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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 898 KB, 4096x4096, 20210609_083651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4865448 No.4865448 [Reply] [Original]

Thread made to talk about the resting winning OL and her ever-increasing Harem.
Terumi Channel
Marshmallow link

Other members of Amber Glow:
Xiulan Long:
Ash Ekrixi:
Misaki Nobunaga:
Malcom Bell:

>> No.4865675
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>> No.4866660

Today's news really hasn't been kind to the smaller threads, huh

>> No.4866845
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The first clip is starting to come together, boyos.
I may have to come back later to ask for help with subbing some of the obscure things I don't really know about.

>> No.4867067

No prob anon, drop by and with luck someone else can help. What's the clip about?

>> No.4867117

Yeah, I tried to make one before but it fell off with only one reply. But that's to be expected. Even Terumi talked about it.

>> No.4867145

A fun little 5 minute clip from last week's collab that I think does a good job introducing the girls to newcomers.

>> No.4867495

Oh, very good idea, that collab itself was a decent introduction to the girls.

>> No.4868380

Anyone actually go through the schizo anti’s claims?

>> No.4868422

I don't care

>> No.4868639

It's nothing, as predicted.
And even if you buy that Terumi used /trash/ at some point, you need to remember that identities there are entirely based off avatarfagging and there could be 10 different "Misuzus" and you wouldn't really know. Impersonation is extremely common as well. Any claim about anyone being anyone on /trash/ is dubious at best.

>> No.4868723

It was kind of a big deal, because she's easily the biggest and most recognizable name, so I understand that the board was unusable for a good portion of today.

>> No.4870154

Is Shura the Luna of Amber Glow?

>> No.4870359

I did. Some stuff lined up. But I don't really care since the Teru now isn't who that person was and I hope she's better.

>> No.4871530

Jeez, you guys have been cringer than usual. And you're all newfags, too. You didn't even have to be on the fucking thread, there was a collage image posted every single Terumi thread before. Is this the absolute state of Terukeks?

>> No.4871974

I missed you Teruschizo <3

>> No.4872143

What are you talking about schizo

>> No.4872207

Unfortunately, not him. I'm the anti-teruschizo schizo. I pray for his return, that he may deliver us from cringe.

>> No.4872535
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>> No.4872666

Teru is surrounded by cocks...

>> No.4872707

i think i only see 2, the rest are hens

>> No.4872820

Lmao is that ladder getting used as a chopping block what with the bloodstains and all?
Also what the hell is up with SEA and corrugatde metal sheets

>> No.4873224

That's paint anon, blood becomes almost black When It dries.

>> No.4873435

>Also what the hell is up with SEA and corrugatde metal sheets
Welcome to any poverty country anon, enjoy your stay.

>> No.4873475 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4873738

Tell me about the Nunky, why is she soft?

>> No.4874815
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Terumi supports cockfighting

>> No.4875025

I'm gonna give her some fighting with my Cock if you know what I mean.

>> No.4876204

>Turns out the Philippines is one of the few countries where cockfighting is still legal.

>> No.4879163

Nunki is so cute it should be illegal

>> No.4880085

>ladder getting used as a chopping block what with the bloodstains and all?
Paint. Someone must have been careless when painting somewhere high.

>what the hell is up with SEA and corrugatde metal sheets
Poverty. There are shacks made literally with only those metal shacks, they are extremely hot during the day.

t. SEAnig

>> No.4880089

So is >she a tranny or what?

>> No.4880133

Anon, you would have to be deaf or never had interacted with a deep-voiced woman to think this.

>> No.4880284

I think she's a tranny but in the opposite direction, in that she will eventually identify as a dickless manlet.

>> No.4880343

Raising fighting cocks with Terumi to win $20 dollars at the cockpit together...

>> No.4881707

This is repugnant.

t. Indon

>> No.4881739

what even are fighting chickens?

>> No.4881842

Chickens that fight, i thought it was pretty self-explanatory.

