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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 595 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20210609-094819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4859883 No.4859883 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, sun's a pretty big news network right?

>> No.4859915

Tabloid, but sure.

>> No.4859923

It's a tabloid

>> No.4859954

Isn't the Sun tabloid tier, I'm not up to date on my bong lore

>> No.4860004

I have no idea why any reader of the Sun would care but I guess it's just another opportunity to hate chinks

>> No.4860080

the fucking sun reported on this? seriously?

>> No.4860139

Bongs take tabloids more seriously than the rest of the west, and the sun is one of the most famous of them (top 5)

>> No.4860229

dude shes literally #3 trending in over 800 countries world wide, for 8 hours straight........

i expect her to be on fox news soon,

imagine ww3 starts because of some anime girl

>> No.4860267

im sure its an article for the internet users. not a big news at all

>> No.4860291

Hahaha no. UK tabloids are recognised by bonglanders as the trash they are. It's trolls who keep reposting them as fact and people (especially burgers) take it seriously because its a British newspaper.

Call me when this hits a more respectable outlet like the Telegraph (boomer central) or the Guardian (shitlib central).

>> No.4860329

David """Boroff"""

>> No.4860370

For the benefit of the doubt I'll take the 800 countries part as a joke.

>> No.4860422

I wouldn't be surprised if the BBC ran an article on this, I think that was how I actually found out about kizuna ai.

>> No.4860505

It's the biggest Tabloid but it's unusual that they'd cover this. They normally only talk about normalfag TV shit not weeb shit.

>> No.4860517

90% of Fox's audience doesn't know the difference between a calculator and a computer, Infowars maybe

>> No.4860522

quick someone send them this

>> No.4860676

It’s the sun. And online not the actual paper. They’d write an article about literally anything if it’s popular enough for more than 5 people to read it.

>> No.4860756

Coco on page 3!

>> No.4860807

/vt/ is more credible than Sun

>> No.4860894
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Wars fought with anime girls... the future is bright.

>> No.4860912

fucking yes lad

>> No.4861062

Real news is no better than tabloid news. If anything tabloids do more research than any conventional journalist.

That being said, the news came out literally hours ago. What the hell is going to happen in, say, a weeks time?

>> No.4861076

Page 3 is no more sadly.

not thanks to muh feminism, but due to the fact that the internet has more tits on display than any one man could ever consume

>> No.4861108
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>I expected her to be on fox news soon
I can't wait.

>> No.4861850

Holy shit based

>> No.4861856

This is 100% gonna happen eventually. Not Coco, but maybe her new persona or some other vtuber talking about issues with China.

>Tonight on Tucker Carlson Tonight we have Haachama with us. Known as a fun filled vtuber, Haachama is here with us today to talk about no laughing matter. The influence of China and the communist party in one of our main allies, Japan. Haachama thanks for being with us today and welcome. And before we start, i like to say thank you for your content, i been a member for quite a while now, love your streams.
>Haachama cham cham, thanks Tucker for having me tonight. Thanks for being a fan.

>> No.4861930

I’m thinking about all of this and having a hearty chuckle, thank you for making light out of this, it helps.

>> No.4861936

Anon a minority of twitter users control the trending ranks.

>> No.4862051

>Haachama goes off on a rant about pepeloni live on national television

You have no idea how much I want this.

>> No.4863590

I'd believe it. Japan would start a war if the chinks manage to graduate Pekora.

>> No.4863818

It's like the New York Post in it's used to launder hit pieces for Murdock or other right wing groups most of the time.
They took the work load from News of the World, which was another right wing rag that was forced to close down after they helped get a girl murdered.

>> No.4863898

>Bongs take tabloids more seriously
Made me laugh

>> No.4863935

Bong tabloid, but bongs take tabloids more seriously than proper newspapers, and the Sun is either the biggest or second biggest one. Why the fuck they're on about Coco I don't know

>> No.4863947

>Coco going on a white supremacist show
She's trying to salvage her career you thundering faggots. Not be a useful idiot in the right wing's culture war.

>> No.4863977

What is this meme

>> No.4864114

payd by herself. son account will blow up with savior fags.

>> No.4864126
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Can't wait for the Sunday Sport to report on this.

>> No.4864411

I hope the algorithm gives her channel the extra boost. She deserves it.

>> No.4864450
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my sides

>> No.4864534

>why is coco leaving hololive
>doesn't even bother putting any reasons for why she might like harrassment from chinks
>just quotes some of the english stuff she said in the announcement video and a paragraph of text from a vtuber wiki site on who she is
dude probably just saw coco was trending on twitter and went with it for the clicks

>> No.4864567
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>"The time has come for America and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the Communist Party of China. We should all declare within one voice that China must pay. They must pay."

