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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 239 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
48550825 No.48550825 [Reply] [Original]

This means she talks with Flayon behind the scenes doesn't it...

>> No.48551038
File: 19 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>management trying to bloat homo's numbers by acting in bad faith and sending the wrong to irys

>> No.48551082

No, my pure wife IRyS will never speak to a man and she will never collab with tempiss homobeggar

>> No.48551217


>> No.48551282

>Hey Flay right?
>You don't mind if I copy the sponsorship stuff right? I just got sponsored too.
>Oh. No problem. Enjoy the game~!
Is what actually happened. Don't let any schizo tell you.

>> No.48551317

>Management trying to sabotage her again to boost up a homo

Someone kill her manager, he deserves to die no joking. Ghosts her for weeks, treating her like shit, now this, how the fuck is that retard still on the company??

>> No.48551401

>EN management literally sabotaging IRyS' stream just to make the failure that is the red homo look better
Holy shit they're really desperate aren't they

>> No.48551418

IRyS playing Megaman because of a sponsor? Damn that's disappointing, I thought she was a megaman fan, I was thinking picking her up.

>> No.48551468

oh boy if only someone reported this to capcom, this could lead to permissions and sponsorships being lost and irys' manager getting into so much shit but we dont that to happen

>> No.48551535

Irys really can't catch a fucking break between the garbage that is her manager and redjuice

>> No.48551579

The Holostars aren't just hurting the girls' earnings, they're literally stealing it.

>> No.48551780

Well, there's another reason for IRyS to hate her manager and the homos.

>> No.48551860

It was probably the manager that ghost her

>> No.48551859

>IRyS interacting with homos
And that's it, I'm out. Time to find a new oishi.

>> No.48551861
File: 76 KB, 856x959, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hakka and Flayon both got sponsored
first and got different links, so it makes no sense for Irys to have the same as one of them. This is definitely her manager fucking up her description, as they have on previous occasions.

>> No.48551971
File: 34 KB, 200x221, 1677815177476042.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48551970

>IRyS talked about watching homo clips on stream yesterday
>now uses URLs meant for homos in her description
It's over unicornfags
The last safe oshi has fallen

>> No.48552019


>> No.48552066

Reading comprehension-chama. IRyS copy pasta'd the link.

>> No.48552093

>This means she talks with Flayon behind the scenes doesn't it...
the fact you retards need to be reminded of this reality is baffling
this is not JP, they clearly talk with the homosEN even if they don't acknowledge them on streams

>> No.48552133

She has played Megaman in the past with no sponsorship, that's probably what got her this sponsorship

>> No.48552201


>> No.48552267

It's over.

>> No.48552369

he wasn't going to watch her anyways

>> No.48552498


>> No.48552503

Where would you even report this at anyways, sending an email to feedback@capcom.com or through here: https://www.capcom-support.com/hc/en-us/requests/new or maybe through here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdF0Djg9eQnihWpWV4OcD6jVWyDWR2ExWNT0qCZWs3T39SkpA/viewform ?

>> No.48552530

What it means is that OP is a faggot

>> No.48552537

Looks like manny-kun fucked up again.

>> No.48552563

Redjuice redeemed himself. Management though? HATE.

>> No.48552606

Proof next thread?

>> No.48552619


>> No.48552645
File: 6 KB, 238x212, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers are making drama over a fucking SPONSORED LINK? are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.48552653
File: 249 KB, 502x538, 1681235565470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the girls have to resort to leeching off the boys' sponsorship deals
Wow, how the mighty have fallen.

>> No.48552692

Jesus you people are deranged

>> No.48552748

see >>48551038

>> No.48552789

>Going into catalog to expect discussion of management fuckup
>retard in this thread samfagging.
No wonder # is the only true discussion thread.

>> No.48552830

Find something better to do with your life faggots

>> No.48552862

Honestly based of IRyS, helping the Bros

>> No.48552864

Based retard GOD

>> No.48552881

>True discussion

>> No.48552903

Don't worry i already report it to cover and send it to false to cover this horrendous fuckedup, sis.

>> No.48552951

Even if that was true that’s not what the links mean. It’s how sponsors measure impressions and she would get the link from management. Even if IRyS got a million impressions it would all go to him and she doesn’t get paid. Faggots focusing on the wrong thing

>> No.48552976

It makes a lot of sense for IRyS and Flayon to be close actually.
Both love mecha.
IRyS loves twinks.

>> No.48553028

It makes a lot more sense for you to go back to your homobegging den.

>> No.48553046

Wait so that means all the money will go to him?

>> No.48553051

I gonna vomit. Expect a concise thread later after we done doing breakdown.

>> No.48553125

click and buy bonus go to him, streaming money still iry i think

>> No.48553150

All the money from the link yes
If anyone uses it at all

>> No.48553156

You fags are just a bunch of over dramatic bleeding vaginas. I swear it's literally just woman on this board sometimes with the amount of gossip and catty shit that goes on here.