>> No.4881878

is like it, 1v1? 3v3? moba like 5v5? do they fight in lanes? or just a free for all?

>> No.4881883

It's like boxing match, but with chickens. The loser gets turned into dinner.

>> No.4885251

Isn't that super illegal outside the Philippines?

>> No.4885828


>> No.4886261

God, I want her to be able to go home. Getting sent here can't have been good for her.

>> No.4888876

Welp, just finished Omori, and oh boy where in for a good ride this next two days.
Wonder if she'll do the alternate route.

>> No.4893806

Wait, I'm lost, wasn't her home in the Philippines?

>> No.4894241

I've been thinking.Is it better for chuubas to get over potential dramas while they are small so the damage is smaller, or they are better equipped at handling that kinda stuff once they are big?

>> No.4894293

>potential dramas
like what?

>> No.4895077

>That obsession with cute soft boys
I can buy it.

>> No.4896555

Finished with the archive digging because the rrats were getting into my head.Thankfully it's not as bad as I feared, just a mentally unstable (probably) SEA girl with a kinda similar backstory but that's not a very solid proof.Also found a vocaroo in an old /soc/ friendfinder thread nothing yab with that either.(also someone called her a man there as well she's cursed with that it seems.)

>> No.4897621

Samefagging here.Nevermind did more /soc/ digging.The rrats were true and I hope that Vtubing will help setting her life straight.

>> No.4898448

I didn't see anything horrible, just the same stuff we already knew.

>> No.4898469

Yeah, it'll be wild. But hopefully nice.

>> No.4898541

I was thinking about the /soc/ looking for sugardaddy/partner posts

>> No.4899037

let's just stop, please.
I'm sure we'd find much worse things if we were to dig uo your post history.

>> No.4899390
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woah CoolTeru coming to steal your girl

>> No.4899580

*your boys

>> No.4899599

Why not both?

>> No.4899615

*beat you up

>> No.4899844

**peg you

>> No.4899870


>> No.4900079

Even if, can you blame a troubled girl for getting stupid ideas?

>> No.4900178

Not at all!Those posts scream desperation and loneliness as opposed to "I'm a whore who wants to make money".

>> No.4900234

Welp, I wasn't thinking about being in a DDLG relationship with Teru today, but here we are now I guess.

>> No.4900497

Xiulan is a chink

>> No.4900565

Isn't she Korean?

>> No.4900710

Hong Konger in the UK

>> No.4900751

Well she's cute, and she sounds like a she would give good head so I don't mind.

>> No.4901068

Stop posting the other girls here. Don't subject them to Terukeks. Just look above this post, they're already cringing Xiu.

>> No.4901364

Oh Hi schizo

>> No.4901463

yes, let the small corporation with no fans become smaller and even more irrelevant because they can’t advertise correctly.

>> No.4901556

rrat time:
Teru's schizo anti is Terumi herself

>> No.4901900

You don't advertise for your local pizza place in an insane asylum. Same deal here.

>> No.4902324 [DELETED] 

if they're in the UK, they're probably semi-escaping the chinese squeeze on Hong Kong since a lot of people have moved recently from HK to UK with the British National Overseas visa plan, which lets you get UK citizenship.

Generally from what I've talked with people, the people from Hong Kong aren't exactly happy about mainland China trying to remove their rights to democracy and shit.

Obviously, don't talk politics on stream, though. Last thing we need is a Coco 2.0 with this dragon

>> No.4903791

i mean the insane also eat pizza

>> No.4904011

Sure. But why direct them to your comfy local pizza place when you can just ignore them and leave them to go to Dominos or whatever.

>> No.4904342

Because that's money that I'm not making.

>> No.4904664

Then you're trading the money of psychos for all the money you could make from people that will be turned away from psychos eating at your restaurant. Come on, burger, your business sense is better than this.

>> No.4904737

i mean the restaurant can stay lonely with no one in it, which is the worse alternative.

