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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 519 KB, 1292x292, popular_demand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48673877 No.48673877 [Reply] [Original]

tempiss bros? what happened to our popular demand?

>> No.48673972

Comix Zone is based, watching him now

>> No.48673974

It popped.

>> No.48674112
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, CpdHq3BXEAEFJL1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you call this mental illness?

>> No.48674137

The subversive hivemind shifted their destructive gaze toward a new hobby to fuck up after ruining this one.

>> No.48674194

Being based beyond belief

>> No.48674272

You niggers are making me see more of Tempiss than the actual fucking homobeggars, jesus fucking christ

>> No.48674358

Redditors and twitter warriors don't watch streams and women and fags would rather ERP with each other, who would've thunk it?

>> No.48674993

Are you saying that because you actually agree with that person or are you saying that because you want to encourage someone into spamming the same thing and wasting everyone's time?

>> No.48675598

>Same "seethe" thread with same popular demand story
>Really just another shill thread
You're not making it any less obvious, shill-chan. How much money do they pay you?

>> No.48675725

are there any more good ones? i found bettel entertaining if that helps.

>> No.48675802

They didn't strike gold yet, now they'll have to make another male wave to try again.

>> No.48675837

Holy fuck how hard is it to not post about them? Even homobeggars don't post this much about them.
Wait is this some weird new tactic where homobeggars pretend to be unicorns to post about them now?

>> No.48675881

/vt/ doesn't care about spam unless it's against Gura

>> No.48676230

Still better than no stream, right?

>> No.48676314

Brotuberfags what happened? I thought male vtubers that pandered to you would be more popular and entertaining than those icky "fags" that do BFE? What's your cope this time?

>> No.48676786

If you are a faggot maybe

>> No.48676914

With that audience that small, how the hell they feel the need to keep overlapping eact others?

>> No.48682109


>> No.48682136

A true Hololive fan

>> No.48682598
File: 193 KB, 482x600, 1653858525350924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove the parasites before they kill the host.

>> No.48682637

How's the new normal, sis?

>> No.48683073

Ironically, they started pandering to fujos (gays don't watch vtubers, woman do though) and released 4 new guys with fujo pandery designs and their numbers plummeted. Fujos already liked them when they weren't being pandered to though but they hard filtered the straight male audience. Stars need both sisters and brotuber fans if they want to survive. All of this is beside the point because they still make a killing on gifted memberships and a few of them still steer more into the "bro" content which are the ones with the best numbers.

>> No.48683163

>wasting everyone's time
How does a fucking threat that you are not forced to reply on a site you are not forced to visit could waste your time? Do you actually stay on the thread defending your shitty Tempiss but somehow complain because you're wasting your time? Are homoniggers this retarded?

>> No.48683164

Making fun of the flop that is tempus because we dislike them? It’s pretty funny imo

>> No.48683559
File: 292 KB, 832x566, nicejob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you're doing is raising awareness of them.
Thanks for the free advertising.

>> No.48683581

None of these dudes are entertaining. Vesper, Magni, and Bettel are the only ones really worth watching. Axel when he's collabing with someone interesting. The rest are really not very good or interesting.

Though Hakka at least does make some interesting music.

>> No.48683676

The only entertainment the faggots can give me, is me abusing them on 4chan.

>> No.48683695

Nah he got raided by the others

>> No.48683920

I'm starting to think you're actually gay OP

>> No.48683968

pretty sure they don't even give a fuck lol

>> No.48684094

I've been saying this for a while but faggots insist on begging for an EN3. They really never learn

>> No.48684747
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, miko-full-belly-laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb514ks.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free advertising
It isn't working

>> No.48684852

I'm glad you have an echo chamber of your own.

>> No.48684915

Oh it is. Their sub growth is slow but it's there. But you care about CCV atm because it's the only thing you're winning at, right?

>> No.48684968

>600 viewers
>Now 1k viewers
>Isn't working
Uh huh.

>> No.48684967
File: 88 KB, 1063x752, wheeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A delectable cope

>> No.48685067

Tempus never said "popular demand" themselves. The boys are also victims of Cover's stupidity, and secretly agree that Gen 2 was too fucking soon

>> No.48685147

>After raid

>> No.48685250

>Coping harder

>> No.48685759
File: 79 KB, 216x272, 132774348143482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the own you think it is

>> No.48685990

You homobeggers are absurd. I didn't even realize it was possible for anyone in hololive EN to get numbers as low as a few hundred live viewers. The strongest Tempus members are on par with the weakest EN members. Out of the millions of people who watch holo EN only 1,000 can get off their asses to watch one of these faggts stream, in fact 1,000 is an insanely good day for them. You niggers need to take the faggot dick out of your mouths and accept reality, the homos were a mistake. CGDCT is infinitely better than Faggots Doing Faggy Things.

