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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4865369 No.4865369 [Reply] [Original]

but how

>> No.4865409

A coco thread died for this

>> No.4865458

dont defend chink insects at any time. just shit on the bugs

>> No.4865559

you can´t win against chink human bots

>> No.4866530

Don't donate to your oshi. I know that sucks and hurts your oshi but it also hurts Cover as well. Cover is losing their #1/#2 money maker, if all the sudden the rest of their Hololive members stop getting donations, then Cover stops getting free money, then Cover goes tits up.

>> No.4866888

This Board can't into memes
I've started quite a few shitposting threads and they died way too fast
Nobody has anything to add

>> No.4866946

And that will hurt the chinks how?

>> No.4866951

Shoot up the nearest Chinese embassy if you're an American.

>> No.4866977

you are posting from a device made from parts assembled in china
you have already lost

>> No.4867002

Be happy and don't buy into their claims and propaganda. Living life how you as an individual want is the greatest insult to them of all.

>> No.4867054

Im going to enter the political sphere, work my way up to Senator and then President of the United States. I’ll then order two nuclear bombs to be dropped on China—The “Taiwan Bugfucker” and the “Coco’s Revenge”

>> No.4867105

Yes, let's "hurt" "chinks" on /vt/, they're clearly here and clearly all can speak English. This is what most of SJW doing honestly nowadays, shitting not on ones at fault but on those who listen

>> No.4867159

>those replies

>> No.4867217

ummmm okay this is based

>> No.4867323

Hey bro, >>4866530 is a retard

Go support your oshi. They get a better cut of merch anyways.

Also, don't do the "Block" step of the common mantra. They need your reports and cultivation of a nice membership.

>> No.4867436

Reminder that you can always support their roomates instead

>> No.4867540

Push the idea that the CCP are not the legitimate rulers of China. The only thing that seems to consistently upset them.

>> No.4867617


>> No.4867687

you dont need to be so try hard on it. bugs are just bugs. nothing more nothing less.

>> No.4867773

Vtuber "memes" will always be shit because they're just streamers, there's no real referential humor to be derived from something so easily accessible, so all you get is garbage that's easily understood and spammed to death by the common redditor. At best you get their picture shooped onto some other preexisting meme that maybe kind of fits something they said or did once

>> No.4868033

Good, now move on.

>> No.4868774

This is exactly what the Zhangs want. We need something that hurts them instead. Go to NGA and Bilibili, find people who encourage wheelbarrows, doxxs them and harass them. It won't block the wheelbarrows, but it will create some risk for using them. But we may need to get some people who can read bug to pull that off.

>> No.4871521


>> No.4871762

There is a CCP embassy in Washington DC, and consulates in New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
There are also likely visa offices in your nearest large city.
They very often have very minimal, if any, security.
July 1st is the 100 year anniversary of the party.
Just some unrelated facts that I thought you should know for reasons unrelated to this thread.

>> No.4872214

You know what to do.

>> No.4872516

>travel to China
>look for the sealed cultivation cave of the ancient Nine Suns Inmortal
>tell him all his descendants and the martial arts he left behind were erradicated by LMao
>Watch him go full "BY THE ROOOTS!" murderhobo on the CCP

>> No.4872662

Anon, you need to stop reading chink cultivation shit.

>> No.4872787


>> No.4872791
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There is no way, Chinese internet actively supports the harassment and Cover is brutally suppressing mentioning it every place except this one because they don't want people to realize that their incompetence is ultimately what led to this problem.

So we have the majority of the community lying to themselves, trying to backflip rationalizations about why she's leaving without mentioning the people harassing her for the better part of six months, and we have a company whose head is so far in the sand that they won't even name the problem. And this is all for a person who has agreed to simply keep her head low and not speak of it.

You're not getting revenge. They won. They got everything they wanted and even managed to convince the authority figures involved that it was never their fault to begin with. Revenge is only important if there's something you can do, but now It's time to move on.

>> No.4872870
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You must strike down the dark lord. It is the only way

>> No.4872911

We absolutely could if we were allowed to. That is the key part of this problem. It's not for lack of will or try, it's that cover is tacitly or unwittingly supporting them by simply suppressing any attempt to drown them out or get them to leave. Instead opting for pretending it's not really happening.

>> No.4872932


>> No.4873043

>This is exactly what the Zhangs want.
What the Zhangs wanted is what they got yesterday. There is nothing more to add because they got everything they wanted: Orange Dragon gone, Cover is bowing to their harassment attempts, and will continue to cover for their huge campaign without even naming the harassers.

all cover has to do to end all of this is just name them. Just say their name, who is doing it, and where they are organizing. They won't, because they don't view this as their problem.

Likewise a mass unsub or campaign to protest against Zhang's behavior against hololive talents would also be met with silence.