>> No.4904757

It's starting, schizos

>> No.4904976

Honestly a depressing outlook if you think Terumi would have literally no viewers without 4chan schitzos watching her. Is this the mental state of Terumikeks?

>> No.4905104

Heard her boys, no UOOOOOOOOH allowed.

>> No.4905567

it’s not mental state.
amber glow has done no advertising for there talents at all.
they’ve done basically nothing other than organize them into a group, they each made there own model and got there own hardware to run it on.
no actual social media presence before gen 1, no other sold products or brand making years before to make them reputable enough in the anime community for webcomics yet.
Amber glow has failed in the sense of bringing value other than in company colabs so far.

>> No.4905827

She's talking about you guys

>> No.4906449


>> No.4907066


>> No.4907934

>Ever played a game called Abuse? I've had enough of that in my life

>> No.4907938

Yes, so the obvious solution is to advertise them to the most mentally ill people on the internet, instead of literally anywhere else less autistic. Very smart, anon! I see it now.

>> No.4907964

Finally, you see the light anon.

>> No.4907985

But I watch Terumi and I'm not mentally ill

>> No.4907989

vtubers is a hobby for autistic and mentally ill people
its a good fit

>> No.4907996
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>> No.4908019

Oh no... She's a /v/ermin...

>> No.4908038

with weaponized autism in your favor , you can do anything.
that’s right anon.

>> No.4908118

but probably not

>> No.4908123

Yeah bro the power of a bunch of obnoxious containment breaking faggots circlejerking your chat is very potent indeed.

>> No.4908128

Confirmed not /here/ anymore.

>> No.4908164

>She dated a 4channer

>> No.4908182

>this filters the incels

>> No.4908256

i consneed.

>> No.4908261


>> No.4908275

Terukeks getting cucked in real time

>> No.4908299

GOOD, she earned herself a good dicking

>> No.4908334


>> No.4908355

GFEfags NTR'd and cucked

>> No.4908408

>I didn't like him that watched was kinda ugly!

>> No.4908412

We're so fucked

>> No.4908416

I can't watch the stream right now, could you tell me what she said or give a timestamp?

>> No.4908444

what the fuck is this story
I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or cry

>6 foot 4 jacked mega autist Itachi

>> No.4908456

She meet a 4channer irl, he was a weeb but huge, he was pretty nice guy apparently, but she didn't like him "that" Way. He even carried her.

>> No.4908473

It starts around the 1 hour 33 minute mark

>> No.4908479

terus dusty womb needs some action desperately

>> No.4908482

Gotta love the confidence to wear that shit everywhere

>> No.4908526

Just mentioned meeting an online friend that was a dude for the first time, parents tried to get her laid with giving her contraceptives and stuff. Went to his hotel room.
Now she's talking about how he didn't like him that way and it's awkward as fuck, seems like he was ugly and liked her but she didn't reciprocate

>> No.4908538

Hoping someone would make a greentext version of this story.

>> No.4908542
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>> No.4908544

He took her ice cream...

>> No.4908564

I might work on it.

>> No.4908603

somewhere out there in the archives, there exists his side of he story

>> No.4908606


>> No.4908626

Hi Terumi.

>> No.4908707

Terumi's growing breasts

>> No.4908710

how do you know i just left for a sec

>> No.4908742

She basically responded to >>4908538

>> No.4908770


>> No.4908777


>> No.4908790

Your archive reps bros...

>> No.4908799


>> No.4908839

Are you a rich white or japanese guy with a uni degree?

>> No.4908842


>> No.4908846

Term confirmed she's into GFE

>> No.4908875

Are you into pegging?

>> No.4908913
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>> No.4908971
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So this is the GFE experience

>> No.4909095

Teru is a good firend

>> No.4909110

for teru

>> No.4909164

She really doesn't want to continue Omori

>> No.4909165
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Shhh let me have my moment here

>> No.4909219


>> No.4909223


>> No.4909226


>> No.4909276

TERUMI is talking abiut piss again..

