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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48489380 No.48489380 [Reply] [Original]

>one of the best singers in hololive
>can't read sheet music

>> No.48489430

Vocalist =/= Musician, at least not always

>> No.48489521
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>> No.48489559


>> No.48489580

She's not Luna-hime

>> No.48489650

Book smart vs street smart

>> No.48489696

You are literally retarded.
Also, good job making a Suisei bait thread number 20 this week. you sad sack of shit.

>> No.48489743


>> No.48489899

Sheet music is only really necessary if you're in an orchestra or something. A lot of self-taught people especially learn by ear. Some instruments also place notes at different staves just to fuck with people.

>> No.48492107

sheet music is mostly necessary if you're working with classical music.
it's better to learn vocal music by playing it yourself from sheet music then by ear though. if you learn something wrong it's very hard to unlearn it.

>> No.48493580

vocalists are always musicians

>Sheet music is only really necessary if you're in an orchestra or something
>sheet music is mostly necessary if you're working with classical music
Sheet music is used anytime you deal with real instruments (including vocal chords) in the professional music industry.
You don't have to be able to read sheet music to be a great instrumentalist or vocalist, however it's a bit like an actor who can't read.
Any formal music education will also include ear training. So yes a lot of self-taught people will mostly play by ear, however it's not like that's a skill a formally educated musician would lack.

>> No.48493703

>Imagine coping and seething this hard

>> No.48493716

I learnt sheet music when I was young and sang in a choir. I then learnt guitar, bass and drums and never once needed it. Sure if I learnt violin or piano I'd probably use it but for most modern instruments they have their own form of written music notation

>> No.48493798

Isn't singing.

>> No.48493888

wow sounds like she made it to the top despite a huge handicap and not doing it the "proper" way good for her

>> No.48493890
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anon, singers are up there with guitarists as the musicians with the least need to know how to read sheet music. yeah sure it helps but for most purposes you don't need it, especially when you're only working with one voice. besides, she showed she actually has a basic grasp of it since she could read how the pitch moved and how long the notes were to an extent, the only thing she truly fumbled was not realizing tied notes are not meant to be read as standalone notes.

so many fucking musicians throughout history know jack shit about how to read sheet music it's not even funny.

>> No.48493903
File: 171 KB, 800x420, music-sheet-music-music-notation-funny-wtf-weird-interesting[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheet music is used anytime you deal with real instruments (including vocal chords) in the professional music industry.
well, no. a lot of people are self taught. you're maybe talking about, again, classical music, where you're either playing with people, or you're playing or singing very complex stuff, and you can't improvise outside of very specific cases.
why would a non-classical guitarist need to know how to read notes for example, when they mostly use chord names or chord charts ?

>> No.48493963

>tfw you tell the keyboard salesperson you need their simplest keyboard and they say "oh, you're a singer"

>> No.48494037

so... can anyone here read it?
took me a while but those are the notes for Shiny Smiley Story

>> No.48494092

>spend years and thousands of dollars going into music education learning things like how to read notes and theory and how to manipulate your vocal cords
>some 16 year old gangbanger becomes more rich and famous than you will ever be by mumbling about how he kills niggas

>> No.48494096
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half the reason i can ""read"" sheet music and not take 20 hours doing so is because most of the time i can make an educated guess on what it's probably gonna be given the context, so then i know what i'm looking for. if it wasn't a hololive song i probably would've taken a fairly long time to figure it out.

>> No.48494161 [DELETED] 
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half the reason i can ""read"" sheet music fairly quickly is because i can usually make an educated guess on what the song is probably going to be given the context, so i know what to look for. if it hadn't been a hololive song i probably would've taken a fairly long time trying to figure it out.

>> No.48494198

one of the best tetris player in hoololive
lose to marine

>> No.48494226

The fuck does that have to do with anything

>> No.48494253

sheet music is archaic and takes the joy out of music

>> No.48494325

you're welcome to try to learn piano music by ear

>> No.48494353

I don't care about this thread but
>sheet music is mostly necessary if you're working with classical music
What dumb fucking retarded mouth breather this cunt is.

>> No.48494404

Utapri reference

>> No.48494407

Pete Townshend couldn't read music as well, but he wrote Quadrophenia pretty much by himself
I don't think it matters as much unless you're going to for an orchestra or some shit

>> No.48494447
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>Put it in vocaloid

It's that ez

>> No.48494476

Friendly reminder that Vangelis never understood sheet music

>> No.48494482

That's what i did.

>> No.48494490

>don't know shit about music
What a shock

>> No.48494525

i don't agree with sheet music "taking the joy out of music" but learning how to play songs with multiple voices by ear is a great skill to train.

>> No.48494628

As someone who took piano up to ABRSM grade 8 I only wish I could play songs by ear. I felt like I hadn't learnt music at all.

>> No.48494640

so why would a rock guitarist need sheet music again ?

>> No.48494744

None of the Beatles could or can read sheet music, by the way. They started out doing covers but it was all by ear.