>> No.48686023

pretty good numbers for a small corpo, what agency are they with?

>> No.48686120

I'm not reading all that schizo

>> No.48686848

That’s just being unfathomably based. Think about it this way, you homobegging faggot. If the boys were doing well someone would be unironically making the same post praising them. They just can’t because the homos are shit.

>> No.48686891

>Implying that the advertising here isn't working
>Proves it's working despite how low the numbers are
Fact is fact.
Didn't read. Thanks for the (you)

>> No.48686971

>I didn't even realize it was possible for anyone in hololive EN to get numbers as low as a few hundred live viewers
>hololive EN
They're never going to be Hololive, they're gutter trash for a reason

>> No.48686986

>Ehhh I defnitely don't have penis on my mind 24/7! I swear!
Fuck right off, I know what region of the world you come from and you AND your people will never be Japanese. Keep seething about shit that doesn't matter.

>> No.48687010

Kek what happened to the apex and rust arc buff

>> No.48687165

Guys the OP has a point though. Where is the popular demand? Why aren’t more of you watching them?

>> No.48687275

Why are you being so xenophobic, sister? How would your fellow sisters react to you behaving like this?

>> No.48687312

To the surprise of no one, OP is the biggest faggot.

>> No.48687634

Idk why homobeggars spend so much time here when their fags are struggling to get out of 3viewdom daily.

>> No.48688120
File: 2.46 MB, 1685x916, today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48688707

Based as fuck

>> No.48689601

>mike the tv
Based gimmick

>> No.48689979

don't be so harsh, poor SEAfag has no streams to watch

>> No.48690076
File: 356 KB, 734x776, 1622560113607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total Tempus Death

>> No.48690168

Buffs wear off.
>Posting a girl that collabed with tempiss

>> No.48690464

people just cant fathom why tempiss bad

>> No.48690497

I thought "popular demand" was the reason given for their shorter collab ban with Holo EN.
Gamma was the one that got those buff.

>> No.48690748
File: 365 KB, 734x363, 1683106801945741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not so fast starsjpkek
stop baiting with tempus you fags

>> No.48691466

>Daily popular demand thread
Sisters are seething daily

>> No.48691493

Damn this thread is ASS

>> No.48692025

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA delete this you're ruining my narrative!!! It's only mentally ill unicorns that hate the faggots!!!

>> No.48692279

How the fuck does le squad stream pull 20k viewers when these homos are all 3view

>> No.48692402

It’s what Mori said was the reason why she got to collab with Tempus while StarsJP were still banned from collabing with them.
It’s the homo version of Vshojos talent freedom phrase.

>> No.48692481

>started pandering to fujos
lmao, they've always done that since the beginning but nice cope. All of them get either 1k or lower. Even Vesper the zatsudan king gets 1k when he used to easily get 3k on his zatsus because of the Japan saga. /MANS/ is dead too. Face it, "brotubers" just don't work and aren't profitable, but I know you'll call me a "Luxiemsis" for telling you the truth even though I've been a fan since the beginning.

>> No.48692627

Cover doesn't care, they took the slot for EN3 debuts and now you gotta wait atleast 6 more months for anything. cope

>> No.48692678
File: 77 KB, 229x232, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gamma was the one that got those buff.


>> No.48692877

Anon, that’s actually twice the number he always got

>> No.48692935

Ho well i guess the rust server really helped axel numbers lol, like i predicted he pretty much just lost viewers. Anyway nice threat seething homobeggar is the only entertaining thing about tempiss and tempoop, but honnestly it's not worth the money cover spend they should really cut the looses at some point very near in the future.

>> No.48693306
File: 638 KB, 918x546, Screenshot 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't.

>> No.48693326

I'm not the one worshipping women and wanting to be like them, self-hating tranny.

>> No.48693424

I thought 4chan was the subversive shithole.

>> No.48694921

It was an NBA watchalong retard. No one is doing a stream like that for numbers

>> No.48695061

You should go back to your fujoshi twitter circle

>> No.48695107

>aaaaany day now

>> No.48695365

apparently irys is really into the red one

>> No.48696486

>CGDCT is infinitely better than Faggots Doing Faggy Things.
You've been watching too many of that that you've gone and decided to paint your nails as you type this. You gonna start gossiping too little bitch?