>> No.48553163

All the impressions from the link will go to him but the video ccv requirement will be payed to her.

>> No.48553164

Yes, all the referral profit will go to him, it seem management want to saved red homo by using irys and she didn't even expect to get this sponsorship on yesterday stream.

>> No.48553228

Absolutely, and probably fuck up Irys capcom sponsorships if she's getting absolutely 0 clickthroughs from this stream

>> No.48553234
File: 297 KB, 1535x862, Homolive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it management fuck up? Once in happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. But we've been seeing Cover blurring the Hololive and Stars line incrementally and putting them in the same space more and more.

>> No.48553244

Black company shit, I hope someone gets fired for this.

>> No.48553246


>> No.48553290

Die in a fire, homonigger

>> No.48553339

Man how are the managers allowed to be this incompetent at their jobs with such a consistency. I'd be sacked if I did a fuck up every other week.

>> No.48553375
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, miko-full-belly-laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb514ks.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flayon couldn't even hit the quota so management passed the link over to irys

>> No.48553401

Retards capcom sends them a link with their name and management gives it to them. The link has your name and measures your impressions. It’s actual proof a growth in sales is related to you in some way, and how you get paid as well as bonuses for overshooting goals. Irys gets no impressions now because it’s not her link. Management will have to talk with Capcom to compare her stream time with the link being clicked but I don’t even know if that’s actually possible

>> No.48553403

It's funny to think the majority of the clicks on the link are going to be from irys's stream too

>> No.48553411
File: 346 KB, 1284x1596, FsqsukcaAAEmszX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks IRyS for helping my lil' bro

>> No.48553460

I say this as someone who really dislikes Irys and finds her boring as fuck: the treatment of Irys confirms all those stereotypes about how the Japanese handle other races. The white members of Hololive are second-class citizens, even Gura, and receive mostly scraps and modest support compared to the Japanese Holos. Irys gets even less because she is lower than the whites by being a halfanese mutt.

>> No.48553510

Do you niggers really think it matters to Cover which link they use? Irys fucked up (who needs a fucking manager to create a frame? Can women do anything on their own?) and all the money lost is her own incompetence

>> No.48553540

Why are you talking? Go spend money on merch unicorn. You're worth less than the dirt I walk on.

>> No.48553549

Gura still exists, faggot.

>> No.48553581

If this is a management fuck up, then it should be a firable mistake.

>> No.48553600

Gura is just a mascot at this point

>> No.48553624

You know this gonna killed his rep further right when it going on twitter just for 200 bucks.

>> No.48553639

does she?

>> No.48553641

Big talk, homofaggot. You will always be 3rd class citizens leeching from the main branch like a parasite

>> No.48553731


>> No.48553739

I will and curse you in my death

>> No.48553744

Proving my point. How you think you have any grasp on...people in general scares me

>> No.48553807

You sound terrified of the objective truth of numbers. The world is scary when you are not blinded by belief and see how things really are. Embrace numbers, they never lie to you.

>> No.48553887

The name in the link doesn't mean shit retards, look:

She was just given this by management and sent it.

>> No.48553948

What'd he do?

>> No.48553981

>homobeggar, never support the homo merch, stream or sc
I think you sis are worst than zhang at this point, i can't believe i said this but even luxiem fujo support their guys.

>> No.48554009

Exist and play video games.

>> No.48554061


>> No.48554083

A mascot is literally the safest option. No one worries about Aunt Jemima collabing with Uncle Ben.

>> No.48554102

Damn, he truly needs to be canceled...

>> No.48554107

Here's what actually happened because I know how the sponsorship shit works for EN. They have a discord channel for the sponsored game with all the member's links in them. IRyS grabbed the one above or under her name in a rush instead of the one matching her name. It doesn't make sense for management to give each link indivually when they can dump them in the channel so they don't have to wait until each member is online and they don't lose it in DMs

>> No.48554118

>any opinion i hate im just gonna deflect
Homosis are comfirm retarded, thx. Also expect this on false later.

>> No.48554240

Next you’re going to tell me that they interact with male employees at stores and male doctors. Yeah right.

>> No.48554252

No no no, it has to be some convoluted conspiracy with a dash of "how computer magic work?"

>> No.48554255

from all the posible homos it had to be the biggest faggot

>> No.48554332

I mean it means something to the extent that it's Flayon's name.

>> No.48554448

That's what is intriguing. Why him specifically? There's more to this than Irys is willing to admit...

>> No.48554481

what the literal fuck do i care about what the managers of a corporation will have to deal with for their fuck ups?
do you have ANY idea how URLs work and/or how they're read by a website? an invalid query won't make a URL not work, but if it's valid something will happen behind the scenes.

>> No.48554522

>+ 82 posts and 8 image replies omitted.
Which mental illness is this?

>> No.48554541
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 700736467462389940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is like looking at angry monkeys in a cage.