>> No.4909320


>> No.4909351

Nunki and Shura are streaming from a group minecraft server, would be a perfect pivot if she wanted to play something else

>> No.4909398

there's something about her accent that makes me want her to pet my head and tell me it'll be okay

>> No.4909469

terumi what

>> No.4909473


>> No.4909496

>i like it SMELLY

>> No.4909596

Why is she like this?

>> No.4909603

>i'll be able to go home
wait what? am i missing something? is she being kept in flipland against her will?

>> No.4909620

Experienced erp anon

>> No.4909747

Thinly veiled allusion to being able to leave Amber Glow

>> No.4909776

I want to find her smelly fujo fanfics to read!!

>> No.4909784

3 hours of zatsu lesgooooooooo

>> No.4909806

Doesn't line up with the black company rrat, money-wise.

>> No.4909811

just been thinking, how can we help terumi incline? so much of her stuff is just zatsudan, and i don't know how much fresh growth there is with that. clipping is kinda shallow right now, since she's been so Omori heavy.

>> No.4909824

Getting back to working at the clips after stream

>> No.4909876

She has a looot of clippable moments, the 4chan story for just now, the fetish sections, the sad moments, especially the ones in Omori, and also remember to comment on the VODs and talk about her in social media and other threads.
Also fan-arts.
Other than paid promotion that's as much as you can do.

>> No.4909893

probably a collab with another PH based vtuber- The largest iirc have 160k subs. So that's a boost

>> No.4909906

>4chan story for just now, the fetish sections
i'm concerned about this, because clipping the piss talk and highlighting, "I LIKE IT SMELLY!" might get clicks and views, but you're basically competing against vshojo and their toilet humor at that point. plus, that's not what Terumi's core content is.

>> No.4909922

Yeah, my rule is to avoid intimate stuff and coomer bait

>> No.4909945


>> No.4909955

I think the "date story" might be fine, if you scrub the 4chan references near the start.

>> No.4909959
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>> No.4910005
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>> No.4910145
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Terumi is having a lot of fun today

>> No.4910169

She's extra precious today

>> No.4910206

Teru can't read...

>> No.4910209

Maybe following the Beatani model?

>> No.4910242

only thing i know about beatani is the cute and funny buff. mind spoonfeeding this ignorant anon?

>> No.4910246


>> No.4910272

>>4910246 is a good start

>> No.4910318

oops, all zatsu

>> No.4910529

>Shefallen for the Cocknnor

>> No.4910534
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>trashtaste simp

>> No.4910546

>connor's cock can reach from Japan to Indonesia to the Philippines

>> No.4910562

good business sense, anon.

>> No.4910616


>> No.4910648

The Kumar funny is too powerful...

>> No.4910777
File: 92 KB, 400x500, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't lyrica part of the clique that tried to cancel mocca or am i misremembering things...?

>> No.4910806

it's the
>cancel culture is real
schizo again
go back to /wvt/ please

>> No.4910817

Terumi watches the /asp/ies
I probably made Terumi cringe...
Just kill me now bros

>> No.4910840

>Terumi watches the /asp/ies
anon, Terumi started /auds/ which rebranded into /asp/

>> No.4910870

Has Terumi ever mentioned what her height is? Does her model have a height?

>> No.4910873

of course she does, they're her children

>> No.4910928


>> No.4910963

I'm gonna take a guess and say she's exactly a foot shorter than that at 5'3

>> No.4910974

>5'6" with heels
omg she's portable

>> No.4910978

5'6 with heels on bois

>> No.4911009

How much is that?

>> No.4911024

like 167cm

>> No.4911046

1.70 m. In non-burger measuring

>> No.4911071

She mentioned three inch heels, so I was on the money with my guess here >>4910963

>> No.4911191

Wow, that's a pretty optimal size. Very versatile!

>> No.4911230

Based on this >>4911071 is actually 5.3 (160 cm.)