>> No.4864576

>We're going to have to stop you there Haato, we're out of time.
>the pepeloni? Do you know it?

>> No.4864616

Did Coco help fund the Trump Virus too?
She had enough superchats.

>> No.4864628

>imagine ww3 starts because of some anime girl
And they told me to take my meds when I said this back on september

>> No.4864740

Tabloids in the uk have a surprisingly big reach and if they put something out that implicates you, you can be fucked. Whenever a politician gets caught having blundered, it’ll be the daily mail who gets there first. They are literal maggots.

>> No.4864753
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>you mind if i call you haato?

>> No.4864897

>imagine ww3 starts because of some anime girl
My money is on either that or MUGEN Cheapie Wars creating Skynet.

>> No.4865633

I would give my left nut to see this actually happen.

>> No.4865877

But libel laws are a lot looser in the UK so you can easily sue their asses if they get something wrong.

>> No.4866026

Tfw in the universe where Trump got reelected there would be a small chance of seeing the president of the United States talk about how an anime dragon girl is being silenced by China because he saw it trending on twitter

>> No.4866140

Are you retard? Trump is a literal boomer he don't even know what anime is

>> No.4866210

>white supremacist
here's your (You)

>> No.4866297

Haha the sun in the most sold newspaper in the UK. They currently sell 1.2M copies daily. Hilarious to see coco in a British newspaper.
Still a fucking rag though. Not fit to wipe my ass with.

>> No.4866389

That’s true. You should see how many times Ian Hislop has been sued.

>> No.4866544
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>"Have you heard about this folks? Kiri-yu coca? She's been trending on Twitter all over the world- look it up. From what I've been told, she stood up against the Chinese and now she's being fired for it."

>> No.4866614

I will never forgive the deep state for taking away this kino timeline.
That wouldn't have stopped him.

>> No.4866684

Does not matter if it's Tabloid or if the queen wrote it on vellum.
If it's in the media, it's a lie or propaganda/horseshit.

You do NOT get sincerity in the current year.

>> No.4866713

>the s*n
any self respecting Brit doesn't read that rag.

>> No.4866722

>Bongs take tabloids more seriously than the rest of the west
not since they stopped putting topless women on the first couple of pages

>> No.4866733

I love Trump now

>> No.4866762

It's the legal principle of 'publish and be damned'. The TL;DR of which basically boils down to: suing someone for something they published is super easy, but actually preventing publication in the first place is basically impossible.

>> No.4866767
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>white supremacist show
You mean jew supremacist show?

>> No.4866811

The Sun is bizarrely good for trash news, it's often not as cucked as eg the Shartian on controversial issues

>> No.4867035
File: 567 KB, 1000x3293, unlimited_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fully cucked, it's hyper cucked, everything is cucked if it's public.

If you cannot imagine the following lines in any of these outlets, then they are cucked:

"feminism? sjws? more like jews pretending to be native men hating the native women with so much media clout that it can look real, in order to create chastizing and destructive laws in the real world based on these fabrications. Without jews, such things cannot happen. If you ever read something like 'Japan finally, but slowly, is marching toward progress and leaves bigotry behind' then that is another example of jews pulling off this deception. If Japan itself wanted to do this, it wouldn'tbe a slow process, but a 97% ethnic majority speedy one. It's slow because jewish presence in Japan is merely just high enough to start the show, waiting for reality to collapse into that fabrication. Most of our societal problems like that were, and are manufactured in the same way by jews in the media and co. We don't hate our own women, they do, and they try to,and do end up selling you their masquerade as if it really WERE us who do, but it's all them. Don't join in. Boot them from the country, instead."

You can't see something like this being published in your outlet?
Then it's pozzed, kosher, cucked, cringe and matzopilled.
Nothing in it ever matters or will ever matter.

>> No.4867210

>Unironic crazy Nazis post on this board
Phew, I sure am glad I am trans and not a nazi

>> No.4867225
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I hope you're not proud, too.

>> No.4867271

So this is the definitive proof that hololive is for normalfags now. Never want to hear retards think otherwise

>> No.4867340

I would unironically get a cable subscription just to watch this live.

>> No.4867917
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lel I read it all in his voice.

>> No.4868024

Has not understanding an issue ever stopped Trump from commenting on it?

>> No.4868081

Why wouldn't they? Coco is making the most money out of superchats on the entirety of youtube next to rushia and gura

>> No.4868207

American conservatives prove you can be a white supremacists and lick isreali boots at the same time.
Point is Coco wouldn't willingly or unwillingly be turned into a useful idiot like that.