>> No.48494801

i know it sucks but pretend you don't know how to play piano and start playing everything you find remotely interesting by ear, slowly if necessary, and comparing constantly to the source material until your ear says it sounds the same. ear training is so incredibly useful and fulfilling i really can't help but push people to train it as much as they can, it makes -everything- easier.

>> No.48495040
File: 574 KB, 360x203, metal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora - The Galaxy
Roboco - The Cyborg Slayers
Suisei - Comet Song
Ame - I Tamper With The Evidence At The Murder Site Of Odin
Calli - Rejoin
Gura - Murmaider II: The Water God
Kiara - Black Fire Upon Us
Ollie - Skyhunter
IRyS - Symmetry
Fauna - Biological Warfare
Kronii - Birthday Dethday
Mumei - Burn The Earth
Chloe - Go Into The Water

>> No.48495179

did you learn drum by listening to beats and then recreating them? If so you massively handicapped yourself by not using notation for percussive instruments

Did you learn bass and guitar by listening to stuff and then trying to recreate them?
Or did you learn what chords are?
On the bass did you just listen to the base lines and not try to read from sheet music?
Because then you again massively handicapped yourself.

no, I am not just talking about orchestral music. Jazz and big band musicians for example use notation also just as much.
Notation is also not just a thing for piano and violin. But any instrument
>why would a non-classical guitarist need to know how to read notes for example
because you can do a lot more on a guitar than strumm chords.

ear training is legit like magic.

I can read it. I can't sight read but I won't take half an hour to read through a short piece.

>> No.48495394

>Did you learn bass and guitar by listening to stuff and then trying to recreate them?
worst example you could make lol. guitars and basses have tabs and they make it piss easy to play shit since you just follow instructions instead of actually knowing what the hell the note you're even playing is. guitar players are actually infamous for being completely musically illiterate more often than not. the point that anon was making wasn't that writing music is useless, but rather sheet music in particular is not vital to actually improve (of course it helps massively though). even for piano you see a lot of people learning songs by copying those synthesia covers because piano roll notation is miles easier for a beginner than actually reading proper sheet music.

>> No.48495604

Ayame - Detharmonic

>> No.48495653

Metallica never even saw sheet music of their music until they worked on S&M when Michael Kamen had to write it in order to arrange it for the orchestra they'd be playing with

And of course they can't read it either

If you knew any thing about music, you'd know that sheet music is a concept from and for nerds that musicians do not necessarily need to abide by. Music isn't maths.

>> No.48495731

Tab can take you pretty far.
Just like a piano roll like synthesia can take you pretty far.
desu that's how I learned many things on the piano too.

That doesn't mean that sheet music is not still widely used in the music industry and expected from any professional musician that isn't some exceptional pop star.
Nor does it mean that it's only useful for Piano or violin, or that it's archaic.

Sheet music is still the best notation we have for music made with traditional instruments or vocals.
Trying to notate EDM or dubstep or something like that with sheet music would be obviously retarded, but that doesn't disprove the aforementioned point.

>> No.48495732

maybe Trujillo can read sheet music because he plays flamenco. ironic with him being a bassist.

>> No.48495826

ask any professional musician and 99.99% will tell you that they can read sheet music and do it all the time when they do their professional music making.
A few pop bands / electronic musicians don't disprove that. They're the exception to the rule.

>> No.48495921

Utter bullshit.

>> No.48495933

And yet we have the top 10 full of music from people who, partly, can't even read

and I don't mean sheet music, I mean reading at all

>> No.48495953

They don't teach music in primary school in japan?

>> No.48496067

I get not caring about being able to read sheet music but why do people in this thread almost seem proud of it?
Or like it's somehow a good thing for a musician?
Sure plenty of say rock musicians can't and get by just fine, but many of them totally can.

>> No.48496111

some classical musicians are snobs
t. classical musician

>> No.48496157

Imagine if you could do maths without writing equations

That's basically "playing by ear"

>> No.48496199

>Kronii - Birthday Dethday
>Not The Gears

>> No.48496281

Zoomers that think recording yourself on TikTok playing a some shit by ear is being a musician.

>> No.48496297

That'd be nice sure but being able to do both would still be best

>> No.48496315

Kronii may be clock themed, but that's because she's TIME themed. Also, Birthday Dethday's grim outlook matches Kronii's disposition better.
If anything The Gears would be Ina's song, given that Takodachis are her cult that collectively contribute to her power

>> No.48496327

one of the best singer in hololive
btfo by noel new song

>> No.48496332

Paul McCartney can't read music either
He's a pretty big songwriter all the same

>> No.48496338

Anon gets his facts from the catalog. Feel free to laugh at him

>> No.48496350

if the top 10 are rappers? Yeah probably. Sheet music doesn't do too much for them.
If the top 10 are generic pop stars? Chances are they do know sheet music and the people actually writing their music for them know them 99% of the time too.

their only exposure to music is mainstream pop music and the only musicians they think about are the ones they hear about in the news.
They can't image that there is a whole ocean of music outside of that. Including thousands of pop bands that aren't mainstream. Thousands of composers for an incredibly broad variety of things. Thousands of independent musicians working alone, etc. etc.

yeah except ear training is also part of formal music education.
playing by ear isn't a skill exclusive to the self taught.

he meant that the people who can't read are proud of not being able to read.