>> No.4911238

>with heels
I doubt she can even walk in them, given the Naruto guy story.

>> No.4911280

3.5 hour pre-Zatsu

>> No.4911522

You guys still watching?

>> No.4911536

Yeah, feel like I'm gonna sacrifice some sleep tonight...

>> No.4911545

I will never leave her

>> No.4911595

I really feel bad leaving after the zatsudan but goddam omori is fucking boring. Can't wait for the VA-11 HALL-A stream tho being one of her favorite games

>> No.4911623

If you don't care much about the game then the next session is spoiler heavy but emotional. Sad Terumi noises ensues

>> No.4911737

wasn't she supposed to go to Basil in the night?

>> No.4911769

Not yet, first she needs to do some stuff until the game wakes her up.

>> No.4911776

ah arigato

>> No.4911779


>> No.4911853

lots of people are making fan art and clips.
or commissioning bigger artists , that then post the commissions to there twitter page giving them visibility.
also having threads available for discussion is good as well as milestone posts .
if you have a lot of people liking and commenting it helps with the algorithm.
interacting on twitter.

>> No.4912865

How much is a decent commission nowadays? 30 bucks for full color?

>> No.4913096
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>> No.4913153

So that's what the ow ow ow was about when she got up

>> No.4913292

30 might get you a sketchy headshot
good art can go up to 200 depending on the artist

>> No.4913327

100 skeb fanart or 100 streamlabs dono?

>> No.4913766

I respect the hustle, Rayman autist, but it was pretty cringe.

>> No.4914606

She sounds real drunk.

>> No.4914902

20 to 500 usd, entirely depends on how good you're finding artists. The more reliable and better an artist is, the more they cost, easy enough.
A lot of vtubers have been getting gesugao comms from @ebiblue who costs about 400 USD (43000 JPY) on skeb

>> No.4915214

100 individual skebs fanarts or 100 dollars 70 if including the amber glow cut, gee I wonder

>> No.4915260

>100 individual skebs fanarts
no, a single skeb that costs $100 USD
or a single $100 USD dono

>> No.4915413

That's tough, but I think the dono would mean more, it keeps her closer to staying above minimum wage

>> No.4915609

Now THIS gon be goood

>> No.4916046

How do you folks feel about Misaki? I think she has a cute voice.

>> No.4916164

I like misaki alot, I can't really catch her live so I put her vods on in the background

>> No.4917633

Worried for Teru coming up.

>> No.4917663

How bad can it get?

>> No.4917698


>> No.4917767

It gets pretty heavy, lots of themes on guilt and shame and mental health.

>> No.4917839

This part...

>> No.4917967

Honestly that one cracked me up for using that sound effect

>> No.4918052

It gets worse.

So, so much worse.

Yabai ne.

>> No.4918070

Terumi, if you need a break, please take a break...

>> No.4918561

Rate the stream, folks.

>> No.4918571


>> No.4918576

terulove / 10

>> No.4918608

Very yabai 4channer/10

>> No.4918708

I'm scared. 9/10 a bit of yabs but good

>> No.4918731

I like it smelly/10

>> No.4918847

teruchama love/10

>> No.4919604

Everyone ready to see an OL way past her 20s cry on stream tomorrow?

>> No.4919746

No, but I guess I'll watch anyway.

Do you think she had some off-mic crying?

>> No.4919783

from physical pain maybe

>> No.4919827

Don't think so, she sounded tired in my opinion, not very sad per-se.
Why? Because of the ankle thing?

>> No.4919851

meant for >>4919746


>> No.4919928

No, probably not.
She kept it together very well.

But tomorrow is going to be bad.

>> No.4920008

Wait I'm waiting for is the photos part, and see how long does it take her to piece things together.

>> No.4921385

うおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおお !! !! 子供のエロさ !!!!!! 子供のお腹と胸 !!!!!!

>> No.4922300

This is a soft image

>> No.4922816

I'm not ready and I don't want to, but I will anyway

>> No.4926080

how can someone be this soft?