>> No.4868299

>Ian Hislop
I only know of him from watching Have I got News for You just to see what the bongs opinions were of American politics given the utter shitshow it's been for the past decade.
But I think I got spoiled because my first show had Patrick Stewart as the host and he was a delightful fuckup.

>> No.4868490

He's the editorl of the political magazine Private Eye and the most sued man in British legal history as a result.

>> No.4868527

Have I Got News for You has been consistently to the left of average British opinion on social issues, it doesn't really take a stance on economics that much.

>> No.4868592

The boomers that watch fox news would have their minds absolutely blown

>> No.4868615
File: 146 KB, 1585x306, 1623126004915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the sun a norf or souf thing?

>> No.4868623

lmao, what time we are living in. beautiful

>> No.4868697

Both norf FC and souf FC read it, nonces and poofters don't.

>> No.4869023

I know, they made jokes about his litigation history on the show. But I didn't know he was the most sued man in British legal history, thanks for that tidbit. I do end up rooting for him because he loses so much and got a good laugh out of the one guest who specifically asked to be paired with Paul because she was aware of Ian's losing history and wanted to win (I'd try to look it up but BBC purged a good chunk of the old episodes off youtube, bastards). Or that one time some Labour party member stole one of Paul's joke in front of his face and the staff kept ribbing him over it.

They're sensible, outside of some of their guests, guess that makes them left leaning these days. And of course comedy naturally slants to the left.

>> No.4869038

you need to go back

>> No.4870485
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>Before we leave here tonight, Haachama - do you have any words of wisdom for the dire situation we find ourselves in?

>> No.4870937

British libel laws are a bit skewed so it’s very easy to sue people over it, and as the editor of a very infamous satirical magazine which takes potshots at everyone and anyone, Ian has been in the line of fire, he takes it well though.

>> No.4871979
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>"Tucker, one small thing"
>"When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Haachama"

>> No.4872553

Jesus liberals are insane, try going outside instead of watching the news all day and stop shitting up /vt/

>> No.4872655

Norf except for Liverpool

>> No.4872716

The lady thou protest too much me thinks

>> No.4872768

>"and here we have haachama"
>chammers goes wide eyes.."haachama???? ..akai haato des"
>discord call goes off
>chammers brings out a knife
>stream cuts

>> No.4872899

>all companies, govt, MIC are liberal
>we're fighting for the common man
tranny, where do you think you are?

>> No.4873004

>Shifted his own overtone window so far to right that everything else is liberal now.
>Has to inject his sexual fetish into it just for good measure
Take your meds.

>> No.4873085

Chinese commie internet warriors harassed a woman making bank on youtube until she quit for absolutely no reason. It crosses the normie news threshold, even if just barely.

>> No.4873090

>cant attack the argument
there we go
>Has to inject his sexual fetish
yup its you guys
no amount of complaining about conservatives will get you your dick back or turn you into a woman. I hope you realize that, tranny

>> No.4873225

Your argument was already refuted. now you're projecting.
Also you're doubling down on your fetish. very shameful.

>> No.4873345

No U is not an argument faggot

>> No.4873397

>Your argument was already refuted
lying about things is not good, tranny
now go call others bootlicker while you have govt and corps funding your riots
you're used to lying anyway because you lie about your gender everyday on an anonymous imageboard, kek
this must be nothing
the fetish angle wont work on 4ch for the sole reason, your man face cant be hidden with cakes of makeup.

do I need to go on...nah I dont want you to 41% yourself so quickly. bump this thread some more, then i'll consider

>> No.4873416

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.4873470

>Still can't refute the facts
>Still pushing your fetish

>> No.4873538

Imagine if they're legitimately reporting as fans...

>> No.4873609

Yadda yadda woman.
Also, remember to always apply critical thinking and not become mere unenlightened masses that cannot make the judgement call.

>> No.4873648

isnt it hilarious? you cant even hide your gender over the internet and you think you can talk about conservatives? kek
I only wonder how people look at your face after you tell them it starts with Ms. haha
the fetish angle will only get you humiliated like your dick did when you cut it off.

you're already struggling to keep up with this conversation, dont make us go nuclear on you. run to your discord and get some help before you actually kill yourself before this thread ends

>> No.4873729

Nah, you're just projecting your own fetish and problems into wall of texts I'm not even reading now.
Very sad.

>> No.4873828

>I'm not even reading now.
you cant. you're gonna break because its obvious you're not used to 4ch. you're not reading because reality plays a bigger prank on you than conservatives ever can.

you're fighting conservatives on an anonymous imageboard while nature is laughing at you, kek.

stay with me now, we still have 200 replies to go.

>> No.4873896

Nah, just not worth it when it's just you projecting and being butthurt now.

