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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48484462 No.48484462 [Reply] [Original]

did anyone actually go through with finishing the model?

>> No.48484539


.... but now maybe it can be done with AI, just saying

>> No.48484701
File: 107 KB, 1200x800, D9F9204C-9E70-42A2-A400-398772F0A1D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making another Fauna clone

Ask Riifu and Peony how well that worked out for them. There can only be one.

>> No.48484774

I already have an AI prepared that can handle it, I just need a model. 100% serious.

>> No.48484803

Why would they when we already have Pippa and Kiki?

>> No.48484993

Like 3 days after this board was created HiroMoot came here told everybody he wanted this to be:
>Voice acted
All for free while he takes all the money lol

>> No.48485549

How popular would she end up being anyways?

>> No.48485618

About three fiddy

>> No.48485710

This whole time I thought that was supposed to be fauna

>> No.48485741
File: 135 KB, 695x900, 1538421145789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real winner

>> No.48485824

Probably as popular as Pippa or Beatani or any other english speaking vtuber who's personality boils down to "DUDE I use 4chan LMAO I'm one of you, rite? XD" imo

>> No.48486094

She would probably be around Pippa level, or maybe slightly lower, I wonder if her connection to /vt/ especially since it would most likely be a fem anon if it ever actually became a vtuber would have them barred off from some corpos.

>> No.48487417
File: 61 KB, 720x551, Screenshot_20230501_002037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa is the 4chin vtuber

>> No.48488078

Was it really that recent? I feel like even before /vt/ was made there were stories that Hiro wanted someone to play the role for free, but maybe I've got some crossed wires.

>> No.48488486

it really wasn't that long ago. /vt/ came shortly after hololive.

>> No.48491255

It was early 2021 around February iirc
He came to do a quick Q and A session and hard confirmed he wanted it all to be done for free, I actually think that was the last he's posted here in a while

>> No.48491474

reading greentext stories is reddit tier at best

>> No.48491588

its not as unfeasible as you make it seem, there surely were ways to reap some benefits being a site mascot. shame no one took it.

>> No.48491693

That's literally just Kiki
she said if asked she'd do it for free

>> No.48491815

Shes the r/4chan vtuber
kiwi chuuba at best

>> No.48495304

>greentext stories
>reddit frog
I hate election refugees so much

>> No.48495433

>Fauna invented the color green

>> No.48495659

The design was from 2018 iirc

>> No.48496228

Hiroshima if you get a femanon to play her I'll literally do this model for free

>> No.48496420


>> No.48498900

how new?

>> No.48499690
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Close enough

>> No.48501193

Rushia wasn't safe either.

>> No.48502773

Why would they, there's no females to use it

>> No.48502820

I don't think Pippa is reddit but this is how you make her look reddit

>> No.48502927

those two have vastly different levels of popularity, so that doesn't answer the question.

>> No.48503304

Pippa is textbook r/4chan

>> No.48503433

Kiki is the closest we'll ever get and I like it that way

>> No.48503449

Females don't understand this place like men do, doesn't mean she uses reddit

>> No.48503618

Hogwarts legacy is another example of how reddit tier she is. Instead of laughing at the trannies she bent the knee. She's not an actual 4chantuber, that title goes to Kiki

>> No.48503810

>doesn't mean she uses reddit
She's done several streams that are literally just her browsing Reddit for content

>> No.48503902

She's the trashy Vtuber that 4chan deserves.

>> No.48504473

Didn't know that, I guess she's a bigger faggot than I thought

>> No.48507123

Another Pippi/Kiki would be fun.

>> No.48507221

Kiki is blacklisted from phase rip

>> No.48507290


>> No.48507405
File: 49 KB, 576x1024, 1612048069396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the problem. If 4chan did eventually get a vtuber going a ton of anons would get mad that it wasn't the bear.

>> No.48507536

How much more popular is the bear? Shouldn't we just do our own poll and see which one people like the most again, this time an uncensored poll that isn't being manipulated by Hiro?

>> No.48507641
File: 968 KB, 1795x2126, 1611978351028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could throw a poll out there, sure.

>> No.48507996

It wouldn't even matter. This topic has been made countless times and nothing's changed

>> No.48508006

Good thing this didnt happen, all the submissions were dogshit.

>> No.48508290

go back

>> No.48508558

Election refugee spotted

>> No.48509975

What if someone starts using one or all of these models and actually tries to be "le 4chin vtuber"? How would you respond?

>> No.48510356

i would check them out. It's better than "le twitter vtuber" or "le reddit vtuber"

>> No.48510660

check them out and drop them because someone retarded and desperate enough to brand themselves as the 4chan vtuber can't be entertaining

>> No.48510918

You sound like a faggot

>> No.48511031

/vt/ probably has the most women(female) out of all boards besides maybe /cgl/, no man could gossip this much about celebs

>> No.48511143

>no man could gossip this much about celebs
Well calling them men is obviously false

>> No.48511254

You can tell someone is a woman(male) instead of a woman(female) analizing >her gossip style, and a lot of gissip posts read as written by a woman(female), /vt/sisters is a meme for a reason