>> No.48554603

that just means he's considered the gay friend and not a threat

>> No.48554612

>Josuiji Shinri (Hasn't played it, wouldn't be on the list)
>K (No EN talents)
>L (No EN talents)
>Machina x Flayon
Yeah they're pretty close alphabetically so I can imagine there's a list with links (in alphabetical order) and either IRyS or her manager fucked up and used the wrong link

>> No.48554636

Seethium Androgenous.

>> No.48554685

They use the same shill links, what next? Sharing a toothbrush? It's so fucking over.

>> No.48554719

Just like one of the gals... *snicker*

>> No.48554837

>53 Posters
>95 Replies

>> No.48554838
File: 15 KB, 480x360, king.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cake for dinner
YES! cake for dinner.

>> No.48554856

this is ridiculous
en management are like babies with no sense of responsibility and think hololive is some playground where they can exersize their fancy
in a normal world they would be fired on the spot, kicked in the butt and never seen again in any respectable business
thats a cute headcanon and damage control you came up with on the spot. too bad that's not how sponsorships work.

>> No.48554916

I guess that's the bright side, but also I hate him because he keeps bringing politics into holo and it could end in shit like niji

>> No.48554927

It needs to be more like 20 IPs and 100 replies for the samefagging accusation to land.

>> No.48554940

Yeah, Irys' SEA Army are not very clever about their samefagging. Thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.48554991

I think you mean cake for THE DINNER.

>> No.48554996

Wrong homo. It's the blue one that brought it. Everyone else is just fucking around.

>> No.48555090

Probably the best non schizo explanation. They love using discord channels for everything like Minecraft server ips etc

>> No.48555099

The blue one was just defending the red one in advanced. Gotta support the cause especially when it affects a coworker.

>> No.48555184

>making a big deal out of a single referral link that hardly anyone would click or give a shit about just to shit talk Tempus

>> No.48555248

this one too, he keeps talking about privilege and troons

>> No.48555292
File: 155 KB, 448x448, 1676086950029925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

106 / 10 / 57 / 1
Thread is certified same desu

>> No.48555363

Thats weird before the homolovers arrived the thread had a lot of new ips

>> No.48555415
File: 93 KB, 1103x621, 1665412731992350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I hate these brats at cover corp who have the gall to call themselves "managers".
My 7 year old niece has more sense of responsibility and social awareness than these retards.
Who thought debuting tempus2 was a good idea? Waste of money, time and resources. The ones who actually earn money for cover and who people want to watch are getting sidelined to debut a bunch of talentless, boring shitters who no one wanted and no one asked for, only to push some childish, retarded agenda in a le epic struggle to own the incel boogeyman under managements bed. Extremely pathetic behaviour.
Sasuga management.

>> No.48555444

Plus they likely only need one guy to wrangle sponsorships for all of EN, which is only 18 members as it stands. He organizes the deal with Capcom for holoEN and starsEN, gets one master list of affiliate links, copy pastes it to both of their discords and leaves the talents and managers to fetch the correct link from the list because surely no-one would be retarded enough to copy the wrong link without checking first...

>> No.48555474

Or you know, IRyS is just pon.

>> No.48555616

Very cute homobeggar retard desperately playing defense alone

>> No.48555621

What with girls not knowing who's in what collab, not reading channels, needing to DM directly, not being on the same server as the JPs - all signs are that their discord communication is so segregated, split off and erratic that this is an incredibly unlikely scenario, though. Not to mention it's a sponsorship - different people get paid different amounts, some get it now, some conditionally later, some never get it at all - why not keep it confidential and avoid potential friction?
The simplest and likeliest scenario is that her manager or the dude in charge of the sponsorship simply fucked up and sent the wrong link.

>> No.48555625

>no-one would be retarded enough

>> No.48555632

Nine times out of ten on something important, it’s her manager.

>> No.48555688
File: 255 KB, 549x504, 1682918013100810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mans/ doesnt have any real representation so they samefag walls of text trying to damage control
pretty pathetic desu

>> No.48555702
File: 55 KB, 707x691, 1633881107208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does /vt/ throw a shitfit over the most inocuous shit possible?

>> No.48555705

>have sponsored stream
>forget to charge phone

>> No.48555797

>ignoring my post yet still replying
Anon, I...

>> No.48555803

Rather than hate, it more on people discover and watching him, now people will actively avoiding his stream when people found out he stole money from a girl.
>inb4 no he didn't stole it, it just a referral link
Twitter work in a funny way, you dont need a lot of context, just a few word, graph that show shota decline and screenshot of referral link in irys stream. Bannedvtmeme might push this and reddit.

>> No.48555876

Irys and flayon sitting in a tree and sharing the referral link money after steam... cute!

>> No.48555918

>most inocuous shit
based low IQ haver
where do retards like you come from?

