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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48496853 No.48496853 [Reply] [Original]

HoloEN? Might as well rename them Holo Anglo-sphere. NijisanjiEN isn't any better either. Nobody streams during EU primetime. It's all Canucks, Burgers or Aussies.

>> No.48496918

Indie is the way
fuck the corpos!

>> No.48496946

You get kiara, a bunch of cute indies, and a super-duper secret chuuba I'm not even gonna mention.

That should be enough for ya you ungrateful git.

>> No.48497024

oh cool, my weekly EU shitpost just droped

>> No.48497115

t. corpo-addled SEA smoothbrain who hasn't actually watched EN vtubers

>> No.48497195

He's talking about Shondo
Shondo is a pedo
Just so you know before watching her

>> No.48497209

NijiEN has a handful of girls that stream at quite EU friendly times regularly. Mostly like Nina, Reimu etc but the good ones all target NA tiimes.

>> No.48497261

This is the newest Eurocope huh? I look forward to next week's.

>> No.48497454
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Just take the Idolpill and come home young man

>> No.48497460
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she is more than enough

>> No.48497546
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>shondo is a pedo.
SOON the CHUDS in veetee will be too ashamed to watch pickmeondo! Just two weeks sisters!

>> No.48497602

I will not fall for Jewish trickery. Kiara and Panko serve me well.

>> No.48497607
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/lig/ is waiting, anon. Come Home.

>> No.48497655
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Your loss then

>> No.48497676

Meh, vtubing feels most natural in Japanese done by the Japanese. Learn Japanese so you don't need a vtubing equivalent of a butchered localization.
And no, I don't care about being Japanese. This hobby just happens to be a Japanese thing.

>> No.48497696

Stop getting your information from fucking twitter of all places.

>> No.48497766

They are just streamers and egirls bro.

>> No.48497823

>doesn't like jews
>likes Kiara
oh no no no no

>> No.48497916

There's many ways to be a streamer/egirl, just like there's many ways to create comics for example: manga, bande dessinée, capeshit etc.

>> No.48497949

Guess where most English speakers are concentrated.
There's more fucking EN speakers in India than fucking Europe.
Europe lacking a cohesive primary language IS an issue. It's diversity in languages is a wonderful thing, but it is bad for pandering to.
Same reason we get videogames last usually when you are speaking the usual EFIGS markets, the FIGS part is almost always last outside of large companies. (English French Italian German Spanish)

>> No.48498076

>Shondo is a pedo
I've heard enough
am gonna watch her now

>> No.48498108

I doubt that's true, a d even if it is, it would be probably seen as a positive in this board

>> No.48498174

There are more english speakers in europe than japanese speakers worldwide anon. It isn't a problem of numbers, but of will by the corpos.

>> No.48498190
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thats based as fuck

>> No.48498198

nato cuck

>> No.48498221

Euros leave work early anyways they can watch Aussies or JPs.

>> No.48498226
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>> No.48498282


>> No.48498316

Euros can't imagine being second place to SEA, soon Indonesia will eclipse Euros

>> No.48498389

t. doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about
English literacy in Europe is largely between 60 and 90% of a country's population per multiple statistics, skewing higher for younger generations who'd be interested in vtubers. Just having English-speaking holos who stream at a reasonable time outside of Kiara would be great, both for her and the viewers as well. They don't even have to be European, many NA streamers stream in the mornings with their viewerbase mostly tuning in from Europe.
The main problem is Cover's inflexibility. They want to focus on PST primetime for EN because that's what lines up with their office hours.

>> No.48498455

We've had this thread billion times, it's time to move forward. Ask us to design HoloEU or something next time.

>> No.48499220
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based if true

>> No.48499313
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Fuck off, europe still suffers the consequences of 1000+ years jew infestation

>> No.48499468

of all the possible vtubers EU only has Kiara...

>> No.48499537


>> No.48499752

Yeah, we have it passable thanks to her.

>> No.48499854

they unironically learn japanese

>> No.48499932

The joke is that an euro chuuba staying up for 1AM to do early meeting wouldn't even be that hard

>> No.48500019


>> No.48500074

Am i supposed to be surprised or care...?

>> No.48500120

Just like the entirety of UK then, time to watch her i guess

>> No.48500187

The only European in HoloEN is carrying the entire branch.

>> No.48500727

Fauna is European?

>> No.48500805

>weird in unconventional ways
>motherly even though she has no kids
yep she's european

>> No.48500875
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she's all i need for eu primetime

>> No.48502886


>> No.48503182
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May I introduce you to EU Corp

>> No.48504260

This. All of them except the normalfag ghost girl are pretty cool.

