can't just put words into her mouth like that.

>> No.48819007


>> No.48819138

What did Niji do this time?

>> No.48819193

>>48819138 (me)
Nevermind, just found out about them. My fucking sides.

>> No.48819287

Please elaborate

>> No.48819325
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>> No.48819458

I dont care enough about niji to read all that, thanks though

>> No.48819751

cosmic whore

>> No.48820384
File: 23 KB, 151x127, 1668221876202704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said she was slandering a game company because she said the UI was hard to read
>said she was violating copyright because she showed a genmate's song to promote it
>said she was promoting a false sponsorship because she made a deez nuts joke
>suspended her and made her tell her fans she was going on vacation instead of announcing she was suspended
>gave her a 2 week hire manager and when she was lost and wanted to speak to a manager who could actually help they suspended and then fired her for violating the hierarchy
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.48820634
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girutea is MALE?

>> No.48820765

all of those comments are about cardcaptor sakura btw

>> No.48820789

how new

>> No.48820793

Girutea is a concept

>> No.48820915

its a joke about his masculinity if you spent one second looking at his stream

>> No.48821745
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>> No.48823064

>she was right about Nijisanji all along
I can’t stop laughing, anyone who joins after reading this is a retard. Actual black company shit, forcing talents to lie to fans.

>> No.48823228

Ok I get why Shondo went on that random impassioned rant about Sayu and how much she supported her a month or so back, jeez

>> No.48823308

Imagine your oshi going on break and not knowing if it was true or if it was a management imposed suspension. Terrible.

>> No.48823756

There used to be a point when I thought she was bullshitting when she said she genuinely doesn’t want to join a corp, but assuming she knows a fraction of what goes on behind the scenes in both Niji and Holo I think I’m starting to get it. Someone like Shondo would be absolutely crushed under the heel of a Japanese company.
I’m glad we have her. Gotta take good care of her bros.

>> No.48823851

I can’t fucking believe Otis suspended Shondo for 2 weeks for putting him on a diet and she had to lie to cover his ass and said it’s a workbreak. Shondocorp truly is corrupt.

>> No.48823933

The only ones I could even see her joining are Phase or Idol anyways

>> No.48824074

but bros!!! corpos are good, because... they just are ogey!!!!
when is barbiecorp being formned?

>> No.48824167

Seeing how if you get the boot at phase you lose your identity, and knowing how important it is to her makes me think otherwise

>> No.48824223

True, I was thinking moreso what they're possibly let her get away with

>> No.48826414
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>> No.48826917


>> No.48827087

I just dreamt that she started streaming on shadowchama and woke up in panic, I hope I get some nice dreams with her someday

>> No.48827158

All my dreams of her are bittersweet, because in most of them she's holding me as I hold her and whispering how much she loves me into my ears. Then I wake up and have to face reality.

>> No.48827744

Miss my nigga Ren. Right as he was starting to draw more lewds too.

>> No.48827748

In the only dream I had with shondo I was cheating on her with one of her friends as soon as she went out of the house, I woke up feeling awful.

>> No.48828286

She has so many asmr videos I need to watch but every time I open one of them and see that she's not using her natural voice I lose interest, it's kinda funny that she has a complex about her voice and did asmr with different voices because of that but I only care about her natural one, it's so pretty and cute.

>> No.48828596

agreed, i dont care for any of the asmr scripts she wrote where she plays an older character which is a bunch of them. i just accepted she as a little bit for everyone

>> No.48828834

I hope we get a good morning audio tomorrow...

>> No.48829244
File: 90 KB, 1173x1173, 20230423_201921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning guys! Surely nothing interesting happened while I was aslee- HOLY SHIT

>> No.48829752

Damn, moving from pencil and paper to a tablet is insanely hard for me. I wanted to get something out for shondo by the 14th but its really not looking like it

>> No.48830083

its ogey, it wasnt related to wifey so it wasnt much

>> No.48831380

Literature club has her natural voice you morons.

>> No.48833319

based youtubenigger being retarded as always

>> No.48833779

Those are words, yes. I'm not sure what they mean when you combine them like that.

>> No.48834555

Shondo never replies to my tweets
probably my fault but seeing her constantly replying to the same group of people as she ignores me really hurts my heart

>> No.48834853

do you have oshimarks in your name?

>> No.48834900

It is what it is

>> No.48835030

She sometimes take days to respond to her friends private messages, you have to catch her on the right post and at the right time. As long as you're giving her something to reply to other than "I love you wifey" she will eventually

>> No.48835076

>>48835030 (me)
Unless you are on the cheater spreadsheet then you're fucked

>> No.48835228

There are 2 cheater spreadsheets. 1 for people she ignores and 1 for people who made her jealous, she gives those extra attention to bait them back.

>> No.48835348

Not the guy but whilst I never got a reply sometimes I get a like. She's a hard creature to figure out, but that's women for you. Threats of physical violence seems to work.

>> No.48835393

i think you just have to reply seconds after she posts anon. Atleast that's what it took for me to get noticed

>> No.48835413

Flexing time: she replied to one of my tweets last year before I started watching her streams. I guess she loved me at first sight.

>> No.48835495

If there was a holocure like game about her, what would the currency and experience points be? Chocolate is an obvious one, what else. Faces she tears of her enemies?

>> No.48835794

Got me thinking of why /vt/ can't put their collective autism together and do something good for once by making an indie chuuba vampire survivors. Dramafaggotry has ruined this board.

>> No.48835932

For serious is this real

>> No.48836162

How do you know if you're on the spreadsheets?

>> No.48836252

I didn't interact with her for a month, then made fanart of someone else in a new style and she commented on it demanding I make one of her too.

>> No.48836684

You think it's worth getting on the jealousy one? What if you end up slipping into the ignore instead.

>> No.48837061
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>She's watching GoT
>You won't see her reaction to the one scene

>> No.48837113

>incest rape simulator
Sasuga Shondo!

>> No.48837451

I assume they're bullshitting but to actually make her jealous you'd likely have to be a good artist, and have her follow you so she sees your stuff. Pull that off and maybe you can make her jealous. Us mortals will just end up on the ignore list

>> No.48837896

Think I'll stick to just taking what I get than playing risky and potentially being blacklisted.

>> No.48838118

What happens if you end up in the ignore one, will she not interact with you at all and hate you forever?

>> No.48838374

I'm guessing she will only read your name when you donate.

>> No.48838430

She personally contacts twitter in order to issue a shadow ban of all your comments and post concerning her

>> No.48838545

Sounds like chuuni B.S. for muting someone.

>> No.48838638
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>shadow ban

>> No.48839030

Do you support zaion ?

>> No.48839126

I don't watch Niji corpotubers.

>> No.48839441

No, but I hate Nijisanji. It's awful how she got treated, but I'm not going to pretend to like her as a streamer or person just because of that.

>> No.48841243

>imagine dying right before bump limit because of some stupid unrelated drama

>> No.48841343


>> No.48842096

dont forget to drink wawa for ur hangover

>> No.48842229

thank you frend i am down bad time for slep

>> No.48842300

I finally found her mal account again after searching for an hour, if I wasn't so stupid it would have taken just a minute.

>> No.48842862

I applaud you for not asking to be spoonfed

>> No.48843411

I never ask for obvious things, just stuff that is almost impossible to find, like vods of her youtube streams but I don't think those even exist since they were deleted from her channel not just privated.
Also if you follow the threads you can find most things because someone always spoonfeds.

>> No.48844848
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See you next thread