>> No.4874098

>giving up when "she" gets a little heat back
oof, not a surprise why you have such high suicide rates. oh well. RIP in advance

>> No.4874129

You shouldn't commit suicide anon no matter how miserable you clearly are from your writing.

>> No.4874171

Where did you refute the argument that several entities are now liberal? By claiming that that anon is shifting his overton window to the point that everything appears liberal to him?

That may work, except these entities all have the same viewpoint concerning a few select, major, views such as climate change, election law, policing standards, LGBT stuff, and race relations. Your argument doesn't work because all those entities hold one view, not a wide range of views that can all be lumped under one umbrella category.

>> No.4874259

People literally only used to buy the Sun because there would be a naked lady with big tits on the third page and it was the cheapest fap material in the pre-internet age. Now they don't have that, the Sun is just the punchline for the majority of people in the country while still getting some sales from the old farts who want daily reminders of why they should hate Johnny Foreigner and to get their hopes up enough that "England are winning the cup this year EASY" so they will then buy the papers that say "This is why England let us all down at the cup this year".

Honestly, as the story of Coco boils down to a "English speaking personality gets harassed into early retirement by Chinese trolls" story, it's really not that much of a shock that the Sun picked it up quickly.

>> No.4874491

>You shouldn't commit suicide
>"she" says while tying a noose around "her" neck

>why they should hate Johnny Foreigner
amusing whenever non-whites comment about immigrants being hated while they're let in by the same white people they "hate".
if they really hated johnny foreigner, you would be kicked on the face at the border itself than being given welfare checks. but that ungratefuleness you have there, that proves why diversity will never work

>> No.4874563

Well if you're going to kill yourself i won't stop you.

>> No.4874588

Further evidence tabloid journalists do nothing but plagarize Twitter and report on literally anything trending

>> No.4874660

you cant even stop your dick from functioning, I wouldnt worry about your ability to stop anything, tranny.

>> No.4874689

Why are you still projecting your own problems?

>> No.4874700


>> No.4874724

The Sun was purchased for sport, it's getting killed because Mr William and Mr Hill will have every fixture for you at the click of a button not because of porn. Page 3 was always just a bonus.

>> No.4874777

based keemstar

>> No.4874810

That's what makes it plausible.

>> No.4874820

Governments around the world have been sliding into authoritarianism or other right wing governments. while certain right wing parties are becoming more extreme. Example, Republicans in America, and this was before they attempted their failed coup in January.
As for corporations, they've always been more conservative since conservatives are much more likely to protect their interests, hell in the US they have an entire think tank specifically designed to hand out legislation for conservatives to pass, no questions asked called the American Legislative Exchange Council. If you're going to point out social issues, that's just them doing lip service as best, and virtue signaling at worse. Look at the Jim Crow law that Georgia passed (It goes well beyond Voter ID, and targets minorities and urban areas) Corproations put out statements condemning it, but they're still funding the politicians that forced through the legislation, and when other states passed similar Jim Crow laws, we didn't hear anything from those corporations. Really rebukes the idea they're left leaning.

>> No.4874870

He can still talk about right now, oh wait, he shut down his blog because it was a giant tire fire.

>> No.4874873

>before they attempted their failed coup in January

>> No.4874951

>Governments around the world have been sliding into authoritarianism or other right wing governments
Authoritarianism isn't right wing, do your ideology reps retard.

>> No.4875185

Tell that to fascism young child, says it right in the definition.

>Stopping the peaceful transfer of power for the rightful winner of a fair and free democratic election and overthrow said government to install an unelected head of state.
It was a coup attempt, doesn't matter how incompletely run it was.

>> No.4875365

He may not be literally correct, but is correct in spirit. Once you go on to one of these shows you then have to comment on political issues to stay relevant because that's all the audience that'll ultimately stick with you cares about.

>> No.4875531

>Tell that to fascism young child, says it right in the definition.
Authoritarianism is ideologically neutral. Stalin was one of the most authoritarian men in history yet I doubt anyone would characterize him as anything but an anti-fascist.
Not like I'll convince you, you're an authoritarian yourself.

>> No.4875598

Run by who exactly? Trump told them to go home, so did what passes for prominent "alt right" retards like Alex Jones and Nick Fuentes.

But interestingly enough disputing that it was a free and fair election and the legitimacy of the Biden regime is punishable by being unpersoned currently, your social media shut down, put on a no fly list and your assets frozen. You can, and people demonstrably do call Orban an illegitimate nigger in "fascist" Hungary though.

>> No.4875614

>rightful winner of a fair and free democratic election
There's few thing less true about the American electoral system. A country with millions of ghost voters and no voter ID isn't a bastion of free elections, it's just ripe for voter fraud. t. europoor

>> No.4875637

He was also a massive social conservative which helps against the idea of “socially right wing”

>> No.4875738

>everyone talks about how Coco is going to a "bright future", "shining bright", etc
>The Sun runs a feature on her for no apparent reason
>The sun is the brightest thing in the solar system

CONFIRMED, Coco is leaving to become The Sun's official Vtuber.