>> No.4929884

Welp, i finally uploaded a clip of my own. Hope you guys like it.
Damn, i haven't uploaded shit to youtube since i was a teenager. I feel kinda excited.

Ah well, i won't shill myself any further. Just remember to do your fanart/remix/clip reps anons.

>> No.4930989

based and terupilled

>> No.4931361

good job, keep it up!!!

>> No.4934648

It will be cathartic at least.

>> No.4935614
File: 425 KB, 975x776, E5EAAD5E-F404-4845-A1F8-EC30EF30CF44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she so cute, her voice too cute, her getting scared but still protect her genmates in minecraft she is too precious

>> No.4935665

how can a chuuba be this soft?

>> No.4939028

Her voice feels kind of forced to me so it comes across as less cute than it should

>> No.4939285


>> No.4939863

Nunki playing Sega gaems

>> No.4940567

I must admit, that story from yesterday was pretty funny

>> No.4941657

Is Terumi worse off than you at life?

>> No.4941705

Stop posting Nunki here. She has enough cringy simps already.

>> No.4941734

okay, who can we post on this AMBER GLOW GENERAL anon

>> No.4941759

Terumi. Since she's the dedicated containment tuber for AG. She's already been ruined, so she's fair game.

>> No.4941774

define ruined

>> No.4941796

Literally only you thinks this anon.

>> No.4941801

Containment broken to the point of no return. Perhaps one day the autistic children here will tire of her, and containment can be re-established. But until then, she's the designated shitposting tuber.

>> No.4941820

Understandable, I am the only sane person here. An unfortunate fate, but it's mine.

>> No.4941841

spoken as though he were jesus christ himself

>> No.4941959

Hey anon, how's the weather looking from that high horse of yours?

>> No.4942367


>> No.4942385

>Containment broken to the point of no return.
That happened the moment she opened her mouth.

>> No.4942502

Just because you CAN talk about the rest of AG doesn't mean you should. If you really liked the other AG members, you wouldn't expose them to this hellhole.

TRUE. The game was rigged from the start for poor Terumi.

>> No.4942817

And what if I keep talking about how cute Shura is and how I want to sex Xiulan? Does that mean i hate them with a passion?

>> No.4942906

Yes, because you're attracting the wrong attention to them. Continue thinking those things all you want, or posting them in a better place. But don't talk about stuff you love in front of deranged schizos. We already dealt with that weird Rayman schizo yesterday, it's only going to get worse.

>> No.4942986

This is pretty autistic, anon. Disallowing discussions about all members just because you feel the need to "protect" them from their own audience is weird.

>> No.4943003

Yeah no, I literally can't talk about this things on Twitter, reddit or God Forbid Facebook without being labeled a creep.

>> No.4943094

Also there's schizos literally everywhere, Twitter being the most prominent, and Facebook having the most obnoxious ones. It comes with growing as a channel.

>> No.4943121

Plebbit and Twitter love Vtubers, what do you mean?

>> No.4943250

So does this place, with the exception that you can actually talk shit about a vtuber without having a mob on your back. See the recent Mori shenanigans to see that even normalfags have bad feelings towards certain vtubers that they just don't say at every moment.

>> No.4943837

Whoa, dear lord. I like Terumi's design and voice a lot but whoever made her model completely fucked up the mouth, it's just constantly spazzing out. It's a shame because it's really well drawn. I hope she gets it fixed some day because I'd like to watch her more but that is really going to dampen my enjoyment. She doesn't need to fix much about the model, just the mouth.

>> No.4943929

Well she fixed her twitching eye very recently, so maybe she'll do if she gets some feedback on the matter

>> No.4944255

You don't have a mob on your back. Literally nobody cares about your shitty opinions on Vtubers. Stop projecting.

>> No.4944709

Stream doko?

>> No.4944969

QRD on Terumi? She isn’t particularly well known but there are already so many rrats about her.