>> No.48555966

Answer the question

>> No.48555980

>self reporting as a twitter dumb fuck

>> No.48555991

Yea, but if it turns out IRyS was the one who fucked up behind the scenes, then she'll need to publicly apologise to Flayon and that means she'll have to interact with a holostar

>> No.48556009
File: 1.50 MB, 1504x1024, 1676441831849265-4115416520-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Machina X Flayon, this name keeps comin' up over and over and over again. Every day Machina's link's getting sent back to me. Machina X Flayon, Machina X Flayon, I look in the mail, this whole box is Machina X Flayon!

>> No.48556011

he forgot one n, big deal

>> No.48556039

You speak like a retard and you sound like a retard.

>> No.48556046

>because I know how the sponsorship shit works for EN
stopped reading there. kys larpers

>> No.48556060

The one instance in life where the woman earns higher than the man

>> No.48556114

Apologize to Flayon for what? Giving him extra money?

>> No.48556196

Yup. They're fucking.

>> No.48556204

Your faggot-riddled brain seems to work in a rather odd fashion.

>> No.48556397

Regardless they'll have to interact to split the money

>> No.48556423

It's genuinely impressive how bad at his job IRyS' manager is. That dumbass manages to make himself look bad every other week when he's not ghosting IRyS for days on end. I don't understand how he still has a job after all this time. Does Cover really not have any better options? Even the average schizo on this website would do a better job than him.

>> No.48556477

>The levels of absolute desperation ITT to make a big deal out of a minor mistake
This is /vt/ in 2023

>> No.48556491

Why should you even be able to know another person's link in the first place? For a sponsorship?!
Even if it's all in one channel, it's still all on management because that's the most unprofessional shit. Your talent can't fuck up if you don't give them the ability to fuck up. It's an unforced error. It's like sharing everyone's stream keys in one chat for convenience's sake

>> No.48556498

This shit would be hilarious if not for the fact that we didnt get en3 because of these absolute shitters and management hasn't done anything to hire new holoEN members in almost 2 years now.
I don't know what's running through en managemnts heads but business-wise this ain't it.
I get that they think they are in some epic battle against incels and unicorns but c'mon act like a grown-up for fucks sake

>> No.48556540

>not the first post from this ip
Damage control some more, homonigger

>> No.48556569
File: 442 KB, 1620x2352, 1678856016042901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better options depends on the people.
For example, we have IryS manager who is incompetent, then we have Axel / Bettel's manager who will literally bend over backwards to make sure things are going well.

>> No.48556591

This is the extent of a homobeggar’s potency: Limp and ineffectual.

>> No.48556602

>It's genuinely impressive how bad at his job IRyS' manager is.
This is the real story. Somehow Cover managed to find a management applicant even more retarded than IRyS and put him in charge of her. What a cruel joke.

>> No.48556612

>having to baby proof shit for retards. Funny how irys is the only one who's had this issue so far. No one else.

>> No.48556649

>the average schizo on this website would do a better job than him.
you dont get it
a random schiso on this website is her manager
it changes every day and nobody is told that they have the power
you could be that manager right now

>> No.48556677

Apologise lol, the worst would be a terminate her manager that maliciously sending her the wrong link like holojp, or rotating to another manager if this is another reoccurring issue.

>> No.48556789

Why do you people talk like they some indies? Manager exist, hello.

>> No.48556826

So if irys grabbed the wrong link she needs to be terminated? Seems like too strong of a punishment regardless of which person did it. This isn't a black company like anykara

>> No.48556833

>worst would be a terminate her manager
That would be the best outcome

>> No.48556864

I can't believe capcom knows the mori sex tape and are promoting it together with their game.

>> No.48556872
File: 883 KB, 1280x1152, 1683002931937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tourist here that got here by mistake instead of /vp/, do you all vtumor fans gossip like bitches all the time? Hahahahaha
No wonder your board is the /mlp/ of the 2020s 4chan era
You each deserve to suckstart a shotgun

>> No.48556901

So their managers have to talk

>> No.48556909

>not a new IP
samefag some more, homobeggar
next you're gonna say the thread is samefagging while falseflagging with a hololive picture attached like >>48555702

>> No.48556921

Holoen need to act like holojp and stop with their imposter syndrome, if their manager consistently being an ass, just fired them and get a new one. Some holojp had like 4-6 manager rotation already, if they interfere with their job, get a new one.

>> No.48556979

Omega is the biggest waste of oxygen on this planet if he actually is IRyS’ manager. Whoever it is, the faggot-in-shade is only eclipsed in uselessness by the absolute worst examples across Cover’s history.

>> No.48556983

that proves she talks with the homos

>> No.48556992

add this one too >>48556872
at least he changed the style now kek

>> No.48557021

>larping like you know what's going on behind the scenes in jp

>> No.48557064

Omega is a sound producer according to irys so xe's not even her manager. It's someone that manages to be just as bad as omega is projected, or worse.