>> No.4875818

The Sun was right

>> No.4875826

>disrupting a peaceful transfer of power
That already happened. The only thing they were disrupting was a ceremony. Once the electors vote, it's over. The only way January 6th could have been a coup is if they literally established a new government. It was as much of a coup as those protestors that tried to stop the Kavanaugh hearings.

>> No.4876133

Socially conservative, economically liberal is the actual right wing.
What you're confusing with "right wing" is called statism, and it's firmly centrist (and highly authoritarian). What the western world is marching toward is called corpocracy, which is statism except corporations call all the shots. Economically liberal, socially liberal. Because everyones a customer, and social conservatives tend to be more tightfisted than spendthrift, debt heavy self described "liberals"

>> No.4876403

Ominbussing my post given the hornet nest is stirring.
That's deflecting from the fact that the authoritarianism that's on the rise today is almost if not exclusively from the right.
Trump only said that after the coup attempt was a failure. but still not only claimed victory, but threatened it would happen again which is why he got de-platformed even with his special protections as head of state.
There's also the fact that Trump is the reason, everyone was there on that date and then marched to the Capitol to attack because of The Big Lie.
Or the fact that he refused to deploy the national guard to defend the capitol and then lied by pretending a fleeting thought he had of sending troops a few days ago but never actually offered it. It took Mike Pence, whom the coup forces wanted to assassinate to override Trump and call in the national guard.
No, Trump's co-conspirators in congress managed to delay certification with their objectives when the coup started, so if it was successful and the coup forces managed to capture and assassinate enough members of congress, you could have seen certification be rejected and power handed back to Trump, assuming he doesn't involve the insurrection act to maintain power and nullify the election. The correct term for what Trump attempted was a self coup since it would have been his attempt to stay in power after he legally lost the election. Also I don't recall anyone protesting Kavauagh building a gallows and demanding he be hung like the failed coup attempt on 1/6, nor is protesting a supreme court justice the same as overthrowing the government, so that's a no fly analogy.

>> No.4876625

I thought that’s what I said. Maybe I wasn’t clear. A lot of people talk about “socially right wing” which obviously doesn’t exist because right wing is an economic position not a social one. And there’s also a lot of people who associate social conservatism with the right wing, when a lot of prominent left wing figures were also conservatives socially, Stalin recriminalised homosexuality, as an example.
Do you mean corporatocracy? That’s the word I see people using these days (although some people still think it’s a synonym for corporatism)

>> No.4876814

>That's deflecting from the fact that the authoritarianism that's on the rise today is almost if not exclusively from the right.
Scotland here. Our leading party (the SNP) are quite liberal. Very big on social freedom, very big on gays. They recently passed a law that means that because I have memes on my computer that could be considered offensive in any context, I could face up to 7 year in prison. Because SOMEONE MAY find memes that are in my possession offensive. Scotland is one of the most authoritarian places in Europe at the moment, and is also one of the most liberal.
Trump as a boogey man is one of the greatest moves the American left has ever made, because it has idiots like you pointing and shouting ORANGE MAN BAD while they sneak in legislation that WILL be used to keep you in line under the guise of "protecting minorities".
Are you aware that California recently voted to remove the clause from their constitution that forces them to not discriminate based on race sex or sexual orientation? That sounds quite worrying to me, as it should to anyone that isn't hiring all their mates because fuck whitey

>> No.4877063

Apples and bad oranges anon. Or in this case, the Nazi orange.
>Prop 16 being defeated
But that just proves you're an authoritarian because you want to openly discriminate. Terrible hill to die on.

>> No.4877520

>the people that make safe shit like The Simpsons are white supremacists

>> No.4877762


>> No.4878421

Affirmative action promotes people who are grossly underqualfieid or undereducated into positions they would otherwise not have due to their race. Why are you such a racist?
>Nazi orange
Oh you're retarded. Trump is a moron and many other things but qualifying him as a nazi only makes the actual nazis feel safer, since it makes everyone question "but is he really a nazi?" when you shout it till it loses all meaning. A world where you have to question if someone is really a nazi, is the one that has been created by framing your enemies as them for decades. It's a real shame I now have to double check that someone isn't a nazi because they might have said something mildly conservative.

>> No.4878609

Nah, it's meant to nullify systemic racism and bigotry that's infected the system.
Also a person who lived through the holocaust has a bit more weight on the subject of who's like the Nazis today than some nobody like yourself who claims otherwise. Nothing personal.