>> No.48496387

>he can't sing with passion because of skill issue
sorry but its pretty much the talent vs hardwork once again. some are just good at singing / w.e without clinging to the "practical ways", think of how pioneera like Mozart was making music using whatever household object he could find as a kid like a closet's door and was practically because he loved music, as it is.

>> No.48496391

Nah, I would say Go Into The Water is more Ina, or even Awaken.

>> No.48496433

Oh, true about Awaken.
Another meme choice for Kronii would be Hatredcopter

>> No.48496633

never expected to see my favorite series on a suibait thread

>> No.48496661

Lmao. She actually got a glimpse of the song within 20 seconds, just not on the level of sight reading. But, this place always pretends that they know what they are talking about.

>> No.48496738

talent vs hardwork is cope by the skillless
"talented" people are people who had more opportunities in their childhood to train their skills through play. They weren't born with their skill
If a parent literally never sings with their kids or tells them to shut up as soon as they start singing or touch an instrument, then it shouldn't be a surprise when they end up tone deaf.
Same with other skills like drawing and many other things.

One exception to all of this is general intelligence. If you were born a dumbfuck then obviously any attempt to learn anything will be harder for you. And obviously the reverse if you're actually a big brain IQ genius. However even dumbfucks can get incredibly skilled at things too.
People massively underestimate what heights the average human can reach.

>> No.48496744
File: 3.57 MB, 592x640, Tako Hills Coffee Jingle[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw9tlbr.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48497420

If they were to sing a Dethklok song in karaoke, who would you watch to see try to imitate the death metal voice and who would you want to sing those lyrics in their usual singing voices

>> No.48497554

Kanatan, Suisei and Kronii for growls

>> No.48497868

Speaking of Kanata: Face Fisted

>> No.48499429

its over

>> No.48500565

sing a dim7 now you faggot

>> No.48501179

Sight read music sheet is something you learn from real formal education while I do think it's not really important for this context but saying it's not necessary or even implying it's bad because "souless" or anything is just a cope and speaking about real education you can see that someone lacking of it tend to have bad technique which is why they mostly stay on their comfort range since it's easier and less risk then they just focused on developing their "style", After all most people don't know shit about techniques as long as many people like your timbre and you can at least do the basic

>> No.48503023

>yeah except ear training is also part of formal music education.
>playing by ear isn't a skill exclusive to the self taught.
Anyone can learn to read sheet music with training and practice.
Playing by ear you can either do, in which case it's easy, or you can't. in which case decades of practice will let you maybe improve a tiny bit but you still basically can't.

>> No.48503455

no that's totally wrong.
I assume you're talking about perfect pitch, which is just the result of early training.
If you train for it as a young child you have it, otherwise not.

But you also don't need perfect pitch to play by ear.
Most of the self taught people who play by ear don't have it. Just like most people in general don't have it.
Perfect pitch will also not give you an understanding of musical grammar etc. Obviously it's still a big help. But it's not a requirement to develop you ear.

>> No.48503493

People can play the guitar and not know sheet music. No one expects vocalists to be able to read it.

>> No.48503531

no one except music producers, composers and vocal trainers.

>> No.48503565

At least in piano education, ear training typically tests at most if the candidate is capable of playing one part of a two-part or three-part phrase
That's easy, the difficulty comes if you want to be able to replicate a piece in its entirety by ear

>> No.48503686

Marine - I ejaculate fire.

>> No.48503771

off the top of my head i think that only Flare and Luna can read sheet music. the other girls still release music.
for *classical* vocalists it's a must though, yes

>> No.48504089

Sora can and she is classically trained

>> No.48505494

Only 20? The overrated singer is reclining these days...
Also bump.

>> No.48507388


>> No.48507920

>Noel new song
What's that?

>> No.48508056

I fucking hate tabs. It's easier and faster for me to learn music by ear than it is to painstakingly go through a tabbed out track.

No I'm not a professional musician in any sense, either

>> No.48508101

get redpilled, cover dont have professional singers, it is expected that they are not going to be able to read a music sheet.

>> No.48508126

>this place
Nigger, /vt/ is good compared to the shithole that is /mu/, at least

>> No.48509151

its nice to learn but it isnt a slight
im a sound designer and while i tried to learn sheet music, i work with a DAW 99% of the time and have almost no application for sheet music. it is nice to have when you need to collaborate, but not necessary when working alone, especially when your DAW can visualize your notation for you.

>> No.48511304

I can read sheet music but I can't sing. It's more common than you think.

>> No.48511335

cringe post