>> No.48557087

Didn't you see her tweets replying to oga and shien or her watching the rust vcr clips? She definitely does and probably ships them because she's a fujo

>> No.48557113

Are we seriously having this fucking thread over a sponsor link

>> No.48557160
File: 237 KB, 332x314, FqbKg9uWIAAcVS6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has good taste

>> No.48557174


>> No.48557179

I know you want to feed your delusion sis, but no talents will get fired from this, but we already know manager got terminated for incompetence in holojp.

>> No.48557181
File: 50 KB, 545x563, 1648229367913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As others have already mentioned, this is just another proof that holoEN management are absolute babies that don't know how to run a business. Need to grow up.

>> No.48557192

Forgot adding her fucking new rigger to her switch friends list to play splatoon with for some reason

>> No.48557242

The sins of scarlet

>> No.48557273

I genuinely don't understand how he's doing so bad. I don't watch guys but he seemed like he was primed for success. Seemed charismatic enough.

>> No.48557284

Proof it was for a wrong link level type of incompetence?

>> No.48557288

A-chan....save her from the travesty that is her management...

>> No.48557339

>Talk about management
>homobegger come in drove
Watch their stream sis, red shota almost 200ccv.

>> No.48557404 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 143x147, 1683003435544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the same anon you delusional bitchmade nigga
Hope your vtyrannosauruses don't accidentally drop their voice changers and hormonals kek

>> No.48557405

Went too hard on uwu random especially at the start and turned off most of the /mans/ crowd. He's more chill now but plays the most debuff games known to man, stuff I've never seen other holos play like melty blood

>> No.48557414

Well at least its good to know I haven't fallen that hard if losers like OP exist

>> No.48557420

>trying to justify the best case dream scenario for managemt and it still turns out they fucked up

That's not even likely what happened, they simply sent her the wrong link, plain and simple. IryS management has had a looooooong history of screwing up but no, suddenly this one is her fault just because.

>> No.48557483

You have no idea whose fault it is

>> No.48557497

I need to learn possession magic first sis to know how they think, maybe next year.
But right now im just gonna send an email to cover and capcom like a concern customer being misled.

>> No.48557644

Did they removed Hakka's link?

>> No.48557648

collab soon ;)
Unicorns will be killed soon ;)
Anyday unikeks are seething is a good day ;)

>> No.48557655

They can't grow up, they are babies. Literally what cover needs is an adult. Basically they need someone who can reject stupid ideas like tempus and all the shenaningans around them.

>> No.48557728

kys you dumb nigger

>> No.48557785

>2 more weeks since last year
When is it you faggot homobeggar, im tired of waiting already.

>> No.48557797

The orders to sacrifice the girls to prop up the homos could've come from Yagoo himself.
Uproar was announced at last year's HoloFes, but they were immediately swept away by ID3 who got much less shilling.
Normally this would've been the death knell for Holostars in general, but this only convinced the homolovers in EN management and high management to do everything they can to keep Holostars alive, even if they have to cripple the girls to do so. The lack of EN3 is all part of that plan.

>> No.48557815

Irys is the one creating her own frames

>> No.48557894

Ogey Karen
You act like an actual 'sis'

>> No.48557964

she is a huge whore that pretends to be shy

>> No.48558030

Basically the protag of oshi no ko to a tea

>> No.48558040

Proof next century?

>> No.48558100

Gura didn't add him to his switch friend list, why did irys add him?

>> No.48558132
File: 63 KB, 600x620, 409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me watching the cover shills in emergency deflection mode.

>> No.48558167

So, no proof? I accept your concession.

>> No.48558250

This thread is proof that /vt/ is just a Twitter board. Fucking Christ an Oopsie on a sponsor link.

>> No.48558324
File: 902 KB, 1164x1440, 1659007785324459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They see me leechin'
They hatin'
My sponsor link's so bumpin'
I'm leechin'

>> No.48558494


>> No.48558509

>This means she talks with Flayon behind the scenes doesn't it..
OP do you want to be IRyS's gay friend? i dont see how IRyS possibily talking to Flayon would make you jealous

>> No.48558518
File: 64 KB, 480x533, cc3935a2-7a03-4a1d-8522-08564280f468_hakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could also be that management only prepared one link to give out to their talents.

>> No.48558543

that means she talks to all the homos too, just like she does with her rigger

>> No.48558612

you sure this isn't just a simple accident? take your fucking meds you mentally ill retards

>> No.48558615

There isn't any realistic scenario where she copied his link accidentally regardless of whether or not they talk. I'm inclined to agree that management fucked up.

>> No.48558620

>less than nothing

>> No.48558631

>200 posts
>87 ips
Searystocryats are something else

>> No.48558684


>> No.48558691

Homo defense can't read
>It could also be that management only prepared one link to give out to their talents.
And put homo name in URL, yeah

>> No.48558764

It's a shortened link that doesn't show their names until you click in. Easily accidentally copy pasted by anyone retard

>> No.48558809

They're desperate for this to be a big deal

>> No.48558819

check the link on her channel. it was masked

>> No.48558821

you faggots are actually seething over a sponsor link

>> No.48558873

check the link on her description https://gsght.com/c/do2f03
it was masked on her end. it only shows his name when you open it

>> No.48558893

>+ 208 posts and 24 image replies omitted.