>> No.4945248

Menhera SEA who's trying her best. Had some horrible life experiences that led to some bad interactions on this shitty site in the past.

But she's very cute and trying hard and this clearly means a lot to her.

>> No.4945341
File: 828 KB, 2087x877, 1621052422022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to namefag on /vt/ pre-debut. Baits saviorfags on the daily so gets ton of donos and attention from the schizos here. There's literally only one rrat, her posting on /trash/ about how she didn't like her contract. Pic related.

>> No.4945386

She has a decent amount of history with this place and she started a certain series of threads which still persisted to today. Most of /here/'s chuubas owe at least a little something to her, including the ones who are doing quite well.
Shortly after she debuted there was an odd thread which led to some people believing she was signed to a black company.

>her posting on /trash/ about how she didn't like her contract
It was on /vt/ and it's still unclear whether it was her.
Her recent statements seemed to be attempts at dispelling it, though.

>> No.4945419

This image always strikes me like it's trying to convince us it's Terumi waaay too hard

>> No.4945499

>haha guys, just keep donating and giving me a steady income for a few months and I can... go home... haha!
Big dispel.

>> No.4945569

I thought "go home" meant leave her grandparent's place.

>> No.4945599

She speaks english too well to mess up like that.

>> No.4945647

You forgot her erp and soc partnerfishing arc

>> No.4945650

It does mean exactly that, she means home to Manila.

>> No.4945703

Literally nobody would phrase moving out of their parents house as "going home."

>> No.4945770


>> No.4945838

Stream is live. Take your meds everyone, and enjoy the zatsu

>> No.4946031

Teru JWU...

>> No.4946149


>> No.4946553

Why is she like this?

>> No.4946556

Greentexting in chat is breaching containment, by the way. Sperg.

>> No.4946577

Why can't she stop breaching containment?

>> No.4946631

Zero social interaction as a kid, horrible mental problems, doesn't talk to anyone all day.

>> No.4946633

Teru orgasming live on stream.

>> No.4946693

Is google maps being a little yab today?

>> No.4946706


>> No.4946754

Teru's soft laugh...

>> No.4946868

>teru likes gondola

>> No.4946956


>> No.4947299

jesus guys, please stop breaching like this

>> No.4947320

>never been to /jp/, I’m from /r9k/

>> No.4947380

Teruchama is retarded...

>> No.4947382

>terumi doesn't realize how late she was

>> No.4947427

>teru has mastered the art of turning off alarms while asleep

>> No.4947755


>> No.4947900


>> No.4948074


>> No.4948111
File: 606 KB, 878x1222, B4E6627F-CA39-4B4E-8CC5-42F7B9C95150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4948187

What happened? I went out for a sec

>> No.4948340

Teru is out for 15 minutes...

>> No.4948399

She realized her entire audience is this hellhole

>> No.4948450

I wish everyone pretended 4chan didn't exist

>> No.4948645


>> No.4948659

and cancelled

>> No.4948742

Antilolifags completely heartbroken.

>> No.4948761


>> No.4948779

oh no, not the paint

>> No.4948793

Oh no, she's using paint again...

>> No.4948978

This is helping me stop goslinging over her at least, since I ain't her type.

>> No.4949093

>teru likes ikemen types

>> No.4949125

>I'll run out of zatsudan topics
I seriously doubt that, Teru.

>> No.4949316

She's talking about all you doxNEETs right now.

>> No.4949342

And she's directly talking about the black company rrat

>> No.4949484

Terumi putting off playing Omori again

>> No.4949494

You guys are a thorn in Terumi's side.

>> No.4949690

Why? We haven’t said any rrat or schizo shit that she didn’t already know. She browses here.

>> No.4950142

Nah, she literally browses the thread and actively references what's being said.
She also did her best to quell the black company rrat both this stream and the previous one.

>> No.4950194

Sorry for the early thread, but my internet is snacks right now

>> No.4950211

We're getting new art on the regular now

>> No.4951312

