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48350336 No.48350336 [Reply] [Original]

featuring pink cat's fuck buddy Aethelstan

>they are making fun of pickles peppers peppa pig pippa the 4chan vtuber!
>he even mentioned marimari_EN and called them trailer park vtubers lmao
>merry mentions "yeah she has some interesting fans, they talk about the FBI and false flags"
>"also her audience thinks I'm trying to make Pippa like trans folks"

This during a Nijisanji collab by the way. After all he is the Lore Writer for VShojo & Nijisanji XSOLEIL

Also a few months after doing an interview with Pippa which probably pissed off the VShojo crowd: https://youtu.be/anxedVIenK0

>> No.48350375

nobody cared about your other thread.

>> No.48350425

You should just make a transcript anon

>> No.48350662

my internet is slow I didn't realise someone else made one, my bad

>> No.48350720

>click link
>that lineup
Holy cancer my god. I’m glad I dropped NijiEN when I did, what they did to the branch is like looking at a skinwalker puppeteering a corpse.

>> No.48351148

According to experts on the subject, only Pippa is allowed to make fun of vtubers, vtubers are not allowed to make fun of Pippa.
This post was brought to you by independent researchers sponsored by the bannedvtmemes foundation

>> No.48351236 [DELETED] 

autists hate it when you get facts wrong
and shes never outright stated she hates trans people
therefore this is slander and h20sakana can sue him for slander of his talents.

>> No.48351255

to be fair, Kyo is practically exiled from the main group for being a cunt

>> No.48351733

Dude, it's Merry. He's a grifter whose sheer lack of talent is known to people even outside the vtubing sphere. Fuck you for making this thread.

>> No.48351919
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>to be fair, Kyo is practically exiled from the main group for being a cunt

>> No.48352139

niji-defenders, don't look!

>> No.48352233

Management has started forcing Kyo into collabs because nobody wants to deal with him

>> No.48352450

He didn't try to talk shit about her, he was joking about her because he sees her as a friend and thinks it's funny when there are internet schizos who follow her trying to accuse him of indoctrinating her. Take your meds anon :)

>> No.48352453

Kyo is Enna orbiter, he just latch on Enna, this nigga even admit he copying other people for content.
My hate for iluna is unmeasurable

>> No.48352504

Aethel is friends with Mari and Zaion. He will soon be friends with Pippa too.

>> No.48352693

Trannies and troons are not allowed to talk badly about anyone. Every time they piss us off we strip another right from them.

>> No.48352751

Nijisis, what happened?

>> No.48352824

He won't because pink cat hates pippa.

>> No.48352835

Merry named the troon and is about to discover how many friends he really has.

>> No.48352848


>> No.48352948

LOL how are they gonna graduate merry?

>> No.48353020

No clip?

>> No.48353159

Seems like no one got it.

>> No.48353181

Because nobody wants to watch these nobodies?

>> No.48353252

If she hated her then he would have known her name. Women gossip about bitches they hate.

>> No.48353354

Yes. I was about to get it, but he privated the vod right as I was going to.

>> No.48353951

what a snake

>> No.48354120

Man, /#/ really thought they had the next "mega yab" on their hands, huh? Better luck next time.

>> No.48354729


Funny how he doesn’t call her pipkin Pippa but instead calls her Pippa pipkin. Pippa said herself it was a tell. She should take her own advice.

>> No.48355598
File: 13 KB, 367x381, 0CCBHhF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Management has started forcing Kyo into collabs because nobody wants to deal with him
What's the benefit of pushing someone who sucks any positivity out of any collab?

>> No.48355716

>Hating on Scarle, Maria, Aia, Ren, and Aster because of Kyo
That's like hating on all of HoloEN because Mori is annoying

>> No.48355827

You seem to lack the critical information on how much work Merry does for NijiEN
But yes, he drug out that drama by the feet and announced it's presence

>> No.48355968

>"Nyanners dunked on her"

This implies that Nyanners deliberately acted like she didn't know who Pippa was to "dunk on her". So Nyanners is confirmed to be lower than the bottom of the barrel

>> No.48356004

>a few months after doing an interview with Pippa which probably pissed off the VShojo crowd
/vsj+/ here
There wasn't a single post about it in our thread
Didn't even know it happened

>> No.48356143

So thats where Khyo learned the word. He was using it like he just learned it in first grade.

>> No.48356238

>forgetting Zaion

>> No.48356329

uh oh pippa bros we better get to defending her honor

>> No.48356507

>This video is private
This is gonna get juicy!
Glad this shitstain isn't in with any vtubers I actually like, sounds like a gossiping bitchy girl rather than an a male.

>> No.48356613

how often can he work that word into a conversation?

>> No.48356731


>> No.48357050
File: 860 KB, 719x694, 1653991290545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JOPs who don't speak a lick of eigo is forced to speak it
>EOPs who don't speak nip is forced to speak it
>People who can speak both aren't allowed to talk at all
Sounds kino, ngl, but

>> No.48357082

There has been an anon that has been calling her a pickme in that thread before and since in a very obsessed manner

>> No.48357107


>> No.48357309
File: 697 KB, 220x204, 1650426747961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but that's just Nyan. She wouldn't watch a Merry collab.

>> No.48357740

literally who

>> No.48358439

time to defend pippa like she defends trans rights even tho she super secertly doesnt cause even though she'll never actually say she doesnt but its ok becuse we know better tht she hates trannies cause shes based and must be defened

>> No.48358670

Try making another thread when he shits on a Holo.

>> No.48358868

They fell for unity and boxpushing meme.

>> No.48359137

From the other thread

>> No.48359164

But it makes no sense. If he was truly a shitter, he would've been gone a long time ago.

>> No.48359194

Don't know, don't care

>> No.48359232

Nah, I hate them for different reasons
Waste of a model, should've switched with Reimu
Rosemi but less fun, most passable of the group

>> No.48359917

These are the sort of conversations that you get in a pozzed up world.
One guy awkwardly trying to test the water by talking around a slightly controversial (but jwhat shoudln't be at all) topic and
the other two guys falling awkwardly silent and dodging because they're not touching the topic with a 10-foot barge pole.
If this is really what these people want then I can't help at all.

>> No.48360595

post a clip, stream is gone lol

>> No.48360836

I have no idea how this fag became relevant but I hate him

>> No.48360950

Merry is a Zhang simp, he won't be blacklisted.

>> No.48361010

Not even a Pippafag, but I just wish Merry would fuck off from the Vtuber space already. Nigger's comics and lore are garbage.

>> No.48361015

What did he do? I was unser the impression He got along with most of them. Haven't watched niji in ages though.

>> No.48363315

dont meet your heroes

>> No.48363457

damage control

>> No.48363636

They said they don't have any idea who Pippa is unless that was a lie of some sort..so even if they were going to talk on it then yeah.,also him bringing up trans stuff they will get in trouble with fans if they talk about those types of things since a lot of vtubers support it