>> No.48558975

vshojo deflection or pent up irystocrats?

>> No.48559064

It just shows that HoloEN management doesn't give a shit about the girls and screws them over on everything.

>> No.48559118

What are you even taking about?

>> No.48559250

I guess it's about either Vshojo imploding deflection or irystocrats wanting to shit on IRyS... again?

>> No.48559261

>irystocrats fear a man who is less of a man than irys is

>> No.48559299

I can't believe this is a thread. That some of you think these girls never talk to male staff or co-workers or their boss is really incredible.

>> No.48559355

>When it is Flay who got the sponsorship and not IRyS

>> No.48559400

>we can't critises en management anymore
It funny how the other company are a diehard corpo bootlicker but after tempus, it seem they migrated here as well.

>> No.48559412

It's either shitters wanting a yab from Hololive or her fans that are already grumpy at her manager using this to lash out

>> No.48559445

That's the unicorn logic and it's why they shouldn't have rights. They seethe when they talk to their father.

>> No.48559460

Or that Irys is incompetent at her job. Have you seen her streams? She's a complete airhead.

>> No.48559484
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, BOttles-1000x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben
I guess the mascot technically is "safe" if they're simply forced to graduate and leave the company altogether.

>> No.48559496

It's a fucking sponsor link that can be remedied in less than a minute you absolute moron.
This isn't even worth a yab.

>> No.48559536

Depending on the sponsorship contract, a lot of money might just have gotten diverted from Irys to Flayon.

>> No.48559539
File: 442 KB, 693x725, 1653446022052615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When it is Flay who got the sponsorship and not IRyS
>#Sponsored in title
Bitch streaming 3rd hour to give more clicks to our boiiii

>> No.48559578

>Streams constantly late
>wakes up last minute with no prep
>doesn't check if the game lags her potato pc before stream yeah I'm thinking irys woke up and rushed to grab the link without double checking

>> No.48559588

t. Flayon

>> No.48559656

The sponsor link is for extra money. They get a flat fee(the bulk of the sponsor money) to play it on stream. They could easily divide it up based on time when people bought it if she cared enough

>> No.48559658

NTA, and while it's true no one /here/ knows whose fault it is, given how badly IRyS was and is managed, it's a lot more reasonable to assume that it's her manager's fault instead of the other way around.

>> No.48559682

that should've been patched up WAY before the stream even started, not after or during

>> No.48559769

The manager fumbling her music likely isn't the same one getting EN sponsors. It's almost like they all have different roles.

>> No.48559891

meds you fucking faggot

>> No.48559963


>> No.48560015


>> No.48560046

What was that anon wrong about? This shouldn't have happened at all in the first place. IRyS's impression / CTR throughout this stream is a 0 right now thanks to it.
Sure, it's can be easily fixed and Capcom can easily split visitors from IRyS and Flayon's streams, but that doesn't mean this isn't a silly fuckup

>> No.48560180

Not that I care about Irys that much but do you really think Holos themselves write their description? All they do is turn on OBS to stream at the scheduled times. Setting up everything else is manager work.

>> No.48560274

Not the description. It's the link in her pinned message. Your point still stands, though

>> No.48560299

I don't think you understand how easy it is for her to apologize for such a simple mistake.
>that doesn't mean this isn't a silly fuckup
only you would think of something this stupid to be a big fucking deal.

>> No.48560316
File: 143 KB, 286x286, drool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS did nothing wrong!!

>> No.48560342

>>48560274 (Me)
Actually, no, I'm retarded. I only checked the description now and found out that the link in description (which is probably what her pinned message copied from) was wrong, too. This definitely is her manager's fault, then

>> No.48560343

This can be grounds for a lawsuit, they're basically stealing her money.

>> No.48560360

>Hololive is bloating the underperforming member's performance by making other members promote the sponsorship link
It's like they have no confidence for tempus so they have to fake the results

>> No.48560364
File: 186 KB, 1676x937, 1666769754621579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Covering shit numbers with raids
>Covering flopped sponsorship by putting homo link in IRyS' description
This thread have more posts than homo's CCV (pre-raid)
Mane-chan working really hard

>> No.48560397

Nta but this seem pretty big deal to her, she said she grateful and never expected to get a sponsored from them. Guess what happen if capcom see she generate 0 CTR, they likely never gonna sponsor her again.

