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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48582885 No.48582885 [Reply] [Original]

What are you waiting for to buy the Blu-ray?
the price is only your soul.

support mori

>> No.48582924


>> No.48582949


>> No.48582961

Anon is so obsessed with shitting on Mori and Kronii it's actually concerning

>> No.48582989

Sorry, i dont have a cd player

>> No.48583003

Whitest thing she’s ever done

>> No.48583137

The anon is an SHILL to cover, they are uploading all this to reddit, twitter and more social networks

>> No.48583617
File: 549 KB, 1080x1724, 1656545203057019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whitest thing she’s ever done

>> No.48583754

I’m not brown though.

>> No.48584540

why is she using suisei to shill her shitty blu ray

>> No.48584696

Mori is Suisei's oshi and the person who's music she listens to most. She is more than happy to shill her stuff.

>> No.48585120
File: 29 KB, 600x733, url(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the person who's music she listens to most.

>> No.48585233

Had she not been Co*nor simp, her career would have been literally moved up a year.

>> No.48585292

Because Suisei is in the Blu Ray. Here's a clip of one of her performances:

>> No.48585487
File: 646 KB, 960x540, Mo Ri Calliope 3[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff3uzs0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes actually. She said it during a TV show she was on s couple months ago.

>> No.48585514

I'm not buying that shitty blu ray

>> No.48585551


>> No.48585603

i couldn't find it so i thought i just imagined it.

>> No.48585701

why is she always promoting sales? isn't this cover's job?

>> No.48585761

neither of these are excuses for her to use suisei ip to shill her shit. i’ll accept that mori isn’t going anywhere but neither is her failing music career. btw you really don’t know shit about suisei if you think her oshi is mori

>> No.48586004

You REALLY don't know shit except catalog bait then.

>> No.48586484


>> No.48586917

Hoshiyomi here, she has said this a few times already, most recently in her collab with Mori. Mori was her #1 in Spotify last year.

>> No.48590628

I've seen some people say that she's desperate, but that's not very likely considering the thing didn't even release yet.

>> No.48590726

Forget about money or souls, my piss is too precious for Mori
Graduate already you fat whore