>> No.4879066

You can’t just appeal to authority and leave it there. The Nazis were a political party with publicly stated goals, it’s not difficult to understand what they were about. What does Trump actually have in common with them?

>> No.4879128

I'm not sure why I ever bother talking to you people. You talk and talk about freedom but then turn around and enslave us all. You're really so far deep into your own idiocy that you'll probably still be saying "but the nazis!" when the commissars pistol is blowing your brains out for a twitter post from 2009 that's now considered racist

>> No.4879260
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>mfw there are people who really belieb this

>> No.4879385

I think he's literally Chinese. Nothing else explains this level of ideological brainwashing

>> No.4879426

the sun isn't a norf or souf thing, too rainy to ever see it

>> No.4879637

Now you're just using a fallacy fallacy, to try and pretend someone who has authority on the subject magically can't be listened too. In this case, someone who lived through the Nazi regime. As for Trump and the Republicans, comparing them to the German-American Bund would be more apt since they had similar platforms, but thy were in line with the Nazis. The other guy is just whining and proving why your lot can't be reasoned with. Also there's the inconvenient fact that Hong Kong activists were watching the protests in American and not only giving them support, but supplying them with tactics to use against the authorities, like nullifying chemical weapons used against them. Really makes you think.

>> No.4879747

Appealing to authority only proves you are incapable of thinking for yourself. "Well this guy said it's true so it must be, I shan't question my elders"

>> No.4879750

This headline is so odd. It assumes the audience has any idea what any of those things are.

That already happens with or without affirmative action, why does it matter if they're black or gay or whatever? How is that any different than someone putting their fratboy son in positions of power? Mexicans aren't making Windows 10 shit or Star Wars suck.

>> No.4879875

Nah, you using a fallacy fallacy proves you can't refute the facts and instead choose to attack the legitimacy of the source since you'd lose the argument otherwise. You might as well say quoting Enstine on the theory of relatively is an appeal to authority with how your logical is wrapped.

>> No.4879880

>How is that any different than someone putting their fratboy son in positions of power?
There's typically polices in place to try and mitigate nepotism. They don't work anymore than affirmative action fixes any systemic racism but it's a nice thought.

>> No.4879960

One senile old man seeing nazis everywhere does not make everyone a nazi. I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve? Clearly no one here is convinced by your insanity, no matter how may gods you appeal to. Might as well whack out the torah and try and convince us we're all cattle while your'e at it.

>> No.4880028

Strawman now. She was talking about only one person based on his behavior and rhetoric. Should I give you some more straws to grasp at?

>> No.4880088

Also the fact you think it was a man shows you didn't even bother to read the article and is a smoking gun you're arguing in bad faith. Tisk tisk.

>> No.4880227

He could, but it's not the same as a sitting president talking about an anime dragon girl to a crowd of a couple thousand people in a small rust belt town in the middle of a speech about China.

>> No.4880296

>tory loo paper
fuck off

>> No.4880401

You the know what was really lost? The fact that if 4chan wasn't taken over by reddit and the last 5 years spent damaging controlling for him. We could have seen 4chan try and troll him, and given how retarded he is, he would have probably fallen for one of the schemes.
That would have been the holy grail, trolling the president of the united states.
Shame it will never happen now because of his white knights.

>> No.4880437

oh piss off you labour cuck. fucking swp arsewipe

>> No.4880537

Who's the fallacy fallacy now? I don't read biased sources like newspapers. They're all pushing an agenda on both sides. A highly curated article from a biased source is no more an argument than quoting a passage from Mien Kampf proves the jews are evil

>> No.4880699

>I don't understand how fallacy fallacy works and in effect invokes fallacy fallacy
Also the Hill is a right wing site which became notorious because they employed John Solomon, a shill for Trump who pushed the Ukraine conspiracy theories.

>> No.4880815

I remember when vtubers first started everyone was asking if it was an actual AI.

>> No.4880829

Okay then, not the guy you replied to but I read the article. The woman in question was literally 3 years old when the Nazis took power in Germany. 3. So unless she retroactively studied Nazis later on, she wouldn’t remember much about the regime. And all she talks about in the article is how he supposedly admires Hitler and studied him, with no backing I might add, and then talks about how he’s an antisemite, with literally no evidence. It’s basically slander, it’s that baseless. Am I supposed to just take her word for it? I’m sorry but that’s not good enough, serious accusations need to be backed by solid evidence.

>> No.4880920

>coup attempt


>> No.4880958

Given I already see what you're attempting to do. Let me pose a simple question for you. How long were the nazis in power?

>> No.4881067

Fuck off you retarded faggot, he may be a boomer with boomer takes but he was a lot smarter than you faggots give him credit for and he unironically won the election, I don't care if you think I'm a retard, at least I'm not afraid to sperg out about the truth. I hate you faggots that swallow what the literal liquid shit the media says so easily.