>> No.48560499

Yeah? They do all the time

>> No.48560577

management asked her if she would play a game she had already played because the homo didn't sell any copies of the game

>> No.48560649

people in her are dumb, but people from hirys are worst. they are more concerned about the homo and want to deflect the real problem. her sponsor is going to shit

>> No.48560682

>I don't think you understand how easy it is for her to apologize for such a simple mistake.
Apologize for... what, exactly? Capcom doesn't mind, since they are still getting all the clicks.
My point was never that it was IRyS's fault - if anything, she is a victim since, at least right now, her CTR is effectively 0 because of the wrong link. And no, I don't think it was anything malicious either, just a dumb mistake that shouldn't have happened.
>only you would think of something this stupid to be a big fucking deal.
It's not something grave, but it's a bigger deal than many shits anons complained about. The better performed a chuuba stream is, the more likely for Capcom (or sponsors in general) to sponsor them for something else in the future. It at least has actual consequence that Cover should address (not to viewers, mind you, but they should at least inform Capcom that IRyS used the wrong link so the latter wouldn't think she got a freaking 0 CTR)

>> No.48560695

They're afraid she's chatting up flay flay?

>> No.48560699

Irys does her own slot and description every time. she even talk with her members in pre chat 3 or 4 am

>> No.48560747

No shit they'll let Capcom know. It's trivial to see when the clicks came in too since their streams were far apart. Dunno why we need 200 shitters trying to force drama

>> No.48560822

i mean she was flirting with her rigger and if you check other stuff from her past this is not even big. the girl is cock hunter

>> No.48560876

For sure but there's no way >flayon is a threat out of all of them.

>> No.48560978

No one GAF about any non-romantic interaction, schizo-kun

>> No.48561024

>no one
The retarded unicorn/cgcdt larpers /here/ beg to differ

>> No.48561038

>niji tourney
>day 1
whats on day 2?

>> No.48561063

Oh no no no no no tell me I’m dreaming! Someone please pinch me!

>> No.48561214

that only confirms she is in touch with the other homos too, specially the ones in jap

>> No.48561264

>le doxxnigger chimes in

>> No.48561273

it is her fault for pretending to be pure and hikikomori

>> No.48561382

https://gsght.com/c/do2f03 if you check the link in her description, they hide the name. i bet her manager did it because she can not understand internet at all

>> No.48561398

Why was Irys given Flayon's link when his stream was 15 days ago?

>> No.48561400
File: 365 KB, 1052x812, 1656726916496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Management are useless as per usual. The fags tryiny to squeeze an ounce of cuck shit from this look desperate as fuck kek.
they've been after irys for months now

>> No.48561423

>doxx incoming
So predictable

>> No.48561467

this thread is on a fucking meltdown from a megaman link... what has this world come to

>> No.48561491

autistic post

>> No.48561542


>> No.48561569

I do not regret pointing this out in /HIRyS/

>> No.48561597

you did a great thing. people in hirys are a bunch of schizos with no friends

>> No.48561607

The poor homo, now irys will yoink all the money earned from the link like the stacy she is

>> No.48561637

so management is basically trying to pad up homo numbers with the girls's numbers
i wonder if irys will get paid for this and if yagoo is ok with this

>> No.48561648

what the fuck you gonna do?

>> No.48561701

She WILL collab with Stars chud cope all you want your days are numbered. Management had nothing to do with it, that's pure cope.
She dm's this guy all the time because they share interests. Cope cope copr you lost.
Only gura left and it'll finally be over for unikeks and ill be laufhing all the way to the bank to cash in my chops. I hate you ill kill every last unicorn fir the things they dud to me faggot. Chumchuds are next I'm so excited for your fucking tears

>> No.48561802

This is an unicorn falseflagging
Nice larp but be more subtle next time

>> No.48561843

you misspelled laughing you goddamn idiot

>> No.48561849

Why would they use floprys instead of someone good to pad the numbers like gura or fauna then

>> No.48561862

you might be correct, but i watch her and i know for a fact she can not mask a link like that. she does not understand computers at all
they just gave her this > https://gsght.com/c/do2f03

>> No.48561872
File: 2 KB, 125x118, 1679890176630082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad? lol

>> No.48561897

Jesas... is that beggar okay?

>> No.48561898
File: 126 KB, 687x631, 1651627157220008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48561967
File: 41 KB, 421x834, 1638282349433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if this is nothing but a bait post, only a mentally ill person would type something like this.

>> No.48561978
File: 120 KB, 463x417, 1678683558645939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy SHIT

>> No.48561985

Its the most obvious falseflag I've seen

>> No.48562178

shut the fuck up deadbeat

>> No.48562200

Kill yourselvs now before its too late. You won't be laughing when your whole world comes crashing down when she finally does it. Cum pedos are already jumping ship cancelling their subs

>> No.48562258

2 more weeks right.

>> No.48562260
File: 2.16 MB, 320x180, mikolmao[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa7w5a7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48562263

Manager just changed the link lol

>> No.48562321

or they saw the supers

>> No.48562323

lmao apparently her manager finally woke up and fixed the link in the description
Lazy fucker wasn't even watching her stream until now

>> No.48562324

>cancelling her sub
>last stream have more than 5k likes on members
Seem like it increases kek.

>> No.48562331

because her numbers are enough to pad it and she got the sponsor
what kinda stupid question is that?