>> No.48696512

Ok "businessman"

>> No.48696555

Doesn’t take a businessman to figure out that these faggots are failures, homo

>> No.48696581

Failures being supplied with gifted memberships and SCs on the daily. What's your next cope businessman, gonna bring up CCVs?

>> No.48696586
File: 98 KB, 722x428, april mem tempus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All but Vesper raking in membership money

>> No.48696610

Comix Zone
Fuck, too bad a Holo girl wasn't playing it. I would've watched. What a kino perm wasted on Tempus.

>> No.48696635

Tell your holo girls that they have perms for it.
If they don't play it after that, it's on them.

>> No.48696661

>He lacks critical information

>> No.48696665

Holy kek what happened to Vesper?

>> No.48696672

This is why nobody takes women seriously. They actually fucking think that nobody watches these subhumans because their names aren’t out there, instead of the simple fact that their just plain shit. Occam's razor Is truly the bane of all femoids.

>> No.48696685

I can lead a horse to water but I can't make it drink, Anon.

>> No.48696723

He apparently gets it in SC's instead because he reads all of them.

>> No.48696765

Truth makes tempiss hags seethe.

>> No.48696770
File: 304 KB, 1500x650, 1682993785057596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unstable income
>3 months in a row Bettel has been in the top 15 of earners in Holopro consistently.
Go on, tell me how it's ok when Chloe is consistently a top earner but it's not ok when Bettel is.

>> No.48696777

japan arc
kek all he gets now are 5 dollar supas though

>> No.48696800

And yet they're still here, what're you gonna do about it bitch? Seethe lol

>> No.48696810

>1k viewers
Do you think that's the number you can brag about?

>> No.48696851

The bar is in hell.

>> No.48696877

Hakka seems to be doing well, are spanish bros saving him?

>> No.48696942
File: 24 KB, 337x158, lottaSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That must be a lot of 5 dollars to read.
Wasn't the point, thanks for missing it.

>> No.48696954

What a counter argument, funny how watching cute girls makes you gay, but watching faggots literally designed to attract women does not.

>> No.48696987

I will NEVER watch your homos.

>> No.48697049
File: 14 KB, 717x192, SCbreakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing nobody asked you to, also nobody asked if you would either.
Here's his SC breakdown. Some americans are saving him.

>> No.48697121

Its fairly easy. There are less women watching vtubers over all, because they literally dont watch for the content and just for the BFE.
Most women who try a bit can get BFE pretty easily in real-life. Incel chudos wanting the GFE (in rl) just cant, because ugly and autisticly talking about crazy shit.

>> No.48697611

Most women aren't watching female vtubers either, but it doesn't seem to click for these sisters why men aren't watching da bois.

>> No.48698090

It's time to shut this farce down.

>> No.48698625

i wonder how long they can save him

>> No.48698647

tempus2 doing good. tempiss keeps getting worse.

>> No.48698653

>constantly collab to hide their solo stream numbers

>> No.48698697

what a failure, a waste of money

>> No.48698808
File: 45 KB, 175x175, 1652011380074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they overlap so hard? There's 8 Tempus members, surely 3 of them don't need to start streaming at the exact same time and 1 an hour later.

>> No.48698826

This point is pretty moot unless you can tell what currency the gifted memberships were bought under. Kronii has been getting a huge influx of gifted memberships bought but they're mostly being bought under the columbian peso (someone from her fancord was bragging about it) which is about as worthless as ARS.

>> No.48698881


>> No.48699021

men obsessed with other man are usually called gay so I'm going with that

>> No.48699043

Maybe because they all need to make money?

>> No.48699266

Management orders, they only have a very select list of hours where they're allowed to start streaming.

>> No.48699487

>gay is a mental illness
Based sister

>> No.48699492
File: 15 KB, 668x233, breakdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Columbian peso for some reason is 2.5 dollars for a gifted membership, above what ARS is, despite foreign currency exchange putting both at worthless levels.
Also you can tell what the currencies are on hololyzer as it straight up tells you.
Here's an example breakdown of clown man.

>> No.48699526

Holy mother of grim

>> No.48699703

That's not member gifts, that's SC. Hololyzer doesn't give you how much the memberships gifted are actually valued at.

>> No.48699943
File: 56 KB, 880x688, GRIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize there never was a popular demand

>> No.48700100

Thanks doc

>> No.48701536