>> No.4873060

You may need to join the Freemasons. Climb up whatever secret ladder they have within to grasp political power.You may face the deep-state, conspiracy level of unwanted knowledge but you need to keep your love for Coco to help you get there.

>> No.4873428

>Coco quits to protect the other holomemes from her chink antis
What's the validity of this rrat

>> No.4873589

Write angry letters to your local government representatives. expressing fury over the suppression of evidence the coof is a bioweapon. Every hour of every day. Rally as many people as you can.
Enlist with the explicit goal of wanting to aid in a future war against China. Boycott Chinese goods and demand sanctions on all Chinese trade. Boycott any company addicted to cheap Chinese labor and send them letters explicitly saying as much.
It is a long, difficult process, but if you gain enough steam, you just might force even the most religious disciples of Marx that China has to go.
War with CCP is still an achievable dream. But it demands action and rage firey enough to burn away their cries of racism.

>> No.4874090

It's objectively what is happening. Only a complete retard would buy the rrat that Coco is leaving for reasons other than the Gook harassment.
She has said multiple times that there were many things that she wanted to do as a vtuber that will now never get done.

>> No.4874316

>Write angry letters to your local government representatives.
Those local government representatives were mostly elected by China. That's why nobody investigated why the head of the CDC and the media personality who was unanimously elected to lead the public on health safety all had financial ties to the same biolab who released Covid onto the world. Also why you're treated as crazy when you demand answers for it like the one or two non-gook politicians who tried to question them on that.

There is no winning this game because they already won. The own the politicians who could possibly do anything, and people are too tied up in left vs right politics to realize it.
Same thing with Cover, now. Everyone who is trying to speak about Cover's incompetence and seemingly helping the harassers at every opportunity such as promoting a blacklist of them to moderator status gets squelched every place but here. How do you organize when your enemy controls all your channels of communication?

>> No.4875248

No matter how bought and paid for the elected officials are, as this situation shows, endless harassment works. You beat them and beat them and beat them until they have no private life and you make it so they can't even enjoy their Chinabux. It's tried and true. They can't ignore you forever.

>> No.4875449

Write to your local representatives on the importance of not kowtowing to China, do this every time China is in the news. Publish their responses.

>> No.4878028

I support you

>> No.4880635

Insight war between the US and China

>> No.4880909

Incredibly unrelated to any of these things
Did you know how easy it is to find recipes for everything online to make quite litteraly ANYTHING with simple stuff found in any home or super market
From meth to weapons and from extremely complicated dishes to VERY COMPLICATED MECHANISMS

>> No.4881047

incite, zhang

>> No.4883058

Fuck you Zhangs. Fuck your mothers as well

>> No.4883119

Man, how weird what potassium and water do when they combine, even inside a stomach. Very odd stuff. Completely unrelated though.

>> No.4886581

Become a Vtuber and use Winnie Xi Pooh as your avatar

>> No.4886655

You can, just use their own tactics against them. Spam and shit on any group, organization, or corporation that deals with or treats the Chinese favorably. If millions of people do this, it will have dramatic effects overnight. Of course you won't be able to organize like that quickly, but that's how you "win".

>> No.4886844

Eh? I think Disney gonna rape you instead.

>> No.4887060

What do Zhangs care about? its not people. They killed so many. Its not ideals. They call themselves commies but serve globohomo. But they do care about their moms. So much that it becomes an insult. So the answer is simple: unleash your yellow fever and inner nigger. Fuck their moms, their gfs, any mainland woman, and make sure that no bugman will ever be able to satisfy their women ever again

>> No.4887747

But that doesn`t make sense for me. Zhangs can just spam other holos anyway+they know now, that it is effective, so they will spam even more. Cover is seriously fucking retarded for letting this to happen, hiring enough mods for all holos wouldn't be expensive but i guess this is really a black fucking company.

>> No.4890896


>> No.4890960

But I think you need to ad around 48 more nukes to your plan.

>> No.4890994

Nothing good will come of this.

>> No.4894750
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>> No.4894773

t. zhang

>> No.4898676
File: 94 KB, 1199x1173, EKcLCqwWoAIFS-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) already know how

>> No.4898706

do redditors really

>> No.4898762



>> No.4899085

Retardchama. Holos are Asians too.

>> No.4899110

Anon you already have my vote

>> No.4899251

the west is too weak compared to zhangs to do anything, thanks to the trannies, vshojo, reddit, etc
try to do anything, you will be called a schizo incel "let them do what they want" and be told to cope
they play under zhang hands and they don't even realize it

>> No.4899270

A lot of them do realize it, they are commies too and think "good" when they see their own countries fail, they think when everything is in ruins they'll "have their chance" to have a glorious revolution

>> No.4899509