>> No.48562339

Managers BTFO

>> No.48562380

judging by her reaction it was her own fault. she said "i am not gonna think about it too much"
she really got the link from flyon

>> No.48562382

Meds anon. There were SCs addressing it.

>> No.48562385

Not him but Gura's members posts used to have 10K likes in 2021-2022
You can check for yourself

>> No.48562398

you give them too much credit anon
it's more likely the retard thought no one is gonna notice

>> No.48562399

Are you retarded?

>> No.48562433

I took it from 2023 number.

>> No.48562445


>> No.48562450

>IRyS just now, after the link was fixed live: "Oh, the link changed? If you are interested in the game, buy it now because it's even better that the link changed"
Yeah, it likely was her manager's fault since IRyS seems to be aware that the link was wrong but couldn't fix it - which wouldn't make much sense if the links were all available on their Discord channel

>> No.48562468

The worst

>> No.48562484

How the fuck is this thread still actiiiive, what the fuck

>> No.48562520


>> No.48562558

Why couldn't they just use Irys in the referral link?

>> No.48562601

seems like you are confused

>> No.48562609

No it's more like she wasn't reading supers at all and wasn't aware the whole told to even attempt to fix it

>> No.48562640

You are retarded if you think this is some conspiracy, retard

>> No.48562654

that reaction means that it wasnt her fault but management fucked her over and she doesnt wanna think about ti to much, you stupid autist

>> No.48562699

nice damage control
keep it up faggot

>> No.48562711
File: 407 KB, 534x467, 1682732869287676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying management and homoscum always works

>> No.48562739


>> No.48562775

Now make good music

>> No.48562790

Ok but what about all those clicks already?
Will "management" notify capcom that it wasn't from the homo? Or will they let flayon keep Irys' money?

>> No.48562794

Don't try to reason with the brazilian monkey

>> No.48562961

Super irys and ask her

>> No.48562985

Management should just give IRyS her desired Eurobeat song already...

>> No.48563119
File: 1.05 MB, 774x734, E9B06EEC-C3C3-4F14-A369-F689806E3EA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here’s what ACTUALLY happened:
>IRyS: “Hey Flayon?”
>Flayon: “Yes??”
>IRyS “Can I get the mega man sponsorship link and oh yeah let’s have sex too while we’re at it”
>Flayon: “Sure” *fucks IRyS*

It’s the only reasonable explanation and you cannot prove me wrong.

>> No.48563249

She not gonna get those back and i don't think capcom or management will even bother rectify it.

>> No.48563293

Here lies the truth:
>I teleport behind (You)
>gape (You) like a Warp Pipe in Super Mario
>(You) and I get married

>> No.48563318


>> No.48563337

At least this explains why capcom keeps sponsoring the boys

>> No.48563348

Flayon doesn't open his bussy for women (whores). Sorry irys

>> No.48563382
File: 98 KB, 722x428, 1667184098863540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homos will survive until they have dedicated paypigs

>> No.48563393

As much of a fuckup as Irys is about literally everything else 100% this is on her alone. I think she's cute and generally entertaining but if you're trying to tell me she's not a massive airhead you're a goddamn liar.

>> No.48563430

>it was management being useless again as was foretold
What did we learn?

>> No.48563442

What in the fuck...

>> No.48563596

It feels like management is responsible for this. They pay a small fee to youtube and get to pump up the membership numbers for artificial appeal.
Explains why Vesper doesn't get anything since he's on their shitlist.

>> No.48563614

why did you get to that conclusion? what proves it was her manager?

>> No.48563644

It's honestly quite depressing when you think about it. Their real member counts are barely higher than their ccv.
Their whales are desperately trying to keep them relevant by effectively subbing thousands of times by themselves

>> No.48563659

the power of single women

>> No.48563721

So cover targeting their wallets is actually a good move despite anons screeching about it being a wasted endeavour?

>> No.48563785

They should just hire those women lmao. They make more money than the homos

>> No.48563842

They also spam the same messages or drop supas without any text in it
Actual bots

>> No.48564028

>tempus is a money laundering scheme
I could belib it humu humu

>> No.48564097

that would be the funniest shit ever

>> No.48564172

You would believe it seeing as Ina is the poorest fucking member you neet ass tako kek

>> No.48564238

Who even mentioned ina? Are you okay bro?

>> No.48564254

Do women actually watch male vtubers ?, don't they have 50+ different men in their DM ?

>> No.48564317

Yes they're called fujos

>> No.48564319

who else would she get that link from?

>> No.48564322

>constant raids to mask low numbers
>x15 more gifted membership than actual members
>copypasted superchats
>sponsorships from big corpos despite the fact all streams are sub 500

>> No.48564533

>Veteran stars manager quits because the heat was getting too high after the first suspension

>> No.48565091

from flyon. they probably share the same manager

>> No.48565118

women are selective creatures. they wont go with someone they dont like