>> No.48507449

HoloKR first

>> No.48507607

she was literally a number hire or they went out of options
the other 4 all have redeeming qualities

>> No.48510537

Is Norway not forgotten?

>> No.48510663

I think phase has a good EU streamer? She's always too early for me.. Panko? I caught a karaoke stream of hers when I was stuck in bed sick.

>> No.48510884

Tenma streams at okay EU times.

>> No.48510924

Vast majority of UE weeb population speaks english. In fact EU is the major source of translators. It all on Cover and general JP autism. They are scared to hire people whos backgroud is anything else than NA and JP

>> No.48511017

Get fucked cherry picking yuropoor

>> No.48511034

>Europe lacking a cohesive primary language IS an issue.
It's not. Europeans who watch vtubers are competent with english. And as for the vtubers themselves, some of the most popular indie vtubers are europeans that speak flawless english. It's not an issue and the people think so are those who clearly don't live in europe.

>> No.48511097

lets not be too flattering.
Just because she isn't the bad stereotype of a fat, profoundly ignorant, dumbfuck gun nut christcuck doesn't mean she isn't american

>> No.48511242

Norway and Swizz doko?

Is there someone here that mixes up the Union with the continent...

>> No.48511340

>Guess where most English speakers are concentrated.

Will it blow your mind if I told you that basically everyone (not around retirement-age or from some shithole place) in Europe know English on a pretty good level?

>> No.48511392

As if Europeans are an audience worth catering to. When I did a superchat in EUR to a vtuber they were like "whoa what is that currency" cuz they had never seen it before.

>> No.48511489

idk why, but Euros really don't care about vtubers, and the ones that do are kinda weird.

>> No.48511530

The Euro will fall, long live the £.

For this week

>> No.48511578

Yea? You better prepare to get pounded mate.

>> No.48511778
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It's literally not a problem lmao. Please educate yourself before pretending to know what you're on about. In terms of ESL proficiency, 10 of the 12 most proficient countries in the world are european. And even beyond that it's basically all european countries. Hololive have an ID branch who's talents speak in english most of the time - Indonesia is all the way down in 81.

>> No.48512747

Fucking sanctioned Russia is doing better than you brexit

>> No.48512837

There's no point sending a superchat in euros. Why bother getting ripped off when you can send it in a currency that will give you more for what you're paying? Even the dollar is better to superchat with. At least you can keep some integrity without resorting to meme currencies like ARS.

>> No.48514286

>have 5 different european overlapping right now

>> No.48514292

Nobody cares about EU.

>> No.48514311

i will not watch a corpo which employs feetposting whores.

>> No.48514334

>things that never happened

>> No.48514784

All this shit about language when what's far more of a deal-breaker is the abject lack of shared reference pools and general culture aside from Japan-related topics.
SCs in € have a 25-30% markup compared to the reference ($). I could pay for a relatively costly monthly VPN subscription then send an aka in $ (or several lesser cuts) and I'd still end up spending less than what I would by just sending it in €.

>> No.48515993

>lack of shared reference pools and general culture aside from Japan-related topics.
So how is that relevant? Many indies are european and pull a decent sized european audience. This lack of a shared culture doesn't seem to impact that at all. This isn't the middle ages anymore, there's a huge crossover in cultures these days and especially in europe.

>> No.48516137

I just realized something. Despite being the most weeb country, France got the worst vtubers in EU which is Saruei. Second being UK which is Froot. But she was countered by Rin and Reiny. Netherlands probably have the best Vtubers percapita with Nina Saotome, Whiskey and Chapipi. Also we have random country like Hungary who have Squchan, Austria who have Kiara and Finland with Lumi. Oh yeah, also Panko from Italy. I know nothing about Germany and I don't know if Rion count as Spain or Russia. If we include diaspora, then Ukraine have Nina Kosaka as representative.

>> No.48516467

Germany has Shylily. I would say the UK is far from being the second, by virtue of Rin and Shondo alone.

>> No.48516678

If we kill Froot, UK will be finally redeemed. Rin, Reiny and Shondo are all great.

>> No.48516787

You will never be a woman.

>> No.48517082
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Lumi is too hyperactive for RFE (Real Finnish Experience). Alice Sawyer is our vtubing rep now.

>> No.48517394

Portugal has Fuyo. Riro is a Spain/Russia hybrid

>> No.48518642

The UK is part of the continent of Europe and is the origin of the 'anglosphere'. Are Amerimutts really this dense?