>> No.4881109

t. white knight

>> No.4881146

It would make her 11 years old when the Netherlands were liberated. I'm not sure about you but I don't think the experiences of an 11 year old, literally 8 decades later are a very reliable source.

>> No.4881187


it's real.

>> No.4881200

12 years, which puts her at 15 at the very end of the war. You can’t see what I’m trying do, because I’m not trying to do anything. Trump? Despise the guy, total waste of flesh, an idiot. That doesn’t make him a Nazi, because even if he was a voracious anti semite and hated Mexicans, that would also give him common ground with Karl Marx. The Nazis weren’t that one note.

>> No.4881318

So having your childhood be under the crushing foot of the nazi occupation and the shadow of Hitler wouldn't affect your youth and perception of people who think or admire Hitler later in life.
That's a big reach on your part.

>> No.4882144
File: 226 KB, 1321x2816, american political polarization.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

republicans haven't changed that much honestly, the politically engaged have become more polarized, but the median right winger has been relatively grounded. it's the left wing whose political values have become far more radicalized in their positions over the past few years.

>> No.4882362

Living rent-free, apparently

>> No.4882438

Daddy Nazi raped the gay outta him

>> No.4882473

I would say that it appears to have had very little impact, considering she's comparing people being shot in the street for dissenting to a few mean tweets.

>> No.4882502

>Chart shows opinions of the politically engaged
>Not how elected officials act
>Doesn't show the benchmarks for what right wing is
>Or if they're illiberal when it comes to respecting democratic norms.
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
You should read up on the works of Thomas E. Mann and Norman Ornstein given they've been studying congress for the past half a century.

>> No.4882619
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>Trying to deflect Trumps rhetoric and platform with the fact he hasn't been able to actively murder his political opponents yet.

>> No.4882832

Hitler stormed a beer hall
Mussolini marched on Rome
Lenin murdered the royal family
Stalin murder pretty much everyone
Trump....... denounced people politely walking through congress?

>> No.4883073
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you could always check the paper to see what each party believes on various political issues.

>> No.4883185

>Politely beating police

>Politely shitting and smearing their shit all over the capitol

Sums up Trump pretty well really.

>> No.4883312

If you want to talk about assaulting police I can provide many more citations of so called liberals assaulting the police. But then that's resisting a fascist police state isn't it? It's only bad when the other guy does it

>> No.4883595

Right on cue.
Also I'm laughing at this attempt to rewrite history claiming he wanted peace, when eyewitnesses claim otherwise.

>> No.4883966

It's always funny to see genuine r/politics level libs on 4chan.

>> No.4884136

It's pathetic to see remnants of r/The_Donald think their shilling tactics and gaslighting work outside outside of the normalfag boards.

>> No.4884183

All of you are shitty Muttmericans defending a failed country and a failed hegemony.
Talk about vtubers or fuck off.

>> No.4884187

You're a faggot redditor and need to leave.

>> No.4884271

>t. remnants

>> No.4884281

>All of you are shitty Muttmericans defending a failed country and a failed hegemony.

Did you get a license to make that post?

>> No.4884332

t. redditor

>> No.4884333

It's both innit

>> No.4884409

>Right on cue.

No rebuttal?

>> No.4884412

I know you are, but what am I? (´ ꒳ `)

>> No.4884542

Don't need to rebut a tu quoque logical fallacy. Make an actual argument first if you want it to be rebutted.

>> No.4884760

I find it amusing to think that the average bong Sun reader after flipping to page three and checking on the footie is invested in Japanese anime dragon lady who streams video games.

>> No.4884915

it doubles as a "crazy japan" story too

>> No.4885124

Calling out a fallacy is in itself not an argument

>> No.4885220

You don't need an argument to call out a fallacy given the whole point of the fallacy is to derail or shift what the argument is about.
I reject your cruel and devious cockroach tricky.

>> No.4885343

Same shit you faggots always pull when you're called out on your blatant hypocrisy.

>> No.4885381

>Abloo bloo bloo
Not an argument.

>> No.4885523

>imagine ww3 starts because of some anime girl



>> No.4885532

And you wonder why politics are increasingly polarized when one side is trying to have a conversation and the other is going NO UR A NAZI

>> No.4885599

Who gives a fuck? This thread isn’t for you guys to sperg out about muh insurrection or whatever. Go away.

>> No.4885618

Doesn't help your case when the right wing acts like nazis to the point Godwin suspended his law.

>> No.4885634

Oh ok so you’re both gay AND retarded

>> No.4885682

>Has to resort to ad hominems since he's totally spent

>> No.4885737

I love how retards like you talk without knowing a single thing. Tucker straight up named the Jew during one of his broadcasts. Tucker is very based.

>> No.4885821

Oh ok so you’re both gay AND retarded.

>> No.4885920

The beautiful thing about 4chan is that you're actually talking to about 4 different people who all disagree with you. >>4885618
>Doesn't help your case when the right wing acts like nazis to the point Godwin suspended his law.
A man doing thing for political and social clout does not an argument make. Are you not suspicious at all of the intense cultural war against trump? No reservations of literally 99% of all media outlets being against the sitting president?

>> No.4885945

>Has to resort to ad hominems since he's totally spent

>> No.4885984

Got proof 99% of all media outlets are against Biden?

>> No.4886110 [SPOILER] 
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I mean I thought it was going to be hard for you to look less intelligent but I guess you just proved me wrong.

>> No.4886191

Oh shit, an MS paint comic, that'll turn this around for you.
No, it won't.

>> No.4886352

>this entire thread
>>>/pol/ and fuck off forever

>> No.4886448

If it was a coup attempt there would have been a lot more blood spilled, but use it more for your benefit you literal fucking kike disingenuous subhuman, if anything the Overton window has shifted far left considering how things were 10 years ago. Anyway fucking kill yourself you malformed brain having freak. Seriously do it

>> No.4886489
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>> No.4886504

Jesus Christ how pathetic are you resting upon the laurels of the opinions of others without being informed on actual data.

>> No.4886506

>bloodless coups don't exist
>Resorts to NO U

>> No.4886523
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I don't think you've convinced anyone in this thread anymore than I've convinced you. From an outside perspective I'm sure it looks like two monkeys throwing shit at each other.

>> No.4886563

Kill yourself nigger >>4884136
You too

>> No.4886589

Welcome to 4chan.

t. anal annihilated redditor

>> No.4886599

That's funny considering it's what you literally did and it's not a no you when the reality is literally the opposite of what you said, seriously kill yourself.

>> No.4886636

Didn't someone post a rrat with screenshots of a bunch of hololives using the sun emoni?

>> No.4886653

Projecting much subhuman? You know just using the insults of your enemy is pretty lazy? Kill yourself

>> No.4886660

>NO U again
>Now resorts to death threats
I thought the Chinese weren't in this thread.

>> No.4886704

Dude just rope, your life is as sad as your fucked up faggot brain.

>> No.4886706


>> No.4886742

Telling you to kill yourself isn't a death threat, I really hope you commit suicide, the world would be better with you as a corpse. I get you have a fucked up brain but it's pretty easy to understand.

>> No.4886775

pretty much the Sun is known for reporting anything controversial, gossip worthy or hot these days. besides thats what they really aim for amirite? it's the bong's equivalent of Shukan bunshun

>> No.4886788

>More death threats
Definitely a Zhang.

>> No.4886982


>> No.4892033

>muh libs
you ever consider what you guys look like to the average person

>> No.4893103

Tabloid is tabloid after all.

>> No.4893449


>> No.4893848

Interview with Tucker will not happen unfortunately, but it's plausible that Greg Gutfeld talks about her on one of his shows. Tim Pool is like a 25% chance and would be higher if this wasn't such a big news week.

>> No.4893921

Why are you people so insane

>> No.4894162

My rrat is that Coco got picked up by the CIA. Watch for her to start producing anti-China propaganda after Hololive. You think the feds wouldn't jump on the opportunity to use the Taiwan situation to their advantage? They've been trying to pit the right against China for years now. I don't like China, but I also don't play in to the things people have to be paid to try and convince me of.

>> No.4894181

Please get mental help I am begging you

>> No.4894357

>That's deflecting from the fact that the authoritarianism that's on the rise today is almost if not exclusively from the right.
Not exclusively. Latin America has a few examples of left wing authoritarianism, both extant and previous. Venezuela, Nicaragua, and Bolivia come to mind.

Wait, he's saying that Cali voted to remove the clause preventing discrimination. Meaning California voted to legalize discrimination based on race, sex, and/or sexual orientation.

How do you nullify systemic racism by making discrimination legal?

Republicans don't want to kill all Jews and don't tout that whites are the master race. Two important distinctions from the Nazi party.

Define average. Would that be the liberal, the conservative, the centrist, or the politically uninterested?

>> No.4894412

American politics has been polarizing for the past 50 years and has culminated in the most vocal parts of the electorate being manhandled by legitimate sociopaths who feel it their holy mission to destroy what they consider to be evil.

>> No.4894595

Bruh it's not my fault that you're retarded

>> No.4894857
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>imagine ww3 starts because of some anime girl

Based and cobalt pilled
